//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Provides access to SQL at a high level
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "gcsdk/sqlaccess/sqlaccess.h"
#include "gcsdk/gcsqlquery.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
template< typename LISTENER_FUNC > static void RunAndClearListenerList( std::vector< LISTENER_FUNC > &vecListeners ) { // Let us not underestimate the ability of random listeners to re-enter everything.
std::vector< LISTENER_FUNC > listenerCopy; listenerCopy.swap( vecListeners ); vecListeners.clear();
// Why would you consider such a thing
for ( const auto &listener : listenerCopy ) { listener(); } }
namespace GCSDK { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Constructor
CSQLAccess::CSQLAccess( ESchemaCatalog eSchemaCatalog ) : m_eSchemaCatalog( eSchemaCatalog) , m_pCurrentQuery( NULL ) , m_bInTransaction( false ) { m_pQueryGroup = CGCSQLQueryGroup::Alloc(); }
// Purpose: Destructor
CSQLAccess::~CSQLAccess( ) { SAFE_RELEASE( m_pQueryGroup ); Assert( !m_pCurrentQuery ); SAFE_DELETE( m_pCurrentQuery ); AssertMsg( !m_bInTransaction, "GCSDK::CSQLAccess object being destroyed with a transaction pending. Use BCommitTransaction or RollbackTransaction to match your BBeginTransaction call." ); }
// Purpose: Perform a query
bool CSQLAccess::BYieldingExecute( const char *pchName, const char *pchSQLCommand, uint32 *pcRowsAffected, bool bSpewOnError ) { if ( NULL == pchName ) { pchName = pchSQLCommand; }
bool bStandalone = !BInTransaction(); if( bStandalone ) { BBeginTransaction( pchName ); }
CurrentQuery()->SetCommand( pchSQLCommand ); m_pQueryGroup->AddQuery( m_pCurrentQuery ); m_pCurrentQuery = NULL;
bool bSuccess = true; if( bStandalone ) { bSuccess = BCommitTransaction(); if( bSuccess && pcRowsAffected ) { *pcRowsAffected = m_pQueryGroup->GetResults()->GetRowsAffected( 0 ); } } return bSuccess; }
// Purpose: Starts a transaction
bool CSQLAccess::BBeginTransaction( const char *pchName ) { Assert( !m_bInTransaction ); if( m_bInTransaction ) return false; m_pQueryGroup->Clear(); m_pQueryGroup->SetName( pchName ); m_bInTransaction = true; return true; }
// Purpose: Returns the string last passed to BBeginTransaction
const char *CSQLAccess::PchTransactionName( ) const { return m_pQueryGroup->PchName(); }
// Purpose: Commits a transaction to the database
bool CSQLAccess::BCommitTransaction( bool bAllowEmpty ) { Assert( BInTransaction() ); if( !BInTransaction() ) return false;
if( !m_pCurrentQuery && !m_pQueryGroup->GetStatementCount() ) { if( bAllowEmpty ) { // No-op success
m_bInTransaction = false; RunListeners_Commit(); return true; } else { AssertMsg1( false, "BCommitTransaction with empty transaction at %s", m_pQueryGroup->PchName() ); return false; } }
AssertMsg1( !m_pCurrentQuery, "Unexecuted query present in BCommitTransaction: %s", m_pCurrentQuery->PchCommand() ); if( m_pCurrentQuery ) return false;
m_bInTransaction = false;
if( !GJobCur().BYieldingRunQuery( m_pQueryGroup, m_eSchemaCatalog ) ) { // Notify listeners that the transaction did not succeed
RunListeners_Rollback(); return false; }
// The transaction presumably did make the database, so we do not notify rollback listeners beyond here.
if( !m_pQueryGroup->GetResults() ) return false;
return true; }
// Purpose: Rolls back a transaction and clears any queries
void CSQLAccess::RollbackTransaction() { bool bWasTransaction = BInTransaction();
Assert( bWasTransaction ); SAFE_DELETE( m_pCurrentQuery ); m_bInTransaction = false;
if ( bWasTransaction ) { RunListeners_Rollback(); } else { m_vecCommitListeners.clear(); m_vecRollbackListeners.clear(); } }
// Purpose: Adds a listener to be called synchronously should the transaction successfully commit
void CSQLAccess::AddCommitListener( std::function<void (void)> &&listener ) { if ( !BInTransaction() ) { AssertMsg( BInTransaction(), "Adding a listener to a non-transaction access, will never fire" ); return; }
m_vecCommitListeners.push_back( std::move( listener ) ); }
// Purpose: Adds a listener to be called synchronously should the transaction fail or explicitly rollback
void CSQLAccess::AddRollbackListener( std::function<void (void)> &&listener ) { if ( !BInTransaction() ) { AssertMsg( BInTransaction(), "Adding a listener to a non-transaction access, will never fire" ); return; }
m_vecRollbackListeners.push_back( std::move( listener ) ); }
// Purpose: Notifies listeners of successful commit.
void CSQLAccess::RunListeners_Commit() { RunAndClearListenerList( m_vecCommitListeners ); // Clear the unused set
m_vecRollbackListeners.clear(); }
// Purpose: Notifies listeners of a implicitly or explicitly rolled back transactions and clears the listener list.
void CSQLAccess::RunListeners_Rollback() { RunAndClearListenerList( m_vecRollbackListeners ); // Clear the unused set
m_vecCommitListeners.clear(); }
// Purpose: Perform a query that returns a single string
CSQLAccess::EReadSingleResultResult CSQLAccess::BYieldingExecuteSingleResultDataInternal( const char *pchName, const char *pchSQLCommand, EGCSQLType eType, uint8 **ppubData, uint32 *punSize, uint32 *pcRowsAffected, bool bHasDefaultValue ) { AssertMsg( !BInTransaction(), "BYieldingExecuteSingleResultData is not supported in a transaction" ); if( BInTransaction() ) return eReadSingle_Error;
bool bRet = BYieldingExecute( pchName, pchSQLCommand, pcRowsAffected ); if ( !bRet ) return eReadSingle_Error;
if( m_pQueryGroup->GetResults()->GetResultSetCount() != 1 ) { AssertMsg1( false, "Expected single result set, found %d", m_pQueryGroup->GetResults()->GetResultSetCount() ); return eReadSingle_Error; }
IGCSQLResultSet *pResultSet = m_pQueryGroup->GetResults()->GetResultSet( 0 );
// If we have a default value, getting back zero rows is acceptable.
if( pResultSet->GetRowCount() == 0 && bHasDefaultValue ) { return eReadSingle_UseDefault; }
// If we either have more than one row or no default value specified, that's an error.
if( pResultSet->GetRowCount() != 1 ) { AssertMsg1( false, "Expected single result, found %d", pResultSet->GetRowCount() ); return eReadSingle_Error; }
if( pResultSet->GetColumnCount() != 1 ) { AssertMsg1( false, "Expected single column, found %d", pResultSet->GetColumnCount() ); return eReadSingle_Error; } if( pResultSet->GetColumnType( 0 ) != eType ) { AssertMsg2( false, "Expected column of type %s, found %s", PchNameFromEGCSQLType( eType ), PchNameFromEGCSQLType( pResultSet->GetColumnType( 0 ) ) ); return eReadSingle_Error; }
return pResultSet->GetData( 0, 0, ppubData, punSize ) ? eReadSingle_ResultFound : eReadSingle_Error; }
// Purpose: Perform a query that returns a single string
bool CSQLAccess::BYieldingExecuteString( const char *pchName, const char *pchSQLCommand, CFmtStr1024 *psResult, uint32 *pcRowsAffected ) { uint8 *pubData; uint32 cubData; if( CSQLAccess::BYieldingExecuteSingleResultDataInternal( pchName, pchSQLCommand, k_EGCSQLType_String, &pubData, &cubData, pcRowsAffected, false ) != eReadSingle_ResultFound ) return false;
*psResult = (char *)pubData;
return true; }
// Purpose: Perform a query that returns a single int
bool CSQLAccess::BYieldingExecuteScalarInt( const char *pchName, const char *pchSQLCommand, int *pnResult, uint32 *pcRowsAffected ) { return BYieldingExecuteSingleResult<int32, uint32>( pchName, pchSQLCommand, k_EGCSQLType_int32, pnResult, pcRowsAffected ); }
bool CSQLAccess::BYieldingExecuteScalarIntWithDefault( const char *pchName, const char *pchSQLCommand, int *pnResult, int iDefaultValue, uint32 *pcRowsAffected ) { return BYieldingExecuteSingleResultWithDefault<int32, uint32>( pchName, pchSQLCommand, k_EGCSQLType_int32, pnResult, iDefaultValue, pcRowsAffected ); }
// Purpose: Perform a query that returns a single uint32
bool CSQLAccess::BYieldingExecuteScalarUint32( const char *pchName, const char *pchSQLCommand, uint32 *punResult, uint32 *pcRowsAffected ) { return BYieldingExecuteSingleResult<uint32, uint32>( pchName, pchSQLCommand, k_EGCSQLType_int32, punResult, pcRowsAffected ); }
bool CSQLAccess::BYieldingExecuteScalarUint32WithDefault( const char *pchName, const char *pchSQLCommand, uint32 *punResult, uint32 unDefaultValue, uint32 *pcRowsAffected ) { return BYieldingExecuteSingleResultWithDefault<uint32, uint32>( pchName, pchSQLCommand, k_EGCSQLType_int32, punResult, unDefaultValue, pcRowsAffected ); }
// Purpose: A bunch of pass throughs to the query itself
void CSQLAccess::AddBindParam( const char *pchValue ) { CurrentQuery()->AddBindParam( pchValue ); }
void CSQLAccess::AddBindParam( const int16 nValue ) { CurrentQuery()->AddBindParam( nValue ); }
void CSQLAccess::AddBindParam( const uint16 uValue ) { CurrentQuery()->AddBindParam( uValue ); }
void CSQLAccess::AddBindParam( const int32 nValue ) { CurrentQuery()->AddBindParam( nValue ); }
void CSQLAccess::AddBindParam( const uint32 uValue ) { CurrentQuery()->AddBindParam( uValue ); }
void CSQLAccess::AddBindParam( const uint64 ulValue ) { CurrentQuery()->AddBindParam( ulValue ); }
void CSQLAccess::AddBindParam( const uint8 *ubValue, const int cubValue ) { CurrentQuery()->AddBindParam( ubValue, cubValue ); }
void CSQLAccess::AddBindParam( const float fValue ) { CurrentQuery()->AddBindParam( fValue ); }
void CSQLAccess::AddBindParam( const double dValue ) { CurrentQuery()->AddBindParam( dValue ); }
void CSQLAccess::AddBindParamRaw( EGCSQLType eType, const byte *pubData, uint32 cubData ) { CurrentQuery()->AddBindParamRaw( eType, pubData, cubData ); }
void CSQLAccess::ClearParams() { if( m_pCurrentQuery ) { delete m_pCurrentQuery; m_pCurrentQuery = NULL; } }
IGCSQLResultSetList *CSQLAccess::GetResults() { return m_pQueryGroup->GetResults(); }
// Purpose: Returns the number of result sets
uint32 CSQLAccess::GetResultSetCount() { if( m_pQueryGroup->GetResults() ) return m_pQueryGroup->GetResults()->GetResultSetCount(); else return 0; }
// Purpose: Returns the number of rows in a result set
uint32 CSQLAccess::GetResultSetRowCount( uint32 unResultSet ) { if( m_pQueryGroup->GetResults() && unResultSet < m_pQueryGroup->GetResults()->GetResultSetCount() ) return m_pQueryGroup->GetResults()->GetResultSet( unResultSet )->GetRowCount(); else return 0; }
// Purpose: Returns a CSQLRecord object that represents a row in a result set
CSQLRecord CSQLAccess::GetResultRecord( uint32 unResultSet, uint32 unRow ) { if( m_pQueryGroup->GetResults() && unResultSet < m_pQueryGroup->GetResults()->GetResultSetCount() ) { IGCSQLResultSet *pResultSet = m_pQueryGroup->GetResults()->GetResultSet( unResultSet ); if( unRow < pResultSet->GetRowCount() ) return CSQLRecord( unRow, pResultSet ); } return CSQLRecord(); // if there was a problem return an empty record
// Purpose: Inserts a new record into the DS
// Input: pRecordBase - record to insert
// Output: true if successful, false otherwise
bool CSQLAccess::BYieldingInsertRecord( const CRecordBase *pRecordBase ) { ClearParams();
const CRecordInfo *pRecordInfo = pRecordBase->GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo(); int cColumns = pRecordInfo->GetNumColumns(); for ( int nColumn = 0; nColumn < cColumns; nColumn++ ) { const CColumnInfo &columnInfo = pRecordInfo->GetColumnInfo( nColumn ); if ( !columnInfo.BIsInsertable() ) continue;
uint8 *pubData; uint32 cubData; DbgVerify( pRecordBase->BGetField( nColumn, &pubData, &cubData ) ); CurrentQuery()->AddBindParamRaw( columnInfo.GetType(), pubData, cubData ); }
uint32 nRows; const char *pchStatement = pRecordBase->GetPSchema()->GetInsertStatementText();
bool bRet = BYieldingExecute( pchStatement, pchStatement, &nRows ); return ( nRows == 1 || BInTransaction() ) && bRet; }
// Purpose: Inserts a new record into the DS if such row doesn't exist
// Input: pRecordBase - record to insert
// Output: true if successful, false otherwise
bool CSQLAccess::BYieldingInsertWhenNotMatchedOnPK( CRecordBase *pRecordBase ) { ClearParams();
const CRecordInfo *pRecordInfo = pRecordBase->GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo(); int cColumns = pRecordInfo->GetNumColumns(); for ( int nColumn = 0; nColumn < cColumns; nColumn++ ) { const CColumnInfo &columnInfo = pRecordInfo->GetColumnInfo( nColumn ); if ( !columnInfo.BIsInsertable() ) { Assert( columnInfo.BIsInsertable() ); return false; }
uint8 *pubData; uint32 cubData; DbgVerify( pRecordBase->BGetField( nColumn, &pubData, &cubData ) );
CurrentQuery()->AddBindParamRaw( columnInfo.GetType(), pubData, cubData ); }
uint32 nRows; const char *pchStatement = pRecordBase->GetPSchema()->GetMergeStatementTextOnPKWhenNotMatchedInsert();
bool bRet = BYieldingExecute( pchStatement, pchStatement, &nRows ); return ( nRows == 1 || nRows == 0 || BInTransaction() ) && bRet; }
// Purpose: Inserts a new record into the DS if such row doesn't exist
// updates an existing row if such row is matched by PK
// Input: pRecordBase - record to insert
// Output: true if successful, false otherwise
bool CSQLAccess::BYieldingInsertOrUpdateOnPK( CRecordBase *pRecordBase ) { ClearParams();
const CRecordInfo *pRecordInfo = pRecordBase->GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo(); int cColumns = pRecordInfo->GetNumColumns(); for ( int nColumn = 0; nColumn < cColumns; nColumn++ ) { const CColumnInfo &columnInfo = pRecordInfo->GetColumnInfo( nColumn ); if ( !columnInfo.BIsInsertable() ) { Assert( columnInfo.BIsInsertable() ); return false; }
uint8 *pubData; uint32 cubData; DbgVerify( pRecordBase->BGetField( nColumn, &pubData, &cubData ) );
CurrentQuery()->AddBindParamRaw( columnInfo.GetType(), pubData, cubData ); }
uint32 nRows; const char *pchStatement = pRecordBase->GetPSchema()->GetMergeStatementTextOnPKWhenMatchedUpdateWhenNotMatchedInsert();
bool bRet = BYieldingExecute( pchStatement, pchStatement, &nRows ); return ( nRows == 1 || BInTransaction() ) && bRet; }
// Purpose: Inserts a new record into the DB and reads non-insertable fields back
// into the record.
// Input: pRecordBase - record to insert
// Output: true if successful, false otherwise
bool CSQLAccess::BYieldingInsertWithIdentity( CRecordBase* pRecordBase ) { AssertMsg( !BInTransaction(), "BYieldingInsertWithIdentity is not supported in a transaction" ); if( BInTransaction() ) return false; ClearParams();
TSQLCmdStr sStatement; CUtlVector<int> vecOutputFields; CRecordInfo *pRecordInfo = pRecordBase->GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo(); BuildInsertAndReadStatementText( &sStatement, &vecOutputFields, pRecordInfo );
AssertMsg( vecOutputFields.Count() > 0, "BYieldingInsertAndReadRecord called for a record type with no non-insertable columns" ); if ( vecOutputFields.Count() == 0 ) return false;
int cColumns = pRecordInfo->GetNumColumns(); for ( int nColumn = 0; nColumn < cColumns; nColumn++ ) { const CColumnInfo &columnInfo = pRecordInfo->GetColumnInfo( nColumn ); if ( !columnInfo.BIsInsertable() ) { continue; }
uint8 *pubData; uint32 cubData; DbgVerify( pRecordBase->BGetField( nColumn, &pubData, &cubData ) );
CurrentQuery()->AddBindParamRaw( columnInfo.GetType(), pubData, cubData ); }
bool bRet = BYieldingExecute( sStatement, sStatement ); if( !bRet ) return false;
Assert( 1 == GetResultSetCount() ); if ( 1 != GetResultSetCount() ) return false;
IGCSQLResultSet *pResultSet = m_pQueryGroup->GetResults()->GetResultSet( 0 ); Assert( 1 == pResultSet->GetRowCount() ); if ( 1 != pResultSet->GetRowCount() ) return false;
Assert( (uint32)vecOutputFields.Count() == pResultSet->GetColumnCount() ); if ( (uint32)vecOutputFields.Count() != pResultSet->GetColumnCount() ) return false;
for( uint32 nColumn = 0; nColumn < pResultSet->GetColumnCount(); nColumn++ ) { uint8 *pubData; uint32 cubData; DbgVerify( pResultSet->GetData( 0, nColumn, &pubData, &cubData ) );
int nSchColumn = vecOutputFields[nColumn]; Assert( pResultSet->GetColumnType( nColumn ) == pRecordInfo->GetColumnInfo( nSchColumn ).GetType() ); DbgVerify( pRecordBase->BSetField( nSchColumn, pubData, cubData ) ); }
return true; }
// Purpose: Reads a list of records from the DB according to the specified where
// clause
// Input: pRecordBase - record to read
// readSet - The set of columns to read
// whereSet - The set of columns to query on
// Output: true if successful, false otherwise
EResult CSQLAccess::YieldingReadRecordWithWhereColumns( CRecordBase *pRecord, const CColumnSet & readSet, const CColumnSet & whereSet, const char* pchOrderClause ) { AssertMsg( !BInTransaction(), "BYieldingReadRecordWithWhereColumns is not supported in a transaction" ); if( BInTransaction() ) return k_EResultInvalidState;
//if there is an order by clause, only take the top one, if there isn't, then validate that we have a single instance
const char* pszTopClause = ( pchOrderClause ) ? "TOP (1)" : "TOP (2)";
TSQLCmdStr sStatement; BuildSelectStatementText( &sStatement, readSet, pszTopClause );
// if we actually have some columns for the where clause,
// append a where clause.
if( whereSet.GetColumnCount() ) { sStatement.Append( " WHERE " ); AppendWhereClauseText( &sStatement, whereSet ); AddRecordParameters( *pRecord, whereSet ); } //append the order by if they added one
if( pchOrderClause ) { sStatement.Append( " ORDER BY " ); sStatement.Append( pchOrderClause ); }
Assert(!readSet.IsEmpty() ); if( !BYieldingExecute( sStatement, sStatement ) ) return k_EResultFail;
if ( GetResultSetCount() != 1 ) { AssertMsg( GetResultSetCount() == 1, "Unexpected number of result sets returned from select statement" ); return k_EResultFail; }
// make sure the types are the same
IGCSQLResultSet *pResultSet = m_pQueryGroup->GetResults()->GetResultSet( 0 ); if ( pResultSet->GetRowCount() == 0 ) return k_EResultNoMatch;
//note that since we only take the top one when there is an order by clause, we don't need to handle that case down here, only if top 2 is selected
if( pResultSet->GetRowCount() != 1 ) { // Make sure we aren't failing because there are multiple matching records.
// That is probably a misuse of the API or some unexpected condition.
AssertMsg1( false, "BYieldingReadRecordWithWhereColumns from %s failing because multiple records match WHERE clause", readSet.GetRecordInfo()->GetName() ); return k_EResultLimitExceeded; } FOR_EACH_COLUMN_IN_SET( readSet, nColumnIndex ) { EGCSQLType eRecordType = readSet.GetColumnInfo( nColumnIndex ).GetType(); EGCSQLType eResultType = pResultSet->GetColumnType( nColumnIndex );
AssertMsg2( eResultType == eRecordType, "Column %d type mismatch in %s", nColumnIndex, readSet.GetRecordInfo()->GetName() ); if( eRecordType != eResultType ) return k_EResultInvalidParam; }
CSQLRecord sqlRecord = GetResultRecord( 0, 0 );
FOR_EACH_COLUMN_IN_SET( readSet, nColumnIndex ) { uint8 *pubData; uint32 cubData;
DbgVerify( sqlRecord.BGetColumnData( nColumnIndex, &pubData, (int*)&cubData ) ); DbgVerify( pRecord->BSetField( readSet.GetColumn( nColumnIndex), pubData, cubData ) ); }
return k_EResultOK; }
// Purpose: Updates a record in the DB
// Input: record - data source for columns to match against (whereColumns) and
// columns to assign (updateColumns)
// whereColumns - columns to match against
// updateColumns - columns to update
// Output: true if successful, false otherwise
bool CSQLAccess::BYieldingUpdateRecord( const CRecordBase & record, const CColumnSet & whereColumns, const CColumnSet & updateColumns, const CSQLOutputParams *pOptionalOutputParams /* = NULL */ ) { return BYieldingUpdateRecords( record, whereColumns, record, updateColumns, pOptionalOutputParams ); }
// Purpose:
bool CSQLAccess::BYieldingUpdateRecords( const CRecordBase & whereRecord, const CColumnSet & whereColumns, const CRecordBase & updateRecord, const CColumnSet & updateColumns, const CSQLOutputParams *pOptionalOutputParams /* = NULL */ ) { ClearParams();
Assert( whereColumns.GetRecordInfo() == updateColumns.GetRecordInfo() ); if ( whereColumns.GetRecordInfo() != updateColumns.GetRecordInfo() ) return false; Assert( whereColumns.GetRecordInfo() == whereRecord.GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo() ); if ( whereColumns.GetRecordInfo() != whereRecord.GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo() ) return false; Assert( whereColumns.GetRecordInfo() == updateRecord.GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo() ); if ( whereColumns.GetRecordInfo() != updateRecord.GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo() ) return false;
AssertMsg( !updateColumns.IsEmpty(), "Someone is calling BYieldingUpdateRecord with no columns to update." ); if ( updateColumns.IsEmpty() ) return false;
// add the columns we're updating as bound params
TSQLCmdStr sStatement; BuildUpdateStatementText( &sStatement, updateColumns );
AddRecordParameters( updateRecord, updateColumns );
// did the users specify an OUTPUT block?
if ( pOptionalOutputParams ) { TSQLCmdStr sOutput; BuildOutputClauseText( &sOutput, pOptionalOutputParams->GetColumnSet() ); sStatement.Append( sOutput );
AddRecordParameters( pOptionalOutputParams->GetRecord(), pOptionalOutputParams->GetColumnSet() ); }
if ( !whereColumns.IsEmpty() ) { sStatement.Append( " WHERE " ); AppendWhereClauseText( &sStatement, whereColumns ); // add the columns we're querying on as bound params
AddRecordParameters( whereRecord, whereColumns ); }
return BYieldingExecute( sStatement, sStatement ); }
// Purpose: Deletes this record's row in the table
// Input: record - record to delete
// whereColumns - columns to use when searching for this record
bool CSQLAccess::BYieldingDeleteRecords( const CRecordBase & record, const CColumnSet & whereColumns ) { Assert( whereColumns.GetRecordInfo() == record.GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo() ); if ( whereColumns.GetRecordInfo() != record.GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo() ) return false;
ClearParams(); AddRecordParameters( record, whereColumns );
TSQLCmdStr sStatement; BuildDeleteStatementText( &sStatement, record.GetPRecordInfo() ); sStatement.Append( " WHERE " ); AppendWhereClauseText( &sStatement, whereColumns );
uint32 unRowsAffected; if( !BYieldingExecute( sStatement, sStatement, &unRowsAffected ) ) return false;
return unRowsAffected > 0 || BInTransaction(); }
// CSQLUpdateOrInsert
CSQLUpdateOrInsert::CSQLUpdateOrInsert( const char* pszName, int nTable, const CColumnSet & whereColumns, const CColumnSet & updateColumns, const char* pszWhereClause, const char* pszUpdateClause ) { const CRecordInfo* pRecordInfo = GSchemaFull().GetSchema( nTable ).GetRecordInfo();
//how many columns do we have
const int nNumColumns = pRecordInfo->GetNumColumns();
TSQLCmdStr sStatement; sStatement = "MERGE INTO "; sStatement.Append( GSchemaFull().GetDefaultSchemaNameForCatalog( pRecordInfo->GetESchemaCatalog() ) ); sStatement.Append( '.' ); sStatement.Append( pRecordInfo->GetName() ); sStatement.Append( " WITH(HOLDLOCK) AS D USING(VALUES(" ); sStatement.AppendFormat( "%.*s", GetInsertArgStringChars( nNumColumns ), GetInsertArgString() ); sStatement.Append( "))AS S(" );
//add each column that we are adding the values for, along with the parameter from the structure
for( int nCurrColumn = 0; nCurrColumn < nNumColumns; nCurrColumn++ ) { const CColumnInfo& colInfo = pRecordInfo->GetColumnInfo( nCurrColumn ); if( nCurrColumn != 0 ) sStatement.Append( ',' ); sStatement.Append( colInfo.GetName() ); }
//our where clause
sStatement.Append( ")ON " );
if( pszWhereClause ) { sStatement.Append( pszWhereClause ); } else { FOR_EACH_COLUMN_IN_SET( whereColumns, nCurrColumn ) { const char* pszColName = pRecordInfo->GetColumnInfo( whereColumns.GetColumn( nCurrColumn ) ).GetName(); if( nCurrColumn > 0 ) sStatement.Append( " AND " ); sStatement.AppendFormat( "D.%s=S.%s", pszColName, pszColName ); } }
//our update clause (if they have provided fields that they want to update)
if( pszUpdateClause || !updateColumns.IsEmpty() ) { sStatement.Append( " WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET " ); if( pszUpdateClause ) { sStatement.Append( pszUpdateClause ); } else { FOR_EACH_COLUMN_IN_SET( updateColumns, nCurrColumn ) { const char* pszColName = pRecordInfo->GetColumnInfo( updateColumns.GetColumn( nCurrColumn ) ).GetName(); if( nCurrColumn > 0 ) sStatement.Append( ',' ); sStatement.AppendFormat( "%s=S.%s", pszColName, pszColName ); } } }
//our insert clause
sStatement.Append( " WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT(" ); bool bFirstColumn = true; for( int nCurrColumn = 0; nCurrColumn < nNumColumns; nCurrColumn++ ) { const CColumnInfo& colInfo = pRecordInfo->GetColumnInfo( nCurrColumn ); if( !colInfo.BIsInsertable() ) continue;
if( !bFirstColumn ) sStatement.Append( ',' ); bFirstColumn = false; sStatement.Append( colInfo.GetName() ); }
sStatement.Append( ")VALUES(" ); bFirstColumn = true; for( int nCurrColumn = 0; nCurrColumn < nNumColumns; nCurrColumn++ ) { const CColumnInfo& colInfo = pRecordInfo->GetColumnInfo( nCurrColumn ); if( !colInfo.BIsInsertable() ) continue;
if( !bFirstColumn ) sStatement.Append( ',' ); bFirstColumn = false; sStatement.AppendFormat( "S.%s", colInfo.GetName() ); } sStatement.Append( ");" );
//save our results so we can execute it in the future
m_nTable = nTable; m_sName = pszName; m_sQuery = sStatement; }
bool CSQLUpdateOrInsert::BYieldingExecute( CSQLAccess& sqlAccess, const CRecordBase& record, uint32 *out_punRowsAffected /* = NULL */ ) const { AssertMsg2( record.GetITable() == m_nTable, "Error: Merge was compiled for table %s, but was attempted to be executed against %s", GSchemaFull().GetSchema( m_nTable ).GetRecordInfo()->GetName(), record.GetPRecordInfo()->GetName() );
const CRecordInfo* pRecordInfo = record.GetPRecordInfo(); //how many columns do we have
const int nNumColumns = pRecordInfo->GetNumColumns();
sqlAccess.ClearParams(); for( int nCurrColumn = 0; nCurrColumn < nNumColumns; nCurrColumn++ ) { const CColumnInfo& colInfo = pRecordInfo->GetColumnInfo( nCurrColumn ); uint8 *pubData; uint32 cubData; DbgVerify( record.BGetField( nCurrColumn, &pubData, &cubData ) ); sqlAccess.AddBindParamRaw( colInfo.GetType(), pubData, cubData ); }
return sqlAccess.BYieldingExecute( m_sName, m_sQuery, out_punRowsAffected ); }
// Purpose: Adds bind parameters to the list based on a set of fields in a record
// Input: record - record to insert
// columnSet - The set of columns to add as params
void CSQLAccess::AddRecordParameters( const CRecordBase &record, const CColumnSet & columnSet ) { Assert( record.GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo() == columnSet.GetRecordInfo() ); if ( record.GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo() != columnSet.GetRecordInfo() ) return;
FOR_EACH_COLUMN_IN_SET( columnSet, nColumnIndex ) { const CColumnInfo &columnInfo = columnSet.GetColumnInfo( nColumnIndex ); uint8 *pubData; uint32 cubData; DbgVerify( record.BGetField( columnSet.GetColumn( nColumnIndex ), &pubData, &cubData ) ); EGCSQLType eType = columnInfo.GetType(); CurrentQuery()->AddBindParamRaw( eType, pubData, cubData ); } }
// Purpose: Deletes all records from a table
// Input: iTable - table to wipe
// Output: true if the operation was successful
// Note: PERFORMANCE WARNING: this is slow on big tables, not intended for use
// in production
bool CSQLAccess::BYieldingWipeTable( int iTable ) { // make a wipe operation
CRecordInfo *pRecordInfo = GSchemaFull().GetSchema( iTable ).GetRecordInfo();
CUtlString buf; buf.Format( "DELETE FROM %s", pRecordInfo->GetName() ); return BYieldingExecute( buf.String(), buf.String() ); }
// Purpose: Returns the current query to add stuff to, creating it if there isn't
// already a current query
CGCSQLQuery *CSQLAccess::CurrentQuery() { if( m_pCurrentQuery ) return m_pCurrentQuery;
m_pCurrentQuery = new CGCSQLQuery(); return m_pCurrentQuery; }
} // namespace GCSDK