//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: PearsonsHash.h
// This file contains implementation definitions of 'Pearson's' Hash'
// The generic implementation is a template, plus a couple of specializations
// for commonly used types.
// Take a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson_hashing for more info.
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
#pragma once
extern const unsigned char g_CTHashRandomValues[256] ;
template<typename T> struct PearsonsHashFunctor { typedef uint32 TargetType ; TargetType operator()(const T& unKey) const { // This is a pearsons hash variant that returns a maximum of 32 bits
size_t size = sizeof(T); const uint8 * k = (const uint8 *) &unKey; uint32 byte_one = 0, byte_two = 0, byte_three = 0, byte_four = 0, n; while (size) { --size; n = *k++; byte_one = g_CTHashRandomValues[byte_one ^ n];
if (size) { --size; n = *k++; byte_two = g_CTHashRandomValues[byte_two ^ n]; } else break;
if (size) { --size; n = *k++; byte_three = g_CTHashRandomValues[byte_three ^ n]; } else break;
if (size) { --size; n = *k++; byte_four = g_CTHashRandomValues[byte_four ^ n]; } else break; }
TargetType idx = ( byte_four << 24 ) | ( byte_three << 16 ) | ( byte_two << 8 ) | byte_one; return ( idx ); } };
// We use this specialization for pointer types - it allows somebody
// to define a specialization for some complicated type, and then use a
// pointer to that type as a key, and have that automatically go to the
// specialization for the complicated type !
template<typename T> struct PearsonsHashFunctor<T*> { typedef uint32 TargetType ; TargetType operator()(const T* key) const { PearsonsHashFunctor<T> functor ; return functor(*key) ; } };
// This functor specializes for unsigned 32 bit integers, a commonly used type in Steam.
// It should return the exact same result as the unspecialized version on Intel Architecture machines.
template<> struct PearsonsHashFunctor<uint32> { typedef uint32 TargetType ; TargetType operator()(const uint32 unKey) const { uint32 byte_one = g_CTHashRandomValues[(unKey>>0) & 0xff]; uint32 byte_two = g_CTHashRandomValues[(unKey>>8) & 0xff]; uint32 byte_three = g_CTHashRandomValues[(unKey>>16) & 0xff]; uint32 byte_four = g_CTHashRandomValues[(unKey>>24)&0xff]; return ( byte_four << 24 ) | ( byte_three << 16 ) | ( byte_two << 8 ) | byte_one; } };
// This functor specializes for unsigned 64 bit integers, another commonly used type in Steam.
// It should return the exact same result as the unspecialized version on Intel Architecture machines.
template<> struct PearsonsHashFunctor<uint64> { typedef uint32 TargetType ; TargetType operator()(const uint64 unKey) const { //
// Note that we pull apart the 64 bits in Intel's endian order.
uint32 n; //
// On Intel Machines, to make this return the exact same result as the generic version
// we have to go from least significant byte to most significant byte !
n = static_cast<uint32>((unKey >> (0)) & 0xff) ; uint32 byte_one = g_CTHashRandomValues[n]; n = static_cast<uint32>((unKey >> (8)) & 0xff) ; uint32 byte_two = g_CTHashRandomValues[n]; n = static_cast<uint32>((unKey >> (16)) & 0xff) ; uint32 byte_three = g_CTHashRandomValues[n]; n = static_cast<uint32>((unKey >> (24)) & 0xff) ; uint32 byte_four = g_CTHashRandomValues[n]; n = static_cast<uint32>((unKey >> (32)) & 0xff) ; byte_one = g_CTHashRandomValues[n ^ byte_one]; n = static_cast<uint32>((unKey >> (8+32)) & 0xff) ; byte_two = g_CTHashRandomValues[n ^ byte_two]; n = static_cast<uint32>((unKey >> (16+32)) & 0xff) ; byte_three = g_CTHashRandomValues[n ^ byte_three]; n = static_cast<uint32>((unKey >> (24+32)) & 0xff) ; byte_four = g_CTHashRandomValues[n ^ byte_four]; return ( byte_four << 24 ) | ( byte_three << 16 ) | ( byte_two << 8 ) | byte_one; } };
// This functor specializes for C standard NULL terminated strings !
// It is setup so that if you had a char array containing a NULL terminated string
// and correctly sized, ie char rgch[16] = { "123456789012345" } and a
// null terminated string i.e. char *sz = "123456789012345" these will return identical
// results, and both include the NULL terminator in the hash calculation.
template<> struct PearsonsHashFunctor<char*> { typedef uint32 TargetType ; TargetType operator()(const char* szKey) const { const uint8 * k = (const uint8 *) szKey ; uint32 byte_one = 0, byte_two = 0, byte_three = 0, byte_four = 0, n; do { n = *k++; byte_one = g_CTHashRandomValues[byte_one ^ n]; if (n=='\0') break;
n = *k++; byte_two = g_CTHashRandomValues[byte_two ^ n]; if (n=='\0') break;
n = *k++; byte_three = g_CTHashRandomValues[byte_three ^ n]; if (n=='\0') break;
n = *k++; byte_four = g_CTHashRandomValues[byte_four ^ n]; } while(n!='\0') ;
TargetType idx = ( byte_four << 24 ) | ( byte_three << 16 ) | ( byte_two << 8 ) | byte_one; return ( idx ); } };
// This functor compares two objects of a particular type and returns a result
// that follows the strcmp/memcmp.
// If the type doesn't provide an operator== or operator< then you can provide
// a type specific specialization to override this defualt functor !
template<typename T> struct ComparisonFunctor { int operator()(const T &lhs, const T &rhs) const { if( lhs == rhs ) return 0 ; else if( lhs < rhs ) return -1 ; else return 1 ; }
// I expect people to build Comparison specializations for full types,
// not pointer types - this Specialization should allow the C++ compiler
// to bind to a specialization for a particular type.
// We do not want to compare pointers for equality, and a memcmp() may
// not be good for a complicated type !
template<typename T> struct ComparisonFunctor<T*> { int operator()(const T *lhs, const T *rhs) const { ComparisonFunctor<T> functor ; return functor(*lhs, *rhs) ; } };
template<> struct ComparisonFunctor<int> { int operator()(const int lhs, const int rhs) const { return lhs-rhs ; } };
template<> struct ComparisonFunctor<unsigned int> { int operator()(const unsigned int lhs, const unsigned int rhs) const { return static_cast<int>(lhs) - static_cast<int>(rhs) ; } };
template<> struct ComparisonFunctor<uint64> { int operator()(const uint64 lhs, const uint64 rhs) const { if( lhs < rhs ) return -1 ; else if( lhs == rhs ) return 0 ; else return 1 ; } };
template<> struct ComparisonFunctor<char*> { int operator()(const char * lhs, const char* rhs) const { return Q_strcmp(lhs, rhs) ; } };
#endif // _PEARSONSHASH_H_