//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ToolCamera.h"
#include "SaveInfo.h"
#include "MainFrm.h" // dvs: remove?
#include "MapDefs.h"
#include "MapDoc.h"
#include "MapView2D.h"
#include "MapView3D.h"
#include "Options.h"
#include "Render2D.h"
#include "StatusBarIDs.h" // dvs: remove
#include "ToolManager.h"
#include "hammer_mathlib.h"
#include "vgui/Cursor.h"
#include "Selection.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
#pragma warning(disable:4244)
// Purpose:
Camera3D::Camera3D(void) { Cameras.EnsureCapacity(16); SetEmpty(); }
// Purpose: Returns true if we are dragging a camera, false if not. // dvs: rename
bool Camera3D::IsEmpty(void) { return (Cameras.Count() == 0); }
// Purpose:
void Camera3D::SetEmpty(void) { Cameras.RemoveAll(); m_iActiveCamera = -1; }
// Purpose:
// Input : pt -
// BOOL -
// Output : int
int Camera3D::HitTest(CMapView *pView, const Vector2D &ptClient, bool bTestHandles) { for(int i = 0; i < Cameras.Count(); i++) { for ( int j=0; j<2; j++ ) { if( HitRect( pView, ptClient, Cameras[i].position[j], HANDLE_RADIUS ) ) { return MAKELONG(i+1, j); } } }
return FALSE; }
// Purpose: Get rid of extra cameras if we have too many.
void Camera3D::EnsureMaxCameras() { int nMax = max( Options.general.nMaxCameras, 1 ); int nToRemove = Cameras.Count() - nMax; if ( nToRemove > 0 ) { m_iActiveCamera = max( m_iActiveCamera - nToRemove, 0 ); while ( nToRemove-- ) Cameras.Remove( 0 ); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : bSave -
void Camera3D::FinishTranslation(bool bSave) { if (bSave) { if ( m_iActiveCamera == Cameras.Count() ) { Cameras.AddToTail(); EnsureMaxCameras(); }
Cameras[m_iActiveCamera] = m_MoveCamera; }
Tool3D::FinishTranslation(bSave); }
// Purpose:
// Input : pt -
// uFlags -
// CSize& -
// Output : Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
bool Camera3D::UpdateTranslation(const Vector &vUpdate, UINT uFlags) { Vector vCamDelta = m_MoveCamera.position[1] - m_MoveCamera.position[0];
Vector vNewPos = m_vOrgPos + vUpdate;
// snap point if need be
if ( uFlags & constrainSnap ) m_pDocument->Snap( vNewPos, uFlags );
m_MoveCamera.position[m_nMovePositionIndex] = vNewPos;
if(uFlags & constrainMoveAll) { m_MoveCamera.position[(m_nMovePositionIndex+1)%2] = vNewPos + vCamDelta; }
m_pDocument->UpdateAllViews( MAPVIEW_UPDATE_TOOL ); return true; }
// Purpose:
// Input : pCamPos -
// iCamera -
void Camera3D::GetCameraPos(Vector &vViewPos, Vector &vLookAt) { if(!inrange(m_iActiveCamera, 0, Cameras.Count())) { vViewPos.Init(); vLookAt.Init(); return; }
vViewPos = Cameras[m_iActiveCamera].position[0]; vLookAt = Cameras[m_iActiveCamera].position[1]; }
// Purpose:
// Input : pCamPos -
// iCamera -
void Camera3D::AddCamera(CAMSTRUCT &camera) { Cameras.AddToTail( camera ); EnsureMaxCameras(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : pRender -
void Camera3D::RenderTool2D(CRender2D *pRender) { for (int i = 0; i < Cameras.Count(); i++) { CAMSTRUCT *pDrawCam = &Cameras[i];
if (IsTranslating() && (i == m_iActiveCamera)) { pDrawCam = &m_MoveCamera; } //
// Draw the line between.
if (i == m_iActiveCamera) { pRender->SetDrawColor( 255, 0, 0 ); } else { pRender->SetDrawColor( 0, 255, 255 ); }
pRender->DrawLine( pDrawCam->position[MovePos], pDrawCam->position[MoveLook] );
// Draw camera handle.
pRender->SetHandleStyle(HANDLE_RADIUS, CRender::HANDLE_CIRCLE ); pRender->SetHandleColor( 0, 255, 255 ); pRender->DrawHandle( pDrawCam->position[MovePos] ); } }
// Purpose: Handles key values being read from the MAP file.
// Input : szKey - Key being loaded.
// szValue - Value of the key being loaded.
// pCam - Camera structure to place the values into.
// Output : Returns ChunkFile_Ok to indicate success.
ChunkFileResult_t Camera3D::LoadCameraKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, CAMSTRUCT *pCam) { if (!stricmp(szKey, "look")) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueVector3(szValue, pCam->position[MoveLook]); } else if (!stricmp(szKey, "position")) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueVector3(szValue, pCam->position[MovePos]); }
return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
// Purpose: Handles key values being read from the MAP file.
// Input : szKey - Key being loaded.
// szValue - Value of the key being loaded.
// pCam - Camera structure to place the values into.
// Output : Returns ChunkFile_Ok to indicate success.
ChunkFileResult_t Camera3D::LoadCamerasKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, Camera3D *pCameras) { if (!stricmp(szKey, "activecamera")) { pCameras->m_iActiveCamera = atoi(szValue); }
return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pLoadInfo -
// *pSolid -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t Camera3D::LoadCameraCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, Camera3D *pCameras) { CAMSTRUCT Cam; memset(&Cam, 0, sizeof(Cam));
ChunkFileResult_t eResult = pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadCameraKeyCallback, &Cam);
if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok) { pCameras->AddCamera( Cam ); }
return(eResult); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pFile -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t Camera3D::LoadVMF(CChunkFile *pFile) { //
// Set up handlers for the subchunks that we are interested in.
CChunkHandlerMap Handlers; Handlers.AddHandler("camera", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadCameraCallback, this);
pFile->PushHandlers(&Handlers); ChunkFileResult_t eResult = pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadCamerasKeyCallback, this); pFile->PopHandlers();
if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok) { //
// Make sure the active camera is legal.
if (Cameras.Count() == 0) { m_iActiveCamera = -1; } else if (!inrange(m_iActiveCamera, 0, Cameras.Count())) { m_iActiveCamera = 0; } }
return(eResult); }
// Purpose:
// Input : &dir -
// &pos -
void Camera3D::UpdateActiveCamera(Vector &vViewPos, Vector &vDir) { if(!inrange(m_iActiveCamera, 0, Cameras.Count())) return;
Vector& camPos = Cameras[m_iActiveCamera].position[MovePos]; Vector& lookPos = Cameras[m_iActiveCamera].position[MoveLook];
// get current length
Vector delta; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) delta[i] = camPos[i] - lookPos[i];
float length = VectorLength(delta);
if ( length < 1 ) length = 1;
camPos = vViewPos;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) lookPos[i] = camPos[i] + vDir[i] * length;
if ( IsActiveTool() ) { if (Options.view2d.bCenteroncamera) { VIEW2DINFO vi; vi.wFlags = VI_CENTER; vi.ptCenter = vViewPos; m_pDocument->SetView2dInfo(vi); }
m_pDocument->UpdateAllViews( MAPVIEW_UPDATE_TOOL ); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : type -
void Camera3D::SetNextCamera(SNCTYPE type) { if(Cameras.Count()==0) { m_iActiveCamera = -1; return; } switch(type) { case sncNext: ++m_iActiveCamera; if(m_iActiveCamera >= Cameras.Count() ) m_iActiveCamera = 0; break; case sncPrev: --m_iActiveCamera; if(m_iActiveCamera < 0) m_iActiveCamera = Cameras.Count()-1; break; case sncFirst: m_iActiveCamera = 0; break; } }
// Purpose:
void Camera3D::DeleteActiveCamera() { if(!inrange(m_iActiveCamera, 0, Cameras.Count())) return;
Cameras.Remove(m_iActiveCamera); if(m_iActiveCamera >= Cameras.Count() ) m_iActiveCamera = Cameras.Count()-1; }
// Purpose:
// Input : file -
// fIsStoring -
void Camera3D::SerializeRMF(std::fstream& file, BOOL fIsStoring) { float fVersion = 0.2f, fThisVersion;
int nCameras = Cameras.Count();
if(fIsStoring) { file.write((char*)&fVersion, sizeof(fVersion) );
file.write((char*)&m_iActiveCamera, sizeof(m_iActiveCamera) ); file.write((char*)&nCameras, sizeof(nCameras)); for(int i = 0; i < nCameras; i++) { file.write((char*)&Cameras[i], sizeof(CAMSTRUCT)); } } else { file.read((char*)&fThisVersion, sizeof(fThisVersion) );
if(fThisVersion >= 0.2f) { file.read((char*)&m_iActiveCamera, sizeof(m_iActiveCamera)); }
file.read((char*)&nCameras, sizeof (nCameras) );
Cameras.RemoveAll(); Cameras.EnsureCapacity(nCameras);
for(int i = 0; i < nCameras; i++) { CAMSTRUCT cam; file.read((char*)&cam, sizeof(CAMSTRUCT)); Cameras.AddToTail( cam ); } EnsureMaxCameras();
Assert( Cameras.Count() == nCameras ); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pFile -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t Camera3D::SaveVMF(CChunkFile *pFile, CSaveInfo *pSaveInfo) { ChunkFileResult_t eResult = pFile->BeginChunk( GetVMFChunkName() ); if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok) { eResult = pFile->WriteKeyValueInt("activecamera", m_iActiveCamera); } if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok) { for (int i = 0; i < Cameras.Count(); i++) { eResult = pFile->BeginChunk("camera");
if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok) { eResult = pFile->WriteKeyValueVector3("position", Cameras[i].position[MovePos]); } if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok) { eResult = pFile->WriteKeyValueVector3("look", Cameras[i].position[MoveLook]); }
if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok) { eResult = pFile->EndChunk(); }
if (eResult != ChunkFile_Ok) { break; } } } if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok) { eResult = pFile->EndChunk(); }
return(eResult); }
// Purpose: Handles the key down event in the 2D view.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnKeyDown.
// Output : Returns true if the message was handled, false if not.
bool Camera3D::OnKeyDown2D(CMapView2D *pView, UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { if (nChar == VK_DELETE || nChar == VK_NEXT || nChar == VK_PRIOR) { CMapDoc *pDoc = pView->GetMapDoc();
if (nChar == VK_DELETE) { DeleteActiveCamera(); } else if (nChar == VK_NEXT) { SetNextCamera(Camera3D::sncNext); } else { SetNextCamera(Camera3D::sncPrev); } Vector viewPos,lookAt;
GetCameraPos( viewPos, lookAt ); pDoc->UpdateAllCameras( &viewPos, &lookAt, NULL );
return true; } else if (nChar == VK_ESCAPE) { OnEscape(); return true; }
return false; }
// Purpose: Handles the left mouse button down event in the 2D view.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnLButtonDown.
// Output : Returns true if the message was handled, false if not.
bool Camera3D::OnLMouseDown2D(CMapView2D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint) { CMapDoc *pDoc = pView->GetMapDoc();
// If there are no cameras created yet or they are holding down
// the SHIFT key, create a new camera now.
Vector vecWorld; pView->ClientToWorld( vecWorld, vPoint );
if ( IsEmpty() || (nFlags & MK_SHIFT)) { //
// Build a point in world space to place the new camera.
if ( !pDoc->GetSelection()->IsEmpty() ) { Vector vecCenter; pDoc->GetSelection()->GetBoundsCenter(vecCenter); vecWorld[pView->axThird] = vecCenter[pView->axThird]; } else { vecWorld[pView->axThird] = COORD_NOTINIT; pDoc->GetBestVisiblePoint(vecWorld); }
// Create a new camera.
m_vOrgPos = vecWorld; m_MoveCamera.position[MovePos] = vecWorld; m_MoveCamera.position[MoveLook] = vecWorld; m_nMovePositionIndex = MoveLook;
// set as active camera
m_iActiveCamera = Cameras.AddToTail(m_MoveCamera);; EnsureMaxCameras(); StartTranslation(pView, vPoint ); } //
// Otherwise, try to drag an existing camera handle.
else { int dwHit = HitTest( pView, vPoint );
if ( dwHit ) { m_iActiveCamera = LOWORD(dwHit)-1; m_MoveCamera = Cameras[m_iActiveCamera]; m_nMovePositionIndex = HIWORD(dwHit); m_vOrgPos = m_MoveCamera.position[m_nMovePositionIndex]; StartTranslation( pView, vPoint ); } }
return true; }
// Purpose: Handles the left mouse button up event in the 2D view.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnLButtonUp.
// Output : Returns true if the message was handled, false if not.
bool Camera3D::OnLMouseUp2D(CMapView2D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint) { ReleaseCapture();
if (IsTranslating()) { FinishTranslation(true);
Vector viewPos, lookAt; GetCameraPos( viewPos, lookAt ); m_pDocument->UpdateAllCameras( &viewPos, &lookAt, NULL ); }
m_pDocument->UpdateStatusbar(); return true; }
unsigned int Camera3D::GetConstraints(unsigned int nKeyFlags) { unsigned int uConstraints = Tool3D::GetConstraints( nKeyFlags );
if(nKeyFlags & MK_CONTROL) { uConstraints |= constrainMoveAll; }
return uConstraints; }
// Purpose: Handles the mouse move event in the 2D view.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnMouseMove.
// Output : Returns true if the message was handled, false if not.
bool Camera3D::OnMouseMove2D(CMapView2D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint) { CMapDoc *pDoc = pView->GetMapDoc(); if (!pDoc) { return true; }
vgui::HCursor hCursor = vgui::dc_arrow;
unsigned int uConstraints = GetConstraints( nFlags );
// Make sure the point is visible.
pView->ToolScrollToPoint( vPoint );
// Convert to world coords.
Vector vecWorld; pView->ClientToWorld(vecWorld, vPoint);
// Update status bar position display.
char szBuf[128];
sprintf(szBuf, " @%.0f, %.0f ", vecWorld[pView->axHorz], vecWorld[pView->axVert] ); SetStatusText(SBI_COORDS, szBuf); if (IsTranslating()) { Tool3D::UpdateTranslation(pView, vPoint, uConstraints );
hCursor = vgui::dc_none; } else if ( !IsEmpty() ) { //
// If the cursor is on a handle, set it to a cross.
if ( HitTest( pView, vPoint, true) ) { hCursor = vgui::dc_crosshair; } }
if ( hCursor != vgui::dc_none ) pView->SetCursor( hCursor );
return true; }
// Purpose: Handles the left mouse button down event in the 3D view.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnLButtonDown.
// Output : Returns true if the message was handled, false if not.
bool Camera3D::OnLMouseDown3D(CMapView3D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint) { pView->EnableRotating(true); return true; }
// Purpose: Handles the left mouse up down event in the 3D view.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnLButtonUp.
// Output : Returns true if the message was handled, false if not.
bool Camera3D::OnLMouseUp3D(CMapView3D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint) { pView->EnableRotating(false); pView->UpdateCameraVariables(); return true; }
// Purpose: Handles the right mouse button down event in the 3D view.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnRButtonDown.
// Output : Returns true if the message was handled, false if not.
bool Camera3D::OnRMouseDown3D(CMapView3D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint) { pView->EnableStrafing(true); return true; }
// Purpose: Handles the right mouse button up event in the 3D view.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnRButtonUp.
// Output : Returns true if the message was handled, false if not.
bool Camera3D::OnRMouseUp3D(CMapView3D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint) { pView->EnableStrafing(false); pView->UpdateCameraVariables(); return true; }
// Purpose: Handles the key down event in the 3D view.
// Input : Per CWnd::OnKeyDown.
// Output : Returns true if the message was handled, false if not.
bool Camera3D::OnKeyDown3D(CMapView3D *pView, UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { if (nChar == VK_DELETE || nChar == VK_NEXT || nChar == VK_PRIOR) { CMapDoc *pDoc = pView->GetMapDoc();
if (nChar == VK_DELETE) { DeleteActiveCamera(); } else if (nChar == VK_NEXT) { SetNextCamera(Camera3D::sncNext); } else { SetNextCamera(Camera3D::sncPrev); } Vector viewPos, lookAt; GetCameraPos( viewPos, lookAt );
pDoc->UpdateAllCameras( &viewPos, &lookAt, NULL ); return true; } else if (nChar == VK_ESCAPE) { OnEscape(); return true; }
return false; }
// Purpose: Handles the escape key in the 2D or 3D views.
void Camera3D::OnEscape(void) { //
// Stop using the camera tool.
m_pDocument->GetTools()->SetTool(TOOL_POINTER); }