//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef MAPSOLID_H
#define MAPSOLID_H
#pragma once
#include "BlockArray.h"
#include "MapClass.h"
#include "MapFace.h"
enum TextureAlignment_t; struct ExportDXFInfo_s;
// Flags for CreateFromPlanes:
#define CREATE_BUILD_PLANE_POINTS 0x0001 // Whether to regenerate the 3 plane points from the generated face points.
#define MAPSOLID_MAX_FACES 512 // Maximum number of faces a solid can have.
enum HL1_SolidType_t { btSolid, btWater, btSlime, btLava };
typedef BlockArray <CMapFace, 6, (MAPSOLID_MAX_FACES / 6) + 1> CSolidFaces;
class CMapSolid : public CMapClass { friend CSSolid;
// construction/deconstruction
DECLARE_MAPCLASS( CMapSolid, CMapClass ); CMapSolid( CMapClass *Parent0 = NULL ); ~CMapSolid();
// Serialization.
static void PreloadWorld( void ); static int GetBadSolidCount( void ); virtual void PostloadWorld(CMapWorld *pWorld); ChunkFileResult_t LoadVMF( CChunkFile *pFile, bool &bValid ); ChunkFileResult_t SaveVMF( CChunkFile *pFile, CSaveInfo *pSaveInfo ); int SerializeRMF( std::fstream &, BOOL ); int SerializeMAP( std::fstream &, BOOL );
// Selection/Hit testing.
bool HitTest2D(CMapView2D *pView, const Vector2D &point, HitInfo_t &HitData); CMapClass *PrepareSelection(SelectMode_t eSelectMode); bool SaveDXF(ExportDXFInfo_s *pInfo);
// creation/copy/editing
int CreateFromPlanes(DWORD dwFlags = 0); void InitializeTextureAxes( TextureAlignment_t eAlignment, DWORD dwFlags ); void CalcBounds( BOOL bFullUpdate = FALSE ); virtual CMapClass *Copy(bool bUpdateDependencies); virtual CMapClass *CopyFrom(CMapClass *pFrom, bool bUpdateDependencies); int Split(PLANE *pPlane, CMapSolid **pFront = NULL, CMapSolid **pBack = NULL); bool Subtract(CMapObjectList *pInside, CMapObjectList *pOutside, CMapClass *pSubtractWith);
virtual bool ShouldAppearInLightingPreview(void); virtual bool ShouldAppearInRaytracedLightingPreview(void);
// rendering
bool ShouldRenderLast(); void Render3D(CRender3D *pRender); void Render2D(CRender2D *pRender);
// solid info
size_t GetSize(); const char* GetDescription(); inline bool IsValid( void ) { return( m_bValid ); } inline void SetValid( bool bValid ) { m_bValid = bValid; } void SetTexture( LPCTSTR pszTex, int iFace = -1 ); LPCTSTR GetTexture( int iFace = -1 ); bool HasDisp( void ); virtual bool IsSolid( ) { return true; }
// Half-Life 1 solid types.
inline HL1_SolidType_t GetHL1SolidType(void) { return(m_eSolidType); } inline void SetHL1SolidType(HL1_SolidType_t eSolidType) { m_eSolidType = eSolidType; } HL1_SolidType_t HL1SolidTypeFromTextureName(const char *pszTexture);
virtual bool IsScaleable(void) { return(true); } virtual bool IsVisualElement(void) { return(true); }
// Overridden to set the render color of each of our faces.
virtual void SetRenderColor(unsigned char uchRed, unsigned char uchGreen, unsigned char uchBlue); virtual void SetRenderColor(color32 rgbColor);
// face info
inline int GetFaceCount( void ) { return( Faces.GetCount() ); } inline void SetFaceCount( int nFaceCount ) { Faces.SetCount( nFaceCount ); } inline CMapFace *GetFace( int nFace ) { return( &Faces[nFace] ); } int GetFaceIndex( CMapFace *pFace ); // Returns the index (you could use it with GetFace) or -1 if the face doesn't exist in this solid.
void AddFace( CMapFace *pFace ); void DeleteFace( int iIndex ); CMapFace *FindFaceID(int nFaceID);
// Notifications.
virtual void OnAddToWorld(CMapWorld *pWorld); virtual void OnPreClone(CMapClass *pClone, CMapWorld *pWorld, const CMapObjectList &OriginalList, CMapObjectList &NewList); virtual void OnPrePaste(CMapClass *pCopy, CMapWorld *pSourceWorld, CMapWorld *pDestWorld, const CMapObjectList &OriginalList, CMapObjectList &NewList); virtual void OnRemoveFromWorld(CMapWorld *pWorld, bool bNotifyChildren); virtual void OnUndoRedo();
inline bool IsCordonBrush() const; void SetCordonBrush(bool bSet);
virtual void AddShadowingTriangles( CUtlVector<Vector> &tri_list );
#ifdef _DEBUG
void DebugSolid(void); #endif // _DEBUG
void GenerateNewFaceIDs(CMapWorld *pWorld);
void PickRandomColor(); color32 GetLineColor( CRender2D *pRender );
// Implements CMapAtom transformation functions.
void DoTransform(const VMatrix &matrix); // dvs: brought in from old carve code; should be reconciled with AddFace, Split, Subtract
bool AddPlane(const CMapFace *p); bool Carve(CMapObjectList *pInside, CMapObjectList *pOutside, CMapSolid *pCarver); void ClipByFace(const CMapFace *fa, CMapSolid **f, CMapSolid **b); void RemoveEmptyFaces(void); //
// Serialization.
static ChunkFileResult_t LoadSideCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, CMapSolid *pSolid); ChunkFileResult_t SaveEditorData(CChunkFile *pFile); static int g_nBadSolidCount;
CSolidFaces Faces; // The list of faces on this solid.
bool m_bValid : 1; // Is it a proper convex solid?
bool m_bIsCordonBrush : 1; // Whether this brush was added by the cordon tool.
HL1_SolidType_t m_eSolidType; // Used for HalfLife 1 maps only - solid, water, slime, lava.
inline bool CMapSolid::IsCordonBrush() const { return m_bIsCordonBrush; }
#endif // MAPSOLID_H