//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#ifndef MAPWORLD_H
#define MAPWORLD_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "MapEntity.h"
#include "EditGameClass.h"
#include "MapClass.h"
#include "MapPath.h"
// Flags for SaveVMF.
class BoundBox; class CChunkFile; class CVisGroup; class CCullTreeNode; class IEditorTexture; class CMapGroup; class CMapDoc; class CMapInstance;
struct SaveLists_t;
struct UsedTexture_t { IEditorTexture *pTex; int nUsageCount; };
class CUsedTextureList : public CUtlVector<UsedTexture_t> { public:
inline int Find(IEditorTexture *pTex) { for (int i = 0; i < Count(); i++) { if (Element(i).pTex == pTex) { return i; } } return -1; } };
class CMapWorld : public CMapClass, public CEditGameClass { public:
CMapWorld( void ); CMapWorld( CMapDoc *pOwningDocument ); ~CMapWorld(void);
CMapDoc *GetOwningDocument( void ) { return m_pOwningDocument; }
// Public interface to the culling tree.
void CullTree_Build(void); inline CCullTreeNode *CullTree_GetCullTree(void) { return(m_pCullTree); }
// CMapClass virtual overrides.
virtual void AddChild(CMapClass *pChild); virtual CMapClass *Copy(bool bUpdateDependencies); virtual CMapClass *CopyFrom(CMapClass *pFrom, bool bUpdateDependencies); virtual void PresaveWorld(void); virtual void RemoveChild(CMapClass *pChild, bool bUpdateBounds = true); virtual bool IsWorld() { return true; }
virtual CMapEntity *FindChildByKeyValue( const char* key, const char* value, bool *bIsInInstance = NULL, VMatrix *InstanceMatrix = NULL );
void AddObjectToWorld(CMapClass *pObject, CMapClass *pParent = NULL); void RemoveObjectFromWorld(CMapClass *pObject, bool bRemoveChildren);
// Groups have to be treated as logical because they potentially have logical children
virtual bool IsLogical(void) { return true; } virtual bool IsVisibleLogical(void) { return IsVisible(); } virtual bool IsEditable( void );
// Serialization.
ChunkFileResult_t LoadVMF(CChunkFile *pFile); void PostloadWorld(void); void PostloadVisGroups(void); // saveFlags is a combination of SAVEFLAGS_ defines.
ChunkFileResult_t SaveSolids(CChunkFile *pFile, CSaveInfo *pSaveInfo, int saveFlags); ChunkFileResult_t SaveVMF(CChunkFile *pFile, CSaveInfo *pSaveInfo, int saveFlags); virtual int SerializeRMF(std::fstream &file, BOOL fIsStoring); virtual int SerializeMAP(std::fstream &file, BOOL fIsStoring, BoundBox *pIntersecting = NULL);
virtual void UpdateChild(CMapClass *pChild);
void UpdateAllDependencies( CMapClass *pObject );
// Face ID management.
inline int FaceID_GetNext(void); inline void FaceID_SetNext(int nNextFaceID); CMapFace *FaceID_FaceForID(int nFaceID); void FaceID_StringToFaceIDLists(CMapFaceIDList *pFullFaceList, CMapFaceIDList *pPartialFaceList, const char *pszValue); void FaceID_StringToFaceLists(CMapFaceList *pFullFaceList, CMapFaceList *pPartialFaceList, const char *pszValue); static bool FaceID_FaceIDListsToString(char *pszList, int nSize, CMapFaceIDList *pFullFaceIDList, CMapFaceIDList *pPartialFaceIDList); static bool FaceID_FaceListsToString(char *pszValue, int nSize, CMapFaceList *pFullFaceList, CMapFaceList *pPartialFaceList);
void GetUsedTextures(CUsedTextureList &List); void Subtract(CMapObjectList &Results, CMapClass *pSubtractWith, CMapClass *pSubtractFrom);
CUtlVector<CMapPath*> m_Paths;
// Interface to list of all the entities in the world:
const CMapEntityList *EntityList_GetList(void) { return(&m_EntityList); } inline int EntityList_GetCount(); inline CMapEntity *EntityList_GetEntity( int nIndex );
CMapEntity *FindEntityByName( const char *pszName, bool bVisiblesOnly = false, bool bSearchInstanceParms = false ); bool FindEntitiesByKeyValue(CMapEntityList &Found, const char *szKey, const char *szValue, bool bVisiblesOnly); bool FindEntitiesByName(CMapEntityList &Found, const char *szName, bool bVisiblesOnly); bool FindEntitiesByClassName(CMapEntityList &Found, const char *szClassName, bool bVisiblesOnly); bool FindEntitiesByNameOrClassName(CMapEntityList &Found, const char *pszName, bool bVisiblesOnly); bool GenerateNewTargetname( const char *startName, char *newName, int newNameBufferSize, bool bMakeUnique, const char *szPrefix, CMapClass *pRoot = NULL );
// displacement management
inline IWorldEditDispMgr *GetWorldEditDispManager( void ) { return m_pWorldDispMgr; }
int GetGroupList(CUtlVector<CMapGroup *> &GroupList);
// Protected entity list functions.
void AddEntity( CMapEntity *pEntity ); void EntityList_Add(CMapClass *pObject); void EntityList_Remove(CMapClass *pObject, bool bRemoveChildren);
int FindEntityBucket( CMapEntity *pEntity, int *pnIndex );
// Serialization.
static ChunkFileResult_t LoadKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, CMapWorld *pWorld); static ChunkFileResult_t LoadGroupCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, CMapWorld *pWorld); static ChunkFileResult_t LoadHiddenCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, CMapWorld *pWorld); static ChunkFileResult_t LoadHiddenSolidCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, CMapWorld *pWorld); static ChunkFileResult_t LoadSolidCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, CMapWorld *pWorld);
ChunkFileResult_t LoadSolid(CChunkFile *pFile, bool bVisible);
static BOOL BuildSaveListsCallback(CMapClass *pObject, SaveLists_t *pSaveLists); ChunkFileResult_t SaveObjectListVMF(CChunkFile *pFile, CSaveInfo *pSaveInfo, const CMapObjectList *pList, int saveFlags);
// Culling tree operations.
void CullTree_SplitNode(CCullTreeNode *pNode); void CullTree_DumpNode(CCullTreeNode *pNode, int nDepth); void CullTree_FreeNode(CCullTreeNode *pNode); void CullTree_Free(void);
CCullTreeNode *m_pCullTree; // This world's objects stored in a spatial hierarchy for culling.
CMapEntityList m_EntityList; // A flat list of all the entities in this world.
CMapEntityList m_EntityListByName[NUM_HASHED_ENTITY_BUCKETS]; // A list of all the entities in the world, hashed by name checksum.
int m_nNextFaceID; // Used for assigning unique IDs to every solid face in this world.
IWorldEditDispMgr *m_pWorldDispMgr; // world editable displacement manager
CMapDoc *m_pOwningDocument; };
// Purpose: Returns the next unique face ID for this world.
inline int CMapWorld::FaceID_GetNext(void) { return(m_nNextFaceID++); }
// Purpose: Sets the unique face ID to assign to the next face that is added
// to this world.
inline void CMapWorld::FaceID_SetNext(int nNextFaceID) { m_nNextFaceID = nNextFaceID; }
inline int CMapWorld::EntityList_GetCount() { return m_EntityList.Count(); }
inline CMapEntity *CMapWorld::EntityList_GetEntity( int nIndex ) { return m_EntityList.Element( nIndex ); }
#endif // MAPWORLD_H