//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Manages the set of application configuration options.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Options.h"
#include "hammer.h"
#include "MainFrm.h"
#include "mapdoc.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "ConfigManager.h"
#include "GlobalFunctions.h"
#include "CustomMessages.h"
#include "OptionProperties.h"
#include <process.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
const char GAMECFG_SIG[] = "Game Configurations File\r\n\x1a"; const float GAMECFG_VERSION = 1.4f;
static const char *pszGeneral = "General"; static const char *pszView2D = "2D Views"; static const char *pszView3D = "3D Views"; static const char *g_szColors = "Custom2DColors";
const int iThisVersion = 2;
// So File | Open will be in the right directory.
char *g_pMapDir = NULL;
// Purpose:
COptionsConfigs::COptionsConfigs(void) { nConfigs = 0; }
// Purpose:
// Output :
COptionsConfigs::~COptionsConfigs(void) { for (int i = 0; i < nConfigs; i++) { CGameConfig *pConfig = Configs[i]; if (!pConfig) continue;
delete pConfig; } }
// Purpose:
// Output :
CGameConfig *COptionsConfigs::AddConfig(void) { CGameConfig *pConfig = new CGameConfig; Configs.SetAtGrow(nConfigs++, pConfig);
return pConfig; }
// Purpose:
// Input : dwID -
// piIndex -
// Output :
CGameConfig *COptionsConfigs::FindConfig(DWORD dwID, int *piIndex) { for(int i = 0; i < nConfigs; i++) { if(Configs[i]->dwID == dwID) { if(piIndex) piIndex[0] = i; return Configs[i]; } }
return NULL; }
// Purpose: Looks for a game configuration with a given mod directory.
CGameConfig *COptionsConfigs::FindConfigForGame(const char *szGame) { for (int i = 0; i < nConfigs; i++) { char *pszGameDir = Configs[i]->m_szModDir; if ( Q_stricmp( pszGameDir, szGame ) == 0 ) return Configs[i]; }
return NULL; }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns the number of game configurations successfully imported.
int COptionsConfigs::ImportOldGameConfigs(const char *pszFileName) { int nConfigsRead = 0;
char szRootDir[MAX_PATH]; char szFullPath[MAX_PATH]; APP()->GetDirectory(DIR_PROGRAM, szRootDir); Q_MakeAbsolutePath( szFullPath, MAX_PATH, pszFileName, szRootDir ); std::fstream file( szFullPath, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary ); if (file.is_open()) { // Read sig.
char szSig[sizeof(GAMECFG_SIG)]; file.read(szSig, sizeof szSig); if (!memcmp(szSig, GAMECFG_SIG, sizeof szSig)) { // Read version.
float fThisVersion; file.read((char *)&fThisVersion, sizeof(fThisVersion)); if ((fThisVersion >= 1.0) && (fThisVersion <= GAMECFG_VERSION)) { // Read number of configs.
int nTotalConfigs; file.read((char *)&nTotalConfigs, sizeof(nTotalConfigs));
// Load each config.
for (int i = 0; i < nTotalConfigs; i++) { CGameConfig *pConfig = AddConfig(); pConfig->Import(file, fThisVersion); nConfigsRead++;
if (!g_pMapDir) { g_pMapDir = (char *)pConfig->szMapDir; } } } }
file.close(); }
return(nConfigsRead); }
// Our call to "new" will be hosed without this header
#include "tier0/memdbgoff.h"
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool COptionsConfigs::ResetGameConfigs( bool bOverwrite ) { CGameConfigManager mgr; int nNumLoaded = 0;
mgr.SetBaseDirectory( m_strConfigDir );
if ( bOverwrite ) { // Reset the configurations on the disk
mgr.ResetConfigs(); // Load the newly changed game configs
nNumLoaded = LoadGameConfigs(); } else { // Simply get the keyvalue block from the manager and parse that
KeyValues *pDefaultConfigs = new KeyValues( "Defaults" );
if ( mgr.GetDefaultGameBlock( pDefaultConfigs ) == false ) return false; // Load from the blocks
nNumLoaded = LoadGameConfigsBlock( pDefaultConfigs );
// Clean up
pDefaultConfigs->deleteThis(); }
return ( nNumLoaded > 0 ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pBlock -
// Output : int
int COptionsConfigs::LoadGameConfigsBlock( KeyValues *pBlock ) { if ( pBlock == NULL ) return 0;
int nConfigsRead = 0;
for ( KeyValues *pKey = pBlock->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); pKey; pKey = pKey->GetNextTrueSubKey() ) { CGameConfig *pConfig = AddConfig(); if ( pConfig != NULL ) { if ( pConfig->Load( pKey ) ) { nConfigsRead++; } } }
return nConfigsRead; }
// Purpose: Loads all the game configs from disk.
// Output : Returns the number of game configurations successfully loaded.
int COptionsConfigs::LoadGameConfigs() { //
// Read game configs - this is from an external file so we can distribute it
// with the editor as a set of defaults.
// Older versions of the editor used a binary file. Try that first.
int nConfigsRead = ImportOldGameConfigs("GameCfg.wc"); if (nConfigsRead > 0) { // This will cause a double conversion, from .wc to .ini to .txt, but oh well...
char szRootDir[MAX_PATH]; char szFullPath[MAX_PATH]; APP()->GetDirectory(DIR_PROGRAM, szRootDir); Q_MakeAbsolutePath( szFullPath, MAX_PATH, "GameCfg.wc", szRootDir ); remove( szFullPath ); char szSaveName[MAX_PATH]; strcpy(szSaveName, m_strConfigDir); Q_AppendSlash(szSaveName, sizeof(szSaveName)); Q_strcat(szSaveName, "GameCfg.ini", sizeof(szSaveName)); SaveGameConfigs(); return(nConfigsRead); }
CGameConfigManager mgr;
if ( !mgr.LoadConfigs( m_strConfigDir ) ) return 0;
KeyValues *pGame = mgr.GetGameBlock(); if (!pGame) return 0;
// Install the message handler for error messages.
// Load from the blocks
nConfigsRead = LoadGameConfigsBlock( pGame );
return nConfigsRead; }
// Purpose: Saves all the cgame configurations to disk.
// Input : *pszFileName -
void COptionsConfigs::SaveGameConfigs() { // Only do this if we've got configs to save!
if ( GetGameConfigCount() == 0 ) return;
CGameConfigManager mgr;
if ( mgr.LoadConfigs( m_strConfigDir ) == false ) return;
// Get the global configuration data
KeyValues *pGame = mgr.GetGameBlock(); // For each Hammer known configuation, update the values in the global configs
for ( int i = 0; i < nConfigs; i++ ) { KeyValues *pConfig = pGame->FindKey(Configs.GetAt(i)->szName); // Add the configuration if it wasn't found
if ( pConfig == NULL ) { pConfig = pGame->CreateNewKey(); if ( pConfig == NULL ) { // FIXME: fatal error
return; } }
// Update the changes
Configs.GetAt(i)->Save(pConfig); }
// For each global configuration, remove any configs Hammer has deleted
bool bFoundConfig; KeyValues *pConfig = pGame->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); while ( pConfig != NULL ) { // Search through all the configs Hammer knows of for a matching name
bFoundConfig = false; for ( int i = 0; i < nConfigs; i++ ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pConfig->GetName(), Configs.GetAt(i)->szName ) ) { bFoundConfig = true; break; } }
// Move along to the next config
if ( bFoundConfig ) { pConfig = pConfig->GetNextTrueSubKey(); continue; }
// Delete the configuration block if we didn't find it
KeyValues *pNextConfig = pConfig->GetNextTrueSubKey(); pGame->RemoveSubKey( pConfig ); pConfig->deleteThis(); pConfig = pNextConfig; } // Save the resulting changes
mgr.SaveConfigs( m_strConfigDir ); }
// Purpose:
COptions::COptions(void) { }
// Purpose: Looks for the Valve Hammer Editor registry settings and returns whether
// they were found.
static bool HammerSettingsFound(void) { bool bFound = false; HKEY hkeySoftware; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkeySoftware) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY hkeyValve; if (RegOpenKeyEx(hkeySoftware, "Valve", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkeyValve) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY hkeyHammer; if (RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyValve, "Hammer", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkeyHammer) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY hkeyConfigured; if (RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyHammer, "Configured", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkeyConfigured) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bFound = true; RegCloseKey(hkeyConfigured); } RegCloseKey(hkeyHammer); } RegCloseKey(hkeyValve); } RegCloseKey(hkeySoftware); }
return bFound; }
// Purpose: Looks for the Valve Hammer Editor registry settings and returns whether
// they were found.
static bool ValveHammerEditorSettingsFound(void) { bool bFound = false; HKEY hkeySoftware; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkeySoftware) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY hkeyValve; if (RegOpenKeyEx(hkeySoftware, "Valve", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkeyValve) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY hkeyHammer; if (RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyValve, "Valve Hammer Editor", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkeyHammer) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY hkeyConfigured; if (RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyHammer, "Configured", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkeyConfigured) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bFound = true; RegCloseKey(hkeyConfigured); } RegCloseKey(hkeyHammer); } RegCloseKey(hkeyValve); } RegCloseKey(hkeySoftware); }
return bFound; }
// Purpose: Looks for the Worldcraft registry settings and returns whether they
// were found.
static bool WorldcraftSettingsFound(void) { bool bFound = false; HKEY hkeySoftware; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkeySoftware) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY hkeyValve; if (RegOpenKeyEx(hkeySoftware, "Valve", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkeyValve) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY hkeyWorldcraft; if (RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyValve, "Worldcraft", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkeyWorldcraft) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bFound = true; RegCloseKey(hkeyWorldcraft); } RegCloseKey(hkeyValve); } RegCloseKey(hkeySoftware); }
return bFound; }
// Purpose:
bool COptions::Init(void) { //
// If the we have no registry settings and the "Valve Hammer Editor" registry tree exists,
// import settings from there. If that isn't found, try "Worldcraft".
bool bWCSettingsFound = false; bool bVHESettingsFound = false;
if (!HammerSettingsFound()) { bVHESettingsFound = ValveHammerEditorSettingsFound(); if (!bVHESettingsFound) { bWCSettingsFound = WorldcraftSettingsFound(); } }
if (bVHESettingsFound) { APP()->BeginImportVHESettings(); } else if (bWCSettingsFound) { APP()->BeginImportWCSettings(); }
SetDefaults(); if (!Read()) { return false; }
if (bVHESettingsFound || bWCSettingsFound) { APP()->EndImportSettings(); }
// Notify appropriate windows of new settings.
// dvs: is all this necessary?
CMainFrame *pMainWnd = GetMainWnd(); if (pMainWnd != NULL) { pMainWnd->SetBrightness(textures.fBrightness);
pMainWnd->UpdateAllDocViews( MAPVIEW_OPTIONS_CHANGED ); // FIXME: can't do this before the filesystem is initialized
return true; }
// Purpose: Enables or disables texture locking.
// Input : b - TRUE to enable texture locking, FALSE to disable.
// Output : Returns the previous value of the texture locking flag.
BOOL COptions::SetLockingTextures(BOOL b) { BOOL bOld = general.bLockingTextures; general.bLockingTextures = b; return(bOld); }
// Purpose: Returns TRUE if texture locking is enabled, FALSE if not.
BOOL COptions::IsLockingTextures(void) { return(general.bLockingTextures); }
BOOL COptions::SetScaleLockingTextures(BOOL b) { BOOL bOld = general.bScaleLockingTextures; general.bScaleLockingTextures = b; return(bOld); }
BOOL COptions::IsScaleLockingTextures(void) { return general.bScaleLockingTextures; }
// Purpose: Returns whether new faces should be world aligned or face aligned.
TextureAlignment_t COptions::GetTextureAlignment(void) { return(general.eTextureAlignment); }
// Purpose: Sets whether new faces should be world aligned or face aligned.
// Input : eTextureAlignment - TEXTURE_ALIGN_WORLD or TEXTURE_ALIGN_FACE.
// Output : Returns the old setting for texture alignment.
TextureAlignment_t COptions::SetTextureAlignment(TextureAlignment_t eTextureAlignment) { TextureAlignment_t eOld = general.eTextureAlignment; general.eTextureAlignment = eTextureAlignment; return(eOld); }
// Purpose: Returns whether helpers should be hidden or shown.
bool COptions::GetShowHelpers(void) { return (general.bShowHelpers == TRUE); }
bool COptions::IsVGUIModelBrowserEnabled() { return (general.bUseVGUIModelBrowser == TRUE); }
// Purpose: Sets whether helpers should be hidden or shown.
void COptions::SetShowHelpers(bool bShow) { general.bShowHelpers = bShow ? TRUE : FALSE; }
// Purpose: Loads the application configuration settings.
// Output : Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
bool COptions::Read(void) { if (!APP()->GetProfileInt("Configured", "Configured", 0)) { return false; }
DWORD dwTime = APP()->GetProfileInt("Configured", "Installed", time(NULL)); CTimeSpan ts(time(NULL) - dwTime); uDaysSinceInstalled = ts.GetDays();
int i, iSize; CString str;
// read texture info - it's stored in the general section from
// an old version, but this doesn't matter much.
iSize = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "TextureFileCount", 0); if(iSize) { // make sure default is removed
textures.nTextureFiles = 0; textures.TextureFiles.RemoveAll(); // read texture file names
for(i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { str.Format("TextureFile%d", i); str = APP()->GetProfileString(pszGeneral, str); if(GetFileAttributes(str) == 0xffffffff) { // can't find
continue; } textures.TextureFiles.Add(str); textures.nTextureFiles++; } } else { // SetDefaults() added 'textures.wad' to the list
} textures.fBrightness = float(APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Brightness", 10)) / 10.0;
// load general info
general.nMaxCameras = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Max Cameras", 100); general.iUndoLevels = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Undo Levels", 50); general.bLockingTextures = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Locking Textures", TRUE); general.bScaleLockingTextures = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Scale Locking Textures", FALSE); general.eTextureAlignment = (TextureAlignment_t)APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Texture Alignment", TEXTURE_ALIGN_WORLD); general.bLoadwinpos = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Load Default Positions", TRUE); general.bIndependentwin = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Independent Windows", FALSE); general.bGroupWhileIgnore = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "GroupWhileIgnore", FALSE); general.bStretchArches = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "StretchArches", TRUE); general.bShowHelpers = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Show Helpers", TRUE); general.bCheckVisibleMapErrors = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Visible Map Errors", FALSE); general.iTimeBetweenSaves = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Time Between Saves", 15); general.iMaxAutosaveSpace = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Max Autosave Space", 100); general.iMaxAutosavesPerMap = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Max Saves Per Map", 5); general.bEnableAutosave = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Autosaves Enabled", 1); general.bClosedCorrectly = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Closed Correctly", TRUE); general.bUseVGUIModelBrowser = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "VGUI Model Browser", TRUE); general.bShowHiddenTargetsAsBroken = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Show Hidden Targets As Broken", TRUE); general.bRadiusCulling = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Use Radius Culling", FALSE);
char szDefaultAutosavePath[MAX_PATH]; V_strcpy_safe( szDefaultAutosavePath, APP()->GetProfileString( pszGeneral, "Directory", "C:" ) ); V_strcpy_safe( szDefaultAutosavePath, "\\HammerAutosave\\" ); strcpy( general.szAutosaveDir, APP()->GetProfileString("General", "Autosave Dir", szDefaultAutosavePath)); if ( Q_strlen( general.szAutosaveDir ) == 0 ) { strcpy( general.szAutosaveDir, szDefaultAutosavePath ); } APP()->SetDirectory( DIR_AUTOSAVE, general.szAutosaveDir );
// read view2d
view2d.bCrosshairs = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "Crosshairs", FALSE); view2d.bGroupCarve = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "GroupCarve", TRUE); view2d.bScrollbars = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "Scrollbars", TRUE); view2d.bRotateConstrain = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "RotateConstrain", FALSE); view2d.bDrawVertices = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "Draw Vertices", TRUE); view2d.bDrawModels = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "Draw Models", TRUE); view2d.bWhiteOnBlack = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "WhiteOnBlack", TRUE); view2d.bGridHigh1024 = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "GridHigh1024", TRUE); view2d.bGridHigh10 = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "GridHigh10", TRUE); view2d.bHideSmallGrid = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "HideSmallGrid", TRUE); view2d.bNudge = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "Nudge", FALSE); view2d.bOrientPrimitives = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "OrientPrimitives", FALSE); view2d.bAutoSelect = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "AutoSelect", FALSE); view2d.bSelectbyhandles = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "SelectByHandles", FALSE); view2d.iGridIntensity = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "GridIntensity", 30); view2d.iDefaultGrid = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "Default Grid", 64); view2d.iGridHighSpec = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "GridHighSpec", 8); view2d.bKeepclonegroup = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "Keepclonegroup", TRUE); view2d.bGridHigh64 = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "Gridhigh64", TRUE); view2d.bGridDots = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "GridDots", FALSE); view2d.bCenteroncamera = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "Centeroncamera", FALSE); view2d.bUsegroupcolors = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView2D, "Usegroupcolors", TRUE);
// read view3d
view3d.bHardware = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView3D, "Hardware", FALSE); view3d.bReverseY = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView3D, "Reverse Y", TRUE); view3d.iBackPlane = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView3D, "BackPlane", 5000); view3d.bUseMouseLook = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView3D, "UseMouseLook", TRUE); view3d.nModelDistance = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView3D, "ModelDistance", 400); view3d.nDetailDistance = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView3D, "DetailDistance", 1200); view3d.bAnimateModels = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView3D, "AnimateModels", FALSE); view3d.nForwardSpeedMax = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView3D, "ForwardSpeedMax", 1000); view3d.nTimeToMaxSpeed = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView3D, "TimeToMaxSpeed", 500); view3d.bFilterTextures = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView3D, "FilterTextures", TRUE); view3d.bReverseSelection = APP()->GetProfileInt(pszView3D, "ReverseSelection", FALSE); view3d.fFOV = 90; view3d.fLightConeLength = 10; ReadColorSettings();
// If we can't load any game configurations, pop up the options screen.
if (configs.LoadGameConfigs() == 0) { if (!RunConfigurationDialog()) return false; }
// By default use the first config.
if (configs.nConfigs > 0) { g_pGameConfig = configs.Configs.GetAt(0); }
return true; }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool COptions::RunConfigurationDialog() { CString strText; strText.LoadString(IDS_NO_CONFIGS_AVAILABLE); if (MessageBox(NULL, strText, "First Time Setup", MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { APP()->OpenURL(ID_HELP_FIRST_TIME_SETUP, GetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd()); }
COptionProperties dlg("Configure Hammer");
do { if (dlg.DoModal() != IDOK) { return false; }
if (configs.nConfigs == 0) { MessageBox(NULL, "You must create at least one game configuration before using Hammer.", "First Time Setup", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); }
} while (configs.nConfigs == 0);
Options.Write( TRUE, TRUE ); return true; }
// Purpose:
void COptions::ReadColorSettings(void) { colors.bUseCustom = (APP()->GetProfileInt(g_szColors, "UseCustom", 0) != 0); if (colors.bUseCustom) { colors.clrAxis = APP()->GetProfileColor(g_szColors, "Grid0", 0 , 100, 100); colors.bScaleAxisColor = (APP()->GetProfileInt(g_szColors, "ScaleGrid0", 0) != 0); colors.clrGrid = APP()->GetProfileColor(g_szColors, "Grid", 50 , 50, 50); colors.bScaleGridColor = (APP()->GetProfileInt(g_szColors, "ScaleGrid", 1) != 0); colors.clrGrid10 = APP()->GetProfileColor(g_szColors, "Grid10", 40 , 40, 40); colors.bScaleGrid10Color = (APP()->GetProfileInt(g_szColors, "ScaleGrid10", 1) != 0); colors.clrGrid1024 = APP()->GetProfileColor(g_szColors, "Grid1024", 40 , 40, 40); colors.bScaleGrid1024Color = (APP()->GetProfileInt(g_szColors, "ScaleGrid1024", 1) != 0); colors.clrGridDot = APP()->GetProfileColor(g_szColors, "GridDot", 128, 128, 128); colors.bScaleGridDotColor = (APP()->GetProfileInt(g_szColors, "ScaleGridDot", 1) != 0);
colors.clrBrush = APP()->GetProfileColor(g_szColors, "LineColor", 0, 0, 0); colors.clrEntity = APP()->GetProfileColor(g_szColors, "Entity", 220, 30, 220); colors.clrVertex = APP()->GetProfileColor(g_szColors, "Vertex", 0, 0, 0); colors.clrBackground = APP()->GetProfileColor(g_szColors, "Background", 0, 0, 0); colors.clrToolHandle = APP()->GetProfileColor(g_szColors, "HandleColor", 0, 0, 0); colors.clrToolBlock = APP()->GetProfileColor(g_szColors, "BoxColor", 0, 0, 0); colors.clrToolSelection = APP()->GetProfileColor(g_szColors, "ToolSelect", 0, 0, 0); colors.clrToolMorph = APP()->GetProfileColor(g_szColors, "Morph", 255, 0, 0); colors.clrToolPath = APP()->GetProfileColor(g_szColors, "Path", 255, 0, 0); colors.clrSelection = APP()->GetProfileColor(g_szColors, "Selection", 220, 0, 0); colors.clrToolDrag = APP()->GetProfileColor(g_szColors, "ToolDrag", 255, 255, 0); } else { if (Options.view2d.bWhiteOnBlack) { // BLACK BACKGROUND
colors.clrBackground = RGB(0, 0, 0); colors.clrGrid = RGB(255, 255, 255); colors.clrGridDot = RGB(255, 255, 255); colors.clrGrid1024 = RGB(100, 50, 5); colors.clrGrid10 = RGB(255, 255, 255); colors.clrAxis = RGB(0, 100, 100); colors.clrBrush = RGB(255, 255, 255); colors.clrVertex = RGB(255, 255, 255);
colors.clrToolHandle = RGB(255, 255, 255); colors.clrToolBlock = RGB(255, 255, 255); colors.clrToolDrag = RGB(255, 255, 0); } else { // WHITE BACKGROUND
colors.clrBackground = RGB(255, 255, 255); colors.clrGrid = RGB(50, 50, 50); colors.clrGridDot = RGB(40, 40, 40); colors.clrGrid1024 = RGB(200, 100, 10); colors.clrGrid10 = RGB(40, 40, 40); colors.clrAxis = RGB(0, 100, 100); colors.clrBrush = RGB(0, 0, 0); colors.clrVertex = RGB(0, 0, 0);
colors.clrToolHandle = RGB(0, 0, 0); colors.clrToolBlock = RGB(0, 0, 0); colors.clrToolDrag = RGB(0, 0, 255); }
colors.bScaleAxisColor = false; colors.bScaleGridColor = true; colors.bScaleGrid10Color = true; colors.bScaleGrid1024Color = false; colors.bScaleGridDotColor = true;
colors.clrToolSelection = RGB(255, 255, 0); colors.clrSelection = RGB(255, 0, 0); colors.clrToolMorph = RGB(255, 0, 0); colors.clrToolPath = RGB(255, 0, 0); colors.clrEntity = RGB(220, 30, 220); colors.clrModelCollisionWireframe = RGB( 255, 255, 0 ); colors.clrModelCollisionWireframeDisabled = RGB( 220, 30, 220 ); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : fOverwrite -
void COptions::Write( BOOL fOverwrite, BOOL fSaveConfigs ) { APP()->WriteProfileInt("Configured", "Configured", iThisVersion);
int i, iSize; CString str;
// write texture info - remember, it's stored in general
iSize = textures.nTextureFiles; APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "TextureFileCount", iSize); for(i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { str.Format("TextureFile%d", i); APP()->WriteProfileString(pszGeneral, str, textures.TextureFiles[i]); } APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Brightness", int(textures.fBrightness * 10));
// write general
APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Max Cameras", general.nMaxCameras); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Undo Levels", general.iUndoLevels); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Locking Textures", general.bLockingTextures); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Scale Locking Textures", general.bScaleLockingTextures); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Texture Alignment", general.eTextureAlignment); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Independent Windows", general.bIndependentwin); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Load Default Positions", general.bLoadwinpos); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "GroupWhileIgnore", general.bGroupWhileIgnore); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "StretchArches", general.bStretchArches); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Show Helpers", general.bShowHelpers); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Visible Map Errors", general.bCheckVisibleMapErrors); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Time Between Saves", general.iTimeBetweenSaves); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Max Autosave Space", general.iMaxAutosaveSpace); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Max Saves Per Map", general.iMaxAutosavesPerMap); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Autosaves Enabled", general.bEnableAutosave); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Closed Correctly", general.bClosedCorrectly); APP()->WriteProfileString(pszGeneral, "Autosave Dir", general.szAutosaveDir); APP()->SetDirectory( DIR_AUTOSAVE, general.szAutosaveDir ); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "VGUI Model Browser", general.bUseVGUIModelBrowser ); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Show Hidden Targets As Broken", general.bShowHiddenTargetsAsBroken); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszGeneral, "Use Radius Culling", general.bRadiusCulling);
// write view2d
APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "Crosshairs", view2d.bCrosshairs); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "GroupCarve", view2d.bGroupCarve); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "Scrollbars", view2d.bScrollbars); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "RotateConstrain", view2d.bRotateConstrain); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "Draw Vertices", view2d.bDrawVertices); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "Draw Models", view2d.bDrawModels); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "Default Grid", view2d.iDefaultGrid); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "WhiteOnBlack", view2d.bWhiteOnBlack); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "GridHigh1024", view2d.bGridHigh1024); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "GridHigh10", view2d.bGridHigh10); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "GridIntensity", view2d.iGridIntensity); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "HideSmallGrid", view2d.bHideSmallGrid); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "Nudge", view2d.bNudge); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "OrientPrimitives", view2d.bOrientPrimitives); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "AutoSelect", view2d.bAutoSelect); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "SelectByHandles", view2d.bSelectbyhandles); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "GridHighSpec", view2d.iGridHighSpec); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "KeepCloneGroup", view2d.bKeepclonegroup); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "Gridhigh64", view2d.bGridHigh64); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "GridDots", view2d.bGridDots); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "Centeroncamera", view2d.bCenteroncamera); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView2D, "Usegroupcolors", view2d.bUsegroupcolors);
// write view3d
APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView3D, "Hardware", view3d.bHardware); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView3D, "Reverse Y", view3d.bReverseY); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView3D, "BackPlane", view3d.iBackPlane); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView3D, "UseMouseLook", view3d.bUseMouseLook); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView3D, "ModelDistance", view3d.nModelDistance); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView3D, "DetailDistance", view3d.nDetailDistance); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView3D, "AnimateModels", view3d.bAnimateModels); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView3D, "ForwardSpeedMax", view3d.nForwardSpeedMax); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView3D, "TimeToMaxSpeed", view3d.nTimeToMaxSpeed); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView3D, "FilterTextures", view3d.bFilterTextures); APP()->WriteProfileInt(pszView3D, "ReverseSelection", view3d.bReverseSelection);
// We don't write custom color settings because there is no GUI for them yet.
// Write out the game configurations
if ( fSaveConfigs ) { configs.SaveGameConfigs(); } }
void COptions::SetClosedCorrectly(BOOL bClosed) { APP()->WriteProfileInt( pszGeneral, "Closed Correctly", bClosed ); }
// Purpose:
void COptions::SetDefaults(void) { BOOL bWrite = FALSE;
if (APP()->GetProfileInt("Configured", "Configured", 0) != iThisVersion) { bWrite = TRUE; }
if (APP()->GetProfileInt("Configured", "Installed", 42151) == 42151) { APP()->WriteProfileInt("Configured", "Installed", time(NULL)); }
uDaysSinceInstalled = 0;
// textures
textures.nTextureFiles = 1; textures.TextureFiles.Add("textures.wad"); textures.fBrightness = 1.0;
// general
general.bIndependentwin = FALSE; general.bLoadwinpos = TRUE; general.iUndoLevels = 50; general.nMaxCameras = 100; general.bGroupWhileIgnore = FALSE; general.bStretchArches = TRUE; general.bLockingTextures = TRUE; general.bScaleLockingTextures = FALSE; general.bShowHelpers = TRUE; general.iTimeBetweenSaves = 15; general.iMaxAutosaveSpace = 100; general.iMaxAutosavesPerMap = 5; general.bEnableAutosave = TRUE; general.bClosedCorrectly = TRUE; general.bUseVGUIModelBrowser = TRUE; general.bShowCollisionModels = FALSE; general.bShowDetailObjects = TRUE; general.bShowNoDrawBrushes = TRUE; // view2d
view2d.bCrosshairs = FALSE; view2d.bGroupCarve = TRUE; view2d.bScrollbars = TRUE; view2d.bRotateConstrain = FALSE; view2d.bDrawVertices = TRUE; view2d.bDrawModels = TRUE; view2d.iDefaultGrid = 64; view2d.bWhiteOnBlack = TRUE; view2d.bGridHigh1024 = TRUE; view2d.bGridHigh10 = TRUE; view2d.iGridIntensity = 30; view2d.bHideSmallGrid = TRUE; view2d.bNudge = FALSE; view2d.bOrientPrimitives = FALSE; view2d.bAutoSelect = FALSE; view2d.bSelectbyhandles = FALSE; view2d.iGridHighSpec = 8; view2d.bKeepclonegroup = TRUE; view2d.bGridHigh64 = FALSE; view2d.bGridDots = FALSE; view2d.bCenteroncamera = FALSE; view2d.bUsegroupcolors = TRUE;
// view3d
view3d.bUseMouseLook = TRUE; view3d.bHardware = FALSE; view3d.bReverseY = FALSE; view3d.iBackPlane = 5000; view3d.nModelDistance = 400; view3d.nDetailDistance = 1200; view3d.bAnimateModels = FALSE; view3d.nForwardSpeedMax = 1000; view3d.nTimeToMaxSpeed = 500; view3d.bFilterTextures = TRUE; view3d.bReverseSelection = FALSE; view3d.bPreviewModelFade = false;
if ( bWrite ) { Write( FALSE, FALSE ); } }
// Purpose: This is called by the user interface itself when changes are made.
// tells the COptions object to notify the parts of the interface.
// Input : dwOptionsChanged - Flags indicating which options changed.
void COptions::PerformChanges(DWORD dwOptionsChanged) { CMainFrame *pMainWnd = GetMainWnd();
if (dwOptionsChanged & secTextures) { if (pMainWnd != NULL) { pMainWnd->SetBrightness(textures.fBrightness); } }
if (dwOptionsChanged & secView2D) { ReadColorSettings();
if (dwOptionsChanged & secView3D) { if (pMainWnd != NULL) { pMainWnd->UpdateAllDocViews(MAPVIEW_UPDATE_ONLY_3D | MAPVIEW_OPTIONS_CHANGED | MAPVIEW_RENDER_NOW ); } }
if (dwOptionsChanged & secConfigs) { if (pMainWnd != NULL) { pMainWnd->GlobalNotify(WM_GAME_CHANGED); } } }