//=========== Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ===============//
// Purpose: Native Steam Controller Interface
#include "inputsystem.h"
#include "key_translation.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "steam/isteamcontroller.h"
#include "math.h"
#ifndef UINT64_MAX
const uint64 UINT64_MAX = 0xffffffffffffffff; #endif
#if !defined( NO_STEAM )
#include "steam/steam_api.h"
#endif //NO_STEAM
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
ConVar sc_joystick_map( "sc_joystick_map", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "How to map the analog joystick deadzone and extents 0 = Scaled Cross, 1 = Concentric Mapping to Square." );
#define SQRT2 1.414213562
// key translation
typedef struct { uint64 steampadinput; ButtonCode_t steampadkey; } steampadInputTosteampadKey_t;
static const int s_nSteamPadDeadZoneTable[] = { STEAMPAD_ANALOG_PAD_THRESHOLD, // LEFTPAD_AXIS_X
// Purpose: Counts the number of active gamepads connected
uint32 CInputSystem::GetNumSteamControllersConnected() { return m_unNumConnected; }
struct SDigitalMenuAction { const char *strName; ButtonCode_t buttonCode; ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t handle; bool bState[STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_COUNT]; bool bAwaitingDebounce[STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_COUNT]; };
static SDigitalMenuAction g_DigitalMenuActions[] = { { "menu_left", STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_LEFT, 0, { false }, { false } }, { "menu_right", STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_RIGHT, 0, { false }, { false } }, { "menu_up", STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_UP, 0, { false }, { false } }, { "menu_down", STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_DOWN, 0, { false }, { false } }, { "menu_cancel", STEAMCONTROLLER_B, 0, { false }, { false } }, { "menu_select", STEAMCONTROLLER_A, 0, { false }, { false } }, { "resume_esc", STEAMCONTROLLER_START, 0, { false }, { false } }, { "cl_trigger_first_notification", STEAMCONTROLLER_F1, 0, { false }, { false } }, // Command is in the in-game action set (use for hitting accept/ok on dialogs)
{ "cl_decline_first_notification", STEAMCONTROLLER_F2, 0, { false }, { false } }, // Command is in the in-game action set (use for hitting cancel/decline on dialogs)
{ "menu_toggle_function", STEAMCONTROLLER_Y, 0, { false }, { false }, }, // Command is in the in-game HUD action set
{ "menu_alt_function", STEAMCONTROLLER_X, 0, { false }, { false } }, // Command is in the in-game HUD action set
{ "cancelselect", STEAMCONTROLLER_START, 0, { false }, { false } }, // Command is in the in-game action set
{ "toggleready", STEAMCONTROLLER_F4, 0, { false }, { false } }, // Command is in the in-game action set
struct SAnalogAction { const char *strName; JoystickAxis_t joystickAxisX, joystickAxisY; ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t handle; };
struct SGameActionSet { const char *strName; GameActionSet_t eGameActionSet; ControllerActionSetHandle_t handle; }; static SGameActionSet g_GameActionSets[] = { { "MenuControls", GAME_ACTION_SET_MENUCONTROLS, 0 }, { "FPSControls", GAME_ACTION_SET_FPSCONTROLS, 0 }, { "InGameHUDControls", GAME_ACTION_SET_IN_GAME_HUD, 0 }, { "SpectatorControls", GAME_ACTION_SET_SPECTATOR, 0 }, };
// Table that maps a physical steam controller origin to the corresponding character in our icon font.
// If the EControllerActionOrigin enum or the font changes, this table must be changed to match.
static const wchar_t* g_MapSteamControllerOriginToIconFont[] = { L"", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_None
L"A", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_A
L"B", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_B
L"X", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_X
L"Y", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_Y
L"2", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftBumper
L"3", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightBumper
L"(", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftGrip
L")", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightGrip
L"5", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_Start
L"4", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_Back
L"q", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_Touch
L"w", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_Swipe
L"e", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_Click
L"a", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_DPadNorth
L"s", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_DPadSouth
L"d", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_DPadWest
L"f", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_DPadEast
L"y", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_Touch
L"u", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_Swipe
L"i", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_Click
L"h", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_DPadNorth
L"j", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_DPadSouth
L"k", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_DPadWest
L"l", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_DEast
L"z", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftTrigger_Pull
L"x", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftTrigger_Click
L"n", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightTrigger_Pull
L"m", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightTrigger_Click
L"C", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_Move
L"V", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_Click
L"7", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_DPadNorth
L"8", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_DPadSouth
L"9", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_DPadWest
L"0", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_DPadEast
L"6", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_Gyro_Move
L"6", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_Gyro_Pitch
L"6", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_Gyro_Yaw
L"6", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_Gyro_Roll
// Table that maps a physical steam controller origin to a short description string for user display (only use this
// if it's impractical to use the icon font).
// If the EControllerActionOrigin enum changes, this table must be changed to match.
static const wchar_t* g_MapSteamControllerOriginToDescription[] = { L"", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_None
L"A", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_A
L"B", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_B
L"X", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_X
L"Y", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_Y
L"LB", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftBumper
L"RB", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightBumper
L"LG", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftGrip
L"RG", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightGrip
L"START", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_Start
L"BACK", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_Back
L"LPTOUCH", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_Touch
L"LPSWIPE", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_Swipe
L"LPCLICK", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_Click
L"LPUP", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_DPadNorth
L"LPDOWN", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_DPadSouth
L"LPLEFT", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_DPadWest
L"LPRIGHT", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftPad_DPadEast
L"RPTOUCH", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_Touch
L"RPSWIPE", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_Swipe
L"RPCLICK", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_Click
L"RPUP", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_DPadNorth
L"RPDOWN", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_DPadSouth
L"RPLEFT", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_DPadWest
L"RPRIGHT", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightPad_DEast
L"LT", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftTrigger_Pull
L"LT", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftTrigger_Click
L"LT", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightTrigger_Pull
L"LT", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_RightTrigger_Click
L"LS", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_Move
L"LSCLICK", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_Click
L"LSUP", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_DPadNorth
L"LSDOWN", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_DPadSouth
L"LSLEFT", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_DPadWest
L"LSRIGHT", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_LeftStick_DPadEast
L"GYRO", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_Gyro_Move
L"GYRO", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_Gyro_Pitch
L"GYRO", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_Gyro_Yaw
L"GYRO", // k_EControllerActionOrigin_Gyro_Roll
bool CInputSystem::InitializeSteamControllerActionSets() { auto psteamcontroller = g_pInputSystem->SteamControllerInterface(); if ( !psteamcontroller ) { return false; }
bool bGotHandles = true;
for ( int i = 0; i != ARRAYSIZE( g_DigitalMenuActions ); ++i ) { g_DigitalMenuActions[i].handle = psteamcontroller->GetDigitalActionHandle( g_DigitalMenuActions[i].strName ); bGotHandles = bGotHandles && ( g_DigitalMenuActions[i].handle != 0 );
// Init the button state array
for( int j = 0; j < STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_COUNT; j++ ) { g_DigitalMenuActions[i].bState[j] = false; } }
for ( int i = 0; i != ARRAYSIZE( g_GameActionSets ); ++i ) { g_GameActionSets[i].handle = psteamcontroller->GetActionSetHandle( g_GameActionSets[i].strName ); bGotHandles = bGotHandles && g_GameActionSets[i].handle; }
return bGotHandles; }
ConVar sc_debug_sets( "sc_debug_sets", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Debugging" );
void CInputSystem::PollSteamControllers( void ) { // Make sure we've got the appropriate connections to Steam
auto steamcontroller = SteamControllerInterface(); if ( !steamcontroller ) { return; }
uint64 nControllerHandles[STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_COUNT]; m_unNumConnected = steamcontroller->GetConnectedControllers( nControllerHandles );
if ( m_unNumConnected > 0 ) { if ( !m_bSteamControllerActionsInitialized ) { // Retry initialization of controller actions if we didn't acquire them all before for some reason.
m_bSteamControllerActionsInitialized = m_bSteamController && InitializeSteamControllerActionSets(); g_pInputSystem->ActivateSteamControllerActionSet( GAME_ACTION_SET_MENUCONTROLS ); }
if ( m_bSteamControllerActionsInitialized ) { // If we successfully initialized all the actions, and we have a connected controller, then we're considered "active".
m_bSteamControllerActive = true;
// For each digital action
for ( int i = 0; i != ARRAYSIZE( g_DigitalMenuActions ); ++i ) { SDigitalMenuAction& action = g_DigitalMenuActions[i];
// and for each controller
for ( uint64 j = 0; j < m_unNumConnected; ++j ) {
// Get the action's current state
ControllerDigitalActionData_t data = steamcontroller->GetDigitalActionData( nControllerHandles[j], action.handle );
// We only care if the action is active
if ( data.bActive ) { action.bAwaitingDebounce[j] = action.bAwaitingDebounce[j] && data.bState;
// If the action's state has changed
if ( data.bState != action.bState[j] ) { action.bState[j] = data.bState;
// Press the key for the correct controller
ButtonCode_t buttonCode = ButtonCodeToJoystickButtonCode( action.buttonCode, j );
if ( action.bState[j] ) { if ( !action.bAwaitingDebounce[j] ) { PostButtonPressedEvent( IE_ButtonPressed, m_nLastSampleTick, buttonCode, buttonCode ); } } else { PostButtonReleasedEvent( IE_ButtonReleased, m_nLastSampleTick, buttonCode, buttonCode ); } } } } } } } else { // If no controllers are connected, unflag the active state.
m_bSteamControllerActive = false; } }
bool CInputSystem::GetRadialMenuStickValues( int nSlot, float &fX, float &fY ) { fX = m_pRadialMenuStickVal[nSlot][0]; fY = m_pRadialMenuStickVal[nSlot][1];
return true; }
bool CInputSystem::IsSteamControllerActive( void ) { return m_bSteamControllerActive; }
bool CInputSystem::InitializeSteamControllers() { m_flLastSteamControllerInput = -FLT_MAX; auto steamcontroller = SteamControllerInterface(); if ( steamcontroller ) { if ( !steamcontroller->Init() ) { return false; } } else { return false; }
for( int i=0; i<STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_COUNT; i++ ) { m_pRadialMenuStickVal[i][0] = 0.0f; m_pRadialMenuStickVal[i][1] = 0.0f; } // We have to account for other joysticks prior to adding steam controllers
// So we get the baseline number here when first initializing
m_nJoystickBaseline = m_nJoystickCount; if ( steamcontroller ) { uint64 nControllerHandles[STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_COUNT]; m_unNumConnected = steamcontroller->GetConnectedControllers( nControllerHandles ); steamcontroller->RunFrame();
if ( m_unNumConnected > 0 ) { for ( uint32 i = 0; i < m_unNumConnected; i++ ) { if ( m_Device[i].m_nJoystickIndex == INVALID_USER_ID ) { int nJoystickIndex = i; m_Device[i].m_nJoystickIndex = nJoystickIndex; m_Device[i].m_nHardwareIndex = i; } m_nControllerType[m_Device[i].m_nJoystickIndex] = INPUT_TYPE_STEAMCONTROLLER; } }
return true; }
return false; }
ControllerActionSetHandle_t CInputSystem::GetActionSetHandle( GameActionSet_t eActionSet ) { return g_GameActionSets[eActionSet].handle; }
ControllerActionSetHandle_t CInputSystem::GetActionSetHandle( const char* szActionSet ) { for ( int i = 0; i != ARRAYSIZE( g_GameActionSets ); ++i ) { if ( !Q_strcmp( szActionSet, g_GameActionSets[i].strName ) ) { return g_GameActionSets[i].handle; } }
return 0; }
void CInputSystem::ActivateSteamControllerActionSetForSlot( uint64 nSlot, GameActionSet_t eActionSet ) { auto steamcontroller = SteamControllerInterface(); bool bChangedActionSet = false;
if ( steamcontroller ) { if ( nSlot == STEAM_CONTROLLER_HANDLE_ALL_CONTROLLERS ) { for ( int i = 0; i < STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_COUNT; i++ ) { if ( m_currentActionSet[i] != eActionSet ) { bChangedActionSet = true; m_currentActionSet[i] = eActionSet; } }
steamcontroller->ActivateActionSet( STEAM_CONTROLLER_HANDLE_ALL_CONTROLLERS, g_GameActionSets[eActionSet].handle ); } else { uint64 nControllerHandles[STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_COUNT]; int unNumConnected = steamcontroller->GetConnectedControllers( nControllerHandles );
if( nSlot < unNumConnected ) { if ( m_currentActionSet[nSlot] != eActionSet ) { bChangedActionSet = true; m_currentActionSet[nSlot] = eActionSet; }
steamcontroller->ActivateActionSet( nControllerHandles[nSlot], g_GameActionSets[eActionSet].handle ); } } }
if ( bChangedActionSet ) { // If we changed action set, then flag everything for a debounce (meaning we demand to see an unpressed state before we'll register a pressed one)
for ( int i = 0; i < STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_COUNT; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j != ARRAYSIZE( g_DigitalMenuActions ); ++j ) { g_DigitalMenuActions[j].bAwaitingDebounce[i] = true; } } } }
const int CInputSystem::GetSteamPadDeadZone( ESteamPadAxis axis ) { int nDeadzone = s_nSteamPadDeadZoneTable[ axis ];
// Do modifications if required here?
return nDeadzone; }
// Purpose: Processes data for controller
void CInputSystem::ReadSteamController( int iIndex ) { }
// Purpose: Pulse haptic feedback
/* void CInputSystem::PulseHapticOnSteamController( uint32 nControllerIndex, ESteamControllerPad ePad, unsigned short durationMicroSec )
{ auto steamcontroller = SteamControllerInterface(); if ( steamcontroller ) { steamcontroller->TriggerHapticPulse( nControllerIndex, ePad, durationMicroSec ); } }*/
// Purpose: Returns the controller State for a particular joystick slot
bool CInputSystem::GetControllerStateForSlot( int nSlot ) { return false; }
int CInputSystem::GetSteamControllerIndexForSlot( int nSlot ) { for ( int i = 0; i < Q_ARRAYSIZE( m_Device ); i++ ) { if ( m_Device[i].active && (int)m_Device[i].m_nJoystickIndex == nSlot ) { return m_Device[i].m_nHardwareIndex; } } return -1; }
// Purpose: Post events, ignoring key repeats
void CInputSystem::PostKeyEvent( int iIndex, sKey_t sKey, int nSample ) { // Rework of xbox code here :
AnalogCode_t code = ANALOG_CODE_LAST; float value = 0.f; //int nMsgSlot = iIndex;
int nMsgSlot = m_Device[iIndex].m_nJoystickIndex; int nSampleThreshold = 1;
// Look for changes on the analog axes
switch( sKey ) { case SK_BUTTON_LPAD_LEFT: case SK_BUTTON_LPAD_RIGHT: { code = (AnalogCode_t)JOYSTICK_AXIS( nMsgSlot, JOY_AXIS_X ); value = ( sKey == SK_BUTTON_LPAD_LEFT ) ? -nSample : nSample; // Kind of a hack to horizontal values for menu selection items in Portal 2
// The additional 5k helps accidental horizontals in menus.
nSampleThreshold = ( int )( STEAMPAD_DIGITAL_PAD_THRESHOLD ) + 5000; } break;
case SK_BUTTON_LPAD_UP: case SK_BUTTON_LPAD_DOWN: { code = (AnalogCode_t)JOYSTICK_AXIS( nMsgSlot, JOY_AXIS_Y ); value = ( sKey == SK_BUTTON_LPAD_UP ) ? -nSample : nSample; nSampleThreshold = ( int )( STEAMPAD_DIGITAL_PAD_THRESHOLD ); } break;
case SK_BUTTON_RPAD_LEFT: case SK_BUTTON_RPAD_RIGHT: { code = (AnalogCode_t)JOYSTICK_AXIS( nMsgSlot, JOY_AXIS_U ); value = ( sKey == SK_BUTTON_RPAD_LEFT ) ? -nSample : nSample; // Kind of a hack to horizontal values for menu selection items in Portal 2
// The additional 5k helps accidental horizontals in menus.
nSampleThreshold = ( int )( STEAMPAD_DIGITAL_PAD_THRESHOLD ) + 5000;; } break;
case SK_BUTTON_RPAD_UP: case SK_BUTTON_RPAD_DOWN: { code = (AnalogCode_t)JOYSTICK_AXIS( nMsgSlot, JOY_AXIS_R ); value = ( sKey == SK_BUTTON_RPAD_UP ) ? -nSample : nSample; nSampleThreshold = ( int )( STEAMPAD_DIGITAL_PAD_THRESHOLD ); } break; }
// Store the analog event
if ( ANALOG_CODE_LAST != code ) { InputState_t &state = m_InputState[ m_bIsPolling ]; state.m_pAnalogDelta[ code ] = ( int )( value - state.m_pAnalogValue[ code ] ); state.m_pAnalogValue[ code ] = ( int )value; if ( state.m_pAnalogDelta[ code ] != 0 ) { PostEvent( IE_AnalogValueChanged, m_nLastSampleTick, code, ( int )value, state.m_pAnalogDelta[ code ] ); } }
// store the key
m_Device[iIndex].m_appSKeys[sKey].sample = nSample; if ( nSample > nSampleThreshold ) { m_Device[iIndex].m_appSKeys[sKey].repeats++; } else { m_Device[iIndex].m_appSKeys[sKey].repeats = 0; nSample = 0; }
if ( m_Device[iIndex].m_appSKeys[sKey].repeats > 1 ) { // application cannot handle streaming keys
// first keypress is the only edge trigger
return; }
// package the key
ButtonCode_t buttonCode = SKeyToButtonCode( nMsgSlot, sKey ); if ( nSample ) { PostButtonPressedEvent( IE_ButtonPressed, m_nLastSampleTick, buttonCode, buttonCode ); } else { PostButtonReleasedEvent( IE_ButtonReleased, m_nLastSampleTick, buttonCode, buttonCode ); } }
// Gets the action origin (i.e. which physical input) maps to the given virtual button for the given action set
EControllerActionOrigin CInputSystem::GetSteamControllerActionOrigin( const char* action, GameActionSet_t action_set ) { auto pSC = SteamControllerInterface(); if ( pSC ) { ControllerHandle_t hConnected[STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_COUNT]; auto nConnected = pSC->GetConnectedControllers( hConnected ); if ( nConnected == 0 ) { return k_EControllerActionOrigin_None; }
SGameActionSet* pActionSet = nullptr; for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_GameActionSets ); i++ ) { if ( g_GameActionSets[i].eGameActionSet == action_set ) { pActionSet = &g_GameActionSets[i]; break; } }
if ( pActionSet ) { auto actionHandle = pSC->GetDigitalActionHandle( action ); EControllerActionOrigin origins[STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_ORIGINS]; int nOrigins = pSC->GetDigitalActionOrigins( hConnected[0], pActionSet->handle, actionHandle, origins ); if ( nOrigins > 0 ) { return origins[0]; } } }
return k_EControllerActionOrigin_None; }
// Gets the action origin (i.e. which physical input) maps to the given virtual button for the given action set
EControllerActionOrigin CInputSystem::GetSteamControllerActionOrigin( const char* action, ControllerActionSetHandle_t action_set_handle ) { auto pSC = SteamControllerInterface(); if ( pSC && action_set_handle ) { ControllerHandle_t hConnected[STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_COUNT]; auto nConnected = pSC->GetConnectedControllers( hConnected ); if ( nConnected == 0 ) { return k_EControllerActionOrigin_None; }
auto actionHandle = pSC->GetDigitalActionHandle( action ); EControllerActionOrigin origins[STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_ORIGINS]; int nOrigins = pSC->GetDigitalActionOrigins( hConnected[0], action_set_handle, actionHandle, origins ); if ( nOrigins > 0 ) { return origins[0]; } }
return k_EControllerActionOrigin_None; }
// Maps a Steam Controller action origin to a string (consisting of a single character) in our SC icon font
const wchar_t* CInputSystem::GetSteamControllerFontCharacterForActionOrigin( EControllerActionOrigin origin ) { if ( origin >= 0 && origin < ARRAYSIZE( g_MapSteamControllerOriginToIconFont ) ) { return g_MapSteamControllerOriginToIconFont[origin]; } else { return L""; } }
// Maps a Steam Controller action origin to a short text string (e.g. "X", "LB", "LDOWN") describing the control.
// Prefer to actually use the icon font wherever possible.
const wchar_t* CInputSystem::GetSteamControllerDescriptionForActionOrigin( EControllerActionOrigin origin ) { if ( origin >= 0 && origin < ARRAYSIZE( g_MapSteamControllerOriginToDescription ) ) { return g_MapSteamControllerOriginToDescription[origin]; } else { return L""; } }