//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "movieobjects/dmx_to_vcd.h"
#include "movieobjects/movieobjects.h"
#include "choreoscene.h"
#include "choreoactor.h"
#include "choreochannel.h"
#include "choreoevent.h"
#include "iscenetokenprocessor.h"
#include "characterset.h"
bool ConvertEventToDmx( CChoreoEvent *event, CDmeChannelsClip *clip ) { clip->SetName( event->GetName() ); clip->SetValue( "eventtype", CChoreoEvent::NameForType( event->GetType() ) );
CDmeTimeFrame *tf = clip->GetTimeFrame(); Assert( tf ); if ( tf ) { tf->SetStartTime( DmeTime_t( event->GetStartTime() ) ); tf->SetDuration( DmeTime_t( event->GetDuration() ) ); }
clip->SetValue( "parameters", event->GetParameters() ); clip->SetValue( "parameters2", event->GetParameters2() );
// event_ramp is a channel under the event's channels clip
CDmrElementArray<> array( clip, "channels" ); Assert( array.IsValid() ); if ( array.IsValid() ) { CDmeChannel *channel = CreateElement< CDmeChannel >( "event_ramp", clip->GetFileId() ); array.AddToTail( channel );
// Fill in values..., just log for now
channel->CreateLog( AT_FLOAT ); CDmeTypedLog<float> *ramp = static_cast< CDmeTypedLog<float> * >( channel->GetLog() ); if ( ramp ) { CDmeFloatCurveInfo *pCurveInfo = CreateElement< CDmeFloatCurveInfo >( "floatcurveinfo", clip->GetFileId() );
pCurveInfo->SetDefaultCurveType( MAKE_CURVE_TYPE( INTERPOLATE_CATMULL_ROM_NORMALIZE, INTERPOLATE_CATMULL_ROM_NORMALIZE ) ); pCurveInfo->SetRightEdgeTime( DmeTime_t( event->GetDuration() ) );
pCurveInfo->SetUseEdgeInfo( true ); pCurveInfo->SetDefaultEdgeZeroValue( 0.0f ); // Left edge
pCurveInfo->SetEdgeInfo( 0, event->GetRamp()->IsEdgeActive( true ), event->GetRamp()->GetEdgeZeroValue( true ), event->GetRamp()->GetEdgeCurveType( true ) ); // Right edge
pCurveInfo->SetEdgeInfo( 1, event->GetRamp()->IsEdgeActive( false ), event->GetRamp()->GetEdgeZeroValue( false ), event->GetRamp()->GetEdgeCurveType( false ) );
ramp->SetCurveInfo( pCurveInfo );
int rampCount = event->GetRampCount(); for ( int j = 0; j < rampCount; ++j ) { CExpressionSample *sample = event->GetRamp( j ); ramp->SetKey( DmeTime_t( sample->time ), sample->value, sample->GetCurveType() ); } } }
clip->SetValue< float >( "pitch", event->GetPitch() ); clip->SetValue< float >( "yaw", event->GetYaw() );
clip->SetValue< bool >( "resumecondition", event->IsResumeCondition() ); clip->SetValue< bool >( "lockbodyfacing", event->IsLockBodyFacing() ); clip->SetValue< float >( "distancetotarget", event->GetDistanceToTarget() ); clip->SetValue< bool >( "fixedlength", event->IsFixedLength() ); clip->SetValue< bool >( "forceshortmovement", event->GetForceShortMovement() ); clip->SetValue< bool >( "active", event->GetActive() );
// Relative tags
if ( event->GetNumRelativeTags() > 0 ) { CDmElement *tags = CreateElement< CDmElement >( "relative_tags", clip->GetFileId() ); if ( tags ) { clip->SetValue< CDmElement >( "tags", tags );
// Now create arrays for the name and percentages
CDmrStringArray names( tags, "tagname", true ); CDmrArray<float> percentages( tags, "tagpercentage", true ); Assert( names.IsValid() && percentages.IsValid() );
for ( int t = 0; t < event->GetNumRelativeTags(); t++ ) { CEventRelativeTag *rt = event->GetRelativeTag( t ); Assert( rt );
names.AddToTail( rt->GetName() ); percentages.AddToTail( rt->GetPercentage() ); } } }
// Timing tags
if ( event->GetNumTimingTags() > 0 ) { CDmElement *tags = CreateElement< CDmElement >( "timing_tags", clip->GetFileId() ); if ( tags ) { clip->SetValue< CDmElement >( "flextimingtags", tags );
// Now create arrays for the name and percentages
CDmrStringArray names( tags, "tagname", true ); CDmrArray<float> percentages( tags, "tagpercentage", true ); CDmrArray<bool> lockstates( tags, "lockedstate", true ); Assert( names.IsValid() && percentages.IsValid() && lockstates.IsValid() );
for ( int t = 0; t < event->GetNumTimingTags(); t++ ) { CFlexTimingTag *tt = event->GetTimingTag( t ); Assert( tt );
names.AddToTail( tt->GetName() ); percentages.AddToTail( tt->GetPercentage() ); lockstates.AddToTail( tt->GetLocked() ); } } }
// Abs tags
int tagtype; for ( tagtype = 0; tagtype < CChoreoEvent::NUM_ABS_TAG_TYPES; tagtype++ ) { if ( event->GetNumAbsoluteTags( (CChoreoEvent::AbsTagType)tagtype ) > 0 ) { char sz[ 512 ]; Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "absolutetags %s", CChoreoEvent::NameForAbsoluteTagType( (CChoreoEvent::AbsTagType)tagtype ) );
CDmElement *tags = CreateElement< CDmElement >( sz, clip->GetFileId() ); if ( tags ) { clip->SetValue< CDmElement >( sz, tags );
// Now create arrays for the name and percentages
CDmrStringArray names( tags, "tagname", true ); CDmrArray<float> percentages( tags, "tagpercentage", true ); Assert( names.IsValid() && percentages.IsValid() ); for ( int t = 0; t < event->GetNumAbsoluteTags( (CChoreoEvent::AbsTagType)tagtype ); t++ ) { CEventAbsoluteTag *abstag = event->GetAbsoluteTag( (CChoreoEvent::AbsTagType)tagtype, t ); Assert( abstag );
names.AddToTail( abstag->GetName() ); percentages.AddToTail( abstag->GetPercentage() ); } } } }
// IsUsingRelativeTag
if ( event->IsUsingRelativeTag() ) { CDmElement *relativeTag = CreateElement< CDmElement >( "relative_tag", clip->GetFileId() ); if ( relativeTag ) { clip->SetValue< CDmElement >( "relative_tag", relativeTag );
relativeTag->SetValue( "tagname", event->GetRelativeTagName() ); relativeTag->SetValue( "tagwav", event->GetRelativeWavName() ); } }
switch ( event->GetType() ) { default: break; case CChoreoEvent::SPEAK: { CDmElement *speakProperties = CreateElement< CDmElement >( "SPEAK", clip->GetFileId() ); if ( speakProperties ) { clip->SetValue< CDmElement >( "SPEAK", speakProperties );
speakProperties->SetValue( "closedcaption_type", CChoreoEvent::NameForCCType( event->GetCloseCaptionType() ) ); speakProperties->SetValue( "closedcaption_token", event->GetCloseCaptionToken() ); bool usingCombined = ( event->GetCloseCaptionType() != CChoreoEvent::CC_DISABLED && event->IsUsingCombinedFile() ); speakProperties->SetValue< bool >( "closedcaption_usingcombinedfile", usingCombined ); speakProperties->SetValue< bool >( "closedcaption_combinedusesgender", event->IsCombinedUsingGenderToken() ); speakProperties->SetValue< bool >( "closedcaption_noattenuate", event->IsSuppressingCaptionAttenuation() ); } } break; case CChoreoEvent::GESTURE: { CDmElement *gestureProperties = CreateElement< CDmElement >( "GESTURE", clip->GetFileId() ); if ( gestureProperties ) { clip->SetValue< CDmElement >( "GESTURE", gestureProperties );
float duration; event->GetGestureSequenceDuration( duration ); gestureProperties->SetValue< float >( "sequenceduration", duration ); } } break; case CChoreoEvent::FLEXANIMATION: { // Save flex animation tracks as channels
CDmrElementArray<> array( clip, "channels" ); Assert( array.IsValid() ); if ( array.IsValid() ) { // Now add a DmeChannel for each flex controller
int numTracks = event->GetNumFlexAnimationTracks(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < numTracks; ++i ) { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = event->GetFlexAnimationTrack( i );
CDmeChannel *channel = CreateElement< CDmeChannel >( track->GetFlexControllerName(), clip->GetFileId() ); array.AddToTail( channel );
channel->SetValue< bool >( "flexchannel", true );
channel->SetValue< bool >( "disabled", !track->IsTrackActive() ); channel->SetValue< bool >( "combo", track->IsComboType() );
channel->SetValue< float >( "rangemin", track->GetMin() ); channel->SetValue< float >( "rangemax", track->GetMax() );
channel->SetValue< bool >( "isbalancechannel", false );
// Fill in values..., just log for now
channel->CreateLog( AT_FLOAT ); CDmeTypedLog<float> *log = static_cast< CDmeTypedLog<float> * >( channel->GetLog() ); if ( log ) { CDmeFloatCurveInfo *pCurveInfo = CreateElement< CDmeFloatCurveInfo >( "floatcurveinfo", clip->GetFileId() );
pCurveInfo->SetDefaultCurveType( MAKE_CURVE_TYPE( INTERPOLATE_CATMULL_ROM_NORMALIZEX, INTERPOLATE_CATMULL_ROM_NORMALIZEX ) ); pCurveInfo->SetRightEdgeTime( DmeTime_t( event->GetDuration() ) );
pCurveInfo->SetUseEdgeInfo( true ); pCurveInfo->SetDefaultEdgeZeroValue( 0.0f ); // Left edge
pCurveInfo->SetEdgeInfo( 0, track->IsEdgeActive( true ), track->GetEdgeZeroValue( true ), track->GetEdgeCurveType( true ) ); // Right edge
pCurveInfo->SetEdgeInfo( 1, track->IsEdgeActive( false ), track->GetEdgeZeroValue( false ), track->GetEdgeCurveType( false ) );
log->SetCurveInfo( pCurveInfo );
// Now set up edge properties
int sampleCount = track->GetNumSamples(); for ( int j = 0; j < sampleCount; ++j ) { CExpressionSample *sample = track->GetSample( j ); log->SetKey( DmeTime_t( sample->time ), sample->value, sample->GetCurveType() ); } }
// Right out the stereo "balance" curve
if ( track->IsComboType() ) { char balanceChannelName[ 512 ]; Q_snprintf( balanceChannelName, sizeof( balanceChannelName ), "%s_balance", track->GetFlexControllerName() );
CDmeChannel *balanceChannel = CreateElement< CDmeChannel >( balanceChannelName, clip->GetFileId() ); array.AddToTail( balanceChannel );
channel->SetValue( "balanceChannel", balanceChannel ); balanceChannel->SetValue< bool >( "flexchannel", true );
balanceChannel->SetValue< bool >( "disabled", !track->IsTrackActive() ); balanceChannel->SetValue< bool >( "isbalancechannel", true );
balanceChannel->CreateLog( AT_FLOAT ); CDmeTypedLog< float > *balance = static_cast< CDmeTypedLog< float > * >( balanceChannel->GetLog() ); if ( balance ) { CDmeFloatCurveInfo *pCurveInfo = CreateElement< CDmeFloatCurveInfo >( "floatcurveinfo", clip->GetFileId() );
pCurveInfo->SetDefaultCurveType( MAKE_CURVE_TYPE( INTERPOLATE_CATMULL_ROM_NORMALIZEX, INTERPOLATE_CATMULL_ROM_NORMALIZEX ) ); pCurveInfo->SetRightEdgeTime( DmeTime_t( event->GetDuration() ) );
pCurveInfo->SetUseEdgeInfo( false ); pCurveInfo->SetDefaultEdgeZeroValue( 0.5f );
// Don't need to support edge properties for balance curves?
// Left edge
pCurveInfo->SetEdgeInfo( 0, track->IsEdgeActive( true ), track->GetEdgeZeroValue( true ), track->GetEdgeCurveType( true ) ); // Right edge
pCurveInfo->SetEdgeInfo( 1, track->IsEdgeActive( false ), track->GetEdgeZeroValue( false ), track->GetEdgeCurveType( false ) ); */
balance->SetCurveInfo( pCurveInfo );
// Now set up edge properties
int sampleCount = track->GetNumSamples( 1 ); for ( int j = 0; j < sampleCount; ++j ) { CExpressionSample *sample = track->GetSample( j, 1 ); balance->SetKey( DmeTime_t( sample->time ), sample->value, sample->GetCurveType() ); } } } } } } break; case CChoreoEvent::LOOP: { CDmElement *loopProperties = CreateElement< CDmElement >( "LOOP", clip->GetFileId() ); if ( loopProperties ) { clip->SetValue< CDmElement >( "LOOP", loopProperties );
loopProperties->SetValue< int >( "loopcount", event->GetLoopCount() ); } } break; }
return true; }
bool ConvertSceneToDmx( CChoreoScene *scene, CDmeFilmClip *dmx ) { bool bret = true;
dmx->SetName( scene->GetFilename() );
CDmeTimeFrame *tf = dmx->GetTimeFrame(); Assert( tf ); if ( tf ) { tf->SetDuration( DmeTime_t( scene->FindStopTime() ) ); }
CDmElement *scaleSettings = CreateElement< CDmElement >( "scalesettings", dmx->GetFileId() ); Assert( scaleSettings ); CDmAttribute *scaleAttribute = dmx->AddAttributeElement< CDmElement >( "scalesettings" ); Assert( scaleAttribute ); scaleAttribute->SetValue( scaleSettings->GetHandle() ); if ( scaleSettings ) { for ( int i = scene->TimeZoomFirst(); i != scene->TimeZoomInvalid(); i = scene->TimeZoomNext( i ) ) { const char *name = scene->TimeZoomName( i ); int value = scene->GetTimeZoom( name ); scaleSettings->SetValue< int >( name, value ); } }
CDmeTrackGroup *pTrackGroup = dmx->FindOrAddTrackGroup( VCD_SCENE_RAMP_TRACK_GROUP_NAME ); CDmeTrack *track = pTrackGroup->FindOrAddTrack( VCD_SCENE_RAMP_TRACK_GROUP_NAME, DMECLIP_CHANNEL ); Assert( track );
// Set a CDmeChannel for the scene_ramp
CDmeChannelsClip *pClip = CreateElement< CDmeChannelsClip >( VCD_SCENE_RAMP_TRACK_GROUP_NAME, dmx->GetFileId() ); Assert( pClip ); track->AddClip( pClip );
int rampCount = scene->GetSceneRampCount(); if ( rampCount > 0 ) { // scene_ramp is a channels
CDmrElementArray<> array( pClip, "channels" ); Assert( array.IsValid() ); if ( array.IsValid() ) { CDmeChannel *channel = CreateElement< CDmeChannel >( VCD_SCENE_RAMP_TRACK_GROUP_NAME, dmx->GetFileId() ); array.AddToTail( channel ); // Fill in values..., just log for now
channel->CreateLog( AT_FLOAT ); CDmeTypedLog<float> *ramp = static_cast< CDmeTypedLog<float> * >( channel->GetLog() ); if ( ramp ) { CDmeFloatCurveInfo *pCurveInfo = CreateElement< CDmeFloatCurveInfo >( "floatcurveinfo", dmx->GetFileId() );
pCurveInfo->SetDefaultCurveType( MAKE_CURVE_TYPE( INTERPOLATE_CATMULL_ROM_NORMALIZE, INTERPOLATE_CATMULL_ROM_NORMALIZE ) ); pCurveInfo->SetRightEdgeTime( DmeTime_t( scene->FindStopTime() ) );
pCurveInfo->SetUseEdgeInfo( true ); pCurveInfo->SetDefaultEdgeZeroValue( 0.0f ); // Left edge
pCurveInfo->SetEdgeInfo( 0, scene->GetSceneRamp()->IsEdgeActive( true ), scene->GetSceneRamp()->GetEdgeZeroValue( true ), scene->GetSceneRamp()->GetEdgeCurveType( true ) ); // Right edge
pCurveInfo->SetEdgeInfo( 1, scene->GetSceneRamp()->IsEdgeActive( false ), scene->GetSceneRamp()->GetEdgeZeroValue( false ), scene->GetSceneRamp()->GetEdgeCurveType( false ) );
ramp->SetCurveInfo( pCurveInfo );
for ( int j = 0; j < rampCount; ++j ) { CExpressionSample *sample = scene->GetSceneRamp( j ); ramp->SetKey( DmeTime_t( sample->time ), sample->value, sample->GetCurveType() ); } } } }
// Walk the actors and channels
int numActors = scene->GetNumActors(); for ( int actor = 0; actor < numActors; ++actor ) { CChoreoActor *pActor = scene->GetActor( actor ); Assert( pActor ); if ( !pActor ) continue;
CDmeTrackGroup *pTrackGroup = dmx->FindOrAddTrackGroup( pActor->GetName() ); Assert( pTrackGroup );
pTrackGroup->SetValue< bool >( "isActor", true ); pTrackGroup->SetValue< bool >( "actorDisabled", !pActor->GetActive() ); pTrackGroup->SetValue( "actorModel", pActor->GetFacePoserModelName() );
int numChannels = pActor->GetNumChannels(); for ( int channel = 0; channel < numChannels; ++channel ) { CChoreoChannel *pChannel = pActor->GetChannel( channel ); Assert( pChannel ); if ( !pChannel ) continue;
const char *channelName = pChannel->GetName(); CDmeTrack *track = pTrackGroup->FindOrAddTrack( channelName, DMECLIP_CHANNEL ); Assert( track ); if ( !track ) continue;
track->SetMute( !pChannel->GetActive() );
int numEvents = pChannel->GetNumEvents(); for ( int event = 0; event < numEvents; ++event ) { CChoreoEvent *pEvent = pChannel->GetEvent( event ); Assert( pEvent ); if ( !pEvent ) continue;
// Set up event
CDmeChannelsClip *pClip = CreateElement< CDmeChannelsClip >( "", dmx->GetFileId() ); Assert( pClip ); track->AddClip( pClip );
// Fill in data
bool success = ConvertEventToDmx( pEvent, pClip ); if ( !success ) { bret = false; Assert( 0 ); break; } } } }
pTrackGroup = dmx->FindOrAddTrackGroup( VCD_GLOBAL_EVENTS_TRACK_GROUP_NAME ); Assert( pTrackGroup );
track = pTrackGroup->FindOrAddTrack( VCD_GLOBAL_EVENTS_TRACK_GROUP_NAME, DMECLIP_CHANNEL ); Assert( track );
// Now add global events
int numEvents = scene->GetNumEvents(); for ( int event = 0; event < numEvents; ++event ) { CChoreoEvent *pEvent = scene->GetEvent( event ); if ( !pEvent || pEvent->GetActor() ) continue;
// Set up event
CDmeChannelsClip *pClip = CreateElement< CDmeChannelsClip >( "", dmx->GetFileId() ); Assert( pClip );
track->AddClip( pClip );
// Fill in data
bool success = ConvertEventToDmx( pEvent, pClip ); if ( !success ) { bret = false; Assert( 0 ); break; } }
dmx->SetValue( "associated_bsp", scene->GetMapname() ); dmx->SetValue< float >( "fps", scene->GetSceneFPS() ); dmx->SetValue< bool >( "snap", scene->IsUsingFrameSnap() );
return bret; }
void EnsureActorAndChannelForTrack( CChoreoScene *scene, CDmeTrackGroup *pActor, CDmeTrack *pChannel ) { const char *actorName = pActor->GetName(); const char *channelName = pChannel->GetName();
CChoreoActor *a = scene->FindActor( actorName ); if ( !a ) { a = scene->AllocActor(); Assert( a ); a->SetName( actorName ); a->SetActive( !pActor->GetValue< bool >( "actorDisabled" ) ); a->SetFacePoserModelName( pActor->GetValueString( "actorModel" ) ); }
CChoreoChannel *c = a->FindChannel( channelName ); if ( !c ) { c = scene->AllocChannel(); Assert( c ); c->SetName( channelName ); c->SetActor( a ); c->SetActive( !pChannel->IsMute() ); a->AddChannel( c ); } }
template< class T > T *FindAttributeInArray( const CDmrElementArray<> &array, const char *elementName ) { int c = array.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { T *element = CastElement< T >( array[ i ] ); if ( !element ) continue;
if ( !Q_stricmp( element->GetName(), elementName ) ) return element; }
return NULL; }
bool ConvertDmxToEvent( CChoreoScene *scene, CDmeTrackGroup *pActor, CDmeTrack *pChannel, CDmeChannelsClip *clip, bool globalEvent ) { bool bret = true;
// Allocate choreo event
CChoreoEvent *event = scene->AllocEvent(); Assert( event ); if ( !event ) { bret = false; return bret; }
event->SetName( clip->GetName() ); event->SetType( CChoreoEvent::TypeForName( clip->GetValueString( "eventtype" ) ) );
if ( !globalEvent ) { EnsureActorAndChannelForTrack( scene, pActor, pChannel );
const char *actorName = pActor->GetName(); const char *channelName = pChannel->GetName();
CChoreoActor *a = scene->FindActor( actorName ); Assert( a ); CChoreoChannel *c = a->FindChannel( channelName ); Assert( c );
if ( !a || !c ) { bret = false; return bret; }
event->SetActor( a ); event->SetChannel( c ); c->AddEvent( event ); }
// Set timeframe info
CDmeTimeFrame *tf = clip->GetTimeFrame(); Assert( tf ); if ( tf ) { event->SetStartTime( tf->GetStartTime().GetSeconds() ); float duration = tf->GetDuration().GetSeconds(); if ( duration <= 0.0f ) { event->SetEndTime( -1.0f ); } else { event->SetEndTime( event->GetStartTime() + duration ); } }
event->SetParameters( clip->GetValueString( "parameters" ) ); event->SetParameters2( clip->GetValueString( "parameters2" ) );
const CDmrElementArray<> array( clip, "channels" ); Assert( array.IsValid() ); if ( array.IsValid() ) { int c = array.Count(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < c; ++i ) { CDmeChannel *channel = CastElement< CDmeChannel >( array[i] ); if ( !channel || Q_stricmp( channel->GetName(), "event_ramp" ) ) continue;
CDmeTypedLog< float > *ramp = static_cast< CDmeTypedLog< float > * >( channel->GetLog() ); if ( !ramp ) continue;
bool active[ 2 ]; float value[ 2 ]; int curveType[ 2 ];
ramp->GetEdgeInfo( 0, active[ 0 ], value[ 0 ], curveType[ 0 ] ); ramp->GetEdgeInfo( 1, active[ 1 ], value[ 1 ], curveType[ 1 ] );
event->GetRamp()->SetEdgeActive( true, active[ 0 ] ); event->GetRamp()->SetEdgeActive( false, active[ 1 ] );
event->GetRamp()->SetEdgeInfo( true, curveType[ 0 ], value[ 0 ] ); event->GetRamp()->SetEdgeInfo( false, curveType[ 1 ], value[ 1 ] );
int rampCount = ramp->GetKeyCount(); for ( int j = 0; j < rampCount; ++j ) { CExpressionSample *sample = event->AddRamp( ramp->GetKeyTime( j ).GetSeconds(), ramp->GetKeyValue( j ), false ); sample->SetCurveType( ramp->GetKeyCurveType( j ) ); } } }
event->SetPitch( clip->GetValue< float >( "pitch" ) ); event->SetYaw( clip->GetValue< float >( "yaw" ) );
event->SetResumeCondition( clip->GetValue< bool >( "resumecondition" ) ); event->SetLockBodyFacing( clip->GetValue< bool >( "lockbodyfacing" ) ); event->SetDistanceToTarget( clip->GetValue< float >( "distancetotarget" ) ); event->SetFixedLength( clip->GetValue< bool >( "fixedlength" ) ); event->SetForceShortMovement( clip->GetValue< bool >( "forceshortmovement" ) ); event->SetActive( clip->GetValue< bool >( "active" ) );
if ( clip->HasAttribute( "tags" ) ) { CDmElement *tags = clip->GetValueElement< CDmElement >( "tags" ); if ( tags ) { // Now create arrays for the name and percentages
const CDmrStringArray names( tags, "tagname" ); const CDmrArray<float> percentages( tags, "tagpercentage" ); Assert( names.IsValid() && percentages.IsValid() ); Assert( names.Count() == percentages.Count() ); for ( int t = 0; t < names.Count(); t++ ) { event->AddRelativeTag( names[t], percentages[t] ); } } }
if ( clip->HasAttribute( "timing_tags" ) ) { CDmElement *tags = clip->GetValueElement< CDmElement >( "timing_tags" ); if ( tags ) { // Now create arrays for the name and percentages
const CDmrStringArray names( tags, "tagname" ); const CDmrArray<float> percentages( tags, "tagpercentage" ); const CDmrArray<bool> lockstates( tags, "lockedstate" );
Assert( names.IsValid() && percentages.IsValid() && lockstates.IsValid() ); Assert( names.Count() == percentages.Count() && names.Count() == lockstates.Count() );
for ( int t = 0; t < names.Count(); t++ ) { event->AddTimingTag( names[ t ], percentages[ t ], lockstates[ t ] ); } } }
// Abs tags
int tagtype; for ( tagtype = 0; tagtype < CChoreoEvent::NUM_ABS_TAG_TYPES; tagtype++ ) { char sz[ 512 ]; Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "absolutetags %s", CChoreoEvent::NameForAbsoluteTagType( (CChoreoEvent::AbsTagType)tagtype ) );
if ( clip->HasAttribute( sz ) ) { CDmElement *tags = clip->GetValueElement< CDmElement >( sz ); if ( tags ) { // Now create arrays for the name and percentages
const CDmrStringArray names( tags, "tagname" ); const CDmrArray<float> percentages( tags, "tagpercentage" );
Assert( names.IsValid() && percentages.IsValid() ); Assert( names.Count() == percentages.Count() );
for ( int t = 0; t < names.Count(); t++ ) { event->AddAbsoluteTag( (CChoreoEvent::AbsTagType)tagtype, names[ t ], percentages[ t ] ); } } } } if ( clip->HasAttribute( "relative_tag" ) ) { CDmElement *relativeTag = clip->GetValueElement< CDmElement >( "relative_tag" ); if ( relativeTag ) { event->SetUsingRelativeTag ( true, relativeTag->GetValueString( "tagname" ), relativeTag->GetValueString( "tagwav" ) ); } } switch ( event->GetType() ) { default: break; case CChoreoEvent::SPEAK: { CDmElement *speakProperties = NULL; if ( clip->HasAttribute( "SPEAK" ) ) { speakProperties = clip->GetValueElement< CDmElement >( "SPEAK" ); } if ( speakProperties ) { event->SetCloseCaptionType( CChoreoEvent::CCTypeForName( speakProperties->GetValueString( "closedcaption_type" ) ) ); event->SetCloseCaptionToken( speakProperties->GetValueString( "closedcaption_token" ) ); event->SetUsingCombinedFile( speakProperties->GetValue< bool >( "closedcaption_usingcombinedfile" ) ); event->SetCombinedUsingGenderToken( speakProperties->GetValue< bool >( "closedcaption_combinedusesgender" ) ); event->SetSuppressingCaptionAttenuation( speakProperties->GetValue< bool >( "closedcaption_noattenuate" ) ); } } break; case CChoreoEvent::GESTURE: { CDmElement *gestureProperties = NULL; if ( clip->HasAttribute( "GESTURE" ) ) { gestureProperties = clip->GetValueElement< CDmElement >( "GESTURE" ); } if ( gestureProperties ) { if ( Q_stricmp( clip->GetName(), "NULL" ) ) { event->SetGestureSequenceDuration( gestureProperties->GetValue< float >( "sequenceduration" ) ); } } } break; case CChoreoEvent::FLEXANIMATION: { // Save flex animation tracks as channels
const CDmrElementArray<> array( clip, "channels" ); if ( array.IsValid() ) { // Now add a DmeChannel for each flex controller
int numTracks = array.Count(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < numTracks; ++i ) { CDmeChannel *channel = CastElement< CDmeChannel >( array[ i ] ); Assert( channel ); if ( !channel ) { bret = false; break; }
if ( !channel->HasAttribute( "flexchannel" ) ) continue;
// Skip all helper channels, only care about flexchannels
if ( !channel->GetValue< bool >( "flexchannel" ) ) continue;
// Skip the balance channels, we'll pull their data below
if ( channel->GetValue< bool >( "isbalancechannel" ) ) continue;
Assert( !Q_stristr( channel->GetName(), "_balance" ) );
CFlexAnimationTrack *track = event->AddTrack( channel->GetName() ); Assert( track );
if ( !track ) { bret = false; break; }
track->SetTrackActive( !channel->GetValue< bool >( "disabled" ) ); track->SetComboType( channel->GetValue< bool >( "combo" ) );
track->SetMin( channel->GetValue< float >( "rangemin" ) ); track->SetMax( channel->GetValue< float >( "rangemax" ) );
CDmeTypedLog<float> *log = static_cast< CDmeTypedLog<float> * >( channel->GetLog() ); if ( log ) { bool active[ 2 ]; float value[ 2 ]; int curveType[ 2 ];
log->GetEdgeInfo( 0, active[ 0 ], value[ 0 ], curveType[ 0 ] ); log->GetEdgeInfo( 1, active[ 1 ], value[ 1 ], curveType[ 1 ] );
track->SetEdgeActive( true, active[ 0 ] ); track->SetEdgeActive( false, active[ 1 ] );
track->SetEdgeInfo( true, curveType[ 0 ], value[ 0 ] ); track->SetEdgeInfo( false, curveType[ 1 ], value[ 1 ] );
int sampleCount = log->GetKeyCount(); for ( int j = 0; j < sampleCount; ++j ) { int curveType = log->GetKeyCurveType( j ); float value = log->GetKeyValue( j ); DmeTime_t time = log->GetKeyTime( j ); CExpressionSample *sample = track->AddSample( time.GetSeconds(), value, 0 ); sample->SetCurveType( curveType ); } }
// Right out the stereo "balance" curve
if ( track->IsComboType() ) { char balanceChannelName[ 512 ]; Q_snprintf( balanceChannelName, sizeof( balanceChannelName ), "%s_balance", track->GetFlexControllerName() );
// Find the balance data
CDmeChannel *balanceChannel = FindAttributeInArray< CDmeChannel >( array, balanceChannelName ); if ( balanceChannel ) { CDmeTypedLog< float > *balance = static_cast< CDmeTypedLog< float > * >( balanceChannel->GetLog() ); if ( balance ) { // Now set up edge properties
int sampleCount = balance->GetKeyCount(); for ( int j = 0; j < sampleCount; ++j ) { int curveType = balance->GetKeyCurveType( j ); float value = balance->GetKeyValue( j ); DmeTime_t time = balance->GetKeyTime( j ); CExpressionSample *sample = track->AddSample( time.GetSeconds(), value, 1 ); sample->SetCurveType( curveType ); } } else { char msg[ 512 ]; Q_snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), "Error: Missing balance channel for combo flex track (%s) in (%s)\n", track->GetFlexControllerName(), event->GetName() ); Warning( msg ); } } } } } } break; case CChoreoEvent::LOOP: { CDmElement *loopProperties = NULL; if ( clip->HasAttribute( "LOOP" ) ) { loopProperties = clip->GetValueElement< CDmElement >( "LOOP" ); } if ( loopProperties ) { event->SetLoopCount( loopProperties->GetValue< int >( "loopcount" ) ); } } break; }
return true; }
bool ConvertDmxToScene( CDmeFilmClip *dmx, CChoreoScene *scene ) { bool bret = true;
// This should have been created correctly already
// Assert( !Q_stricmp( scene->GetFilename(), dmx->GetName() ) );
CDmElement *scaleSettings = dmx->GetValueElement< CDmElement >( "scalesettings" ); Assert( scaleSettings ); if ( scaleSettings ) { CDmAttribute *setting = scaleSettings->FirstAttribute(); for ( ; setting ; setting = setting->NextAttribute() ) { if ( setting->GetType() != AT_INT ) continue;
scene->SetTimeZoom( setting->GetName(), setting->GetValue<int>() ); } }
// Deal with the scene ramp
CDmeTrackGroup *pTrackGroup = dmx->FindTrackGroup( VCD_SCENE_RAMP_TRACK_GROUP_NAME ); if ( pTrackGroup ) { CDmeTrack *track = pTrackGroup->FindTrack( VCD_SCENE_RAMP_TRACK_GROUP_NAME ); if ( track ) { CDmeChannelsClip *pClip = CastElement< CDmeChannelsClip >( track->FindNamedClip( VCD_SCENE_RAMP_TRACK_GROUP_NAME ) ); if ( pClip ) { // scene_ramp should be the first subchannel
const CDmrElementArray<> array( pClip, "channels" ); Assert( array.IsValid() ); if ( array.IsValid() && ( array.Count() > 0 ) ) { CDmeChannel *channel = CastElement< CDmeChannel >( array[0] ); if ( channel ) { CDmeTypedLog< float > *ramp = static_cast< CDmeTypedLog< float > * >( channel->GetLog() ); if ( ramp ) { bool active[ 2 ]; float value[ 2 ]; int curveType[ 2 ];
ramp->GetEdgeInfo( 0, active[ 0 ], value[ 0 ], curveType[ 0 ] ); ramp->GetEdgeInfo( 1, active[ 1 ], value[ 1 ], curveType[ 1 ] );
scene->GetSceneRamp()->SetEdgeActive( true, active[ 0 ] ); scene->GetSceneRamp()->SetEdgeActive( false, active[ 1 ] );
scene->GetSceneRamp()->SetEdgeInfo( true, curveType[ 0 ], value[ 0 ] ); scene->GetSceneRamp()->SetEdgeInfo( false, curveType[ 1 ], value[ 1 ] );
int rampCount = ramp->GetKeyCount(); for ( int j = 0; j < rampCount; ++j ) { CExpressionSample *sample = scene->AddSceneRamp( ramp->GetKeyTime( j ).GetSeconds(), ramp->GetKeyValue( j ), false ); sample->SetCurveType( ramp->GetKeyCurveType( j ) ); } } } } } } }
// Deal with global events
pTrackGroup = dmx->FindTrackGroup( VCD_GLOBAL_EVENTS_TRACK_GROUP_NAME ); if ( pTrackGroup ) { CDmeTrack *pTrack = pTrackGroup->FindTrack( VCD_GLOBAL_EVENTS_TRACK_GROUP_NAME ); if ( pTrack ) { // Now add global events
int numEvents = pTrack->GetClipCount(); for ( int event = 0; event < numEvents; ++event ) { CDmeChannelsClip *pClip = CastElement< CDmeChannelsClip >( pTrack->GetClip( event ) ); if ( !pClip ) continue;
bool success = ConvertDmxToEvent( scene, pTrackGroup, pTrack, pClip, true ); if ( !success ) { bret = false; Assert( 0 ); break; } } } }
int nNumTrackGroups = dmx->GetTrackGroupCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nNumTrackGroups; ++i ) { CDmeTrackGroup *pTrackGroup = dmx->GetTrackGroup( i ); if ( !pTrackGroup->GetValue< bool >( "isActor" ) ) continue;
// Walk the track groups
int nNumTracks = pTrackGroup->GetTrackCount(); for ( int j = 0 ; j < nNumTracks; ++j ) { CDmeTrack *pTrack = pTrackGroup->GetTrack( j ); EnsureActorAndChannelForTrack( scene, pTrackGroup, pTrack );
int numEvents = pTrack->GetClipCount(); for ( int clip = 0; clip < numEvents; ++clip ) { CDmeChannelsClip *pClip = CastElement< CDmeChannelsClip >( pTrack->GetClip( clip ) ); if ( !pClip ) continue; bool success = ConvertDmxToEvent( scene, pTrackGroup, pTrack, pClip, false ); if ( !success ) { bret = false; Assert( 0 ); break; } } } }
scene->SetMapname( dmx->GetValueString( "associated_bsp" ) ); scene->SetSceneFPS( dmx->GetValue< float >( "fps" ) ); scene->SetUsingFrameSnap( dmx->GetValue< bool >( "snap" ) );
return bret; }