//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "commonmacros.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "bspfile.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "mathlib/bumpvects.h"
#include "disp_common.h"
#include "bitvec.h"
#define DISP_ALPHA_PROP_DELTA 382.5f
class CCoreDispInfo;
struct CoreDispBBox_t { Vector vMin, vMax; };
// Surface Class - interfacing class (fill in with MapFace, dface_t, and
// msurface_t)
class CCoreDispSurface { public:
// initialization
void Init( void );
// parent surface id - index to CMapFace, dface_t, or msurface_t
inline void SetHandle( int handle ); inline int GetHandle( void );
// vertex data - pos, normal, texture, lightmap, alpha, etc...
inline void SetPointCount( int count ); inline int GetPointCount( void ) const;
inline void SetPoint( int index, Vector const &pt ); inline void GetPoint( int index, Vector& pt ) const; inline Vector const& GetPoint( int index ) const;
inline void SetPointNormal( int index, Vector const &normal ); inline void GetPointNormal( int index, Vector &normal ); inline void SetTexCoord( int index, Vector2D const& texCoord ); inline void GetTexCoord( int index, Vector2D& texCoord ) const;
inline void SetLuxelCoord( int bumpIndex, int index, Vector2D const& luxelCoord ); inline void GetLuxelCoord( int bumpIndex, int index, Vector2D& luxelCoord ) const; inline void SetLuxelCoords( int bumpIndex, Vector2D const coords[4] ); inline void GetLuxelCoords( int bumpIndex, Vector2D coords[4] ) const;
inline void SetLuxelU( int nU ) { m_nLuxelU = nU; } inline int GetLuxelU( void ) { return m_nLuxelU; } inline void SetLuxelV( int nV ) { m_nLuxelV = nV; } inline int GetLuxelV( void ) { return m_nLuxelV; } bool CalcLuxelCoords( int nLuxels, bool bAdjust, const Vector &vecU, const Vector &vecV );
inline void SetAlpha( int index, float alpha ); inline float GetAlpha( int const index ) const;
// utils
inline void GetNormal( Vector& normal ); inline void SetFlags( int flag ); inline int GetFlags( void ); inline void SetContents( int contents ); inline int GetContents( void );
// create utils (texture axis not use anymore but here to support older maps)
inline void SetSAxis( Vector const &axis ); inline void GetSAxis( Vector &axis ); inline void SetTAxis( Vector const &axis ); inline void GetTAxis( Vector &axis );
inline void SetPointStartIndex( int index ); inline int GetPointStartIndex( void ); inline void SetPointStart( Vector const &pt ); inline void GetPointStart( Vector &pt );
// Used by the tools to set the neighbor data from the BSP file.
void SetNeighborData( const CDispNeighbor edgeNeighbors[4], const CDispCornerNeighbors cornerNeighbors[4] );
void GeneratePointStartIndexFromMappingAxes( Vector const &sAxis, Vector const &tAxis ); int GenerateSurfPointStartIndex( void ); int FindSurfPointStartIndex( void ); void AdjustSurfPointData( void ); // Indexed by CORNER_ defines.
CDispCornerNeighbors* GetCornerNeighbors( int iCorner ) { Assert( iCorner >= 0 && iCorner < ARRAYSIZE( m_CornerNeighbors ) ); return &m_CornerNeighbors[iCorner]; } const CDispCornerNeighbors* GetCornerNeighbors( int iCorner ) const { Assert( iCorner >= 0 && iCorner < ARRAYSIZE( m_CornerNeighbors ) ); return &m_CornerNeighbors[iCorner]; } // Indexed by CORNER_ defines.
int GetCornerNeighborCount( int iCorner ) const { return GetCornerNeighbors( iCorner )->m_nNeighbors; } int GetCornerNeighbor( int iCorner, int iNeighbor ) const { Assert( iNeighbor >= 0 && iNeighbor < GetCornerNeighbors(iCorner)->m_nNeighbors ); return GetCornerNeighbors( iCorner )->m_Neighbors[iNeighbor]; } CDispNeighbor* GetEdgeNeighbor( int iEdge ) { Assert( iEdge >= 0 && iEdge < ARRAYSIZE( m_EdgeNeighbors ) ); return &m_EdgeNeighbors[iEdge]; } const CDispNeighbor* GetEdgeNeighbor( int iEdge ) const { Assert( iEdge >= 0 && iEdge < ARRAYSIZE( m_EdgeNeighbors ) ); return &m_EdgeNeighbors[iEdge]; }
// Utility
bool LongestInU( const Vector &vecU, const Vector &vecV );
int m_Index; // parent face (CMapFace, dface_t, msurface_t) index "handle"
int m_PointCount; // number of points in the face (should be 4!)
Vector m_Points[QUAD_POINT_COUNT]; // points
Vector m_Normals[QUAD_POINT_COUNT]; // normals at points
Vector2D m_TexCoords[QUAD_POINT_COUNT]; // texture coordinates at points
Vector2D m_LuxelCoords[NUM_BUMP_VECTS+1][QUAD_POINT_COUNT]; // lightmap coordinates at points
float m_Alphas[QUAD_POINT_COUNT]; // alpha at points
// Luxels sizes
int m_nLuxelU; int m_nLuxelV;
// Straight from the BSP file.
CDispNeighbor m_EdgeNeighbors[4]; CDispCornerNeighbors m_CornerNeighbors[4];
int m_Flags; // surface flags - inherited from the "parent" face
int m_Contents; // contents flags - inherited from the "parent" face
Vector sAxis; // used to generate start disp orientation (old method)
Vector tAxis; // used to generate start disp orientation (old method)
int m_PointStartIndex; // index to the starting point -- for saving starting point
Vector m_PointStart; // starting point used to determine the orientation of the displacement map on the surface
inline void CCoreDispSurface::SetHandle( int handle ) { m_Index = handle; }
inline int CCoreDispSurface::GetHandle( void ) { return m_Index; }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::SetPointCount( int count ) { // quad only -- currently!
if( count != 4 ) return; m_PointCount = count; }
inline int CCoreDispSurface::GetPointCount( void ) const { return m_PointCount; }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::SetPoint( int index, Vector const &pt ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < QUAD_POINT_COUNT ); VectorCopy( pt, m_Points[index] ); }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::GetPoint( int index, Vector &pt ) const { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < QUAD_POINT_COUNT ); VectorCopy( m_Points[index], pt ); }
inline Vector const& CCoreDispSurface::GetPoint( int index ) const { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < QUAD_POINT_COUNT ); return m_Points[index]; }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::SetPointNormal( int index, Vector const &normal ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < QUAD_POINT_COUNT ); VectorCopy( normal, m_Normals[index] ); }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::GetPointNormal( int index, Vector& normal ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < QUAD_POINT_COUNT ); VectorCopy( m_Normals[index], normal ); }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::SetTexCoord( int index, Vector2D const& texCoord ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < QUAD_POINT_COUNT ); Vector2DCopy( texCoord, m_TexCoords[index] ); }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::GetTexCoord( int index, Vector2D& texCoord ) const { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < QUAD_POINT_COUNT ); Vector2DCopy( m_TexCoords[index], texCoord ); }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::SetLuxelCoord( int bumpIndex, int index, Vector2D const& luxelCoord ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < QUAD_POINT_COUNT ); Assert( bumpIndex >= 0 ); Assert( bumpIndex < NUM_BUMP_VECTS + 1 ); Vector2DCopy( luxelCoord, m_LuxelCoords[bumpIndex][index] ); }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::GetLuxelCoord( int bumpIndex, int index, Vector2D& luxelCoord ) const { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < QUAD_POINT_COUNT ); Assert( bumpIndex >= 0 ); Assert( bumpIndex < NUM_BUMP_VECTS + 1 ); Vector2DCopy( m_LuxelCoords[bumpIndex][index], luxelCoord ); }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::SetLuxelCoords( int bumpIndex, Vector2D const luxelCoords[4] ) { Assert( bumpIndex >= 0 ); Assert( bumpIndex < NUM_BUMP_VECTS + 1 ); for( int i=0; i < 4; i++ ) Vector2DCopy( luxelCoords[i], m_LuxelCoords[bumpIndex][i] ); }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::GetLuxelCoords( int bumpIndex, Vector2D luxelCoords[4] ) const { Assert( bumpIndex >= 0 ); Assert( bumpIndex < NUM_BUMP_VECTS + 1 ); for( int i=0; i < 4; i++ ) Vector2DCopy( m_LuxelCoords[bumpIndex][i], luxelCoords[i] ); }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::SetAlpha( int index, float alpha ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < QUAD_POINT_COUNT ); m_Alphas[index] = alpha; }
inline float CCoreDispSurface::GetAlpha( int const index ) const { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < QUAD_POINT_COUNT ); return m_Alphas[index]; }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::SetFlags( int flag ) { m_Flags = flag; }
inline int CCoreDispSurface::GetFlags( void ) { return m_Flags; }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::SetContents( int contents ) { m_Contents = contents; }
inline int CCoreDispSurface::GetContents( void ) { return m_Contents; }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::SetSAxis( Vector const &axis ) { VectorCopy( axis, sAxis ); }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::GetSAxis( Vector& axis ) { VectorCopy( sAxis, axis ); }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::SetTAxis( Vector const &axis ) { VectorCopy( axis, tAxis ); }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::GetTAxis( Vector& axis ) { VectorCopy( tAxis, axis ); }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::SetPointStartIndex( int index ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < QUAD_POINT_COUNT ); m_PointStartIndex = index; }
inline int CCoreDispSurface::GetPointStartIndex( void ) { return m_PointStartIndex; }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::SetPointStart( Vector const& pt ) { VectorCopy( pt, m_PointStart ); }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::GetPointStart( Vector& pt ) { VectorCopy( m_PointStart, pt ); }
inline void CCoreDispSurface::GetNormal( Vector& normal ) { //
// calculate the displacement surface normal
Vector tmp[2]; VectorSubtract( m_Points[1], m_Points[0], tmp[0] ); VectorSubtract( m_Points[3], m_Points[0], tmp[1] ); CrossProduct( tmp[1], tmp[0], normal ); VectorNormalize( normal ); }
// Node Class (for displacement quad-tree)
class CCoreDispNode { public:
// Initialization
void Init( void );
inline void SetBoundingBox( Vector const& bMin, Vector const& bMax ); inline void GetBoundingBox( Vector& bMin, Vector& bMax );
inline void SetErrorTerm( float errorTerm ); inline float GetErrorTerm( void );
inline void SetNeighborNodeIndex( int dir, int index ); inline int GetNeighborNodeIndex( int dir );
inline void SetCenterVertIndex( int index ); inline int GetCenterVertIndex( void ); inline void SetNeighborVertIndex( int dir, int index ); inline int GetNeighborVertIndex( int dir );
inline void SetTriBoundingBox( int index, Vector const& bMin, Vector const& bMax ); inline void GetTriBoundingBox( int index, Vector& bMin, Vector& bMax ); inline void SetTriPlane( int index, Vector const& normal, float dist ); inline void GetTriPlane( int index, cplane_t *plane );
inline void SetRayBoundingBox( int index, Vector const& bMin, Vector const& bMax ); inline void GetRayBoundingBox( int index, Vector& bMin, Vector& bMax );
// Node Functions (friend functions)
friend int GetNodeLevel( int index ); friend int GetNodeCount( int power ); friend int GetNodeParent( int index ); friend int GetNodeChild( int power, int index, int direction ); friend int GetNodeNeighborNode( int power, int index, int direction, int level ); friend int GetNodeNeighborNodeFromNeighborSurf( int power, int index, int direction, int level, int neighborOrient ); friend int GetNodeMinNodeAtLevel( int level );
friend void GetDispNodeTriVerts( CCoreDispInfo *pDisp, int nodeIndex, int triIndex, float *v1, float *v2, float *v3 );
friend void GetComponentsFromNodeIndex( int index, int *x, int *y ); friend int GetNodeIndexFromComponents( int x, int y );
protected: Vector m_BBox[2]; // displacement node bounding box (take into account size of children)
float m_ErrorTerm; // LOD error term (the "precision" of the representation of the surface at this node's level)
int m_VertIndex; // the node's vertex index (center vertex of node)
int m_NeighborVertIndices[MAX_NEIGHBOR_VERT_COUNT]; // all other vertex indices in node (maximally creates 8 trianglar surfaces)
Vector m_SurfBBoxes[MAX_SURF_AT_NODE_COUNT][2]; // surface bounding boxes - old method
cplane_t m_SurfPlanes[MAX_SURF_AT_NODE_COUNT]; // surface plane info - old method
Vector m_RayBBoxes[4][2]; // bounding boxes for ray traces
inline void CCoreDispNode::SetBoundingBox( Vector const& bMin, Vector const& bMax ) { VectorCopy( bMin, m_BBox[0] ); VectorCopy( bMax, m_BBox[1] ); }
inline void CCoreDispNode::GetBoundingBox( Vector& bMin, Vector& bMax ) { VectorCopy( m_BBox[0], bMin ); VectorCopy( m_BBox[1], bMax ); }
inline void CCoreDispNode::SetErrorTerm( float errorTerm ) { m_ErrorTerm = errorTerm; }
inline float CCoreDispNode::GetErrorTerm( void ) { return m_ErrorTerm; }
inline void CCoreDispNode::SetCenterVertIndex( int index ) { m_VertIndex = index; }
inline int CCoreDispNode::GetCenterVertIndex( void ) { return m_VertIndex; }
inline void CCoreDispNode::SetNeighborVertIndex( int dir, int index ) { Assert( dir >= 0 ); Assert( dir < MAX_NEIGHBOR_VERT_COUNT ); m_NeighborVertIndices[dir] = index; }
inline int CCoreDispNode::GetNeighborVertIndex( int dir ) { Assert( dir >= 0 ); Assert( dir < MAX_NEIGHBOR_VERT_COUNT ); return m_NeighborVertIndices[dir]; }
inline void CCoreDispNode::SetTriBoundingBox( int index, Vector const& bMin, Vector const& bMax ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_SURF_AT_NODE_COUNT ); VectorCopy( bMin, m_SurfBBoxes[index][0] ); VectorCopy( bMax, m_SurfBBoxes[index][1] ); }
inline void CCoreDispNode::GetTriBoundingBox( int index, Vector& bMin, Vector& bMax ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_SURF_AT_NODE_COUNT ); VectorCopy( m_SurfBBoxes[index][0], bMin ); VectorCopy( m_SurfBBoxes[index][1], bMax ); }
inline void CCoreDispNode::SetTriPlane( int index, Vector const &normal, float dist ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_SURF_AT_NODE_COUNT ); VectorCopy( normal, m_SurfPlanes[index].normal ); m_SurfPlanes[index].dist = dist; }
inline void CCoreDispNode::GetTriPlane( int index, cplane_t *plane ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_SURF_AT_NODE_COUNT ); VectorCopy( m_SurfPlanes[index].normal, plane->normal ); plane->dist = m_SurfPlanes[index].dist; }
inline void CCoreDispNode::SetRayBoundingBox( int index, Vector const &bMin, Vector const &bMax ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < 4 ); VectorCopy( bMin, m_RayBBoxes[index][0] ); VectorCopy( bMax, m_RayBBoxes[index][1] ); }
inline void CCoreDispNode::GetRayBoundingBox( int index, Vector& bMin, Vector& bMax ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < 4 ); VectorCopy( m_RayBBoxes[index][0], bMin ); VectorCopy( m_RayBBoxes[index][1], bMax ); }
// CCoreInfoBuilder - the primary data necessay to derive a displacement surface
// used by WorldCraft (CMapFace, CMapDisp), VRAD (dface_t, ddispinto_t),
// and the engine (msurface_t, CDispInfo)
struct CoreDispVert_t { Vector m_FieldVector; // displacement vector field
float m_FieldDistance; // the distances along the displacement vector normal
Vector m_SubdivNormal; Vector m_SubdivPos; // used the create curvature of displacements
// generated displacement surface data
Vector m_Vert; // displacement surface vertices
Vector m_FlatVert; Vector m_Normal; // displacement surface normals
Vector m_TangentS; // use in calculating the tangent space axes
Vector m_TangentT; // use in calculating the tangent space axes
Vector2D m_TexCoord; // displacement surface texture coordinates
Vector2D m_LuxelCoords[NUM_BUMP_VECTS+1]; // displacement surface lightmap coordinates
// additional per-vertex data
float m_Alpha; // displacement alpha values (per displacement vertex)
// New, need to use this at the node level
struct CoreDispTri_t { unsigned short m_iIndex[3]; // the three indices that make up a triangle
unsigned short m_uiTags; // walkable, buildable, etc.
class CCoreDispInfo : public CDispUtilsHelper { public:
// tree and displacement surface directions
enum { WEST = 0, NORTH = 1, EAST = 2, SOUTH = 3, SOUTHWEST = 4, SOUTHEAST = 5, NORTHWEST = 6, NORTHEAST = 7 };
#if 0
// building parameters
// surface info flags
// Convert from a CDispUtilsHelper.
public: static CCoreDispInfo* FromDispUtils( CDispUtilsHelper *p ) { return (CCoreDispInfo*)p; }
// CDispUtilsHelper implementation.
virtual CDispNeighbor* GetEdgeNeighbor( int index ); virtual CDispCornerNeighbors* GetCornerNeighbors( int index ); virtual const CPowerInfo* GetPowerInfo() const; virtual CDispUtilsHelper* GetDispUtilsByIndex( int index );
// Creation/Destruction
CCoreDispInfo(); ~CCoreDispInfo();
void InitSurf( int parentIndex, Vector points[4], Vector normals[4], Vector2D texCoords[4], Vector2D lightCoords[4][4], int contents, int flags, bool bGenerateSurfPointStart, Vector& startPoint, bool bHasMappingAxes, Vector& uAxis, Vector& vAxis );
void InitDispInfo( int power, int minTess, float smoothingAngle, float *alphas, Vector *dispVectorField, float *dispDistances );
// This just unpacks the contents of the verts into arrays and calls InitDispInfo.
void InitDispInfo( int power, int minTess, float smoothingAngle, const CDispVert *pVerts, const CDispTri *pTris ); // bool Create( int creationFlags );
bool Create( void ); bool CreateWithoutLOD( void );
// Parameter "Wrappers"
CCoreDispSurface* GetSurface() { return &m_Surf; } const CCoreDispSurface* GetSurface() const { return &m_Surf; } inline CCoreDispNode *GetNode( int index );
inline void SetPower( int power ); inline int GetPower( void ) const; inline int GetPostSpacing( void ); inline int GetWidth( void ); inline int GetHeight( void ); inline int GetSize( void ) const;
// Use this disp as a CDispUtils.
void SetDispUtilsHelperInfo( CCoreDispInfo **ppListBase, int listSize );
void SetNeighborData( const CDispNeighbor edgeNeighbors[4], const CDispCornerNeighbors cornerNeighbors[4] ) { GetSurface()->SetNeighborData( edgeNeighbors, cornerNeighbors ); }
// Get a corner point. Indexed by the CORNER_ defines.
const CVertIndex& GetCornerPointIndex( int index ) const { return GetPowerInfo()->GetCornerPointIndex( index ); } const Vector& GetCornerPoint( int index ) const { return GetVert( VertIndexToInt( GetCornerPointIndex( index ) ) ); }
inline void SetVert( int index, Vector const& vert ); inline void GetVert( int index, Vector& vert ) const; inline const Vector& GetVert( int index ) const; inline const Vector& GetVert( const CVertIndex &index ) const;
inline void GetFlatVert( int index, Vector& vert ) const; inline void SetFlatVert( int index, const Vector &vert ); inline void GetNormal( int index, Vector& normal ) const; inline const Vector& GetNormal( int index ) const; inline const Vector& GetNormal( const CVertIndex &index ) const; inline void SetNormal( int index, Vector const& normal ); inline void SetNormal( const CVertIndex &index, Vector const& normal ); inline void GetTangentS( int index, Vector& tangentS ) const; inline const Vector &GetTangentS( int index ) const; inline const Vector &GetTangentS( const CVertIndex &index ) const { return GetTangentS(VertIndexToInt(index)); } inline void GetTangentT( int index, Vector& tangentT ) const; inline void SetTangentS( int index, Vector const& vTangentS ) { m_pVerts[index].m_TangentS = vTangentS; } inline void SetTangentT( int index, Vector const& vTangentT ) { m_pVerts[index].m_TangentT = vTangentT; }
inline void SetTexCoord( int index, Vector2D const& texCoord ); inline void GetTexCoord( int index, Vector2D& texCoord ) const; inline void SetLuxelCoord( int bumpIndex, int index, Vector2D const& luxelCoord ); inline void GetLuxelCoord( int bumpIndex, int index, Vector2D& luxelCoord ) const;
inline void SetAlpha( int index, float alpha ); inline float GetAlpha( int index );
int GetTriCount( void ); void GetTriIndices( int iTri, unsigned short &v1, unsigned short &v2, unsigned short &v3 ); void SetTriIndices( int iTri, unsigned short v1, unsigned short v2, unsigned short v3 ); void GetTriPos( int iTri, Vector &v1, Vector &v2, Vector &v3 ); inline void SetTriTag( int iTri, unsigned short nTag ) { m_pTris[iTri].m_uiTags |= nTag; } inline void ResetTriTag( int iTri, unsigned short nTag ) { m_pTris[iTri].m_uiTags &= ~nTag; } inline void ToggleTriTag( int iTri, unsigned short nTag ) { m_pTris[iTri].m_uiTags ^= nTag; } inline bool IsTriTag( int iTri, unsigned short nTag ) { return ( ( m_pTris[iTri].m_uiTags & nTag ) != 0 ); } inline unsigned short GetTriTagValue( int iTri ) { return m_pTris[iTri].m_uiTags; } inline void SetTriTagValue( int iTri, unsigned short nVal ) { m_pTris[iTri].m_uiTags = nVal; }
bool IsTriWalkable( int iTri ); bool IsTriBuildable( int iTri ); bool IsTriRemove( int iTri );
inline void SetElevation( float elevation ); inline float GetElevation( void );
inline void ResetFieldVectors( void ); inline void SetFieldVector( int index, Vector const &v ); inline void GetFieldVector( int index, Vector& v ); inline void ResetFieldDistances( void ); inline void SetFieldDistance( int index, float dist ); inline float GetFieldDistance( int index );
inline void ResetSubdivPositions( void ); inline void SetSubdivPosition( int ndx, Vector const &v ); inline void GetSubdivPosition( int ndx, Vector& v );
inline void ResetSubdivNormals( void ); inline void SetSubdivNormal( int ndx, Vector const &v ); inline void GetSubdivNormal( int ndx, Vector &v );
inline void SetRenderIndexCount( int count ); inline int GetRenderIndexCount( void ); inline void SetRenderIndex( int index, int triIndex ); inline int GetRenderIndex( int index );
inline CoreDispVert_t *GetDispVert( int iVert ) { return &m_pVerts[iVert]; } inline CoreDispVert_t *GetDispVertList(); inline unsigned short *GetRenderIndexList( void );
inline void SetTouched( bool touched ); inline bool IsTouched( void );
void CalcDispSurfCoords( bool bLightMap, int lightmapID ); void GetPositionOnSurface( float u, float v, Vector &vPos, Vector *pNormal, float *pAlpha );
void DispUVToSurf( Vector2D const &dispUV, Vector &vecPoint, Vector *pNormal, float *pAlpha ); void BaseFacePlaneToDispUV( Vector const &planePt, Vector2D &dispUV ); bool SurfToBaseFacePlane( Vector const &surfPt, Vector &planePt );
const CDispCornerNeighbors* GetCornerNeighbors( int iCorner ) const { return GetSurface()->GetCornerNeighbors( iCorner ); } const CDispNeighbor* GetEdgeNeighbor( int iEdge ) const { return GetSurface()->GetEdgeNeighbor( iEdge ); }
void SetListIndex( int nIndex ) { m_nListIndex = nIndex; } int GetListIndex( void ) { return m_nListIndex; }
CBitVec<MAX_DISPVERTS>& GetAllowedVerts() { return m_AllowedVerts; } const CBitVec<MAX_DISPVERTS>& GetAllowedVerts() const { return m_AllowedVerts; } void AllowedVerts_Clear( void ) { m_AllowedVerts.SetAll(); } int AllowedVerts_GetNumDWords() const { return m_AllowedVerts.GetNumDWords(); } unsigned long AllowedVerts_GetDWord(int i) const { return m_AllowedVerts.GetDWord( i ); } void AllowedVerts_SetDWord(int i, unsigned long val) { m_AllowedVerts.SetDWord( i, val ); }
void Position_Update( int iVert, Vector vecPos );
// friend functions
friend void SmoothNeighboringDispSurfNormals( CCoreDispInfo **ppCoreDispInfoList, int listSize );
private: // be changed to match the paint normal next pass)
// LOD/collision node data
CCoreDispNode *m_Nodes; // LOD quad-tree nodes
float m_Elevation; // distance along the subdivision normal (should
// defines the size of the displacement surface
int m_Power; // "size" of the displacement map
// base surface data
CCoreDispSurface m_Surf; // surface containing displacement data
// be changed to match the paint normal next pass)
// Vertex data..
CoreDispVert_t *m_pVerts;
// Triangle data..
CoreDispTri_t *m_pTris;
// render specific data
int m_RenderIndexCount; // number of indices used in rendering
unsigned short *m_RenderIndices; // rendering index list (list of triangles)
int m_RenderCounter; // counter to verify surfaces are renderered/collided with only once per frame
// utility data
bool m_bTouched; // touched flag
CCoreDispInfo *m_pNext; // used for chaining
// The list that this disp is in (used for CDispUtils::IHelper implementation).
CCoreDispInfo **m_ppListBase; int m_ListSize;
CBitVec<MAX_DISPVERTS> m_AllowedVerts; // Built in VBSP. Defines which verts are allowed to exist based on what the neighbors are.
int m_nListIndex;
// Creation Functions
void GenerateDispSurf( void ); void GenerateDispSurfNormals( void ); void GenerateDispSurfTangentSpaces( void ); bool DoesEdgeExist( int indexRow, int indexCol, int direction, int postSpacing ); void CalcNormalFromEdges( int indexRow, int indexCol, bool bIsEdge[4], Vector& normal ); void CalcDispSurfAlphas( void ); void GenerateLODTree( void ); void CalcVertIndicesAtNodes( int nodeIndex ); int GetNodeVertIndexFromParentIndex( int level, int parentVertIndex, int direction ); void CalcNodeInfo( int nodeIndex, int terminationLevel ); void CalcNeighborVertIndicesAtNode( int nodeIndex, int level ); void CalcNeighborNodeIndicesAtNode( int nodeIndex, int level ); void CalcErrorTermAtNode( int nodeIndex, int level ); float GetMaxErrorFromChildren( int nodeIndex, int level ); void CalcBoundingBoxAtNode( int nodeIndex ); void CalcMinMaxBoundingBoxAtNode( int nodeIndex, Vector& bMin, Vector& bMax ); void CalcTriSurfInfoAtNode( int nodeIndex ); void CalcTriSurfIndices( int nodeIndex, int indices[8][3] ); void CalcTriSurfBoundingBoxes( int nodeIndex, int indices[8][3] ); void CalcRayBoundingBoxes( int nodeIndex, int indices[8][3] ); void CalcTriSurfPlanes( int nodeIndex, int indices[8][3] ); void GenerateCollisionData( void ); void GenerateCollisionSurface( void );
void CreateBoundingBoxes( CoreDispBBox_t *pBBox, int count );
void DispUVToSurf_TriTLToBR( Vector &vecPoint, Vector *pNormal, float *pAlpha, float flU, float flV, const Vector &vecIntersectPoint ); void DispUVToSurf_TriBLToTR( Vector &vecPoint, Vector *pNormal, float *pAlpha, float flU, float flV, const Vector &vecIntersectPoint ); void DispUVToSurf_TriTLToBR_1( const Vector &vecIntersectPoint, int nSnapU, int nNextU, int nSnapV, int nNextV, Vector &vecPoint, Vector *pNormal, float *pAlpha, bool bBackup ); void DispUVToSurf_TriTLToBR_2( const Vector &vecIntersectPoint, int nSnapU, int nNextU, int nSnapV, int nNextV, Vector &vecPoint, Vector *pNormal, float *pAlpha, bool bBackup ); void DispUVToSurf_TriBLToTR_1( const Vector &vecIntersectPoint, int nSnapU, int nNextU, int nSnapV, int nNextV, Vector &vecPoint, Vector *pNormal, float *pAlpha, bool bBackup ); void DispUVToSurf_TriBLToTR_2( const Vector &vecIntersectPoint, int nSnapU, int nNextU, int nSnapV, int nNextV, Vector &vecPoint, Vector *pNormal, float *pAlpha, bool bBackup );
void GetTriangleIndicesForDispBBox( int nIndex, int nTris[2][3] );
void BuildTriTLtoBR( int ndx ); void BuildTriBLtoTR( int ndx );
void InitTris( void ); void CreateTris( void ); };
inline void CCoreDispInfo::SetPower( int power ) { m_Power = power; }
inline int CCoreDispInfo::GetPower( void ) const { return m_Power; }
inline int CCoreDispInfo::GetPostSpacing( void ) { return ( ( 1 << m_Power ) + 1 ); }
inline int CCoreDispInfo::GetWidth( void ) { return ( ( 1 << m_Power ) + 1 ); }
inline int CCoreDispInfo::GetHeight( void ) { return ( ( 1 << m_Power ) + 1 ); }
inline int CCoreDispInfo::GetSize( void ) const { return ( ( ( 1 << m_Power ) + 1 ) * ( ( 1 << m_Power ) + 1 ) ); }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::SetVert( int index, Vector const &vert ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_VERT_COUNT ); VectorCopy( vert, m_pVerts[index].m_Vert ); }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::GetVert( int index, Vector& vert ) const { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_VERT_COUNT ); VectorCopy( m_pVerts[index].m_Vert, vert ); }
inline const Vector& CCoreDispInfo::GetVert( int index ) const { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_VERT_COUNT ); return m_pVerts[index].m_Vert; }
inline const Vector& CCoreDispInfo::GetVert( const CVertIndex &index ) const { return GetVert( VertIndexToInt( index ) ); }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::GetFlatVert( int index, Vector& vert ) const { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_VERT_COUNT ); VectorCopy( m_pVerts[index].m_FlatVert, vert ); }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::SetFlatVert( int index, const Vector &vert ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_VERT_COUNT ); VectorCopy( vert, m_pVerts[index].m_FlatVert ); }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::SetNormal( int index, Vector const &normal ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_VERT_COUNT ); VectorCopy( normal, m_pVerts[index].m_Normal ); }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::SetNormal( const CVertIndex &index, Vector const &normal ) { SetNormal( VertIndexToInt( index ), normal ); }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::GetNormal( int index, Vector& normal ) const { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_VERT_COUNT ); VectorCopy( m_pVerts[index].m_Normal, normal ); }
inline const Vector& CCoreDispInfo::GetNormal( int index ) const { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_VERT_COUNT ); return m_pVerts[index].m_Normal; }
inline const Vector& CCoreDispInfo::GetNormal( const CVertIndex &index ) const { return GetNormal( VertIndexToInt( index ) ); }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::GetTangentS( int index, Vector& tangentS ) const { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < GetSize() ); VectorCopy( m_pVerts[index].m_TangentS, tangentS ); }
inline const Vector &CCoreDispInfo::GetTangentS( int index ) const { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < GetSize() ); return m_pVerts[index].m_TangentS; }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::GetTangentT( int index, Vector& tangentT ) const { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < GetSize() ); VectorCopy( m_pVerts[index].m_TangentT, tangentT ); }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::SetTexCoord( int index, Vector2D const& texCoord ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < GetSize() ); Vector2DCopy( texCoord, m_pVerts[index].m_TexCoord ); }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::GetTexCoord( int index, Vector2D& texCoord ) const { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < GetSize() ); Vector2DCopy( m_pVerts[index].m_TexCoord, texCoord ); }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::SetLuxelCoord( int bumpIndex, int index, Vector2D const& luxelCoord ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < GetSize() ); Assert( bumpIndex >= 0 ); Assert( bumpIndex < NUM_BUMP_VECTS + 1 ); Vector2DCopy( luxelCoord, m_pVerts[index].m_LuxelCoords[bumpIndex] ); }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::GetLuxelCoord( int bumpIndex, int index, Vector2D& luxelCoord ) const { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_VERT_COUNT ); Assert( bumpIndex >= 0 ); Assert( bumpIndex < NUM_BUMP_VECTS + 1 ); Vector2DCopy( m_pVerts[index].m_LuxelCoords[bumpIndex], luxelCoord ); }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::SetAlpha( int index, float alpha ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_VERT_COUNT ); m_pVerts[index].m_Alpha = alpha; }
inline float CCoreDispInfo::GetAlpha( int index ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_VERT_COUNT ); return m_pVerts[index].m_Alpha; }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::SetElevation( float elevation ) { m_Elevation = elevation; }
inline float CCoreDispInfo::GetElevation( void ) { return m_Elevation; }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::ResetFieldVectors( void ) { // Vector normal;
// m_Surf.GetNormal( normal );
int size = GetSize(); for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { m_pVerts[i].m_FieldVector.Init(); // m_FieldVectors[i] = normal;
} }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::SetFieldVector( int index, Vector const &v ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_VERT_COUNT ); VectorCopy( v, m_pVerts[index].m_FieldVector ); }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::GetFieldVector( int index, Vector& v ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_VERT_COUNT ); VectorCopy( m_pVerts[index].m_FieldVector, v ); }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::ResetSubdivPositions( void ) { int size = GetSize(); for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { m_pVerts[i].m_SubdivPos.Init(); } }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::SetSubdivPosition( int ndx, Vector const &v ) { Assert( ndx >= 0 ); Assert( ndx < MAX_VERT_COUNT ); m_pVerts[ndx].m_SubdivPos = v; }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::GetSubdivPosition( int ndx, Vector& v ) { Assert( ndx >= 0 ); Assert( ndx < MAX_VERT_COUNT ); v = m_pVerts[ndx].m_SubdivPos; }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::ResetSubdivNormals( void ) { Vector normal; m_Surf.GetNormal( normal );
int size = GetSize(); for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { m_pVerts[i].m_SubdivNormal = normal; } }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::SetSubdivNormal( int ndx, Vector const &v ) { Assert( ndx >= 0 ); Assert( ndx < MAX_VERT_COUNT ); m_pVerts[ndx].m_SubdivNormal = v; }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::GetSubdivNormal( int ndx, Vector &v ) { Assert( ndx >= 0 ); Assert( ndx < MAX_VERT_COUNT ); v = m_pVerts[ndx].m_SubdivNormal; }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::ResetFieldDistances( void ) { int size = GetSize(); for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { m_pVerts[i].m_FieldDistance = 0.0f; } }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::SetFieldDistance( int index, float dist ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < GetSize() ); m_pVerts[index].m_FieldDistance = dist; }
inline float CCoreDispInfo::GetFieldDistance( int index ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < GetSize() ); return m_pVerts[index].m_FieldDistance; }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::SetRenderIndexCount( int count ) { m_RenderIndexCount = count; }
inline int CCoreDispInfo::GetRenderIndexCount( void ) { return m_RenderIndexCount; }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::SetRenderIndex( int index, int triIndex ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < ( MAX_VERT_COUNT*2*3) ); m_RenderIndices[index] = triIndex; }
inline int CCoreDispInfo::GetRenderIndex( int index ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < ( MAX_VERT_COUNT*2*3) ); return m_RenderIndices[index]; }
inline CoreDispVert_t *CCoreDispInfo::GetDispVertList() { return m_pVerts; }
inline unsigned short *CCoreDispInfo::GetRenderIndexList( void ) { return &m_RenderIndices[0]; }
inline void CCoreDispInfo::SetTouched( bool touched ) { m_bTouched = touched; }
inline bool CCoreDispInfo::IsTouched( void ) { return m_bTouched; }
inline CCoreDispNode *CCoreDispInfo::GetNode( int index ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < MAX_NODE_COUNT ); return &m_Nodes[index]; }
bool CalcBarycentricCooefs( Vector const &v0, Vector const &v1, Vector const &v2, Vector const &pt, float &c0, float &c1, float &c2 );
#endif // BUILDDISP_H