//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef VECTOR_H
#define VECTOR_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
// For vec_t, put this somewhere else?
#include "tier0/basetypes.h"
// For rand(). We really need a library!
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef _X360
// For MMX intrinsics
#include <xmmintrin.h>
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier0/threadtools.h"
#include "mathlib/vector2d.h"
#include "mathlib/math_pfns.h"
// Uncomment this to add extra Asserts to check for NANs, uninitialized vecs, etc.
// Uncomment this to make sure we don't do anything slow with our vectors
// Used to make certain code easier to read.
#define X_INDEX 0
#define Y_INDEX 1
#define Z_INDEX 2
#define CHECK_VALID( _v) Assert( (_v).IsValid() )
#ifdef GNUC
#define CHECK_VALID( _v)
#define CHECK_VALID( _v) 0
#define VecToString(v) (static_cast<const char *>(CFmtStr("(%f, %f, %f)", (v).x, (v).y, (v).z))) // ** Note: this generates a temporary, don't hold reference!
class VectorByValue;
// 3D Vector
class Vector { public: // Members
vec_t x, y, z;
// Construction/destruction:
Vector(void); Vector(vec_t X, vec_t Y, vec_t Z); explicit Vector(vec_t XYZ); ///< broadcast initialize
// Initialization
void Init(vec_t ix=0.0f, vec_t iy=0.0f, vec_t iz=0.0f); // TODO (Ilya): Should there be an init that takes a single float for consistency?
// Got any nasty NAN's?
bool IsValid() const; void Invalidate();
// array access...
vec_t operator[](int i) const; vec_t& operator[](int i);
// Base address...
vec_t* Base(); vec_t const* Base() const;
// Cast to Vector2D...
Vector2D& AsVector2D(); const Vector2D& AsVector2D() const;
// Initialization methods
void Random( vec_t minVal, vec_t maxVal ); inline void Zero(); ///< zero out a vector
// equality
bool operator==(const Vector& v) const; bool operator!=(const Vector& v) const;
// arithmetic operations
FORCEINLINE Vector& operator+=(const Vector &v); FORCEINLINE Vector& operator-=(const Vector &v); FORCEINLINE Vector& operator*=(const Vector &v); FORCEINLINE Vector& operator*=(float s); FORCEINLINE Vector& operator/=(const Vector &v); FORCEINLINE Vector& operator/=(float s); FORCEINLINE Vector& operator+=(float fl) ; ///< broadcast add
FORCEINLINE Vector& operator-=(float fl) ; ///< broadcast sub
// negate the vector components
void Negate();
// Get the vector's magnitude.
inline vec_t Length() const;
// Get the vector's magnitude squared.
FORCEINLINE vec_t LengthSqr(void) const { CHECK_VALID(*this); return (x*x + y*y + z*z); }
// return true if this vector is (0,0,0) within tolerance
bool IsZero( float tolerance = 0.01f ) const { return (x > -tolerance && x < tolerance && y > -tolerance && y < tolerance && z > -tolerance && z < tolerance); }
vec_t NormalizeInPlace(); Vector Normalized() const; bool IsLengthGreaterThan( float val ) const; bool IsLengthLessThan( float val ) const;
// check if a vector is within the box defined by two other vectors
FORCEINLINE bool WithinAABox( Vector const &boxmin, Vector const &boxmax); // Get the distance from this vector to the other one.
vec_t DistTo(const Vector &vOther) const;
// Get the distance from this vector to the other one squared.
// NJS: note, VC wasn't inlining it correctly in several deeply nested inlines due to being an 'out of line' inline.
// may be able to tidy this up after switching to VC7
FORCEINLINE vec_t DistToSqr(const Vector &vOther) const { Vector delta;
delta.x = x - vOther.x; delta.y = y - vOther.y; delta.z = z - vOther.z;
return delta.LengthSqr(); }
// Copy
void CopyToArray(float* rgfl) const;
// Multiply, add, and assign to this (ie: *this = a + b * scalar). This
// is about 12% faster than the actual vector equation (because it's done per-component
// rather than per-vector).
void MulAdd(const Vector& a, const Vector& b, float scalar);
// Dot product.
vec_t Dot(const Vector& vOther) const;
// assignment
Vector& operator=(const Vector &vOther);
// 2d
vec_t Length2D(void) const; vec_t Length2DSqr(void) const;
operator VectorByValue &() { return *((VectorByValue *)(this)); } operator const VectorByValue &() const { return *((const VectorByValue *)(this)); }
// copy constructors
// Vector(const Vector &vOther);
// arithmetic operations
Vector operator-(void) const; Vector operator+(const Vector& v) const; Vector operator-(const Vector& v) const; Vector operator*(const Vector& v) const; Vector operator/(const Vector& v) const; Vector operator*(float fl) const; Vector operator/(float fl) const; // Cross product between two vectors.
Vector Cross(const Vector &vOther) const;
// Returns a vector with the min or max in X, Y, and Z.
Vector Min(const Vector &vOther) const; Vector Max(const Vector &vOther) const;
private: // No copy constructors allowed if we're in optimal mode
Vector(const Vector& vOther); #endif
FORCEINLINE void NetworkVarConstruct( Vector &v ) { v.Zero(); }
#define USE_M64S ( ( !defined( _X360 ) ) )
// 4D Short Vector (aligned on 8-byte boundary)
class ALIGN8 ShortVector { public:
short x, y, z, w;
// Initialization
void Init(short ix = 0, short iy = 0, short iz = 0, short iw = 0 );
#ifdef USE_M64S
__m64 &AsM64() { return *(__m64*)&x; } const __m64 &AsM64() const { return *(const __m64*)&x; } #endif
// Setter
void Set( const ShortVector& vOther ); void Set( const short ix, const short iy, const short iz, const short iw );
// array access...
short operator[](int i) const; short& operator[](int i);
// Base address...
short* Base(); short const* Base() const;
// equality
bool operator==(const ShortVector& v) const; bool operator!=(const ShortVector& v) const;
// Arithmetic operations
FORCEINLINE ShortVector& operator+=(const ShortVector &v); FORCEINLINE ShortVector& operator-=(const ShortVector &v); FORCEINLINE ShortVector& operator*=(const ShortVector &v); FORCEINLINE ShortVector& operator*=(float s); FORCEINLINE ShortVector& operator/=(const ShortVector &v); FORCEINLINE ShortVector& operator/=(float s); FORCEINLINE ShortVector operator*(float fl) const;
// No copy constructors allowed if we're in optimal mode
// ShortVector(ShortVector const& vOther);
// No assignment operators either...
// ShortVector& operator=( ShortVector const& src );
// 4D Integer Vector
class IntVector4D { public:
int x, y, z, w;
// Initialization
void Init(int ix = 0, int iy = 0, int iz = 0, int iw = 0 );
#ifdef USE_M64S
__m64 &AsM64() { return *(__m64*)&x; } const __m64 &AsM64() const { return *(const __m64*)&x; } #endif
// Setter
void Set( const IntVector4D& vOther ); void Set( const int ix, const int iy, const int iz, const int iw );
// array access...
int operator[](int i) const; int& operator[](int i);
// Base address...
int* Base(); int const* Base() const;
// equality
bool operator==(const IntVector4D& v) const; bool operator!=(const IntVector4D& v) const;
// Arithmetic operations
FORCEINLINE IntVector4D& operator+=(const IntVector4D &v); FORCEINLINE IntVector4D& operator-=(const IntVector4D &v); FORCEINLINE IntVector4D& operator*=(const IntVector4D &v); FORCEINLINE IntVector4D& operator*=(float s); FORCEINLINE IntVector4D& operator/=(const IntVector4D &v); FORCEINLINE IntVector4D& operator/=(float s); FORCEINLINE IntVector4D operator*(float fl) const;
// No copy constructors allowed if we're in optimal mode
// IntVector4D(IntVector4D const& vOther);
// No assignment operators either...
// IntVector4D& operator=( IntVector4D const& src );
// Allows us to specifically pass the vector by value when we need to
class VectorByValue : public Vector { public: // Construction/destruction:
VectorByValue(void) : Vector() {} VectorByValue(vec_t X, vec_t Y, vec_t Z) : Vector( X, Y, Z ) {} VectorByValue(const VectorByValue& vOther) { *this = vOther; } };
// Utility to simplify table construction. No constructor means can use
// traditional C-style initialization
class TableVector { public: vec_t x, y, z;
operator Vector &() { return *((Vector *)(this)); } operator const Vector &() const { return *((const Vector *)(this)); }
// array access...
inline vec_t& operator[](int i) { Assert( (i >= 0) && (i < 3) ); return ((vec_t*)this)[i]; }
inline vec_t operator[](int i) const { Assert( (i >= 0) && (i < 3) ); return ((vec_t*)this)[i]; } };
// Here's where we add all those lovely SSE optimized routines
class ALIGN16 VectorAligned : public Vector { public: inline VectorAligned(void) {}; inline VectorAligned(vec_t X, vec_t Y, vec_t Z) { Init(X,Y,Z); }
private: // No copy constructors allowed if we're in optimal mode
VectorAligned(const VectorAligned& vOther); VectorAligned(const Vector &vOther);
public: explicit VectorAligned(const Vector &vOther) { Init(vOther.x, vOther.y, vOther.z); } VectorAligned& operator=(const Vector &vOther) { Init(vOther.x, vOther.y, vOther.z); return *this; } #endif
float w; // this space is used anyway
// Vector related operations
// Vector clear
FORCEINLINE void VectorClear( Vector& a );
// Copy
FORCEINLINE void VectorCopy( const Vector& src, Vector& dst );
// Vector arithmetic
FORCEINLINE void VectorAdd( const Vector& a, const Vector& b, Vector& result ); FORCEINLINE void VectorSubtract( const Vector& a, const Vector& b, Vector& result ); FORCEINLINE void VectorMultiply( const Vector& a, vec_t b, Vector& result ); FORCEINLINE void VectorMultiply( const Vector& a, const Vector& b, Vector& result ); FORCEINLINE void VectorDivide( const Vector& a, vec_t b, Vector& result ); FORCEINLINE void VectorDivide( const Vector& a, const Vector& b, Vector& result ); inline void VectorScale ( const Vector& in, vec_t scale, Vector& result ); // Don't mark this as inline in its function declaration. That's only necessary on its
// definition, and 'inline' here leads to gcc warnings.
void VectorMA( const Vector& start, float scale, const Vector& direction, Vector& dest );
// Vector equality with tolerance
bool VectorsAreEqual( const Vector& src1, const Vector& src2, float tolerance = 0.0f );
#define VectorExpand(v) (v).x, (v).y, (v).z
// Normalization
// FIXME: Can't use quite yet
//vec_t VectorNormalize( Vector& v );
// Length
inline vec_t VectorLength( const Vector& v );
// Dot Product
FORCEINLINE vec_t DotProduct(const Vector& a, const Vector& b);
// Cross product
void CrossProduct(const Vector& a, const Vector& b, Vector& result );
// Store the min or max of each of x, y, and z into the result.
void VectorMin( const Vector &a, const Vector &b, Vector &result ); void VectorMax( const Vector &a, const Vector &b, Vector &result );
// Linearly interpolate between two vectors
void VectorLerp(const Vector& src1, const Vector& src2, vec_t t, Vector& dest ); Vector VectorLerp(const Vector& src1, const Vector& src2, vec_t t );
FORCEINLINE Vector ReplicateToVector( float x ) { return Vector( x, x, x ); }
// check if a point is in the field of a view of an object. supports up to 180 degree fov.
FORCEINLINE bool PointWithinViewAngle( Vector const &vecSrcPosition, Vector const &vecTargetPosition, Vector const &vecLookDirection, float flCosHalfFOV ) { Vector vecDelta = vecTargetPosition - vecSrcPosition; float cosDiff = DotProduct( vecLookDirection, vecDelta );
if ( cosDiff < 0 ) return false;
float flLen2 = vecDelta.LengthSqr();
// a/sqrt(b) > c == a^2 > b * c ^2
return ( cosDiff * cosDiff > flLen2 * flCosHalfFOV * flCosHalfFOV ); }
// Cross product
Vector CrossProduct( const Vector& a, const Vector& b );
// Random vector creation
Vector RandomVector( vec_t minVal, vec_t maxVal );
float RandomVectorInUnitSphere( Vector *pVector ); float RandomVectorInUnitCircle( Vector2D *pVector );
// Inlined Vector methods
// constructors
inline Vector::Vector(void) { #ifdef _DEBUG
// Initialize to NAN to catch errors
x = y = z = VEC_T_NAN; #endif
inline Vector::Vector(vec_t X, vec_t Y, vec_t Z) { x = X; y = Y; z = Z; CHECK_VALID(*this); }
inline Vector::Vector(vec_t XYZ) { x = y = z = XYZ; CHECK_VALID(*this); }
//inline Vector::Vector(const float *pFloat)
// Assert( pFloat );
// x = pFloat[0]; y = pFloat[1]; z = pFloat[2];
// CHECK_VALID(*this);
#if 0
// copy constructor
inline Vector::Vector(const Vector &vOther) { CHECK_VALID(vOther); x = vOther.x; y = vOther.y; z = vOther.z; } #endif
// initialization
inline void Vector::Init( vec_t ix, vec_t iy, vec_t iz ) { x = ix; y = iy; z = iz; CHECK_VALID(*this); }
inline void Vector::Random( vec_t minVal, vec_t maxVal ) { x = minVal + ((float)rand() / VALVE_RAND_MAX) * (maxVal - minVal); y = minVal + ((float)rand() / VALVE_RAND_MAX) * (maxVal - minVal); z = minVal + ((float)rand() / VALVE_RAND_MAX) * (maxVal - minVal); CHECK_VALID(*this); }
// This should really be a single opcode on the PowerPC (move r0 onto the vec reg)
inline void Vector::Zero() { x = y = z = 0.0f; }
inline void VectorClear( Vector& a ) { a.x = a.y = a.z = 0.0f; }
// assignment
inline Vector& Vector::operator=(const Vector &vOther) { CHECK_VALID(vOther); x=vOther.x; y=vOther.y; z=vOther.z; return *this; }
// Array access
inline vec_t& Vector::operator[](int i) { Assert( (i >= 0) && (i < 3) ); return ((vec_t*)this)[i]; }
inline vec_t Vector::operator[](int i) const { Assert( (i >= 0) && (i < 3) ); return ((vec_t*)this)[i]; }
// Base address...
inline vec_t* Vector::Base() { return (vec_t*)this; }
inline vec_t const* Vector::Base() const { return (vec_t const*)this; }
// Cast to Vector2D...
inline Vector2D& Vector::AsVector2D() { return *(Vector2D*)this; }
inline const Vector2D& Vector::AsVector2D() const { return *(const Vector2D*)this; }
// IsValid?
inline bool Vector::IsValid() const { return IsFinite(x) && IsFinite(y) && IsFinite(z); }
// Invalidate
inline void Vector::Invalidate() { //#ifdef _DEBUG
x = y = z = VEC_T_NAN; //#endif
// comparison
inline bool Vector::operator==( const Vector& src ) const { CHECK_VALID(src); CHECK_VALID(*this); return (src.x == x) && (src.y == y) && (src.z == z); }
inline bool Vector::operator!=( const Vector& src ) const { CHECK_VALID(src); CHECK_VALID(*this); return (src.x != x) || (src.y != y) || (src.z != z); }
// Copy
FORCEINLINE void VectorCopy( const Vector& src, Vector& dst ) { CHECK_VALID(src); dst.x = src.x; dst.y = src.y; dst.z = src.z; }
inline void Vector::CopyToArray(float* rgfl) const { Assert( rgfl ); CHECK_VALID(*this); rgfl[0] = x, rgfl[1] = y, rgfl[2] = z; }
// standard math operations
// #pragma message("TODO: these should be SSE")
inline void Vector::Negate() { CHECK_VALID(*this); x = -x; y = -y; z = -z; }
FORCEINLINE Vector& Vector::operator+=(const Vector& v) { CHECK_VALID(*this); CHECK_VALID(v); x+=v.x; y+=v.y; z += v.z; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE Vector& Vector::operator-=(const Vector& v) { CHECK_VALID(*this); CHECK_VALID(v); x-=v.x; y-=v.y; z -= v.z; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE Vector& Vector::operator*=(float fl) { x *= fl; y *= fl; z *= fl; CHECK_VALID(*this); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE Vector& Vector::operator*=(const Vector& v) { CHECK_VALID(v); x *= v.x; y *= v.y; z *= v.z; CHECK_VALID(*this); return *this; }
// this ought to be an opcode.
FORCEINLINE Vector& Vector::operator+=(float fl) { x += fl; y += fl; z += fl; CHECK_VALID(*this); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE Vector& Vector::operator-=(float fl) { x -= fl; y -= fl; z -= fl; CHECK_VALID(*this); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE Vector& Vector::operator/=(float fl) { Assert( fl != 0.0f ); float oofl = 1.0f / fl; x *= oofl; y *= oofl; z *= oofl; CHECK_VALID(*this); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE Vector& Vector::operator/=(const Vector& v) { CHECK_VALID(v); Assert( v.x != 0.0f && v.y != 0.0f && v.z != 0.0f ); x /= v.x; y /= v.y; z /= v.z; CHECK_VALID(*this); return *this; }
// Inlined Short Vector methods
inline void ShortVector::Init( short ix, short iy, short iz, short iw ) { x = ix; y = iy; z = iz; w = iw; }
FORCEINLINE void ShortVector::Set( const ShortVector& vOther ) { x = vOther.x; y = vOther.y; z = vOther.z; w = vOther.w; }
FORCEINLINE void ShortVector::Set( const short ix, const short iy, const short iz, const short iw ) { x = ix; y = iy; z = iz; w = iw; }
// Array access
inline short ShortVector::operator[](int i) const { Assert( (i >= 0) && (i < 4) ); return ((short*)this)[i]; }
inline short& ShortVector::operator[](int i) { Assert( (i >= 0) && (i < 4) ); return ((short*)this)[i]; }
// Base address...
inline short* ShortVector::Base() { return (short*)this; }
inline short const* ShortVector::Base() const { return (short const*)this; }
// comparison
inline bool ShortVector::operator==( const ShortVector& src ) const { return (src.x == x) && (src.y == y) && (src.z == z) && (src.w == w); }
inline bool ShortVector::operator!=( const ShortVector& src ) const { return (src.x != x) || (src.y != y) || (src.z != z) || (src.w != w); }
// standard math operations
FORCEINLINE ShortVector& ShortVector::operator+=(const ShortVector& v) { x+=v.x; y+=v.y; z += v.z; w += v.w; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE ShortVector& ShortVector::operator-=(const ShortVector& v) { x-=v.x; y-=v.y; z -= v.z; w -= v.w; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE ShortVector& ShortVector::operator*=(float fl) { x *= fl; y *= fl; z *= fl; w *= fl; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE ShortVector& ShortVector::operator*=(const ShortVector& v) { x *= v.x; y *= v.y; z *= v.z; w *= v.w; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE ShortVector& ShortVector::operator/=(float fl) { Assert( fl != 0.0f ); float oofl = 1.0f / fl; x *= oofl; y *= oofl; z *= oofl; w *= oofl; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE ShortVector& ShortVector::operator/=(const ShortVector& v) { Assert( v.x != 0 && v.y != 0 && v.z != 0 && v.w != 0 ); x /= v.x; y /= v.y; z /= v.z; w /= v.w; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE void ShortVectorMultiply( const ShortVector& src, float fl, ShortVector& res ) { Assert( IsFinite(fl) ); res.x = src.x * fl; res.y = src.y * fl; res.z = src.z * fl; res.w = src.w * fl; }
FORCEINLINE ShortVector ShortVector::operator*(float fl) const { ShortVector res; ShortVectorMultiply( *this, fl, res ); return res; }
// Inlined Integer Vector methods
inline void IntVector4D::Init( int ix, int iy, int iz, int iw ) { x = ix; y = iy; z = iz; w = iw; }
FORCEINLINE void IntVector4D::Set( const IntVector4D& vOther ) { x = vOther.x; y = vOther.y; z = vOther.z; w = vOther.w; }
FORCEINLINE void IntVector4D::Set( const int ix, const int iy, const int iz, const int iw ) { x = ix; y = iy; z = iz; w = iw; }
// Array access
inline int IntVector4D::operator[](int i) const { Assert( (i >= 0) && (i < 4) ); return ((int*)this)[i]; }
inline int& IntVector4D::operator[](int i) { Assert( (i >= 0) && (i < 4) ); return ((int*)this)[i]; }
// Base address...
inline int* IntVector4D::Base() { return (int*)this; }
inline int const* IntVector4D::Base() const { return (int const*)this; }
// comparison
inline bool IntVector4D::operator==( const IntVector4D& src ) const { return (src.x == x) && (src.y == y) && (src.z == z) && (src.w == w); }
inline bool IntVector4D::operator!=( const IntVector4D& src ) const { return (src.x != x) || (src.y != y) || (src.z != z) || (src.w != w); }
// standard math operations
FORCEINLINE IntVector4D& IntVector4D::operator+=(const IntVector4D& v) { x+=v.x; y+=v.y; z += v.z; w += v.w; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE IntVector4D& IntVector4D::operator-=(const IntVector4D& v) { x-=v.x; y-=v.y; z -= v.z; w -= v.w; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE IntVector4D& IntVector4D::operator*=(float fl) { x *= fl; y *= fl; z *= fl; w *= fl; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE IntVector4D& IntVector4D::operator*=(const IntVector4D& v) { x *= v.x; y *= v.y; z *= v.z; w *= v.w; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE IntVector4D& IntVector4D::operator/=(float fl) { Assert( fl != 0.0f ); float oofl = 1.0f / fl; x *= oofl; y *= oofl; z *= oofl; w *= oofl; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE IntVector4D& IntVector4D::operator/=(const IntVector4D& v) { Assert( v.x != 0 && v.y != 0 && v.z != 0 && v.w != 0 ); x /= v.x; y /= v.y; z /= v.z; w /= v.w; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE void IntVector4DMultiply( const IntVector4D& src, float fl, IntVector4D& res ) { Assert( IsFinite(fl) ); res.x = src.x * fl; res.y = src.y * fl; res.z = src.z * fl; res.w = src.w * fl; }
FORCEINLINE IntVector4D IntVector4D::operator*(float fl) const { IntVector4D res; IntVector4DMultiply( *this, fl, res ); return res; }
// =======================
FORCEINLINE void VectorAdd( const Vector& a, const Vector& b, Vector& c ) { CHECK_VALID(a); CHECK_VALID(b); c.x = a.x + b.x; c.y = a.y + b.y; c.z = a.z + b.z; }
FORCEINLINE void VectorSubtract( const Vector& a, const Vector& b, Vector& c ) { CHECK_VALID(a); CHECK_VALID(b); c.x = a.x - b.x; c.y = a.y - b.y; c.z = a.z - b.z; }
FORCEINLINE void VectorMultiply( const Vector& a, vec_t b, Vector& c ) { CHECK_VALID(a); Assert( IsFinite(b) ); c.x = a.x * b; c.y = a.y * b; c.z = a.z * b; }
FORCEINLINE void VectorMultiply( const Vector& a, const Vector& b, Vector& c ) { CHECK_VALID(a); CHECK_VALID(b); c.x = a.x * b.x; c.y = a.y * b.y; c.z = a.z * b.z; }
// for backwards compatability
inline void VectorScale ( const Vector& in, vec_t scale, Vector& result ) { VectorMultiply( in, scale, result ); }
FORCEINLINE void VectorDivide( const Vector& a, vec_t b, Vector& c ) { CHECK_VALID(a); Assert( b != 0.0f ); vec_t oob = 1.0f / b; c.x = a.x * oob; c.y = a.y * oob; c.z = a.z * oob; }
FORCEINLINE void VectorDivide( const Vector& a, const Vector& b, Vector& c ) { CHECK_VALID(a); CHECK_VALID(b); Assert( (b.x != 0.0f) && (b.y != 0.0f) && (b.z != 0.0f) ); c.x = a.x / b.x; c.y = a.y / b.y; c.z = a.z / b.z; }
// FIXME: Remove
// For backwards compatability
inline void Vector::MulAdd(const Vector& a, const Vector& b, float scalar) { CHECK_VALID(a); CHECK_VALID(b); x = a.x + b.x * scalar; y = a.y + b.y * scalar; z = a.z + b.z * scalar; }
inline void VectorLerp(const Vector& src1, const Vector& src2, vec_t t, Vector& dest ) { CHECK_VALID(src1); CHECK_VALID(src2); dest.x = src1.x + (src2.x - src1.x) * t; dest.y = src1.y + (src2.y - src1.y) * t; dest.z = src1.z + (src2.z - src1.z) * t; }
inline Vector VectorLerp(const Vector& src1, const Vector& src2, vec_t t ) { Vector result; VectorLerp( src1, src2, t, result ); return result; }
// Temporary storage for vector results so const Vector& results can be returned
inline Vector &AllocTempVector() { static Vector s_vecTemp[128]; static CInterlockedInt s_nIndex;
int nIndex; for (;;) { int nOldIndex = s_nIndex; nIndex = ( (nOldIndex + 0x10001) & 0x7F );
if ( s_nIndex.AssignIf( nOldIndex, nIndex ) ) { break; } ThreadPause(); } return s_vecTemp[nIndex]; }
// dot, cross
FORCEINLINE vec_t DotProduct(const Vector& a, const Vector& b) { CHECK_VALID(a); CHECK_VALID(b); return( a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y + a.z*b.z ); }
// for backwards compatability
inline vec_t Vector::Dot( const Vector& vOther ) const { CHECK_VALID(vOther); return DotProduct( *this, vOther ); }
inline void CrossProduct(const Vector& a, const Vector& b, Vector& result ) { CHECK_VALID(a); CHECK_VALID(b); Assert( &a != &result ); Assert( &b != &result ); result.x = a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y; result.y = a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z; result.z = a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x; }
inline vec_t DotProductAbs( const Vector &v0, const Vector &v1 ) { CHECK_VALID(v0); CHECK_VALID(v1); return FloatMakePositive(v0.x*v1.x) + FloatMakePositive(v0.y*v1.y) + FloatMakePositive(v0.z*v1.z); }
inline vec_t DotProductAbs( const Vector &v0, const float *v1 ) { return FloatMakePositive(v0.x * v1[0]) + FloatMakePositive(v0.y * v1[1]) + FloatMakePositive(v0.z * v1[2]); }
// length
inline vec_t VectorLength( const Vector& v ) { CHECK_VALID(v); return (vec_t)FastSqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z); }
inline vec_t Vector::Length(void) const { CHECK_VALID(*this); return VectorLength( *this ); }
// Normalization
// FIXME: Can't use until we're un-macroed in mathlib.h
inline vec_t VectorNormalize( Vector& v ) { Assert( v.IsValid() ); vec_t l = v.Length(); if (l != 0.0f) { v /= l; } else { // FIXME:
// Just copying the existing implemenation; shouldn't res.z == 0?
v.x = v.y = 0.0f; v.z = 1.0f; } return l; } */
// check a point against a box
bool Vector::WithinAABox( Vector const &boxmin, Vector const &boxmax) { return ( ( x >= boxmin.x ) && ( x <= boxmax.x) && ( y >= boxmin.y ) && ( y <= boxmax.y) && ( z >= boxmin.z ) && ( z <= boxmax.z) ); }
// Get the distance from this vector to the other one
inline vec_t Vector::DistTo(const Vector &vOther) const { Vector delta; VectorSubtract( *this, vOther, delta ); return delta.Length(); }
// Vector equality with tolerance
inline bool VectorsAreEqual( const Vector& src1, const Vector& src2, float tolerance ) { if (FloatMakePositive(src1.x - src2.x) > tolerance) return false; if (FloatMakePositive(src1.y - src2.y) > tolerance) return false; return (FloatMakePositive(src1.z - src2.z) <= tolerance); }
// Computes the closest point to vecTarget no farther than flMaxDist from vecStart
inline void ComputeClosestPoint( const Vector& vecStart, float flMaxDist, const Vector& vecTarget, Vector *pResult ) { Vector vecDelta; VectorSubtract( vecTarget, vecStart, vecDelta ); float flDistSqr = vecDelta.LengthSqr(); if ( flDistSqr <= flMaxDist * flMaxDist ) { *pResult = vecTarget; } else { vecDelta /= FastSqrt( flDistSqr ); VectorMA( vecStart, flMaxDist, vecDelta, *pResult ); } }
// Takes the absolute value of a vector
inline void VectorAbs( const Vector& src, Vector& dst ) { dst.x = FloatMakePositive(src.x); dst.y = FloatMakePositive(src.y); dst.z = FloatMakePositive(src.z); }
// Slow methods
// Returns a vector with the min or max in X, Y, and Z.
inline Vector Vector::Min(const Vector &vOther) const { return Vector(x < vOther.x ? x : vOther.x, y < vOther.y ? y : vOther.y, z < vOther.z ? z : vOther.z); }
inline Vector Vector::Max(const Vector &vOther) const { return Vector(x > vOther.x ? x : vOther.x, y > vOther.y ? y : vOther.y, z > vOther.z ? z : vOther.z); }
// arithmetic operations
inline Vector Vector::operator-(void) const { return Vector(-x,-y,-z); }
inline Vector Vector::operator+(const Vector& v) const { Vector res; VectorAdd( *this, v, res ); return res; }
inline Vector Vector::operator-(const Vector& v) const { Vector res; VectorSubtract( *this, v, res ); return res; }
inline Vector Vector::operator*(float fl) const { Vector res; VectorMultiply( *this, fl, res ); return res; }
inline Vector Vector::operator*(const Vector& v) const { Vector res; VectorMultiply( *this, v, res ); return res; }
inline Vector Vector::operator/(float fl) const { Vector res; VectorDivide( *this, fl, res ); return res; }
inline Vector Vector::operator/(const Vector& v) const { Vector res; VectorDivide( *this, v, res ); return res; }
inline Vector operator*(float fl, const Vector& v) { return v * fl; }
// cross product
inline Vector Vector::Cross(const Vector& vOther) const { Vector res; CrossProduct( *this, vOther, res ); return res; }
// 2D
inline vec_t Vector::Length2D(void) const { return (vec_t)FastSqrt(x*x + y*y); }
inline vec_t Vector::Length2DSqr(void) const { return (x*x + y*y); }
inline Vector CrossProduct(const Vector& a, const Vector& b) { return Vector( a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y, a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z, a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x ); }
inline void VectorMin( const Vector &a, const Vector &b, Vector &result ) { result.x = fpmin(a.x, b.x); result.y = fpmin(a.y, b.y); result.z = fpmin(a.z, b.z); }
inline void VectorMax( const Vector &a, const Vector &b, Vector &result ) { result.x = fpmax(a.x, b.x); result.y = fpmax(a.y, b.y); result.z = fpmax(a.z, b.z); }
inline float ComputeVolume( const Vector &vecMins, const Vector &vecMaxs ) { Vector vecDelta; VectorSubtract( vecMaxs, vecMins, vecDelta ); return DotProduct( vecDelta, vecDelta ); }
// Get a random vector.
inline Vector RandomVector( float minVal, float maxVal ) { Vector vRandom; vRandom.Random( minVal, maxVal ); return vRandom; }
#endif //slow
// Helper debugging stuff....
inline bool operator==( float const* f, const Vector& v ) { // AIIIEEEE!!!!
Assert(0); return false; }
inline bool operator==( const Vector& v, float const* f ) { // AIIIEEEE!!!!
Assert(0); return false; }
inline bool operator!=( float const* f, const Vector& v ) { // AIIIEEEE!!!!
Assert(0); return false; }
inline bool operator!=( const Vector& v, float const* f ) { // AIIIEEEE!!!!
Assert(0); return false; }
// AngularImpulse
// AngularImpulse are exponetial maps (an axis scaled by a "twist" angle in degrees)
typedef Vector AngularImpulse;
inline AngularImpulse RandomAngularImpulse( float minVal, float maxVal ) { AngularImpulse angImp; angImp.Random( minVal, maxVal ); return angImp; }
// Quaternion
class RadianEuler;
class Quaternion // same data-layout as engine's vec4_t,
{ // which is a vec_t[4]
public: inline Quaternion(void) { // Initialize to NAN to catch errors
#ifdef _DEBUG
x = y = z = w = VEC_T_NAN; #endif
} inline Quaternion(vec_t ix, vec_t iy, vec_t iz, vec_t iw) : x(ix), y(iy), z(iz), w(iw) { } inline Quaternion(RadianEuler const &angle); // evil auto type promotion!!!
inline void Init(vec_t ix=0.0f, vec_t iy=0.0f, vec_t iz=0.0f, vec_t iw=0.0f) { x = ix; y = iy; z = iz; w = iw; }
bool IsValid() const; void Invalidate();
bool operator==( const Quaternion &src ) const; bool operator!=( const Quaternion &src ) const;
vec_t* Base() { return (vec_t*)this; } const vec_t* Base() const { return (vec_t*)this; }
// array access...
vec_t operator[](int i) const; vec_t& operator[](int i);
vec_t x, y, z, w; };
// Array access
inline vec_t& Quaternion::operator[](int i) { Assert( (i >= 0) && (i < 4) ); return ((vec_t*)this)[i]; }
inline vec_t Quaternion::operator[](int i) const { Assert( (i >= 0) && (i < 4) ); return ((vec_t*)this)[i]; }
// Equality test
inline bool Quaternion::operator==( const Quaternion &src ) const { return ( x == src.x ) && ( y == src.y ) && ( z == src.z ) && ( w == src.w ); }
inline bool Quaternion::operator!=( const Quaternion &src ) const { return !operator==( src ); }
// Quaternion equality with tolerance
inline bool QuaternionsAreEqual( const Quaternion& src1, const Quaternion& src2, float tolerance ) { if (FloatMakePositive(src1.x - src2.x) > tolerance) return false; if (FloatMakePositive(src1.y - src2.y) > tolerance) return false; if (FloatMakePositive(src1.z - src2.z) > tolerance) return false; return (FloatMakePositive(src1.w - src2.w) <= tolerance); }
// Here's where we add all those lovely SSE optimized routines
class ALIGN16 QuaternionAligned : public Quaternion { public: inline QuaternionAligned(void) {}; inline QuaternionAligned(vec_t X, vec_t Y, vec_t Z, vec_t W) { Init(X,Y,Z,W); }
private: // No copy constructors allowed if we're in optimal mode
QuaternionAligned(const QuaternionAligned& vOther); QuaternionAligned(const Quaternion &vOther);
public: explicit QuaternionAligned(const Quaternion &vOther) { Init(vOther.x, vOther.y, vOther.z, vOther.w); }
QuaternionAligned& operator=(const Quaternion &vOther) { Init(vOther.x, vOther.y, vOther.z, vOther.w); return *this; }
// Radian Euler angle aligned to axis (NOT ROLL/PITCH/YAW)
class QAngle; class RadianEuler { public: inline RadianEuler(void) { } inline RadianEuler(vec_t X, vec_t Y, vec_t Z) { x = X; y = Y; z = Z; } inline RadianEuler(Quaternion const &q); // evil auto type promotion!!!
inline RadianEuler(QAngle const &angles); // evil auto type promotion!!!
// Initialization
inline void Init(vec_t ix=0.0f, vec_t iy=0.0f, vec_t iz=0.0f) { x = ix; y = iy; z = iz; }
// conversion to qangle
QAngle ToQAngle( void ) const; bool IsValid() const; void Invalidate();
// array access...
vec_t operator[](int i) const; vec_t& operator[](int i);
vec_t x, y, z; };
extern void AngleQuaternion( RadianEuler const &angles, Quaternion &qt ); extern void QuaternionAngles( Quaternion const &q, RadianEuler &angles );
FORCEINLINE void NetworkVarConstruct( Quaternion &q ) { q.x = q.y = q.z = q.w = 0.0f; }
inline Quaternion::Quaternion(RadianEuler const &angle) { AngleQuaternion( angle, *this ); }
inline bool Quaternion::IsValid() const { return IsFinite(x) && IsFinite(y) && IsFinite(z) && IsFinite(w); }
inline void Quaternion::Invalidate() { //#ifdef _DEBUG
x = y = z = w = VEC_T_NAN; //#endif
inline RadianEuler::RadianEuler(Quaternion const &q) { QuaternionAngles( q, *this ); }
inline void VectorCopy( RadianEuler const& src, RadianEuler &dst ) { CHECK_VALID(src); dst.x = src.x; dst.y = src.y; dst.z = src.z; }
inline void VectorScale( RadianEuler const& src, float b, RadianEuler &dst ) { CHECK_VALID(src); Assert( IsFinite(b) ); dst.x = src.x * b; dst.y = src.y * b; dst.z = src.z * b; }
inline bool RadianEuler::IsValid() const { return IsFinite(x) && IsFinite(y) && IsFinite(z); }
inline void RadianEuler::Invalidate() { //#ifdef _DEBUG
x = y = z = VEC_T_NAN; //#endif
// Array access
inline vec_t& RadianEuler::operator[](int i) { Assert( (i >= 0) && (i < 3) ); return ((vec_t*)this)[i]; }
inline vec_t RadianEuler::operator[](int i) const { Assert( (i >= 0) && (i < 3) ); return ((vec_t*)this)[i]; }
// Degree Euler QAngle pitch, yaw, roll
class QAngleByValue;
class QAngle { public: // Members
vec_t x, y, z;
// Construction/destruction
QAngle(void); QAngle(vec_t X, vec_t Y, vec_t Z); // QAngle(RadianEuler const &angles); // evil auto type promotion!!!
// Allow pass-by-value
operator QAngleByValue &() { return *((QAngleByValue *)(this)); } operator const QAngleByValue &() const { return *((const QAngleByValue *)(this)); }
// Initialization
void Init(vec_t ix=0.0f, vec_t iy=0.0f, vec_t iz=0.0f); void Random( vec_t minVal, vec_t maxVal );
// Got any nasty NAN's?
bool IsValid() const; void Invalidate();
// array access...
vec_t operator[](int i) const; vec_t& operator[](int i);
// Base address...
vec_t* Base(); vec_t const* Base() const; // equality
bool operator==(const QAngle& v) const; bool operator!=(const QAngle& v) const;
// arithmetic operations
QAngle& operator+=(const QAngle &v); QAngle& operator-=(const QAngle &v); QAngle& operator*=(float s); QAngle& operator/=(float s);
// Get the vector's magnitude.
vec_t Length() const; vec_t LengthSqr() const;
// negate the QAngle components
//void Negate();
// No assignment operators either...
QAngle& operator=( const QAngle& src );
// copy constructors
// arithmetic operations
QAngle operator-(void) const; QAngle operator+(const QAngle& v) const; QAngle operator-(const QAngle& v) const; QAngle operator*(float fl) const; QAngle operator/(float fl) const; #else
private: // No copy constructors allowed if we're in optimal mode
QAngle(const QAngle& vOther);
FORCEINLINE void NetworkVarConstruct( QAngle &q ) { q.x = q.y = q.z = 0.0f; }
// Allows us to specifically pass the vector by value when we need to
class QAngleByValue : public QAngle { public: // Construction/destruction:
QAngleByValue(void) : QAngle() {} QAngleByValue(vec_t X, vec_t Y, vec_t Z) : QAngle( X, Y, Z ) {} QAngleByValue(const QAngleByValue& vOther) { *this = vOther; } };
inline void VectorAdd( const QAngle& a, const QAngle& b, QAngle& result ) { CHECK_VALID(a); CHECK_VALID(b); result.x = a.x + b.x; result.y = a.y + b.y; result.z = a.z + b.z; }
inline void VectorMA( const QAngle &start, float scale, const QAngle &direction, QAngle &dest ) { CHECK_VALID(start); CHECK_VALID(direction); dest.x = start.x + scale * direction.x; dest.y = start.y + scale * direction.y; dest.z = start.z + scale * direction.z; }
// constructors
inline QAngle::QAngle(void) { #ifdef _DEBUG
// Initialize to NAN to catch errors
x = y = z = VEC_T_NAN; #endif
inline QAngle::QAngle(vec_t X, vec_t Y, vec_t Z) { x = X; y = Y; z = Z; CHECK_VALID(*this); }
// initialization
inline void QAngle::Init( vec_t ix, vec_t iy, vec_t iz ) { x = ix; y = iy; z = iz; CHECK_VALID(*this); }
inline void QAngle::Random( vec_t minVal, vec_t maxVal ) { x = minVal + ((float)rand() / VALVE_RAND_MAX) * (maxVal - minVal); y = minVal + ((float)rand() / VALVE_RAND_MAX) * (maxVal - minVal); z = minVal + ((float)rand() / VALVE_RAND_MAX) * (maxVal - minVal); CHECK_VALID(*this); }
inline QAngle RandomAngle( float minVal, float maxVal ) { Vector vRandom; vRandom.Random( minVal, maxVal ); QAngle ret( vRandom.x, vRandom.y, vRandom.z ); return ret; }
inline RadianEuler::RadianEuler(QAngle const &angles) { Init( angles.z * 3.14159265358979323846f / 180.f, angles.x * 3.14159265358979323846f / 180.f, angles.y * 3.14159265358979323846f / 180.f ); }
inline QAngle RadianEuler::ToQAngle( void) const { return QAngle( y * 180.f / 3.14159265358979323846f, z * 180.f / 3.14159265358979323846f, x * 180.f / 3.14159265358979323846f ); }
// assignment
inline QAngle& QAngle::operator=(const QAngle &vOther) { CHECK_VALID(vOther); x=vOther.x; y=vOther.y; z=vOther.z; return *this; }
// Array access
inline vec_t& QAngle::operator[](int i) { Assert( (i >= 0) && (i < 3) ); return ((vec_t*)this)[i]; }
inline vec_t QAngle::operator[](int i) const { Assert( (i >= 0) && (i < 3) ); return ((vec_t*)this)[i]; }
// Base address...
inline vec_t* QAngle::Base() { return (vec_t*)this; }
inline vec_t const* QAngle::Base() const { return (vec_t const*)this; }
// IsValid?
inline bool QAngle::IsValid() const { return IsFinite(x) && IsFinite(y) && IsFinite(z); }
// Invalidate
inline void QAngle::Invalidate() { //#ifdef _DEBUG
x = y = z = VEC_T_NAN; //#endif
// comparison
inline bool QAngle::operator==( const QAngle& src ) const { CHECK_VALID(src); CHECK_VALID(*this); return (src.x == x) && (src.y == y) && (src.z == z); }
inline bool QAngle::operator!=( const QAngle& src ) const { CHECK_VALID(src); CHECK_VALID(*this); return (src.x != x) || (src.y != y) || (src.z != z); }
// Copy
inline void VectorCopy( const QAngle& src, QAngle& dst ) { CHECK_VALID(src); dst.x = src.x; dst.y = src.y; dst.z = src.z; }
// standard math operations
inline QAngle& QAngle::operator+=(const QAngle& v) { CHECK_VALID(*this); CHECK_VALID(v); x+=v.x; y+=v.y; z += v.z; return *this; }
inline QAngle& QAngle::operator-=(const QAngle& v) { CHECK_VALID(*this); CHECK_VALID(v); x-=v.x; y-=v.y; z -= v.z; return *this; }
inline QAngle& QAngle::operator*=(float fl) { x *= fl; y *= fl; z *= fl; CHECK_VALID(*this); return *this; }
inline QAngle& QAngle::operator/=(float fl) { Assert( fl != 0.0f ); float oofl = 1.0f / fl; x *= oofl; y *= oofl; z *= oofl; CHECK_VALID(*this); return *this; }
// length
inline vec_t QAngle::Length( ) const { CHECK_VALID(*this); return (vec_t)FastSqrt( LengthSqr( ) ); }
inline vec_t QAngle::LengthSqr( ) const { CHECK_VALID(*this); return x * x + y * y + z * z; }
// Vector equality with tolerance
inline bool QAnglesAreEqual( const QAngle& src1, const QAngle& src2, float tolerance = 0.0f ) { if (FloatMakePositive(src1.x - src2.x) > tolerance) return false; if (FloatMakePositive(src1.y - src2.y) > tolerance) return false; return (FloatMakePositive(src1.z - src2.z) <= tolerance); }
// arithmetic operations (SLOW!!)
inline QAngle QAngle::operator-(void) const { QAngle ret(-x,-y,-z); return ret; }
inline QAngle QAngle::operator+(const QAngle& v) const { QAngle res; res.x = x + v.x; res.y = y + v.y; res.z = z + v.z; return res; }
inline QAngle QAngle::operator-(const QAngle& v) const { QAngle res; res.x = x - v.x; res.y = y - v.y; res.z = z - v.z; return res; }
inline QAngle QAngle::operator*(float fl) const { QAngle res; res.x = x * fl; res.y = y * fl; res.z = z * fl; return res; }
inline QAngle QAngle::operator/(float fl) const { QAngle res; res.x = x / fl; res.y = y / fl; res.z = z / fl; return res; }
inline QAngle operator*(float fl, const QAngle& v) { QAngle ret( v * fl ); return ret; }
// NOTE: These are not completely correct. The representations are not equivalent
// unless the QAngle represents a rotational impulse along a coordinate axis (x,y,z)
inline void QAngleToAngularImpulse( const QAngle &angles, AngularImpulse &impulse ) { impulse.x = angles.z; impulse.y = angles.x; impulse.z = angles.y; }
inline void AngularImpulseToQAngle( const AngularImpulse &impulse, QAngle &angles ) { angles.x = impulse.y; angles.y = impulse.z; angles.z = impulse.x; }
#if !defined( _X360 )
FORCEINLINE vec_t InvRSquared( float const *v ) { #if defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86)
float sqrlen = v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]+v[2]*v[2] + 1.0e-10f, result; _mm_store_ss(&result, _mm_rcp_ss( _mm_max_ss( _mm_set_ss(1.0f), _mm_load_ss(&sqrlen) ) )); return result; #else
return 1.f/fpmax(1.f, v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]+v[2]*v[2]); #endif
FORCEINLINE vec_t InvRSquared( const Vector &v ) { return InvRSquared(&v.x); }
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86)
inline void _SSE_RSqrtInline( float a, float* out ) { __m128 xx = _mm_load_ss( &a ); __m128 xr = _mm_rsqrt_ss( xx ); __m128 xt; xt = _mm_mul_ss( xr, xr ); xt = _mm_mul_ss( xt, xx ); xt = _mm_sub_ss( _mm_set_ss(3.f), xt ); xt = _mm_mul_ss( xt, _mm_set_ss(0.5f) ); xr = _mm_mul_ss( xr, xt ); _mm_store_ss( out, xr ); } #endif
// FIXME: Change this back to a #define once we get rid of the vec_t version
FORCEINLINE float VectorNormalize( Vector& vec ) { #ifndef DEBUG // stop crashing my edit-and-continue!
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86)
#if defined( DO_SSE_OPTIMIZATION )
float sqrlen = vec.LengthSqr() + 1.0e-10f, invlen; _SSE_RSqrtInline(sqrlen, &invlen); vec.x *= invlen; vec.y *= invlen; vec.z *= invlen; return sqrlen * invlen; #else
extern float (FASTCALL *pfVectorNormalize)(Vector& v); return (*pfVectorNormalize)(vec); #endif
// FIXME: Obsolete version of VectorNormalize, once we remove all the friggin float*s
FORCEINLINE float VectorNormalize( float * v ) { return VectorNormalize(*(reinterpret_cast<Vector *>(v))); }
FORCEINLINE void VectorNormalizeFast( Vector &vec ) { VectorNormalize(vec); }
FORCEINLINE float _VMX_InvRSquared( const Vector &v ) { XMVECTOR xmV = XMVector3ReciprocalLength( XMLoadVector3( v.Base() ) ); xmV = XMVector3Dot( xmV, xmV ); return xmV.x; }
// call directly
FORCEINLINE float _VMX_VectorNormalize( Vector &vec ) { float mag = XMVector3Length( XMLoadVector3( vec.Base() ) ).x; float den = 1.f / (mag + FLT_EPSILON ); vec.x *= den; vec.y *= den; vec.z *= den; return mag; }
#define InvRSquared(x) _VMX_InvRSquared(x)
// FIXME: Change this back to a #define once we get rid of the vec_t version
FORCEINLINE float VectorNormalize( Vector& v ) { return _VMX_VectorNormalize( v ); } // FIXME: Obsolete version of VectorNormalize, once we remove all the friggin float*s
FORCEINLINE float VectorNormalize( float *pV ) { return _VMX_VectorNormalize(*(reinterpret_cast<Vector*>(pV))); }
// call directly
FORCEINLINE void VectorNormalizeFast( Vector &vec ) { XMVECTOR xmV = XMVector3LengthEst( XMLoadVector3( vec.Base() ) ); float den = 1.f / (xmV.x + FLT_EPSILON); vec.x *= den; vec.y *= den; vec.z *= den; }
#endif // _X360
inline vec_t Vector::NormalizeInPlace() { return VectorNormalize( *this ); }
inline Vector Vector::Normalized() const { Vector norm = *this; VectorNormalize( norm ); return norm; }
inline bool Vector::IsLengthGreaterThan( float val ) const { return LengthSqr() > val*val; }
inline bool Vector::IsLengthLessThan( float val ) const { return LengthSqr() < val*val; }