//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: A utility for a discrete job-oriented worker thread.
// The class CThreadPool is both the job queue, and the
// worker thread. Except when the main thread attempts to
// synchronously execute a job, most of the inter-thread locking
// on the queue.
// The queue threading model uses a manual reset event for optimal
// throughput. Adding to the queue is guarded by a semaphore that
// will block the inserting thread if the queue has overflown.
// This prevents the worker thread from being starved out even if
// not running at a higher priority than the master thread.
// The thread function waits for jobs, services jobs, and manages
// communication between the worker and master threads. The nature
// of the work is opaque to the Executer.
// CJob instances actually do the work. The base class
// calls virtual methods for job primitives, so derivations don't
// need to worry about threading models. All of the variants of
// job and OS can be expressed in this hierarchy. Instances of
// CJob are the items placed in the queue, and by
// overriding the job primitives they are the manner by which
// users of the Executer control the state of the job.
#include <limits.h>
#include "tier0/threadtools.h"
#include "tier1/refcount.h"
#include "tier1/utllinkedlist.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/functors.h"
#include "tier0/vprof_telemetry.h"
#include "vstdlib/vstdlib.h"
#ifdef AddJob // windows.h print function collisions
#undef AddJob
#undef GetJob
#if defined( _WIN32 )
#pragma once
class CJob;
enum JobStatusEnum_t { // Use negative for errors
JOB_OK, // operation is successful
JOB_STATUS_PENDING, // file is properly queued, waiting for service
JOB_STATUS_INPROGRESS, // file is being accessed
JOB_STATUS_ABORTED, // file was aborted by caller
JOB_STATUS_UNSERVICED, // file is not yet queued
typedef int JobStatus_t;
enum JobFlags_t { JF_IO = ( 1 << 0 ), // The job primarily blocks on IO or hardware
JF_BOOST_THREAD = ( 1 << 1 ), // Up the thread priority to max allowed while processing task
JF_SERIAL = ( 1 << 2 ), // Job cannot be executed out of order relative to other "strict" jobs
JF_QUEUE = ( 1 << 3 ), // Queue it, even if not an IO job
enum JobPriority_t { JP_LOW, JP_NORMAL, JP_HIGH };
struct ThreadPoolStartParams_t { ThreadPoolStartParams_t( bool bIOThreads = false, unsigned nThreads = -1, int *pAffinities = NULL, ThreeState_t fDistribute = TRS_NONE, unsigned nStackSize = -1, int iThreadPriority = SHRT_MIN ) : bIOThreads( bIOThreads ), nThreads( nThreads ), fDistribute( fDistribute ), nStackSize( nStackSize ), iThreadPriority( iThreadPriority ), nThreadsMax( -1 ) { bExecOnThreadPoolThreadsOnly = false;
bUseAffinityTable = ( pAffinities != NULL ) && ( fDistribute == TRS_TRUE ) && ( nThreads != -1 ); if ( bUseAffinityTable ) { // user supplied an optional 1:1 affinity mapping to override normal distribute behavior
nThreads = MIN( TP_MAX_POOL_THREADS, nThreads ); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++ ) { iAffinityTable[i] = pAffinities[i]; } } }
int nThreads; int nThreadsMax; ThreeState_t fDistribute; int nStackSize; int iThreadPriority; int iAffinityTable[TP_MAX_POOL_THREADS];
bool bIOThreads : 1; bool bUseAffinityTable : 1; bool bExecOnThreadPoolThreadsOnly : 1; };
// IThreadPool
typedef bool (*JobFilter_t)( CJob * );
// Messages supported through the CallWorker() method
enum ThreadPoolMessages_t { TPM_EXIT, // Exit the thread
TPM_SUSPEND, // Suspend after next operation
TPM_RUNFUNCTOR, // Run functor, reply when done.
abstract_class IThreadPool : public IRefCounted { public: virtual ~IThreadPool() {};
// Thread functions
virtual bool Start( const ThreadPoolStartParams_t &startParams = ThreadPoolStartParams_t() ) = 0; virtual bool Stop( int timeout = TT_INFINITE ) = 0;
// Functions for any thread
virtual unsigned GetJobCount() = 0; virtual int NumThreads() = 0; virtual int NumIdleThreads() = 0;
// Pause/resume processing jobs
virtual int SuspendExecution() = 0; virtual int ResumeExecution() = 0;
// Offer the current thread to the pool
virtual int YieldWait( CThreadEvent **pEvents, int nEvents, bool bWaitAll = true, unsigned timeout = TT_INFINITE ) = 0; virtual int YieldWait( CJob **, int nJobs, bool bWaitAll = true, unsigned timeout = TT_INFINITE ) = 0; virtual void Yield( unsigned timeout ) = 0;
bool YieldWait( CThreadEvent &event, unsigned timeout = TT_INFINITE ); bool YieldWait( CJob *, unsigned timeout = TT_INFINITE );
// Add a native job to the queue (master thread)
virtual void AddJob( CJob * ) = 0;
// All threads execute pFunctor asap. Thread will either wake up
// and execute or execute pFunctor right after completing current job and
// before looking for another job.
virtual void ExecuteHighPriorityFunctor( CFunctor *pFunctor ) = 0;
// Add an function object to the queue (master thread)
virtual void AddFunctor( CFunctor *pFunctor, CJob **ppJob = NULL, const char *pszDescription = NULL, unsigned flags = 0 ) { AddFunctorInternal( RetAddRef( pFunctor ), ppJob, pszDescription, flags ); }
// Change the priority of an active job
virtual void ChangePriority( CJob *p, JobPriority_t priority ) = 0;
// Bulk job manipulation (blocking)
int ExecuteAll( JobFilter_t pfnFilter = NULL ) { return ExecuteToPriority( JP_LOW, pfnFilter ); } virtual int ExecuteToPriority( JobPriority_t toPriority, JobFilter_t pfnFilter = NULL ) = 0; virtual int AbortAll() = 0;
virtual void Reserved1() = 0;
// Add an arbitrary call to the queue (master thread)
// Avert thy eyes! Imagine rather:
// CJob *AddCall( <function>, [args1, [arg2,]...]
// CJob *AddCall( <object>, <function>, [args1, [arg2,]...]
// CJob *AddRefCall( <object>, <function>, [args1, [arg2,]...]
// CJob *QueueCall( <function>, [args1, [arg2,]...]
// CJob *QueueCall( <object>, <function>, [args1, [arg2,]...]
template <typename FUNCTION_RETTYPE FUNC_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N FUNC_TEMPLATE_ARG_PARAMS_##N> \ CJob *AddCall(FUNCTION_RETTYPE (*pfnProxied)( FUNC_BASE_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N ) FUNC_ARG_FORMAL_PARAMS_##N ) \ { \ CJob *pJob; \ if ( !NumIdleThreads() ) \ { \ pJob = GetDummyJob(); \ FunctorDirectCall( pfnProxied FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ); \ } \ else \ { \ AddFunctorInternal( CreateFunctor( pfnProxied FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ), &pJob ); \ } \ \ return pJob; \ }
template <typename OBJECT_TYPE, typename FUNCTION_CLASS, typename FUNCTION_RETTYPE FUNC_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N FUNC_TEMPLATE_ARG_PARAMS_##N> \ CJob *AddCall(OBJECT_TYPE *pObject, FUNCTION_RETTYPE ( FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnProxied )( FUNC_BASE_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N ) FUNC_ARG_FORMAL_PARAMS_##N ) \ { \ CJob *pJob; \ if ( !NumIdleThreads() ) \ { \ pJob = GetDummyJob(); \ FunctorDirectCall( pObject, pfnProxied FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ); \ } \ else \ { \ AddFunctorInternal( CreateFunctor( pObject, pfnProxied FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ), &pJob ); \ } \ \ return pJob; \ }
template <typename OBJECT_TYPE, typename FUNCTION_CLASS, typename FUNCTION_RETTYPE FUNC_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N FUNC_TEMPLATE_ARG_PARAMS_##N> \ CJob *AddCall(OBJECT_TYPE *pObject, FUNCTION_RETTYPE ( FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnProxied )( FUNC_BASE_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N ) const FUNC_ARG_FORMAL_PARAMS_##N ) \ { \ CJob *pJob; \ if ( !NumIdleThreads() ) \ { \ pJob = GetDummyJob(); \ FunctorDirectCall( pObject, pfnProxied FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ); \ } \ else \ { \ AddFunctorInternal( CreateFunctor( pObject, pfnProxied FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ), &pJob ); \ } \ \ return pJob; \ }
template <typename OBJECT_TYPE, typename FUNCTION_CLASS, typename FUNCTION_RETTYPE FUNC_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N FUNC_TEMPLATE_ARG_PARAMS_##N> \ CJob *AddRefCall(OBJECT_TYPE *pObject, FUNCTION_RETTYPE ( FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnProxied )( FUNC_BASE_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N ) FUNC_ARG_FORMAL_PARAMS_##N ) \ { \ CJob *pJob; \ if ( !NumIdleThreads() ) \ { \ pJob = GetDummyJob(); \ FunctorDirectCall( pObject, pfnProxied FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ); \ } \ else \ { \ AddFunctorInternal( CreateRefCountingFunctor( pObject, pfnProxied FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ), &pJob ); \ } \ \ return pJob; \ }
template <typename OBJECT_TYPE, typename FUNCTION_CLASS, typename FUNCTION_RETTYPE FUNC_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N FUNC_TEMPLATE_ARG_PARAMS_##N> \ CJob *AddRefCall(OBJECT_TYPE *pObject, FUNCTION_RETTYPE ( FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnProxied )( FUNC_BASE_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N ) const FUNC_ARG_FORMAL_PARAMS_##N ) \ { \ CJob *pJob; \ if ( !NumIdleThreads() ) \ { \ pJob = GetDummyJob(); \ FunctorDirectCall( pObject, pfnProxied FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ); \ } \ else \ { \ AddFunctorInternal( CreateRefCountingFunctor( pObject, pfnProxied FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ), &pJob ); \ } \ \ return pJob; \ }
template <typename FUNCTION_RETTYPE FUNC_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N FUNC_TEMPLATE_ARG_PARAMS_##N> \ CJob *QueueCall(FUNCTION_RETTYPE (*pfnProxied)( FUNC_BASE_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N ) FUNC_ARG_FORMAL_PARAMS_##N ) \ { \ CJob *pJob; \ AddFunctorInternal( CreateFunctor( pfnProxied FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ), &pJob, NULL, JF_QUEUE ); \ return pJob; \ }
template <typename OBJECT_TYPE, typename FUNCTION_CLASS, typename FUNCTION_RETTYPE FUNC_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N FUNC_TEMPLATE_ARG_PARAMS_##N> \ CJob *QueueCall(OBJECT_TYPE *pObject, FUNCTION_RETTYPE ( FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnProxied )( FUNC_BASE_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N ) FUNC_ARG_FORMAL_PARAMS_##N ) \ { \ CJob *pJob; \ AddFunctorInternal( CreateFunctor( pObject, pfnProxied FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ), &pJob, NULL, JF_QUEUE ); \ return pJob; \ }
template <typename OBJECT_TYPE, typename FUNCTION_CLASS, typename FUNCTION_RETTYPE FUNC_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N FUNC_TEMPLATE_ARG_PARAMS_##N> \ CJob *QueueCall(OBJECT_TYPE *pObject, FUNCTION_RETTYPE ( FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnProxied )( FUNC_BASE_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N ) const FUNC_ARG_FORMAL_PARAMS_##N ) \ { \ CJob *pJob; \ AddFunctorInternal( CreateFunctor( pObject, pfnProxied FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ), &pJob, NULL, JF_QUEUE ); \ return pJob; \ }
template <typename OBJECT_TYPE, typename FUNCTION_CLASS, typename FUNCTION_RETTYPE FUNC_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N FUNC_TEMPLATE_ARG_PARAMS_##N> \ CJob *QueueRefCall(OBJECT_TYPE *pObject, FUNCTION_RETTYPE ( FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnProxied )( FUNC_BASE_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N ) FUNC_ARG_FORMAL_PARAMS_##N ) \ { \ CJob *pJob; \ AddFunctorInternal( CreateRefCountingFunctor( pObject, pfnProxied FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ), &pJob, NULL, JF_QUEUE ); \ return pJob; \ }
template <typename OBJECT_TYPE, typename FUNCTION_CLASS, typename FUNCTION_RETTYPE FUNC_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N FUNC_TEMPLATE_ARG_PARAMS_##N> \ CJob *QueueRefCall(OBJECT_TYPE *pObject, FUNCTION_RETTYPE ( FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnProxied )( FUNC_BASE_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N ) const FUNC_ARG_FORMAL_PARAMS_##N ) \ { \ CJob *pJob; \ AddFunctorInternal( CreateRefCountingFunctor( pObject, pfnProxied FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ), &pJob, NULL, JF_QUEUE ); \ \ return pJob; \ }
private: virtual void AddFunctorInternal( CFunctor *, CJob ** = NULL, const char *pszDescription = NULL, unsigned flags = 0 ) = 0;
// Services for internal use by job instances
friend class CJob;
virtual CJob *GetDummyJob() = 0;
public: virtual void Distribute( bool bDistribute = true, int *pAffinityTable = NULL ) = 0;
virtual bool Start( const ThreadPoolStartParams_t &startParams, const char *pszNameOverride ) = 0; };
JOB_INTERFACE IThreadPool *CreateThreadPool(); JOB_INTERFACE void DestroyThreadPool( IThreadPool *pPool );
JOB_INTERFACE void RunThreadPoolTests();
JOB_INTERFACE IThreadPool *g_pThreadPool;
// Class to combine the metadata for an operation and the ability to perform
// the operation. Meant for inheritance. All functions inline, defers to executor
DECLARE_POINTER_HANDLE( ThreadPoolData_t ); #define JOB_NO_DATA ((ThreadPoolData_t)-1)
class CJob : public CRefCounted1<IRefCounted, CRefCountServiceMT> { public: CJob( JobPriority_t priority = JP_NORMAL ) : m_status( JOB_STATUS_UNSERVICED ), m_ThreadPoolData( JOB_NO_DATA ), m_priority( priority ), m_flags( 0 ), m_pThreadPool( NULL ), m_CompleteEvent( true ), m_iServicingThread( -1 ) { m_szDescription[ 0 ] = 0; }
// Priority (not thread safe)
void SetPriority( JobPriority_t priority ) { m_priority = priority; } JobPriority_t GetPriority() const { return m_priority; }
void SetFlags( unsigned flags ) { m_flags = flags; } unsigned GetFlags() const { return m_flags; }
void SetServiceThread( int iServicingThread ) { m_iServicingThread = (char)iServicingThread; } int GetServiceThread() const { return m_iServicingThread; } void ClearServiceThread() { m_iServicingThread = -1; }
// Fast queries
bool Executed() const { return ( m_status == JOB_OK ); } bool CanExecute() const { return ( m_status == JOB_STATUS_PENDING || m_status == JOB_STATUS_UNSERVICED ); } bool IsFinished() const { return ( m_status != JOB_STATUS_PENDING && m_status != JOB_STATUS_INPROGRESS && m_status != JOB_STATUS_UNSERVICED ); } JobStatus_t GetStatus() const { return m_status; }
/// Slam the status to a particular value. This is named "slam" instead of "set,"
/// to warn you that it should only be used in unusual situations. Otherwise, the
/// job manager really should manage the status for you, and you should not manhandle it.
void SlamStatus(JobStatus_t s) { m_status = s; } //-----------------------------------------------------
// Try to acquire ownership (to satisfy). If you take the lock, you must either execute or abort.
bool TryLock() { return m_mutex.TryLock(); } void Lock() { m_mutex.Lock(); } void Unlock() { m_mutex.Unlock(); }
// Thread event support (safe for NULL this to simplify code )
bool WaitForFinish( uint32 dwTimeout = TT_INFINITE ) { if (!this) return true; return ( !IsFinished() ) ? g_pThreadPool->YieldWait( this, dwTimeout ) : true; } bool WaitForFinishAndRelease( uint32 dwTimeout = TT_INFINITE ) { if (!this) return true; bool bResult = WaitForFinish( dwTimeout); Release(); return bResult; } CThreadEvent *AccessEvent() { return &m_CompleteEvent; }
// Perform the job
JobStatus_t Execute(); JobStatus_t TryExecute(); JobStatus_t ExecuteAndRelease() { JobStatus_t status = Execute(); Release(); return status; } JobStatus_t TryExecuteAndRelease() { JobStatus_t status = TryExecute(); Release(); return status; }
// Terminate the job, discard if partially or wholly fulfilled
JobStatus_t Abort( bool bDiscard = true );
virtual char const *Describe() { return m_szDescription[ 0 ] ? m_szDescription : "Job"; } virtual void SetDescription( const char *pszDescription ) { if( pszDescription ) { Q_strncpy( m_szDescription, pszDescription, sizeof( m_szDescription ) ); } else { m_szDescription[ 0 ] = 0; } }
private: //-----------------------------------------------------
friend class CThreadPool;
JobStatus_t m_status; JobPriority_t m_priority; CThreadMutex m_mutex; unsigned char m_flags; char m_iServicingThread; short m_reserved; ThreadPoolData_t m_ThreadPoolData; IThreadPool * m_pThreadPool; CThreadEvent m_CompleteEvent; char m_szDescription[ 32 ];
private: //-----------------------------------------------------
CJob( const CJob &fromRequest ); void operator=(const CJob &fromRequest );
virtual JobStatus_t DoExecute() = 0; virtual JobStatus_t DoAbort( bool bDiscard ) { return JOB_STATUS_ABORTED; } virtual void DoCleanup() {} };
class CFunctorJob : public CJob { public: CFunctorJob( CFunctor *pFunctor, const char *pszDescription = NULL ) : m_pFunctor( pFunctor ) { if ( pszDescription ) { Q_strncpy( m_szDescription, pszDescription, sizeof(m_szDescription) ); } else { m_szDescription[0] = 0; } }
virtual JobStatus_t DoExecute() { (*m_pFunctor)(); return JOB_OK; }
const char *Describe() { return m_szDescription; }
private: CRefPtr<CFunctor> m_pFunctor; char m_szDescription[16]; };
// Utility for managing multiple jobs
class CJobSet { public: CJobSet( CJob *pJob = NULL ) { if ( pJob ) { m_jobs.AddToTail( pJob ); } }
CJobSet( CJob **ppJobs, int nJobs ) { if ( ppJobs ) { m_jobs.AddMultipleToTail( nJobs, ppJobs ); } }
~CJobSet() { for ( int i = 0; i < m_jobs.Count(); i++ ) { m_jobs[i]->Release(); } }
void operator+=( CJob *pJob ) { m_jobs.AddToTail( pJob ); }
void operator-=( CJob *pJob ) { m_jobs.FindAndRemove( pJob ); }
void Execute( bool bRelease = true ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_jobs.Count(); i++ ) { m_jobs[i]->Execute(); if ( bRelease ) { m_jobs[i]->Release(); } }
if ( bRelease ) { m_jobs.RemoveAll(); } }
void Abort( bool bRelease = true ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_jobs.Count(); i++ ) { m_jobs[i]->Abort(); if ( bRelease ) { m_jobs[i]->Release(); } }
if ( bRelease ) { m_jobs.RemoveAll(); } }
void WaitForFinish( bool bRelease = true ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_jobs.Count(); i++ ) { m_jobs[i]->WaitForFinish(); if ( bRelease ) { m_jobs[i]->Release(); } }
if ( bRelease ) { m_jobs.RemoveAll(); } }
void WaitForFinish( IThreadPool *pPool, bool bRelease = true ) { pPool->YieldWait( m_jobs.Base(), m_jobs.Count() );
if ( bRelease ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_jobs.Count(); i++ ) { m_jobs[i]->Release(); }
m_jobs.RemoveAll(); } }
private: CUtlVectorFixed<CJob *, 16> m_jobs; };
// Job helpers
#define ThreadExecute g_pThreadPool->QueueCall
#define ThreadExecuteRef g_pThreadPool->QueueRefCall
#define BeginExecuteParallel() do { CJobSet jobSet
#define EndExecuteParallel() jobSet.WaitForFinish( g_pThreadPool ); } while (0)
#define ExecuteParallel jobSet += g_pThreadPool->QueueCall
#define ExecuteRefParallel jobSet += g_pThreadPool->QueueCallRef
// Work splitting: array split, best when cost per item is roughly equal
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4389)
#pragma warning(disable:4018)
#pragma warning(disable:4701)
template <typename FUNCTION_CLASS, typename FUNCTION_RETTYPE FUNC_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N FUNC_TEMPLATE_ARG_PARAMS_##N, typename ITERTYPE1, typename ITERTYPE2> \ void IterRangeParallel(FUNCTION_RETTYPE ( FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnProxied )( ITERTYPE1, ITERTYPE2 FUNC_ADDL_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N ), ITERTYPE1 from, ITERTYPE2 to FUNC_ARG_FORMAL_PARAMS_##N ) \ { \ const int MAX_THREADS = 16; \ int nIdle = g_pThreadPool->NumIdleThreads(); \ ITERTYPE1 range = to - from; \ int nThreads = MIN( nIdle + 1, range ); \ if ( nThreads > MAX_THREADS ) \ { \ nThreads = MAX_THREADS; \ } \ if ( nThreads < 2 ) \ { \ FunctorDirectCall( pfnProxied, from, to FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ); \ } \ else \ { \ ITERTYPE1 nIncrement = range / nThreads; \ \ CJobSet jobSet; \ while ( --nThreads ) \ { \ ITERTYPE2 thisTo = from + nIncrement; \ jobSet += g_pThreadPool->AddCall( pfnProxied, from, thisTo FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ); \ from = thisTo; \ } \ FunctorDirectCall( pfnProxied, from, to FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ); \ jobSet.WaitForFinish( g_pThreadPool ); \ } \ \ }
template <typename OBJECT_TYPE, typename FUNCTION_CLASS, typename FUNCTION_RETTYPE FUNC_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N FUNC_TEMPLATE_ARG_PARAMS_##N, typename ITERTYPE1, typename ITERTYPE2> \ void IterRangeParallel(OBJECT_TYPE *pObject, FUNCTION_RETTYPE ( FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnProxied )( ITERTYPE1, ITERTYPE2 FUNC_ADDL_TEMPLATE_FUNC_PARAMS_##N ), ITERTYPE1 from, ITERTYPE2 to FUNC_ARG_FORMAL_PARAMS_##N ) \ { \ const int MAX_THREADS = 16; \ int nIdle = g_pThreadPool->NumIdleThreads(); \ ITERTYPE1 range = to - from; \ int nThreads = MIN( nIdle + 1, range ); \ if ( nThreads > MAX_THREADS ) \ { \ nThreads = MAX_THREADS; \ } \ if ( nThreads < 2 ) \ { \ FunctorDirectCall( pObject, pfnProxied, from, to FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ); \ } \ else \ { \ ITERTYPE1 nIncrement = range / nThreads; \ \ CJobSet jobSet; \ while ( --nThreads ) \ { \ ITERTYPE2 thisTo = from + nIncrement; \ jobSet += g_pThreadPool->AddCall( pObject, pfnProxied, from, thisTo FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ); \ from = thisTo; \ } \ FunctorDirectCall( pObject, pfnProxied, from, to FUNC_FUNCTOR_CALL_ARGS_##N ); \ jobSet.WaitForFinish( g_pThreadPool ); \ } \ \ }
// Work splitting: competitive, best when cost per item varies a lot
template <typename T> class CJobItemProcessor { public: typedef T ItemType_t; void Begin() {} // void Process( ItemType_t & ) {}
void End() {} };
template <typename T> class CFuncJobItemProcessor : public CJobItemProcessor<T> { public: void Init(void (*pfnProcess)( T & ), void (*pfnBegin)() = NULL, void (*pfnEnd)() = NULL ) { m_pfnProcess = pfnProcess; m_pfnBegin = pfnBegin; m_pfnEnd = pfnEnd; }
//CFuncJobItemProcessor(OBJECT_TYPE_PTR pObject, void (FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnProcess)( ITEM_TYPE & ), void (*pfnBegin)() = NULL, void (*pfnEnd)() = NULL );
void Begin() { if ( m_pfnBegin ) (*m_pfnBegin)(); } void Process( T &item ) { (*m_pfnProcess)( item ); } void End() { if ( m_pfnEnd ) (*m_pfnEnd)(); }
protected: void (*m_pfnProcess)( T & ); void (*m_pfnBegin)(); void (*m_pfnEnd)(); };
template <typename T, class OBJECT_TYPE, class FUNCTION_CLASS = OBJECT_TYPE > class CMemberFuncJobItemProcessor : public CJobItemProcessor<T> { public: void Init( OBJECT_TYPE *pObject, void (FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnProcess)( T & ), void (FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnBegin)() = NULL, void (FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnEnd)() = NULL ) { m_pObject = pObject; m_pfnProcess = pfnProcess; m_pfnBegin = pfnBegin; m_pfnEnd = pfnEnd; }
void Begin() { if ( m_pfnBegin ) ((*m_pObject).*m_pfnBegin)(); } void Process( T &item ) { ((*m_pObject).*m_pfnProcess)( item ); } void End() { if ( m_pfnEnd ) ((*m_pObject).*m_pfnEnd)(); }
protected: OBJECT_TYPE *m_pObject; void (FUNCTION_CLASS::*m_pfnProcess)( T & ); void (FUNCTION_CLASS::*m_pfnBegin)(); void (FUNCTION_CLASS::*m_pfnEnd)(); };
template <typename ITEM_TYPE, class ITEM_PROCESSOR_TYPE> class CParallelProcessor { public: CParallelProcessor( const char *pszDescription ) { m_pItems = m_pLimit= 0; m_szDescription = pszDescription; }
void Run( ITEM_TYPE *pItems, unsigned nItems, int nMaxParallel = INT_MAX, IThreadPool *pThreadPool = NULL ) { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "Run %s %d", m_szDescription, nItems );
if ( nItems == 0 ) return;
if ( !pThreadPool ) { pThreadPool = g_pThreadPool; }
m_pItems = pItems; m_pLimit = pItems + nItems;
int nJobs = nItems - 1;
if ( nJobs > nMaxParallel ) { nJobs = nMaxParallel; }
if (! pThreadPool ) // only possible on linux
{ DoExecute( ); return; }
int nThreads = pThreadPool->NumThreads(); if ( nJobs > nThreads ) { nJobs = nThreads; }
if ( nJobs > 1 ) { CJob **jobs = (CJob **)stackalloc( nJobs * sizeof(CJob **) ); int i = nJobs;
while( i-- ) { jobs[i] = pThreadPool->QueueCall( this, &CParallelProcessor<ITEM_TYPE, ITEM_PROCESSOR_TYPE>::DoExecute ); jobs[i]->SetDescription( m_szDescription ); }
for ( i = 0; i < nJobs; i++ ) { jobs[i]->Abort(); // will either abort ones that never got a thread, or noop on ones that did
jobs[i]->Release(); } } else { DoExecute(); } }
private: void DoExecute() { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "DoExecute %s", m_szDescription );
if ( m_pItems < m_pLimit ) { m_ItemProcessor.Begin();
ITEM_TYPE *pLimit = m_pLimit;
for (;;) { ITEM_TYPE *pCurrent = m_pItems++; if ( pCurrent < pLimit ) { m_ItemProcessor.Process( *pCurrent ); } else { break; } }
m_ItemProcessor.End(); } } CInterlockedPtr<ITEM_TYPE> m_pItems; ITEM_TYPE * m_pLimit; const char * m_szDescription; };
template <typename ITEM_TYPE> inline void ParallelProcess( const char *pszDescription, ITEM_TYPE *pItems, unsigned nItems, void (*pfnProcess)( ITEM_TYPE & ), void (*pfnBegin)() = NULL, void (*pfnEnd)() = NULL, int nMaxParallel = INT_MAX ) { CParallelProcessor<ITEM_TYPE, CFuncJobItemProcessor<ITEM_TYPE> > processor( pszDescription ); processor.m_ItemProcessor.Init( pfnProcess, pfnBegin, pfnEnd ); processor.Run( pItems, nItems, nMaxParallel );
template <typename ITEM_TYPE, typename OBJECT_TYPE, typename FUNCTION_CLASS > inline void ParallelProcess( const char *pszDescription, ITEM_TYPE *pItems, unsigned nItems, OBJECT_TYPE *pObject, void (FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnProcess)( ITEM_TYPE & ), void (FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnBegin)() = NULL, void (FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnEnd)() = NULL, int nMaxParallel = INT_MAX ) { CParallelProcessor<ITEM_TYPE, CMemberFuncJobItemProcessor<ITEM_TYPE, OBJECT_TYPE, FUNCTION_CLASS> > processor( pszDescription ); processor.m_ItemProcessor.Init( pObject, pfnProcess, pfnBegin, pfnEnd ); processor.Run( pItems, nItems, nMaxParallel ); }
// Parallel Process that lets you specify threadpool
template <typename ITEM_TYPE> inline void ParallelProcess( const char *pszDescription, IThreadPool *pPool, ITEM_TYPE *pItems, unsigned nItems, void (*pfnProcess)( ITEM_TYPE & ), void (*pfnBegin)() = NULL, void (*pfnEnd)() = NULL, int nMaxParallel = INT_MAX ) { CParallelProcessor<ITEM_TYPE, CFuncJobItemProcessor<ITEM_TYPE> > processor( pszDescription ); processor.m_ItemProcessor.Init( pfnProcess, pfnBegin, pfnEnd ); processor.Run( pItems, nItems, nMaxParallel, pPool ); }
template <class ITEM_PROCESSOR_TYPE> class CParallelLoopProcessor { public: CParallelLoopProcessor( const char *pszDescription ) { m_lIndex = m_lLimit= 0; m_nActive = 0; m_szDescription = pszDescription; }
void Run( long lBegin, long nItems, int nMaxParallel = INT_MAX ) { if ( nItems ) { m_lIndex = lBegin; m_lLimit = lBegin + nItems; int i = g_pThreadPool->NumIdleThreads();
if ( nMaxParallel < i) { i = nMaxParallel; }
while( i-- ) { ++m_nActive; ThreadExecute( this, &CParallelLoopProcessor<ITEM_PROCESSOR_TYPE>::DoExecute )->Release(); }
++m_nActive; DoExecute();
while ( m_nActive ) { ThreadPause(); } } }
private: void DoExecute() { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "DoExecute %s", m_szDescription );
long lLimit = m_lLimit;
for (;;) { long lIndex = m_lIndex ++; if ( lIndex < lLimit ) { m_ItemProcessor.Process( lIndex ); } else { break; } }
--m_nActive; } CInterlockedInt m_lIndex; long m_lLimit; CInterlockedInt m_nActive; const char * m_szDescription; };
inline void ParallelLoopProcess( const char *szDescription, long lBegin, unsigned nItems, void (*pfnProcess)( long const & ), void (*pfnBegin)() = NULL, void (*pfnEnd)() = NULL, int nMaxParallel = INT_MAX ) { CParallelLoopProcessor< CFuncJobItemProcessor< long const > > processor( szDescription ); processor.m_ItemProcessor.Init( pfnProcess, pfnBegin, pfnEnd ); processor.Run( lBegin, nItems, nMaxParallel );
template < typename OBJECT_TYPE, typename FUNCTION_CLASS > inline void ParallelLoopProcess( const char *szDescription, long lBegin, unsigned nItems, OBJECT_TYPE *pObject, void (FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnProcess)( long const & ), void (FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnBegin)() = NULL, void (FUNCTION_CLASS::*pfnEnd)() = NULL, int nMaxParallel = INT_MAX ) { CParallelLoopProcessor< CMemberFuncJobItemProcessor<long const, OBJECT_TYPE, FUNCTION_CLASS> > processor( szDescription ); processor.m_ItemProcessor.Init( pObject, pfnProcess, pfnBegin, pfnEnd ); processor.Run( lBegin, nItems, nMaxParallel ); }
template <class Derived> class CParallelProcessorBase { protected: typedef CParallelProcessorBase<Derived> ThisParallelProcessorBase_t; typedef Derived ThisParallelProcessorDerived_t;
public: CParallelProcessorBase() { m_nActive = 0; m_szDescription = NULL; } void SetDescription( const char *pszDescription ) { m_szDescription = pszDescription; }
protected: void Run( int nMaxParallel = INT_MAX, int threadOverride = -1 ) { int i = g_pThreadPool->NumIdleThreads();
if ( nMaxParallel < i) { i = nMaxParallel; }
while( i -- > 0 ) { if ( threadOverride == -1 || i == threadOverride - 1 ) { ++ m_nActive; ThreadExecute( this, &ThisParallelProcessorBase_t::DoExecute )->Release(); } }
if ( threadOverride == -1 || threadOverride == 0 ) { ++ m_nActive; DoExecute(); }
while ( m_nActive ) { ThreadPause(); } }
protected: void OnBegin() {} bool OnProcess() { return false; } void OnEnd() {}
private: void DoExecute() { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "DoExecute %s", m_szDescription );
static_cast<Derived *>( this )->OnBegin();
while ( static_cast<Derived *>( this )->OnProcess() ) continue;
static_cast<Derived *>(this)->OnEnd();
-- m_nActive; }
CInterlockedInt m_nActive; const char * m_szDescription; };
// Raw thread launching
inline unsigned FunctorExecuteThread( void *pParam ) { CFunctor *pFunctor = (CFunctor *)pParam; (*pFunctor)(); pFunctor->Release(); return 0; }
inline ThreadHandle_t ThreadExecuteSoloImpl( CFunctor *pFunctor, const char *pszName = NULL ) { ThreadHandle_t hThread; ThreadId_t threadId; hThread = CreateSimpleThread( FunctorExecuteThread, pFunctor, &threadId ); if ( pszName ) { ThreadSetDebugName( threadId, pszName ); } return hThread; }
inline ThreadHandle_t ThreadExecuteSolo( CJob *pJob ) { return ThreadExecuteSoloImpl( CreateFunctor( pJob, &CJob::Execute ), pJob->Describe() ); }
template <typename T1> inline ThreadHandle_t ThreadExecuteSolo( const char *pszName, T1 a1 ) { return ThreadExecuteSoloImpl( CreateFunctor( a1 ), pszName ); }
template <typename T1, typename T2> inline ThreadHandle_t ThreadExecuteSolo( const char *pszName, T1 a1, T2 a2 ) { return ThreadExecuteSoloImpl( CreateFunctor( a1, a2 ), pszName ); }
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3> inline ThreadHandle_t ThreadExecuteSolo( const char *pszName, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3 ) { return ThreadExecuteSoloImpl( CreateFunctor( a1, a2, a3 ), pszName ); }
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4> inline ThreadHandle_t ThreadExecuteSolo( const char *pszName, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3, T4 a4 ) { return ThreadExecuteSoloImpl( CreateFunctor( a1, a2, a3, a4 ), pszName ); }
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5> inline ThreadHandle_t ThreadExecuteSolo( const char *pszName, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3, T4 a4, T5 a5 ) { return ThreadExecuteSoloImpl( CreateFunctor( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 ), pszName ); }
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5, typename T6> inline ThreadHandle_t ThreadExecuteSolo( const char *pszName, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3, T4 a4, T5 a5, T6 a6 ) { return ThreadExecuteSoloImpl( CreateFunctor( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 ), pszName ); }
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5, typename T6, typename T7> inline ThreadHandle_t ThreadExecuteSolo( const char *pszName, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3, T4 a4, T5 a5, T6 a6, T7 a7 ) { return ThreadExecuteSoloImpl( CreateFunctor( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 ), pszName ); }
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5, typename T6, typename T7, typename T8> inline ThreadHandle_t ThreadExecuteSolo( const char *pszName, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3, T4 a4, T5 a5, T6 a6, T7 a7, T8 a8 ) { return ThreadExecuteSoloImpl( CreateFunctor( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 ), pszName ); }
template <typename T1, typename T2> inline ThreadHandle_t ThreadExecuteSoloRef( const char *pszName, T1 a1, T2 a2 ) { return ThreadExecuteSoloImpl( CreateRefCountingFunctor(a1, a2 ), pszName ); }
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3> inline ThreadHandle_t ThreadExecuteSoloRef( const char *pszName, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3 ) { return ThreadExecuteSoloImpl( CreateRefCountingFunctor(a1, a2, a3 ), pszName ); }
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4> inline ThreadHandle_t ThreadExecuteSoloRef( const char *pszName, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3, T4 a4 ) { return ThreadExecuteSoloImpl( CreateRefCountingFunctor(a1, a2, a3, a4 ), pszName ); }
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5> inline ThreadHandle_t ThreadExecuteSoloRef( const char *pszName, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3, T4 a4, T5 a5 ) { return ThreadExecuteSoloImpl( CreateRefCountingFunctor(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 ), pszName ); }
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5, typename T6> inline ThreadHandle_t ThreadExecuteSoloRef( const char *pszName, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3, T4 a4, T5 a5, T6 a6 ) { return ThreadExecuteSoloImpl( CreateRefCountingFunctor(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 ), pszName ); }
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5, typename T6, typename T7> inline ThreadHandle_t ThreadExecuteSoloRef( const char *pszName, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3, T4 a4, T5 a5, T6 a6, T7 a7 ) { return ThreadExecuteSoloImpl( CreateRefCountingFunctor(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 ), pszName ); }
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5, typename T6, typename T7, typename T8> inline ThreadHandle_t ThreadExecuteSoloRef( const char *pszName, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3, T4 a4, T5 a5, T6 a6, T7 a7, T8 a8 ) { return ThreadExecuteSoloImpl( CreateRefCountingFunctor(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 ), pszName ); }
inline bool IThreadPool::YieldWait( CThreadEvent &event, unsigned timeout ) { CThreadEvent *pEvent = &event; return ( YieldWait( &pEvent, 1, true, timeout ) != TW_TIMEOUT ); }
inline bool IThreadPool::YieldWait( CJob *pJob, unsigned timeout ) { return ( YieldWait( &pJob, 1, true, timeout ) != TW_TIMEOUT ); }
inline JobStatus_t CJob::Execute() { if ( IsFinished() ) { return m_status; }
tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s %s %d", __FUNCTION__, Describe(), m_status );
AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex ); AddRef();
JobStatus_t result;
switch ( m_status ) { case JOB_STATUS_UNSERVICED: case JOB_STATUS_PENDING: { // Service it
m_status = JOB_STATUS_INPROGRESS; result = m_status = DoExecute(); DoCleanup(); m_CompleteEvent.Set(); break; }
case JOB_STATUS_INPROGRESS: AssertMsg(0, "Mutex Should have protected use while processing"); // fall through...
case JOB_OK: case JOB_STATUS_ABORTED: result = m_status; break;
default: AssertMsg( m_status < JOB_OK, "Unknown job state"); result = m_status; }
return result; }
inline JobStatus_t CJob::TryExecute() { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s %s %d", __FUNCTION__, Describe(), m_status );
// TryLock() would only fail if another thread has entered
// Execute() or Abort()
if ( !IsFinished() && TryLock() ) { // ...service the request
Execute(); Unlock(); } return m_status; }
inline JobStatus_t CJob::Abort( bool bDiscard ) { if ( IsFinished() ) { return m_status; }
tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s %s %d", __FUNCTION__, Describe(), m_status );
AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex ); AddRef();
JobStatus_t result;
switch ( m_status ) { case JOB_STATUS_UNSERVICED: case JOB_STATUS_PENDING: { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "CJob::DoAbort" );
result = m_status = DoAbort( bDiscard ); if ( bDiscard ) DoCleanup(); m_CompleteEvent.Set(); } break;
case JOB_STATUS_ABORTED: case JOB_STATUS_INPROGRESS: case JOB_OK: result = m_status; break;
default: AssertMsg( m_status < JOB_OK, "Unknown job state"); result = m_status; }
return result; }
#endif // JOBTHREAD_H