//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "baserecordingsessionmanager.h"
#include "baserecordingsession.h"
#include "baserecordingsessionblock.h"
#include "replay/replayutils.h"
#include "replay/shared_defs.h"
#include "replaysystem.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "shared_replaycontext.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "iserver.h"
#include "vprof.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
inline const char *GetSessionsFullFilename() { return Replay_va( "%s" SUBDIR_SESSIONS "%c", Replay_GetBaseDir(), CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR ); }
CBaseRecordingSessionManager::CBaseRecordingSessionManager( IReplayContext *pContext ) : m_pContext( pContext ), m_pRecordingSession( NULL ), m_bLastSessionDitched( false ) { }
CBaseRecordingSessionManager::~CBaseRecordingSessionManager() { }
bool CBaseRecordingSessionManager::Init() { if ( !BaseClass::Init() ) return false;
// Go through each block handle and attempt find the block in the block manager
typedef CGenericPersistentManager< CBaseRecordingSessionBlock > BaseBlockManager_t; BaseBlockManager_t *pBlockManager = dynamic_cast< BaseBlockManager_t * >( m_pContext->GetRecordingSessionBlockManager() ); FOR_EACH_OBJ( pBlockManager, it ) { CBaseRecordingSessionBlock *pCurBlock = pBlockManager->m_vecObjs[ it ];
// Find the session for the current block
CBaseRecordingSession *pSession = m_pContext->GetRecordingSessionManager()->FindSession( pCurBlock->m_hSession ); if ( !pSession ) { m_pContext->GetErrorSystem()->AddErrorFromTokenName( "#Replay_Err_Load_CouldNotFindSession" ); continue; }
// Add the block
pSession->AddBlock( pCurBlock, false ); }
return true; }
CBaseRecordingSession *CBaseRecordingSessionManager::OnSessionStart( int nCurrentRecordingStartTick, const char *pSessionName ) { // Add a new session if one w/ the given name doesn't already exist.
// This is necessary on the client, where a session may already exist if, for example,
// the client reconnects to a server where they were already playing/saved replays.
// On the server, NULL will always be passed in for pSessionName.
CBaseRecordingSession *pNewSession = pSessionName ? FindSessionByName( pSessionName ) : NULL; if ( !pNewSession ) { pNewSession = CreateAndGenerateHandle(); Add( pNewSession ); }
// Initialize
pNewSession->PopulateWithRecordingData( nCurrentRecordingStartTick );
// Update recording session
m_pRecordingSession = pNewSession;
return m_pRecordingSession; }
void CBaseRecordingSessionManager::OnSessionEnd() { if ( m_pRecordingSession ) { // If we don't care about the given session, ditch it
// NOTE: ShouldDitchSession() checks auto-delete flag!
if ( m_pRecordingSession->ShouldDitchSession() ) { m_bLastSessionDitched = true;
DBG( "Marking session for ditch!\n" );
MarkSessionForDelete( m_pRecordingSession->GetHandle() ); } else { m_bLastSessionDitched = false;
// Save
FlagForFlush( m_pRecordingSession, false );
// Unload from memory?
if ( ShouldUnloadSessions() ) { FlagForUnload( m_pRecordingSession ); } } } m_pRecordingSession = NULL; }
void CBaseRecordingSessionManager::DeleteSession( ReplayHandle_t hSession, bool bForce ) { CBaseRecordingSession *pSession = Find( hSession ); if ( !pSession ) { AssertMsg( 0, "Trying to delete a non-existent session - should never happen!" ); return; }
AssertMsg( !pSession->IsLocked(), "Shouldn't be free'ing a locked session!" );
// If the given session is recording, flag for delete but don't actually remove now
if ( pSession == m_pRecordingSession && !bForce ) { pSession->m_bAutoDelete = true; return; }
// Remove the session and save
Remove( pSession ); Save(); }
void CBaseRecordingSessionManager::MarkSessionForDelete( ReplayHandle_t hSession ) { m_lstSessionsToDelete.AddToTail( hSession ); }
const char *CBaseRecordingSessionManager::GetCurrentSessionName() const { if ( !m_pRecordingSession ) { AssertMsg( 0, "GetCurrentSessionName() called w/o a session context" ); return NULL; }
return m_pRecordingSession->m_strName.Get(); }
int CBaseRecordingSessionManager::GetCurrentSessionBlockIndex() const { if ( !m_pRecordingSession ) { AssertMsg( 0, "GetCurrentPartialIndex() called w/o a session context" ); return -1; }
// Need this MAX() here since GetNumBlocks() will return 0 until the first block is actually written.
return MAX( 0, m_pRecordingSession->GetNumBlocks() - 1 ); }
void CBaseRecordingSessionManager::FlagSessionForFlush( CBaseRecordingSession *pSession, bool bForceImmediate ) { FlagForFlush( pSession, bForceImmediate ); }
int CBaseRecordingSessionManager::GetServerStartTickForSession( ReplayHandle_t hSession ) { CBaseRecordingSession *pSession = FindSession( hSession ); if ( !pSession ) return -1; return pSession->m_nServerStartRecordTick; }
CBaseRecordingSession *CBaseRecordingSessionManager::FindSession( ReplayHandle_t hSession ) { return Find( hSession ); }
const CBaseRecordingSession *CBaseRecordingSessionManager::FindSession( ReplayHandle_t hSession ) const { return const_cast< CBaseRecordingSessionManager * >( this )->Find( hSession ); }
CBaseRecordingSession *CBaseRecordingSessionManager::FindSessionByName( const char *pSessionName ) { if ( !pSessionName || !pSessionName[0] ) return NULL;
FOR_EACH_OBJ( this, i ) { CBaseRecordingSession *pCurSession = m_vecObjs[ i ]; if ( !V_stricmp( pSessionName, pCurSession->m_strName.Get() ) ) return pCurSession; }
return NULL; }
const char *CBaseRecordingSessionManager::GetRelativeIndexPath() const { return Replay_va( "%s%c", SUBDIR_SESSIONS, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR ); }
void CBaseRecordingSessionManager::Think() { VPROF_BUDGET( "CBaseRecordingSessionManager::Think", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_REPLAY );
BaseClass::Think(); }
void CBaseRecordingSessionManager::DeleteSessionThink() { DoSessionCleanup(); }
void CBaseRecordingSessionManager::DoSessionCleanup() { bool bDeletedASession = false;
for ( int i = m_lstSessionsToDelete.Head(); i != m_lstSessionsToDelete.InvalidIndex(); ) { ReplayHandle_t hSession = m_lstSessionsToDelete[ i ];
const int itNext = m_lstSessionsToDelete.Next( i );
if ( CanDeleteSession( hSession ) ) { DBG( "Unloading session.\n" );
DeleteSession( hSession, true ); m_lstSessionsToDelete.Remove( i );
bDeletedASession = true; }
i = itNext; }
// If we just deleted the last session, let the derived class do any post-work
if ( !m_lstSessionsToDelete.Count() && bDeletedASession ) { OnAllSessionsDeleted(); } }
float CBaseRecordingSessionManager::GetNextThinkTime() const { return g_pEngine->GetHostTime() + 0.1f; }