//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "cl_recordingsessionmanager.h"
#include "replaysystem.h"
#include "cl_replaymanager.h"
#include "cl_recordingsession.h"
#include "cl_sessionblockdownloader.h"
#include "vprof.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
CClientRecordingSessionManager::CClientRecordingSessionManager( IReplayContext *pContext ) : CBaseRecordingSessionManager( pContext ), m_nNumSessionBlockDownloaders( 0 ), m_flNextBlockUpdateTime( 0.0f ), m_flNextPossibleDownloadTime( 0.0f ) { }
CClientRecordingSessionManager::~CClientRecordingSessionManager() { }
bool CClientRecordingSessionManager::Init() { AddEventsForListen();
return BaseClass::Init(); }
void CClientRecordingSessionManager::CleanupUnneededBlocks() { Msg( "Cleaning up unneeded replay block data...\n" ); FOR_EACH_OBJ( this, i ) { CClientRecordingSession *pCurSession = CL_CastSession( m_vecObjs[ i ] ); pCurSession->LoadBlocksForSession(); pCurSession->DeleteBlocks(); } Msg( "Replay cleanup done.\n" ); }
void CClientRecordingSessionManager::AddEventsForListen() { g_pGameEventManager->AddListener( this, "replay_endrecord", false ); g_pGameEventManager->AddListener( this, "replay_sessioninfo", false ); g_pGameEventManager->AddListener( this, "player_death", false ); }
const char *CClientRecordingSessionManager::GetNewSessionName() const { return m_ServerRecordingState.m_strSessionName; }
CBaseRecordingSession *CClientRecordingSessionManager::OnSessionStart( int nCurrentRecordingStartTick, const char *pSessionName ) { return BaseClass::OnSessionStart( nCurrentRecordingStartTick, pSessionName ); }
void CClientRecordingSessionManager::OnSessionEnd() { if ( m_pRecordingSession ) { // Update whether all blocks have been downloaded
AssertMsg( !m_pRecordingSession->m_bRecording, "This flag should have been cleared already! See CBaseRecordingSession::OnStopRecording()" ); CL_CastSession( m_pRecordingSession )->UpdateAllBlocksDownloaded(); }
m_ServerRecordingState.Clear(); }
void CClientRecordingSessionManager::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *pEvent ) { DBG( "CReplayHistoryManager::FireGameEvent()\n" );
if ( g_pEngineClient->IsDemoPlayingBack() ) return; const char *pEventName = pEvent->GetName();
if ( !V_stricmp( "replay_sessioninfo", pEventName ) ) { DBG( " replay_sessioninfo\n" );
bool bDisableReplayOnClient = false;
const CUtlString strSessionName = pEvent->GetString( "sn" ); if ( strSessionName.IsEmpty() ) { CL_GetErrorSystem()->AddErrorFromTokenName( "#Replay_Err_SessionInfo_BadSessionName" ); bDisableReplayOnClient = true; }
const int nDumpInterval = pEvent->GetInt( "di", 0 ); if ( nDumpInterval < MIN_SERVER_DUMP_INTERVAL || nDumpInterval > MAX_SERVER_DUMP_INTERVAL ) { CL_GetErrorSystem()->AddErrorFromTokenName( "#Replay_Err_SessionInfo_BadDumpInterval" ); bDisableReplayOnClient = true; }
const int nCurrentBlock = pEvent->GetInt( "cb", -1 ); if ( nCurrentBlock < 0 ) { CL_GetErrorSystem()->AddErrorFromTokenName( "#Replay_Err_SessionInfo_BadCurrentBlock" ); bDisableReplayOnClient = true; }
const int nStartTick = pEvent->GetInt( "st", -1 ); if ( nStartTick < 0 ) { CL_GetErrorSystem()->AddErrorFromTokenName( "Replay_Err_SessionInfo_BadStartTick" ); bDisableReplayOnClient = true; }
// Cache session state
m_ServerRecordingState.m_strSessionName = strSessionName; m_ServerRecordingState.m_nDumpInterval = nDumpInterval; m_ServerRecordingState.m_nCurrentBlock = nCurrentBlock + 1; // This will account for any different between when the server actually dumps a block and the client predicts a dump
m_ServerRecordingState.m_nStartTick = nStartTick;
// If the server's in a weird state, disable replay on the client so they don't
// create any replays that don't play, etc.
g_pClientReplayContextInternal->DisableReplayOnClient( bDisableReplayOnClient ); if ( bDisableReplayOnClient ) return;
OnSessionStart( nStartTick, strSessionName.Get() );
// Update the current block based on the dump interval passed down from
// the server so the client stays in sync w/ the current block index.
m_flNextBlockUpdateTime = g_pEngine->GetHostTime() + nDumpInterval; }
else if ( !V_stricmp( "replay_endrecord", pEventName ) ) { DBG( " replay_stoprecord\n" );
// Clear pending replay URL cache, complete any pending replay
// Notify the session - it will mark itself as no longer recording.
if ( m_pRecordingSession ) { m_pRecordingSession->OnStopRecording(); }
// Resets current session pointer
OnSessionEnd(); }
// When the player dies, we fill out the rest of the data here
else if ( !V_stricmp( "player_death", pEventName ) && pEvent->GetInt( "victim_entindex" ) == g_pEngineClient->GetPlayerSlot() + 1 && g_pClient->ShouldCompletePendingReplay( pEvent ) ) { CL_GetReplayManager()->CompletePendingReplay(); } }
int CClientRecordingSessionManager::GetVersion() const { return CLIENTRECORDINGSESSIONMANAGER_VERSION; }
void CClientRecordingSessionManager::Think() { VPROF_BUDGET( "CClientRecordingSessionManager::Think", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_REPLAY );
// Manage all session block downloads
if ( !g_pReplay->IsRecording() ) return;
if ( g_pEngineClient->IsDemoPlayingBack() ) return;
const float flHostTime = g_pEngine->GetHostTime();
if ( replay_debug.GetBool() ) { extern ConVar replay_postdeathrecordtime; g_pEngineClient->Con_NPrintf( 100, "Time until block dump: ~%f", m_flNextBlockUpdateTime - flHostTime ); g_pEngineClient->Con_NPrintf( 101, "Post-death record time: %f", replay_postdeathrecordtime.GetFloat() ); }
if ( m_flNextBlockUpdateTime <= flHostTime ) { // Increment current block
// NOTE: Now the number of blocks in the recording session in progress should be
// different from the number of blocks in its list - so it should spawn a download
// thread to grab the session info and create the new block.
IF_REPLAY_DBG( Warning( "# session blocks updating: %i\n", m_ServerRecordingState.m_nCurrentBlock ) );
// Setup next think
m_flNextBlockUpdateTime = flHostTime + m_ServerRecordingState.m_nDumpInterval; } }
void CClientRecordingSessionManager::DownloadThink() { bool bKickedOffDownload = false; const float flHostTime = g_pEngine->GetHostTime();
// For session in progress - check predicted # of blocks on the server based on current number
// of blocks in our list - if different, download the session info and create any outstanding
// blocks on the client.
bool bEnoughTimeHasPassed = flHostTime >= m_flNextPossibleDownloadTime; if ( !bEnoughTimeHasPassed ) return;
// Go through all sessions to see if we need to create session block downloaders
FOR_EACH_OBJ( this, i ) { CClientRecordingSession *pCurSession = CL_CastSession( m_vecObjs[ i ] );
// Already have a session block downloader? NOTE: The think manager calls its Think().
if ( pCurSession->HasSessionInfoDownloader() ) continue;
// If the # of blocks on the client is out of sync with the number of blocks we need
// to eventually download, sync with the server, i.e. download the session info and
// create blocks/sync block data as needed.
if ( pCurSession->ShouldSyncBlocksWithServer() ) { pCurSession->SyncSessionBlocks(); bKickedOffDownload = true; } }
// Set next possible download time if we just kicked off a download
if ( bKickedOffDownload ) { m_flNextPossibleDownloadTime = flHostTime + MAX( MIN_SERVER_DUMP_INTERVAL, CL_GetRecordingSessionManager()->m_ServerRecordingState.m_nDumpInterval ); } }
CBaseRecordingSession *CClientRecordingSessionManager::Create() { return new CClientRecordingSession( m_pContext ); }
IReplayContext *CClientRecordingSessionManager::GetReplayContext() const { return g_pClientReplayContextInternal; }
void CClientRecordingSessionManager::OnObjLoaded( CBaseRecordingSession *pSession ) { // Make sure the session doesn't try to start downloading if it's done
CL_CastSession( pSession )->UpdateAllBlocksDownloaded(); }
void CClientRecordingSessionManager::OnReplayDeleted( CReplay *pReplay ) { // Notify the session that a replay has been deleted, in case it needs to do any cleanup.
CClientRecordingSession *pSession = CL_CastSession( FindSession( pReplay->m_hSession ) ); if ( pSession ) { pSession->OnReplayDeleted( pReplay ); }
// Get the # of replays that depend on the given session
int nNumDependentReplays = CL_GetReplayManager()->GetNumReplaysDependentOnSession( pReplay->m_hSession ); if ( nNumDependentReplays == 1 ) { // Delete the session - remove the item from the manager itself, delete the
// .dem file, and any .dmx.
DeleteSession( pReplay->m_hSession, false ); } }
void CClientRecordingSessionManager::OnReplaysLoaded() { // Cache replay pointers in sessions for quick access
FOR_EACH_REPLAY( i ) { CReplay *pCurReplay = GET_REPLAY_AT( i ); CClientRecordingSession *pOwnerSession = CL_CastSession( CL_GetRecordingSessionManager()->FindSession( pCurReplay->m_hSession ) ); Assert( pOwnerSession ); if ( !pOwnerSession ) { CL_GetErrorSystem()->AddErrorFromTokenName( "#Replay_Err_Load_BadOwnerSession" ); continue; }
pOwnerSession->CacheReplay( pCurReplay ); } }