//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "cl_replaymanager.h"
#include "replay/ienginereplay.h"
#include "replay/iclientreplay.h"
#include "replay/ireplaymoviemanager.h"
#include "replay/ireplayfactory.h"
#include "replay/replayutils.h"
#include "replay/ireplaymovierenderer.h"
#include "replay/shared_defs.h"
#include "baserecordingsession.h"
#include "cl_screenshotmanager.h"
#include "cl_recordingsession.h"
#include "cl_recordingsessionblock.h"
#include "replaysystem.h"
#include "cl_replaymoviemanager.h"
#include "replay_dbg.h"
#include "inetchannel.h"
#include "cl_replaycontext.h"
#include <time.h>
#include "vprof.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern IEngineClientReplay *g_pEngineClient; extern ConVar replay_postdeathrecordtime;
CReplayManager::CReplayManager() : m_pPendingReplay( NULL ), m_pReplayLastLife( NULL ), m_pReplayThisLife( NULL ), m_flPlayerSpawnCreateReplayFailTime( 0.0f ) { }
CReplayManager::~CReplayManager() { }
bool CReplayManager::Init( CreateInterfaceFn fnCreateFactory ) { // Get out if the user is running an unsupported mod or platform
if ( !g_pEngine->IsSupportedModAndPlatform() ) return false;
// Clear anything already loaded (since we reuse the same instance)
// Register replay factory
m_pReplayFactory = GetReplayFactory( fnCreateFactory ); Assert( m_pReplayFactory );
// Load all replays from disk
if ( !BaseClass::Init() ) { Warning( "Failed to load replay history!\n" ); }
// Session manager init'd by this point - go through and link up replays to sessions
return true; }
void CReplayManager::Shutdown() { // Get out if the user is running an unsupported mod or platform
if ( !g_pEngine->IsSupportedModAndPlatform() ) return;
// Make sure we aren't waiting to write
BaseClass::Shutdown(); // Saves
IReplayFactory *CReplayManager::GetReplayFactory( CreateInterfaceFn fnCreateFactory ) { return (IReplayFactory *)fnCreateFactory( INTERFACE_VERSION_REPLAY_FACTORY, NULL ); }
void CReplayManager::OnSessionStart() { // The pending replay doesn't exist yet at this point as far as I've seen, since the "replay_sessioninfo"
// event comes down a frame or more after the "replay_recording" replicated cvar is set to 1, which is
// what triggers AttemptToSetupNewReplay().
if ( !m_pPendingReplay ) { AttemptToSetupNewReplay(); }
if ( m_pPendingReplay ) { // Link up the pending replay to the recording session in progress
if ( m_pPendingReplay->m_hSession == REPLAY_HANDLE_INVALID ) { ReplayHandle_t hSessionInProgress = CL_GetRecordingSessionManager()->GetRecordingSessionInProgress()->GetHandle(); m_pPendingReplay->m_hSession = hSessionInProgress; }
// Make sure the spawn tick has the proper server start tick subtracted out
if ( m_pPendingReplay->m_nSpawnTick < 0 ) { const int nServerStartTick = CL_GetRecordingSessionManager()->m_ServerRecordingState.m_nStartTick; Assert( nServerStartTick > 0 ); m_pPendingReplay->m_nSpawnTick = MAX( 0, -m_pPendingReplay->m_nSpawnTick - nServerStartTick ); } } }
void CReplayManager::OnSessionEnd() { // Complete the pending replay, if there is one
CompletePendingReplay(); }
const char *CReplayManager::GetRelativeIndexPath() const { return Replay_va( "%s%c", SUBDIR_REPLAYS, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR ); }
CReplay *CReplayManager::Create() { return m_pReplayFactory->Create(); }
IReplayContext *CReplayManager::GetReplayContext() const { return g_pClientReplayContextInternal; }
bool CReplayManager::ShouldLoadObj( const CReplay *pReplay ) const { return pReplay && pReplay->m_bComplete; }
void CReplayManager::OnObjLoaded( CReplay *pReplay ) { if ( !pReplay ) return;
pReplay->m_bSavedDuringThisSession = false; }
int CReplayManager::GetVersion() const { return REPLAY_INDEX_VERSION; }
void CReplayManager::ClearPendingReplay() { m_pPendingReplay = NULL; }
void CReplayManager::SanityCheckReplay( CReplay *pReplay ) { if ( !pReplay ) return;
// DEBUG: Make sure this replay does not already exist in the list
FOR_EACH_VEC( Replays(), i ) { if ( Replays()[ i ]->GetHandle() == pReplay->GetHandle() ) { IF_REPLAY_DBG( Warning( "Replay %i already found in history!\n", pReplay->GetHandle() ) ); } }
if ( pReplay->m_nDeathTick < pReplay->m_nSpawnTick ) { IF_REPLAY_DBG( Warning( "Spawn tick (%i) is greater than death tick (%i)!\n", pReplay->m_nSpawnTick, pReplay->m_nDeathTick ) ); } }
void CReplayManager::SaveDanglingReplay() { if ( !m_pReplayThisLife ) return;
if ( m_pReplayThisLife->m_bRequestedByUser ) { CompletePendingReplay(); FlagReplayForFlush( m_pReplayThisLife, false ); } }
void CReplayManager::FreeLifeIfNotSaved( CReplay *&pReplay ) { if ( pReplay ) { if ( !pReplay->m_bSaved && !IsDirty( pReplay ) ) { CleanupReplay( pReplay ); } else { // If it's been saved, don't free the memory, just clear the pointer
pReplay = NULL; } } }
void CReplayManager::CleanupReplay( CReplay *&pReplay ) { if ( !pReplay ) return;
// Get rid of a replay that was never committed:
// Remove screenshots taken
CL_GetScreenshotManager()->DeleteScreenshotsForReplay( pReplay );
// Free
delete pReplay; pReplay = NULL; }
void CReplayManager::OnReplayRecordingCvarChanged() { DBG( "OnReplayRecordingCvarChanged()\n" );
// If set to 0, get out - we don't care
extern ConVar replay_recording; if ( !replay_recording.GetBool() ) { DBG( " replay_recording is false...aborting\n" ); return; }
// If OnPlayerSpawn() hasn't failed to create the scratch replay, get out
if ( m_flPlayerSpawnCreateReplayFailTime == 0.0f ) { DBG( " m_flPlayerSpawnCreateReplayFailTime == 0.0f...aborting.\n" ); return; }
DBG( " Calling AttemptToSetupNewReplay()\n" );
// Try to create & setup again
// Reset
m_flPlayerSpawnCreateReplayFailTime = 0.0f; }
void CReplayManager::OnClientSideDisconnect() { SaveDanglingReplay(); ClearPendingReplay();
FreeLifeIfNotSaved( m_pReplayLastLife ); FreeLifeIfNotSaved( m_pReplayThisLife );
m_flPlayerSpawnCreateReplayFailTime = 0.0f; }
void CReplayManager::CommitPendingReplayAndBeginDownload() { // Update the last session block we should download
CClientRecordingSession *pSession = CL_CastSession( CL_GetRecordingSessionManager()->FindSession( m_pReplayThisLife->m_hSession ) ); const int iPostDeathBlockIndex = pSession->UpdateLastBlockToDownload();
// Update the # of blocks required to reconstruct the replay
m_pReplayThisLife->m_iMaxSessionBlockRequired = iPostDeathBlockIndex;
Commit( m_pReplayThisLife ); }
void CReplayManager::CompletePendingReplay() { // Get out if no pending replay
if ( !m_pPendingReplay ) return;
// Get session associated w/ the replay
CBaseRecordingSession *pSession = CL_GetRecordingSessionManager()->FindSession( m_pPendingReplay->m_hSession ); // Sometimes the session isn't valid here, like when we're first joining a server
if ( !pSession ) return;
Assert( pSession->m_nServerStartRecordTick >= 0 );
// Cache death tick
m_pPendingReplay->m_nDeathTick = g_pEngineClient->GetLastServerTickTime() - pSession->m_nServerStartRecordTick;
SanityCheckReplay( m_pPendingReplay );
// Calc replay length
m_pPendingReplay->m_flLength = g_pEngine->TicksToTime( m_pPendingReplay->m_nDeathTick - m_pPendingReplay->m_nSpawnTick + g_pEngine->TimeToTicks( replay_postdeathrecordtime.GetFloat() ) );
// Cache player slot so we can start playback of replays from recorder player's perspective
m_pPendingReplay->m_nPlayerSlot = g_pEngineClient->GetPlayerSlot() + 1;
// Setup status
m_pPendingReplay->m_nStatus = CReplay::REPLAYSTATUS_DOWNLOADPHASE;
// The replay is now "complete," ie has all the data needed
m_pPendingReplay->m_bComplete = true;
// Let derived classes do whatever it wants
// If the replay was requested by the user already, update the # of blocks we should download & commit the replay
if ( m_pPendingReplay->m_bRequestedByUser ) { #ifdef DBGFLAG_ASSERT
Assert( m_pReplayThisLife->m_bComplete ); #endif
CommitPendingReplayAndBeginDownload(); }
// Before we copy the pointer to "this life," end recording so the replay can do any cleanup (eg listening for game events)
// Cache off scratch replay to "this life"
m_pReplayThisLife = m_pPendingReplay;
ClearPendingReplay(); }
bool CReplayManager::Commit( CReplay *pNewReplay ) { if ( !g_pClientReplayContextInternal->IsInitialized() || !pNewReplay ) return false;
SanityCheckReplay( pNewReplay );
// NOTE: Marks index as dirty, as well as pNewReplay
Add( pNewReplay );
// Save now
return true; }
// IReplayManager implementation
CReplay *CReplayManager::GetReplay( ReplayHandle_t hReplay ) { if ( m_pReplayThisLife && m_pReplayThisLife->GetHandle() == hReplay ) return m_pReplayThisLife;
return Find( hReplay ); }
void CReplayManager::DeleteReplay( ReplayHandle_t hReplay, bool bNotifyUI ) { CReplay *pReplay = GetReplay( hReplay ); Assert( pReplay );
// The session manager will delete the .dem, the session .dmx and remove the session
// item itself if this is the last replay associated with it.
CL_GetRecordingSessionManager()->OnReplayDeleted( pReplay );
// Notify the replay browser if necessary
if ( bNotifyUI ) { extern IClientReplay *g_pClient; g_pClient->OnDeleteReplay( hReplay ); }
// Remove it
Remove( pReplay );
// If the replay deleted was just saved and we haven't respawned yet,
// we need to clear out some stuff so GetReplay() doesn't crash.
if ( m_pReplayThisLife == pReplay ) { m_pReplayThisLife = NULL; m_pPendingReplay = NULL; }
if ( m_pReplayLastLife == pReplay ) { m_pReplayLastLife = NULL; } }
void CReplayManager::FlagReplayForFlush( CReplay *pReplay, bool bForceImmediate ) { FlagForFlush( pReplay, bForceImmediate ); }
int CReplayManager::GetUnrenderedReplayCount() { int nCount = 0; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecObjs, i ) { CReplay *pCurReplay = m_vecObjs[ i ]; if ( !pCurReplay->m_bRendered && pCurReplay->m_nStatus == CReplay::REPLAYSTATUS_READYTOCONVERT ) { ++nCount; } } return nCount; }
void CReplayManager::InitReplay( CReplay *pReplay ) { // Setup record time right now
// Store start time
pReplay->m_flStartTime = g_pEngine->GetHostTime();
// Get map name (w/o the path)
V_FileBase( g_pEngineClient->GetLevelName(), m_pPendingReplay->m_szMapName, sizeof( m_pPendingReplay->m_szMapName ) );
// Give the replay a default name
pReplay->AutoNameTitleIfEmpty(); }
CReplay *CReplayManager::CreatePendingReplay() { Assert( m_pPendingReplay == NULL ); m_pPendingReplay = CreateAndGenerateHandle();
// If we've already begun recording, link to the session now, otherwise link once
// we start recording.
CBaseRecordingSession *pSessionInProgress = CL_GetRecordingSessionInProgress(); if ( pSessionInProgress ) { m_pPendingReplay->m_hSession = pSessionInProgress->GetHandle(); }
InitReplay( m_pPendingReplay );
// Setup replay handle for screenshots
CL_GetScreenshotManager()->SetScreenshotReplay( m_pPendingReplay->GetHandle() );
return m_pPendingReplay; }
void CReplayManager::AttemptToSetupNewReplay() { DBG( "AttemptToSetupNewReplay()\n" );
if ( !g_pReplay->IsRecording() || g_pEngineClient->IsPlayingReplayDemo() ) { DBG( " Aborting...not recording, or playing back replay.\n" ); m_flPlayerSpawnCreateReplayFailTime = g_pEngine->GetHostTime(); return; }
// Create the replay if necessary - we only do setup if we're creating
// a new replay, because on a full update this function may be called
// even though we're not actually spawning.
if ( !m_pPendingReplay ) { DBG( " Creating new replay...\n" );
// If there is a "last life" replay that was not saved already, delete it
FreeLifeIfNotSaved( m_pReplayLastLife );
// Cache last life
m_pReplayLastLife = m_pReplayThisLife;
// Create the scratch replay (sets m_pPendingReplay and returns it)
CReplay *pPendingReplay = CreatePendingReplay();
SanityCheckReplay( pPendingReplay );
// "This life" is the scratch replay
m_pReplayThisLife = pPendingReplay;
// Setup spawn tick
const int nServerStartTick = CL_GetRecordingSessionManager()->m_ServerRecordingState.m_nStartTick; pPendingReplay->m_nSpawnTick = g_pEngineClient->GetLastServerTickTime() - nServerStartTick; if ( nServerStartTick == 0 ) { // Didn't receive the replay_sessioninfo event yet - make spawn tick negative so when the
// event IS received, we can detect that the server start tick still needs to be subtracted.
pPendingReplay->m_nSpawnTick *= -1; }
// Setup post-death record time
extern ConVar replay_postdeathrecordtime; pPendingReplay->m_nPostDeathRecordTime = replay_postdeathrecordtime.GetFloat();
// Let the replay know we're recording
pPendingReplay->OnBeginRecording(); } else { DBG( " NOT creating new replay.\n" ); }
// Served its purpose
m_flPlayerSpawnCreateReplayFailTime = 0.0f; }
void CReplayManager::Think() { VPROF_BUDGET( "CReplayManager::Think", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_REPLAY );
// Only update pending replay, since it's recording
// NOTE: we use Sys_FloatTime() here, since the client sets the next update time with engine->Time(),
// which also uses Sys_FloatTime().
if ( m_pPendingReplay && m_pPendingReplay->m_flNextUpdateTime <= Sys_FloatTime() ) { m_pPendingReplay->Update(); // Allow the replay's Update() function to set the next update time
} }
void CReplayManager::DebugThink() { // Debugging
if ( replay_debug.GetBool() ) { const char *pReplayNames[] = { "Scratch", "This life", "Last life" }; CReplay *pReplays[] = { m_pPendingReplay, m_pReplayThisLife, m_pReplayLastLife }; for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { CReplay *pCurReplay = pReplays[ i ]; if ( !pCurReplay ) { g_pEngineClient->Con_NPrintf( i, "%s: NULL", pReplayNames[ i ] ); continue; }
g_pEngineClient->Con_NPrintf( i, "%s: handle=%i [%i, %i] C? %s R? %s MaxBlock: %i", pReplayNames[ i ], pCurReplay->GetHandle(), pCurReplay->m_nSpawnTick, pCurReplay->m_nDeathTick, pCurReplay->m_bComplete ? "YES" : "NO", pCurReplay->m_bRequestedByUser ? "YES" : "NO", pCurReplay->m_iMaxSessionBlockRequired ); // Screenshot handle
int nCurLine = 5; g_pEngineClient->Con_NPrintf( nCurLine, "Screenshot replay: handle=%i", CL_GetScreenshotManager()->GetScreenshotReplay() ); nCurLine += 2;
// Saved replay handles
g_pEngineClient->Con_NPrintf( nCurLine++, "REPLAYS:" ); FOR_EACH_REPLAY( j ) { CReplay *pReplay = GET_REPLAY_AT( j ); g_pEngineClient->Con_NPrintf( nCurLine++, "%i: handle=%i ticks=[%i %i]", i, pReplay->GetHandle(), pReplay->m_nSpawnTick, pReplay->m_nDeathTick ); }
// Current tick:
g_pEngineClient->Con_NPrintf( ++nCurLine, "MAIN tick: %f", g_pEngineClient->GetLastServerTickTime() ); g_pEngineClient->Con_NPrintf( ++nCurLine, " server tick: %f", g_pEngineClient->GetLastServerTickTime() ); nCurLine += 2; } } }
float CReplayManager::GetNextThinkTime() const { return g_pEngine->GetHostTime() + 0.1f; }
CReplay *CReplayManager::GetPlayingReplay() { return g_pReplayDemoPlayer->GetCurrentReplay(); }
CReplay *CReplayManager::GetReplayForCurrentLife() { return m_pReplayThisLife; }
void CReplayManager::GetReplays( CUtlLinkedList< CReplay *, int > &lstReplays ) { lstReplays.RemoveAll(); FOR_EACH_REPLAY( i ) { lstReplays.AddToTail( GET_REPLAY_AT( i ) ); } }
void CReplayManager::GetReplaysAsQueryableItems( CUtlLinkedList< IQueryableReplayItem *, int > &lstReplays ) { lstReplays.RemoveAll(); FOR_EACH_REPLAY( i ) { lstReplays.AddToHead( dynamic_cast< IQueryableReplayItem * >( GET_REPLAY_AT( i ) ) ); }
if ( m_pPendingReplay && !m_pPendingReplay->m_bComplete && m_pPendingReplay->m_bRequestedByUser ) { Assert( lstReplays.Find( m_pPendingReplay ) == lstReplays.InvalidIndex() ); lstReplays.AddToHead( m_pPendingReplay ); } }
int CReplayManager::GetNumReplaysDependentOnSession( ReplayHandle_t hSession ) { int nResult = 0; FOR_EACH_REPLAY( i ) { CReplay *pCurReplay = GET_REPLAY_AT( i ); if ( pCurReplay->m_hSession == hSession ) { ++nResult; } } return nResult; }
const char *CReplayManager::GetReplaysDir() const { return GetIndexPath(); } float CReplayManager::GetDownloadProgress( const CReplay *pReplay ) { // Give each downloadable session block equal weight since we won't know the size of blocks that
// have not been created/written yet on the server.
// Go through all blocks in the replay and figure out how many bytes have been downloaded
float flSum = 0.0f;
CClientRecordingSession *pSession = CL_CastSession( CL_GetRecordingSessionManager()->FindSession( pReplay->m_hSession ) ); Assert( pSession ); if ( !pSession ) return 0.0f;
const CBaseRecordingSession::BlockContainer_t &vecBlocks = pSession->GetBlocks(); FOR_EACH_VEC( vecBlocks, i ) { CClientRecordingSessionBlock *pCurBlock = CL_CastBlock( vecBlocks[ i ] ); if ( !pReplay->IsSignificantBlock( pCurBlock->m_iReconstruction ) ) continue;
// Calculate progress for this block
Assert( pCurBlock->m_uFileSize > 0 ); const float flSubProgress = pCurBlock->m_uFileSize == 0 ? 0.0f : clamp( (float)pCurBlock->m_uBytesDownloaded / pCurBlock->m_uFileSize, 0.0f, 1.0f );
flSum += flSubProgress; }
// Account for blocks that haven't been created yet
// NOTE: This will cause a bug in download progress if the round ends and cuts the number of
// expected blocks down - but that situation is probably less likely to occur than the situation
// where a client is expecting more blocks that *will* be created. To avoid pops in the latter
// situation, we account for those blocks here.
const int nTotalSubBlocks = pReplay->m_iMaxSessionBlockRequired + 1;
// Calculate mean
Assert( nTotalSubBlocks > 0 ); return nTotalSubBlocks == 0 ? 0.0f : ( flSum / (float)nTotalSubBlocks ); }