Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "shared_replaycontext.h"
#include "replay/shared_defs.h"
#include "replay/replayutils.h"
#include "baserecordingsession.h"
#include "baserecordingsessionblock.h"
#include "baserecordingsessionmanager.h"
#include "baserecordingsessionblockmanager.h"
#include "thinkmanager.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "errorsystem.h"
#undef Yield
#include "vstdlib/jobthread.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
CSharedReplayContext::CSharedReplayContext( IReplayContext *pOwnerContext ) : m_pOwnerContext( pOwnerContext ), m_pRecordingSessionManager( NULL ), m_pRecordingSessionBlockManager( NULL ), m_pErrorSystem( NULL ), m_pThreadPool( NULL ), m_bInit( false ) { }
CSharedReplayContext::~CSharedReplayContext() { delete m_pRecordingSessionManager; delete m_pRecordingSessionBlockManager; delete m_pErrorSystem; delete m_pThreadPool; }
bool CSharedReplayContext::Init( CreateInterfaceFn fnFactory ) { m_strRelativeBasePath.Format( "%s%c%s%c", SUBDIR_REPLAY, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, m_strSubDir.Get(), CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR );
m_strBasePath.Format( "%s%c%s", g_pEngine->GetGameDir(), CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, m_strRelativeBasePath.Get() );
// Owning context should have initialized these by now
// NOTE: Session manager init must come after block manager init since session manager
// assumes all blocks have been loaded.
m_pRecordingSessionBlockManager->Init(); m_pRecordingSessionManager->Init();
if ( !InitThreadPool() ) return false;
m_bInit = true;
return true; }
bool CSharedReplayContext::InitThreadPool() { // Create thread pool
Log( "Replay: Creating thread pool..." ); IThreadPool *pThreadPool = CreateThreadPool(); if ( !pThreadPool ) { Log( "failed!\n" ); return false; } Log( "succeeded.\n" );
// Jon says: The client only really needs a single "ReplayContext" thread, so that the replay editor can write
// data asynchronously. The game server does in fact require 4 threads, and can be configured to use more
// via the replay_max_publish_threads convar.
int nMaxThreads = 1;
if ( g_pEngine->IsDedicated() ) { // Use the convar for max threads on servers
extern ConVar replay_max_publish_threads; nMaxThreads = replay_max_publish_threads.GetInt(); }
// Start thread pool
Log( "Replay: Starting thread pool with %i threads...", nMaxThreads ); if ( !pThreadPool->Start( ThreadPoolStartParams_t( true, nMaxThreads ), "ReplayContext" ) ) { Log( "failed!\n" ); return false; } Log( "succeeded.\n" );
m_pThreadPool = pThreadPool;
return true; }
void CSharedReplayContext::Shutdown() { m_pRecordingSessionBlockManager->Shutdown(); m_pRecordingSessionManager->Shutdown(); m_pThreadPool->Stop(); }
void CSharedReplayContext::Think() { }
const char *CSharedReplayContext::GetRelativeBaseDir() const { return m_strRelativeBasePath.Get(); }
const char *CSharedReplayContext::GetBaseDir() const { return m_strBasePath.Get(); }
const char *CSharedReplayContext::GetReplaySubDir() const { return m_strSubDir.Get(); }
void CSharedReplayContext::EnsureDirHierarchy() { g_pFullFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( m_strBasePath.Get() ); }
bool RunJobToCompletion( IThreadPool *pThreadPool, CJob *pJob ) { pThreadPool->AddJob( pJob ); pJob->WaitForFinish(); return pJob->Executed(); }