//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "sv_publishtest.h"
#include "spew.h"
#include "replay/replayutils.h"
#include "replaysystem.h"
#include "sv_basejob.h"
#include "sv_fileservercleanup.h"
#include "tier1/convar.h"
#include "sv_filepublish.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
const char *g_pAcceptableFileserverProtocols[] = { "http", "https", NULL }; const char *g_pAcceptableOffloadProtocols[] = { "ftp", NULL };
class CPublishTester { public: CPublishTester(); ~CPublishTester();
bool Go();
private: bool Test_Emptyness( const char *pDescription, const char *pStr, bool bPrintResult ); bool Test_Hostname( const char *pHostname, const char *pProtocolExample ); bool Test_Protocol( const char *pDescription, const char *pProtocol, const char **pAcceptableProtocols ); bool Test_Port( int nPort ); bool Test_Path( const char *pDescription, const char *pPath, bool bForwardSlashesAllowed, bool bBackslashesAllowed ); bool Test_LocalWebServerCVars(); bool Test_IO( const char *pFilename ); bool Test_FilePublish( const char *pFilename, bool bOffload ); bool Test_PublishedFileDelete( const char *pFullFilename, const char *pFilename, bool bOffload ); bool Test_WaitingForPlayersCVar(); void PrintBaseUrlWarning();
char *m_pGarbageBuffer; CBaseJob *m_pJob; CBaseJob *m_pCleanerJob; };
#define GARBAGE_BUFFER_SIZE ( 1024 * 1000 )
CPublishTester::CPublishTester() : m_pGarbageBuffer( NULL ), m_pJob( NULL ), m_pCleanerJob( NULL ) { m_pGarbageBuffer = new char[ GARBAGE_BUFFER_SIZE ]; }
CPublishTester::~CPublishTester() { delete [] m_pGarbageBuffer; if ( m_pJob ) { m_pJob->Release(); }
if ( m_pCleanerJob ) { m_pCleanerJob->Release(); } }
bool CPublishTester::Test_Hostname( const char *pHostname, const char *pProtocolExample ) { if ( !Test_Emptyness( "Hostname", pHostname, false ) ) return false;
if ( V_strstr( pHostname, "://" ) ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( false ); CFmtStr fmtError( "Should not contain a protocol (e.g: %s)!", pProtocolExample ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventError( fmtError.Access() ); return false; }
// Test IP lookup
char szIP[16]; if ( !g_pEngine->NET_GetHostnameAsIP( pHostname, szIP, sizeof( szIP ) ) ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( false ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventError( "DNS lookup failed!" ); return false; }
g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( true ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEmptyLine();
return true; }
bool CPublishTester::Test_Emptyness( const char *pDescription, const char *pStr, bool bPrintResult ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintValue( pDescription, pStr ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventStartMsg( "Validating" );
if ( V_strlen( pStr ) == 0 ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( false ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventError( "Empty!" ); return false; }
if ( bPrintResult ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( true ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEmptyLine(); }
return true; }
bool CPublishTester::Test_Port( int nPort ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintValue( "Port", Replay_va( "%i", nPort ) ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventStartMsg( "Validating" );
if ( nPort < 0 || nPort > 65535 ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( false ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventError( "Port must be between 0 and 65535." ); return false; }
g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( true ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEmptyLine();
return true; }
bool CPublishTester::Test_Path( const char *pDescription, const char *pPath, bool bForwardSlashesAllowed, bool bBackslashesAllowed ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintValue( pDescription, pPath ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventStartMsg( "Validating" ); if ( V_strlen( pPath ) == 0 ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( false ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventError( "Empty path not allowed." ); return false; }
if ( !bBackslashesAllowed && V_strstr( pPath, "\\" ) ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( false ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventError( "Backslashes not allowed!" ); return false; }
if ( !bForwardSlashesAllowed && V_strstr( pPath, "/" ) ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( false ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventError( "Forward slashes not allowed!" ); return false; }
if ( V_strstr( pPath, "//" ) || V_strstr( pPath, "\\\\" ) ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( false ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventError( "Double slash detected!" ); return false; }
if ( V_strstr( pPath, ".." ) ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( false ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventError( "\"..\" not allowed!" ); return false; }
g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( true ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEmptyLine();
return true; }
bool CPublishTester::Test_Protocol( const char *pDescription, const char *pProtocol, const char **pAcceptableProtocols ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintValue( pDescription, pProtocol ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventStartMsg( "Validating" );
// Test to see if the input protocol is acceptable
bool bProtocolOK = false; int i = 0; while ( pAcceptableProtocols[ i ] ) { if ( V_strcmp( pAcceptableProtocols[ i++ ], pProtocol ) == 0 ) { bProtocolOK = true; break; } }
// Protocol allowed?
if ( !bProtocolOK ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( false ); CFmtStr fmtError( "Must be one of the following (case-sensitive): " ); i = 0; while ( pAcceptableProtocols[ i ] ) fmtError.AppendFormat( "\"%s\" ", pAcceptableProtocols[ i++ ] ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventError( fmtError.Access() ); return false; }
g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( true ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEmptyLine();
return true; }
bool CPublishTester::Test_LocalWebServerCVars() { // NOTE: We use the raw cvar here as opposed to CServerReplayContext::GetLocalFileServerPath(),
// which actually fixes slashes. If the cvar is using incorrect slashes here for the given OS,
// this test will fail with a specific error message.
extern ConVar replay_local_fileserver_path; if ( !Test_Path( "Path", replay_local_fileserver_path.GetString(), IsPosix(), IsWindows() ) ) return false;
return true; }
bool CPublishTester::Test_IO( const char *pFilename ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintTestHeader( "Testing File I/O" );
// Print out temp directory so the context for this section is clear
g_pBlockSpewer->PrintValue( "Temp path", SV_GetTmpDir() ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEmptyLine();
// Open the file
FileHandle_t hTmpFile = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( pFilename, "wb+" ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventStartMsg( "Opening temp file" ); if ( !hTmpFile ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( false ); return false; } g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( true );
// Write the file
g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventStartMsg( "Allocating test buffer" ); // Lie.
if ( !m_pGarbageBuffer ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( false ); return false; } g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( true );
g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventStartMsg( "Writing temp file" ); if ( g_pFullFileSystem->Write( m_pGarbageBuffer, GARBAGE_BUFFER_SIZE, hTmpFile ) != GARBAGE_BUFFER_SIZE ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( false ); return false; } g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventResult( true );
// Close the file
g_pFullFileSystem->Close( hTmpFile ); return true; }
bool CPublishTester::Test_FilePublish( const char *pFilename, bool bOffload ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintTestHeader( "Testing file publisher" ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintValue( "Fileserver type", "Local Web server" );
if ( !Test_LocalWebServerCVars() ) return false;
m_pJob = SV_CreateLocalPublishJob( pFilename );
// Run publish test
if ( !m_pJob || !SV_RunJobToCompletion( m_pJob ) ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventError( m_pJob->GetErrorStr() ); return false; }
return true; }
bool CPublishTester::Test_PublishedFileDelete( const char *pFullFilename, const char *pFilename, bool bOffload ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintTestHeader( "Testing fileserver delete" );
if ( bOffload ) { // Delete the file from the tmp dir
g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( pFullFilename ); }
m_pCleanerJob = SV_CreateDeleteFileJob(); IFileserverCleanerJob *pCleanerJobImp = SV_CastJobToIFileserverCleanerJob( m_pCleanerJob ); pCleanerJobImp->AddFileForDelete( pFilename ); if ( !m_pCleanerJob || !SV_RunJobToCompletion( m_pCleanerJob ) ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventError( m_pCleanerJob->GetErrorStr() ); return false; }
return true; }
bool CPublishTester::Test_WaitingForPlayersCVar() { ConVarRef mp_waitingforplayers_cancel( "mp_waitingforplayers_cancel" ); if ( mp_waitingforplayers_cancel.IsValid() && mp_waitingforplayers_cancel.GetBool() ) { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEventError( "mp_waitingforplayers_cancel must be 0 in order for replay to work!" ); return false; }
return true; }
void CPublishTester::PrintBaseUrlWarning() { g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEmptyLine(); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintMsg( "If clients can't access the following URL via a Web" ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintMsg( "browser, they will not be able to download Replays." ); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintEmptyLine(); g_pBlockSpewer->PrintValue( "URL", Replay_GetDownloadURL() ); }
bool CPublishTester::Go() { const bool bOffload = false;
// Force anyone outside of Go() to use the block spewer until we're done.
CSpewScope SpewScope( g_pBlockSpewer );
// Fileserver convars
g_pBlockSpewer->PrintTestHeader( "Testing Fileserver ConVars (replay_fileserver_*)" );
// Test replay_fileserver_protocol
extern ConVar replay_fileserver_protocol; if ( !Test_Protocol( "Protocol", replay_fileserver_protocol.GetString(), g_pAcceptableFileserverProtocols ) ) return false;
extern ConVar replay_fileserver_host; if ( !Test_Hostname( replay_fileserver_host.GetString(), "\"http\" or \"https\"" ) ) return false;
extern ConVar replay_fileserver_port; if ( !Test_Port( replay_fileserver_port.GetInt() ) ) return false;
extern ConVar replay_fileserver_path; if ( !Test_Path( "Path", replay_fileserver_path.GetString(), true, false ) ) return false;
// Print out the base URL / warning
CFmtStr fmtTmpFilename( "testpublish_%i.tmp", (int)abs( rand() % 10000 ) ); CFmtStr fmtTmpFilenameFullPath( "%s%s", SV_GetTmpDir(), fmtTmpFilename.Access() ); const char *pFilename = fmtTmpFilenameFullPath.Access();
// Test file I/O
if ( !Test_IO( pFilename ) ) return false;
// Get out if necessary
if ( !Test_FilePublish( pFilename, bOffload ) ) return false;
// Test delete from fileserver
if ( !Test_PublishedFileDelete( pFilename, fmtTmpFilename.Access(), bOffload ) ) return false;
// Make sure mp_waitingforplayers_cancel isn't on or replay will be fucked.
if ( !Test_WaitingForPlayersCVar() ) return false;
return true; }
bool SV_DoTestPublish() { CPublishTester tester; return tester.Go(); }