//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Valve, L.L.C.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $Log: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "pch_serverbrowser.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
#include <winsock.h>
#ifdef LINUX
#include <arpa/inet.h>
using namespace vgui;
ConVar sb_quick_list_bit_field( "sb_quick_list_bit_field", "-1" );
static CServerBrowserDialog *s_InternetDlg = NULL;
CServerBrowserDialog &ServerBrowserDialog() { return *CServerBrowserDialog::GetInstance(); }
// Returns a list of the ports that we hit when looking for
void GetMostCommonQueryPorts( CUtlVector<uint16> &ports ) { for ( int i=0; i <= 5; i++ ) { ports.AddToTail( 27015 + i ); ports.AddToTail( 26900 + i ); }
ports.AddToTail(4242); //RDKF
ports.AddToTail(27215); //Lost Planet
// Purpose: Constructor
CServerBrowserDialog::CServerBrowserDialog(vgui::Panel *parent) : Frame(parent, "CServerBrowserDialog") { s_InternetDlg = this;
m_szGameName[0] = 0; m_szModDir[0] = 0; m_pSavedData = NULL; m_pFilterData = NULL; m_pFavorites = NULL; m_pBlacklist = NULL; m_pHistory = NULL;
// Do this before LoadUserData() so it loads the blacklist file properly
m_pBlacklist = new CBlacklistedServers(this);
m_pInternetGames = new CCustomGames(this); m_pFavorites = new CFavoriteGames(this); m_pHistory = new CHistoryGames(this); m_pSpectateGames = new CSpectateGames(this); m_pLanGames = new CLanGames(this); m_pFriendsGames = new CFriendsGames(this);
SetMinimumSize( 640, 384 ); SetSize( 640, 384 );
m_pGameList = m_pInternetGames;
m_pContextMenu = new CServerContextMenu(this);;
// property sheet
m_pTabPanel = new PropertySheet(this, "GameTabs"); m_pTabPanel->SetTabWidth(72); m_pTabPanel->AddPage(m_pInternetGames, "#ServerBrowser_InternetTab"); m_pTabPanel->AddPage(m_pFavorites, "#ServerBrowser_FavoritesTab"); m_pTabPanel->AddPage(m_pHistory, "#ServerBrowser_HistoryTab"); m_pTabPanel->AddPage(m_pSpectateGames, "#ServerBrowser_SpectateTab"); m_pTabPanel->AddPage(m_pLanGames, "#ServerBrowser_LanTab"); m_pTabPanel->AddPage(m_pFriendsGames, "#ServerBrowser_FriendsTab"); if ( m_pBlacklist ) { m_pTabPanel->AddPage(m_pBlacklist, "#ServerBrowser_BlacklistTab"); } m_pTabPanel->AddActionSignalTarget(this);
m_pStatusLabel = new Label(this, "StatusLabel", "");
// load current tab
const char *gameList = m_pSavedData->GetString("GameList");
if (!Q_stricmp(gameList, "spectate")) { m_pTabPanel->SetActivePage(m_pSpectateGames); } else if (!Q_stricmp(gameList, "favorites")) { m_pTabPanel->SetActivePage(m_pFavorites); } else if (!Q_stricmp(gameList, "history")) { m_pTabPanel->SetActivePage(m_pHistory); } else if (!Q_stricmp(gameList, "lan")) { m_pTabPanel->SetActivePage(m_pLanGames); } else if (!Q_stricmp(gameList, "friends")) { m_pTabPanel->SetActivePage(m_pFriendsGames); } else if (!Q_stricmp(gameList, "blacklist")) { m_pTabPanel->SetActivePage(m_pBlacklist); } else { m_pTabPanel->SetActivePage(m_pInternetGames); }
ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel() ); }
// Purpose: Destructor
CServerBrowserDialog::~CServerBrowserDialog() { delete m_pContextMenu;
if (m_pSavedData) { m_pSavedData->deleteThis(); } }
// Purpose: Called once to set up
void CServerBrowserDialog::Initialize() { SetTitle("#ServerBrowser_Servers", true); SetVisible(false); }
// Purpose: returns a server in the list
gameserveritem_t *CServerBrowserDialog::GetServer( unsigned int serverID ) { if (m_pGameList) return m_pGameList->GetServer( serverID ); return NULL; }
// Purpose: Activates and gives the tab focus
void CServerBrowserDialog::Open() { BaseClass::Activate(); m_pTabPanel->RequestFocus();
MoveToCenterOfScreen(); }
// Purpose: Called every frame, updates animations for this module
void CServerBrowserDialog::OnTick() { BaseClass::OnTick(); vgui::GetAnimationController()->UpdateAnimations( system()->GetFrameTime() ); }
// Purpose: Loads filter settings from disk
void CServerBrowserDialog::LoadUserData() { // free any old filters
if (m_pSavedData) { m_pSavedData->deleteThis(); }
m_pSavedData = new KeyValues("Filters"); if (!m_pSavedData->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, "ServerBrowser.vdf", "CONFIG")) { // doesn't matter if the file is not found, defaults will work successfully and file will be created on exit
KeyValues *filters = m_pSavedData->FindKey( "Filters", false ); if ( filters ) { m_pFilterData = filters->MakeCopy(); m_pSavedData->RemoveSubKey( filters ); } else { m_pFilterData = new KeyValues( "Filters" ); }
// reload all the page settings if necessary
if (m_pHistory) { // history
m_pHistory->LoadHistoryList(); if ( IsVisible() && m_pHistory->IsVisible() ) m_pHistory->StartRefresh(); }
if (m_pFavorites) { // favorites
// filters
if ( IsVisible() && m_pFavorites->IsVisible() ) m_pFavorites->StartRefresh(); }
if ( m_pBlacklist ) { m_pBlacklist->LoadBlacklistedList(); }
InvalidateLayout(); Repaint(); }
// Purpose:
void CServerBrowserDialog::SaveUserData() { m_pSavedData->Clear(); m_pSavedData->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, "ServerBrowser.vdf", "CONFIG");
// set the current tab
if (m_pGameList == m_pSpectateGames) { m_pSavedData->SetString("GameList", "spectate"); } else if (m_pGameList == m_pFavorites) { m_pSavedData->SetString("GameList", "favorites"); } else if (m_pGameList == m_pLanGames) { m_pSavedData->SetString("GameList", "lan"); } else if (m_pGameList == m_pFriendsGames) { m_pSavedData->SetString("GameList", "friends"); } else if (m_pGameList == m_pHistory) { m_pSavedData->SetString("GameList", "history"); } else { m_pSavedData->SetString("GameList", "internet"); }
m_pSavedData->RemoveSubKey( m_pSavedData->FindKey( "Filters" ) ); // remove the saved subkey and add our subkey
m_pSavedData->AddSubKey( m_pFilterData->MakeCopy() ); m_pSavedData->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, "ServerBrowser.vdf", "CONFIG");
if ( m_pBlacklist ) { m_pBlacklist->SaveBlacklistedList(); }
// save per-page config
SaveUserConfig(); }
// Purpose: refreshes the page currently visible
void CServerBrowserDialog::RefreshCurrentPage() { if (m_pGameList) { m_pGameList->StartRefresh(); } }
// Purpose:
void CServerBrowserDialog::BlacklistsChanged() { m_pInternetGames->ApplyGameFilters(); }
// Purpose: Updates status test at bottom of window
void CServerBrowserDialog::UpdateStatusText(const char *fmt, ...) { if ( !m_pStatusLabel ) return;
if ( fmt && strlen(fmt) > 0 ) { char str[ 1024 ]; va_list argptr; va_start( argptr, fmt ); _vsnprintf( str, sizeof(str), fmt, argptr ); va_end( argptr );
m_pStatusLabel->SetText( str ); } else { // clear
m_pStatusLabel->SetText( "" ); } }
// Purpose: Updates status test at bottom of window
// Input : wchar_t* (unicode string) -
void CServerBrowserDialog::UpdateStatusText(wchar_t *unicode) { if ( !m_pStatusLabel ) return;
if ( unicode && wcslen(unicode) > 0 ) { m_pStatusLabel->SetText( unicode ); } else { // clear
m_pStatusLabel->SetText( "" ); } }
// Purpose:
void CServerBrowserDialog::OnGameListChanged() { m_pGameList = dynamic_cast<IGameList *>(m_pTabPanel->GetActivePage());
InvalidateLayout(); Repaint(); }
// Purpose: returns a pointer to a static instance of this dialog
CServerBrowserDialog *CServerBrowserDialog::GetInstance() { return s_InternetDlg; }
// Purpose: Adds a server to the list of favorites
void CServerBrowserDialog::AddServerToFavorites(gameserveritem_t &server) { if ( steamapicontext->SteamMatchmaking() ) { steamapicontext->SteamMatchmaking()->AddFavoriteGame( server.m_nAppID, server.m_NetAdr.GetIP(), server.m_NetAdr.GetConnectionPort(), server.m_NetAdr.GetQueryPort(), k_unFavoriteFlagFavorite, time( NULL ) );
if ( GameSupportsReplay() ) { // send command to propagate to the client so the client can send it on to the GC
char command[ 256 ]; Q_snprintf( command, Q_ARRAYSIZE( command ), "rfgc %s\n", server.m_NetAdr.GetConnectionAddressString() ); g_pRunGameEngine->AddTextCommand( command ); } } }
// Purpose: Adds a server to our list of blacklisted servers
void CServerBrowserDialog::AddServerToBlacklist(gameserveritem_t &server) { if ( m_pBlacklist ) { m_pBlacklist->AddServer( server ); } }
// Purpose:
bool CServerBrowserDialog::IsServerBlacklisted(gameserveritem_t &server) { if ( m_pBlacklist ) return m_pBlacklist->IsServerBlacklisted( server ); return false; }
// Purpose:
CServerContextMenu *CServerBrowserDialog::GetContextMenu(vgui::Panel *pPanel) { // create a drop down for this object's states
if (m_pContextMenu) delete m_pContextMenu; m_pContextMenu = new CServerContextMenu(this); m_pContextMenu->SetAutoDelete( false );
if (!pPanel) { m_pContextMenu->SetParent(this); } else { m_pContextMenu->SetParent(pPanel); }
m_pContextMenu->SetVisible(false); return m_pContextMenu; }
// Purpose: begins the process of joining a server from a game list
// the game info dialog it opens will also update the game list
CDialogGameInfo *CServerBrowserDialog::JoinGame(IGameList *gameList, unsigned int serverIndex) { // open the game info dialog, then mark it to attempt to connect right away
CDialogGameInfo *gameDialog = OpenGameInfoDialog(gameList, serverIndex);
// set the dialog name to be the server name
return gameDialog; }
// Purpose: joins a game by a specified IP, not attached to any game list
CDialogGameInfo *CServerBrowserDialog::JoinGame(int serverIP, int serverPort, const char *pszConnectCode) { // open the game info dialog, then mark it to attempt to connect right away
CDialogGameInfo *gameDialog = OpenGameInfoDialog( serverIP, serverPort, serverPort, pszConnectCode );
// set the dialog name to be the server name
return gameDialog; }
// Purpose: opens a game info dialog from a game list
CDialogGameInfo *CServerBrowserDialog::OpenGameInfoDialog( IGameList *gameList, unsigned int serverIndex ) { gameserveritem_t *pServer = gameList->GetServer( serverIndex ); if ( !pServer ) return NULL;
CDialogGameInfo *gameDialog = new CDialogGameInfo( NULL, pServer->m_NetAdr.GetIP(), pServer->m_NetAdr.GetQueryPort(), pServer->m_NetAdr.GetConnectionPort(), gameList->GetConnectCode() ); gameDialog->SetParent(GetVParent()); gameDialog->AddActionSignalTarget(this); gameDialog->Run( pServer->GetName() ); int i = m_GameInfoDialogs.AddToTail(); m_GameInfoDialogs[i] = gameDialog; return gameDialog; }
// Purpose: opens a game info dialog by a specified IP, not attached to any game list
CDialogGameInfo *CServerBrowserDialog::OpenGameInfoDialog( int serverIP, uint16 connPort, uint16 queryPort, const char *pszConnectCode ) { CDialogGameInfo *gameDialog = new CDialogGameInfo(NULL, serverIP, queryPort, connPort, pszConnectCode); gameDialog->AddActionSignalTarget(this); gameDialog->SetParent(GetVParent()); gameDialog->Run(""); int i = m_GameInfoDialogs.AddToTail(); m_GameInfoDialogs[i] = gameDialog; return gameDialog; }
// Purpose: closes all the game info dialogs
void CServerBrowserDialog::CloseAllGameInfoDialogs() { for (int i = 0; i < m_GameInfoDialogs.Count(); i++) { vgui::Panel *dlg = m_GameInfoDialogs[i]; if (dlg) { vgui::ivgui()->PostMessage(dlg->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues("Close"), NULL); } } }
// Purpose: finds a dialog
CDialogGameInfo *CServerBrowserDialog::GetDialogGameInfoForFriend( uint64 ulSteamIDFriend ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_GameInfoDialogs, i ) { CDialogGameInfo *pDlg = m_GameInfoDialogs[i]; if ( pDlg && pDlg->GetAssociatedFriend() == ulSteamIDFriend ) { return pDlg; } } return NULL; }
// Purpose: accessor to the filter save data
KeyValues *CServerBrowserDialog::GetFilterSaveData(const char *filterSet) { return m_pFilterData->FindKey(filterSet, true); }
// Purpose: gets the name of the mod directory we're restricted to accessing, NULL if none
const char *CServerBrowserDialog::GetActiveModName() { return m_szModDir[0] ? m_szModDir : NULL; }
// Purpose: gets the name of the mod directory we're restricted to accessing, NULL if none
const char *CServerBrowserDialog::GetActiveGameName() { return m_szGameName[0] ? m_szGameName : NULL; }
// Purpose: return the app id to limit game queries to, set by Source/HL1 engines (NOT by filter settings, that is per page)
CGameID &CServerBrowserDialog::GetActiveAppID() { // !TEST! Un comment this to force a particular AppID
//m_iLimitAppID = CGameID( 440 );
return m_iLimitAppID; }
// Purpose: receives a specified game is active, so no other game types can be displayed in server list
void CServerBrowserDialog::OnActiveGameName( KeyValues *pKV ) { Q_strncpy(m_szModDir, pKV->GetString( "name" ), sizeof(m_szModDir)); Q_strncpy(m_szGameName, pKV->GetString( "game" ), sizeof(m_szGameName)); m_iLimitAppID = CGameID( pKV->GetUint64( "appid", 0 ) ); // reload filter settings (since they are no forced to be game specific)
ReloadFilterSettings(); }
// Purpose: resets all pages filter settings
void CServerBrowserDialog::ReloadFilterSettings() { m_pInternetGames->LoadFilterSettings(); m_pSpectateGames->LoadFilterSettings(); m_pFavorites->LoadFilterSettings(); m_pLanGames->LoadFilterSettings(); m_pFriendsGames->LoadFilterSettings(); m_pHistory->LoadFilterSettings(); }
// Purpose: Adds server to the history, saves as currently connected server
void CServerBrowserDialog::OnConnectToGame( KeyValues *pMessageValues ) { int ip = pMessageValues->GetInt( "ip" ); int connectionPort = pMessageValues->GetInt( "connectionport" ); int queryPort = pMessageValues->GetInt( "queryport" );
if ( !ip || !queryPort ) return;
uint32 unIP = htonl( ip );
memset( &m_CurrentConnection, 0, sizeof(gameserveritem_t) ); m_CurrentConnection.m_NetAdr.SetIP( unIP ); m_CurrentConnection.m_NetAdr.SetQueryPort( queryPort ); m_CurrentConnection.m_NetAdr.SetConnectionPort( (unsigned short)connectionPort );
if (m_pHistory && steamapicontext->SteamMatchmaking() ) { steamapicontext->SteamMatchmaking()->AddFavoriteGame( 0, unIP, connectionPort, queryPort, k_unFavoriteFlagHistory, time( NULL ) ); m_pHistory->SetRefreshOnReload(); }
// tell the game info dialogs, so they can cancel if we have connected
// to a server they were auto-retrying
for (int i = 0; i < m_GameInfoDialogs.Count(); i++) { vgui::Panel *dlg = m_GameInfoDialogs[i]; if (dlg) { KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("ConnectedToGame", "ip", unIP, "connectionport", connectionPort); kv->SetInt( "queryport", queryPort ); vgui::ivgui()->PostMessage(dlg->GetVPanel(), kv, NULL); } }
// forward to favorites
m_pFavorites->OnConnectToGame(); if ( m_pBlacklist ) { m_pBlacklist->OnConnectToGame(); }
m_bCurrentlyConnected = true;
// Now we want to track which tabs have the quick list button checked
int iQuickListBitField = 0; if ( m_pFriendsGames && m_pFriendsGames->IsQuickListButtonChecked() ) { iQuickListBitField |= ( 1 << 0 ); } if ( m_pLanGames && m_pLanGames->IsQuickListButtonChecked() ) { iQuickListBitField |= ( 1 << 1 ); } if ( m_pSpectateGames && m_pSpectateGames->IsQuickListButtonChecked() ) { iQuickListBitField |= ( 1 << 2 ); } if ( m_pHistory && m_pHistory->IsQuickListButtonChecked() ) { iQuickListBitField |= ( 1 << 3 ); } if ( m_pFavorites && m_pFavorites->IsQuickListButtonChecked() ) { iQuickListBitField |= ( 1 << 4 ); } if ( m_pInternetGames && m_pInternetGames->IsQuickListButtonChecked() ) { iQuickListBitField |= ( 1 << 5 ); }
// Set the value so that the client.dll can use it for gamestats
sb_quick_list_bit_field.SetValue( iQuickListBitField );
// TF2 wants to close this dialog when the player connects to a game
if ( GameSupportsReplay() ) { ConVarRef sb_close_browser_on_connect( "sb_close_browser_on_connect" ); if ( sb_close_browser_on_connect.IsValid() ) { if ( sb_close_browser_on_connect.GetBool() == true ) { OnClose(); } } } }
// Purpose: Clears currently connected server
void CServerBrowserDialog::OnDisconnectFromGame( void ) { m_bCurrentlyConnected = false; memset( &m_CurrentConnection, 0, sizeof(gameserveritem_t) );
// forward to favorites
m_pFavorites->OnDisconnectFromGame(); if ( m_pBlacklist ) { m_pBlacklist->OnDisconnectFromGame(); } }
// Purpose: Called when start start loading, so we can cease server browser activity
void CServerBrowserDialog::OnLoadingStarted( void ) { m_pInternetGames->OnLoadingStarted(); m_pSpectateGames->OnLoadingStarted(); m_pFavorites->OnLoadingStarted(); m_pLanGames->OnLoadingStarted(); m_pFriendsGames->OnLoadingStarted(); m_pHistory->OnLoadingStarted(); }
// Purpose: Passes build mode activation down into the pages
void CServerBrowserDialog::ActivateBuildMode() { // no subpanel, no build mode
EditablePanel *panel = dynamic_cast<EditablePanel *>(m_pTabPanel->GetActivePage()); if (!panel) return;
panel->ActivateBuildMode(); }
// Purpose: gets the default position and size on the screen to appear the first time
bool CServerBrowserDialog::GetDefaultScreenPosition(int &x, int &y, int &wide, int &tall) { int wx, wy, ww, wt; surface()->GetWorkspaceBounds( wx, wy, ww, wt ); x = wx + (int)(ww * 0.05); y = wy + (int)(wt * 0.4); wide = (int)(ww * 0.5); tall = (int)(wt * 0.55); return true; }
void CServerBrowserDialog::OnKeyCodePressed( vgui::KeyCode code ) { // Handle close here, CBasePanel parent doesn't support "DialogClosing" command
ButtonCode_t nButtonCode = GetBaseButtonCode( code );
if ( nButtonCode == KEY_XBUTTON_B || nButtonCode == STEAMCONTROLLER_B ) { OnCommand( "Close" ); return; } else if ( nButtonCode == KEY_XBUTTON_A || nButtonCode == STEAMCONTROLLER_A ) { //OnOK( false );
} else if ( nButtonCode == KEY_XBUTTON_UP || nButtonCode == KEY_XSTICK1_UP || nButtonCode == KEY_XSTICK2_UP || nButtonCode == STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_UP || nButtonCode == KEY_UP || nButtonCode == KEY_XBUTTON_DOWN || nButtonCode == KEY_XSTICK1_DOWN || nButtonCode == KEY_XSTICK2_DOWN || nButtonCode == STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_DOWN || nButtonCode == KEY_DOWN ) { CBaseGamesPage *pGamesPage = dynamic_cast< CBaseGamesPage* >( m_pTabPanel->GetActivePage() ); if ( pGamesPage ) { ListPanel *pListPanel = dynamic_cast< ListPanel * >( pGamesPage->GetActiveList() ); if ( pListPanel ) { if ( pListPanel->GetSelectedItem( 0 ) == -1 ) { pListPanel->SetSingleSelectedItem( pListPanel->GetItemIDFromRow( 0 ) ); pListPanel->RequestFocus(); return; } else if ( !pListPanel->HasFocus() ) { pListPanel->RequestFocus(); return; } } } }
BaseClass::OnKeyCodePressed( code ); }