//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// r_studio.cpp: routines for setting up to draw 3DStudio models
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "studio.h"
#include "studiorender.h"
#include "studiorendercontext.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "tier3/tier3.h"
#include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Figures out what kind of lighting we're gonna want
FORCEINLINE StudioModelLighting_t CStudioRender::R_StudioComputeLighting( IMaterial *pMaterial, int materialFlags, ColorMeshInfo_t *pColorMeshes ) { // Here, we only do software lighting when the following conditions are met.
// 1) The material is vertex lit and we don't have hardware lighting
// 2) We're drawing an eyeball
// 3) We're drawing mouth-lit stuff
// FIXME: When we move software lighting into the material system, only need to
// test if it's vertex lit
Assert( pMaterial ); bool doMouthLighting = materialFlags && (m_pStudioHdr->nummouths >= 1);
if ( IsX360() ) { // 360 does not do software lighting
return doMouthLighting ? LIGHTING_MOUTH : LIGHTING_HARDWARE; }
bool doSoftwareLighting = doMouthLighting || (pMaterial->IsVertexLit() && pMaterial->NeedsSoftwareLighting() );
if ( !m_pRC->m_Config.m_bSupportsVertexAndPixelShaders ) { if ( !doSoftwareLighting && pColorMeshes ) { pMaterial->SetUseFixedFunctionBakedLighting( true ); } else { doSoftwareLighting = true; pMaterial->SetUseFixedFunctionBakedLighting( false ); } }
StudioModelLighting_t lighting = LIGHTING_HARDWARE; if ( doMouthLighting ) lighting = LIGHTING_MOUTH; else if ( doSoftwareLighting ) lighting = LIGHTING_SOFTWARE;
return lighting; }
IMaterial* CStudioRender::R_StudioSetupSkinAndLighting( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, int index, IMaterial **ppMaterials, int materialFlags, void /*IClientRenderable*/ *pClientRenderable, ColorMeshInfo_t *pColorMeshes, StudioModelLighting_t &lighting ) { VPROF( "R_StudioSetupSkin" ); IMaterial *pMaterial = NULL; bool bCheckForConVarDrawTranslucentSubModels = false; if( m_pRC->m_Config.bWireframe && !m_pRC->m_pForcedMaterial ) { if ( m_pRC->m_Config.bDrawZBufferedWireframe ) pMaterial = m_pMaterialMRMWireframeZBuffer; else pMaterial = m_pMaterialMRMWireframe; } else if( m_pRC->m_Config.bShowEnvCubemapOnly ) { pMaterial = m_pMaterialModelEnvCubemap; } else { if ( !m_pRC->m_pForcedMaterial && ( m_pRC->m_nForcedMaterialType != OVERRIDE_DEPTH_WRITE && m_pRC->m_nForcedMaterialType != OVERRIDE_SSAO_DEPTH_WRITE ) ) { pMaterial = ppMaterials[index]; if ( !pMaterial ) { Assert( 0 ); return 0; } } else { materialFlags = 0; pMaterial = m_pRC->m_pForcedMaterial; if (m_pRC->m_nForcedMaterialType == OVERRIDE_BUILD_SHADOWS) { // Connect the original material up to the shadow building material
// Also bind the original material so its proxies are in the correct state
static unsigned int translucentCache = 0; IMaterialVar* pOriginalMaterialVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$translucent_material", &translucentCache ); Assert( pOriginalMaterialVar ); IMaterial *pOriginalMaterial = ppMaterials[index]; if ( pOriginalMaterial ) { // Disable any alpha modulation on the original material that was left over from when it was last rendered
pOriginalMaterial->AlphaModulate( 1.0f ); pRenderContext->Bind( pOriginalMaterial, pClientRenderable ); if ( pOriginalMaterial->IsTranslucent() || pOriginalMaterial->IsAlphaTested() ) { if ( pOriginalMaterialVar ) pOriginalMaterialVar->SetMaterialValue( pOriginalMaterial ); } else { if ( pOriginalMaterialVar ) pOriginalMaterialVar->SetMaterialValue( NULL ); } } else { if ( pOriginalMaterialVar ) pOriginalMaterialVar->SetMaterialValue( NULL ); } } else if ( m_pRC->m_nForcedMaterialType == OVERRIDE_DEPTH_WRITE || m_pRC->m_nForcedMaterialType == OVERRIDE_SSAO_DEPTH_WRITE ) { // Disable any alpha modulation on the original material that was left over from when it was last rendered
ppMaterials[index]->AlphaModulate( 1.0f );
// Bail if the material is still considered translucent after setting the AlphaModulate to 1.0
if ( ppMaterials[index]->IsTranslucent() ) { return NULL; }
static unsigned int originalTextureVarCache = 0; IMaterialVar *pOriginalTextureVar = ppMaterials[index]->FindVarFast( "$basetexture", &originalTextureVarCache );
// Select proper override material
int nAlphaTest = (int) ( ppMaterials[index]->IsAlphaTested() && pOriginalTextureVar->IsTexture() ); // alpha tested base texture
int nNoCull = (int) ppMaterials[index]->IsTwoSided(); if ( m_pRC->m_nForcedMaterialType == OVERRIDE_SSAO_DEPTH_WRITE ) { pMaterial = m_pSSAODepthWrite[nAlphaTest][nNoCull]; } else { pMaterial = m_pDepthWrite[nAlphaTest][nNoCull]; }
// If we're alpha tested, we should set up the texture variables from the original material
if ( nAlphaTest != 0 ) { static unsigned int originalTextureFrameVarCache = 0; IMaterialVar *pOriginalTextureFrameVar = ppMaterials[index]->FindVarFast( "$frame", &originalTextureFrameVarCache ); static unsigned int originalAlphaRefCache = 0; IMaterialVar *pOriginalAlphaRefVar = ppMaterials[index]->FindVarFast( "$AlphaTestReference", &originalAlphaRefCache );
static unsigned int textureVarCache = 0; IMaterialVar *pTextureVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$basetexture", &textureVarCache ); static unsigned int textureFrameVarCache = 0; IMaterialVar *pTextureFrameVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$frame", &textureFrameVarCache ); static unsigned int alphaRefCache = 0; IMaterialVar *pAlphaRefVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$AlphaTestReference", &alphaRefCache );
if ( pOriginalTextureVar->IsTexture() ) // If $basetexture is defined
{ if( pTextureVar && pOriginalTextureVar ) { pTextureVar->SetTextureValue( pOriginalTextureVar->GetTextureValue() ); }
if( pTextureFrameVar && pOriginalTextureFrameVar ) { pTextureFrameVar->SetIntValue( pOriginalTextureFrameVar->GetIntValue() ); }
if( pAlphaRefVar && pOriginalAlphaRefVar ) { pAlphaRefVar->SetFloatValue( pOriginalAlphaRefVar->GetFloatValue() ); } } } } }
// Set this bool to check after the bind below
bCheckForConVarDrawTranslucentSubModels = true;
if ( m_pRC->m_nForcedMaterialType != OVERRIDE_DEPTH_WRITE && m_pRC->m_nForcedMaterialType != OVERRIDE_SSAO_DEPTH_WRITE) { // Try to set the alpha based on the blend
pMaterial->AlphaModulate( m_pRC->m_AlphaMod );
// Try to set the color based on the colormod
pMaterial->ColorModulate( m_pRC->m_ColorMod[0], m_pRC->m_ColorMod[1], m_pRC->m_ColorMod[2] ); } }
lighting = R_StudioComputeLighting( pMaterial, materialFlags, pColorMeshes ); if ( lighting == LIGHTING_MOUTH ) { if ( !m_pRC->m_Config.bTeeth || !R_TeethAreVisible() ) return NULL; // skin it and light it, but only if we need to.
if ( m_pRC->m_Config.m_bSupportsVertexAndPixelShaders ) { R_MouthSetupVertexShader( pMaterial ); } }
// TODO: It's possible we don't want to use the color texels--for example because of a convar.
// We should check that here in addition to whether or not we have the data available.
static unsigned int lightmapVarCache = 0; IMaterialVar *pLightmapVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$lightmap", &lightmapVarCache ); if ( pLightmapVar ) { ITexture* newTex = pColorMeshes ? pColorMeshes->m_pLightmap : NULL;
if (newTex) pLightmapVar->SetTextureValue(newTex); else pLightmapVar->SetUndefined(); } pRenderContext->Bind( pMaterial, pClientRenderable );
if ( bCheckForConVarDrawTranslucentSubModels ) { bool translucent = pMaterial->IsTranslucent();
if (( m_bDrawTranslucentSubModels && !translucent ) || ( !m_bDrawTranslucentSubModels && translucent )) { m_bSkippedMeshes = true; return NULL; } }
return pMaterial; }
================= R_StudioSetupModel based on the body part, figure out which mesh it should be using. inputs: outputs: pstudiomesh pmdl ================= */ int R_StudioSetupModel( int bodypart, int entity_body, mstudiomodel_t **ppSubModel, const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr ) { int index; mstudiobodyparts_t *pbodypart;
if (bodypart > pStudioHdr->numbodyparts) { ConDMsg ("R_StudioSetupModel: no such bodypart %d\n", bodypart); bodypart = 0; }
pbodypart = pStudioHdr->pBodypart( bodypart );
if ( pbodypart->base == 0 ) { Warning( "Model has missing body part: %s\n", pStudioHdr->pszName() ); Assert( 0 ); } index = entity_body / pbodypart->base; index = index % pbodypart->nummodels;
Assert( ppSubModel ); *ppSubModel = pbodypart->pModel( index ); return index; }
// Generates the PoseToBone Matrix nessecary to align the given bone with the
// world.
static void ScreenAlignBone( matrix3x4_t *pPoseToWorld, mstudiobone_t *pCurBone, const Vector& vecViewOrigin, const matrix3x4_t &boneToWorld ) { // Grab the world translation:
Vector vT( boneToWorld[0][3], boneToWorld[1][3], boneToWorld[2][3] );
// Construct the coordinate frame:
// Initialized to get rid of compiler
Vector vX, vY, vZ;
if( pCurBone->flags & BONE_SCREEN_ALIGN_SPHERE ) { vX = vecViewOrigin - vT; VectorNormalize(vX); vZ = Vector(0,0,1); vY = vZ.Cross(vX); VectorNormalize(vY); vZ = vX.Cross(vY); VectorNormalize(vZ); } else { Assert( pCurBone->flags & BONE_SCREEN_ALIGN_CYLINDER ); vX.Init( boneToWorld[0][0], boneToWorld[1][0], boneToWorld[2][0] ); vZ = vecViewOrigin - vT; VectorNormalize(vZ); vY = vZ.Cross(vX); VectorNormalize(vY); vZ = vX.Cross(vY); VectorNormalize(vZ); }
matrix3x4_t matBoneBillboard( vX.x, vY.x, vZ.x, vT.x, vX.y, vY.y, vZ.y, vT.y, vX.z, vY.z, vZ.z, vT.z ); ConcatTransforms( matBoneBillboard, pCurBone->poseToBone, *pPoseToWorld ); }
// Computes PoseToWorld from BoneToWorld
void ComputePoseToWorld( matrix3x4_t *pPoseToWorld, studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, int boneMask, const Vector& vecViewOrigin, const matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorld ) { if ( pStudioHdr->flags & STUDIOHDR_FLAGS_STATIC_PROP ) { // by definition, these always have an identity poseToBone transform
MatrixCopy( pBoneToWorld[ 0 ], pPoseToWorld[ 0 ] ); return; }
if ( !pStudioHdr->pLinearBones() ) { // convert bone to world transformations into pose to world transformations
for (int i = 0; i < pStudioHdr->numbones; i++) { mstudiobone_t *pCurBone = pStudioHdr->pBone( i ); if ( !(pCurBone->flags & boneMask) ) continue;
ConcatTransforms( pBoneToWorld[ i ], pCurBone->poseToBone, pPoseToWorld[ i ] ); } } else { mstudiolinearbone_t *pLinearBones = pStudioHdr->pLinearBones();
// convert bone to world transformations into pose to world transformations
for (int i = 0; i < pStudioHdr->numbones; i++) { if ( !(pLinearBones->flags(i) & boneMask) ) continue;
ConcatTransforms( pBoneToWorld[ i ], pLinearBones->poseToBone(i), pPoseToWorld[ i ] ); } }
#if 0
// These don't seem to be used in any existing QC file, re-enable in a future project?
// Pretransform
if( !( pCurBone->flags & ( BONE_SCREEN_ALIGN_SPHERE | BONE_SCREEN_ALIGN_CYLINDER ))) { ConcatTransforms( pBoneToWorld[ i ], pCurBone->poseToBone, pPoseToWorld[ i ] ); } else { // If this bone is screen aligned, then generate a PoseToWorld matrix that billboards the bone
ScreenAlignBone( &pPoseToWorld[i], pCurBone, vecViewOrigin, pBoneToWorld[i] ); } #endif