//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// Serialization/unserialization buffer
#include "tier2/utlstreambuffer.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
// default stream chunk size
enum { DEFAULT_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE = 16 * 1024 };
// Constructor, destructor
CUtlStreamBuffer::CUtlStreamBuffer( ) : BaseClass( DEFAULT_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE, DEFAULT_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE, 0 ) { SetUtlBufferOverflowFuncs( &CUtlStreamBuffer::StreamGetOverflow, &CUtlStreamBuffer::StreamPutOverflow ); m_hFileHandle = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE; m_pFileName = NULL; m_pPath = NULL; }
CUtlStreamBuffer::CUtlStreamBuffer( const char *pFileName, const char *pPath, int nFlags, bool bDelayOpen ) : BaseClass( DEFAULT_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE, DEFAULT_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE, nFlags ) { SetUtlBufferOverflowFuncs( &CUtlStreamBuffer::StreamGetOverflow, &CUtlStreamBuffer::StreamPutOverflow );
if ( bDelayOpen ) { m_pFileName = V_strdup( pFileName );
if ( pPath ) { int nPathLen = Q_strlen( pPath ); m_pPath = new char[ nPathLen + 1 ]; Q_strcpy( m_pPath, pPath ); } else { m_pPath = new char[ 1 ]; m_pPath[0] = 0; }
m_hFileHandle = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE; } else { m_pFileName = NULL; m_pPath = NULL; m_hFileHandle = OpenFile( pFileName, pPath ); if ( m_hFileHandle == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { return; } }
if ( IsReadOnly() ) { // NOTE: MaxPut may not actually be this exact size for text files;
// it could be slightly less owing to the /r/n -> /n conversion
m_nMaxPut = g_pFullFileSystem->Size( m_hFileHandle );
// Read in the first bytes of the file
if ( Size() > 0 ) { int nSizeToRead = min( Size(), m_nMaxPut ); ReadBytesFromFile( nSizeToRead, 0 ); } } }
void CUtlStreamBuffer::Close() { if ( !IsReadOnly() ) { // Write the final bytes
int nBytesToWrite = TellPut() - m_nOffset; if ( nBytesToWrite > 0 ) { if ( ( m_hFileHandle == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) && m_pFileName ) { m_hFileHandle = OpenFile( m_pFileName, m_pPath ); if( m_hFileHandle == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { Error( "CUtlStreamBuffer::Close() Unable to open file %s!\n", m_pFileName ); } } if ( m_hFileHandle != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { if ( g_pFullFileSystem ) { int nBytesWritten = g_pFullFileSystem->Write( Base(), nBytesToWrite, m_hFileHandle ); if( nBytesWritten != nBytesToWrite ) { Error( "CUtlStreamBuffer::Close() Write %s failed %d != %d.\n", m_pFileName, nBytesWritten, nBytesToWrite ); } } } } }
if ( m_hFileHandle != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { if ( g_pFullFileSystem ) g_pFullFileSystem->Close( m_hFileHandle ); m_hFileHandle = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE; }
if ( m_pFileName ) { delete[] m_pFileName; m_pFileName = NULL; }
if ( m_pPath ) { delete[] m_pPath; m_pPath = NULL; }
m_Error = 0; }
CUtlStreamBuffer::~CUtlStreamBuffer() { Close(); }
// Open the file. normally done in constructor
void CUtlStreamBuffer::Open( const char *pFileName, const char *pPath, int nFlags ) { if ( IsOpen() ) { Close(); }
m_Get = 0; m_Put = 0; m_nTab = 0; m_nOffset = 0; m_Flags = nFlags; m_hFileHandle = OpenFile( pFileName, pPath ); if ( m_hFileHandle == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) return;
if ( IsReadOnly() ) { // NOTE: MaxPut may not actually be this exact size for text files;
// it could be slightly less owing to the /r/n -> /n conversion
m_nMaxPut = g_pFullFileSystem->Size( m_hFileHandle );
// Read in the first bytes of the file
if ( Size() > 0 ) { int nSizeToRead = min( Size(), m_nMaxPut ); ReadBytesFromFile( nSizeToRead, 0 ); } } else { if ( m_Memory.NumAllocated() != 0 ) { m_nMaxPut = -1; AddNullTermination(); } else { m_nMaxPut = 0; } } }
// Is the file open?
bool CUtlStreamBuffer::IsOpen() const { if ( m_hFileHandle != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) return true;
// Delayed open case
return ( m_pFileName != 0 ); }
// Grow allocation size to fit requested size
void CUtlStreamBuffer::GrowAllocatedSize( int nSize ) { int nNewSize = Size(); if ( nNewSize < nSize + 1 ) { while ( nNewSize < nSize + 1 ) { nNewSize += DEFAULT_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE; } m_Memory.Grow( nNewSize - Size() ); } }
// Load up more of the stream when we overflow
bool CUtlStreamBuffer::StreamPutOverflow( int nSize ) { if ( !IsValid() || IsReadOnly() ) return false;
// Make sure the allocated size is at least as big as the requested size
if ( nSize > 0 ) { GrowAllocatedSize( nSize + 2 ); }
// Don't write the last byte (for NULL termination logic to work)
int nBytesToWrite = TellPut() - m_nOffset - 1; if ( ( nBytesToWrite > 0 ) || ( nSize < 0 ) ) { if ( m_hFileHandle == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { m_hFileHandle = OpenFile( m_pFileName, m_pPath ); if( m_hFileHandle == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) return false; } }
if ( nBytesToWrite > 0 ) { int nBytesWritten = g_pFullFileSystem->Write( Base(), nBytesToWrite, m_hFileHandle ); if ( nBytesWritten != nBytesToWrite ) { m_Error |= FILE_WRITE_ERROR; return false; }
// This is necessary to deal with auto-NULL terminiation
m_Memory[0] = *(unsigned char*)PeekPut( -1 ); if ( TellPut() < Size() ) { m_Memory[1] = *(unsigned char*)PeekPut( ); } m_nOffset = TellPut() - 1; }
if ( nSize < 0 ) { m_nOffset = -nSize-1; g_pFullFileSystem->Seek( m_hFileHandle, m_nOffset, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); }
return true; }
// Reads bytes from the file; fixes up maxput if necessary and null terminates
int CUtlStreamBuffer::ReadBytesFromFile( int nBytesToRead, int nReadOffset ) { if ( m_hFileHandle == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { if ( !m_pFileName ) { Warning( "File has not been opened!\n" ); Assert(0); return 0; }
m_hFileHandle = OpenFile( m_pFileName, m_pPath ); if ( m_hFileHandle == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { Error( "Unable to read file %s!\n", m_pFileName ); return 0; } if ( m_nOffset != 0 ) { g_pFullFileSystem->Seek( m_hFileHandle, m_nOffset, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); } }
char *pReadPoint = (char*)Base() + nReadOffset; int nBytesRead = g_pFullFileSystem->Read( pReadPoint, nBytesToRead, m_hFileHandle ); if ( nBytesRead != nBytesToRead ) { // Since max put is a guess at the start,
// we need to shrink it based on the actual # read
if ( m_nMaxPut > TellGet() + nReadOffset + nBytesRead ) { m_nMaxPut = TellGet() + nReadOffset + nBytesRead; } }
if ( nReadOffset + nBytesRead < Size() ) { // This is necessary to deal with auto-NULL terminiation
pReadPoint[nBytesRead] = 0; }
return nBytesRead; }
// Load up more of the stream when we overflow
bool CUtlStreamBuffer::StreamGetOverflow( int nSize ) { if ( !IsValid() || !IsReadOnly() ) return false;
// Shift the unread bytes down
// NOTE: Can't use the partial overlap path if we're seeking. We'll
// get negative sizes passed in if we're seeking.
int nUnreadBytes; bool bHasPartialOverlap = ( nSize >= 0 ) && ( TellGet() >= m_nOffset ) && ( TellGet() <= m_nOffset + Size() ); if ( bHasPartialOverlap ) { nUnreadBytes = Size() - ( TellGet() - m_nOffset ); if ( ( TellGet() != m_nOffset ) && ( nUnreadBytes > 0 ) ) { memmove( Base(), (const char*)Base() + TellGet() - m_nOffset, nUnreadBytes ); } } else { m_nOffset = TellGet(); g_pFullFileSystem->Seek( m_hFileHandle, m_nOffset, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); nUnreadBytes = 0; }
// Make sure the allocated size is at least as big as the requested size
if ( nSize > 0 ) { GrowAllocatedSize( nSize ); }
int nBytesToRead = Size() - nUnreadBytes; int nBytesRead = ReadBytesFromFile( nBytesToRead, nUnreadBytes ); if ( nBytesRead == 0 ) return false;
m_nOffset = TellGet(); return ( nBytesRead + nUnreadBytes >= nSize ); }
// open file unless already failed to open
FileHandle_t CUtlStreamBuffer::OpenFile( const char *pFileName, const char *pPath ) { if ( m_Error & FILE_OPEN_ERROR ) return FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE;
char openflags[ 3 ] = "xx"; openflags[ 0 ] = IsReadOnly() ? 'r' : 'w'; openflags[ 1 ] = IsText() && !ContainsCRLF() ? 't' : 'b';
FileHandle_t fh = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( pFileName, openflags, pPath ); if( fh == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { m_Error |= FILE_OPEN_ERROR; }
return fh; }