//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "attachments_window.h"
#include "ControlPanel.h"
#include "ViewerSettings.h"
#include "StudioModel.h"
#include "MatSysWin.h"
CAttachmentsWindow::CAttachmentsWindow( ControlPanel* pParent ) : mxWindow( pParent, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) { m_pControlPanel = pParent; g_viewerSettings.m_iEditAttachment = -1; }
void CAttachmentsWindow::Init( ) { int left, top; left = 5; top = 0;
// Attachment selection list
new mxLabel( this, left + 3, top + 4, 60, 18, "Attachment" ); m_cAttachmentList = new mxListBox( this, left, top + 20, 260, 100, IDC_ATTACHMENT_LIST ); m_cAttachmentList->add ("None"); m_cAttachmentList->select (0); mxToolTip::add (m_cAttachmentList, "Select an attachment to modify");
left = 280; new mxLabel( this, left + 3, top + 4, 60, 18, "Attach To Bone" ); m_cBoneList = new mxListBox( this, left, top + 20, 260, 100, IDC_ATTACHMENT_LIST_BONES ); m_cBoneList->add ("None"); m_cBoneList->select( 0 ); mxToolTip::add( m_cBoneList, "Select a bone to attach to" );
left = 5; top = 120; new mxLabel( this, left + 3, top + 4, 60, 18, "Translation" ); m_cTranslation = new mxLineEdit2( this, left + 70, top, 90, 25, "10 20 30", IDC_ATTACHMENT_TRANSLATION );
left = 170; top = 120; new mxLabel( this, left + 3, top + 4, 60, 18, "Rotation" ); m_cRotation = new mxLineEdit2( this, left + 70, top, 90, 25, "0 90 180", IDC_ATTACHMENT_ROTATION );
top = 145; left = 5; new mxLabel( this, left, top, 60, 18, "QC String" ); m_cQCString = new mxLineEdit2( this, left + 70, top, 400, 25, "$attachment \"controlpanel0_ur\" \"Vgui\" -22 -15 4 rotate 0 0 0", IDC_ATTACHMENT_QC_STRING ); }
void CAttachmentsWindow::OnLoadModel() { int iPrevEdit = g_viewerSettings.m_iEditAttachment; PopulateBoneList(); PopulateAttachmentsList();
if ( iPrevEdit >= 0 && iPrevEdit < m_cAttachmentList->getItemCount()) { m_cAttachmentList->select( iPrevEdit + 1 ); } g_viewerSettings.m_iEditAttachment = iPrevEdit; UpdateStrings(); }
void CAttachmentsWindow::OnTabSelected() { // for now, keep selection
// g_viewerSettings.m_iEditAttachment = m_cAttachmentList->getSelectedIndex() - 1;
void CAttachmentsWindow::OnTabUnselected() { // for now, keep selection
// g_viewerSettings.m_iEditAttachment = -1;
void CAttachmentsWindow::PopulateAttachmentsList() { m_cAttachmentList->removeAll();
m_cAttachmentList->add( "(none)" );
if ( g_pStudioModel ) { CStudioHdr* pHdr = g_pStudioModel->GetStudioHdr(); if (pHdr->GetNumAttachments()) { for ( int i = 0; i < pHdr->GetNumAttachments(); i++ ) { m_cAttachmentList->add ( pHdr->pAttachment(i).pszName() ); }
m_cAttachmentList->select (0); OnSelChangeAttachmentList(); return; } }
m_cAttachmentList->select (0); }
void CAttachmentsWindow::PopulateBoneList() { m_cBoneList->removeAll();
if ( g_pStudioModel ) { CStudioHdr* pHdr = g_pStudioModel->GetStudioHdr(); if (pHdr->numbones()) { for ( int i = 0; i < pHdr->numbones(); i++ ) { m_cBoneList->add ( pHdr->pBone(i)->pszName() ); }
m_cBoneList->select (0); return; } }
m_cBoneList->add( "None" ); m_cBoneList->select (0); }
int CAttachmentsWindow::handleEvent (mxEvent *event) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION_( g_pMDLCache );
if ( !g_pStudioModel ) return 0;
CStudioHdr* pHdr = g_pStudioModel->GetStudioHdr(); switch( event->action ) { case IDC_ATTACHMENT_LIST: { OnSelChangeAttachmentList(); } break;
case IDC_ATTACHMENT_LIST_BONES: { int iAttachment = g_viewerSettings.m_iEditAttachment; int iBone = m_cBoneList->getSelectedIndex();
if ( iAttachment >= 0 && iAttachment < pHdr->GetNumAttachments() && iBone >= 0 && iBone < pHdr->numbones() ) { pHdr->SetAttachmentBone( iAttachment, iBone ); UpdateStrings(); } } break;
case IDC_ATTACHMENT_TRANSLATION: { int iAttachment = g_viewerSettings.m_iEditAttachment;
if ( iAttachment >= 0 && iAttachment < pHdr->GetNumAttachments() ) { mstudioattachment_t &pAttachment = (mstudioattachment_t &)pHdr->pAttachment( iAttachment ); Vector vTrans( 0, 0, 0 ); char curText[512]; m_cTranslation->getText( curText, sizeof( curText ) ); sscanf( curText, "%f %f %f", &vTrans.x, &vTrans.y, &vTrans.z ); pAttachment.local[0][3] = vTrans.x; pAttachment.local[1][3] = vTrans.y; pAttachment.local[2][3] = vTrans.z;
UpdateStrings( true, false, false ); } } break; case IDC_ATTACHMENT_ROTATION: { int iAttachment = g_viewerSettings.m_iEditAttachment;
if ( iAttachment >= 0 && iAttachment < pHdr->GetNumAttachments() ) { mstudioattachment_t &pAttachment = (mstudioattachment_t &)pHdr->pAttachment( iAttachment ); QAngle vRotation( 0, 0, 0 ); char curText[512]; m_cRotation->getText( curText, sizeof( curText ) ); sscanf( curText, "%f %f %f", &vRotation.x, &vRotation.y, &vRotation.z ); Vector vTrans = GetCurrentTranslation(); AngleMatrix( vRotation, vTrans, pAttachment.local ); UpdateStrings( true, false, false ); } } break; default: return 0; }
return 1; }
void CAttachmentsWindow::OnSelChangeAttachmentList() { CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = g_pStudioModel ? g_pStudioModel->GetStudioHdr() : NULL; if ( !pStudioHdr ) return;
int iAttachment = m_cAttachmentList->getSelectedIndex() - 1; if ( iAttachment >= 0 && iAttachment < pStudioHdr->GetNumAttachments() ) { g_viewerSettings.m_iEditAttachment = iAttachment;
// Init the bone list index.
int iBone = g_pStudioModel->GetStudioHdr()->GetAttachmentBone( iAttachment ); m_cBoneList->select( iBone ); } else { g_viewerSettings.m_iEditAttachment = -1; }
UpdateStrings(); }
Vector CAttachmentsWindow::GetCurrentTranslation() { CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = g_pStudioModel ? g_pStudioModel->GetStudioHdr() : NULL; int iAttachment = m_cAttachmentList->getSelectedIndex() - 1; if ( pStudioHdr && iAttachment >= 0 && iAttachment < pStudioHdr->GetNumAttachments() ) { mstudioattachment_t &pAttachment = (mstudioattachment_t &)pStudioHdr->pAttachment( iAttachment );
return Vector( pAttachment.local[0][3], pAttachment.local[1][3], pAttachment.local[2][3] ); } else { return vec3_origin; } }
Vector CAttachmentsWindow::GetCurrentRotation() { CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = g_pStudioModel ? g_pStudioModel->GetStudioHdr() : NULL; int iAttachment = m_cAttachmentList->getSelectedIndex() - 1; if ( pStudioHdr && iAttachment >= 0 && iAttachment < pStudioHdr->GetNumAttachments() ) { mstudioattachment_t &pAttachment = (mstudioattachment_t &)pStudioHdr->pAttachment( iAttachment );
float angles[3]; MatrixAngles( pAttachment.local, angles ); return Vector( angles[0], angles[1], angles[2] ); } else { return vec3_origin; } }
void CAttachmentsWindow::UpdateStrings( bool bUpdateQC, bool bUpdateTranslation, bool bUpdateRotation ) { char str[1024];
int iAttachment = -1; CStudioHdr* pHdr = NULL; if ( g_pStudioModel ) { pHdr = g_pStudioModel->GetStudioHdr(); iAttachment = m_cAttachmentList->getSelectedIndex() - 1; if ( iAttachment < 0 || iAttachment >= pHdr->GetNumAttachments() ) iAttachment = -1; }
if ( iAttachment == -1 ) { m_cTranslation->setText( "(none)" ); m_cRotation->setText( "(none)" ); m_cQCString->setText( "(none)" ); } else { mstudioattachment_t &pAttachment = (mstudioattachment_t &)pHdr->pAttachment( iAttachment ); int iBone= pHdr->GetAttachmentBone( iAttachment ); Vector vTranslation = GetCurrentTranslation(); Vector vRotation = GetCurrentRotation();
if ( bUpdateQC ) { sprintf( str, "$attachment \"%s\" \"%s\" %.2f %.2f %.2f rotate %.0f %.0f %.0f", pAttachment.pszName(), pHdr->pBone( iBone )->pszName(), VectorExpand( vTranslation ), VectorExpand( vRotation ) );
m_cQCString->setText( str ); }
if ( bUpdateTranslation ) { sprintf( str, "%.2f %.2f %.2f", VectorExpand( vTranslation ) ); m_cTranslation->setText( str ); }
if ( bUpdateRotation ) { sprintf( str, "%.0f %.0f %.0f", VectorExpand( vRotation ) ); m_cRotation->setText( str ); } } }