//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Implementation of CHTMLFile. see HTML.h for details
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $Log: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#pragma warning (disable:4786)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string>
#include "TFStatsApplication.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "html.h"
//readability aids used when calling constructor
const bool CHTMLFile::printBody=true; const bool CHTMLFile::dontPrintBody=false; const bool CHTMLFile::linkStyle=true; const bool CHTMLFile::dontLinkStyle=false;
using namespace std; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CHTMLFile::CHTMLFile
// Purpose:
// Input: filename - name of the html file that will be written
// title - title of the html document
// fPrintBody - true if the <body> tag is to be written.
// bgimage - name of a background image, if desired
// leftmarg - pixels on the left margin (if desired)
// topmarg - pixels on the top margin (if desired)
CHTMLFile::CHTMLFile(const char* filenm,const char* title,bool fPrintBody,const char* bgimage,int leftmarg, int topmarg) { strcpy(filename,filenm); open(filename); write("<HEAD>\n"); write("<TITLE> %s </TITLE>\n",title); string csshttppath(g_pApp->supportHTTPPath); csshttppath+="/style.css";
write("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"%s\" type=\"text/css\">\n",csshttppath.c_str()); write("</HEAD>\n"); fBody=fPrintBody; if (fBody) { write("<BODY leftmargin=%li topmargin=%li ",leftmarg,topmarg); if (bgimage) write("background=%s",bgimage); else write("bgcolor = black"); write(">\n"); } }
// Function: CHTMLFile::open
// Purpose: opens the html file, and writes <html>
// Input: filename - the name of the file to open
void CHTMLFile::open(const char* filename) { out=fopen(filename,"wt"); if (!out) g_pApp->fatalError("Can't open output file \"%s\"!\nPlease make sure that the file does not exist OR\nif the file does exit, make sure it is not read-only",filename);
write("<HTML>\n"); }
// Function: CHTMLFile::write
// Purpose: writes a string to the html file
// Input: fmt - format string, like printf suite of functions
// ... - list of arguments
void CHTMLFile::write(const char* fmt,...) { va_list va; va_start(va,fmt); vfprintf(out,fmt,va); }
// Function: CHTMLFile::close
// Purpose: closes the html file, closing <body> and <html> tags if needed
void CHTMLFile::close() { if (!out) return; if (fBody) write("</BODY>\n");
write("</HTML>\n\n"); #ifndef WIN32
chmod(filename,PERMIT); #endif
fclose(out); out=NULL; }
// Function: CHTMLFile::~CHTMLFile
// Purpose: Destructor. closes the file
CHTMLFile::~CHTMLFile() { close(); }
void CHTMLFile::hr(int len,bool alignleft) { write("<hr %s width=%li>\n",alignleft?"align=left":"",len); }