//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $Log: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#pragma warning (disable:4786)
#include "PlrPersist.h"
#include "TextFile.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Function: CPlrPersist::generate
// Purpose: fills in the fields of this with the data in the given CPlayer object
// Input: cp - the player object to get data from
void CPlrPersist::generate(CPlayer& cp) { kills=deaths=timeon=0; valid=true; WONID=cp.WONID; matches=1; lastplayed=cp.logofftime;
//do perteam stuff
CTimeIndexedList<int>::iterator teamiter=cp.teams.begin(); for (teamiter;teamiter!=cp.teams.end();++teamiter) { int tdt=teamiter->data; kills+=cp.perteam[teamiter->data].kills; deaths+=cp.perteam[teamiter->data].deaths; timeon+=cp.perteam[teamiter->data].timeon;
map<string,int>::iterator it; it=cp.perteam[teamiter->data].weaponKills.begin(); for (it;it!=cp.perteam[teamiter->data].weaponKills.end();++it) { string name=it->first; int kills=it->second; weapmap[name]+=kills; } }
CTimeIndexedList<player_class>::iterator clsit=cp.allclassesplayed.begin(); for (clsit;clsit!=cp.allclassesplayed.end();++clsit) { string classname=plrClassNames[clsit->data]; classmap[classname]+=cp.allclassesplayed.howLong(clsit->data); } CTimeIndexedList<string>::iterator nameiter; for (nameiter=cp.aliases.begin();nameiter!=cp.aliases.end();++nameiter) { nickmap[nameiter->data]+=cp.aliases.howLong(nameiter->data); }
pair<time_t,time_t> startstop; startstop.first=cp.logontime; startstop.second=cp.logofftime;
playtimes.push_back(startstop); }
// Function: CPlrPersist::merge
// Purpose: merges the stats of another CPlrPersist object into this one.
// This is the key operation of this class. This is how player stats are kept up
// to date over time. If the two data files have playtimes that overlap, they
// are not merged (unless the mergeOverlaps flag is true)
// Input: other - the CPlrPersist object that we want to merge into this one
// mergeOverlaps - if true, overlapping playtimes are ignored.
void CPlrPersist::merge(CPlrPersist& other,bool mergeOverlaps) { if (!other.valid) return; //don't modify
if (WONID!=other.WONID) { g_pApp->warning("merging stats for two different WONIDs (%lu, %lu)",WONID,other.WONID); } else { //do playtimes first to see if overlaps occur
list<pair<time_t,time_t> >::iterator itOther=other.playtimes.begin(); for (itOther;itOther!=other.playtimes.end();++itOther) { list<pair<time_t,time_t> >::iterator overlap=timesOverlap(itOther->first,itOther->second); time_t overlapSecond=overlap->second; time_t overlapFirst=overlap->first; if (mergeOverlaps || overlap==playtimes.end()) playtimes.push_back(*itOther); else { g_pApp->warning("not merging stats for WON ID# %lu, playtime ranges overlap\n\t((%lu-%lu) overlaps with (%lu-%lu))",WONID,itOther->first,itOther->second,overlap->first,overlap->second); return; } } }
matches+=other.matches; kills+=other.kills; deaths+=other.deaths; timeon+=other.timeon; if (other.lastplayed > lastplayed) lastplayed=other.lastplayed;
//do names
map<string,int>::iterator it; it=other.nickmap.begin(); for (it;it!=other.nickmap.end();++it) { string name=it->first; int time=it->second; nickmap[name]+=time; } //do weapons
it=other.weapmap.begin(); for (it;it!=other.weapmap.end();++it) { string name=it->first; int kills=it->second; weapmap[name]+=kills; } //do classes
it=other.classmap.begin(); for (it;it!=other.classmap.end();++it) { string name=it->first; int time=it->second; classmap[name]+=time; }
// Function: CPlrPersist::read
// Purpose: fills in the fields of this by reading data out of a file
// Input: f - the file from which to read the data
void CPlrPersist::read(CTextFile& f) { if (!f.isValid()) { kills=deaths=timeon=0; WONID=-1; valid=false; return; }
if(WONID==-1) { //parse it out of f;
string s=f.fileName(); char buf[100]; int startpos=s.find_last_of(g_pApp->os->pathSeperator()); int endpos=s.find_last_of("."); if (endpos == -1) return; if (startpos==-1) startpos=0; s.copy(buf,(endpos-startpos),startpos); buf[endpos-startpos]=0; WONID=strtoul(buf,NULL,10); if (!WONID) { WONID=-1; valid=false; return; }
valid=false; if (!f.eof()) kills=f.readInt(); else return; if (!f.eof()) deaths=f.readInt(); else return; if (!f.eof()) timeon=f.readULong(); else return; if (!f.eof()) matches=f.readInt(); else return; if (!f.eof()) lastplayed=f.readULong(); else return;
string next;
if (!f.eof()) { f.discard("names"); next= f.peekNextString(); while ( next!="endnames") { string name=f.readString(); int timeon=f.readInt(); nickmap[name]=timeon; next=f.peekNextString(); } f.discard("endnames"); } else return; if (!f.eof()) { f.discard("weapons"); next= f.peekNextString(); while (next!="endweapons") { string name=f.readString(); int kills=f.readInt(); weapmap[name]=kills; next=f.peekNextString(); } f.discard("endweapons"); } else return;
if (!f.eof()) { f.discard("classes"); next= f.peekNextString(); while (next!="endclasses") { string name=f.readString(); int timeused=f.readInt(); classmap[name]=timeused; next=f.peekNextString(); } f.discard("endclasses"); } else return;
if (!f.eof()) { f.discard("playtimes"); next= f.peekNextString(); while (next!="endplaytimes") { pair<time_t,time_t> startstop; startstop.first=f.readULong(); startstop.second=f.readULong(); playtimes.push_back(startstop); next=f.peekNextString(); } f.discard("endplaytimes"); } else return;
valid=true; }
// Function: CPlrPersist::read
// Purpose: converts the WONID to a file name (<wonid>.tfs) and passes execution
// off to the above read function.
// Input: WONID - the WONID of the player whose datafile we want to read
void CPlrPersist::read(unsigned long WONID) { string file=g_pApp->playerDirectory; char buf[100]; file+=g_pApp->os->ultoa(WONID,buf,10); file+=".tfs";
CTextFile f(file.c_str()); read(f); }
void CPlrPersist::write() { string file=g_pApp->playerDirectory; char buf[100]; file+=g_pApp->os->ultoa(WONID,buf,10); file+=".tfs";
FILE* fout=fopen(file.c_str(),"wt");
fprintf(fout,"%li //kills\n",kills); fprintf(fout,"%li //deaths\n",deaths); fprintf(fout,"%lu //timeon\n",timeon); fprintf(fout,"%li //matches played\n",matches); fprintf(fout,"%lu //last played\n",lastplayed); map<string,int>::iterator it; fprintf(fout,"names\n"); it=nickmap.begin(); for (it;it!=nickmap.end();++it) { string name=it->first; int time=it->second; fprintf(fout,"\t\"%s\" %li //has used the name \"%s\" for %02li:%02li:%02li\n",name.c_str(),time,name.c_str(),Util::time_t2hours(time),Util::time_t2mins(time),Util::time_t2secs(time)); } fprintf(fout,"endnames\n");
fprintf(fout,"weapons\n"); it=weapmap.begin(); for (it;it!=weapmap.end();++it) { string name=it->first; int kills=it->second; fprintf(fout,"\t\"%s\" %li //has killed %li people with \"%s\"\n",name.c_str(),kills,kills,name.c_str()); } fprintf(fout,"endweapons\n");
fprintf(fout,"classes\n"); it=classmap.begin(); for (it;it!=classmap.end();++it) { string name=it->first; int time=it->second; fprintf(fout,"\t\"%s\" %li //has played as a \"%s\" for %02li:%02li:%02li\n",name.c_str(),time,name.c_str(),Util::time_t2hours(time),Util::time_t2mins(time),Util::time_t2secs(time)); } fprintf(fout,"endclasses\n");
fprintf(fout,"playtimes\n"); list<pair<time_t,time_t> >::iterator it2=playtimes.begin(); for (it2;it2!=playtimes.end();++it2) { char buf[500]; time_t t1=it2->first; time_t t2=it2->second; bool doesOverlap; list<pair<time_t,time_t> >::iterator overlap=timesOverlap(it2->first,it2->second,false); doesOverlap= overlap!=playtimes.end();
fprintf(fout,"\t%lu %lu //played from %s.",it2->first,it2->second,Util::makeDurationString(it2->first,it2->second,buf," to ")); if (doesOverlap) fprintf(fout,"Warning! overlaps with time range (%lu-%lu)",overlap->first,overlap->second); fprintf(fout,"\n");
} fprintf(fout,"endplaytimes\n");
list<pair<time_t,time_t> >::iterator CPlrPersist::timesOverlap(time_t start, time_t end,bool testself) { list<pair<time_t,time_t> >::iterator it; it=playtimes.begin(); for (it;it!=playtimes.end();++it) { time_t itFirst=it->first; time_t itSecond=it->second; if (start == it->first && end == it->second) { if (testself) break; } //if start is in current range
else if (start >= it->first && start <= it->second) break;
//if end is in current range
else if (end >= it->first && end <= it->second) break;
//if the start is before this range and end is after
else if (start <= it->first && end >= it->second) break; } return it; }
string CPlrPersist::faveString(map<string,int>& theMap) { string retstr; time_t max=0; map<string,int>::iterator it=theMap.begin(); for (it;it!=theMap.end();++it) { if (it->second > max) { max=it->second; retstr=it->first; } } return retstr; }
string CPlrPersist::faveName() { return faveString(nickmap); } string CPlrPersist::faveWeap() { string s=faveString(weapmap); faveweapkills=weapmap[s]; return s; } string CPlrPersist::faveClass() { return faveString(classmap); }
double CPlrPersist::rank() { return ((double)((double)kills - (double)deaths) * 1000.0) / (double)timeon; }