//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Stub executeable
#include "xbox_loader.h"
struct installData_t { char **m_ppSrcFiles; char **m_ppDstFiles; DWORD *m_pDstFileSizes; int m_numFiles; DWORD m_totalSize; xCompressHeader **m_ppxcHeaders; };
DWORD g_installStartTime; DWORD g_installElapsedTime; installData_t g_installData; CopyStats_t g_copyStats; int g_activeDevice; __int64 g_loaderStartTime;
// GetLocalizedLoadingString
const wchar_t *GetLocalizedLoadingString() { switch( XGetLanguage() ) { case XC_LANGUAGE_FRENCH: return L"CHARGEMENT..."; case XC_LANGUAGE_ITALIAN: return L"CARICAMENTO..."; case XC_LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return L"L�DT..."; case XC_LANGUAGE_SPANISH: return L"CARGANDO..."; } return L"LOADING..."; }
// GetNextLangauge
// Start at -1
int GetNextLanguage( int languageID ) { if ( languageID < 0 ) return XC_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH;
// cycle to end
return -1; }
// GetLanguageString
const char *GetLanguageString( int languageID ) { switch( languageID ) { case XC_LANGUAGE_FRENCH: return "french"; case XC_LANGUAGE_ITALIAN: return "italian"; case XC_LANGUAGE_GERMAN: return "german"; case XC_LANGUAGE_SPANISH: return "spanish"; } return "english"; }
// FixupNamespaceFilename
bool FixupNamespaceFilename( const char *pFilename, char *pOutFilename, int languageID ) { char newFilename[MAX_PATH];
bool bFixup = false; int dstLen = 0; int srcLen = strlen( pFilename ); for ( int i=0; i<srcLen+1; i++ ) { // replace every occurrence of % with language
if ( pFilename[i] == '%' ) { int len = strlen( GetLanguageString( languageID ) ); memcpy( newFilename + dstLen, GetLanguageString( languageID ), len ); dstLen += len; bFixup = true; } else { newFilename[dstLen] = pFilename[i]; dstLen++; } }
strcpy( pOutFilename, newFilename ); return bFixup; }
// DeleteOtherLocalizedFiles
void DeleteOtherLocalizedFiles( const char *pFilename, int languageIDToKeep ) { char newFilename[MAX_PATH]; char mrkFilename[MAX_PATH]; bool bFixup;
int languageID = -1; while ( 1 ) { languageID = GetNextLanguage( languageID ); if ( languageID == -1 ) { // cycled through
break; } if ( languageID == languageIDToKeep ) { // skip
continue; } bFixup = FixupNamespaceFilename( pFilename, newFilename, languageID ); if ( !bFixup ) { // nothing to do
continue; }
SetFileAttributes( newFilename, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ); DeleteFile( newFilename );
// delete marker
strcpy( mrkFilename, newFilename ); strcat( mrkFilename, ".mrk" ); SetFileAttributes( mrkFilename, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ); DeleteFile( mrkFilename ); } }
// LerpColor
unsigned int LerpColor( unsigned int c0, unsigned int c1, float t ) { int i; float a; float b; unsigned char* c; unsigned int newcolor;
if ( t <= 0.0f ) return c0; else if ( t >= 1.0f ) return c1;
// lerp each component
c = (unsigned char*)&newcolor; for ( i=0; i<4; i++ ) { a = (float)(c0 & 0xFF); b = (float)(c1 & 0xFF); *c++ = (unsigned char)(a + t*(b-a));
// next color component
c0 >>= 8; c1 >>= 8; }
return newcolor; }
// ConvertToWideString
void ConvertToWideString( wchar_t *pDst, const char *pSrc ) { int len = strlen( pSrc )+1; for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { pDst[i] = pSrc[i]; } }
// CopyString
char *CopyString( const char *pString ) { char *pNewString = (char *)malloc( strlen( pString ) + 1 ); strcpy( pNewString, pString );
return pNewString; }
// FixFilename
void FixFilename( char *pPath ) { int len = strlen( pPath ); for (int i=0; i<len; ++i) { if ( pPath[i] == '/') pPath[i] = '\\'; } }
// StripQuotes
void StripQuotes( char *pToken ) { int len = strlen( pToken ); if ( pToken[0] == '"' && pToken[len-1] == '"' ) { memcpy( pToken, pToken+1, len-2 ); pToken[len-2] = '\0'; } }
// DoesFileExist
bool DoesFileExist( const char *pFilename, DWORD *pSize ) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( pFilename, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { if ( pSize ) { *pSize = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL ); if ( *pSize == (DWORD)-1 ) { *pSize = 0; } } // exists
CloseHandle( hFile ); return true; }
// not present
return false; }
// NormalizePath
void NormalizePath( char* path, bool forceToLower ) { int i; int srclen;
srclen = strlen( path ); for ( i=0; i<srclen; i++ ) { if ( path[i] == '/' ) path[i] = '\\'; else if ( forceToLower && ( path[i] >= 'A' && path[i] <= 'Z' ) ) path[i] = path[i] - 'A' + 'a'; } }
// DeleteAllFiles
void DeleteAllFiles( const char* pDirectory, int level, bool bRecurse ) { HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; char basepath[MAX_PATH]; char searchpath[MAX_PATH]; char filename[MAX_PATH];
TL_AddSeperatorToPath( (char*)pDirectory, basepath ); strcpy( searchpath, basepath ); strcat( searchpath, "*.*" );
hFind = FindFirstFile( searchpath, &findData ); if ( hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { do { if ( !stricmp( findData.cFileName, "." ) || !stricmp( findData.cFileName, ".." ) ) { continue; }
strcpy( filename, basepath ); strcat( filename, findData.cFileName ); NormalizePath( filename, false );
if ( findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { if ( bRecurse ) { DeleteAllFiles( filename, level+1, true ); RemoveDirectory( filename ); continue; } }
SetFileAttributes( filename, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ); DeleteFile( filename ); } while ( FindNextFile( hFind, &findData ) ); FindClose( hFind ); } }
// GetXCompressedHeader
bool GetXCompressedHeader( const char *pFilename, xCompressHeader *pHeader ) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( pFilename, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; ReadFile( hFile, pHeader, sizeof( xCompressHeader ), &dwBytesRead, NULL ); CloseHandle( hFile ); if ( pHeader->nMagic == xCompressHeader::MAGIC && pHeader->nVersion == xCompressHeader::VERSION ) { // valid
return true; } }
// invalid
return false; }
// IsTargetFileValid
// Optional non-zero expected source file size must matcg
bool IsTargetFileValid( const char *pFilename, DWORD dwSrcFileSize ) { char mrkFilename[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwTargetFileSize = 0; DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwAttributes;
// all valid target files are non-zero
if ( !DoesFileExist( pFilename, &dwTargetFileSize ) || !dwTargetFileSize ) { return false; }
dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes( pFilename ); if ( dwAttributes != (DWORD)-1 && ( dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ) ) { // target files marked read only don't get overwritten
return true; }
// all valid target files must have marker file
// presence ensures file was successfully copied
strcpy( mrkFilename, pFilename ); strcat( mrkFilename, ".mrk" ); if ( !DoesFileExist( mrkFilename, NULL ) ) { // cannot rely on contents, regardless of size match
DeleteFile( pFilename ); return false; }
if ( dwSrcFileSize && dwSrcFileSize != dwTargetFileSize ) { DeleteFile( pFilename ); return false; }
// assume valid
return true; }
// Constructor for CXBoxLoader class
CXBoxLoader::CXBoxLoader() : CXBApplication() { // need a persistent time base, use the RTC
// all other tick counters reset across relaunch
FILETIME fileTime; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &fileTime ); g_loaderStartTime = ((ULARGE_INTEGER*)&fileTime)->QuadPart;
m_contextCode = 0; m_pLastMovieFrame = NULL; m_pVB = NULL; m_bAllowAttractAbort = false; m_numFiles = 0; m_bLaunch = false; m_dwLoading = 0; m_bDrawLegal = false; m_LegalTime = 0; m_installThread = NULL; m_State = 0; m_bDrawLoading = false; m_bDrawProgress = false; m_bInstallComplete = false; m_FrameCounter = 0; m_MovieCount = 0; m_bMovieErrorIsFatal = false; m_bDrawDebug = false; m_LoadingBarStartTime = 0; m_LoadingBarEndTime = 0; m_LegalStartTime = 0; m_bCaptureLastMovieFrame = 0; m_bDrawSlideShow = false; m_SlideShowStartTime = 0; m_pLogData = NULL; m_pDefaultTrueTypeFont = NULL; }
// FatalMediaError
void CXBoxLoader::FatalMediaError() { m_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER|D3DCLEAR_STENCIL, 0x00000000, 1.0f, 0L );
LPDIRECT3DSURFACE8 pBackBuffer; m_pd3dDevice->GetBackBuffer( 0, D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO, &pBackBuffer );
LPCWSTR pLine1; LPCWSTR pLine2; switch( XGetLanguage() ) { case XC_LANGUAGE_FRENCH: pLine1 = L"Le disque utilis� pr�sente une anomalie."; pLine2 = L"Il est peut-�tre sale ou endommag�."; break; case XC_LANGUAGE_ITALIAN: pLine1 = L"Il disco in uso ha qualche problema."; pLine2 = L"Potrebbe essere sporco o danneggiato."; break; case XC_LANGUAGE_GERMAN: pLine1 = L"Bei der benutzten CD ist ein Problem aufgetreten."; pLine2 = L"M�glicherweise ist sie verschmutzt oder besch�digt."; break; case XC_LANGUAGE_SPANISH: pLine1 = L"Hay un problema con el disco que est� usando."; pLine2 = L"Puede estar sucio o da�ado."; break; default: pLine1 = L"There is a problem with the disc you are using."; pLine2 = L"It may be dirty or damaged."; break; }
if ( m_pDefaultTrueTypeFont ) { m_pDefaultTrueTypeFont->SetTextAlignment( XFONT_CENTER|XFONT_TOP ); m_pDefaultTrueTypeFont->TextOut( pBackBuffer, pLine1, (unsigned)-1, 320, 240-15 ); m_pDefaultTrueTypeFont->TextOut( pBackBuffer, pLine2, (unsigned)-1, 320, 240+15 ); }
// Present the scene
m_pd3dDevice->Present( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
// forever
while (1); }
// LoadTexture
D3DTexture *CXBoxLoader::LoadTexture( int resourceID ) { // Get access to the texture
return ( m_xprResource.GetTexture( resourceID ) ); }
// LoadFont
HRESULT CXBoxLoader::LoadFont( CXBFont *pFont, int resourceID ) { return pFont->Create( m_xprResource.GetTexture( resourceID ), m_xprResource.GetData( resourceID + sizeof(D3DTexture) ) ); }
// DrawRect
void CXBoxLoader::DrawRect( int x, int y, int w, int h, DWORD color ) { // Set states
D3DDevice::SetTexture( 0, NULL ); D3DDevice::SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZENABLE, FALSE ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_FOGENABLE, FALSE ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_FOGTABLEMODE, D3DFOG_NONE ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_FILLMODE, D3DFILL_SOLID ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, TRUE ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE, FALSE ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA ); D3DDevice::SetVertexShader( D3DFVF_XYZRHW|D3DFVF_DIFFUSE );
FLOAT fX1 = x; FLOAT fY1 = y; FLOAT fX2 = x + w - 1; FLOAT fY2 = y + h - 1;
D3DDevice::Begin( D3DPT_QUADLIST ); D3DDevice::SetVertexDataColor( D3DVSDE_DIFFUSE, color ); D3DDevice::SetVertexData4f( D3DVSDE_VERTEX, fX1, fY1, 1.0f, 1.0f ); D3DDevice::SetVertexData4f( D3DVSDE_VERTEX, fX2, fY1, 1.0f, 1.0f ); D3DDevice::SetVertexData4f( D3DVSDE_VERTEX, fX2, fY2, 1.0f, 1.0f ); D3DDevice::SetVertexData4f( D3DVSDE_VERTEX, fX1, fY2, 1.0f, 1.0f ); D3DDevice::End(); }
// DrawTexture
void CXBoxLoader::DrawTexture( D3DTexture *pD3DTexture, int x, int y, int w, int h, int color ) { struct VERTEX { D3DXVECTOR4 p; D3DCOLOR c; FLOAT tu, tv; }; if ( !m_pVB ) { // Create a vertex buffer for rendering the help screen
D3DDevice::CreateVertexBuffer( 4*sizeof(VERTEX), D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY, 0L, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &m_pVB ); }
VERTEX* v; m_pVB->Lock( 0, 0, (BYTE**)&v, 0L );
// Calculate vertex positions
FLOAT fLeft = x + 0.5f; FLOAT fTop = y + 0.5f; FLOAT fRight = x+w - 0.5f; FLOAT fBottom = y+h - 0.5f;
// position
v[0].p = D3DXVECTOR4( fLeft, fTop, 0, 0 ); v[1].p = D3DXVECTOR4( fRight, fTop, 0, 0 ); v[2].p = D3DXVECTOR4( fRight, fBottom, 0, 0 ); v[3].p = D3DXVECTOR4( fLeft, fBottom, 0, 0 );
// color
v[0].c = color; v[1].c = color; v[2].c = color; v[3].c = color;
D3DSURFACE_DESC desc; pD3DTexture->GetLevelDesc( 0, &desc );
// linear texcoords
v[0].tu = 0; v[0].tv = 0; v[1].tu = desc.Width; v[1].tv = 0; v[2].tu = desc.Width; v[2].tv = desc.Height; v[3].tu = 0; v[3].tv = desc.Height;
// Set state to render the image
D3DDevice::SetTexture( 0, pD3DTexture ); D3DDevice::SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_MODULATE ); D3DDevice::SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE ); D3DDevice::SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_COLORARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE ); D3DDevice::SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_MODULATE ); D3DDevice::SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE ); D3DDevice::SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE ); D3DDevice::SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_ADDRESSU, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP ); D3DDevice::SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_ADDRESSV, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP ); D3DDevice::SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_ADDRESSW, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP ); D3DDevice::SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_MINFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR ); D3DDevice::SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_MAGFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZENABLE, FALSE ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, FALSE ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHAFUNC, D3DCMP_ALWAYS ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_FOGENABLE, FALSE ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_FOGTABLEMODE, D3DFOG_NONE ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_FILLMODE, D3DFILL_SOLID ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CCW ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, TRUE ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA ); D3DDevice::SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE, FALSE ); D3DDevice::SetVertexShader( D3DFVF_XYZRHW|D3DFVF_DIFFUSE|D3DFVF_TEX1 );
// Render the image
D3DDevice::SetStreamSource( 0, m_pVB, sizeof(VERTEX) ); D3DDevice::DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_QUADLIST, 0, 1 ); }
// StartVideo
// May take a few ms.
HRESULT CXBoxLoader::StartVideo( const CHAR* strFilename, bool bFromMemory, bool bFatalOnError ) { HRESULT hr; if ( bFromMemory ) { // play from memory, so as no to interfere with disc access
hr = m_player.OpenMovieFromMemory( strFilename, D3DFMT_LIN_A8R8G8B8, m_pd3dDevice, TRUE ); } else { // play from disc
hr = m_player.OpenFile( strFilename, D3DFMT_LIN_A8R8G8B8, m_pd3dDevice, TRUE ); }
// can fail anytime
m_bMovieErrorIsFatal = bFatalOnError;
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING( "Video playback failed!\n" );
if ( bFatalOnError ) { FatalMediaError(); } }
return hr; }
// StopVideo
// May take a few ms.
void CXBoxLoader::StopVideo() { m_player.TerminatePlayback(); }
// LoadInstallScript
// Parse filenames to be copied
bool CXBoxLoader::LoadInstallScript() { void *pFileData = NULL; DWORD fileSize = 0; DWORD dwSrcSize; HRESULT hr; char srcFile[MAX_PATH]; char dstFile[MAX_PATH]; char localizedFile[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hFind; char sourceFilename[MAX_PATH]; char sourcePath[MAX_PATH]; char targetFilename[MAX_PATH]; char filename[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; bool bCompressed; xCompressHeader xcHeader; char *pVersion; bool bTargetIsLocalized; int languageID; memset( &g_installData, 0, sizeof( installData_t ) );
hr = XBUtil_LoadFile( "D:\\LoaderMedia\\install.txt", &pFileData, &fileSize ); if ( hr != S_OK || !fileSize ) { return false; }
languageID = XGetLanguage();
// full re-install
bool bForce = true;
// scan
TL_SetScriptData( (char*)pFileData, fileSize ); while ( 1 ) { char *pToken = TL_GetToken( true ); if ( !pToken || !pToken[0] ) break; StripQuotes( pToken ); strcpy( srcFile, pToken);
pToken = TL_GetToken( true ); if ( !pToken || !pToken[0] ) break; StripQuotes( pToken ); strcpy( dstFile, pToken);
// replace with language token
FixupNamespaceFilename( srcFile, srcFile, languageID ); bTargetIsLocalized = FixupNamespaceFilename( dstFile, localizedFile, languageID );
if ( bTargetIsLocalized ) { // localized files are allowed to change without requiring a full re-install
bool bDeleteMapCache = false; if ( !IsTargetFileValid( localizedFile, 0 ) ) { // must delete map cache to ensure localized files have enough room
bDeleteMapCache = true; }
// only allowing one localized file of this type, delete all others
DeleteOtherLocalizedFiles( dstFile, languageID ); strcpy( dstFile, localizedFile );
if ( bDeleteMapCache ) { char mapPath[MAX_PATH]; strcpy( mapPath, localizedFile ); TL_StripFilename( mapPath ); TL_AddSeperatorToPath( mapPath, mapPath ); strcat( mapPath, "maps\\" ); DeleteAllFiles( mapPath, 0, false ); } }
pVersion = strstr( dstFile, "version_" ); if ( pVersion ) { if ( m_numFiles ) { // version statement out of sequence
return false; } m_Version = atoi( pVersion + strlen( "version_" ) );
if ( IsTargetFileValid( dstFile, 0 ) ) { // version file exists, files should be same
bForce = false; }
if ( bForce ) { // delete all files at the specified directory
strcpy( targetFilename, dstFile ); TL_StripFilename( targetFilename ); DeleteAllFiles( targetFilename, 0, true ); } }
// source file could be wildcard, get path only
strcpy( sourcePath, srcFile ); TL_StripFilename( sourcePath );
hFind = FindFirstFile( srcFile, &findData ); if ( hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { do { if ( !stricmp( findData.cFileName, "." ) || !stricmp( findData.cFileName, ".." ) ) { continue; } if ( findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { continue; }
TL_AddSeperatorToPath( sourcePath, sourceFilename ); strcat( sourceFilename, findData.cFileName ); NormalizePath( sourceFilename, false );
// target filename may be path or absolute file
strcpy( targetFilename, dstFile );
TL_StripPath( dstFile, filename ); if ( !filename[0] ) { // target filename is path only
TL_AddSeperatorToPath( dstFile, targetFilename ); strcat( targetFilename, findData.cFileName ); NormalizePath( targetFilename, false ); }
if ( !DoesFileExist( sourceFilename, &dwSrcSize ) ) { // can't validate source
return false; } if ( strstr( sourceFilename, ".xz_" ) && strstr( targetFilename, ".xzp" ) ) { bCompressed = true; if ( GetXCompressedHeader( sourceFilename, &xcHeader ) ) { g_installData.m_totalSize += xcHeader.nUncompressedFileSize;
if ( !bForce && IsTargetFileValid( targetFilename, xcHeader.nUncompressedFileSize ) ) { // target already exists, no need to recopy
g_copyStats.m_bytesCopied += xcHeader.nUncompressedFileSize; continue; } } else { // invalid
return false; } } else { g_installData.m_totalSize += dwSrcSize;
bCompressed = false; if ( !bForce && IsTargetFileValid( targetFilename, dwSrcSize ) ) { // target already exists, no need to recopy
g_copyStats.m_bytesCopied += dwSrcSize; continue; } }
if ( m_numFiles < MAX_FILES ) { m_fileSrc[m_numFiles] = CopyString( sourceFilename ); m_fileDest[m_numFiles] = CopyString( targetFilename );
if ( bCompressed ) { xCompressHeader *pxcHeader = new xCompressHeader; memcpy( pxcHeader, &xcHeader, sizeof( xCompressHeader ) ); m_fileCompressionHeaders[m_numFiles] = pxcHeader; m_fileDestSizes[m_numFiles] = pxcHeader->nUncompressedFileSize; } else { m_fileCompressionHeaders[m_numFiles] = NULL; m_fileDestSizes[m_numFiles] = dwSrcSize; }
m_numFiles++; } } while ( FindNextFile( hFind, &findData ) ); FindClose( hFind ); } else { // source file not found, invalid
return false; } }
// finsihed with install script
free( pFileData );
g_installData.m_ppSrcFiles = m_fileSrc; g_installData.m_ppDstFiles = m_fileDest; g_installData.m_ppxcHeaders = m_fileCompressionHeaders; g_installData.m_pDstFileSizes = m_fileDestSizes; g_installData.m_numFiles = m_numFiles;
return true; }
// Copies all install files to the hard drive
DWORD WINAPI InstallThreadFunc( LPVOID lpParam ) { char mrkFilename[MAX_PATH]; bool bSuccess; HANDLE hFile;
g_installStartTime = GetTickCount();
// started loading
*(DWORD*)lpParam = 1;
for ( int i = 0; i < g_installData.m_numFiles; ++i ) { DWORD bytesCopied = g_copyStats.m_bytesCopied;
// install has already validated, if it's in the list, copy it
bSuccess = CopyFileOverlapped( g_installData.m_ppSrcFiles[i], g_installData.m_ppDstFiles[i], g_installData.m_ppxcHeaders[i], &g_copyStats );
strcpy( mrkFilename, g_installData.m_ppDstFiles[i] ); strcat( mrkFilename, ".mrk" );
SetFileAttributes( mrkFilename, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ); if ( bSuccess ) { // add marker
hFile = CreateFile( mrkFilename, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle( hFile ); } } else { // remove marker
DeleteFile( mrkFilename ); DeleteFile( g_installData.m_ppDstFiles[i] );
// errors can't stop install
// snap progress to expected completion
g_copyStats.m_bytesCopied = bytesCopied + g_installData.m_pDstFileSizes[i]; } }
g_installElapsedTime = GetTickCount() - g_installStartTime;
// finished loading
*(DWORD*)lpParam = 0;
return 0; }
// Verify disk space
bool CXBoxLoader::VerifyInstall( void ) { memset( &g_copyStats, 0, sizeof( CopyStats_t ) );
if ( !LoadInstallScript() ) { return false; }
return true; }
// Look for possible forensic log file
void CXBoxLoader::LoadLogFile( void ) { #if defined( XBOX_FORENSIC_LOG )
HRESULT hr; char *pFileData = NULL; DWORD fileSize = 0;
hr = XBUtil_LoadFile( "Z:\\hl2fatal.log", (void**)&pFileData, &fileSize ); if ( hr != S_OK || !fileSize ) { return; }
// copy and null terminate
m_pLogData = (char *)malloc( fileSize+1 );
int j = 0; for (int i=0; i<(int)fileSize; i++) { if ( pFileData[i] == 0x0D ) continue; m_pLogData[j++] = pFileData[i]; } m_pLogData[j] = '\0';
free( pFileData ); #endif
// Starts installation to disk
bool CXBoxLoader::StartInstall( void ) { // Start the install thread
m_installThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, &InstallThreadFunc, &m_dwLoading, 0, 0 ); if ( !m_installThread ) { // failed
return false; }
// success
return true; }
// Shows the legal text
void CXBoxLoader::StartLegalScreen( int legal ) { m_bDrawLegal = true; m_LegalTime = GetTickCount(); m_LegalStartTime = 0;
switch ( legal ) { case LEGAL_MAIN: m_pLegalTexture = m_pMainLegalTexture; break; case LEGAL_SOURCE: m_pLegalTexture = m_pSourceLegalTexture; break; } }
// DrawLegals
void CXBoxLoader::DrawLegals() { unsigned int color; float t;
if ( !m_bDrawLegal ) return;
if ( !m_LegalStartTime ) { m_LegalStartTime = GetTickCount(); }
// fade legals
t = (float)(GetTickCount() - m_LegalStartTime)/LEGAL_DISPLAY_TIME; if ( t < 0.1f ) { // fade up
color = LerpColor( 0xFF000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, t*10.0f ); } else if ( t < 0.9f ) { // hold
color = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { // fade out
color = LerpColor( 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFF000000, (t-0.9f)*10.0f ); }
DrawTexture( m_pLegalTexture, 0, 0, 640, 480, color ); }
// DrawSlideshow
void CXBoxLoader::DrawSlideshow() { float t;
if ( !m_bDrawSlideShow ) return;
if ( !m_SlideShowStartTime ) { m_SlideShowStartTime = GetTickCount(); m_SlideShowCount = -1; m_bFinalSlide = false; }
if ( !m_bInstallComplete && ( GetTickCount() - m_SlideShowStartTime > SLIDESHOW_SLIDETIME ) ) { // next slide
m_SlideShowCount++; m_SlideShowStartTime = GetTickCount(); }
t = ( GetTickCount() - m_SlideShowStartTime )/(float)SLIDESHOW_FLIPTIME; if ( t >= 1.0f ) t = 1.0f;
if ( m_bInstallComplete && !m_bFinalSlide && t >= 1.0f ) { // wait for current slide to complete
// final slide must transition back to transition screen
m_SlideShowStartTime = GetTickCount(); m_bFinalSlide = true; t = 0; }
if ( !m_bFinalSlide ) { // fade next slide in
unsigned int fadeInColor = LerpColor( 0x00FFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, t ); if ( fadeInColor != 0xFFFFFFFF && m_SlideShowCount != -1 ) DrawTexture( m_pSlideShowTextures[m_SlideShowCount % MAX_SLIDESHOW_TEXTURES], 0, 0, 640, 480, 0xFFFFFFFF ); DrawTexture( m_pSlideShowTextures[(m_SlideShowCount + 1) % MAX_SLIDESHOW_TEXTURES], 0, 0, 640, 480, fadeInColor ); } else { // fade last slide out
unsigned int fadeInColor = LerpColor( 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00FFFFFF, t ); DrawTexture( m_pSlideShowTextures[(m_SlideShowCount + 1) % MAX_SLIDESHOW_TEXTURES], 0, 0, 640, 480, fadeInColor ); }
if ( m_bInstallComplete && m_bFinalSlide && t >= 1.0f ) { // end of slideshow
m_bDrawSlideShow = false; } }
// DrawDebug
void CXBoxLoader::DrawDebug() { #ifndef _RETAIL
if ( !m_bDrawDebug ) return;
DrawRect( 0, 0, 640, 480, 0xC0000000 );
m_Font.Begin(); m_Font.SetScaleFactors( 0.8f, 0.8f );
int xPos = SCREEN_WIDTH/2; int yPos = SCREEN_HEIGHT/4; float rate;
wchar_t textBuffer[256]; swprintf( textBuffer, L"Version: %d", m_Version ); m_Font.DrawText( 40, 40, 0xffffffff, textBuffer, 0 );
wchar_t srcFilename[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t dstFilename[MAX_PATH]; ConvertToWideString( srcFilename, g_copyStats.m_srcFilename ); ConvertToWideString( dstFilename, g_copyStats.m_dstFilename ); swprintf( textBuffer, L"From: %s (%.2f MB)", srcFilename, (float)g_copyStats.m_readSize/(1024.0f*1024.0f) ); m_Font.DrawText( xPos, yPos + 20, 0xffffffff, textBuffer, XBFONT_CENTER_X ); swprintf( textBuffer, L"To: %s (%.2f MB)", dstFilename, (float)g_copyStats.m_writeSize/(1024.0f*1024.0f) ); m_Font.DrawText( xPos, yPos + 40, 0xffffffff, textBuffer, XBFONT_CENTER_X );
if ( g_copyStats.m_bufferReadTime && m_dwLoading ) rate = ( g_copyStats.m_bufferReadSize/(1024.0f*1024.0f) ) / ( g_copyStats.m_bufferReadTime * 0.001f ); else rate = 0; swprintf( textBuffer, L"Buffer Read: %.2f MB (%.2f MB/s) (%d)", g_copyStats.m_bufferReadSize/(1024.0f*1024.0f), rate, g_copyStats.m_numReadBuffers ); m_Font.DrawText( xPos, yPos + 80, 0xffffffff, textBuffer, XBFONT_CENTER_X );
rate = g_copyStats.m_inflateTime && m_dwLoading ? (float)g_copyStats.m_inflateSize/(g_copyStats.m_inflateTime * 0.001f) : 0; swprintf( textBuffer, L"Inflate: %.2f MB (%.2f MB/s)", g_copyStats.m_inflateSize/(1024.0f*1024.0f), rate/(1024.0f*1024.0f) ); m_Font.DrawText( xPos, yPos + 100, 0xffffffff, textBuffer, XBFONT_CENTER_X );
if ( g_copyStats.m_bufferWriteTime && m_dwLoading ) rate = ( g_copyStats.m_bufferWriteSize/(1024.0f*1024.0f) ) / ( g_copyStats.m_bufferWriteTime * 0.001f ); else rate = 0; swprintf( textBuffer, L"Buffer Write: %.2f MB (%.2f MB/s) (%d)", g_copyStats.m_bufferWriteSize/(1024.0f*1024.0f), rate, g_copyStats.m_numWriteBuffers ); m_Font.DrawText( xPos, yPos + 120, 0xffffffff, textBuffer, XBFONT_CENTER_X );
rate = g_copyStats.m_totalReadTime && m_dwLoading ? (float)g_copyStats.m_totalReadSize/(g_copyStats.m_totalReadTime * 0.001f) : 0; swprintf( textBuffer, L"Total Read: %d MB (%.2f MB/s)", g_copyStats.m_totalReadSize/(1024*1024), rate/(1024.0f*1024.0f) ); m_Font.DrawText( xPos, yPos + 160, 0xffffffff, textBuffer, XBFONT_CENTER_X );
rate = g_copyStats.m_totalWriteTime && m_dwLoading ? (float)g_copyStats.m_totalWriteSize/(g_copyStats.m_totalWriteTime * 0.001f) : 0; swprintf( textBuffer, L"Total Write: %d MB (%.2f MB/s)", g_copyStats.m_totalWriteSize/(1024*1024), rate/(1024.0f*1024.0f) ); m_Font.DrawText( xPos, yPos + 180, 0xffffffff, textBuffer, XBFONT_CENTER_X );
float elapsed = (float)(GetTickCount() - g_installStartTime) * 0.001f; if ( m_dwLoading ) { if ( elapsed ) rate = g_copyStats.m_totalWriteSize/elapsed; else rate = 0; } else { if ( g_installElapsedTime ) rate = g_copyStats.m_totalWriteSize/(g_installElapsedTime * 0.001f); else rate = 0; } swprintf( textBuffer, L"Progress: %d/%d MB Elapsed: %d secs (%.2f MB/s)", g_copyStats.m_bytesCopied/(1024*1024), g_installData.m_totalSize/(1024*1024), (int)elapsed, rate/(1024.0f*1024.0f) ); m_Font.DrawText( xPos, yPos + 220, 0xffffffff, textBuffer, XBFONT_CENTER_X );
swprintf( textBuffer, L"Errors: %d", g_copyStats.m_copyErrors ); m_Font.DrawText( xPos, yPos + 240, 0xffffffff, textBuffer, XBFONT_CENTER_X );
m_Font.End(); #endif
void CXBoxLoader::DrawLog() { #if defined( XBOX_FORENSIC_LOG )
wchar_t textBuffer[1024]; int numChars;
if ( !m_pLogData ) return;
DrawRect( 0, 0, 640, 480, 0xC0000000 );
m_Font.Begin(); m_Font.SetScaleFactors( 0.8f, 0.8f );
char *pStart = m_pLogData; char *pEnd = pStart; int yPos = 40; for (int i=0; i<20; i++) { pEnd = strstr( pStart, "\n" ); if ( !pEnd ) numChars = strlen( pStart ); else numChars = pEnd-pStart; if ( numChars ) { for (int j=0; j<numChars; j++) { textBuffer[j] = pStart[j]; } textBuffer[j] = 0; m_Font.DrawText( 40, yPos, 0xffffffff, textBuffer, 0 ); }
if ( !pEnd ) break;
// next line
pStart = pEnd+1; yPos += 10; }
m_Font.End(); #endif
// DrawLoadingMarquee
void CXBoxLoader::DrawLoadingMarquee() { if ( !m_bDrawLoading ) return;
int y = 0.80f*480; DrawTexture( m_pLoadingIconTexture, (640-64)/2, y-64, 64, 64, 0xFFFFFFFF );
// draw loading text
m_Font.Begin(); m_Font.SetScaleFactors( 0.8f, 0.8f ); m_Font.DrawText( 320, y, PROGRESS_TEXT_COLOR, GetLocalizedLoadingString(), XBFONT_CENTER_X ); m_Font.End(); }
// DrawProgressBar
void CXBoxLoader::DrawProgressBar() { if ( !m_bDrawProgress ) return; if ( !m_LoadingBarStartTime ) { m_LoadingBarStartTime = GetTickCount(); }
// slide the loading bar up
float tUp = (float)(GetTickCount() - m_LoadingBarStartTime)/LOADINGBAR_UPTIME; if ( tUp > 1.0f) tUp = 1.0f; float y = 480.0f + tUp*((float)PROGRESS_Y - 480.0f);
float t0 = 0; float t1 = 0; int numSegments = 0; if ( tUp == 1.0f ) { // loading bar is up
// don't snap, animate progress to current level of completion
t0 = (float)g_copyStats.m_bytesCopied/(float)g_installData.m_totalSize; if ( t0 > 1.0f ) t0 = 1.0f; t1 = (float)(GetTickCount() - m_LoadingBarStartTime - LOADINGBAR_WAITTIME)/LOADINGBAR_SLIDETIME; if ( t1 < 0.0f ) t1 = 0.0f; else if ( t1 > 1.0f) t1 = 1.0f; numSegments = t0 * t1 * (float)SEGMENT_COUNT; }
#if 0
float tDown = 0; if ( t0 == 1.0f && t1 == 1.0f && !m_dwLoading ) { // loading anim and copying of data are finished
// slide the loading bar down
if ( !m_LoadingBarEndTime ) { m_LoadingBarEndTime = GetTickCount(); } tDown = (float)(GetTickCount() - m_LoadingBarEndTime - LOADINGBAR_WAITTIME)/LOADINGBAR_UPTIME; if ( tDown < 0.0f ) tDown = 0.0f; else if ( tDown > 1.0f) tDown = 1.0f; y = PROGRESS_Y + tDown*(480.0f - (float)PROGRESS_Y); }
if ( tDown == 1.0f ) { // loading bar is offscreen
m_bInstallComplete = true; } #else
if ( t0 == 1.0f && t1 == 1.0f && !m_dwLoading ) { m_bInstallComplete = true; } #endif
int x = (640-FOOTER_W)/2; DrawTexture( m_pFooterTexture, x, y, FOOTER_W, 480 - PROGRESS_Y, PROGRESS_FOOTER_COLOR ); x += FOOTER_W - 35;
// draw left justified loading text
m_Font.Begin(); m_Font.SetScaleFactors( 0.8f, 0.8f ); int textWidth = m_Font.GetTextWidth( GetLocalizedLoadingString() ); x -= SEGMENT_W + textWidth; m_Font.DrawText( x, y+20, PROGRESS_TEXT_COLOR, GetLocalizedLoadingString(), XBFONT_LEFT ); m_Font.End();
// draw progess bar
x -= SEGMENT_W + PROGRESS_W; DrawRect( x, y+25, PROGRESS_W, PROGRESS_H, PROGRESS_INSET_COLOR ); for ( int i =0; i<numSegments; i++ ) { DrawRect( x, y+25+2, SEGMENT_W, PROGRESS_H-4, PROGRESS_SEGMENT_COLOR ); x += SEGMENT_W+SEGMENT_GAP; }
// Name: PlayVideoFrame()
// Desc: Plays one frame of video if a movie is currently open and if there is
// a frame available. This function is safe to call at any time.
BOOL CXBoxLoader::PlayVideoFrame() { if ( !m_player.IsPlaying() ) return FALSE;
const FLOAT fMovieWidth = FLOAT( m_player.GetWidth() ); const FLOAT fMovieHeight = FLOAT( m_player.GetHeight() );
// Move to the next frame.
LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 pTexture = 0; pTexture = m_player.AdvanceFrameForTexturing( m_pd3dDevice );
// See if the movie is over now.
if ( !m_player.IsPlaying() ) { if ( m_bCaptureLastMovieFrame ) { m_bCaptureLastMovieFrame = false;
// Copy Texture
if ( m_pLastMovieFrame ) { m_pLastMovieFrame->Release(); m_pLastMovieFrame = NULL; }
if ( pTexture ) { // copy the last frame
D3DSURFACE_DESC d3dSurfaceDesc; D3DLOCKED_RECT srcRect; D3DLOCKED_RECT dstRect; pTexture->GetLevelDesc( 0, &d3dSurfaceDesc ); m_pd3dDevice->CreateTexture( d3dSurfaceDesc.Width, d3dSurfaceDesc.Height, 0, 0, d3dSurfaceDesc.Format, 0, &m_pLastMovieFrame ); pTexture->LockRect( 0, &srcRect, NULL, D3DLOCK_READONLY | D3DLOCK_NOOVERWRITE ); m_pLastMovieFrame->LockRect( 0, &dstRect, NULL, D3DLOCK_READONLY | D3DLOCK_NOOVERWRITE ); memcpy( dstRect.pBits, srcRect.pBits, srcRect.Pitch*d3dSurfaceDesc.Height ); } }
// Clean up the movie, then return.
m_player.Destroy(); return FALSE; }
// If no texture is ready, return TRUE to indicate that a movie is playing,
// but don't render anything yet.
if ( !pTexture ) return TRUE;
const FLOAT fSizeY = 480.0f; const FLOAT fOriginX = 320.0f - ( fSizeY * .5f * fMovieWidth / fMovieHeight ); const FLOAT fOriginY = 240.0f - fSizeY * .5f;
// Draw the texture.
m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_FILLMODE, D3DFILL_SOLID ); m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CCW ); m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZENABLE, FALSE );
// Draw the texture as a quad.
m_pd3dDevice->SetTexture( 0, pTexture ); m_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG1 ); m_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE );
// Wrapping isn't allowed on linear textures.
m_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_ADDRESSU, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP ); m_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_ADDRESSV, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP );
FLOAT fLeft = fOriginX + 0.5f; FLOAT fRight = fOriginX + ( fSizeY * fMovieWidth) / fMovieHeight - 0.5f; FLOAT fTop = fOriginY + 0.5f; FLOAT fBottom = fOriginY + fSizeY - 0.5f;
// On linear textures the texture coordinate range is from 0,0 to width,height, instead
// of 0,0 to 1,1.
m_pd3dDevice->SetVertexShader( D3DFVF_XYZRHW|D3DFVF_TEX1 ); m_pd3dDevice->Begin( D3DPT_QUADLIST ); m_pd3dDevice->SetVertexData2f( D3DVSDE_TEXCOORD0, 0, fMovieHeight ); m_pd3dDevice->SetVertexData4f( D3DVSDE_VERTEX, fLeft, fBottom, 0.0f, 1.0f ); m_pd3dDevice->SetVertexData2f( D3DVSDE_TEXCOORD0, 0, 0 ); m_pd3dDevice->SetVertexData4f( D3DVSDE_VERTEX, fLeft, fTop, 0.0f, 1.0f ); m_pd3dDevice->SetVertexData2f( D3DVSDE_TEXCOORD0, fMovieWidth, 0 ); m_pd3dDevice->SetVertexData4f( D3DVSDE_VERTEX, fRight, fTop, 0.0f, 1.0f ); m_pd3dDevice->SetVertexData2f( D3DVSDE_TEXCOORD0, fMovieWidth, fMovieHeight ); m_pd3dDevice->SetVertexData4f( D3DVSDE_VERTEX, fRight, fBottom, 0.0f, 1.0f ); m_pd3dDevice->End(); return TRUE; }
// LaunchHL2
void CXBoxLoader::LaunchHL2( unsigned int contextCode ) { LAUNCH_DATA launchData; RelaunchHeader_t *pRelaunch; const char *pHL2Name;
memset( &launchData, 0, sizeof( LAUNCH_DATA ) );
// build the relaunch structure that HL2 uses
pRelaunch = GetRelaunchHeader( launchData.Data );
pRelaunch->magicNumber = RELAUNCH_MAGIC_NUMBER; pRelaunch->nBytesRelaunchData = 0;
if ( ( contextCode & CONTEXTCODE_MAGICMASK ) == CONTEXTCODE_HL2MAGIC ) { // ok to re-establish persistent data
pRelaunch->bRetail = (contextCode & CONTEXTCODE_RETAIL_MODE) > 0; pRelaunch->bInDebugger = (contextCode & CONTEXTCODE_INDEBUGGER) > 0; } else { // ensure we launch under retail conditions
contextCode = CONTEXTCODE_NO_XBDM; g_activeDevice = -1; pRelaunch->bRetail = true; pRelaunch->bInDebugger = false; }
pRelaunch->contextCode = contextCode; pRelaunch->activeDevice = g_activeDevice; pRelaunch->startTime = g_loaderStartTime;
// launch the xbe that is expected
if ( contextCode & CONTEXTCODE_DEBUG_XBE ) { // debug xbe
pHL2Name = "D:\\hl2d_xbox.xbe"; } else if ( contextCode & CONTEXTCODE_RELEASE_XBE ) { // release xbe
pHL2Name = "D:\\hl2r_xbox.xbe"; } else { // default launch to retail xbe
pHL2Name = "D:\\hl2_xbox.xbe"; }
XLaunchNewImage( pHL2Name, &launchData );
// failed
FatalMediaError(); }
// Performs initialization
HRESULT CXBoxLoader::Initialize() { DWORD launchType; LAUNCH_DATA launchData;
// no active device until set
g_activeDevice = -1;
// get launch info and command line params needed for early setting of systems
LPSTR pCmdLine = ""; DWORD retVal = XGetLaunchInfo( &launchType, &launchData ); if ( retVal == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( launchType == LDT_FROM_DASHBOARD ) { // launched from dashboard
LD_FROM_DASHBOARD *pLaunchFromDashboard = (LD_FROM_DASHBOARD *)(&launchData); m_contextCode = pLaunchFromDashboard->dwContext; } else if ( launchType == LDT_TITLE ) { // launched directly from HL2 to do something
LAUNCH_DATA* pLaunchData = (LAUNCH_DATA *)(&launchData); pCmdLine = (char *)pLaunchData->Data;
RelaunchHeader_t *pHeader = GetRelaunchHeader( pLaunchData->Data ); if ( pHeader->magicNumber == RELAUNCH_MAGIC_NUMBER ) { m_contextCode = pHeader->contextCode; g_activeDevice = pHeader->activeDevice; } } else if ( launchType == LDT_FROM_DEBUGGER_CMDLINE ) { // launched from the debugger
LAUNCH_DATA* pLaunchData = (LAUNCH_DATA *)(&launchData); pCmdLine = (char *)pLaunchData->Data; strlwr( pCmdLine );
// assume retail mode
if ( strstr( pCmdLine, "-indebugger" ) ) { m_contextCode |= CONTEXTCODE_INDEBUGGER; } #ifndef _RETAIL
if ( DmIsDebuggerPresent() ) { m_contextCode |= CONTEXTCODE_INDEBUGGER; } #endif
if ( strstr( pCmdLine, "-debug" ) ) { // launch to debug xbe
m_contextCode |= CONTEXTCODE_DEBUG_XBE; } else if ( strstr( pCmdLine, "-release" ) ) { // launch to release xbe
m_contextCode |= CONTEXTCODE_RELEASE_XBE; } else { // default launch to retail xbe
m_contextCode |= CONTEXTCODE_RETAIL_XBE|CONTEXTCODE_NO_XBDM; if ( strstr( pCmdLine, "-dev" ) ) { // force dev link
m_contextCode &= ~CONTEXTCODE_NO_XBDM; } }
if ( strstr( pCmdLine, "-attract" ) ) { // running the attract sequence
m_contextCode |= CONTEXTCODE_ATTRACT; } } }
if ( ( m_contextCode & CONTEXTCODE_MAGICMASK ) != CONTEXTCODE_HL2MAGIC ) { // unknown, run the install normally
// 0 is a special indicator, due to lack of valid magic
m_contextCode = 0; } else { if ( m_contextCode & CONTEXTCODE_DASHBOARD ) { // coming from dashboard, back to HL2 - immediately!
LaunchHL2( m_contextCode ); return S_OK; } }
if ( FAILED( XFONT_OpenDefaultFont( &m_pDefaultTrueTypeFont ) ) ) { return XBAPPERR_MEDIANOTFOUND; }
// load install resources for context
// Load resource file
if ( FAILED( m_xprResource.Create( "D:\\LoaderMedia\\loader.xpr" ) ) ) { return XBAPPERR_MEDIANOTFOUND; }
if ( FAILED( LoadFont( &m_Font, loader_Font_OFFSET ) ) ) { return XBAPPERR_MEDIANOTFOUND; }
if ( !( m_contextCode & CONTEXTCODE_ATTRACT ) ) { m_pFooterTexture = LoadTexture( loader_Footer_OFFSET ); if ( !m_pFooterTexture ) { return XBAPPERR_MEDIANOTFOUND; }
switch( XGetLanguage() ) { case XC_LANGUAGE_FRENCH: m_pMainLegalTexture = LoadTexture( loader_MainLegal_french_OFFSET ); break; case XC_LANGUAGE_ITALIAN: m_pMainLegalTexture = LoadTexture( loader_MainLegal_italian_OFFSET ); break; case XC_LANGUAGE_GERMAN: m_pMainLegalTexture = LoadTexture( loader_MainLegal_german_OFFSET ); break; case XC_LANGUAGE_SPANISH: m_pMainLegalTexture = LoadTexture( loader_MainLegal_spanish_OFFSET ); break; default: m_pMainLegalTexture = LoadTexture( loader_MainLegal_english_OFFSET ); break; } if ( !m_pMainLegalTexture ) { return XBAPPERR_MEDIANOTFOUND; }
m_pSourceLegalTexture = LoadTexture( loader_SourceLegal_OFFSET ); if ( !m_pSourceLegalTexture ) { return XBAPPERR_MEDIANOTFOUND; }
switch( XGetLanguage() ) { case XC_LANGUAGE_FRENCH: m_pSlideShowTextures[0] = LoadTexture( loader_SlideShow1_french_OFFSET ); break; case XC_LANGUAGE_ITALIAN: m_pSlideShowTextures[0] = LoadTexture( loader_SlideShow1_italian_OFFSET ); break; case XC_LANGUAGE_GERMAN: m_pSlideShowTextures[0] = LoadTexture( loader_SlideShow1_german_OFFSET ); break; case XC_LANGUAGE_SPANISH: m_pSlideShowTextures[0] = LoadTexture( loader_SlideShow1_spanish_OFFSET ); break; default: m_pSlideShowTextures[0] = LoadTexture( loader_SlideShow1_english_OFFSET ); break; } m_pSlideShowTextures[1] = LoadTexture( loader_SlideShow2_OFFSET ); m_pSlideShowTextures[2] = LoadTexture( loader_SlideShow3_OFFSET ); m_pSlideShowTextures[3] = LoadTexture( loader_SlideShow4_OFFSET ); m_pSlideShowTextures[4] = LoadTexture( loader_SlideShow5_OFFSET ); m_pSlideShowTextures[5] = LoadTexture( loader_SlideShow6_OFFSET ); m_pSlideShowTextures[6] = LoadTexture( loader_SlideShow7_OFFSET ); m_pSlideShowTextures[7] = LoadTexture( loader_SlideShow8_OFFSET ); m_pSlideShowTextures[8] = LoadTexture( loader_SlideShow9_OFFSET ); for ( int i=0; i<MAX_SLIDESHOW_TEXTURES; i++ ) { if ( !m_pSlideShowTextures ) return XBAPPERR_MEDIANOTFOUND; }
if ( !VerifyInstall() ) { OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING( "Install failed!\n" ); return -1; } }
m_pLoadingIconTexture = LoadTexture( loader_LoadingIcon_OFFSET ); if ( !m_pLoadingIconTexture ) { return XBAPPERR_MEDIANOTFOUND; }
return S_OK; }
// Performs per-frame video checks
void CXBoxLoader::TickVideo() { if ( m_bMovieErrorIsFatal && m_player.IsFailed() ) { FatalMediaError(); } }
// Performs per-frame updates
HRESULT CXBoxLoader::FrameMove() { bool bFailed = false;
if ( m_State >= 10 && g_copyStats.m_copyErrors ) { FatalMediaError(); }
if ( m_State >= 10 && ( m_DefaultGamepad.wPressedButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START ) ) { m_bDrawDebug ^= 1; }
if ( m_bAllowAttractAbort && ( m_DefaultGamepad.bPressedAnalogButtons[XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A] || ( m_DefaultGamepad.wPressedButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START ) ) ) { StopVideo();
// allow only once, until reset
m_bAllowAttractAbort = false; }
switch ( m_State ) { case 0: if ( m_contextCode & CONTEXTCODE_ATTRACT ) { // play attract mode
m_State = 1; } else { // normal installation
m_State = 9; } break;
case 1: // Play the attract video
if ( FAILED( StartVideo( "D:\\LoaderMedia\\Demo_Attract.xmv", false, false ) ) ) { // jump to finish
m_State = 4; } else { m_State = 2; } break; case 2: if ( m_player.IsPlaying() || m_player.IsFailed() ) { // attract is playing, wait for finish
m_State = 3; m_bAllowAttractAbort = true; } break;
case 3: if ( !m_player.IsPlaying() || m_player.IsFailed() ) { // attract is over or aborted
m_State = 4; } break;
case 4: // place loading
m_bDrawLoading = true; m_FrameCounter = 0; m_State = 5; break;
case 5: // wait for two frames to pass to ensure loading is rendered
if ( m_FrameCounter > 2 ) { m_bLaunch = true; m_State = 6; } break;
case 6: // idle
m_State = 6; break; case 9: // Play the opening Valve video
StartVideo( "D:\\LoaderMedia\\Valve_Leader.xmv", true, true );
// Start the async installation process
if ( !StartInstall() ) { OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING( "Install failed!\n" ); bFailed = true; break; } m_State = 10; break;
case 10: if ( m_player.IsPlaying() ) { // intro is playing, wait for finish
m_State = 15; } break;
case 15: if ( !m_player.IsPlaying() ) { // intro is over
m_State = 20; } break;
case 20: // start legals
StartLegalScreen( LEGAL_SOURCE ); m_State = 25; break;
case 25: if ( m_bDrawLegal && GetTickCount() - m_LegalTime > LEGAL_DISPLAY_TIME ) { // advance to next legal
StartLegalScreen( LEGAL_MAIN ); m_State = 30; } break;
case 30: if ( m_bDrawLegal && GetTickCount() - m_LegalTime > LEGAL_DISPLAY_TIME ) { // end of all legals
if ( IsTargetFileValid( "Z:\\LoaderMedia\\Title_Load.xmv", 0 ) ) { m_bDrawLegal = false; m_State = 40; } } break;
case 40: // play the gordon/alyx hl2 game movie
m_bCaptureLastMovieFrame = true; StartVideo( "Z:\\LoaderMedia\\Title_Load.xmv", true, true ); m_State = 50; break;
case 50: if ( m_player.IsPlaying() ) { // title movie is playing, wait for finish
m_State = 60; } break;
case 60: if ( m_player.GetElapsedTime() >= 8000 && !m_bDrawProgress ) { // wait for known audio click, then put up progress bar
// start the loading bar animation
m_bDrawProgress = true; } if ( m_bInstallComplete && m_bDrawProgress ) { // install has completed
if ( m_player.IsPlaying() ) { // force the movie to end
m_player.TerminatePlayback(); } m_State = 70; } else if ( !m_bInstallComplete && !m_player.IsPlaying() ) { // intro movie has finished, but install is still running
// start up slideshow cycler
m_bDrawSlideShow = true; m_State = 70; } break;
case 70: // wait for movie or slideshow to stop
if ( !m_player.IsPlaying() && !m_bDrawSlideShow ) { m_bLaunch = true; m_State = 80; } break;
case 80: // idle
break; }
if ( bFailed ) { FatalMediaError(); }
return S_OK; }
// Renders the scene
HRESULT CXBoxLoader::Render() { m_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER|D3DCLEAR_STENCIL, 0x00000000, 1.0f, 0L );
// Play a frame from a video.
BOOL bPlayedFrame = PlayVideoFrame();
// hold the last frame of the title movie
if ( m_State >= 60 && !bPlayedFrame ) { DrawTexture( m_pLastMovieFrame, 0, 0, 640, 480, 0xFFFFFFFF ); }
DrawSlideshow(); DrawLoadingMarquee(); DrawProgressBar(); DrawLegals(); DrawDebug(); DrawLog();
if ( m_bLaunch ) { // The installation has finished
// Persist the image before launching hl2
m_pd3dDevice->Present( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); m_pd3dDevice->PersistDisplay();
// Make sure the installation thread has completely exited
if ( m_installThread ) { WaitForSingleObject( m_installThread, INFINITE ); CloseHandle( m_installThread ); }
LaunchHL2( m_contextCode ); return S_OK; }
// Present the scene
m_pd3dDevice->Present( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
return S_OK; }
// Entry point to the program.
VOID __cdecl main() { CXBoxLoader xbApp; if ( FAILED( xbApp.Create() ) ) { xbApp.FatalMediaError(); } xbApp.Run(); }