//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "dme_controls/DmeSourceDCCFilePanel.h"
#include "dme_controls/DmePanel.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmedccmakefile.h"
#include "vgui_controls/TextEntry.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ListPanel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Button.h"
#include "vgui_controls/InputDialog.h"
#include "vgui_controls/MessageBox.h"
#include "vgui/keycode.h"
#include "tier1/KeyValues.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui;
// Hook into the dme panel editor system
IMPLEMENT_DMEPANEL_FACTORY( CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel, DmeSourceDCCFile, "DmeSourceDCCFileDefault", "Maya/XSI Source File Editor", true );
// Sort by MDL name
static int __cdecl DccObjectSortFunc( vgui::ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &item1, const ListPanelItem &item2 ) { const char *string1 = item1.kv->GetString( "dccobject" ); const char *string2 = item2.kv->GetString( "dccobject" ); return Q_stricmp( string1, string2 ); }
// Purpose: Constructor, destructor
CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pPanelName ) : BaseClass( pParent, pPanelName ) { m_pRootDCCObjects = new vgui::ListPanel( this, "DCCObjectList" ); m_pRootDCCObjects->AddColumnHeader( 0, "dccobject", "Maya/XSI Object Name", 100, 0 ); m_pRootDCCObjects->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pRootDCCObjects->SetSortFunc( 0, DccObjectSortFunc ); m_pRootDCCObjects->SetSortColumn( 0 ); // m_pRootDCCObjects->SetSelectIndividualCells( true );
m_pRootDCCObjects->SetEmptyListText("No sources"); // m_pRootDCCObjects->SetDragEnabled( true );
m_pDCCObjectBrowser = new vgui::Button( this, "DCCObjectBrowser", "...", this, "OnBrowseDCCObject" ); m_pDCCObjectName = new vgui::TextEntry( this, "DCCObjectName" ); m_pDCCObjectName->SendNewLine( true ); m_pDCCObjectName->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pAddDCCObject = new vgui::Button( this, "AddDCCObjectButton", "Add", this, "OnAddDCCObject" ); m_pRemoveDCCObject = new vgui::Button( this, "RemoveDCCObjectButton", "Remove", this, "OnRemoveDCCObject" );
m_pApplyChanges = new vgui::Button( this, "ApplyChangesButton", "Apply", this, "OnApplyChanges" );
// Load layout settings; has to happen before pinning occurs in code
LoadControlSettings( "resource/DmeSourceDCCFilePanel.res" ); }
CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::~CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel() { }
// Marks the file as dirty (or not)
void CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::SetDirty() { PostActionSignal( new KeyValues( "DmeElementChanged" ) ); }
// Refresh the source list
void CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::RefreshDCCObjectList( ) { m_pRootDCCObjects->RemoveAll(); if ( !m_hSourceDCCFile.Get() ) return;
int nCount = m_hSourceDCCFile->m_RootDCCObjects.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { KeyValues *pItemKeys = new KeyValues( "node", "dccobject", m_hSourceDCCFile->m_RootDCCObjects.Get(i) ); pItemKeys->SetInt( "dccObjectIndex", i ); m_pRootDCCObjects->AddItem( pItemKeys, 0, false, false ); }
m_pRootDCCObjects->SortList(); }
// Resets the state
void CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::SetDmeElement( CDmeSourceDCCFile *pSourceDCCFile ) { m_hSourceDCCFile = pSourceDCCFile;
bool bEnabled = ( pSourceDCCFile != NULL ); m_pDCCObjectBrowser->SetEnabled( bEnabled ); m_pAddDCCObject->SetEnabled( bEnabled ); m_pRemoveDCCObject->SetEnabled( bEnabled ); m_pApplyChanges->SetEnabled( bEnabled ); if ( !bEnabled ) { m_pRootDCCObjects->RemoveAll(); m_pDCCObjectName->SetText( "" ); return; }
RefreshDCCObjectList(); }
// Called when a list panel's selection changes
void CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::OnItemSelectionChanged( ) { int nCount = m_pRootDCCObjects->GetSelectedItemsCount(); bool bEnabled = ( nCount > 0 ); bool bMultiselect = ( nCount > 1 ); m_pDCCObjectBrowser->SetEnabled( bEnabled && !bMultiselect ); m_pDCCObjectName->SetEnabled( bEnabled && !bMultiselect ); m_pApplyChanges->SetEnabled( bEnabled && !bMultiselect ); m_pRemoveDCCObject->SetEnabled( bEnabled ); if ( !bEnabled || bMultiselect ) { m_pDCCObjectName->SetText( "" ); return; }
int nItemID = m_pRootDCCObjects->GetSelectedItem( 0 ); KeyValues *pKeyValues = m_pRootDCCObjects->GetItem( nItemID ); m_pDCCObjectName->SetText( pKeyValues->GetString( "dccobject" ) ); }
// Called when a list panel's selection changes
void CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::OnItemSelected( KeyValues *kv ) { Panel *pPanel = (Panel *)kv->GetPtr( "panel", NULL ); if ( pPanel == m_pRootDCCObjects ) { OnItemSelectionChanged(); return; } }
// Called when a list panel's selection changes
void CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::OnItemDeselected( KeyValues *kv ) { Panel *pPanel = (Panel *)kv->GetPtr( "panel", NULL ); if ( pPanel == m_pRootDCCObjects ) { OnItemSelectionChanged(); return; } }
// Called when return is hit in a text entry field
void CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::OnTextNewLine( KeyValues *kv ) { if ( !m_hSourceDCCFile.Get() ) return;
Panel *pPanel = (Panel *)kv->GetPtr( "panel", NULL ); if ( pPanel == m_pDCCObjectName ) { OnDCCObjectNameChanged(); return; } }
// Selects a particular DCC object
void CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::SelectDCCObject( int nDCCObjectIndex ) { if ( nDCCObjectIndex < 0 ) { m_pRootDCCObjects->ClearSelectedItems(); return; }
int nItemID = m_pRootDCCObjects->FirstItem(); for ( ; nItemID != m_pRootDCCObjects->InvalidItemID(); nItemID = m_pRootDCCObjects->NextItem( nItemID ) ) { KeyValues *kv = m_pRootDCCObjects->GetItem( nItemID ); if ( kv->GetInt( "dccObjectIndex", -1 ) != nDCCObjectIndex ) continue;
m_pRootDCCObjects->SetSingleSelectedItem( nItemID ); break; } }
// Called when we're browsing for a DCC object and one was selected
void CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::OnDCCObjectAdded( const char *pDCCObjectName, KeyValues *pContextKeys ) { if ( !m_hSourceDCCFile.Get() ) return;
if ( CheckForDuplicateNames( pDCCObjectName ) ) return;
int nIndex = -1; { CDisableUndoScopeGuard guard; nIndex = m_hSourceDCCFile->m_RootDCCObjects.AddToTail( pDCCObjectName ); } SetDirty( ); RefreshDCCObjectList( ); SelectDCCObject( nIndex ); }
// Called when the file open dialog for browsing source files selects something
void CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::OnInputCompleted( KeyValues *kv ) { const char *pDCCObjectName = kv->GetString( "text", NULL ); if ( !pDCCObjectName ) return;
KeyValues *pDialogKeys = kv->FindKey( "ChangeDCCObject" ); if ( pDialogKeys ) { m_pDCCObjectName->SetText( pDCCObjectName ); OnDCCObjectNameChanged(); return; }
pDialogKeys = kv->FindKey( "AddDCCObject" ); if ( pDialogKeys ) { OnDCCObjectAdded( pDCCObjectName, pDialogKeys ); return; } }
// Shows the DCC object browser (once we have one)
void CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::ShowDCCObjectBrowser( const char *pTitle, const char *pPrompt, KeyValues *pDialogKeys ) { InputDialog *pInput = new InputDialog( this, pTitle, pPrompt ); pInput->SetMultiline( false ); pInput->DoModal( pDialogKeys ); }
// Called when the button to add a file is clicked
void CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::OnAddDCCObject( ) { if ( m_hSourceDCCFile.Get() ) { KeyValues *pDialogKeys = new KeyValues( "AddDCCObject" ); ShowDCCObjectBrowser( "Add DCC Object", "Enter DCC object name to add", pDialogKeys ); } }
// Called when the button to browse for a source file is clicked
void CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::OnBrowseDCCObject( ) { int nCount = m_pRootDCCObjects->GetSelectedItemsCount(); if ( nCount == 0 || !m_hSourceDCCFile.Get() ) return;
int nItemID = m_pRootDCCObjects->GetSelectedItem( 0 ); KeyValues *pKeyValues = m_pRootDCCObjects->GetItem( nItemID ); int nDCCObjectIndex = pKeyValues->GetInt( "dccObjectIndex", -1 );
KeyValues *pDialogKeys = new KeyValues( "ChangeDCCObject", "dccObjectIndex", nDCCObjectIndex ); ShowDCCObjectBrowser( "Edit Maya/XSI Object", "Enter new name of Maya/XSI object", pDialogKeys ); }
// Called when the source file name changes
bool CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::CheckForDuplicateNames( const char *pDCCObjectName, int nDCCObjectSkipIndex ) { // Look for the existence of this source already
if ( pDCCObjectName[0] ) { int nCount = m_hSourceDCCFile->m_RootDCCObjects.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { if ( i == nDCCObjectSkipIndex ) continue;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pDCCObjectName, m_hSourceDCCFile->m_RootDCCObjects[i] ) ) { vgui::MessageBox *pError = new vgui::MessageBox( "#DmeSourceDCCFile_DuplicateSourceTitle", "#DmeSourceDCCFile_DuplicateSourceText", GetParent() ); pError->DoModal(); return true; } } } return false; }
// Called when the source file name changes
void CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::OnDCCObjectNameChanged() { int nCount = m_pRootDCCObjects->GetSelectedItemsCount(); if ( nCount == 0 || !m_hSourceDCCFile.Get() ) return;
int nItemID = m_pRootDCCObjects->GetSelectedItem( 0 ); KeyValues *pKeyValues = m_pRootDCCObjects->GetItem( nItemID ); int nDCCObjectIndex = pKeyValues->GetInt( "dccObjectIndex", -1 ); if ( nDCCObjectIndex < 0 ) return;
char pDCCObjectName[MAX_PATH]; m_pDCCObjectName->GetText( pDCCObjectName, sizeof(pDCCObjectName) );
if ( CheckForDuplicateNames( pDCCObjectName, nDCCObjectIndex ) ) return;
{ CDisableUndoScopeGuard guard; m_hSourceDCCFile->m_RootDCCObjects.Set( nDCCObjectIndex, pDCCObjectName ); }
pKeyValues->SetString( "dccobject", pDCCObjectName ); m_pRootDCCObjects->ApplyItemChanges( nItemID ); m_pRootDCCObjects->SortList();
SetDirty( ); }
// Used for sorting below
static int IntCompare( const void *pSrc1, const void *pSrc2 ) { int i1 = *(int*)pSrc1; int i2 = *(int*)pSrc2; return i1 - i2; }
// Called when the button to remove a DCC object is clicked
void CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::OnRemoveDCCObject( ) { int nCount = m_pRootDCCObjects->GetSelectedItemsCount(); if ( nCount == 0 || !m_hSourceDCCFile.Get() ) return;
int nSelectedCount = 0; int *pDCCObjectIndex = (int*)alloca( nCount*sizeof(int) ); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { int nItemID = m_pRootDCCObjects->GetSelectedItem( i ); KeyValues *pKeyValues = m_pRootDCCObjects->GetItem( nItemID ); int nDCCObjectIndex = pKeyValues->GetInt( "dccObjectIndex", -1 ); if ( nDCCObjectIndex < 0 ) continue; pDCCObjectIndex[nSelectedCount++] = nDCCObjectIndex; }
if ( nSelectedCount == 0 ) return;
// Sort the object indices so we can remove them all
qsort( pDCCObjectIndex, nSelectedCount, sizeof(int), IntCompare );
// Update the selection to be reasonable after deletion
int nItemID = m_pRootDCCObjects->GetSelectedItem( 0 ); int nRow = m_pRootDCCObjects->GetItemCurrentRow( nItemID ); Assert( nRow >= 0 );
{ CDisableUndoScopeGuard guard; // Because we sorted it above, removes will occur properly
for ( int i = nSelectedCount; --i >= 0; ) { m_hSourceDCCFile->m_RootDCCObjects.Remove( pDCCObjectIndex[i] ); } SetDirty( ); } RefreshDCCObjectList();
int nVisibleRowCount = m_pRootDCCObjects->GetItemCount(); if ( nVisibleRowCount == 0 ) return;
if ( nRow >= nVisibleRowCount ) { nRow = nVisibleRowCount - 1; }
int nNewItemID = m_pRootDCCObjects->GetItemIDFromRow( nRow ); m_pRootDCCObjects->SetSingleSelectedItem( nNewItemID ); }
// Called when a key is typed
void CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::OnKeyCodeTyped( vgui::KeyCode code ) { if ( code == KEY_DELETE ) { OnRemoveDCCObject(); return; }
BaseClass::OnKeyCodeTyped( code ); }
// Command handler
void CDmeSourceDCCFilePanel::OnCommand( const char *pCommand ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "OnBrowseDCCObject" ) ) { OnBrowseDCCObject(); return; }
if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "OnAddDCCObject" ) ) { OnAddDCCObject(); return; }
if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "OnRemoveDCCObject" ) ) { OnRemoveDCCObject(); return; }
if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "OnApplyChanges" ) ) { OnDCCObjectNameChanged(); return; }
BaseClass::OnCommand( pCommand ); }