//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include <vgui_controls/Button.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ComboBox.h>
#include <vgui_controls/DirectorySelectDialog.h>
#include <vgui_controls/TreeView.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ImageList.h>
#include <vgui_controls/MessageBox.h>
#include <vgui/Cursor.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <filesystem.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <direct.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
using namespace vgui;
DirectoryTreeView::DirectoryTreeView(DirectorySelectDialog *parent, const char *name) : TreeView(parent, name) { m_pParent = parent; }
void DirectoryTreeView::GenerateChildrenOfNode(int itemIndex) { m_pParent->GenerateChildrenOfDirectoryNode(itemIndex); }
// Purpose: Used to prompt the user to create a directory
class CreateDirectoryDialog : public Frame { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE(CreateDirectoryDialog, Frame);
public: CreateDirectoryDialog(Panel *parent, const char *defaultCreateDirName) : BaseClass(parent, NULL) { SetSize(320, 100); SetSizeable(false); SetTitle("Choose directory name", false); MoveToCenterOfScreen();
m_pOKButton = new Button(this, "OKButton", "#vgui_ok"); m_pCancelButton = new Button(this, "OKButton", "#vgui_cancel"); m_pNameEntry = new TextEntry(this, "NameEntry");
m_pOKButton->SetCommand("OK"); m_pCancelButton->SetCommand("Close"); m_pNameEntry->SetText(defaultCreateDirName); m_pNameEntry->RequestFocus(); m_pNameEntry->SelectAllText(true); // If some other window was hogging the input focus, then we have to hog it or else we'll never get input.
m_PrevAppFocusPanel = vgui::input()->GetAppModalSurface(); if ( m_PrevAppFocusPanel ) vgui::input()->SetAppModalSurface( GetVPanel() ); }
~CreateDirectoryDialog() { if ( m_PrevAppFocusPanel ) vgui::input()->SetAppModalSurface( m_PrevAppFocusPanel ); }
virtual void PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
m_pNameEntry->SetBounds(24, 32, GetWide() - 48, 24); m_pOKButton->SetBounds(GetWide() - 176, 64, 72, 24); m_pCancelButton->SetBounds(GetWide() - 94, 64, 72, 24); }
virtual void OnCommand(const char *command) { if (!stricmp(command, "OK")) { PostActionSignal(new KeyValues("CreateDirectory", "dir", GetControlString("NameEntry"))); Close(); } else { BaseClass::OnCommand(command); } }
virtual void OnClose() { BaseClass::OnClose(); MarkForDeletion(); }
private: vgui::Button *m_pOKButton; vgui::Button *m_pCancelButton; vgui::TextEntry *m_pNameEntry; vgui::VPANEL m_PrevAppFocusPanel; };
// Purpose: Constructor
DirectorySelectDialog::DirectorySelectDialog(vgui::Panel *parent, const char *title) : Frame(parent, NULL) { SetTitle(title, true); SetSize(320, 360); SetMinimumSize(300, 240); m_szCurrentDir[0] = 0; m_szDefaultCreateDirName[0] = 0;
m_pDirTree = new DirectoryTreeView(this, "DirTree"); m_pDriveCombo = new ComboBox(this, "DriveCombo", 6, false); m_pCancelButton = new Button(this, "CancelButton", "#VGui_Cancel"); m_pSelectButton = new Button(this, "SelectButton", "#VGui_Select"); m_pCreateButton = new Button(this, "CreateButton", "#VGui_CreateFolder"); m_pCancelButton->SetCommand("Cancel"); m_pSelectButton->SetCommand("Select"); m_pCreateButton->SetCommand("Create"); }
// Purpose: lays out controls
void DirectorySelectDialog::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
// lay out all the controls
m_pDriveCombo->SetBounds(24, 30, GetWide() - 48, 24); m_pDirTree->SetBounds(24, 64, GetWide() - 48, GetTall() - 128);
m_pCreateButton->SetBounds(24, GetTall() - 48, 104, 24); m_pSelectButton->SetBounds(GetWide() - 172, GetTall() - 48, 72, 24); m_pCancelButton->SetBounds(GetWide() - 96, GetTall() - 48, 72, 24); }
// Purpose: lays out controls
void DirectorySelectDialog::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme) { ImageList *imageList = new ImageList(false); imageList->AddImage(scheme()->GetImage("Resource/icon_folder", false)); imageList->AddImage(scheme()->GetImage("Resource/icon_folder_selected", false)); m_pDirTree->SetImageList(imageList, true);
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme); }
// Purpose: Move the start string forward until we hit a slash and return the
// the first character past the trailing slash
inline const char *MoveToNextSubDir( const char *pStart, int *nCount ) { int nMoved = 0;
// Move past pre-pended slash
if ( pStart[nMoved] == '\\' ) { nMoved++; }
// Move past the current block of text until we've hit the next path seperator (or end)
while ( pStart[nMoved] != '\\' && pStart[nMoved] != '\0' ) { nMoved++; }
// Move past trailing slash
if ( pStart[nMoved] == '\\' ) { nMoved++; }
// Give back a count if they've supplied a pointer
if ( nCount != NULL ) { *nCount = nMoved; } // The beginning of the next string, past slash
return (pStart+nMoved); }
// Purpose: Walk through our directory structure given a path as our guide, while expanding
// and populating the nodes of the tree view to match
// Input : *path - path (with drive letter) to show
void DirectorySelectDialog::ExpandTreeToPath( const char *lpszPath, bool bSelectFinalDirectory /*= true*/ ) { // Make sure our slashes are correct!
char workPath[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( workPath, lpszPath, sizeof(workPath) ); Q_FixSlashes( workPath ); // Set us to the work drive
SetStartDirectory( workPath );
// Check that the path is valid
if ( workPath[0] == '\0' || DoesDirectoryHaveSubdirectories( m_szCurrentDrive, "" ) == false ) { // Failing, start in C:
SetStartDirectory( "C:\\" ); }
// Start at the root of our tree
int nItemIndex = m_pDirTree->GetRootItemIndex(); // Move past the drive letter to the first subdir
int nPathPos = 0; const char *lpszSubDirName = MoveToNextSubDir( workPath, &nPathPos ); const char *lpszLastSubDirName = NULL; int nPathIncr = 0; char subDirName[MAX_PATH];
// While there are subdirectory names present, expand and populate the tree with their subdirectories
while ( lpszSubDirName[0] != '\0' ) { // Move our string pointer forward while keeping where our last subdir started off
lpszLastSubDirName = lpszSubDirName; lpszSubDirName = MoveToNextSubDir( lpszSubDirName, &nPathIncr );
// Get the span between the last subdir and the new one
Q_StrLeft( lpszLastSubDirName, nPathIncr, subDirName, sizeof(subDirName) ); Q_StripTrailingSlash( subDirName );
// Increment where we are in the string for use later
nPathPos += nPathIncr;
// Run through the list and expand to our currently selected directory
for ( int i = 0; i < m_pDirTree->GetNumChildren( nItemIndex ); i++ ) { // Get the child and data for it
int nChild = m_pDirTree->GetChild( nItemIndex, i ); KeyValues *pValues = m_pDirTree->GetItemData( nChild );
// See if this matches
if ( Q_stricmp( pValues->GetString( "Text" ), subDirName ) == 0 ) { // This is the new root item
nItemIndex = nChild;
// Get the full path (starting from the drive letter) up to our current subdir
Q_strncpy( subDirName, workPath, nPathPos ); Q_AppendSlash( subDirName, sizeof(subDirName) );
// Expand the tree node and populate its subdirs for our next iteration
ExpandTreeNode( subDirName, nItemIndex ); break; } } }
// Select our last directory if we've been asked to (and it's valid)
if ( bSelectFinalDirectory && m_pDirTree->IsItemIDValid( nItemIndex ) ) { // If we don't call this once before selecting an item, the tree will not be properly expanded
// before it calculates how to show the selected item in the view
// Select that item
m_pDirTree->AddSelectedItem( nItemIndex, true ); } }
// Purpose: sets where it should start searching
void DirectorySelectDialog::SetStartDirectory(const char *path) { strncpy(m_szCurrentDir, path, sizeof(m_szCurrentDir)); strncpy(m_szCurrentDrive, path, sizeof(m_szCurrentDrive)); m_szCurrentDrive[sizeof(m_szCurrentDrive) - 1] = 0; char *firstSlash = strstr(m_szCurrentDrive, "\\"); if (firstSlash) { firstSlash[1] = 0; }
BuildDirTree(); BuildDriveChoices();
// update state of create directory button
int selectedIndex = m_pDirTree->GetFirstSelectedItem(); if (m_pDirTree->IsItemIDValid(selectedIndex)) { m_pCreateButton->SetEnabled(true); } else { m_pCreateButton->SetEnabled(false); } }
// Purpose: sets what name should show up by default in the create directory dialog
void DirectorySelectDialog::SetDefaultCreateDirectoryName(const char *defaultCreateDirName) { strncpy(m_szDefaultCreateDirName, defaultCreateDirName, sizeof(m_szDefaultCreateDirName)); m_szDefaultCreateDirName[sizeof(m_szDefaultCreateDirName) - 1] = 0; }
// Purpose: opens the dialog
void DirectorySelectDialog::DoModal() { input()->SetAppModalSurface(GetVPanel()); BaseClass::Activate(); MoveToCenterOfScreen(); }
// Purpose: Builds drive choices
void DirectorySelectDialog::BuildDriveChoices() { m_pDriveCombo->DeleteAllItems();
char drives[256] = { 0 }; int len = system()->GetAvailableDrives(drives, sizeof(drives)); char *pBuf = drives; KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("drive"); for (int i = 0; i < len / 4; i++) { kv->SetString("drive", pBuf); int itemID = m_pDriveCombo->AddItem(pBuf, kv); if (!stricmp(pBuf, m_szCurrentDrive)) { m_pDriveCombo->ActivateItem(itemID); }
pBuf += 4; } kv->deleteThis(); }
// Purpose: Builds the base tree directory
void DirectorySelectDialog::BuildDirTree() { // clear current tree
// add in a root
int rootIndex = m_pDirTree->AddItem(new KeyValues("root", "Text", m_szCurrentDrive), -1);
// build first level of the tree
ExpandTreeNode(m_szCurrentDrive, rootIndex); // start the root expanded
m_pDirTree->ExpandItem(rootIndex, true); }
// Purpose: expands a path
void DirectorySelectDialog::ExpandTreeNode(const char *path, int parentNodeIndex) { // set the small wait cursor
// get all the subfolders of the current drive
char searchString[512]; sprintf(searchString, "%s*.*", path);
FileFindHandle_t h; const char *pFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirstEx( searchString, NULL, &h ); for ( ; pFileName; pFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( h ) ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pFileName, ".." ) || !Q_stricmp( pFileName, "." ) ) continue;
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("item"); kv->SetString("Text", pFileName); // set the folder image
kv->SetInt("Image", 1); kv->SetInt("SelectedImage", 1); kv->SetInt("Expand", DoesDirectoryHaveSubdirectories(path, pFileName)); m_pDirTree->AddItem(kv, parentNodeIndex); } g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( h ); }
// Purpose:
bool DirectorySelectDialog::DoesDirectoryHaveSubdirectories(const char *path, const char *dir) { char searchString[512]; sprintf(searchString, "%s%s\\*.*", path, dir);
FileFindHandle_t h; const char *pFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirstEx( searchString, NULL, &h ); for ( ; pFileName; pFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( h ) ) { char szFullPath[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_snprintf( szFullPath, sizeof(szFullPath), "%s\\%s", path, pFileName ); Q_FixSlashes( szFullPath ); if ( g_pFullFileSystem->IsDirectory( szFullPath ) ) { g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( h ); return true; } } g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( h ); return false; }
// Purpose: Generates the children for the specified node
void DirectorySelectDialog::GenerateChildrenOfDirectoryNode(int nodeIndex) { // generate path
char path[512]; GenerateFullPathForNode(nodeIndex, path, sizeof(path));
// expand out
ExpandTreeNode(path, nodeIndex); }
// Purpose: creates the full path for a node
void DirectorySelectDialog::GenerateFullPathForNode(int nodeIndex, char *path, int pathBufferSize) { // get all the nodes
CUtlLinkedList<int, int> nodes; nodes.AddToTail(nodeIndex); int parentIndex = nodeIndex; while (1) { parentIndex = m_pDirTree->GetItemParent(parentIndex); if (parentIndex == -1) break; nodes.AddToHead(parentIndex); }
// walk the nodes, adding to the path
path[0] = 0; bool bFirst = true; FOR_EACH_LL( nodes, i ) { KeyValues *kv = m_pDirTree->GetItemData( nodes[i] ); strcat(path, kv->GetString("Text"));
if (!bFirst) { strcat(path, "\\"); } bFirst = false; } }
// Purpose: Handles combo box changes
void DirectorySelectDialog::OnTextChanged() { KeyValues *kv = m_pDriveCombo->GetActiveItemUserData(); if (!kv) return; const char *newDrive = kv->GetString("drive"); if (stricmp(newDrive, m_szCurrentDrive)) { // drive changed, reset
SetStartDirectory(newDrive); } }
// Purpose: creates a directory
void DirectorySelectDialog::OnCreateDirectory(const char *dir) { int selectedIndex = m_pDirTree->GetFirstSelectedItem(); if (m_pDirTree->IsItemIDValid(selectedIndex)) { char fullPath[512]; GenerateFullPathForNode(selectedIndex, fullPath, sizeof(fullPath));
// create the new directory underneath
strcat(fullPath, dir); if (_mkdir(fullPath) == 0) { // add new path to tree view
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("item"); kv->SetString("Text", dir); // set the folder image
kv->SetInt("Image", 1); kv->SetInt("SelectedImage", 1); int itemID = m_pDirTree->AddItem(kv, selectedIndex);
// select the item
m_pDirTree->AddSelectedItem( itemID, true ); } else { // print error message
MessageBox *box = new MessageBox("#vgui_CreateDirectoryFail_Title", "#vgui_CreateDirectoryFail_Info"); box->DoModal(this); } } }
// Purpose: dialog closes
void DirectorySelectDialog::OnClose() { BaseClass::OnClose(); MarkForDeletion(); }
// Purpose: handles button commands
void DirectorySelectDialog::OnCommand(const char *command) { if (!stricmp(command, "Cancel")) { Close(); } else if (!stricmp(command, "Select")) { // path selected
int selectedIndex = m_pDirTree->GetFirstSelectedItem(); if (m_pDirTree->IsItemIDValid(selectedIndex)) { char fullPath[512]; GenerateFullPathForNode(selectedIndex, fullPath, sizeof(fullPath)); PostActionSignal(new KeyValues("DirectorySelected", "dir", fullPath)); Close(); } } else if (!stricmp(command, "Create")) { int selectedIndex = m_pDirTree->GetFirstSelectedItem(); if (m_pDirTree->IsItemIDValid(selectedIndex)) { CreateDirectoryDialog *dlg = new CreateDirectoryDialog(this, m_szDefaultCreateDirName); dlg->AddActionSignalTarget(this); dlg->Activate(); } } else { BaseClass::OnCommand(command); } }
// Purpose: Update the text in the combo
void DirectorySelectDialog::OnTreeViewItemSelected() { int selectedIndex = m_pDirTree->GetFirstSelectedItem(); if (!m_pDirTree->IsItemIDValid(selectedIndex)) { m_pCreateButton->SetEnabled(false); return; } m_pCreateButton->SetEnabled(true);
// build the string
char fullPath[512]; GenerateFullPathForNode(selectedIndex, fullPath, sizeof(fullPath));
int itemID = m_pDriveCombo->GetActiveItem(); m_pDriveCombo->UpdateItem(itemID, fullPath, NULL); m_pDriveCombo->SetText(fullPath); }