//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
#include <vgui/IPanel.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <vgui/IScheme.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui/MouseCode.h>
#include <vgui_controls/SectionedListPanel.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Button.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Label.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ScrollBar.h>
#include <vgui_controls/TextImage.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ImageList.h>
#include "utlvector.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
using namespace vgui;
namespace vgui {
// Purpose: header label that separates and names each section
SectionedListPanelHeader::SectionedListPanelHeader(SectionedListPanel *parent, const char *name, int sectionID) : Label(parent, name, "") { m_pListPanel = parent; m_iSectionID = sectionID; SetTextImageIndex(-1); ClearImages(); SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false ); m_bDrawDividerBar = true; }
SectionedListPanelHeader::SectionedListPanelHeader(SectionedListPanel *parent, const wchar_t *name, int sectionID) : Label(parent, "SectionHeader", "") { SetText(name); SetVisible(false); m_pListPanel = parent; m_iSectionID = sectionID; SetTextImageIndex(-1); ClearImages(); m_bDrawDividerBar = true; }
void SectionedListPanelHeader::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme);
SetFgColor(GetSchemeColor("SectionedListPanel.HeaderTextColor", pScheme)); m_SectionDividerColor = GetSchemeColor("SectionedListPanel.DividerColor", pScheme); SetBgColor(GetSchemeColor("SectionedListPanelHeader.BgColor", GetBgColor(), pScheme)); SetFont(pScheme->GetFont("DefaultVerySmall", IsProportional())); ClearImages(); HFont hFont = m_pListPanel->GetHeaderFont(); if ( hFont != INVALID_FONT ) { SetFont( hFont ); } else { SetFont(pScheme->GetFont("DefaultVerySmall", IsProportional())); } }
void SectionedListPanelHeader::Paint() { BaseClass::Paint();
if ( m_bDrawDividerBar ) { int x, y, wide, tall; GetBounds(x, y, wide, tall);
y = (tall - 2); // draw the line under the panel
surface()->DrawSetColor(m_SectionDividerColor); surface()->DrawFilledRect(1, y, GetWide() - 2, y + 1); } }
void SectionedListPanelHeader::SetColor(Color col) { m_SectionDividerColor = col; SetFgColor(col); } void SectionedListPanelHeader::SetDividerColor(Color col ) { m_SectionDividerColor = col; }
void SectionedListPanelHeader::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
// set up the text in the header
int colCount = m_pListPanel->GetColumnCountBySection(m_iSectionID); if (colCount != GetImageCount()) { // rebuild the image list
for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { int columnFlags = m_pListPanel->GetColumnFlagsBySection(m_iSectionID, i); IImage *image = NULL; if (columnFlags & SectionedListPanel::HEADER_IMAGE) { //!! need some kind of image reference
image = NULL; } else { TextImage *textImage = new TextImage(""); textImage->SetFont(GetFont()); HFont fallback = m_pListPanel->GetColumnFallbackFontBySection( m_iSectionID, i ); if ( INVALID_FONT != fallback ) { textImage->SetUseFallbackFont( true, fallback ); } textImage->SetColor(GetFgColor()); image = textImage; }
SetImageAtIndex(i, image, 0); } }
for (int repeat = 0; repeat <= 1; repeat++) { int xpos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { int columnFlags = m_pListPanel->GetColumnFlagsBySection(m_iSectionID, i); int columnWidth = m_pListPanel->GetColumnWidthBySection(m_iSectionID, i); int maxWidth = columnWidth;
IImage *image = GetImageAtIndex(i); if (!image) { xpos += columnWidth; continue; }
// set the image position within the label
int contentWide, wide, tall; image->GetContentSize(wide, tall); contentWide = wide;
// see if we can draw over the next few column headers (if we're left-aligned)
if (!(columnFlags & SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_RIGHT)) { for (int j = i + 1; j < colCount; j++) { // see if this column header has anything for a header
int iwide = 0, itall = 0; if (GetImageAtIndex(j)) { GetImageAtIndex(j)->GetContentSize(iwide, itall); }
if (iwide == 0) { // it's a blank header, ok to draw over it
maxWidth += m_pListPanel->GetColumnWidthBySection(m_iSectionID, j); } } } if (maxWidth >= 0) { wide = maxWidth; }
if (columnFlags & SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_RIGHT) { SetImageBounds(i, xpos + wide - contentWide, wide - SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_DATA_GAP); } else { SetImageBounds(i, xpos, wide - SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_DATA_GAP); } xpos += columnWidth;
if (!(columnFlags & SectionedListPanel::HEADER_IMAGE)) { Assert(dynamic_cast<TextImage *>(image) != NULL); TextImage *textImage = (TextImage *)image; textImage->SetFont(GetFont()); textImage->SetText(m_pListPanel->GetColumnTextBySection(m_iSectionID, i)); textImage->ResizeImageToContentMaxWidth( maxWidth ); } } } }
// Purpose: Individual items in the list
class CItemButton : public Label { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CItemButton, Label );
public: CItemButton(SectionedListPanel *parent, int itemID) : Label(parent, NULL, "< item >") { m_pListPanel = parent; m_iID = itemID; m_pData = NULL; Clear(); m_nHorizFillInset = 0; }
~CItemButton() { // free all the keyvalues
if (m_pData) { m_pData->deleteThis(); }
// clear any section data
SetSectionID(-1); }
void Clear() { m_bSelected = false; m_bOverrideColors = false; m_iSectionID = -1; SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false ); SetTextImageIndex(-1); ClearImages(); }
int GetID() { return m_iID; }
void SetID(int itemID) { m_iID = itemID; }
int GetSectionID() { return m_iSectionID; }
void SetSectionID(int sectionID) { if (sectionID != m_iSectionID) { // free any existing textimage list
ClearImages(); // delete any images we've created
for (int i = 0; i < m_TextImages.Count(); i++) { delete m_TextImages[i]; } m_TextImages.RemoveAll(); // mark the list as needing rebuilding
InvalidateLayout(); } m_iSectionID = sectionID; }
void SetData(const KeyValues *data) { if (m_pData) { m_pData->deleteThis(); }
m_pData = data->MakeCopy(); InvalidateLayout(); }
KeyValues *GetData() { return m_pData; }
virtual void PerformLayout() { // get our button text
int colCount = m_pListPanel->GetColumnCountBySection(m_iSectionID); if (!m_pData || colCount < 1) { SetText("< unset >"); } else { if (colCount != GetImageCount()) { // rebuild the image list
for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { int columnFlags = m_pListPanel->GetColumnFlagsBySection(m_iSectionID, i); if (!(columnFlags & SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_IMAGE)) { TextImage *image = new TextImage(""); m_TextImages.AddToTail(image); image->SetFont( GetFont() ); HFont fallback = m_pListPanel->GetColumnFallbackFontBySection( m_iSectionID, i ); if ( INVALID_FONT != fallback ) { image->SetUseFallbackFont( true, fallback ); } SetImageAtIndex(i, image, 0); } }
{for ( int i = GetImageCount(); i < colCount; i++ ) // make sure we have enough image slots
{ AddImage( NULL, 0 ); }} }
// set the text for each column
int xpos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { const char *keyname = m_pListPanel->GetColumnNameBySection(m_iSectionID, i);
int columnFlags = m_pListPanel->GetColumnFlagsBySection(m_iSectionID, i); int maxWidth = m_pListPanel->GetColumnWidthBySection(m_iSectionID, i); IImage *image = NULL; if (columnFlags & SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_IMAGE) { // lookup which image is being referred to
if (m_pListPanel->m_pImageList) { int imageIndex = m_pData->GetInt(keyname, 0); if (m_pListPanel->m_pImageList->IsValidIndex(imageIndex)) { // 0 is always the blank image
if (imageIndex > 0) { image = m_pListPanel->m_pImageList->GetImage(imageIndex); SetImageAtIndex(i, image, 0); } } else { // this is mildly valid (CGamesList hits it because of the way it uses the image indices)
// Assert(!("Image index out of range for ImageList in SectionedListPanel"));
} } else { Assert(!("Images columns used in SectionedListPanel with no ImageList set")); } } else { TextImage *textImage = dynamic_cast<TextImage *>(GetImageAtIndex(i)); if (textImage) { const wchar* pwszOverride = m_pData->GetWString( keyname, NULL ); if ( pwszOverride && pwszOverride[0] != '#' ) { textImage->SetText( pwszOverride ); } else { textImage->SetText(m_pData->GetString(keyname, "")); } textImage->ResizeImageToContentMaxWidth( maxWidth );
// set the text color based on the selection state - if one of the children of the SectionedListPanel has focus, then 'we have focus' if we're selected
VPANEL focus = input()->GetFocus(); if ( !m_bOverrideColors ) { if (IsSelected() && !m_pListPanel->IsInEditMode()) { if (HasFocus() || (focus && ipanel()->HasParent(focus, GetVParent()))) { textImage->SetColor(m_ArmedFgColor2); } else { textImage->SetColor(m_OutOfFocusSelectedTextColor); } } else if (columnFlags & SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_BRIGHT) { textImage->SetColor(m_ArmedFgColor1); } else { textImage->SetColor(m_FgColor2); } } else { // custom colors
if (IsSelected() && (HasFocus() || (focus && ipanel()->HasParent(focus, GetVParent())))) { textImage->SetColor(m_ArmedFgColor2); } else { Color *clrOverride = m_pListPanel->GetColorOverrideForCell(m_iSectionID, m_iID, i); textImage->SetColor( (clrOverride != NULL) ? *clrOverride : GetFgColor()); } } } image = textImage; }
// set the image position within the label
int imageWide = 0, tall = 0; int wide; if (image) { image->GetContentSize(imageWide, tall); } if (maxWidth >= 0) { wide = maxWidth; } else { wide = imageWide; }
if (i == 0 && !(columnFlags & SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_IMAGE)) { // first column has an extra indent
SetImageBounds(i, xpos + SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_DATA_INDENT, wide - (SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_DATA_INDENT + SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_DATA_GAP)); } else { if (columnFlags & SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_CENTER) { int offSet = (wide / 2) - (imageWide / 2); SetImageBounds(i, xpos + offSet, wide - offSet - SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_DATA_GAP); } else if (columnFlags & SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_RIGHT) { SetImageBounds(i, xpos + wide - imageWide, wide - SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_DATA_GAP); } else { SetImageBounds(i, xpos, wide - SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_DATA_GAP); } } xpos += wide; } }
BaseClass::PerformLayout(); }
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme);
m_ArmedFgColor1 = GetSchemeColor("SectionedListPanel.BrightTextColor", pScheme); m_ArmedFgColor2 = GetSchemeColor("SectionedListPanel.SelectedTextColor", pScheme); m_OutOfFocusSelectedTextColor = GetSchemeColor("SectionedListPanel.OutOfFocusSelectedTextColor", pScheme); m_ArmedBgColor = GetSchemeColor("SectionedListPanel.SelectedBgColor", pScheme);
m_FgColor2 = GetSchemeColor("SectionedListPanel.TextColor", pScheme);
m_BgColor = GetSchemeColor("SectionedListPanel.BgColor", GetBgColor(), pScheme); m_SelectionBG2Color = GetSchemeColor("SectionedListPanel.OutOfFocusSelectedBgColor", pScheme);
HFont hFont = m_pListPanel->GetRowFont(); if ( hFont != INVALID_FONT ) { SetFont( hFont ); } else { const char *fontName = pScheme->GetResourceString( "SectionedListPanel.Font" ); HFont font = pScheme->GetFont(fontName, IsProportional()); if ( font != INVALID_FONT ) { SetFont( font ); } }
ClearImages(); }
virtual void PaintBackground() { int wide, tall; GetSize(wide, tall);
if (IsSelected() && !m_pListPanel->IsInEditMode()) { VPANEL focus = input()->GetFocus(); // if one of the children of the SectionedListPanel has focus, then 'we have focus' if we're selected
if (HasFocus() || (focus && ipanel()->HasParent(focus, GetVParent()))) { surface()->DrawSetColor(m_ArmedBgColor); } else { surface()->DrawSetColor(m_SelectionBG2Color); } } else { surface()->DrawSetColor(GetBgColor()); } surface()->DrawFilledRect(0, m_nHorizFillInset, wide, tall - m_nHorizFillInset); }
virtual void Paint() { BaseClass::Paint();
if ( !m_bShowColumns ) return;
// Debugging code to show column widths
int wide, tall; GetSize(wide, tall); surface()->DrawSetColor( 255,255,255,255 ); surface()->DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, wide, tall);
int colCount = m_pListPanel->GetColumnCountBySection(m_iSectionID); if (m_pData && colCount >= 0) { int xpos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { const char *keyname = m_pListPanel->GetColumnNameBySection(m_iSectionID, i); int columnFlags = m_pListPanel->GetColumnFlagsBySection(m_iSectionID, i); int maxWidth = m_pListPanel->GetColumnWidthBySection(m_iSectionID, i);
IImage *image = NULL; if (columnFlags & SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_IMAGE) { // lookup which image is being referred to
if (m_pListPanel->m_pImageList) { int imageIndex = m_pData->GetInt(keyname, 0); if (m_pListPanel->m_pImageList->IsValidIndex(imageIndex)) { if (imageIndex > 0) { image = m_pListPanel->m_pImageList->GetImage(imageIndex); } } } } else { image = GetImageAtIndex(i); }
int imageWide = 0; if (image) { image->GetContentSize(imageWide, tall); } if (maxWidth >= 0) { wide = maxWidth; } else { wide = imageWide; }
xpos += wide;//max(maxWidth,wide);
surface()->DrawOutlinedRect( xpos, 0, xpos, GetTall() ); } } }
virtual void OnMousePressed(MouseCode code) { if ( m_pListPanel && m_pListPanel->IsClickable() && IsEnabled() ) { if (code == MOUSE_LEFT) { m_pListPanel->PostActionSignal(new KeyValues("ItemLeftClick", "itemID", m_iID)); } if (code == MOUSE_RIGHT) { KeyValues *msg = new KeyValues("ItemContextMenu", "itemID", m_iID); msg->SetPtr("SubPanel", this); m_pListPanel->PostActionSignal(msg); }
m_pListPanel->SetSelectedItem(this); } }
void SetSelected(bool state) { if (m_bSelected != state) { if (state) { RequestFocus(); } m_bSelected = state; SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( state ); InvalidateLayout(); Repaint(); } }
bool IsSelected() { return m_bSelected; }
virtual void OnSetFocus() { InvalidateLayout(); // force the layout to be redone so we can change text color according to focus
BaseClass::OnSetFocus(); }
virtual void OnKillFocus() { InvalidateLayout(); // force the layout to be redone so we can change text color according to focus
BaseClass::OnSetFocus(); }
virtual void OnMouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code) { //=============================================================================
// [tj] Only do this if clicking is enabled.
if (m_pListPanel && m_pListPanel->IsClickable()) { if (code == MOUSE_LEFT) { m_pListPanel->PostActionSignal(new KeyValues("ItemDoubleLeftClick", "itemID", m_iID));
// post up an enter key being hit
m_pListPanel->OnKeyCodeTyped(KEY_ENTER); } else { OnMousePressed(code); }
m_pListPanel->SetSelectedItem(this); } //=============================================================================
void GetCellBounds(int column, int &xpos, int &columnWide) { xpos = 0, columnWide = 0; int colCount = m_pListPanel->GetColumnCountBySection(m_iSectionID); for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { int maxWidth = m_pListPanel->GetColumnWidthBySection(m_iSectionID, i);
IImage *image = GetImageAtIndex(i); if (!image) continue;
// set the image position within the label
int wide, tall; image->GetContentSize(wide, tall); if (maxWidth >= 0) { wide = maxWidth; }
if (i == column) { // found the cell size, bail
columnWide = wide; return; }
xpos += wide; } }
// [menglish] gets the local coordinates of a cell using the max width for every column
void GetMaxCellBounds(int column, int &xpos, int &columnWide) { xpos = 0, columnWide = 0; int colCount = m_pListPanel->GetColumnCountBySection(m_iSectionID); for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { int maxWidth = m_pListPanel->GetColumnWidthBySection(m_iSectionID, i);
if (i == column) { // found the cell size, bail
columnWide = maxWidth; return; }
xpos += maxWidth; } } //=============================================================================
virtual void SetOverrideColors( bool state ) { m_bOverrideColors = state; }
void SetShowColumns( bool bShow ) { m_bShowColumns = bShow; }
void SetItemBgHorizFillInset( int nHorizFillInset ){ m_nHorizFillInset = nHorizFillInset; }
private: SectionedListPanel *m_pListPanel; int m_iID; int m_iSectionID; KeyValues *m_pData; Color m_FgColor2; Color m_BgColor; Color m_ArmedFgColor1; Color m_ArmedFgColor2; Color m_OutOfFocusSelectedTextColor; Color m_ArmedBgColor; Color m_SelectionBG2Color; CUtlVector<vgui::TextImage *> m_TextImages;
bool m_bSelected; bool m_bOverrideColors; bool m_bShowColumns; int m_nHorizFillInset; };
}; // namespace vgui
DECLARE_BUILD_FACTORY( SectionedListPanel );
// Purpose: Constructor
SectionedListPanel::SectionedListPanel(vgui::Panel *parent, const char *name) : BaseClass(parent, name) { m_pScrollBar = new ScrollBar(this, "SectionedScrollBar", true); m_pScrollBar->SetVisible(false); m_pScrollBar->AddActionSignalTarget(this);
m_iEditModeItemID = 0; m_iEditModeColumn = 0; m_bSortNeeded = false; m_bVerticalScrollbarEnabled = true; m_iLineSpacing = DEFAULT_LINE_SPACING; m_iLineGap = 0; m_iSectionGap = DEFAULT_SECTION_GAP;
m_pImageList = NULL; m_bDeleteImageListWhenDone = false;
m_hHeaderFont = INVALID_FONT; m_hRowFont = INVALID_FONT;
// [tj] Default clickability to true so existing controls aren't affected.
m_clickable = true; // [tj] draw section headers by default so existing controls aren't affected.
m_bDrawSectionHeaders = true; //=============================================================================
// Purpose: Destructor
SectionedListPanel::~SectionedListPanel() { }
// Purpose: Sorts the list
void SectionedListPanel::ReSortList() { m_SortedItems.RemoveAll();
int sectionStart = 0; // layout the buttons
for (int sectionIndex = 0; sectionIndex < m_Sections.Size(); sectionIndex++) { section_t §ion = m_Sections[sectionIndex]; sectionStart = m_SortedItems.Count();
// find all the items in this section
for( int i = m_Items.Head(); i != m_Items.InvalidIndex(); i = m_Items.Next( i ) ) { if (m_Items[i]->GetSectionID() == m_Sections[sectionIndex].m_iID) { // insert the items sorted
if (section.m_pSortFunc) { int insertionPoint = sectionStart; for (;insertionPoint < m_SortedItems.Count(); insertionPoint++) { if (section.m_pSortFunc(this, i, m_SortedItems[insertionPoint]->GetID())) break; }
if (insertionPoint == m_SortedItems.Count()) { m_SortedItems.AddToTail(m_Items[i]); } else { m_SortedItems.InsertBefore(insertionPoint, m_Items[i]); } } else { // just add to the end
m_SortedItems.AddToTail(m_Items[i]); } } } } }
// Purpose: iterates through and sets up the position of all the sections and items
void SectionedListPanel::PerformLayout() { // lazy resort the list
if (m_bSortNeeded) { ReSortList(); m_bSortNeeded = false; }
BaseClass::PerformLayout(); LayoutPanels(m_iContentHeight);
int cx, cy, cwide, ctall; GetBounds(cx, cy, cwide, ctall); if (m_iContentHeight > ctall && m_bVerticalScrollbarEnabled) { m_pScrollBar->SetVisible(true); m_pScrollBar->MoveToFront();
m_pScrollBar->SetPos(cwide - m_pScrollBar->GetWide() - 2, 0); m_pScrollBar->SetSize(m_pScrollBar->GetWide(), ctall - 2);
m_pScrollBar->SetRange(0, m_iContentHeight); m_pScrollBar->InvalidateLayout(); m_pScrollBar->Repaint();
// since we're just about to make the scrollbar visible, we need to re-layout
// the buttons since they depend on the scrollbar size
LayoutPanels(m_iContentHeight); } else { m_pScrollBar->SetValue(0);
bool bWasVisible = m_pScrollBar->IsVisible(); m_pScrollBar->SetVisible(false);
// When we hide the scrollbar, we need to layout the buttons because they'll have more width to work with
if ( bWasVisible ) { LayoutPanels(m_iContentHeight); } } }
// Purpose: lays out the sections and rows in the panel
void SectionedListPanel::LayoutPanels(int &contentTall) { int tall = GetSectionTall(); int x = 5, wide = GetWide() - 10; int y = 5; if (m_pScrollBar->IsVisible()) { y -= m_pScrollBar->GetValue(); wide -= m_pScrollBar->GetWide(); } int iStart = -1; int iEnd = -1;
// layout the buttons
bool bFirstVisibleSection = true; for (int sectionIndex = 0; sectionIndex < m_Sections.Size(); sectionIndex++) { section_t §ion = m_Sections[sectionIndex];
iStart = -1; iEnd = -1; for (int i = 0; i < m_SortedItems.Count(); i++) { if (m_SortedItems[i]->GetSectionID() == m_Sections[sectionIndex].m_iID) { if (iStart == -1) iStart = i; iEnd = i; } }
// don't draw this section at all if there are no items in it
if (iStart == -1 && !section.m_bAlwaysVisible) { section.m_pHeader->SetVisible(false); continue; }
// Skip down a bit if this is not the first section to be drawn
if ( bFirstVisibleSection ) bFirstVisibleSection = false; else y += m_iSectionGap;
// [tj] Only draw the header if it is enabled
int nMinNextSectionY = y + section.m_iMinimumHeight; if (m_bDrawSectionHeaders) { // draw the header
section.m_pHeader->SetBounds(x, y, wide, tall); section.m_pHeader->SetVisible(true); y += tall; } else { section.m_pHeader->SetVisible(false); } //=============================================================================
if (iStart == -1 && section.m_bAlwaysVisible) { } else { // arrange all the items in this section underneath
for (int i = iStart; i <= iEnd; i++) { CItemButton *item = m_SortedItems[i]; //items[i];
item->SetBounds(x, y, wide, m_iLineSpacing); // setup edit mode
if (m_hEditModePanel.Get() && m_iEditModeItemID == item->GetID()) { int cx, cwide; item->GetCellBounds(1, cx, cwide); m_hEditModePanel->SetBounds(cx, y, cwide, tall); }
y += m_iLineSpacing + m_iLineGap; } }
// Add space, if needed to fulfill minimum requested content height
if ( y < nMinNextSectionY ) y = nMinNextSectionY; }
// calculate height
contentTall = y; if (m_pScrollBar->IsVisible()) { contentTall += m_pScrollBar->GetValue(); } }
// Purpose: Ensures that the specified item is visible in the display
void SectionedListPanel::ScrollToItem(int iItem) { int tall = GetSectionTall(); int itemX, itemY ; int nCurrentValue = m_pScrollBar->GetValue();
// find out where the item is
m_Items[iItem]->GetPos(itemX, itemY); // add in the current scrollbar position
itemY += nCurrentValue;
// compare that in the list
int cx, cy, cwide, ctall; GetBounds(cx, cy, cwide, ctall); if (m_iContentHeight > ctall) { if (itemY < nCurrentValue) { // scroll up
m_pScrollBar->SetValue(itemY); } else if (itemY > nCurrentValue + ctall - tall) { // scroll down
m_pScrollBar->SetValue(itemY - ctall + tall); } else { // keep the current value
} } else { // area isn't big enough, just remove the scrollbar
m_pScrollBar->SetValue(0); }
// reset scrollbar
Repaint(); }
// Purpose: sets background color & border
void SectionedListPanel::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme);
SetBgColor(GetSchemeColor("SectionedListPanel.BgColor", GetBgColor(), pScheme)); SetBorder(pScheme->GetBorder("ButtonDepressedBorder"));
FOR_EACH_LL( m_Items, j ) { m_Items[j]->SetShowColumns( m_bShowColumns ); } }
// Purpose:
void SectionedListPanel::SetHeaderFont( HFont hFont ) { m_hHeaderFont = hFont; }
// Purpose:
HFont SectionedListPanel::GetHeaderFont( void ) const { return m_hHeaderFont; }
// Purpose:
void SectionedListPanel::SetRowFont( HFont hFont ) { m_hRowFont = hFont; }
// Purpose:
HFont SectionedListPanel::GetRowFont( void ) const { return m_hRowFont; }
// Purpose:
void SectionedListPanel::ApplySettings(KeyValues *inResourceData) { BaseClass::ApplySettings(inResourceData); m_iLineSpacing = inResourceData->GetInt("linespacing", 0); if (!m_iLineSpacing) { m_iLineSpacing = DEFAULT_LINE_SPACING; } if (IsProportional()) { m_iLineSpacing = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx(GetScheme(), m_iLineSpacing); }
m_iSectionGap = inResourceData->GetInt("sectiongap", 0); if (!m_iSectionGap) { m_iSectionGap = DEFAULT_SECTION_GAP; } m_iLineGap = inResourceData->GetInt( "linegap", 0 ); if (IsProportional()) { m_iSectionGap = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx(GetScheme(), m_iSectionGap); m_iLineGap = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), m_iLineGap ); } }
// Purpose: passes on proportional state to children
void SectionedListPanel::SetProportional(bool state) { BaseClass::SetProportional(state);
// now setup the section headers and items
int i; for (i = 0; i < m_Sections.Count(); i++) { m_Sections[i].m_pHeader->SetProportional(state); } FOR_EACH_LL( m_Items, j ) { m_Items[j]->SetProportional(state); } }
// Purpose: sets whether or not the vertical scrollbar should ever be displayed
void SectionedListPanel::SetVerticalScrollbar(bool state) { m_bVerticalScrollbarEnabled = state; }
// Purpose: adds a new section
void SectionedListPanel::AddSection(int sectionID, const char *name, SectionSortFunc_t sortFunc) { SectionedListPanelHeader *header = new SectionedListPanelHeader(this, name, sectionID); AddSection(sectionID, header, sortFunc); }
// Purpose: adds a new section
void SectionedListPanel::AddSection(int sectionID, const wchar_t *name, SectionSortFunc_t sortFunc) { SectionedListPanelHeader *header = new SectionedListPanelHeader(this, name, sectionID); AddSection(sectionID, header, sortFunc); }
// Purpose: Adds a new section, given object
void SectionedListPanel::AddSection(int sectionID, SectionedListPanelHeader *header, SectionSortFunc_t sortFunc) { header = SETUP_PANEL( header ); int index = m_Sections.AddToTail(); m_Sections[index].m_iID = sectionID; m_Sections[index].m_pHeader = header; m_Sections[index].m_pSortFunc = sortFunc; m_Sections[index].m_bAlwaysVisible = false; m_Sections[index].m_iMinimumHeight = 0; }
// Purpose: removes all the sections from the current panel
void SectionedListPanel::RemoveAllSections() { for (int i = 0; i < m_Sections.Count(); i++) { if (!m_Sections.IsValidIndex(i)) continue;
m_Sections[i].m_pHeader->SetVisible(false); m_Sections[i].m_pHeader->MarkForDeletion(); }
m_Sections.RemoveAll(); m_Sections.Purge(); m_SortedItems.RemoveAll();
InvalidateLayout(); ReSortList(); }
// Purpose: adds a new column to a section
bool SectionedListPanel::AddColumnToSection(int sectionID, const char *columnName, const char *columnText, int columnFlags, int width, HFont fallbackFont /*= INVALID_FONT*/ ) { wchar_t wtext[64]; wchar_t *pwtext = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find(columnText); if (!pwtext) { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(columnText, wtext, sizeof(wtext)); pwtext = wtext; } return AddColumnToSection(sectionID, columnName, pwtext, columnFlags, width, fallbackFont ); }
// Purpose: as above but with wchar_t's
bool SectionedListPanel::AddColumnToSection(int sectionID, const char *columnName, const wchar_t *columnText, int columnFlags, int width, HFont fallbackFont /*= INVALID_FONT*/ ) { int index = FindSectionIndexByID(sectionID); if (index < 0) return false; section_t §ion = m_Sections[index];
// add the new column to the sections' list
index = section.m_Columns.AddToTail(); column_t &column = section.m_Columns[index];
Q_strncpy(column.m_szColumnName, columnName, sizeof(column.m_szColumnName)); wcsncpy(column.m_szColumnText, columnText, sizeof(column.m_szColumnText) / sizeof(wchar_t)); column.m_szColumnText[sizeof(column.m_szColumnText) / sizeof(wchar_t) - 1] = 0; column.m_iColumnFlags = columnFlags; column.m_iWidth = width; column.m_hFallbackFont = fallbackFont; return true; }
// Purpose: modifies the text in an existing column
bool SectionedListPanel::ModifyColumn(int sectionID, const char *columnName, const wchar_t *columnText) { int index = FindSectionIndexByID(sectionID); if (index < 0) return false; section_t §ion = m_Sections[index];
// find the specified column
int columnIndex; for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < section.m_Columns.Count(); columnIndex++) { if (!stricmp(section.m_Columns[columnIndex].m_szColumnName, columnName)) break; } if (!section.m_Columns.IsValidIndex(columnIndex)) return false; column_t &column = section.m_Columns[columnIndex];
// modify the text
wcsncpy(column.m_szColumnText, columnText, sizeof(column.m_szColumnText) / sizeof(wchar_t)); column.m_szColumnText[sizeof(column.m_szColumnText) / sizeof(wchar_t) - 1] = 0; section.m_pHeader->InvalidateLayout(); return true; }
// Purpose: adds an item to the list; returns itemID
int SectionedListPanel::AddItem(int sectionID, const KeyValues *data) { int itemID = GetNewItemButton(); ModifyItem(itemID, sectionID, data);
// not sorted but in list
m_SortedItems.AddToTail(m_Items[itemID]); m_bSortNeeded = true;
return itemID; }
// Purpose: modifies an existing item; returns false if the item does not exist
bool SectionedListPanel::ModifyItem(int itemID, int sectionID, const KeyValues *data) { if ( !m_Items.IsValidIndex(itemID) ) return false;
InvalidateLayout(); m_Items[itemID]->SetSectionID(sectionID); m_Items[itemID]->SetData(data); m_Items[itemID]->InvalidateLayout(); m_bSortNeeded = true; return true; }
// Purpose:
void SectionedListPanel::SetItemFgColor( int itemID, Color color ) { Assert( m_Items.IsValidIndex(itemID) ); if ( !m_Items.IsValidIndex(itemID) ) return;
m_Items[itemID]->SetFgColor( color ); m_Items[itemID]->SetOverrideColors( true ); m_Items[itemID]->InvalidateLayout(); }
// [menglish] Setter for the background color similar to the foreground color
void SectionedListPanel::SetItemBgColor( int itemID, Color color ) { Assert( m_Items.IsValidIndex(itemID) ); if ( !m_Items.IsValidIndex(itemID) ) return;
m_Items[itemID]->SetBgColor( color ); m_Items[itemID]->SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true ); m_Items[itemID]->SetOverrideColors( true ); m_Items[itemID]->InvalidateLayout(); }
void SectionedListPanel::SetItemBgHorizFillInset( int itemID, int nInset ) { Assert( m_Items.IsValidIndex( itemID ) ); if ( !m_Items.IsValidIndex( itemID ) ) return;
m_Items[itemID]->SetItemBgHorizFillInset( nInset ); }
void SectionedListPanel::SetItemFont( int itemID, HFont font ) { Assert( m_Items.IsValidIndex(itemID) ); if ( !m_Items.IsValidIndex(itemID) ) return;
m_Items[itemID]->SetFont( font ); }
void SectionedListPanel::SetItemEnabled( int itemID, bool bEnabled ) { Assert( m_Items.IsValidIndex(itemID) ); if ( !m_Items.IsValidIndex(itemID) ) return;
m_Items[itemID]->SetEnabled( bEnabled ); } //=============================================================================
// Purpose: sets the color of a section text & underline
void SectionedListPanel::SetSectionFgColor(int sectionID, Color color) { if (!m_Sections.IsValidIndex(sectionID)) return;
m_Sections[sectionID].m_pHeader->SetColor(color); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: added so you can change the divider color AFTER the main color.
void SectionedListPanel::SetSectionDividerColor( int sectionID, Color color) { if (!m_Sections.IsValidIndex(sectionID)) return;
m_Sections[sectionID].m_pHeader->SetDividerColor(color); }
// Purpose:
void SectionedListPanel::SetSectionDrawDividerBar( int sectionID, bool bDraw ) { if ( !m_Sections.IsValidIndex( sectionID ) ) return;
m_Sections[sectionID].m_pHeader->DrawDividerBar( bDraw ); }
// Purpose: forces a section to always be visible
void SectionedListPanel::SetSectionAlwaysVisible(int sectionID, bool visible) { if (!m_Sections.IsValidIndex(sectionID)) return;
m_Sections[sectionID].m_bAlwaysVisible = visible; } void SectionedListPanel::SetFontSection(int sectionID, HFont font) { if (!m_Sections.IsValidIndex(sectionID)) return;
m_Sections[sectionID].m_pHeader->SetFont(font); } void SectionedListPanel::SetSectionMinimumHeight(int sectionID, int iMinimumHeight) { if (!m_Sections.IsValidIndex(sectionID)) return;
m_Sections[sectionID].m_iMinimumHeight = iMinimumHeight; InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: removes an item from the list; returns false if the item does not exist or is already removed
bool SectionedListPanel::RemoveItem(int itemID) { if ( !m_Items.IsValidIndex(itemID) ) return false;
m_SortedItems.FindAndRemove(m_Items[itemID]); m_bSortNeeded = true;
m_Items[itemID]->MarkForDeletion(); m_Items.Remove(itemID);
InvalidateLayout(); return true; }
// Purpose: returns the number of columns in a section
int SectionedListPanel::GetColumnCountBySection(int sectionID) { int index = FindSectionIndexByID(sectionID); if (index < 0) return NULL;
return m_Sections[index].m_Columns.Size(); }
// Purpose: returns the name of a column by section and column index; returns NULL if there are no more columns
// valid range of columnIndex is [0, GetColumnCountBySection)
const char *SectionedListPanel::GetColumnNameBySection(int sectionID, int columnIndex) { int index = FindSectionIndexByID(sectionID); if (index < 0 || columnIndex >= m_Sections[index].m_Columns.Size()) return NULL;
return m_Sections[index].m_Columns[columnIndex].m_szColumnName; }
// Purpose: returns the text for a column by section and column index
const wchar_t *SectionedListPanel::GetColumnTextBySection(int sectionID, int columnIndex) { int index = FindSectionIndexByID(sectionID); if (index < 0 || columnIndex >= m_Sections[index].m_Columns.Size()) return NULL; return m_Sections[index].m_Columns[columnIndex].m_szColumnText; }
// Purpose: returns the type of a column by section and column index
int SectionedListPanel::GetColumnFlagsBySection(int sectionID, int columnIndex) { int index = FindSectionIndexByID(sectionID); if (index < 0) return 0;
if (columnIndex >= m_Sections[index].m_Columns.Size()) return 0;
return m_Sections[index].m_Columns[columnIndex].m_iColumnFlags; }
// Purpose:
int SectionedListPanel::GetColumnWidthBySection(int sectionID, int columnIndex) { int index = FindSectionIndexByID(sectionID); if (index < 0) return 0;
if (columnIndex >= m_Sections[index].m_Columns.Size()) return 0;
return m_Sections[index].m_Columns[columnIndex].m_iWidth; }
// Purpose:
void SectionedListPanel::SetColumnWidthBySection(int sectionID, const char *columnName, int iWidth) { int index = FindSectionIndexByID(sectionID); if (index < 0) return; section_t §ion = m_Sections[index];
// find the specified column
int columnIndex; for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < section.m_Columns.Count(); columnIndex++) { if (!stricmp(section.m_Columns[columnIndex].m_szColumnName, columnName)) break; } if (!section.m_Columns.IsValidIndex(columnIndex)) return;
column_t &column = section.m_Columns[columnIndex]; column.m_iWidth = iWidth;
// make sure the header for this section reloads with the new width
section.m_pHeader->InvalidateLayout(); }
// [menglish] Gets the column index by the string identifier
int SectionedListPanel::GetColumnIndexByName(int sectionID, char* name) { int index = FindSectionIndexByID(sectionID); if (index < 0) return 0;
for ( int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < m_Sections[index].m_Columns.Count(); ++ columnIndex) { if( !V_strcmp( m_Sections[index].m_Columns[columnIndex].m_szColumnName, name ) ) return columnIndex; } return -1; } //=============================================================================
// Purpose: returns -1 if section not found
int SectionedListPanel::FindSectionIndexByID(int sectionID) { for (int i = 0; i < m_Sections.Size(); i++) { if (m_Sections[i].m_iID == sectionID) { return i; } }
return -1; }
// Purpose: Called when the scrollbar is moved
void SectionedListPanel::OnSliderMoved() { InvalidateLayout(); Repaint(); }
// Purpose: Scrolls the list according to the mouse wheel movement
void SectionedListPanel::OnMouseWheeled(int delta) { if (m_hEditModePanel.Get()) { // ignore mouse wheel in edit mode, forward right up to parent
CallParentFunction(new KeyValues("MouseWheeled", "delta", delta)); return; }
// scroll the window based on the delta
int val = m_pScrollBar->GetValue(); val -= (delta * BUTTON_HEIGHT_DEFAULT * 3); m_pScrollBar->SetValue(val); }
// Purpose: Resets the scrollbar position on size change
void SectionedListPanel::OnSizeChanged(int wide, int tall) { BaseClass::OnSizeChanged(wide, tall); m_pScrollBar->SetValue(0); InvalidateLayout(); Repaint(); }
// Purpose: deselects any items
void SectionedListPanel::OnMousePressed(MouseCode code) { //=============================================================================
// [tj] Only do this if clicking is enabled.
if (m_clickable){ ClearSelection(); } //=============================================================================
} //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: deselects any items
void SectionedListPanel::ClearSelection( void ) { SetSelectedItem((CItemButton *)NULL); }
void SectionedListPanel::MoveSelectionDown( void ) { int itemID = GetSelectedItem(); if (itemID == -1) return;
if (!m_SortedItems.Count()) // if the list has been emptied
int i; for (i = 0; i < m_SortedItems.Count(); i++) { if (m_SortedItems[i]->GetID() == itemID) break; }
Assert(i != m_SortedItems.Count());
// we're already on the end
if (i >= m_SortedItems.Count() - 1) return;
int newItemID = m_SortedItems[i + 1]->GetID(); SetSelectedItem(m_Items[newItemID]); ScrollToItem(newItemID); }
void SectionedListPanel::MoveSelectionUp( void ) { int itemID = GetSelectedItem(); if (itemID == -1) return;
if (!m_SortedItems.Count()) // if the list has been emptied
int i; for (i = 0; i < m_SortedItems.Count(); i++) { if (m_SortedItems[i]->GetID() == itemID) break; }
Assert(i != m_SortedItems.Count());
// we're already on the end
if (i == 0 || i >= m_SortedItems.Count() ) return;
int newItemID = m_SortedItems[i - 1]->GetID(); SetSelectedItem(m_Items[newItemID]); ScrollToItem(newItemID); }
void SectionedListPanel::NavigateTo( void ) { BaseClass::NavigateTo();
if ( m_SortedItems.Count() ) { int nItemID = m_SortedItems[ 0 ]->GetID(); SetSelectedItem( m_Items[ nItemID ] ); ScrollToItem( nItemID ); } RequestFocus(); }
// Purpose: arrow key movement handler
void SectionedListPanel::OnKeyCodePressed( KeyCode code ) { if (m_hEditModePanel.Get()) { // ignore arrow keys in edit mode
// forward right up to parent so that tab focus change doesn't occur
CallParentFunction(new KeyValues("KeyCodePressed", "code", code)); return; }
int buttonTall = GetSectionTall();
ButtonCode_t nButtonCode = GetBaseButtonCode( code ); if ( nButtonCode == KEY_XBUTTON_DOWN || nButtonCode == KEY_XSTICK1_DOWN || nButtonCode == KEY_XSTICK2_DOWN || nButtonCode == STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_DOWN || code == KEY_DOWN ) { int itemID = GetSelectedItem(); MoveSelectionDown(); if ( itemID != GetSelectedItem() ) { // Only eat the input if it did something
return; } } else if ( nButtonCode == KEY_XBUTTON_UP || nButtonCode == KEY_XSTICK1_UP || nButtonCode == KEY_XSTICK2_UP || nButtonCode == STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_UP || code == KEY_UP) { int itemID = GetSelectedItem(); MoveSelectionUp(); if ( itemID != GetSelectedItem() ) { // Only eat the input if it did something
return; } } else if (code == KEY_PAGEDOWN) { // calculate info for # of rows
int cx, cy, cwide, ctall; GetBounds(cx, cy, cwide, ctall);
int rowsperpage = ctall/buttonTall;
int itemID = GetSelectedItem(); int lastValidItem = itemID; int secID = m_Items[itemID]->GetSectionID(); int i=0; int row = m_SortedItems.Find(m_Items[itemID]);
while ( i < rowsperpage ) { if ( m_SortedItems.IsValidIndex(++row) ) { itemID = m_SortedItems[row]->GetID(); lastValidItem = itemID; i++;
// if we switched sections, then count the section header as a row
if (m_Items[itemID]->GetSectionID() != secID) { secID = m_Items[itemID]->GetSectionID(); i++; } } else { itemID = lastValidItem; break; } } SetSelectedItem(m_Items[itemID]); ScrollToItem(itemID); return; } else if (code == KEY_PAGEUP) { // calculate info for # of rows
int cx, cy, cwide, ctall; GetBounds(cx, cy, cwide, ctall); int rowsperpage = ctall/buttonTall;
int itemID = GetSelectedItem(); int lastValidItem = itemID; int secID = m_Items[itemID]->GetSectionID(); int i=0; int row = m_SortedItems.Find(m_Items[itemID]); while ( i < rowsperpage ) { if ( m_SortedItems.IsValidIndex(--row) ) { itemID = m_SortedItems[row]->GetID(); lastValidItem = itemID; i++;
// if we switched sections, then count the section header as a row
if (m_Items[itemID]->GetSectionID() != secID) { secID = m_Items[itemID]->GetSectionID(); i++; } } else { SetSelectedItem(m_Items[lastValidItem]); m_pScrollBar->SetValue(0); return; } } SetSelectedItem(m_Items[itemID]); ScrollToItem(itemID); return; } else if ( code == KEY_ENTER || nButtonCode == KEY_XBUTTON_A || nButtonCode == STEAMCONTROLLER_A ) { Panel *pSelectedItem = m_hSelectedItem; if ( pSelectedItem ) { pSelectedItem->OnMousePressed( MOUSE_LEFT ); } return; }
BaseClass::OnKeyCodePressed( code ); }
// Purpose: Clears the list
void SectionedListPanel::DeleteAllItems() { FOR_EACH_LL( m_Items, i ) { m_Items[i]->SetVisible(false); m_Items[i]->Clear();
// don't delete, move to free list
int freeIndex = m_FreeItems.AddToTail(); m_FreeItems[freeIndex] = m_Items[i]; }
m_Items.RemoveAll(); m_SortedItems.RemoveAll(); m_hSelectedItem = NULL; InvalidateLayout(); m_bSortNeeded = true; }
// Purpose: Changes the current list selection
void SectionedListPanel::SetSelectedItem(CItemButton *item) { if (m_hSelectedItem.Get() == item) return;
// deselect the current item
if (m_hSelectedItem.Get()) { m_hSelectedItem->SetSelected(false); }
// set the new item
m_hSelectedItem = item; if (m_hSelectedItem.Get()) { m_hSelectedItem->SetSelected(true); }
Repaint(); PostActionSignal(new KeyValues("ItemSelected", "itemID", m_hSelectedItem.Get() ? m_hSelectedItem->GetID() : -1)); }
// Purpose:
int SectionedListPanel::GetSelectedItem() { if (m_hSelectedItem.Get()) { return m_hSelectedItem->GetID(); } return -1; }
// Purpose: sets which item is currently selected
void SectionedListPanel::SetSelectedItem(int itemID) { if ( m_Items.IsValidIndex(itemID) ) { SetSelectedItem(m_Items[itemID]); } }
// Purpose: returns the data of a selected item
KeyValues *SectionedListPanel::GetItemData(int itemID) { Assert(m_Items.IsValidIndex(itemID)); if ( !m_Items.IsValidIndex(itemID) ) return NULL;
return m_Items[itemID]->GetData(); }
// Purpose: returns what section an item is in
int SectionedListPanel::GetItemSection(int itemID) { if ( !m_Items.IsValidIndex(itemID) ) return -1;
return m_Items[itemID]->GetSectionID(); }
// Purpose: returns true if the itemID is valid for use
bool SectionedListPanel::IsItemIDValid(int itemID) { return m_Items.IsValidIndex(itemID); }
// Purpose: returns true if the itemID is valid for use
int SectionedListPanel::GetHighestItemID() { return m_Items.MaxElementIndex(); }
// Purpose: item iterators
int SectionedListPanel::GetItemCount() { return m_SortedItems.Count(); }
// Purpose: item iterators
int SectionedListPanel::GetItemIDFromRow(int row) { if ( !m_SortedItems.IsValidIndex(row) ) return -1;
return m_SortedItems[row]->GetID(); }
// Purpose: returns the row that this itemID occupies. -1 if the itemID is invalid
int SectionedListPanel::GetRowFromItemID(int itemID) { for (int i = 0; i < m_SortedItems.Count(); i++) { if ( m_SortedItems[i]->GetID() == itemID ) { return i; } }
return -1; }
// Purpose: gets the local coordinates of a cell
bool SectionedListPanel::GetCellBounds(int itemID, int column, int &x, int &y, int &wide, int &tall) { x = y = wide = tall = 0; if ( !IsItemIDValid(itemID) ) return false;
// get the item
CItemButton *item = m_Items[itemID];
if ( !item->IsVisible() ) return false;
//!! ignores column for now
item->GetBounds(x, y, wide, tall); item->GetCellBounds(column, x, wide); return true; }
// Purpose: gets the local coordinates of a section header
bool SectionedListPanel::GetSectionHeaderBounds(int sectionID, int &x, int &y, int &wide, int &tall) { x = y = wide = tall = 0; int index = FindSectionIndexByID(sectionID); if (index < 0 || !m_Sections[index].m_pHeader ) return false;
m_Sections[index].m_pHeader->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); return true; }
// [menglish] Gets the local coordinates of a cell using the max width for every column
// Gets the local coordinates of a cell
bool SectionedListPanel::GetMaxCellBounds(int itemID, int column, int &x, int &y, int &wide, int &tall) { x = y = wide = tall = 0; if ( !IsItemIDValid(itemID) ) return false;
// get the item
CItemButton *item = m_Items[itemID];
if ( !item->IsVisible() ) return false;
//!! ignores column for now
item->GetBounds(x, y, wide, tall); item->GetMaxCellBounds(column, x, wide); return true; }
// Purpose: gets the local coordinates of a cell
bool SectionedListPanel::GetItemBounds(int itemID, int &x, int &y, int &wide, int &tall) { x = y = wide = tall = 0; if ( !IsItemIDValid(itemID) ) return false;
// get the item
CItemButton *item = m_Items[itemID];
if ( !item->IsVisible() ) return false;
//!! ignores column for now
item->GetBounds(x, y, wide, tall); return true; } //=============================================================================
// Purpose: forces an item to redraw
void SectionedListPanel::InvalidateItem(int itemID) { if ( !IsItemIDValid(itemID) ) return;
m_Items[itemID]->InvalidateLayout(); m_Items[itemID]->Repaint(); }
// Purpose: set up a field for editing
void SectionedListPanel::EnterEditMode(int itemID, int column, vgui::Panel *editPanel) { m_hEditModePanel = editPanel; m_iEditModeItemID = itemID; m_iEditModeColumn = column; editPanel->SetParent(this); editPanel->SetVisible(true); editPanel->RequestFocus(); editPanel->MoveToFront(); InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: leaves editing mode
void SectionedListPanel::LeaveEditMode() { if (m_hEditModePanel.Get()) { InvalidateItem(m_iEditModeItemID); m_hEditModePanel->SetVisible(false); m_hEditModePanel->SetParent((Panel *)NULL); m_hEditModePanel = NULL; } }
// Purpose: returns true if we are currently in inline editing mode
bool SectionedListPanel::IsInEditMode() { return (m_hEditModePanel.Get() != NULL); }
// Purpose: list used to match indexes in image columns to image pointers
void SectionedListPanel::SetImageList(ImageList *imageList, bool deleteImageListWhenDone) { m_bDeleteImageListWhenDone = deleteImageListWhenDone; m_pImageList = imageList; }
// Purpose:
void SectionedListPanel::OnSetFocus() { if (m_hSelectedItem.Get()) { m_hSelectedItem->RequestFocus(); } else { BaseClass::OnSetFocus(); } }
// Purpose:
int SectionedListPanel::GetSectionTall() { if (m_Sections.Count()) { HFont font = m_Sections[0].m_pHeader->GetFont(); if (font != INVALID_FONT) { return surface()->GetFontTall(font) + BUTTON_HEIGHT_SPACER; } }
// Purpose: returns the size required to fully draw the contents of the panel
void SectionedListPanel::GetContentSize(int &wide, int &tall) { // make sure our layout is done
if (IsLayoutInvalid()) { if (m_bSortNeeded) { ReSortList(); m_bSortNeeded = false; } LayoutPanels(m_iContentHeight); }
wide = GetWide(); tall = m_iContentHeight; }
// Purpose: Returns the index of a new item button
int SectionedListPanel::GetNewItemButton() { int itemID = m_Items.AddToTail(); if (m_FreeItems.Count()) { // reusing an existing CItemButton
m_Items[itemID] = m_FreeItems[m_FreeItems.Head()]; m_Items[itemID]->SetID(itemID); m_Items[itemID]->SetVisible(true); m_FreeItems.Remove(m_FreeItems.Head()); } else { // create a new CItemButton
m_Items[itemID] = SETUP_PANEL(new CItemButton(this, itemID)); m_Items[itemID]->SetShowColumns( m_bShowColumns ); }
// Gross. Le's hope this isn't the only property that doesn't get defaulted
// properly when an item is recycled.....
m_Items[itemID]->SetEnabled( true );
return itemID; }
// Purpose: Returns fallback font to use for text image for this column
// Input : sectionID -
// columnIndex -
// Output : virtual HFont
HFont SectionedListPanel::GetColumnFallbackFontBySection( int sectionID, int columnIndex ) { int index = FindSectionIndexByID(sectionID); if (index < 0) return INVALID_FONT;
if (columnIndex >= m_Sections[index].m_Columns.Size()) return INVALID_FONT;
return m_Sections[index].m_Columns[columnIndex].m_hFallbackFont; }
// Purpose:
Color *SectionedListPanel::GetColorOverrideForCell( int sectionID, int itemID, int columnID ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_ColorOverrides, i ) { if ( ( m_ColorOverrides[i].m_SectionID == sectionID ) && ( m_ColorOverrides[i].m_ItemID == itemID ) && ( m_ColorOverrides[i].m_ColumnID == columnID ) ) { return &(m_ColorOverrides[i].m_clrOverride); } }
return NULL; }
// Purpose:
void SectionedListPanel::SetColorOverrideForCell( int sectionID, int itemID, int columnID, Color clrOverride ) { // is this value already in the override list?
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_ColorOverrides, i ) { if ( ( m_ColorOverrides[i].m_SectionID == sectionID ) && ( m_ColorOverrides[i].m_ItemID == itemID ) && ( m_ColorOverrides[i].m_ColumnID == columnID ) ) { m_ColorOverrides[i].m_clrOverride = clrOverride; return; } }
int iIndex = m_ColorOverrides.AddToTail(); m_ColorOverrides[iIndex].m_SectionID = sectionID; m_ColorOverrides[iIndex].m_ItemID = itemID; m_ColorOverrides[iIndex].m_ColumnID = columnID; m_ColorOverrides[iIndex].m_clrOverride = clrOverride; }