//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Heightfield class
// $Revision: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "heightfield.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
#include "legion.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "tier2/utlstreambuffer.h"
#include "bitmap/bitmap.h"
#include "bitmap/psd.h"
#include "tier1/KeyValues.h"
// Utility macro
#define HEIGHT( _x, _y ) m_pHeightField[ ( (_y) << m_nPowX ) + (_x) ]
#define ROW( _y ) &m_pHeightField[ (_y) << m_nPowX ]
// Constructor, destructor
CHeightField::CHeightField( int nPowX, int nPowY, int nPowScale ) { m_nPowX = nPowX; m_nPowY = nPowY; m_nPowScale = nPowScale; m_nWidth = ( 1 << nPowX ); m_nHeight = ( 1 << nPowY ); m_nScale = ( 1 << nPowScale ); m_flOOScale = 1.0f / m_nScale; m_pHeightField = (float*)malloc( m_nWidth * m_nHeight * sizeof(float) ); memset( m_pHeightField, 0, m_nWidth * m_nHeight * sizeof(float) );
KeyValues *pKeyValues = new KeyValues( "Wireframe" ); pKeyValues->SetInt( "$nocull", 1 ); m_Material.Init( "__Temp", pKeyValues ); }
CHeightField::~CHeightField() { free( m_pHeightField ); }
// Bilinearly filters a sample out of a bitmap at a particular (x,y)
// NOTE: x,y are not normalized and are expected to go in the range of (0->w-1, 0->h-1)
float BilerpBitmap( Bitmap_t &bitmap, float x, float y ) { Assert( bitmap.m_ImageFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888 );
float w = (float)bitmap.m_nWidth; float h = (float)bitmap.m_nHeight;
// Clamp to a valid range
x = clamp( x, 0, w - 1.0f ); y = clamp( y, 0, h - 1.0f );
// pick bilerp coordinates
int i0 = (int)floor( x ); int i1 = i0 + 1; int j0 = (int)floor( y ); int j1 = j0 + 1; if ( i1 >= bitmap.m_nWidth ) { i1 = bitmap.m_nWidth - 1; } if ( j1 >= bitmap.m_nHeight ) { j1 = bitmap.m_nHeight - 1; }
float fx = x - i0; float fy = y - j0;
RGBA8888_t* pPixel00 = (RGBA8888_t*)bitmap.GetPixel( i0, j0 ); RGBA8888_t* pPixel10 = (RGBA8888_t*)bitmap.GetPixel( i1, j0 ); RGBA8888_t* pPixel01 = (RGBA8888_t*)bitmap.GetPixel( i0, j1 ); RGBA8888_t* pPixel11 = (RGBA8888_t*)bitmap.GetPixel( i1, j1 );
float v00 = pPixel00->r / 255.0f; float v10 = pPixel10->r / 255.0f; float v01 = pPixel01->r / 255.0f; float v11 = pPixel11->r / 255.0f;
// do the bilerp
return (1-fx)*(1-fy)*v00 + fx*(1-fy)*v10 + (1-fx)*fy*v01 + fx*fy*v11; }
// Loads the heightfield from a file
bool CHeightField::LoadHeightFromFile( const char *pFileName ) { Bitmap_t bitmap; CUtlStreamBuffer buf( pFileName, "GAME", CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY ); if ( IsPSDFile( buf ) ) { if ( !PSDReadFileRGBA8888( buf, bitmap ) ) return false; }
// map from height field into map, ensuring corner pixel centers line up
// hfx -> mapx: 0 -> 0.5, hfw-1 -> mapw-0.5
// x (mapw - 1)/(hfw - 1) + 0.5
// mapx -> worldx: 0 -> 0, mapw -> worldw
float fx = (float)( bitmap.m_nWidth - 1) / (float)( m_nWidth - 1 ); float fy = (float)( bitmap.m_nHeight - 1) / (float)( m_nHeight - 1 );
for( int i = 0; i < m_nHeight; ++i ) { float *pRow = ROW( i ); for( int j = 0; j < m_nWidth; ++j, ++pRow ) { *pRow = 50.0f * BilerpBitmap( bitmap, i * fx, j * fy ); } } return true; }
// Returns the height at a particular point
float CHeightField::GetHeight( float x, float y ) { x *= m_flOOScale; y *= m_flOOScale;
int gx = (int)floor( x ); int gy = (int)floor( y ); x -= gx; y -= gy;
// Check for out of range
if ( gx < -1 || gy < -1 || gx >= m_nWidth || gy >= m_nHeight ) return 0.0f;
float h00 = ( gx >= 0 && gy >= 0 ) ? HEIGHT(gx , gy ) : 0.0f; float h01 = ( gx < (m_nWidth-1) && gy >= 0 ) ? HEIGHT(gx+1, gy ) : 0.0f; float h10 = ( gx >= 0 && gy < (m_nHeight-1) ) ? HEIGHT(gx , gy+1) : 0.0f; float h11 = ( gx<(m_nWidth-1) && gy<(m_nHeight-1) ) ? HEIGHT(gx+1, gy+1) : 0.0f;
// This fixup accounts for the triangularization of the mesh
if (x > y) { h10 = h00 + h11 - h01; } else { h01 = h00 + h11 - h10; }
// Bilinear filter
float h0 = h00 + ( h01 - h00 ) * x; float h1 = h10 + ( h11 - h10 ) * x; float h = h0 + (h1-h0)*y;
return h; }
// Returns the height + slope at a particular point
float CHeightField::GetHeightAndSlope( float x, float y, float *dx, float *dy ) { x *= m_flOOScale; y *= m_flOOScale;
int gx = (int)floor(x); int gy = (int)floor(y); x -= gx; y -= gy;
if ( gx < -1 || gy < -1 || gx >= m_nWidth || gy >= m_nHeight ) { *dx = 0; *dy = 0; return 0.0f; }
float h00 = ( gx >= 0 && gy >= 0 ) ? HEIGHT(gx , gy ) : 0.0f; float h01 = ( gx < (m_nWidth-1) && gy >= 0 ) ? HEIGHT(gx+1, gy ) : 0.0f; float h10 = ( gx >= 0 && gy < (m_nHeight-1) ) ? HEIGHT(gx , gy+1) : 0.0f; float h11 = ( gx<(m_nWidth-1) && gy<(m_nHeight-1) ) ? HEIGHT(gx+1, gy+1) : 0.0f;
if (x > y) { h10 = h00 + h11 - h01; } else { h01 = h00 + h11 - h10; }
*dx = ( h01 - h00 ) * m_flOOScale; *dy = ( h10 - h00 ) * m_flOOScale;
// Bilinear filter
float h0 = h00 + ( h01 - h00 ) * x; float h1 = h10 + ( h11 - h10 ) * x; float h = h0 + ( h1 - h0 )* y;
return h; }
// Draws the height field
void CHeightField::Draw( ) { int nVertexCount = m_nWidth * m_nHeight; int nIndexCount = 6 * ( m_nWidth - 1 ) * ( m_nHeight - 1 );
float flOOTexWidth = 1.0f / m_Material->GetMappingWidth(); float flOOTexHeight = 1.0f / m_Material->GetMappingHeight(); float iu = 0.5f * flOOTexWidth; float iv = 1.0f - ( 0.5f * flOOTexHeight ); float du = ( 1.0f - flOOTexWidth ) / ( m_nWidth - 1 ); float dv = -( 1.0f - flOOTexHeight ) / ( m_nHeight - 1 );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); pRenderContext->Bind( m_Material ); IMesh *pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( );
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, nVertexCount, nIndexCount );
// Deal with vertices
float v = iv; float y = 0.0f; for ( int i = 0; i < m_nHeight; ++i, y += m_nScale, v += dv ) { float u = iu; float x = 0.0f; for ( int j = 0; j < m_nWidth; ++j, x += m_nScale, u += du ) { meshBuilder.Position3f( x, y, HEIGHT( j, i ) ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, u, v ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); } }
// Deal with indices
for ( int i = 0; i < (m_nHeight - 1); ++i ) { int nRow0 = m_nWidth * i; int nRow1 = nRow0 + m_nWidth; for ( int j = 0; j < (m_nWidth - 1); ++j ) { meshBuilder.FastIndex( nRow0+j ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nRow0+j+1 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nRow1+j+1 );
meshBuilder.FastIndex( nRow0+j ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nRow1+j+1 ); meshBuilder.FastIndex( nRow1+j ); } }
meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); }