File: SpeechSynthesis.h Contains: Speech Interfaces. Version: QuickTime 7.3 Copyright: (c) 2007 (c) 1989-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on the World Wide Web: http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/
*/ #ifndef __SPEECHSYNTHESIS__
#ifndef __MACTYPES__
#include <MacTypes.h>
#ifndef __MIXEDMODE__
#include <MixedMode.h>
#ifndef __FILES__
#include <Files.h>
#pragma once
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
#pragma import on
#pragma options align=mac68k
#pragma pack(push, 2)
#pragma pack(2)
enum { kTextToSpeechSynthType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ttsc'), kTextToSpeechVoiceType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ttvd'), kTextToSpeechVoiceFileType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ttvf'), kTextToSpeechVoiceBundleType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ttvb') };
enum { kNoEndingProsody = 1, kNoSpeechInterrupt = 2, kPreflightThenPause = 4 };
enum { kImmediate = 0, kEndOfWord = 1, kEndOfSentence = 2 };
/*------------------------------------------*/ /* GetSpeechInfo & SetSpeechInfo selectors */ /*------------------------------------------*/ enum { soStatus = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('stat'), soErrors = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('erro'), soInputMode = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('inpt'), soCharacterMode = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('char'), soNumberMode = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('nmbr'), soRate = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rate'), soPitchBase = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pbas'), soPitchMod = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pmod'), soVolume = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('volm'), soSynthType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('vers'), soRecentSync = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sync'), soPhonemeSymbols = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('phsy'), soCurrentVoice = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cvox'), soCommandDelimiter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dlim'), soReset = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rset'), soCurrentA5 = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('myA5'), soRefCon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('refc'), soTextDoneCallBack = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tdcb'), /* use with SpeechTextDoneProcPtr*/ soSpeechDoneCallBack = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sdcb'), /* use with SpeechDoneProcPtr*/ soSyncCallBack = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sycb'), /* use with SpeechSyncProcPtr*/ soErrorCallBack = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ercb'), /* use with SpeechErrorProcPtr*/ soPhonemeCallBack = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('phcb'), /* use with SpeechPhonemeProcPtr*/ soWordCallBack = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wdcb'), soSynthExtension = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('xtnd'), soSoundOutput = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sndo') };
/*------------------------------------------*/ /* Speaking Mode Constants */ /*------------------------------------------*/ enum { modeText = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TEXT'), /* input mode constants */ modePhonemes = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('PHON'), modeNormal = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('NORM'), /* character mode and number mode constants */ modeLiteral = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('LTRL') };
enum { soVoiceDescription = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('info'), soVoiceFile = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fref') };
typedef struct OpaqueSpeechChannel* SpeechChannel;
struct VoiceSpec { OSType creator; OSType id; }; typedef struct VoiceSpec VoiceSpec; typedef VoiceSpec * VoiceSpecPtr;
enum { kNeuter = 0, kMale = 1, kFemale = 2 };
struct VoiceDescription { long length; VoiceSpec voice; long version; Str63 name; Str255 comment; short gender; short age; short script; short language; short region; long reserved[4]; }; typedef struct VoiceDescription VoiceDescription;
struct VoiceFileInfo { FSSpec fileSpec; short resID; }; typedef struct VoiceFileInfo VoiceFileInfo; struct SpeechStatusInfo { Boolean outputBusy; Boolean outputPaused; long inputBytesLeft; short phonemeCode; }; typedef struct SpeechStatusInfo SpeechStatusInfo;
struct SpeechErrorInfo { short count; OSErr oldest; long oldPos; OSErr newest; long newPos; }; typedef struct SpeechErrorInfo SpeechErrorInfo;
struct SpeechVersionInfo { OSType synthType; OSType synthSubType; OSType synthManufacturer; long synthFlags; NumVersion synthVersion; }; typedef struct SpeechVersionInfo SpeechVersionInfo;
struct PhonemeInfo { short opcode; Str15 phStr; Str31 exampleStr; short hiliteStart; short hiliteEnd; }; typedef struct PhonemeInfo PhonemeInfo;
struct PhonemeDescriptor { short phonemeCount; PhonemeInfo thePhonemes[1]; }; typedef struct PhonemeDescriptor PhonemeDescriptor; struct SpeechXtndData { OSType synthCreator; Byte synthData[2]; }; typedef struct SpeechXtndData SpeechXtndData;
struct DelimiterInfo { Byte startDelimiter[2]; Byte endDelimiter[2]; }; typedef struct DelimiterInfo DelimiterInfo;
typedef CALLBACK_API( void , SpeechTextDoneProcPtr )(SpeechChannel chan, long refCon, const void **nextBuf, unsigned long *byteLen, long *controlFlags); typedef CALLBACK_API( void , SpeechDoneProcPtr )(SpeechChannel chan, long refCon); typedef CALLBACK_API( void , SpeechSyncProcPtr )(SpeechChannel chan, long refCon, OSType syncMessage); typedef CALLBACK_API( void , SpeechErrorProcPtr )(SpeechChannel chan, long refCon, OSErr theError, long bytePos); typedef CALLBACK_API( void , SpeechPhonemeProcPtr )(SpeechChannel chan, long refCon, short phonemeOpcode); typedef CALLBACK_API( void , SpeechWordProcPtr )(SpeechChannel chan, long refCon, unsigned long wordPos, unsigned short wordLen); typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(SpeechTextDoneProcPtr) SpeechTextDoneUPP; typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(SpeechDoneProcPtr) SpeechDoneUPP; typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(SpeechSyncProcPtr) SpeechSyncUPP; typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(SpeechErrorProcPtr) SpeechErrorUPP; typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(SpeechPhonemeProcPtr) SpeechPhonemeUPP; typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(SpeechWordProcPtr) SpeechWordUPP; /*
* NewSpeechTextDoneUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( SpeechTextDoneUPP ) NewSpeechTextDoneUPP(SpeechTextDoneProcPtr userRoutine); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
enum { uppSpeechTextDoneProcInfo = 0x0000FFC0 }; /* pascal no_return_value Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes) */ #ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(SpeechTextDoneUPP) NewSpeechTextDoneUPP(SpeechTextDoneProcPtr userRoutine) { return (SpeechTextDoneUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSpeechTextDoneProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()); } #else
#define NewSpeechTextDoneUPP(userRoutine) (SpeechTextDoneUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSpeechTextDoneProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
* NewSpeechDoneUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( SpeechDoneUPP ) NewSpeechDoneUPP(SpeechDoneProcPtr userRoutine); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
enum { uppSpeechDoneProcInfo = 0x000003C0 }; /* pascal no_return_value Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes) */ #ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(SpeechDoneUPP) NewSpeechDoneUPP(SpeechDoneProcPtr userRoutine) { return (SpeechDoneUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSpeechDoneProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()); } #else
#define NewSpeechDoneUPP(userRoutine) (SpeechDoneUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSpeechDoneProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
* NewSpeechSyncUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( SpeechSyncUPP ) NewSpeechSyncUPP(SpeechSyncProcPtr userRoutine); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
enum { uppSpeechSyncProcInfo = 0x00000FC0 }; /* pascal no_return_value Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes) */ #ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(SpeechSyncUPP) NewSpeechSyncUPP(SpeechSyncProcPtr userRoutine) { return (SpeechSyncUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSpeechSyncProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()); } #else
#define NewSpeechSyncUPP(userRoutine) (SpeechSyncUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSpeechSyncProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
* NewSpeechErrorUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( SpeechErrorUPP ) NewSpeechErrorUPP(SpeechErrorProcPtr userRoutine); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
enum { uppSpeechErrorProcInfo = 0x00003BC0 }; /* pascal no_return_value Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes, 2_bytes, 4_bytes) */ #ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(SpeechErrorUPP) NewSpeechErrorUPP(SpeechErrorProcPtr userRoutine) { return (SpeechErrorUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSpeechErrorProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()); } #else
#define NewSpeechErrorUPP(userRoutine) (SpeechErrorUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSpeechErrorProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
* NewSpeechPhonemeUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( SpeechPhonemeUPP ) NewSpeechPhonemeUPP(SpeechPhonemeProcPtr userRoutine); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
enum { uppSpeechPhonemeProcInfo = 0x00000BC0 }; /* pascal no_return_value Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes, 2_bytes) */ #ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(SpeechPhonemeUPP) NewSpeechPhonemeUPP(SpeechPhonemeProcPtr userRoutine) { return (SpeechPhonemeUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSpeechPhonemeProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()); } #else
#define NewSpeechPhonemeUPP(userRoutine) (SpeechPhonemeUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSpeechPhonemeProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
* NewSpeechWordUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( SpeechWordUPP ) NewSpeechWordUPP(SpeechWordProcPtr userRoutine); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
enum { uppSpeechWordProcInfo = 0x00002FC0 }; /* pascal no_return_value Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes, 2_bytes) */ #ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(SpeechWordUPP) NewSpeechWordUPP(SpeechWordProcPtr userRoutine) { return (SpeechWordUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSpeechWordProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()); } #else
#define NewSpeechWordUPP(userRoutine) (SpeechWordUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSpeechWordProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
* DisposeSpeechTextDoneUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( void ) DisposeSpeechTextDoneUPP(SpeechTextDoneUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) DisposeSpeechTextDoneUPP(SpeechTextDoneUPP userUPP) { DisposeRoutineDescriptor((UniversalProcPtr)userUPP); } #else
#define DisposeSpeechTextDoneUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
* DisposeSpeechDoneUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( void ) DisposeSpeechDoneUPP(SpeechDoneUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) DisposeSpeechDoneUPP(SpeechDoneUPP userUPP) { DisposeRoutineDescriptor((UniversalProcPtr)userUPP); } #else
#define DisposeSpeechDoneUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
* DisposeSpeechSyncUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( void ) DisposeSpeechSyncUPP(SpeechSyncUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) DisposeSpeechSyncUPP(SpeechSyncUPP userUPP) { DisposeRoutineDescriptor((UniversalProcPtr)userUPP); } #else
#define DisposeSpeechSyncUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
* DisposeSpeechErrorUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( void ) DisposeSpeechErrorUPP(SpeechErrorUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) DisposeSpeechErrorUPP(SpeechErrorUPP userUPP) { DisposeRoutineDescriptor((UniversalProcPtr)userUPP); } #else
#define DisposeSpeechErrorUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
* DisposeSpeechPhonemeUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( void ) DisposeSpeechPhonemeUPP(SpeechPhonemeUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) DisposeSpeechPhonemeUPP(SpeechPhonemeUPP userUPP) { DisposeRoutineDescriptor((UniversalProcPtr)userUPP); } #else
#define DisposeSpeechPhonemeUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
* DisposeSpeechWordUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( void ) DisposeSpeechWordUPP(SpeechWordUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) DisposeSpeechWordUPP(SpeechWordUPP userUPP) { DisposeRoutineDescriptor((UniversalProcPtr)userUPP); } #else
#define DisposeSpeechWordUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
* InvokeSpeechTextDoneUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( void ) InvokeSpeechTextDoneUPP( SpeechChannel chan, long refCon, const void ** nextBuf, unsigned long * byteLen, long * controlFlags, SpeechTextDoneUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) InvokeSpeechTextDoneUPP(SpeechChannel chan, long refCon, const void ** nextBuf, unsigned long * byteLen, long * controlFlags, SpeechTextDoneUPP userUPP) { CALL_FIVE_PARAMETER_UPP(userUPP, uppSpeechTextDoneProcInfo, chan, refCon, nextBuf, byteLen, controlFlags); } #else
#define InvokeSpeechTextDoneUPP(chan, refCon, nextBuf, byteLen, controlFlags, userUPP) CALL_FIVE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppSpeechTextDoneProcInfo, (chan), (refCon), (nextBuf), (byteLen), (controlFlags))
* InvokeSpeechDoneUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( void ) InvokeSpeechDoneUPP( SpeechChannel chan, long refCon, SpeechDoneUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) InvokeSpeechDoneUPP(SpeechChannel chan, long refCon, SpeechDoneUPP userUPP) { CALL_TWO_PARAMETER_UPP(userUPP, uppSpeechDoneProcInfo, chan, refCon); } #else
#define InvokeSpeechDoneUPP(chan, refCon, userUPP) CALL_TWO_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppSpeechDoneProcInfo, (chan), (refCon))
* InvokeSpeechSyncUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( void ) InvokeSpeechSyncUPP( SpeechChannel chan, long refCon, OSType syncMessage, SpeechSyncUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) InvokeSpeechSyncUPP(SpeechChannel chan, long refCon, OSType syncMessage, SpeechSyncUPP userUPP) { CALL_THREE_PARAMETER_UPP(userUPP, uppSpeechSyncProcInfo, chan, refCon, syncMessage); } #else
#define InvokeSpeechSyncUPP(chan, refCon, syncMessage, userUPP) CALL_THREE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppSpeechSyncProcInfo, (chan), (refCon), (syncMessage))
* InvokeSpeechErrorUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( void ) InvokeSpeechErrorUPP( SpeechChannel chan, long refCon, OSErr theError, long bytePos, SpeechErrorUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) InvokeSpeechErrorUPP(SpeechChannel chan, long refCon, OSErr theError, long bytePos, SpeechErrorUPP userUPP) { CALL_FOUR_PARAMETER_UPP(userUPP, uppSpeechErrorProcInfo, chan, refCon, theError, bytePos); } #else
#define InvokeSpeechErrorUPP(chan, refCon, theError, bytePos, userUPP) CALL_FOUR_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppSpeechErrorProcInfo, (chan), (refCon), (theError), (bytePos))
* InvokeSpeechPhonemeUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( void ) InvokeSpeechPhonemeUPP( SpeechChannel chan, long refCon, short phonemeOpcode, SpeechPhonemeUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) InvokeSpeechPhonemeUPP(SpeechChannel chan, long refCon, short phonemeOpcode, SpeechPhonemeUPP userUPP) { CALL_THREE_PARAMETER_UPP(userUPP, uppSpeechPhonemeProcInfo, chan, refCon, phonemeOpcode); } #else
#define InvokeSpeechPhonemeUPP(chan, refCon, phonemeOpcode, userUPP) CALL_THREE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppSpeechPhonemeProcInfo, (chan), (refCon), (phonemeOpcode))
* InvokeSpeechWordUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( void ) InvokeSpeechWordUPP( SpeechChannel chan, long refCon, unsigned long wordPos, unsigned short wordLen, SpeechWordUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) InvokeSpeechWordUPP(SpeechChannel chan, long refCon, unsigned long wordPos, unsigned short wordLen, SpeechWordUPP userUPP) { CALL_FOUR_PARAMETER_UPP(userUPP, uppSpeechWordProcInfo, chan, refCon, wordPos, wordLen); } #else
#define InvokeSpeechWordUPP(chan, refCon, wordPos, wordLen, userUPP) CALL_FOUR_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppSpeechWordProcInfo, (chan), (refCon), (wordPos), (wordLen))
/* support for pre-Carbon UPP routines: New...Proc and Call...Proc */ #define NewSpeechTextDoneProc(userRoutine) NewSpeechTextDoneUPP(userRoutine)
#define NewSpeechDoneProc(userRoutine) NewSpeechDoneUPP(userRoutine)
#define NewSpeechSyncProc(userRoutine) NewSpeechSyncUPP(userRoutine)
#define NewSpeechErrorProc(userRoutine) NewSpeechErrorUPP(userRoutine)
#define NewSpeechPhonemeProc(userRoutine) NewSpeechPhonemeUPP(userRoutine)
#define NewSpeechWordProc(userRoutine) NewSpeechWordUPP(userRoutine)
#define CallSpeechTextDoneProc(userRoutine, chan, refCon, nextBuf, byteLen, controlFlags) InvokeSpeechTextDoneUPP(chan, refCon, nextBuf, byteLen, controlFlags, userRoutine)
#define CallSpeechDoneProc(userRoutine, chan, refCon) InvokeSpeechDoneUPP(chan, refCon, userRoutine)
#define CallSpeechSyncProc(userRoutine, chan, refCon, syncMessage) InvokeSpeechSyncUPP(chan, refCon, syncMessage, userRoutine)
#define CallSpeechErrorProc(userRoutine, chan, refCon, theError, bytePos) InvokeSpeechErrorUPP(chan, refCon, theError, bytePos, userRoutine)
#define CallSpeechPhonemeProc(userRoutine, chan, refCon, phonemeOpcode) InvokeSpeechPhonemeUPP(chan, refCon, phonemeOpcode, userRoutine)
#define CallSpeechWordProc(userRoutine, chan, refCon, wordPos, wordLen) InvokeSpeechWordUPP(chan, refCon, wordPos, wordLen, userRoutine)
#endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
* SpeechManagerVersion() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( NumVersion ) SpeechManagerVersion(void) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0000, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* MakeVoiceSpec() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) MakeVoiceSpec( OSType creator, OSType id, VoiceSpec * voice) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0604, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* CountVoices() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) CountVoices(short * numVoices) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0108, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* GetIndVoice() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetIndVoice( short index, VoiceSpec * voice) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x030C, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* GetVoiceDescription() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetVoiceDescription( const VoiceSpec * voice, VoiceDescription * info, long infoLength) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0610, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* GetVoiceInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetVoiceInfo( const VoiceSpec * voice, OSType selector, void * voiceInfo) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0614, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* NewSpeechChannel() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) NewSpeechChannel( VoiceSpec * voice, /* can be NULL */ SpeechChannel * chan) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0418, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* DisposeSpeechChannel() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) DisposeSpeechChannel(SpeechChannel chan) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x021C, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* SpeakString() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) SpeakString(ConstStr255Param textToBeSpoken) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0220, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* SpeakText() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) SpeakText( SpeechChannel chan, const void * textBuf, unsigned long textBytes) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0624, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* SpeakBuffer() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) SpeakBuffer( SpeechChannel chan, const void * textBuf, unsigned long textBytes, long controlFlags) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0828, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* StopSpeech() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) StopSpeech(SpeechChannel chan) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x022C, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* StopSpeechAt() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) StopSpeechAt( SpeechChannel chan, long whereToStop) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0430, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* PauseSpeechAt() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PauseSpeechAt( SpeechChannel chan, long whereToPause) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0434, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* ContinueSpeech() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) ContinueSpeech(SpeechChannel chan) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0238, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* SpeechBusy() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( short ) SpeechBusy(void) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x003C, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* SpeechBusySystemWide() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( short ) SpeechBusySystemWide(void) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0040, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* SetSpeechRate() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) SetSpeechRate( SpeechChannel chan, Fixed rate) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0444, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* GetSpeechRate() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetSpeechRate( SpeechChannel chan, Fixed * rate) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0448, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* SetSpeechPitch() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) SetSpeechPitch( SpeechChannel chan, Fixed pitch) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x044C, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* GetSpeechPitch() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetSpeechPitch( SpeechChannel chan, Fixed * pitch) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0450, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* SetSpeechInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) SetSpeechInfo( SpeechChannel chan, OSType selector, const void * speechInfo) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0654, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* GetSpeechInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetSpeechInfo( SpeechChannel chan, OSType selector, void * speechInfo) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0658, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* TextToPhonemes() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) TextToPhonemes( SpeechChannel chan, const void * textBuf, unsigned long textBytes, Handle phonemeBuf, long * phonemeBytes) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0A5C, 0x000C, 0xA800);
* UseDictionary() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in SpeechLib 1.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) UseDictionary( SpeechChannel chan, Handle dictionary) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0460, 0x000C, 0xA800);
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack()
#pragma import off
#pragma import reset
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif
#endif /* __SPEECHSYNTHESIS__ */