//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// CTextConsoleUnix.cpp: Unix implementation of the TextConsole class.
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include "TextConsoleUnix.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "tier1/utllinkedlist.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "../thirdparty/libedit-3.1/src/histedit.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#define CONSOLE_LOG_FILE "console.log"
static pthread_mutex_t g_lock; static pthread_t g_threadid = (pthread_t)-1; CUtlLinkedList< CUtlString > g_Commands; static volatile int g_ProcessingCommands = false;
#if defined( LINUX )
// Dynamically load the libtinfo stuff. On servers without a tty attached,
// we get to skip all of these dependencies on servers without ttys.
#define TINFO_SYM(rc, fn, params, args, ret) \
typedef rc (*DYNTINFOFN_##fn) params; \ static DYNTINFOFN_##fn g_TINFO_##fn; \ extern "C" rc fn params \ { \ ret g_TINFO_##fn args; \ }
TINFO_SYM(char *, tgoto, (char *string, int x, int y), (string, x, y), return); TINFO_SYM(int, tputs, (const char *str, int affcnt, int (*putc)(int)), (str, affcnt, putc), return); TINFO_SYM(int, tgetflag, (char *id), (id), return); TINFO_SYM(int, tgetnum, (char *id), (id), return); TINFO_SYM(int, tgetent, (char *bufp, const char *name), (bufp, name), return); TINFO_SYM(char *, tgetstr, (char *id, char **area), (id, area), return);
#endif // LINUX
// init_tinfo_functions
static bool init_tinfo_functions() { #if !defined( LINUX )
return true; #else
static void *s_ncurses_handle = NULL;
if ( !s_ncurses_handle ) { // Long time ago, ncurses was two libraries. So if libtinfo fails, try libncurses.
static const char *names[] = { "libtinfo.so.5", "libncurses.so.5" };
for ( int i = 0; !s_ncurses_handle && ( i < ARRAYSIZE( names ) ); i++ ) { bool bFailed = true; s_ncurses_handle = dlopen( names[i], RTLD_NOW );
if ( s_ncurses_handle ) { bFailed = false; #define LOADTINFOFUNC(_handle, _func, _failed) \
do { \ g_TINFO_##_func = ( DYNTINFOFN_##_func )dlsym(_handle, #_func); \ if ( !g_TINFO_##_func) \ _failed = true; \ } while (0)
LOADTINFOFUNC( s_ncurses_handle, tgoto, bFailed ); LOADTINFOFUNC( s_ncurses_handle, tputs, bFailed ); LOADTINFOFUNC( s_ncurses_handle, tgetflag, bFailed ); LOADTINFOFUNC( s_ncurses_handle, tgetnum, bFailed ); LOADTINFOFUNC( s_ncurses_handle, tgetent, bFailed ); LOADTINFOFUNC( s_ncurses_handle, tgetstr, bFailed ); #undef LOADTINFOFUNC
if ( bFailed ) s_ncurses_handle = NULL; }
if ( !s_ncurses_handle ) { fprintf( stderr, "\nWARNING: Failed to load 32-bit libtinfo.so.5 or libncurses.so.5.\n" " Please install (lib32tinfo5 / ncurses-libs.i686 / equivalent) to enable readline.\n\n"); } }
return !!s_ncurses_handle; #endif // LINUX
static unsigned char editline_complete( EditLine *el, int ch __attribute__((__unused__)) ) { static const char *s_cmds[] = { "cvarlist ", "find ", "help ", "maps ", "nextlevel", "quit", "status", "sv_cheats ", "tf_bot_quota ", "toggle ", "sv_dump_edicts", #ifdef STAGING_ONLY
"tf_bot_use_items ", #endif
const LineInfo *lf = el_line(el); const char *cmd = lf->buffer; size_t len = lf->cursor - cmd;
if ( len > 0 ) { for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_cmds); i++) { if ( len > strlen( s_cmds[i] ) ) continue;
if ( !Q_strncmp( cmd, s_cmds[i], len ) ) { if ( el_insertstr( el, s_cmds[i] + len ) == -1 ) return CC_ERROR; else return CC_REFRESH; } } }
return CC_ERROR; }
static const char *editline_prompt( EditLine *e ) { // Something like: "\1\033[7m\1Srcds$\1\033[0m\1 "
static const char *szPrompt = getenv( "SRCDS_PROMPT" ); return szPrompt ? szPrompt : ""; }
static void editline_cleanup_handler( void *arg ) { if ( arg ) { EditLine *el = (EditLine *)arg; el_end( el ); } }
static bool add_command( const char *cmd, int cmd_len ) { if ( cmd ) { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ );
// Trim trailing whitespace.
while ( ( cmd_len > 0 ) && isspace( cmd[ cmd_len - 1 ] ) ) cmd_len--;
if ( cmd_len > 0 ) { pthread_mutex_lock( &g_lock ); if ( g_Commands.Count() < 32 ) { CUtlString szCommand( cmd, cmd_len ); g_Commands.AddToTail( szCommand );
g_ProcessingCommands = true; } pthread_mutex_unlock( &g_lock );
// Wait a bit until we've processed the command we added.
for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { while ( g_ProcessingCommands ) usleep( 500 ); }
return true; } }
return false; }
static void *editline_threadproc( void *arg ) { HistEvent ev; EditLine *el; History *myhistory; FILE *tty = (FILE *)arg;
ThreadSetDebugName( "libedit" );
// Set up state
el = el_init( "srcds_linux", stdin, tty, stderr ); el_set( el, EL_PROMPT, &editline_prompt ); el_set( el, EL_EDITOR, "emacs" ); // or "vi"
// Hitting Ctrl+R will reset prompt.
el_set( el, EL_BIND, "^R", "ed-redisplay", NULL );
/* Add a user-defined function */ el_set( el, EL_ADDFN, "ed-complete", "Complete argument", editline_complete ); /* Bind tab to it */ el_set( el, EL_BIND, "^I", "ed-complete", NULL );
// Init history.
myhistory = history_init(); if (myhistory == 0) { fprintf( stderr, "history could not be initialized\n" ); g_threadid = (pthread_t)-1; return (void *)-1; }
// History size.
history( myhistory, &ev, H_SETSIZE, 800 );
// History callback.
el_set( el, EL_HIST, history, myhistory );
// Source user's defaults.
el_source( el, NULL );
pthread_cleanup_push( editline_cleanup_handler, el );
while ( g_threadid != (pthread_t)-1 ) { // count is the number of characters read.
// line is a const char* of our command line with the tailing \n
int count; const char *line = el_gets( el, &count );
if ( add_command( line, count ) ) { // Add command to history.
history( myhistory, &ev, H_ENTER, line ); } }
pthread_cleanup_pop( 0 );
// Clean up...
history_end( myhistory ); el_end( el ); return NULL; }
static void *fgets_threadproc( void *arg ) { pthread_cleanup_push( editline_cleanup_handler, NULL );
while ( g_threadid != (pthread_t)-1 ) { char cmd[ 512 ];
if ( fgets( cmd, sizeof( cmd ), stdin ) ) { cmd[ sizeof(cmd) - 1 ] = 0; add_command( cmd, strlen( cmd ) ); } }
pthread_cleanup_pop( 0 ); return NULL; }
bool CTextConsoleUnix::Init() { if( g_threadid != (pthread_t)-1 ) { Assert( !"CTextConsoleUnix can only handle a single thread!" ); return false; }
pthread_mutex_init( &g_lock, NULL );
// This code is for echo-ing key presses to the connected tty
// (which is != STDOUT)
if ( isatty( STDIN_FILENO ) ) { const char *termid_str = ctermid( NULL );
m_tty = fopen( termid_str, "w+" ); if ( !m_tty ) { fprintf( stderr, "WARNING: Unable to open tty(%s) for output.\n", termid_str ); m_tty = stdout; }
void *(*terminal_threadproc) (void *) = editline_threadproc; if ( !init_tinfo_functions() ) terminal_threadproc = fgets_threadproc;
if ( pthread_create( &g_threadid, NULL, terminal_threadproc, (void *)m_tty ) != 0 ) { g_threadid = (pthread_t)-1; fprintf( stderr, "WARNING: pthread_create failed: %s.\n", strerror(errno) ); } } else { m_tty = fopen( "/dev/null", "w+" ); if ( !m_tty ) m_tty = stdout; }
m_bConDebug = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-condebug" ) != 0; if ( m_bConDebug && CommandLine()->FindParm( "-conclearlog" ) ) g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( CONSOLE_LOG_FILE, "GAME" );
return CTextConsole::Init(); }
void CTextConsoleUnix::ShutDown() { if ( g_threadid != (pthread_t)-1 ) { void *status = NULL; pthread_t tid = g_threadid;
g_threadid = (pthread_t)-1;
pthread_cancel( tid ); pthread_join( tid, &status ); }
pthread_mutex_destroy( &g_lock ); }
void CTextConsoleUnix::Print( char * pszMsg ) { int nChars = strlen( pszMsg );
if ( nChars > 0 ) { if ( m_bConDebug ) { FileHandle_t fh = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( CONSOLE_LOG_FILE, "a" ); if ( fh != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { g_pFullFileSystem->Write( pszMsg, nChars, fh ); g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fh ); } }
fwrite( pszMsg, 1, nChars, m_tty ); } }
void CTextConsoleUnix::SetTitle( char *pszTitle ) { }
void CTextConsoleUnix::SetStatusLine( char *pszStatus ) { }
void CTextConsoleUnix::UpdateStatus() { }
char *CTextConsoleUnix::GetLine( int index, char *buf, int buflen ) { if ( g_threadid != (pthread_t)-1 ) { if ( g_Commands.Count() > 0 ) { pthread_mutex_lock( &g_lock );
const CUtlString& psCommand = g_Commands[ g_Commands.Head() ]; V_strncpy( buf, psCommand.Get(), buflen ); g_Commands.Remove( g_Commands.Head() );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &g_lock ); return buf; } else if ( index == 0 ) { // We're being asked for the first command. Must be a new frame.
// Reset the processed commands global.
g_ProcessingCommands = false; } }
return NULL; }
int CTextConsoleUnix::GetWidth() { int nWidth = 0; struct winsize ws;
if ( ioctl( STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws ) == 0 ) nWidth = (int)ws.ws_col;
if ( nWidth <= 1 ) nWidth = 80;
return nWidth; }
#endif // !_WIN32