Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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echo off setlocal
rem look for prevention of building zips if /i .%4.==.-nobuild. set no_build=yes if /i .%4.==.-nobuild. shift /4 if /i .%3.==.-nobuild. set no_build=yes if /i .%3.==.-nobuild. shift /3 if /i .%2.==.-nobuild. set no_build=yes if /i .%2.==.-nobuild. shift /2 if /i .%1.==.-nobuild. set no_build=yes if /i .%1.==.-nobuild. shift /1 rem look for prevention of copying binaries up to the xbox if /i .%3.==.-nocopy. set no_copy=yes if /i .%3.==.-nocopy. shift /3 if /i .%2.==.-nocopy. set no_copy=yes if /i .%2.==.-nocopy. shift /2 if /i .%1.==.-nocopy. set no_copy=yes if /i .%1.==.-nocopy. shift /1 rem look for stuff that prevents dependencies from being built if /i .%2.==.-nodep. set no_dependency=yes if /i .%2.==.-nodep. shift /2 if /i .%1.==.-nodep. set no_dependency=yes if /i .%1.==.-nodep. shift /1
rem Deal with all of the different configs if /i .%1.==.-all. set do_platform=yes if /i .%1.==.-all. set do_hl2=yes if /i .%1.==.-all. set do_episodic=yes if /i .%1.==.-all. set do_ep2=yes if /i .%1.==.-all. set do_tf=yes if /i .%1.==.-all. set do_portal=yes
if /i .%1.==.-episodic. set do_episodic=yes if /i .%1.==.-ep2. set do_ep2=yes if /i .%1.==.-tf. set do_tf=yes if /i .%1.==.-portal. set do_portal=yes if /i .%1.==.-hl2. set do_hl2=yes if /i .%1.==.-platform. set do_platform=yes
rem skip these if no dependencies should be built if .%no_dependency%.==.yes. goto START if /i .%1.==.-ep2. set do_episodic=yes if /i .%1.==.-ep2. set do_hl2=yes if /i .%1.==.-episodic. set do_hl2=yes if /i .%1.==.-tf. set do_hl2=yes if /i .%1.==.-portal. set do_hl2=yes set do_platform=yes
:START pushd. cd %VPROJECT%\.. set XBCP="%XEDK%\bin\win32\xbcp.exe" set ZIPDIR=%TEMP%\xzips if not exist %ZIPDIR% mkdir %ZIPDIR%
:PLATFORM if not .%do_platform%.==.yes. goto HL2
REM REM PLATFORM REM echo Builing platform zip... pushd. cd platform if not exist %ZIPDIR%\platform mkdir %ZIPDIR%\platform if .%no_build%.==.yes. goto PLATFORMCOPY if exist %ZIPDIR%\platform\ del %ZIPDIR%\platform\ makegamedata -q -z %ZIPDIR%\platform\ :PLATFORMCOPY if not .%no_copy%.==.yes. %XBCP% /Y %ZIPDIR%\platform\ xe:\valve\platform\ popd.
:HL2 if not .%do_hl2%.==.yes. goto EPISODIC
REM REM HL2 REM echo Builing hl2 zip... pushd. cd hl2 if not exist %ZIPDIR%\hl2 mkdir %ZIPDIR%\hl2 if .%no_build%.==.yes. goto HL2COPY if exist %ZIPDIR%\hl2\ del %ZIPDIR%\hl2\ makegamedata -q -z %ZIPDIR%\hl2\ :HL2COPY if not .%no_copy%.==.yes. %XBCP% /Y %ZIPDIR%\hl2\ xe:\valve\hl2\ popd.
:EPISODIC if not .%do_episodic%.==.yes. goto EP2
REM REM EPISODIC REM echo Builing episodic zip... pushd. cd episodic if not exist %ZIPDIR%\episodic mkdir %ZIPDIR%\episodic if .%no_build%.==.yes. goto EPISODICCOPY if exist %ZIPDIR%\episodic\ del %ZIPDIR%\episodic\ makegamedata -q -z %ZIPDIR%\episodic\ :EPISODICCOPY if not .%no_copy%.==.yes. %XBCP% /Y %ZIPDIR%\episodic\ xe:\valve\episodic\ popd.
:EP2 if not .%do_ep2%.==.yes. goto TF REM REM EP2 REM echo Builing ep2 zip... pushd. cd ep2 if not exist %ZIPDIR%\ep2 mkdir %ZIPDIR%\ep2 if .%no_build%.==.yes. goto EP2COPY if exist %ZIPDIR%\ep2\ del %ZIPDIR%\ep2\ makegamedata -q -z %ZIPDIR%\ep2\ :EP2COPY if not .%no_copy%.==.yes. %XBCP% /Y %ZIPDIR%\ep2\ xe:\valve\ep2\ popd.
:TF if not .%do_tf%.==.yes. goto PORTAL
REM REM TF REM echo Builing tf2 zip... pushd. cd tf if not exist %ZIPDIR%\tf mkdir %ZIPDIR%\tf if .%no_build%.==.yes. goto TFCOPY if exist %ZIPDIR%\tf\ del %ZIPDIR%\tf\ makegamedata -q -z %ZIPDIR%\tf\ :TFCOPY if not .%no_copy%.==.yes. %XBCP% /Y %ZIPDIR%\tf\ xe:\valve\tf\ popd.
:PORTAL if not .%do_portal%.==.yes. goto END
REM REM PORTAL REM echo Builing portal zip... pushd. cd portal if not exist %ZIPDIR%\portal mkdir %ZIPDIR%\portal if .%no_build%.==.yes. goto PORTALCOPY if exist %ZIPDIR%\portal\ del %ZIPDIR%\portal\ makegamedata -q -z %ZIPDIR%\portal\ :PORTALCOPY if not .%no_copy%.==.yes. %XBCP% /Y %ZIPDIR%\portal\ xe:\valve\portal\ popd.
:END popd. endlocal