create table weapons ( WeaponID INT, PRIMARY KEY( WeaponID ), Count INT, ) TYPE=MyISAM;
create table maps ( MapName CHAR(16), PRIMARY KEY( MapName ), TerroristWins INT, CTWins INT, ) TYPE=MyISAM;
create table autobuy ( Purchase CHAR(16), PRIMARY KEY( Purchase ), Count INT, ) TYPE=MyISAM;
create table purchases_pricing ( snapshot CHAR(16), PRIMARY KEY( snapshot ), dt2 DATETIME, weapon_id INT, purchases INT, current_price INT, projected_price INT, ) TYPE=MyISAM;
create table snapshot_counter ( counter INT, PRIMARY KEY( counter ), ) TYPE=MyISAM;
create table weapon_info ( WeaponID INT, PRIMARY KEY( WeaponID ), side ENUM('Terrorists', 'Counter-Terrorists', 'Both'), fullname CHAR( 32 ), default_price INT, current_price INT, ) TYPE=MyISAM;
Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 1, 3, "228 COMPACT", 600, 600 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 2, 3, "9X19MM SIDEARM", 400, 400 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 16, 3, "K&M .45 TACTICAL", 500, 500 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 25, 3, "NIGHT HAWK .50C", 650, 650 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 11, 2, "ES FIVE-SEVEN", 750, 750 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 10, 1, ".40 DUAL ELITES", 800, 800 );
Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 20, 3, "LEONE 12 GAUGE SUPER", 1700, 1700 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 5, 3, "LEONE YG1265 AUTO SHOTGUN", 3000, 3000 );
Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 22, 2, "SCHMIDT MACHINE PISTOL", 1250, 1250 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 18, 3, "K&M SUB-MACHINE GUN", 1500, 1500 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 12, 3, "K&M UMP45", 1700, 1700 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 29, 3, "ES C90", 2350, 2350 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 7, 1, "INGRAM MAC-10", 1400, 1400 );
Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 15, 2, "CLARION 5.56", 2250, 2250 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 3, 3, "SCHMIDT SCOUT", 2750, 2750 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 21, 2, "MAVERICK M4A1 CARBINE", 3100, 3100 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 8, 2, "BULLPUP", 3500, 3500 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 13, 1, "KRIEG 550 COMMANDO", 4200, 4200 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 26, 1, "KRIEG 552", 3500, 3500 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 17, 3, "MAGNUM SNIPER RIFLE", 4750, 4750 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 14, 1, "IDF DEFENDER", 2000, 2000 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 27, 1, "CV-47", 2500, 2500 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 23, 2, "D3/AU-1", 5000, 5000 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 19, 3, "M249", 5750, 5750 );
Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 31, 3, "KEVLAR", 650, 650 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 32, 3, "KEVLAR+HELMET", 1000, 1000 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 24, 3, "FLASHBANG", 200, 200 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 4, 3, "HE GRENADE", 300, 300 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 9, 3, "SMOKE GRENADE", 300, 300 ); Insert into weapon_info ( WeaponID, side, fullname, default_price, current_price ) values ( 33, 3, "NIGHTVISION", 1250, 1250 );
# update weapons set Count=Count+450 where WeaponID = 0; # Insert into weapons (WeaponID,Count) values ( 1, 0 );
# update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "cs_assault";
# Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "cs_assault", 0, 0 ); # Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "cs_compound", 0, 0 ); # Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "cs_havana", 0, 0 ); # Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "cs_italy", 0, 0 ); # Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "cs_militia", 0, 0 ); # Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "cs_office", 0, 0 ); # Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "de_aztec", 0, 0 ); # Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "de_cbble", 0, 0 ); # Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "de_chateau", 0, 0 ); # Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "de_dust2", 0, 0 ); # Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "de_dust", 0, 0 ); # Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "de_inferno", 0, 0 ); # Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "de_nuke", 0, 0 ); # Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "de_piranesi", 0, 0 ); # Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "de_port", 0, 0 ); # Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "de_prodigy", 0, 0 ); # Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "de_tides", 0, 0 ); # Insert into maps (MapName,TerroristWins, CTWins) values ( "de_train", 0, 0 );
//Autobuy Insert into autobuy (Purchase, Count) values ( "Auto-Buy", 0 ); Insert into autobuy (Purchase, Count) values ( "Re-Buy", 0 ); Insert into autobuy (Purchase, Count) values ( "Auto-Buy: M4A1", 0 ); Insert into autobuy (Purchase, Count) values ( "Auto-Buy: AK47", 0 ); Insert into autobuy (Purchase, Count) values ( "Auto-Buy: Famas", 0 ); Insert into autobuy (Purchase, Count) values ( "Auto-Buy: Galil", 0 ); Insert into autobuy (Purchase, Count) values ( "Auto-Buy: Suit", 0 ); Insert into autobuy (Purchase, Count) values ( "Auto-Buy: Kev", 0 );
update autobuy set Count=0 where Purchase = "Auto-Buy"; update autobuy set Count=0 where Purchase = "Re-Buy"; update autobuy set Count=0 where Purchase = "Auto-Buy: M4A1"; update autobuy set Count=0 where Purchase = "Auto-Buy: AK47"; update autobuy set Count=0 where Purchase = "Auto-Buy: Famas"; update autobuy set Count=0 where Purchase = "Auto-Buy: Galil"; update autobuy set Count=0 where Purchase = "Auto-Buy: Suit"; update autobuy set Count=0 where Purchase = "Auto-Buy: Kev";
//Copy and Paste into the SQL terminal to reset everything
update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 1; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 2; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 3; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 4; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 5; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 6; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 7; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 8; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 9; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 10; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 11; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 12; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 13; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 14; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 15; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 16; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 17; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 18; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 19; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 20; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 21; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 22; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 23; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 24; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 25; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 26; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 27; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 28; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 29; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 30; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 31; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 32; update weapons set Count=0 where WeaponID = 33;
update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "cs_assault"; update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "cs_compound"; update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "cs_havana"; update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "cs_italy"; update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "cs_militia"; update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "cs_office"; update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "de_aztec"; update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "de_cbble"; update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "de_chateau"; update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "de_dust2"; update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "de_dust"; update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "de_inferno"; update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "de_nuke"; update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "de_piranesi"; update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "de_port"; update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "de_prodigy"; update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "de_tides"; update maps set TerroristWins=0, CTWins=0 where MapName = "de_train";