//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "interface.h"
#include "imysqlwrapper.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "tier1/utlsymbol.h"
#include "tier1/utlstring.h"
#include "tier1/utldict.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "cbase.h"
#include "gamestats.h"
class CBaseObject; #include "tf/tf_gamestats.h"
#include "base_gamestats_parse.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include <string>
static TFReportedStats_t g_reportedStats;
extern void v_escape_string (std::string& s);
// Weapons.
// Classes
static const char *s_aClassNames[] = { "UNDEFINED", "SCOUT", "SNIPER", "SOLDIER", "DEMOMAN", "MEDIC", "HEAVYWEAPONS", "PYRO", "SPY", "ENGINEER", "CIVILIAN", };
// Purpose:
static bool LoadCustomDataFromBuffer( CUtlBuffer &LoadBuffer ) { g_reportedStats.Clear(); return g_reportedStats.LoadCustomDataFromBuffer( LoadBuffer ); }
// Purpose:
static const char *ClassIdToAlias( int iClass ) { if ( ( iClass >= ARRAYSIZE( s_aClassNames ) ) || ( iClass < 0 ) ) return NULL;
return s_aClassNames[iClass]; }
// Purpose:
const char *WeaponIdToAlias( int iWeapon ) { if ( ( iWeapon >= ARRAYSIZE( s_aWeaponNames ) ) || ( iWeapon < 0 ) ) return NULL;
return s_aWeaponNames[iWeapon]; }
// Purpose:
void DescribeTF2Stats() { #if 0 // not up to date w/latest stats code.
int iMap; for ( iMap = g_dictMapStats.First(); iMap != g_dictMapStats.InvalidIndex(); iMap = g_dictMapStats.Next( iMap ) ) { // Get the current map.
TF_Gamestats_LevelStats_t *pCurrentMap = &g_dictMapStats[iMap];
Msg( " --- %s ------\n %d deaths\n %.2f seconds total playtime\n", pCurrentMap->m_Header.m_szMapName, pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths.Count(), pCurrentMap->m_Header.m_flTime ); for( int i = 0; i < pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths.Count(); i++ ) { Msg( " %s killed %s with %s at (%d,%d,%d), distance %d\n", ClassIdToAlias( pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].iAttackClass ), ClassIdToAlias( pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].iTargetClass ), WeaponIdToAlias( pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].iWeapon ), pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].nPosition[ 0 ], pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].nPosition[ 1 ], pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].nPosition[ 2 ], pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].iDistance ); } Msg( "\n---------------------------------\n\n %d damage records\n", pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDamage.Count() );
for( int i = 0; i < pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDamage.Count(); i++ ) { Msg( " %.2f : %s at (%d,%d,%d) caused %d damage to %s with %s at (%d,%d,%d)%s%s\n", pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDamage[ i ].fTime, ClassIdToAlias( pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDamage[ i ].iAttackClass ), pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDamage[ i ].nAttackerPosition[ 0 ], pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDamage[ i ].nAttackerPosition[ 1 ], pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDamage[ i ].nAttackerPosition[ 2 ], pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDamage[ i ].iDamage, ClassIdToAlias( pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDamage[ i ].iTargetClass ), WeaponIdToAlias( pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDamage[ i ].iWeapon ), pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDamage[ i ].nTargetPosition[ 0 ], pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDamage[ i ].nTargetPosition[ 1 ], pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDamage[ i ].nTargetPosition[ 2 ], pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDamage[ i ].iCrit ? ", CRIT!" : "", pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDamage[ i ].iKill ? ", KILL" : "" ); }
Msg( "\n" ); } #endif
} extern CUtlDict< int, unsigned short > g_mapOrder; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
void InsertTF2Data( bool bDeathOnly, char const *szStatsFileUserID, time_t fileTime, IMySQL *sql, int iStatsFileVersion ) { if ( !sql ) return;
std::string userid; userid = szStatsFileUserID; v_escape_string( userid );
char szDate[128]="Now()"; if ( fileTime > 0 ) { tm * pTm = localtime( &fileTime ); Q_snprintf( szDate, ARRAYSIZE( szDate ), "'%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d'", pTm->tm_year + 1900, pTm->tm_mon + 1, pTm->tm_mday, pTm->tm_hour, pTm->tm_min, pTm->tm_sec ); }
char q[4096];
{ int iMap; for ( iMap = g_reportedStats.m_dictMapStats.First(); iMap != g_reportedStats.m_dictMapStats.InvalidIndex(); iMap = g_reportedStats.m_dictMapStats.Next( iMap ) ) { // Get the current map.
TF_Gamestats_LevelStats_t *pCurrentMap = &g_reportedStats.m_dictMapStats[iMap];
#if 1
int slot = g_mapOrder.Find( pCurrentMap->m_Header.m_szMapName ); if ( slot == g_mapOrder.InvalidIndex() ) { if ( Q_stricmp( pCurrentMap->m_Header.m_szMapName, "devtest" ) ) continue; } #endif
std::string mapname; mapname = pCurrentMap->m_Header.m_szMapName; v_escape_string( mapname );
std::string tag; tag = ""; // pCurrentMap->m_Tag.m_szTagText;
v_escape_string( tag );
int mapversion = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths.Count(); i++ ) { Msg( " %s killed %s with %s at (%d,%d,%d), distance %d\n", ClassIdToAlias( pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].iAttackClass ), ClassIdToAlias( pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].iTargetClass ), WeaponIdToAlias( pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].iWeapon ), pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].nPosition[ 0 ], pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].nPosition[ 1 ], pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].nPosition[ 2 ], pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].iDistance ); } */ // Deal with deaths
for ( int i = 0; i < pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths.Count(); ++i ) { Q_snprintf( q, sizeof( q ), "REPLACE into %s_deaths (UserID,Tag,LastUpdate,MapName,MapVersion,DeathIndex,X,Y,Z) values (\"%s\",\"%s\",Now(),\"%-.20s\",%d,%d,%d,%d,%d);", "tf", userid.c_str(), tag.c_str(), mapname.c_str(), mapversion, i, pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].nPosition[ 0 ], pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].nPosition[ 1 ], pCurrentMap->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].nPosition[ 2 ] );
int retcode = sql->Execute( q ); if ( retcode != 0 ) { printf( "Query %s failed\n", q ); return; } } } if ( bDeathOnly ) return; }
int iMap; for ( iMap = g_reportedStats.m_dictMapStats.First(); iMap != g_reportedStats.m_dictMapStats.InvalidIndex(); iMap = g_reportedStats.m_dictMapStats.Next( iMap ) ) { // Get the current map.
TF_Gamestats_LevelStats_t *pCurrentMap = &g_reportedStats.m_dictMapStats[iMap]; std::string mapname = pCurrentMap->m_Header.m_szMapName; v_escape_string( mapname );
// insert map data into database
Q_snprintf( q, sizeof( q ), "INSERT into tf_mapdata (ServerID,TimeSubmitted,MapName,RoundsPlayed,TotalTime,BlueWins,RedWins,Stalemates,BlueSuddenDeathWins,RedSuddenDeathWins) " "values (\"%s\",%s,\"%s\",%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d);", szStatsFileUserID,szDate, mapname.c_str(), pCurrentMap->m_Header.m_iRoundsPlayed, pCurrentMap->m_Header.m_iTotalTime, pCurrentMap->m_Header.m_iBlueWins, pCurrentMap->m_Header.m_iRedWins, pCurrentMap->m_Header.m_iStalemates, pCurrentMap->m_Header.m_iBlueSuddenDeathWins, pCurrentMap->m_Header.m_iRedSuddenDeathWins );
// Msg( "%s\n", q );
int retcode = sql->Execute( q ); if ( retcode != 0 ) { Msg( "Query %s failed\n", q ); return; }
// insert the class data
for ( int i = TF_CLASS_UNDEFINED + 1; i < TF_CLASS_CIVILIAN; i++ ) { TF_Gamestats_ClassStats_t &classStats = pCurrentMap->m_aClassStats[i]; if ( 0 == classStats.iSpawns ) // skip any classes that have had no spawns
Q_snprintf( q, sizeof( q ), "INSERT into tf_classdata (ServerID,MapName,TimeSubmitted,Class,Spawns,TotalTime,Score,Kills,Deaths,Assists,Captures) " "values (\"%s\",\"%s\",%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d);", szStatsFileUserID, mapname.c_str(), szDate, i, classStats.iSpawns, classStats.iTotalTime, classStats.iScore, classStats.iKills, classStats.iDeaths, classStats.iAssists, classStats.iCaptures );
// Msg( "%s\n", q );
int retcode = sql->Execute( q ); if ( retcode != 0 ) { Msg( "Query %s failed\n", q ); return; } }
// insert the weapon data
for ( int i = TF_WEAPON_NONE+1; i < TF_WEAPON_COUNT; i++ ) { TF_Gamestats_WeaponStats_t &weaponStats = pCurrentMap->m_aWeaponStats[i];
// skip any weapons that have no shots fired
if ( 0 == weaponStats.iShotsFired ) continue;
Q_snprintf( q, sizeof( q ), "INSERT into tf_weapondata (ServerID, MapName, TimeSubmitted,WeaponID,ShotsFired,ShotsFiredCrit,ShotsHit,DamageTotal," "HitsWithKnownDistance,DistanceTotal) " "values (\"%s\",\"%s\",%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%llu)", szStatsFileUserID, mapname.c_str(), szDate, i, weaponStats.iShotsFired, weaponStats.iCritShotsFired, weaponStats.iHits, weaponStats.iTotalDamage, weaponStats.iHitsWithKnownDistance, weaponStats.iTotalDistance );
// Msg( "%s\n", q );
int retcode = sql->Execute( q ); if ( retcode != 0 ) { Msg( "Query %s failed\n", q ); return; } } } }
bool g_bDeathOnly = false;
// Purpose:
int TF_ParseCustomGameStatsData( ParseContext_t *ctx ) { FILE *fp = fopen( ctx->file, "rb" ); if ( !fp ) return CUSTOMDATA_FAILED;
CUtlBuffer statsBuffer;
struct _stat sb; _stat( ctx->file, &sb ); statsBuffer.Clear(); statsBuffer.EnsureCapacity( sb.st_size ); fread( statsBuffer.Base(), sb.st_size, 1, fp ); statsBuffer.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, sb.st_size ); fclose( fp );
if ( memcmp( statsBuffer.Base(), "\"gamestats\"", 11 ) == 0 ) { Msg( "Got new-style file format that we don't support, skipping\n" ); return CUSTOMDATA_SUCCESS; }
if ( memcmp( statsBuffer.Base(), "PERFDATA:", 9 ) == 0 ) { ProcessPerfData( ctx->mysql, sb.st_mtime, "tf_perfdata", ( ( char * ) statsBuffer.Base() ) + 9 ); return CUSTOMDATA_SUCCESS; } char shortname[ 128 ]; Q_FileBase( ctx->file, shortname, sizeof( shortname ) );
char szCurrentStatsFileUserID[17]; int iCurrentStatsFileVersion;
iCurrentStatsFileVersion = statsBuffer.GetShort(); statsBuffer.Get( szCurrentStatsFileUserID, 16 ); szCurrentStatsFileUserID[ sizeof( szCurrentStatsFileUserID ) - 1 ] = 0;
unsigned int iCheckIfStandardDataSaved = statsBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); if( iCheckIfStandardDataSaved != GAMESTATS_STANDARD_NOT_SAVED ) { // we don't care about the standard data, so why is it here?
// check for custom data
bool bHasCustomData = (statsBuffer.TellPut() != statsBuffer.TellGet()); if( !bHasCustomData ) { // where's our data?
if ( !LoadCustomDataFromBuffer( statsBuffer ) ) return CUSTOMDATA_FAILED;
if( ctx->describeonly ) { DescribeTF2Stats(); } else { if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-deathsonly" ) ) { g_bDeathOnly = true; }
InsertTF2Data( g_bDeathOnly, szCurrentStatsFileUserID, sb.st_mtime, ctx->mysql, iCurrentStatsFileVersion ); }
// Purpose: Called after all new files have been parsed & imported
void TF_PostImport( IMySQL *sql ) { #if 0 // now handled by PHP script
if ( g_bDeathOnly ) return; // All the new data files have been imported to SQL. Now, do a rollup of the raw data into the rollup tables.
// delete existing rollup for class data
int retcode = sql->Execute( "delete from tf_classdata_rollup" ); if ( 0 != retcode ) { Msg( "Failed to delete from tf_classdata_rollup\n" ); return; } // create new rollup for class data
retcode = sql->Execute( "insert into tf_classdata_rollup (class,spawns,totaltime,score,kills,deaths,assists,captures) " "select class,sum(spawns),sum(totaltime),sum(score),sum(kills),sum(deaths),sum(assists),sum(captures) from tf_classdata group by class;" ); if ( 0 != retcode ) { Msg( "Failed to create class data rollup\n" ); return; }
// delete existing rollup for map data
retcode = sql->Execute( "delete from tf_mapdata_rollup" ); if ( 0 != retcode ) { Msg( "Failed to delete from tf_mapdata_rollup\n" ); return; } // create new rollup for map data
retcode = sql->Execute( "insert into tf_mapdata_rollup (mapname,roundsplayed,totaltime,bluewins,redwins,stalemates) " "select mapname,sum(roundsplayed),sum(totaltime),sum(bluewins),sum(redwins),sum(stalemates) from tf_mapdata group by mapname;" ); if ( 0 != retcode ) { Msg( "Failed to create map data rollup\n" ); return; } #endif