//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "Session.h"
#include "strtools.h"
#include "matchmaking.h"
#include "utllinkedlist.h"
#include "tslist.h"
#include "hl2orange.spa.h"
#include "dbg.h"
#include "winlite.h" // for CloseHandle()
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern IXboxSystem *g_pXboxSystem;
#define ASYNC_OK 0
#define ASYNC_FAIL 1
// Purpose: CSession class
CSession::CSession() { m_pParent = NULL; m_hSession = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; m_SessionState = SESSION_STATE_NONE; m_pRegistrationResults = NULL;
ResetSession(); }
CSession::~CSession() { ResetSession(); }
// Purpose: Reset a session to it's initial state
void CSession::ResetSession() { // Cleanup first
switch( m_SessionState ) { case SESSION_STATE_CREATING: CancelCreateSession(); break;
break; }
if ( m_hSession != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { Msg( "ResetSession: Destroying current session.\n" );
DestroySession(); m_hSession = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
m_bIsHost = false; m_bIsArbitrated = false; m_bUsingQoS = false; m_bIsSystemLink = false; Q_memset( &m_nPlayerSlots, 0, sizeof( m_nPlayerSlots ) ); Q_memset( &m_SessionInfo, 0, sizeof( m_SessionInfo ) );
if ( m_pRegistrationResults ) { delete m_pRegistrationResults; }
m_nSessionFlags = 0; }
// Purpose: Set session contexts and properties
void CSession::SetContext( const uint nContextId, const uint nContextValue, const bool bAsync ) { g_pXboxSystem->UserSetContext( XBX_GetPrimaryUserId(), nContextId, nContextValue, bAsync ); } void CSession::SetProperty( const uint nPropertyId, const uint cbValue, const void *pvValue, const bool bAsync ) { g_pXboxSystem->UserSetProperty( XBX_GetPrimaryUserId(), nPropertyId, cbValue, pvValue, bAsync ); }
// Purpose: Send a notification to GameUI
void CSession::SendNotification( SESSION_NOTIFY notification ) { Assert( m_pParent ); m_pParent->SessionNotification( notification ); }
// Purpose: Update the number of player slots filled
void CSession::UpdateSlots( const CClientInfo *pClient, bool bAddPlayers ) { int cPlayers = pClient->m_cPlayers; if ( bAddPlayers ) { if ( pClient->m_bInvited ) { // Fill private slots first, then overflow into public slots
m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_FILLEDPRIVATE] += cPlayers; pClient->m_numPrivateSlotsUsed = cPlayers; cPlayers = 0; if ( m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_FILLEDPRIVATE] > m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_TOTALPRIVATE] ) { cPlayers = m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_FILLEDPRIVATE] - m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_TOTALPRIVATE]; pClient->m_numPrivateSlotsUsed -= cPlayers; m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_FILLEDPRIVATE] = m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_TOTALPRIVATE]; } } m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_FILLEDPUBLIC] += cPlayers; if ( m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_FILLEDPUBLIC] > m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_TOTALPUBLIC] ) { //Handle error
Warning( "Too many players!\n" ); } } else { // The cast to 'int' is needed since otherwise underflow will wrap around to very large
// numbers and the 'max' macro will do nothing.
m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_FILLEDPRIVATE] = max( 0, (int)( m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_FILLEDPRIVATE] - pClient->m_numPrivateSlotsUsed ) ); m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_FILLEDPUBLIC] = max( 0, (int)( m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_FILLEDPUBLIC] - ( pClient->m_cPlayers - pClient->m_numPrivateSlotsUsed ) ) ); }
// Purpose: Join players on the local client
void CSession::JoinLocal( const CClientInfo *pClient ) { uint nUserIndex[MAX_PLAYERS_PER_CLIENT] = {0}; bool bPrivate[MAX_PLAYERS_PER_CLIENT] = {0};
for( int i = 0; i < pClient->m_cPlayers; ++i ) { nUserIndex[i] = pClient->m_iControllers[i]; bPrivate[i] = pClient->m_bInvited; }
// X360TBD: Make async?
uint ret = g_pXboxSystem->SessionJoinLocal( m_hSession, pClient->m_cPlayers, nUserIndex, bPrivate, false ); if ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Handle error
Warning( "Failed to add local players\n" ); } else { UpdateSlots( pClient, true ); } }
// Purpose: Join players on a remote client
void CSession::JoinRemote( const CClientInfo *pClient ) { XUID xuids[MAX_PLAYERS_PER_CLIENT] = {0}; bool bPrivate[MAX_PLAYERS_PER_CLIENT] = {0};
for( int i = 0; i < pClient->m_cPlayers; ++i ) { xuids[i] = pClient->m_xuids[i]; bPrivate[i] = pClient->m_bInvited; }
// X360TBD: Make async?
uint ret = g_pXboxSystem->SessionJoinRemote( m_hSession, pClient->m_cPlayers, xuids, bPrivate, false ); if ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Handle error
Warning( "Join Remote Error\n" ); } else { UpdateSlots( pClient, true ); } }
// Purpose: Remove players on the local client
void CSession::RemoveLocal( const CClientInfo *pClient ) { uint nUserIndex[MAX_PLAYERS_PER_CLIENT] = {0};
for( int i = 0; i < pClient->m_cPlayers; ++i ) { nUserIndex[i] = pClient->m_iControllers[i]; }
// X360TBD: Make async?
uint ret = g_pXboxSystem->SessionLeaveLocal( m_hSession, pClient->m_cPlayers, nUserIndex, false ); if ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Handle error
Warning( "Failed to remove local players\n" ); } else { UpdateSlots( pClient, false ); } }
// Purpose: Remove players on a remote client
void CSession::RemoveRemote( const CClientInfo *pClient ) { XUID xuids[MAX_PLAYERS_PER_CLIENT] = {0};
for( int i = 0; i < pClient->m_cPlayers; ++i ) { xuids[i] = pClient->m_xuids[i]; }
// X360TBD: Make async?
uint ret = g_pXboxSystem->SessionLeaveRemote( m_hSession, pClient->m_cPlayers, xuids, false ); if ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Handle error
Warning( "Failed to remove remote players\n" ); } else { UpdateSlots( pClient, false ); } }
// Purpose: Create a new session
bool CSession::CreateSession() { if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != m_hSession ) { Warning( "CreateSession called on existing session!" ); DestroySession(); m_hSession = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
uint flags = m_nSessionFlags; if( m_bIsHost ) { flags |= XSESSION_CREATE_HOST; }
if ( flags & XSESSION_CREATE_USES_ARBITRATION ) { m_bIsArbitrated = true; }
m_hCreateHandle = g_pXboxSystem->CreateAsyncHandle();
// Create the session
uint ret = g_pXboxSystem->CreateSession( flags, XBX_GetPrimaryUserId(), m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_TOTALPUBLIC], m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_TOTALPRIVATE], &m_SessionNonce, &m_SessionInfo, &m_hSession, true, &m_hCreateHandle );
if( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS && ret != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { Warning( "XSessionCreate failed with error %d\n", ret ); return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose: Check for completion while creating a new session
void CSession::UpdateCreating() { DWORD ret = g_pXboxSystem->GetOverlappedResult( m_hCreateHandle, NULL, false ); if ( ret == ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE ) { // Still waiting
return; } else { SESSION_STATE nextState = SESSION_STATE_IDLE;
// Operation completed
SESSION_NOTIFY notification = IsHost() ? SESSION_NOTIFY_CREATED_HOST : SESSION_NOTIFY_CREATED_CLIENT; if ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Warning( "CSession: CreateSession failed. Error %d\n", ret );
g_pXboxSystem->ReleaseAsyncHandle( m_hCreateHandle );
SendNotification( notification ); SwitchToState( nextState ); } }
// Purpose: Cancel async session creation
void CSession::CancelCreateSession() { if ( m_SessionState != SESSION_STATE_CREATING ) return;
g_pXboxSystem->CancelOverlappedOperation( &m_hCreateHandle ); g_pXboxSystem->ReleaseAsyncHandle( m_hCreateHandle );
#ifndef POSIX
if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != m_hSession ) { CloseHandle( m_hSession ); m_hSession = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } #endif
// Purpose: Close an existing session
void CSession::DestroySession() { // TODO: Make this async
uint ret = g_pXboxSystem->DeleteSession( m_hSession, false ); if ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Warning( "Failed to delete session with error %d.\n", ret ); } }
// Purpose: Register for arbritation in a ranked match
void CSession::RegisterForArbitration() { uint bytes = 0; m_pRegistrationResults = NULL;
// Call once to determine size of results buffer
int ret = g_pXboxSystem->SessionArbitrationRegister( m_hSession, 0, m_SessionNonce, &bytes, NULL, false ); if ( ret != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { Warning( "Failed registering for arbitration\n" ); return; }
m_pRegistrationResults = (XSESSION_REGISTRATION_RESULTS*)new byte[ bytes ];
m_hRegisterHandle = g_pXboxSystem->CreateAsyncHandle();
ret = g_pXboxSystem->SessionArbitrationRegister( m_hSession, 0, m_SessionNonce, &bytes, m_pRegistrationResults, true, &m_hRegisterHandle ); if( ret != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { Warning( "Failed registering for arbitration\n" ); }
// Purpose: Check for completion of arbitration registration
void CSession::UpdateRegistering() { DWORD ret = g_pXboxSystem->GetOverlappedResult( m_hRegisterHandle, NULL, false ); if ( ret == ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE ) { // Still waiting
return; } else { SESSION_STATE nextState = SESSION_STATE_IDLE;
// Operation completed
SESSION_NOTIFY notification = SESSION_NOTIFY_REGISTER_COMPLETED; if ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Warning( "CSession: Registration failed. Error %d\n", ret );
g_pXboxSystem->ReleaseAsyncHandle( m_hRegisterHandle );
SendNotification( notification ); SwitchToState( nextState ); } }
// Purpose: Migrate the session to a new host
bool CSession::MigrateHost() { if ( IsHost() ) { // Migrate call will fill this in for us
Q_memcpy( &m_NewSessionInfo, &m_SessionInfo, sizeof( m_NewSessionInfo ) ); }
m_hMigrateHandle = g_pXboxSystem->CreateAsyncHandle();
int ret = g_pXboxSystem->SessionMigrate( m_hSession, m_nOwnerId, &m_NewSessionInfo, true, &m_hMigrateHandle ); if ( ret != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose: Check for completion while migrating a session
void CSession::UpdateMigrating() { DWORD ret = g_pXboxSystem->GetOverlappedResult( m_hMigrateHandle, NULL, false ); if ( ret == ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE ) { // Still waiting
return; } else { SESSION_STATE nextState = SESSION_STATE_IDLE;
// Operation completed
SESSION_NOTIFY notification = SESSION_NOTIFY_MIGRATION_COMPLETED; if ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Warning( "CSession: MigrateSession failed. Error %d\n", ret );
g_pXboxSystem->ReleaseAsyncHandle( m_hMigrateHandle );
SendNotification( notification ); SwitchToState( nextState ); } }
// Purpose: Change state
void CSession::SwitchToState( SESSION_STATE newState ) { m_SessionState = newState; }
// Purpose: Per-frame update
void CSession::RunFrame() { switch( m_SessionState ) { case SESSION_STATE_CREATING: UpdateCreating(); break; case SESSION_STATE_REGISTERING: UpdateRegistering(); break;
case SESSION_STATE_MIGRATING: UpdateMigrating(); break;
default: break; } }
// Accessors
HANDLE CSession::GetSessionHandle() { return m_hSession; } void CSession::SetSessionInfo( XSESSION_INFO *pInfo ) { memcpy( &m_SessionInfo, pInfo, sizeof( XSESSION_INFO ) ); } void CSession::SetNewSessionInfo( XSESSION_INFO *pInfo ) { memcpy( &m_NewSessionInfo, pInfo, sizeof( XSESSION_INFO ) ); } void CSession::GetSessionInfo( XSESSION_INFO *pInfo ) { Assert( pInfo ); memcpy( pInfo, &m_SessionInfo, sizeof( XSESSION_INFO ) ); } void CSession::GetNewSessionInfo( XSESSION_INFO *pInfo ) { Assert( pInfo ); memcpy( pInfo, &m_NewSessionInfo, sizeof( XSESSION_INFO ) ); } void CSession::SetSessionNonce( int64 nonce ) { m_SessionNonce = nonce; } uint64 CSession::GetSessionNonce() { return m_SessionNonce; } XNKID CSession::GetSessionId() { return m_SessionInfo.sessionID; } void CSession::SetSessionSlots(unsigned int nSlot, unsigned int nPlayers) { Assert( nSlot < SLOTS_LAST ); m_nPlayerSlots[nSlot] = nPlayers; } unsigned int CSession::GetSessionSlots( unsigned int nSlot ) { Assert( nSlot < SLOTS_LAST ); return m_nPlayerSlots[nSlot]; } void CSession::SetSessionFlags( uint flags ) { m_nSessionFlags = flags; } uint CSession::GetSessionFlags() { return m_nSessionFlags; } int CSession::GetPlayerCount() { return m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_FILLEDPRIVATE] + m_nPlayerSlots[SLOTS_FILLEDPUBLIC]; } void CSession::SetFlag( uint nFlag ) { m_nSessionFlags |= nFlag; } void CSession::SetIsHost( bool bHost ) { m_bIsHost = bHost; } void CSession::SetIsSystemLink( bool bSystemLink ) { m_bIsSystemLink = bSystemLink; } void CSession::SetOwnerId( uint id ) { m_nOwnerId = id; } bool CSession::IsHost() { return m_bIsHost; } bool CSession::IsFull() { return ( GetSessionSlots( SLOTS_TOTALPRIVATE ) == GetSessionSlots( SLOTS_FILLEDPRIVATE ) && GetSessionSlots( SLOTS_TOTALPUBLIC ) == GetSessionSlots( SLOTS_FILLEDPUBLIC ) ); } bool CSession::IsArbitrated() { return m_bIsArbitrated; } bool CSession::IsSystemLink() { return m_bIsSystemLink; } void CSession::SetParent( CMatchmaking *pParent ) { m_pParent = pParent; } double CSession::GetTime() { return Plat_FloatTime(); }