//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $NoKeywords: $
// HDRFIXME: reduce the number of include files here.
#include "render_pch.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "cdll_int.h"
#include "lightcache.h"
#include "client_class.h"
#include "icliententitylist.h"
#include "traceinit.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "ispatialpartitioninternal.h"
#include "cdll_engine_int.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "filesystem_engine.h"
#include "ivtex.h"
#include "materialsystem/itexture.h"
#include "view.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier2/fileutils.h"
#include "staticpropmgr.h"
#include "icliententity.h"
#include "gl_drawlights.h"
#include "Overlay.h"
#include "vmodes.h"
#include "gl_cvars.h"
#include "utlbuffer.h"
#include "vtf/vtf.h"
#include "bitmap/imageformat.h"
#include "cbenchmark.h"
#include "r_decal.h"
#include "ivideomode.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "dmxloader/dmxelement.h"
#include "dmxloader/dmxloader.h"
#include "bitmap/float_bm.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "../utils/common/bsplib.h"
#include "ibsppack.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// putting this here so that it is replicated to the client.dll and materialsystem.dll
ConVar dynamic_tonemap( "mat_dynamic_tonemapping", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar building_cubemaps( "building_cubemaps", "0" ); ConVar reload_materials( "reload_materials", "0" ); ConVar r_DrawBeams( "r_DrawBeams", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe" );
static ConVar mat_force_tonemap_scale( "mat_force_tonemap_scale", "0.0", FCVAR_CHEAT );
static const char *facingName[6] = { "rt", "lf", "bk", "ft", "up", "dn" };
// Load, unload vtex
IVTex* VTex_Load( CSysModule** pModule ) { // load the vtex dll
IVTex *pIVTex = NULL; *pModule = FileSystem_LoadModule( "vtex_dll" ); if ( *pModule ) { CreateInterfaceFn factory = Sys_GetFactory( *pModule ); if ( factory ) { pIVTex = ( IVTex * )factory( IVTEX_VERSION_STRING, NULL ); } }
if ( !pIVTex ) { ConMsg( "Can't load vtex_dll.dll\n" ); }
return pIVTex; }
void VTex_Unload( CSysModule *pModule ) { FileSystem_UnloadModule( pModule ); }
// Main entry point for taking cubemap snapshots
static void TakeCubemapSnapshot( const Vector &origin, const char *pFileNameBase, int screenBufSize, int tgaSize, bool bPFM ) { if ( IsX360() ) return;
if ( g_LostVideoMemory ) return;
ITexture *pSaveRenderTarget = NULL; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
// HDRFIXME: push/pop
if( bPFM ) { pSaveRenderTarget = pRenderContext->GetRenderTarget(); pRenderContext->SetRenderTarget( NULL ); }
// If this is lower than the size of the render target (I think) we don't get water.
screenBufSize = 512; char name[1024]; CViewSetup view; memset( &view, 0, sizeof(view) ); view.origin = origin; view.m_flAspectRatio = 1.0f; view.m_bRenderToSubrectOfLargerScreen = true;
// garymcthack
view.zNear = 8.0f; view.zFar = 28400.0f;
view.x = 0; view.y = 0;
view.width = ( float )screenBufSize; view.height = ( float )screenBufSize;
const char *pExtension = ".tga"; if( bPFM ) { pExtension = ".pfm"; }
if( bPFM ) { int backbufferWidth, backbufferHeight; materials->GetBackBufferDimensions( backbufferWidth, backbufferHeight ); pRenderContext->Viewport( 0, 0, backbufferWidth, backbufferHeight ); pRenderContext->ClearColor3ub( 128, 128, 128 ); pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, true ); }
int nFlags = VIEW_CLEAR_COLOR | VIEW_CLEAR_DEPTH; // NOTE: This is for a workaround on ATI with building cubemaps.
// Clearing just the viewport doesn't seem to work properly.
nFlags |= VIEW_CLEAR_FULL_TARGET; static float angle0[6]={0,0,0,0,-90,90}; static float angle1[6]={0,180,90,270,0,0}; static CubeMapFaceIndex_t face_idx[6]={CUBEMAP_FACE_RIGHT,CUBEMAP_FACE_LEFT, CUBEMAP_FACE_BACK,CUBEMAP_FACE_FRONT, CUBEMAP_FACE_UP,CUBEMAP_FACE_DOWN}; static int engine_cubemap_idx_to_fbm_idx[6]={4,3,0,2,5,1};
if (bPFM) { FloatCubeMap_t Envmap(tgaSize, tgaSize); for(int side=0;side<6;side++) { view.angles[0] = angle0[side]; view.angles[1] = angle1[side]; view.angles[2] = 0; view.fov = 90; view.fovViewmodel = 90; view.origin = origin; if (g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() == HDR_TYPE_INTEGER) { FloatBitMap_t &hdr_map=Envmap.face_maps[engine_cubemap_idx_to_fbm_idx[side]]; hdr_map.Clear(0,0,0,1); // we are going to need to render multiple exposures
float exposure=16.0; bool bOverExposedTexels=true; while( bOverExposedTexels && (exposure>0.05)) { mat_force_tonemap_scale.SetValue(0.0f); pRenderContext->ResetToneMappingScale( exposure ); g_ClientDLL->RenderView( view, nFlags, 0 ); uint8 *pImage = new uint8[ screenBufSize * screenBufSize * 4 ]; uint8 *pImage1 = new uint8[ tgaSize * tgaSize * 4 ]; // Get Bits from the material system
pRenderContext->ReadPixels( 0, 0, screenBufSize, screenBufSize, pImage, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888 );
ImageLoader::ResampleInfo_t info; info.m_pSrc = pImage; info.m_pDest = pImage1; info.m_nSrcWidth = screenBufSize; info.m_nSrcHeight = screenBufSize; info.m_nDestWidth = tgaSize; info.m_nDestHeight = tgaSize; info.m_flSrcGamma = 1.0f; info.m_flDestGamma = 1.0f;
if( !ImageLoader::ResampleRGBA8888( info ) ) { Sys_Error( "Can't resample\n" ); } FloatBitMap_t ldr_map(tgaSize,tgaSize); for(int x1=0;x1<tgaSize;x1++) for(int y1=0;y1<tgaSize;y1++) for(int c=0;c<3;c++) ldr_map.Pixel(x1,y1,c)=pImage1[c+4*(x1+tgaSize*y1)]*(1/255.0); delete[] pImage; delete[] pImage1; ldr_map.RaiseToPower(2.2); // gamma to linear
float scale=1.0/exposure; bOverExposedTexels=false; for(int x=0;x<hdr_map.Width;x++) for(int y=0;y<hdr_map.Height;y++) for(int c=0;c<3;c++) { float texel=ldr_map.Pixel(x,y,c); if (texel>0.98) bOverExposedTexels=true; texel*=scale; hdr_map.Pixel(x,y,c)=max(hdr_map.Pixel(x,y,c),texel); } exposure*=0.75; materials->SwapBuffers(); } Q_snprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "%s%s%s", pFileNameBase, facingName[side],pExtension ); // hdr_map.WritePFM(name);
} else { g_ClientDLL->RenderView( view, nFlags, 0 ); Q_snprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "%s%s%s", pFileNameBase, facingName[side],pExtension ); Assert( strlen( name ) < 1023 ); videomode->TakeSnapshotTGARect( name, 0, 0, screenBufSize, screenBufSize, tgaSize, tgaSize, bPFM, face_idx[side]); } } if (g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() == HDR_TYPE_INTEGER) { // FloatCubeMap_t OutEnvmap(tgaSize, tgaSize);
// for(int f=0;f<6;f++)
// OutEnvmap.face_maps[f].Clear(0,0,0,1);
// Envmap.Resample(OutEnvmap,15.0);
Q_snprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "%s", pFileNameBase); Envmap.WritePFMs( name ); // Q_snprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "%s_filtered", pFileNameBase);
// OutEnvmap.WritePFMs( name );
} else { for(int side=0;side<6;side++) { view.angles[0] = angle0[side]; view.angles[1] = angle1[side]; view.angles[2] = 0; view.fov = 90; view.fovViewmodel = 90; view.origin = origin; g_ClientDLL->RenderView( view, nFlags, 0 ); Q_snprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "%s%s%s", pFileNameBase, facingName[side],pExtension ); Assert( strlen( name ) < 1023 ); videomode->TakeSnapshotTGARect( name, 0, 0, screenBufSize, screenBufSize, tgaSize, tgaSize, bPFM, face_idx[side]); } } if( bPFM ) { materials->SwapBuffers(); } // HDRFIXME: push/pop
if( bPFM ) { pRenderContext->SetRenderTarget( pSaveRenderTarget ); } }
// Interface factory for VTex
void* CubemapsFSFactory( const char *pName, int *pReturnCode ) { if ( IsX360() ) return NULL;
if ( Q_stricmp( pName, FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION ) == 0 ) return g_pFileSystem;
return NULL; }
// Generates a cubemap .vtf from .TGA snapshots
static void BuildSingleCubemap( const char *pVTFName, const Vector &vecOrigin, int nSize, bool bHDR, const char *pGameDir, IVTex *ivt ) { if ( IsX360() ) return;
int nScreenBufSize = 4 * nSize; TakeCubemapSnapshot( vecOrigin, pVTFName, nScreenBufSize, nSize, bHDR );
char pTXTName[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_strncpy( pTXTName, pVTFName, sizeof(pTXTName) ); Q_SetExtension( pTXTName, ".txt", sizeof(pTXTName) );
// HDRFIXME: Make this go to a buffer instead.
FileHandle_t fp = g_pFileSystem->Open( pTXTName, "w" ); if( bHDR ) { g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "\"pfm\" \"1\"\n" ); // HDRFIXME: Make sure that we can mip and lod and get rid of this.
} // don't let any dest alpha creep into the image
g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "\"stripalphachannel\" \"1\"\n" ); g_pFileSystem->Close( fp );
if ( ivt ) { char *argv[64]; int iArg = 0; argv[iArg++] = ""; argv[iArg++] = "-quiet"; argv[iArg++] = "-UseStandardError"; // These are only here for the -currently released- version of vtex.dll.
argv[iArg++] = "-WarningsAsErrors"; argv[iArg++] = pTXTName; ivt->VTex( CubemapsFSFactory, pGameDir, iArg, argv ); }
g_pFileSystem->RemoveFile( pTXTName, NULL );
const char *pSrcExtension = bHDR ? ".pfm" : ".tga"; for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { char pTempName[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( pTempName, sizeof( pTempName ), "%s%s", pVTFName, facingName[i] ); Q_SetExtension( pTempName, pSrcExtension, sizeof(pTempName) ); g_pFileSystem->RemoveFile( pTempName, NULL ); } }
#if !defined( SWDS )
// Grab six views for environment mapping tests
CON_COMMAND( envmap, "" ) { if ( IsX360() ) return;
char base[ 256 ]; IClientEntity *world = entitylist->GetClientEntity( 0 );
if( world && world->GetModel() ) { Q_FileBase( modelloader->GetName( ( model_t *)world->GetModel() ), base, sizeof( base ) ); } else { Q_strncpy( base, "Env", sizeof( base ) ); }
int strLen = strlen( base ) + strlen( "cubemap_screenshots/" ) + 1; char *str = ( char * )_alloca( strLen ); Q_snprintf( str, strLen, "cubemap_screenshots/%s", base ); g_pFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( "cubemap_screenshots", "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH" );
TakeCubemapSnapshot( MainViewOrigin(), str, mat_envmapsize.GetInt(), mat_envmaptgasize.GetInt(), g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() != HDR_TYPE_NONE ); }
// Write lighting information to a DMX file
static void WriteLightProbe( const char *pBasePath, const LightingState_t& state, bool bHDR ) { char pFullPath[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( pFullPath, pBasePath, sizeof(pFullPath) ); Q_SetExtension( pFullPath, ".prb", sizeof(pFullPath) );
DECLARE_DMX_CONTEXT(); CDmxElement *pLightProbe = CreateDmxElement( "DmeElement" );
const char *pCubemap = pBasePath + Q_strlen( "materials/" ); CDmxElementModifyScope modify( pLightProbe ); pLightProbe->SetValue( "name", "lightprobe" ); pLightProbe->SetValue( "cubemap", pCubemap );
if ( bHDR ) { char pTemp[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( pTemp, sizeof(pTemp), "%s_hdr", pCubemap ); pLightProbe->SetValue( "cubemapHdr", pTemp ); }
CDmxAttribute *pAmbientCube = pLightProbe->AddAttribute( "ambientCube" ); CUtlVector< Vector >& vec = pAmbientCube->GetArrayForEdit<Vector>(); for ( int i = 0; i < 6 ; ++i ) { vec.AddToTail( state.r_boxcolor[i] ); }
CDmxAttribute *pLocalLightList = pLightProbe->AddAttribute( "localLights" ); CUtlVector< CDmxElement* >& lights = pLocalLightList->GetArrayForEdit<CDmxElement*>();
for ( int i = 0; i < state.numlights; ++i ) { CDmxElement* pLight = CreateDmxElement( "DmeElement" ); lights.AddToTail( pLight );
const dworldlight_t &wl = *state.locallight[i];
pLight->SetValue( "color", wl.intensity ); switch( wl.type ) { case emit_point: pLight->SetValue( "name", "Point" ); pLight->SetValue( "origin", wl.origin ); pLight->SetValue( "attenuation", Vector( wl.constant_attn, wl.linear_attn, wl.quadratic_attn ) ); pLight->SetValue( "maxDistance", wl.radius ); break;
case emit_spotlight: pLight->SetValue( "name", "Spot" ); pLight->SetValue( "origin", wl.origin ); pLight->SetValue( "direction", wl.normal ); pLight->SetValue( "attenuation", Vector( wl.constant_attn, wl.linear_attn, wl.quadratic_attn ) ); pLight->SetValue( "theta", 2.0f * acos( wl.stopdot ) ); pLight->SetValue( "phi", 2.0f * acos( wl.stopdot2 ) ); pLight->SetValue( "exponent", wl.exponent ? wl.exponent : 1.0f ); pLight->SetValue( "maxDistance", wl.radius ); break;
case emit_surface: pLight->SetValue( "name", "Spot" ); pLight->SetValue( "origin", wl.origin ); pLight->SetValue( "direction", wl.normal ); pLight->SetValue( "attenuation", Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) ); pLight->SetValue( "theta", 0.0f ); pLight->SetValue( "phi", 0.0f ); pLight->SetValue( "exponent", 1.0f ); pLight->SetValue( "maxDistance", wl.radius ); break;
case emit_skylight: pLight->SetValue( "name", "Directional" ); pLight->SetValue( "direction", wl.normal ); break; } }
CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); if ( SerializeDMX( buf, pLightProbe, pFullPath ) ) { g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( pFullPath, "MOD", buf ); }
CleanupDMX( pLightProbe ); }
// Grab an envmap @ the view position + write lighting information
CON_COMMAND( lightprobe, "Samples the lighting environment.\n" "Creates a cubemap and a file indicating the local lighting in a subdirectory called 'materials/lightprobes'\n." "The lightprobe command requires you specify a base file name.\n" ) { if ( IsX360() ) return;
if ( args.ArgC() < 2 ) { ConMsg( "sample_lighting usage: lightprobe <base file name> [cubemap dimension]\n" ); return; }
int nTGASize = mat_envmaptgasize.GetInt(); if ( args.ArgC() >= 3 ) { nTGASize = atoi( args[2] ); }
CSysModule *pModule; IVTex *pIVTex = VTex_Load( &pModule ); if ( !pIVTex ) return;
char pBasePath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( pBasePath, sizeof(pBasePath), "materials/lightprobes/%s", args[1] ); Q_StripFilename( pBasePath ); g_pFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( pBasePath, "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH" );
char pTemp[MAX_PATH]; char pMaterialSrcPath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( pTemp, sizeof(pTemp), "materialsrc/lightprobes/%s", args[1] ); GetModContentSubdirectory( pTemp, pMaterialSrcPath, sizeof(pMaterialSrcPath) ); Q_StripFilename( pMaterialSrcPath ); g_pFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( pMaterialSrcPath, NULL );
char pGameDir[MAX_OSPATH]; COM_GetGameDir( pGameDir, sizeof( pGameDir ) );
bool bHDR = g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() != HDR_TYPE_NONE; if ( bHDR ) { char pTemp2[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( pTemp2, sizeof(pTemp2), "materialsrc/lightprobes/%s_hdr", args[1] );
GetModContentSubdirectory( pTemp2, pMaterialSrcPath, sizeof(pMaterialSrcPath) ); BuildSingleCubemap( pMaterialSrcPath, MainViewOrigin(), nTGASize, true, pGameDir, pIVTex ); }
GetModContentSubdirectory( pTemp, pMaterialSrcPath, sizeof(pMaterialSrcPath) ); BuildSingleCubemap( pMaterialSrcPath, MainViewOrigin(), nTGASize, false, pGameDir, pIVTex );
VTex_Unload( pModule );
// Get the lighting at the point
LightingState_t lightingState; LightcacheGetDynamic_Stats stats; LightcacheGetDynamic( MainViewOrigin(), lightingState, stats );
Q_snprintf( pBasePath, sizeof(pBasePath), "materials/lightprobes/%s", args[1] ); WriteLightProbe( pBasePath, lightingState, bHDR ); }
static bool LoadSrcVTFFiles( IVTFTexture *pSrcVTFTextures[6], const char *pSkyboxBaseName ) { if ( IsX360() ) return false;
int i; for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { // !!! FIXME: This needs to open the vmt (or some other method) to find the correct LDR or HDR set of skybox textures! Look in vbsp\cubemap.cpp!
char srcVTFFileName[1024]; Q_snprintf( srcVTFFileName, sizeof( srcVTFFileName ), "materials/skybox/%s%s.vtf", pSkyboxBaseName, facingName[i] );
CUtlBuffer buf; if ( !g_pFileSystem->ReadFile( srcVTFFileName, NULL, buf ) ) return false;
pSrcVTFTextures[i] = CreateVTFTexture(); if (!pSrcVTFTextures[i]->Unserialize(buf)) { Warning("*** Error unserializing skybox texture: %s\n", pSkyboxBaseName ); return false; }
// NOTE: texture[0] is a side texture that could be 1/2 height, so allow this and also allow 4x4 faces
if ( ( ( pSrcVTFTextures[i]->Width() != pSrcVTFTextures[0]->Width() ) && ( pSrcVTFTextures[i]->Width() != 4 ) ) || ( ( pSrcVTFTextures[i]->Height() != pSrcVTFTextures[0]->Height() ) && ( pSrcVTFTextures[i]->Height() != pSrcVTFTextures[0]->Height()*2 ) && ( pSrcVTFTextures[i]->Height() != 4 ) ) || ( pSrcVTFTextures[i]->Flags() != pSrcVTFTextures[0]->Flags() ) ) { Warning("*** Error: Skybox vtf files for %s weren't compiled with the same size texture and/or same flags!\n", pSkyboxBaseName ); return false; } }
return true; }
void Cubemap_CreateDefaultCubemap( const char *pMapName, IBSPPack *iBSPPack ) { if ( IsX360() ) return;
// NOTE: This implementation depends on the fact that all VTF files contain
// all mipmap levels
ConVarRef skyboxBaseNameConVar( "sv_skyname" );
IVTFTexture *pSrcVTFTextures[6];
if ( !skyboxBaseNameConVar.IsValid() || !skyboxBaseNameConVar.GetString() ) { Warning( "Couldn't create default cubemap\n" ); return; }
const char *pSkyboxBaseName = skyboxBaseNameConVar.GetString();
if( !LoadSrcVTFFiles( pSrcVTFTextures, pSkyboxBaseName ) ) { Warning( "Can't load skybox file %s to build the default cubemap!\n", pSkyboxBaseName ); return; } Msg( "Creating default cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox %s...\n", pSkyboxBaseName ); // Figure out the mip differences between the two textures
int iMipLevelOffset = 0; int tmp = pSrcVTFTextures[0]->Width(); while( tmp > DEFAULT_CUBEMAP_SIZE ) { iMipLevelOffset++; tmp >>= 1; }
// Create the destination cubemap
IVTFTexture *pDstCubemap = CreateVTFTexture(); pDstCubemap->Init( DEFAULT_CUBEMAP_SIZE, DEFAULT_CUBEMAP_SIZE, 1, pSrcVTFTextures[0]->Format(), pSrcVTFTextures[0]->Flags() | TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP, pSrcVTFTextures[0]->FrameCount() );
// First iterate over all frames
for (int iFrame = 0; iFrame < pDstCubemap->FrameCount(); ++iFrame) { // Next iterate over all normal cube faces (we know there's 6 cause it's an envmap)
for (int iFace = 0; iFace < 6; ++iFace ) { // Finally, iterate over all mip levels in the *destination*
for (int iMip = 0; iMip < pDstCubemap->MipCount(); ++iMip ) { // Copy the bits from the source images into the cube faces
unsigned char *pSrcBits = pSrcVTFTextures[iFace]->ImageData( iFrame, 0, iMip + iMipLevelOffset ); unsigned char *pDstBits = pDstCubemap->ImageData( iFrame, iFace, iMip ); int iSize = pDstCubemap->ComputeMipSize( iMip ); int iSrcMipSize = pSrcVTFTextures[iFace]->ComputeMipSize( iMip + iMipLevelOffset );
// !!! FIXME: Set this to black until the LDR/HDR issues are fixed on line ~563 in this file
memset( pDstBits, 0, iSize ); continue;
if ( ( pSrcVTFTextures[iFace]->Width() == 4 ) && ( pSrcVTFTextures[iFace]->Height() == 4 ) ) // If texture is 4x4 square
{ // Force mip level 2 to get the 1x1 face
pSrcBits = pSrcVTFTextures[iFace]->ImageData( iFrame, 0, 2 ); iSrcMipSize = pSrcVTFTextures[iFace]->ComputeMipSize( 2 );
// Replicate 1x1 mip level across entire face
//memset( pDstBits, 0, iSize );
for ( int i = 0; i < ( iSize / iSrcMipSize ); i++ ) { memcpy( pDstBits + ( i * iSrcMipSize ), pSrcBits, iSrcMipSize ); } } else if ( pSrcVTFTextures[iFace]->Width() == pSrcVTFTextures[iFace]->Height() ) // If texture is square
{ if ( iSrcMipSize != iSize ) { Warning( "%s - ERROR! Cannot copy square face for default cubemap! iSrcMipSize(%d) != iSize(%d)\n", pSkyboxBaseName, iSrcMipSize, iSize ); memset( pDstBits, 0, iSize ); } else { // Just copy the mip level
memcpy( pDstBits, pSrcBits, iSize ); } } else if ( pSrcVTFTextures[iFace]->Width() == pSrcVTFTextures[iFace]->Height()*2 ) // If texture is rectangle 2x wide
{ int iMipWidth, iMipHeight, iMipDepth; pDstCubemap->ComputeMipLevelDimensions( iMip, &iMipWidth, &iMipHeight, &iMipDepth ); if ( ( iMipHeight > 1 ) && ( iSrcMipSize*2 != iSize ) ) { Warning( "%s - ERROR building default cube map! %d*2 != %d\n", pSkyboxBaseName, iSrcMipSize, iSize ); memset( pDstBits, 0, iSize ); } else { // Copy row at a time and repeat last row
memcpy( pDstBits, pSrcBits, iSize/2 ); //memcpy( pDstBits + iSize/2, pSrcBits, iSize/2 );
int nSrcRowSize = pSrcVTFTextures[iFace]->RowSizeInBytes( iMip + iMipLevelOffset ); int nDstRowSize = pDstCubemap->RowSizeInBytes( iMip ); if ( nSrcRowSize != nDstRowSize ) { Warning( "%s - ERROR building default cube map! nSrcRowSize(%d) != nDstRowSize(%d)!\n", pSkyboxBaseName, nSrcRowSize, nDstRowSize ); memset( pDstBits, 0, iSize ); } else { for ( int i = 0; i < ( iSize/2 / nSrcRowSize ); i++ ) { memcpy( pDstBits + iSize/2 + i*nSrcRowSize, pSrcBits + iSrcMipSize - nSrcRowSize, nSrcRowSize ); } } } } else { // ERROR! This code only supports square and rectangluar 2x wide
Warning( "%s - Couldn't create default cubemap because texture res is %dx%d\n", pSkyboxBaseName, pSrcVTFTextures[iFace]->Width(), pSrcVTFTextures[iFace]->Height() ); memset( pDstBits, 0, iSize ); return; } } } }
int flagUnion = 0; int i; for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { flagUnion |= pSrcVTFTextures[i]->Flags(); } bool bHasAlpha = ( ( flagUnion & ( TEXTUREFLAGS_ONEBITALPHA | TEXTUREFLAGS_EIGHTBITALPHA ) ) != 0 ); // Convert the cube to format that we can apply tools to it...
// ImageFormat originalFormat = pDstCubemap->Format();
pDstCubemap->ConvertImageFormat( IMAGE_FORMAT_DEFAULT, false );
if( !bHasAlpha ) { // set alpha to zero since the source doesn't have any alpha in it
unsigned char *pImageData = pDstCubemap->ImageData(); int size = pDstCubemap->ComputeTotalSize(); // in bytes!
unsigned char *pEnd = pImageData + size; for( ; pImageData < pEnd; pImageData += 4 ) { pImageData[3] = ( unsigned char )0; } }
// Fixup the cubemap facing
// Now that the bits are in place, compute the spheremaps...
// Convert the cubemap to the final format
pDstCubemap->ConvertImageFormat( IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5, false );
// Write the puppy out!
char dstVTFFileName[1024]; Q_snprintf( dstVTFFileName, sizeof( dstVTFFileName ), "materials/maps/%s/cubemapdefault.vtf", pMapName );
CUtlBuffer outputBuf; if (!pDstCubemap->Serialize( outputBuf )) { Warning( "Error serializing default cubemap %s\n", dstVTFFileName ); return; }
// spit out the default one.
iBSPPack->AddBufferToPack( dstVTFFileName, outputBuf.Base(), outputBuf.TellPut(), false );
// Clean up the textures
for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { DestroyVTFTexture( pSrcVTFTextures[i] ); } DestroyVTFTexture( pDstCubemap ); }
static void AddSampleToBSPFile( bool bHDR, mcubemapsample_t *pSample, const char *matDir, IBSPPack *iBSPPack ) { if ( IsX360() ) return;
char textureName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; const char *pHDRExtension = ""; if( bHDR ) { pHDRExtension = ".hdr"; } Q_snprintf( textureName, sizeof( textureName ), "%s/c%d_%d_%d%s.vtf", matDir, ( int )pSample->origin[0], ( int )pSample->origin[1], ( int )pSample->origin[2], pHDRExtension ); char localPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; if ( !g_pFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath_safe( textureName, "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH", localPath ) || !*localPath ) { Warning("vtex failed to compile cubemap!\n"); } else { Q_FixSlashes( localPath ); iBSPPack->AddFileToPack( textureName, localPath ); } g_pFileSystem->RemoveFile( textureName, "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH" ); }
=============== R_BuildCubemapSamples
Take a cubemap at each "cubemap" entity in the current map. =============== */ // HOLY CRAP THIS NEEDS TO BE CLEANED UP
//Added these to seperate from R_BuildCubemapSamples to a) clean it up abit and b) fix the issue where if it fails, mouse is disabled.
static bool saveShadows = true; static bool bDrawWater = true; static int nSaveLightStyle = -1; static int bSaveDrawBeams = true; static bool bSaveMatSpecular = true; static int nOldOcclusionVal = 1; static int nOldBloomDisable = 0; static int originaldrawMRMModelsVal = 1; void R_BuildCubemapSamples_PreBuild() { // disable the mouse so that it won't be recentered all the bloody time.
ConVarRef cl_mouseenable( "cl_mouseenable" ); if( cl_mouseenable.IsValid() ) { cl_mouseenable.SetValue( 0 ); } ConVarRef r_shadows( "r_shadows" ); saveShadows = true; if ( r_shadows.IsValid() ) { saveShadows = r_shadows.GetBool(); r_shadows.SetValue( 0 ); } // Clear the water surface.
ConVarRef mat_drawwater( "mat_drawwater" ); bDrawWater = true; if ( mat_drawwater.IsValid() ) { bDrawWater = mat_drawwater.GetBool(); mat_drawwater.SetValue( 0 ); } nSaveLightStyle = -1; ConVarRef r_lightstyleRef( "r_lightstyle" ); if ( r_lightstyleRef.IsValid() ) { nSaveLightStyle = r_lightstyleRef.GetInt(); r_lightstyleRef.SetValue( 0 ); R_RedownloadAllLightmaps(); }
bSaveDrawBeams = r_DrawBeams.GetInt(); r_DrawBeams.SetValue( 0 );
bSaveMatSpecular = mat_fastspecular.GetBool();
// ConVar *r_drawtranslucentworld = ( ConVar * )cv->FindVar( "r_drawtranslucentworld" );
// ConVar *r_drawtranslucentrenderables = ( ConVar * )cv->FindVar( "r_drawtranslucentrenderables" );
// bool bSaveDrawTranslucentWorld = true;
// bool bSaveDrawTranslucentRenderables = true;
// if( r_drawtranslucentworld )
// {
// bSaveDrawTranslucentWorld = r_drawtranslucentworld->GetBool();
// NOTE! : We use to set this to 0 for HDR.
// r_drawtranslucentworld->SetValue( 0 );
// }
// if( r_drawtranslucentrenderables )
// {
// bSaveDrawTranslucentRenderables = r_drawtranslucentrenderables->GetBool();
// NOTE! : We use to set this to 0 for HDR.
// r_drawtranslucentrenderables->SetValue( 0 );
// }
building_cubemaps.SetValue( 1 ); ConVarRef r_portalsopenall( "r_portalsopenall" ); if( r_portalsopenall.IsValid() ) { r_portalsopenall.SetValue( 1 ); }
nOldOcclusionVal = 1; ConVarRef r_occlusion( "r_occlusion" ); if( r_occlusion.IsValid() ) { nOldOcclusionVal = r_occlusion.GetInt(); r_occlusion.SetValue( 0 ); } ConVarRef mat_disable_bloom( "mat_disable_bloom" ); nOldBloomDisable = 0; if ( mat_disable_bloom.IsValid() ) { nOldBloomDisable = mat_disable_bloom.GetInt(); mat_disable_bloom.SetValue( 1 ); } ConVarRef drawMRMModelsCVar( "r_drawothermodels" ); if( drawMRMModelsCVar.IsValid() ) originaldrawMRMModelsVal = drawMRMModelsCVar.GetInt();
} void R_BuildCubemapSamples_PostBuild() { // re-enable the mouse.
ConVarRef cl_mouseenable( "cl_mouseenable" ); if( cl_mouseenable.IsValid() ) { cl_mouseenable.SetValue( 1 ); } ConVarRef r_shadows( "r_shadows" ); if( r_shadows.IsValid() ) { r_shadows.SetValue( saveShadows ); } ConVarRef mat_drawwater( "mat_drawwater" ); if ( mat_drawwater.IsValid() ) { mat_drawwater.SetValue( bDrawWater ); } if( bSaveMatSpecular ) { mat_fastspecular.SetValue( "1" ); } else { mat_fastspecular.SetValue( "0" ); }
ConVarRef r_lightstyleRef( "r_lightstyle" ); if( r_lightstyleRef.IsValid() ) { r_lightstyleRef.SetValue( nSaveLightStyle ); R_RedownloadAllLightmaps(); }
ConVarRef r_portalsopenall( "r_portalsopenall" ); if( r_portalsopenall.IsValid() ) { r_portalsopenall.SetValue( 0 ); } ConVarRef r_occlusion( "r_occlusion" ); if( r_occlusion.IsValid() ) { r_occlusion.SetValue( nOldOcclusionVal ); } ConVarRef mat_disable_bloom( "mat_disable_bloom" ); if ( mat_disable_bloom.IsValid() ) { mat_disable_bloom.SetValue( nOldBloomDisable); }
r_DrawBeams.SetValue( bSaveDrawBeams ); ConVarRef drawMRMModelsCVar( "r_drawothermodels" ); if( drawMRMModelsCVar.IsValid() ) { drawMRMModelsCVar.SetValue( originaldrawMRMModelsVal ); } building_cubemaps.SetValue( 0 );
} void R_BuildCubemapSamples( int numIterations ) { if ( IsX360() ) return;
// Make sure that the file is writable before building cubemaps.
Assert( g_pFileSystem->FileExists( cl.m_szLevelFileName, "GAME" ) ); if( !g_pFileSystem->IsFileWritable( cl.m_szLevelFileName, "GAME" ) ) { Warning( "%s is not writable!!! Check it out before running buildcubemaps.\n", cl.m_szLevelFileName ); return; }
int bounce; for( bounce = 0; bounce < numIterations; bounce++ ) { if( bounce == 0 ) { mat_fastspecular.SetValue( "0" ); } else { mat_fastspecular.SetValue( "1" ); } UpdateMaterialSystemConfig();
IClientEntity *world = entitylist->GetClientEntity( 0 );
if( !world || !world->GetModel() ) { ConDMsg( "R_BuildCubemapSamples: No map loaded!\n" ); R_BuildCubemapSamples_PostBuild(); return; }
int oldDrawMRMModelsVal = 1; ConVarRef drawMRMModelsCVar( "r_drawothermodels" ); if( drawMRMModelsCVar.IsValid() ) { oldDrawMRMModelsVal = drawMRMModelsCVar.GetInt(); drawMRMModelsCVar.SetValue( 0 ); }
bool bOldLightSpritesActive = ActivateLightSprites( true );
// load the vtex dll
CSysModule *pModule; IVTex *ivt = VTex_Load( &pModule ); if ( !ivt ) return;
char matDir[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( matDir, sizeof(matDir), "materials/maps/%s", cl.m_szLevelBaseName ); g_pFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( matDir, "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH" );
char pTemp[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( pTemp, sizeof(pTemp), "materialsrc/maps/%s", cl.m_szLevelBaseName );
char pMaterialSrcDir[MAX_PATH]; GetModContentSubdirectory( pTemp, pMaterialSrcDir, sizeof(pMaterialSrcDir) );
g_pFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( pMaterialSrcDir, NULL );
char gameDir[MAX_OSPATH]; COM_GetGameDir( gameDir, sizeof( gameDir ) );
model_t *pWorldModel = ( model_t *)world->GetModel(); int i; for( i = 0; i < pWorldModel->brush.pShared->m_nCubemapSamples; i++ ) { mcubemapsample_t *pCubemapSample = &pWorldModel->brush.pShared->m_pCubemapSamples[i];
int tgaSize = ( pCubemapSample->size == 0 ) ? mat_envmaptgasize.GetInt() : 1 << ( pCubemapSample->size-1 ); int screenBufSize = 4 * tgaSize; if ( (screenBufSize > videomode->GetModeWidth()) || (screenBufSize > videomode->GetModeHeight()) ) { Warning( "Cube map buffer size %d x %d is bigger than screen!\nRun at a higher resolution! or reduce your cubemap resolution (needs 4X)\n", screenBufSize, screenBufSize ); // BUGBUG: We'll leak DLLs/handles if we break out here, but this should be infrequent.
R_BuildCubemapSamples_PostBuild(); return; } }
bool bSupportsHDR = g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() != HDR_TYPE_NONE;
for( i = 0; i < pWorldModel->brush.pShared->m_nCubemapSamples; i++ ) { Warning( "bounce: %d/%d sample: %d/%d\n", bounce+1, numIterations, i+1, pWorldModel->brush.pShared->m_nCubemapSamples ); mcubemapsample_t *pCubemapSample = &pWorldModel->brush.pShared->m_pCubemapSamples[i];
char pVTFName[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_snprintf( pVTFName, sizeof( pVTFName ), "%s/c%d_%d_%d", pMaterialSrcDir, ( int )pCubemapSample->origin[0], ( int )pCubemapSample->origin[1], ( int )pCubemapSample->origin[2] );
int nTgaSize = ( pCubemapSample->size == 0 ) ? mat_envmaptgasize.GetInt() : 1 << ( pCubemapSample->size-1 ); BuildSingleCubemap( pVTFName, pCubemapSample->origin, nTgaSize, bSupportsHDR, gameDir, ivt ); }
ActivateLightSprites( bOldLightSpritesActive );
VTex_Unload( pModule );
// load the bsppack dll
IBSPPack *iBSPPack = NULL; pModule = FileSystem_LoadModule( "bsppack" ); if ( pModule ) { CreateInterfaceFn factory = Sys_GetFactory( pModule ); if ( factory ) { iBSPPack = ( IBSPPack * )factory( IBSPPACK_VERSION_STRING, NULL ); } } if( !iBSPPack ) { ConMsg( "Can't load bsppack.dll\n" ); R_BuildCubemapSamples_PostBuild(); return; }
iBSPPack->SetHDRMode( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() != HDR_TYPE_NONE );
iBSPPack->LoadBSPFile( g_pFileSystem, cl.m_szLevelFileName );
// Cram the textures into the bsp.
Q_snprintf( matDir, sizeof(matDir), "materials/maps/%s", cl.m_szLevelBaseName ); for ( i=0 ; i < pWorldModel->brush.pShared->m_nCubemapSamples ; i++ ) { mcubemapsample_t *pSample = &pWorldModel->brush.pShared->m_pCubemapSamples[i]; AddSampleToBSPFile( bSupportsHDR, pSample, matDir, iBSPPack ); } Cubemap_CreateDefaultCubemap( cl.m_szLevelBaseName, iBSPPack );
// Resolve levelfilename to absolute to ensure we are writing the exact file we loaded and not preferentially to
char szAbsFile[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( cl.m_szLevelFileName, NULL, szAbsFile, sizeof( szAbsFile ) ); if ( !*szAbsFile ) { ConMsg( "Failed to resolve absolute path of map: %s\n", cl.m_szLevelFileName ); R_BuildCubemapSamples_PostBuild(); return; } iBSPPack->WriteBSPFile( szAbsFile ); iBSPPack->ClearPackFile(); FileSystem_UnloadModule( pModule );
Cbuf_AddText( "restart setpos\n" ); }
// after map reloads, run any state that had to wait for map to reload
reload_materials.SetValue( 1 ); }
#if !defined( _X360 )
CON_COMMAND( buildcubemaps, "Rebuild cubemaps." ) { extern void V_RenderVGuiOnly();
bool bAllow = Host_AllowQueuedMaterialSystem(false);
// do this to force a frame to render so the material system syncs up to single thread mode
V_RenderVGuiOnly(); if ( args.ArgC() == 1 ) { R_BuildCubemapSamples( 1 ); } else if( args.ArgC() == 2 ) { R_BuildCubemapSamples( atoi( args[ 1 ] ) ); } else { ConMsg( "Usage: buildcubemaps [numBounces]\n" ); } Host_AllowQueuedMaterialSystem(bAllow); } #endif // SWDS