//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: implementation of the rcon client
// If we are going to include winsock.h then we need to disable protected_things.h
// or else we get many warnings.
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#ifdef POSIX
#include "net_ws_headers.h"
#define WSAGetLastError() errno
#if !defined( _X360 )
#include <winsock.h>
#include "winsockx.h"
#undef SetPort // winsock screws with the SetPort string... *sigh*8
#include <tier0/dbg.h>
#include "utlbuffer.h"
#include "cl_rcon.h"
#include "vprof_engine.h"
#include "proto_oob.h" // PORT_RCON define
#include "cmd.h"
#include "tier2/fileutils.h"
#include "zip/XUnzip.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
static CRConClient g_RCONClient; CRConClient & RCONClient() { return g_RCONClient; }
class CRPTClient : public CRConClient { typedef CRConClient BaseClass;
public: virtual void OnSocketAccepted( SocketHandle_t hSocket, const netadr_t & netAdr, void** ppData ) { BaseClass::OnSocketAccepted( hSocket, netAdr, ppData );
// Immediately try to start vprofiling
// Also, enable cheats on this client only
Cmd_SetRptActive( true ); StartVProfData(); }
virtual void OnSocketClosed( SocketHandle_t hSocket, const netadr_t & netAdr, void* pData ) { StopVProfData(); Cmd_SetRptActive( false ); BaseClass::OnSocketClosed( hSocket, netAdr, pData ); } };
static CRPTClient g_RPTClient; CRConClient & RPTClient() { return g_RPTClient; } #endif // ENABLE_RPT
static void RconAddressChanged_f( IConVar *pConVar, const char *pOldString, float flOldValue ) { #ifndef SWDS
ConVarRef var( pConVar ); netadr_t to;
const char *cmdargs = var.GetString(); if ( ( !cmdargs || !cmdargs[ 0 ] ) && cl.m_NetChannel ) { to = cl.m_NetChannel->GetRemoteAddress(); } else if ( !NET_StringToAdr( cmdargs, &to ) ) { Msg( "Unable to resolve rcon address %s\n", var.GetString() ); return; }
Msg( "Setting rcon_address: %s:%d\n", to.ToString( true ), to.GetPort() ); RCONClient().SetAddress( to ); #endif
static ConVar rcon_address( "rcon_address", "", FCVAR_SERVER_CANNOT_QUERY|FCVAR_DONTRECORD, "Address of remote server if sending unconnected rcon commands (format x.x.x.x:p) ", RconAddressChanged_f );
// Implementation of remote vprof
CRConVProfExport::CRConVProfExport() { }
void CRConVProfExport::AddListener() { }
void CRConVProfExport::RemoveListener() { }
void CRConVProfExport::SetBudgetFlagsFilter( int filter ) { }
int CRConVProfExport::GetNumBudgetGroups() { return m_Info.Count(); }
void CRConVProfExport::GetBudgetGroupInfos( CExportedBudgetGroupInfo *pInfos ) { memcpy( pInfos, m_Info.Base(), GetNumBudgetGroups() * sizeof(CExportedBudgetGroupInfo) ); }
void CRConVProfExport::GetBudgetGroupTimes( float times[IVProfExport::MAX_BUDGETGROUP_TIMES] ) { int nGroups = min( m_Times.Count(), (int)IVProfExport::MAX_BUDGETGROUP_TIMES ); memset( times, 0, nGroups * sizeof(float) ); nGroups = min( GetNumBudgetGroups(), nGroups ); memcpy( times, m_Times.Base(), nGroups * sizeof(float) ); }
void CRConVProfExport::PauseProfile() { // NOTE: This only has effect when testing on a listen server
// it shouldn't do anything in the wild. When drawing the budget panel
// this will cause the time spent doing so to not be counted
VProfExport_Pause(); }
void CRConVProfExport::ResumeProfile() { // NOTE: This only has effect when testing on a listen server
// it shouldn't do anything in the wild
VProfExport_Resume(); }
void CRConVProfExport::CleanupGroupData() { int nCount = m_Info.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { delete m_Info[i].m_pName; }
m_Info.RemoveAll(); }
void CRConVProfExport::OnRemoteGroupData( const void *data, int len ) { CUtlBuffer buf( data, len, CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY ); int nFirstGroup = buf.GetInt();
if ( nFirstGroup == 0 ) { CleanupGroupData(); } else { Assert( nFirstGroup == m_Info.Count() ); }
// NOTE: See WriteRemoteVProfGroupData in vprof_engine.cpp
// to see the encoding of this data
int nGroupCount = buf.GetInt(); int nBase = m_Info.AddMultipleToTail( nGroupCount ); char temp[1024]; for ( int i = 0; i < nGroupCount; ++i ) { CExportedBudgetGroupInfo *pInfo = &m_Info[nBase + i];
unsigned char red, green, blue, alpha; red = buf.GetUnsignedChar( ); green = buf.GetUnsignedChar( ); blue = buf.GetUnsignedChar( ); alpha = buf.GetUnsignedChar( ); buf.GetString( temp ); int nLen = Q_strlen( temp );
pInfo->m_Color.SetColor( red, green, blue, alpha ); char *pBuf = new char[ nLen + 1 ]; pInfo->m_pName = pBuf; memcpy( pBuf, temp, nLen+1 ); pInfo->m_BudgetFlags = 0; } }
void CRConVProfExport::OnRemoteData( const void *data, int len ) { // NOTE: See WriteRemoteVProfData in vprof_engine.cpp
// to see the encoding of this data
int nCount = len / sizeof(float); Assert( nCount == m_Info.Count() );
CUtlBuffer buf( data, len, CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY ); m_Times.SetCount( nCount ); memcpy( m_Times.Base(), data, nCount * sizeof(float) ); }
CON_COMMAND( vprof_remote_start, "Request a VProf data stream from the remote server (requires authentication)" ) { // TODO: Make this work (it might already!)
// RCONClient().StartVProfData();
CON_COMMAND( vprof_remote_stop, "Stop an existing remote VProf data request" ) { // TODO: Make this work (it might already!)
// RCONClient().StopVProfData();
CON_COMMAND_F( rpt_screenshot, "", FCVAR_HIDDEN | FCVAR_DONTRECORD ) { RPTClient().TakeScreenshot(); }
CON_COMMAND_F( rpt_download_log, "", FCVAR_HIDDEN | FCVAR_DONTRECORD ) { RPTClient().GrabConsoleLog(); } #endif // ENABLE_RPT
// Purpose: Constructor
#pragma warning ( disable : 4355 )
CRConClient::CRConClient() : m_Socket( this ) { m_bAuthenticated = false; m_iAuthRequestID = 1; // must start at 1
m_iReqID = 0; m_nScreenShotIndex = 0; m_nConsoleLogIndex = 0; }
#pragma warning ( default : 4355 )
// Purpose: Destructor
CRConClient::~CRConClient() { }
// Changes the password
void CRConClient::SetPassword( const char *pPassword ) { m_Socket.CloseAllAcceptedSockets(); m_Password = pPassword; }
void CRConClient::SetRemoteFileDirectory( const char *pDir ) { m_RemoteFileDir = pDir; m_nScreenShotIndex = 0; m_nConsoleLogIndex = 0; g_pFullFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( pDir, "MOD" ); }
// Purpose: set the addresss of the remote server
void CRConClient::SetAddress( const netadr_t &netAdr ) { m_Socket.CloseAllAcceptedSockets(); m_Address = netAdr; if ( m_Address.GetPort() == 0 ) { m_Address.SetPort( PORT_SERVER ); // override the port setting, by default rcon tries to bind to the same port as the server
} }
// Inherited from ISocketCreatorListener
bool CRConClient::ShouldAcceptSocket( SocketHandle_t hSocket, const netadr_t & netAdr ) { // Can't connect if we're already connected
return !IsConnected(); }
void CRConClient::OnSocketAccepted( SocketHandle_t hSocket, const netadr_t & netAdr, void** ppData ) { }
void CRConClient::OnSocketClosed( SocketHandle_t hSocket, const netadr_t & netAdr, void* pData ) { // reset state
m_bAuthenticated = false; m_iReqID = 0; m_iAuthRequestID = 1; // must start at 1
m_SendBuffer.Purge(); m_RecvBuffer.Purge(); }
// Connects to the address specified by SetAddress
bool CRConClient::ConnectSocket() { if ( m_Socket.ConnectSocket( m_Address, true ) < 0 ) { Warning( "Unable to connect to remote server (%s)\n", m_Address.ToString() ); return false; } return true; }
void CRConClient::CloseSocket() { m_Socket.CloseAllAcceptedSockets(); }
// Are we connected?
bool CRConClient::IsConnected() const { return m_Socket.GetAcceptedSocketCount() > 0; }
// Creates a listen server, connects to remote machines that connect to it
void CRConClient::CreateListenSocket( const netadr_t &netAdr ) { m_Socket.CreateListenSocket( netAdr ); }
void CRConClient::CloseListenSocket() { m_Socket.CloseListenSocket( ); }
// Purpose: send queued messages
void CRConClient::SendQueuedData() { SocketHandle_t hSocket = GetSocketHandle(); while ( m_SendBuffer.TellMaxPut() - m_SendBuffer.TellGet() > sizeof(int) ) { size_t nSize = *(int*)m_SendBuffer.PeekGet(); Assert( nSize >= m_SendBuffer.TellMaxPut() - m_SendBuffer.TellGet() - sizeof( int ) ); int ret = send( hSocket, (const char *)m_SendBuffer.PeekGet(), nSize + sizeof( int ), 0 ); if ( ret != -1 ) { m_SendBuffer.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, nSize + sizeof( int ) ); continue; }
if ( !SocketWouldBlock() ) { Warning( "Lost RCON connection, please retry command.\n"); CloseSocket(); } break; }
int nSizeRemaining = m_SendBuffer.TellMaxPut() - m_SendBuffer.TellGet(); if ( nSizeRemaining <= sizeof(int) ) { m_SendBuffer.Purge(); return; }
// In this case, we've still got queued messages to send
// Keep the portion of the buffer we didn't process for next time
CUtlBuffer tmpBuf; tmpBuf.Put( m_SendBuffer.PeekGet(), nSizeRemaining ); m_SendBuffer.Purge(); m_SendBuffer.Put( tmpBuf.Base(), tmpBuf.TellPut() ); }
// Purpose: parse received data
void CRConClient::ParseReceivedData() { m_RecvBuffer.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 );
int size = m_RecvBuffer.GetInt(); while ( size && size <= m_RecvBuffer.TellPut() - m_RecvBuffer.TellGet() ) { //DevMsg( "RCON: got packet %i long\n", size );
int reqID = m_RecvBuffer.GetInt(); int cmdID = m_RecvBuffer.GetInt(); // ignore the cmd id
// DevMsg( "RCON Cmd: <-- %i %i %i\n", reqID, cmdID, readLen );
switch( cmdID ) { case SERVERDATA_AUTH_RESPONSE: { if ( reqID == -1 ) // bad password
{ Msg( "Bad RCON password\n" ); m_bAuthenticated = false; } else { Assert( reqID == m_iAuthRequestID ); m_bAuthenticated = true; } char dummy[2]; m_RecvBuffer.GetString( dummy ); m_RecvBuffer.GetString( dummy ); } break;
case SERVERDATA_SCREENSHOT_RESPONSE: { int nDataSize = m_RecvBuffer.GetInt(); SaveRemoteScreenshot( m_RecvBuffer.PeekGet(), nDataSize ); m_RecvBuffer.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, nDataSize ); } break;
case SERVERDATA_CONSOLE_LOG_RESPONSE: { int nDataSize = m_RecvBuffer.GetInt(); SaveRemoteConsoleLog( m_RecvBuffer.PeekGet(), nDataSize ); m_RecvBuffer.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, nDataSize ); } break;
case SERVERDATA_VPROF_DATA: { int nDataSize = m_RecvBuffer.GetInt(); m_VProfExport.OnRemoteData( m_RecvBuffer.PeekGet(), nDataSize ); m_RecvBuffer.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, nDataSize ); } break;
case SERVERDATA_VPROF_GROUPS: { int nDataSize = m_RecvBuffer.GetInt(); m_VProfExport.OnRemoteGroupData( m_RecvBuffer.PeekGet(), nDataSize ); m_RecvBuffer.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, nDataSize ); } break;
case SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_STRING: { char pBuf[2048]; m_RecvBuffer.GetString( pBuf ); Msg( "%s", pBuf ); } break;
default: { // Displays a message from the server
int strLen = m_RecvBuffer.TellPut() - m_RecvBuffer.TellGet(); CUtlMemory<char> msg; msg.EnsureCapacity( strLen + 1 ); m_RecvBuffer.GetStringManualCharCount( msg.Base(), msg.Count() );
msg[ msg.Count() - 1 ] = '\0'; Msg( "%s", (const char *)msg.Base() ); m_RecvBuffer.GetStringManualCharCount( msg.Base(), msg.Count() ); // ignore the second string
} break; }
if ( m_RecvBuffer.TellPut() - m_RecvBuffer.TellGet() >= sizeof(int) ) { size = m_RecvBuffer.GetInt(); // read how much is in this packet
} else { size = 0; // finished the packet
} }
if ( size || (m_RecvBuffer.TellPut() - m_RecvBuffer.TellGet() > 0) ) { // In this case, we've got a partial message; we didn't get it all.
// Keep the portion of the buffer we didn't process for next time
CUtlBuffer tmpBuf; if ( m_RecvBuffer.TellPut() - m_RecvBuffer.TellGet() > 0 ) { tmpBuf.Put( m_RecvBuffer.PeekGet(), m_RecvBuffer.TellPut() - m_RecvBuffer.TellGet() ); } m_RecvBuffer.Purge(); if ( size > 0 ) { m_RecvBuffer.PutInt( size ); } if ( tmpBuf.TellPut() > 0 ) { m_RecvBuffer.Put( tmpBuf.Base(), tmpBuf.TellPut() ); } } else { m_RecvBuffer.Purge(); } }
// Purpose: check for any server responses
void CRConClient::RunFrame() { m_Socket.RunFrame();
if ( !IsConnected() ) return;
SocketHandle_t hSocket = GetSocketHandle(); char ch; int pendingLen = recv( hSocket, &ch, sizeof(ch), MSG_PEEK ); if ( pendingLen == -1 && SocketWouldBlock() ) return;
if ( pendingLen == 0 ) // socket got closed
{ CloseSocket(); return; } if ( pendingLen < 0 ) { CloseSocket(); Warning( "Lost RCON connection, please retry command (%s)\n", NET_ErrorString( WSAGetLastError() ) ); return; }
// find out how much we have to read
unsigned long readLen = 0; ioctlsocket( hSocket, FIONREAD, &readLen ); if ( readLen <= sizeof(int) ) return;
// we have a command to process
// Read data into a utlbuffer
m_RecvBuffer.EnsureCapacity( m_RecvBuffer.TellPut() + readLen + 1 ); char *recvbuffer = (char *)_alloca( min( 1024ul, readLen + 1 ) ); unsigned int len = 0; while ( len < readLen ) { int recvLen = recv( hSocket, recvbuffer , min( 1024ul, readLen - len ) , 0 ); if ( recvLen == 0 ) // socket was closed
{ CloseSocket(); break; } if ( recvLen < 0 && !SocketWouldBlock() ) { Warning( "RCON Cmd: recv error (%s)\n", NET_ErrorString( WSAGetLastError() ) ); break; }
m_RecvBuffer.Put( recvbuffer, recvLen ); len += recvLen; } ParseReceivedData(); }
// Purpose: send a response to the server
void CRConClient::SendResponse( CUtlBuffer &response, bool bAutoAuthenticate ) { if ( bAutoAuthenticate && !IsAuthenticated() ) { Authenticate(); if ( IsConnected() ) { m_SendBuffer.Put( response.Base(), response.TellMaxPut() ); } return; }
int ret = send( GetSocketHandle(), (const char *)response.Base(), response.TellMaxPut(), 0 ); if ( ret == -1 ) { if ( SocketWouldBlock() ) { m_SendBuffer.Put( response.Base(), response.TellMaxPut() ); } else { Warning( "Lost RCON connection, please retry command\n" ); CloseSocket(); } } }
// Purpose: builds a simple command to send to the server
void CRConClient::BuildResponse( CUtlBuffer &response, ServerDataRequestType_t msg, const char *pString1, const char *pString2 ) { // build the response
response.PutInt(0); // the size, filled in below
response.PutInt(m_iReqID++); response.PutInt(msg); response.PutString(pString1); response.PutString(pString2); int nSize = response.TellPut() - sizeof(int); response.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 ); response.PutInt( nSize ); // the size
response.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, nSize ); }
// Purpose: authenticate ourselves
void CRConClient::Authenticate() { CUtlBuffer response;
// build the response
response.PutInt(0); // the size, filled in below
response.PutInt(++m_iAuthRequestID); response.PutInt(SERVERDATA_AUTH); response.PutString( m_Password.Get() );
// Use the otherwise-empty second string for the userid. The server will use this to
// exec "mp_disable_autokick <userid>" upon successful authentication.
bool addedUserID = false; if ( cl.IsConnected() ) { if ( cl.m_nPlayerSlot < cl.m_nMaxClients && cl.m_nPlayerSlot >= 0 ) { Assert( cl.m_pUserInfoTable ); if ( cl.m_pUserInfoTable ) { player_info_t *pi = (player_info_t*) cl.m_pUserInfoTable->GetStringUserData( cl.m_nPlayerSlot, NULL ); if ( pi ) { addedUserID = true; // Fixup from network order (little endian)
response.PutString( va( "%d", LittleLong( pi->userID ) ) ); } } } }
if ( !addedUserID ) { response.PutString( "" ); } int size = response.TellPut() - sizeof(int); response.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 ); response.PutInt(size); // the size
response.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, size );
SendResponse( response, false ); }
// Purpose: send an rcon command to a connected server
void CRConClient::SendCmd( const char *msg ) { if ( !IsConnected() ) { if ( !ConnectSocket() ) return; }
CUtlBuffer response; BuildResponse( response, SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND, msg, "" ); SendResponse( response ); }
// Purpose: Start vprofiling
void CRConClient::StartVProfData() { if ( !IsConnected() ) { if ( !ConnectSocket() ) return; }
// Override the vprof export to point to our local profiling data
OverrideVProfExport( &m_VProfExport );
CUtlBuffer response; BuildResponse( response, SERVERDATA_VPROF, "", "" ); SendResponse( response ); }
// Purpose: Stop vprofiling
void CRConClient::StopVProfData() { // Reset the vprof export to point to the normal profiling data
ResetVProfExport( &m_VProfExport );
// Don't bother restarting a connection to turn this off
if ( !IsConnected() ) return;
CUtlBuffer response; BuildResponse( response, SERVERDATA_REMOVE_VPROF, "", "" ); SendResponse( response ); }
// Purpose: get data from the server
void CRConClient::TakeScreenshot() { if ( !IsConnected() ) { if ( !ConnectSocket() ) return; }
CUtlBuffer response; BuildResponse( response, SERVERDATA_TAKE_SCREENSHOT, "", "" ); SendResponse( response ); }
void CRConClient::GrabConsoleLog() { if ( !IsConnected() ) { if ( !ConnectSocket() ) return; }
CUtlBuffer response; BuildResponse( response, SERVERDATA_SEND_CONSOLE_LOG, "", "" ); SendResponse( response ); }
// We've got data from the server, save it
void CRConClient::SaveRemoteScreenshot( const void* pBuffer, int nBufLen ) { char pScreenshotPath[MAX_PATH]; do { Q_snprintf( pScreenshotPath, sizeof( pScreenshotPath ), "%s/screenshot%04d.jpg", m_RemoteFileDir.Get(), m_nScreenShotIndex++ ); } while ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( pScreenshotPath, "MOD" ) );
char pFullPath[MAX_PATH]; GetModSubdirectory( pScreenshotPath, pFullPath, sizeof(pFullPath) ); HZIP hZip = OpenZip( (void*)pBuffer, nBufLen, ZIP_MEMORY );
int nIndex; ZIPENTRY zipInfo; FindZipItem( hZip, "screenshot.jpg", true, &nIndex, &zipInfo ); if ( nIndex >= 0 ) { UnzipItem( hZip, nIndex, pFullPath, 0, ZIP_FILENAME ); } CloseZip( hZip ); }
void CRConClient::SaveRemoteConsoleLog( const void* pBuffer, int nBufLen ) { if ( nBufLen == 0 ) return;
char pLogPath[MAX_PATH]; do { Q_snprintf( pLogPath, sizeof( pLogPath ), "%s/console%04d.log", m_RemoteFileDir.Get(), m_nConsoleLogIndex++ ); } while ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( pLogPath, "MOD" ) );
char pFullPath[MAX_PATH]; GetModSubdirectory( pLogPath, pFullPath, sizeof(pFullPath) ); HZIP hZip = OpenZip( (void*)pBuffer, nBufLen, ZIP_MEMORY );
int nIndex; ZIPENTRY zipInfo; FindZipItem( hZip, "console.log", true, &nIndex, &zipInfo ); if ( nIndex >= 0 ) { UnzipItem( hZip, nIndex, pFullPath, 0, ZIP_FILENAME ); } CloseZip( hZip ); }