//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: net_chan.cpp: implementation of the CNetChan_t struct.
#include "../utils/bzip2/bzlib.h"
#include "net_chan.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "filesystem_engine.h"
#include "demo.h"
#include "convar.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "inetmsghandler.h"
#include "host.h"
#include "netmessages.h"
#include "tier0/vcrmode.h"
#include "tier0/etwprof.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "net_ws_headers.h"
#include "net_ws_queued_packet_sender.h"
#include "filesystem_init.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Construction/Destruction
ConVar net_showudp( "net_showudp", "0", 0, "Dump UDP packets summary to console" ); ConVar net_showtcp( "net_showtcp", "0", 0, "Dump TCP stream summary to console" ); ConVar net_blocksize( "net_maxfragments", NETSTRING( MAX_ROUTABLE_PAYLOAD ), 0, "Max fragment bytes per packet", true, FRAGMENT_SIZE, true, MAX_ROUTABLE_PAYLOAD );
static ConVar net_showmsg( "net_showmsg", "0", 0, "Show incoming message: <0|1|name>" ); static ConVar net_showfragments( "net_showfragments", "0", 0, "Show netchannel fragments" ); static ConVar net_showpeaks( "net_showpeaks", "0", 0, "Show messages for large packets only: <size>" ); static ConVar net_blockmsg( "net_blockmsg", "none", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Discards incoming message: <0|1|name>" ); static ConVar net_showdrop( "net_showdrop", "0", 0, "Show dropped packets in console" ); static ConVar net_drawslider( "net_drawslider", "0", 0, "Draw completion slider during signon" ); static ConVar net_chokeloopback( "net_chokeloop", "0", 0, "Apply bandwidth choke to loopback packets" ); static ConVar net_maxfilesize( "net_maxfilesize", "16", 0, "Maximum allowed file size for uploading in MB", true, 0, true, 64 ); static ConVar net_compresspackets( "net_compresspackets", "1", 0, "Use compression on game packets." ); static ConVar net_compresspackets_minsize( "net_compresspackets_minsize", "1024", 0, "Don't bother compressing packets below this size." ); static ConVar net_maxcleartime( "net_maxcleartime", "4.0", 0, "Max # of seconds we can wait for next packets to be sent based on rate setting (0 == no limit)." ); static ConVar net_maxpacketdrop( "net_maxpacketdrop", "5000", 0, "Ignore any packets with the sequence number more than this ahead (0 == no limit)" );
extern ConVar net_maxroutable;
extern int NET_ConnectSocket( int nSock, const netadr_t &addr ); extern void NET_CloseSocket( int hSocket, int sock = -1 ); extern int NET_SendStream( int nSock, const char * buf, int len, int flags ); extern int NET_ReceiveStream( int nSock, char * buf, int len, int flags );
// If the network connection hasn't been active in this many seconds, display some warning text.
#define CONNECTION_PROBLEM_TIME 4.0f // assume network problem after this time
#define FLIPBIT(v,b) if (v&b) v &= ~b; else v |= b;
// We only need to checksum packets on the PC and only when we're actually sending them over the network.
static bool ShouldChecksumPackets() { if ( !IsPC() ) return false;
return NET_IsMultiplayer(); }
bool CNetChan::IsLoopback() const { return remote_address.IsLoopback(); }
bool CNetChan::IsNull() const { return remote_address.GetType() == NA_NULL ? true : false; }
============================== CNetChan::Clear
============================== */ void CNetChan::Clear() { int i;
// clear waiting lists
for ( i=0; i<MAX_STREAMS; i++ ) { while ( m_WaitingList[i].Count() ) RemoveHeadInWaitingList( i );
if ( m_ReceiveList[i].buffer ) { delete[] m_ReceiveList[i].buffer; m_ReceiveList[i].buffer = NULL; } }
for( i=0; i<MAX_SUBCHANNELS; i++ ) { if ( m_SubChannels[i].state == SUBCHANNEL_TOSEND ) { int bit = 1<<i; // flip bit back since data was send yet
FLIPBIT(m_nOutReliableState, bit);
m_SubChannels[i].Free(); } else if ( m_SubChannels[i].state == SUBCHANNEL_WAITING ) { // data is already out, mark channel as dirty
m_SubChannels[i].state = SUBCHANNEL_DIRTY; } }
if ( m_bProcessingMessages ) { // ProcessMessages() needs to know we just nuked the receive list from under it or bad things ensue.
m_bClearedDuringProcessing = true; }
Reset(); }
void CNetChan::CompressFragments() { // We don't want this to go in the VCR file, because the compressed size can be different. The reason is
// that the bf_writes that contributed to this message may have uninitialized bits at the end of the buffer
// (for example if it uses only the first couple bits of the last byte in the message). If the
// last few bits are different, it can produce a different compressed size.
if ( !m_bUseCompression ) return;
if ( VCRGetMode() != VCR_Disabled ) return;
// write fragemnts for both streams
for ( int i=0; i<MAX_STREAMS; i++ ) { if ( m_WaitingList[i].Count() == 0 ) continue;
// get the first fragments block which is send next
dataFragments_t *data = m_WaitingList[i][0];
// if data is already compressed or too small, skip it
if ( data->isCompressed || (int)data->bytes < net_compresspackets_minsize.GetInt() ) continue;
// if we already started sending this block, we can't compress it anymore
if ( data->ackedFragments > 0 || data->pendingFragments > 0 ) continue;
//ok, compress it.
if ( data->buffer ) { CFastTimer compressTimer; compressTimer.Start();
// fragments data is in memory
unsigned int compressedSize = COM_GetIdealDestinationCompressionBufferSize_Snappy( data->bytes ); char * compressedData = new char[ compressedSize ];
if ( COM_BufferToBufferCompress_Snappy( compressedData, &compressedSize, data->buffer, data->bytes ) && ( compressedSize < data->bytes ) ) { compressTimer.End(); DevMsg("Compressing fragments (%d -> %d bytes): %.2fms\n", data->bytes, compressedSize, compressTimer.GetDuration().GetMillisecondsF() );
// copy compressed data but dont reallocate memory
Q_memcpy( data->buffer, compressedData, compressedSize );
data->nUncompressedSize = data->bytes; data->bytes = compressedSize; data->numFragments = BYTES2FRAGMENTS(data->bytes); data->isCompressed = true; }
delete [] compressedData; // free temp buffer
} else // it's a file
{ Assert( data->file != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE );
char compressedfilename[ MAX_OSPATH ]; int compressedFileSize = -1; FileHandle_t hZipFile = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE;
// check to see if there is a compressed version of the file
Q_snprintf( compressedfilename, sizeof(compressedfilename), "%s.ztmp", data->filename);
// check the timestamps
int compressedFileTime = g_pFileSystem->GetFileTime( compressedfilename ); int fileTime = g_pFileSystem->GetFileTime( data->filename );
if ( compressedFileTime >= fileTime ) { // compressed file is newer than uncompressed file, use this one
hZipFile = g_pFileSystem->Open( compressedfilename, "rb", NULL ); }
if ( hZipFile != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { // use the existing compressed file
compressedFileSize = g_pFileSystem->Size( hZipFile ); } else { // create compressed version of source file
unsigned int uncompressedSize = data->bytes; unsigned int compressedSize = COM_GetIdealDestinationCompressionBufferSize_Snappy( uncompressedSize ); char *uncompressed = new char[uncompressedSize]; char *compressed = new char[compressedSize]; // read in source file
g_pFileSystem->Read( uncompressed, data->bytes, data->file );
// compress into buffer
if ( COM_BufferToBufferCompress_Snappy( compressed, &compressedSize, uncompressed, uncompressedSize ) ) { // write out to disk compressed version
hZipFile = g_pFileSystem->Open( compressedfilename, "wb", NULL );
if ( hZipFile != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { DevMsg("Creating compressed version of file %s (%d -> %d)\n", data->filename, data->bytes, compressedSize); g_pFileSystem->Write( compressed, compressedSize, hZipFile ); g_pFileSystem->Close( hZipFile );
// and open zip file it again for reading
hZipFile = g_pFileSystem->Open( compressedfilename, "rb", NULL );
if ( hZipFile != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { // ok, now everything if fine
compressedFileSize = compressedSize; } } } delete [] uncompressed; delete [] compressed; }
if ( compressedFileSize > 0 ) { // use compressed file handle instead of original file
g_pFileSystem->Close( data->file ); data->file = hZipFile; data->nUncompressedSize = data->bytes; data->bytes = compressedFileSize; data->numFragments = BYTES2FRAGMENTS(data->bytes); data->isCompressed = true; } } } }
void CNetChan::UncompressFragments( dataFragments_t *data ) { if ( !data->isCompressed ) return;
// allocate buffer for uncompressed data, align to 4 bytes boundary
char *newbuffer = new char[PAD_NUMBER( data->nUncompressedSize, 4 )]; unsigned int uncompressedSize = data->nUncompressedSize;
// uncompress data
COM_BufferToBufferDecompress( newbuffer, &uncompressedSize, data->buffer, data->bytes );
Assert( uncompressedSize == data->nUncompressedSize );
// free old buffer and set new buffer
delete [] data->buffer; data->buffer = newbuffer; data->bytes = uncompressedSize; data->isCompressed = false; }
unsigned int CNetChan::RequestFile(const char *filename) { m_FileRequestCounter++;
if ( net_showfragments.GetInt() == 2 ) { DevMsg("RequestFile: %s (ID %i)\n", filename, m_FileRequestCounter ); }
m_StreamReliable.WriteUBitLong( net_File, NETMSG_TYPE_BITS ); m_StreamReliable.WriteUBitLong( m_FileRequestCounter, 32 ); m_StreamReliable.WriteString( filename ); m_StreamReliable.WriteOneBit( 1 ); // reqest this file
return m_FileRequestCounter; }
void CNetChan::RequestFile_OLD(const char *filename, unsigned int transferID) { Error( "Called RequestFile_OLD" ); }
void CNetChan::DenyFile(const char *filename, unsigned int transferID) { if ( net_showfragments.GetInt() == 2 ) { DevMsg("DenyFile: %s (ID %i)\n", filename, transferID ); }
m_StreamReliable.WriteUBitLong( net_File, NETMSG_TYPE_BITS ); m_StreamReliable.WriteUBitLong( transferID, 32 ); m_StreamReliable.WriteString( filename ); m_StreamReliable.WriteOneBit( 0 ); // deny this file
bool CNetChan::SendFile(const char *filename, unsigned int transferID) { // add file to waiting list
if ( remote_address.GetType() == NA_NULL ) return true;
if ( !filename ) return false;
const char *sendfile = filename; while( sendfile[0] && PATHSEPARATOR( sendfile[0] ) ) { sendfile = sendfile + 1; }
// Don't transfer exe, vbs, com, bat-type files.
if ( !IsValidFileForTransfer( sendfile ) ) return false;
if ( !CreateFragmentsFromFile( sendfile, FRAG_FILE_STREAM, transferID ) ) { DenyFile( sendfile, transferID ); // send host a deny message
return false; }
if ( net_showfragments.GetInt() == 2 ) { DevMsg("SendFile: %s (ID %i)\n", sendfile, transferID ); }
return true; }
void CNetChan::Shutdown(const char *pReason) { // send discconect
if ( m_Socket < 0 ) return;
Clear(); // free all buffers (reliable & unreliable)
if ( pReason ) { // send disconnect message
m_StreamUnreliable.WriteUBitLong( net_Disconnect, NETMSG_TYPE_BITS ); m_StreamUnreliable.WriteString( pReason ); Transmit(); // push message out
if ( m_StreamSocket ) { NET_CloseSocket( m_StreamSocket, m_Socket ); m_StreamSocket = 0; m_StreamActive = false; }
m_Socket = -1; // signals that netchannel isn't valid anymore
if ( m_MessageHandler ) { m_MessageHandler->ConnectionClosing( pReason ); m_MessageHandler = NULL; }
// free new messages
for (int i=0; i<m_NetMessages.Count(); i++ ) { Assert( m_NetMessages[i] ); delete m_NetMessages[i]; }
m_DemoRecorder = NULL;
if ( m_bProcessingMessages ) { NET_RemoveNetChannel( this, false ); // Delay the deletion or it'll crash in the message-processing loop.
m_bShouldDelete = true; } else { NET_RemoveNetChannel( this, true ); } }
CNetChan::CNetChan() { m_nSplitPacketSequence = 1; m_nMaxRoutablePayloadSize = MAX_ROUTABLE_PAYLOAD; m_bProcessingMessages = false; m_bShouldDelete = false; m_bClearedDuringProcessing = false; m_bStreamContainsChallenge = false; m_Socket = -1; // invalid
remote_address.Clear(); last_received = 0; connect_time = 0; m_nProtocolVersion = -1; // invalid
Q_strncpy( m_Name, "", sizeof(m_Name) );
m_MessageHandler = NULL; m_DemoRecorder = NULL;
m_StreamUnreliable.SetDebugName( "netchan_t::unreliabledata" ); m_StreamReliable.SetDebugName( "netchan_t::reliabledata" );
// Prevent the first message from getting dropped after connection is set up.
m_nOutSequenceNr = 1; // otherwise it looks like a
m_nInSequenceNr = 0; m_nOutSequenceNrAck = 0; m_nOutReliableState = 0; // our current reliable state
m_nInReliableState = 0; // last remote reliable state
// m_nLostPackets = 0;
m_ChallengeNr = 0;
m_StreamSocket = 0; m_StreamActive = false;
m_MaxReliablePayloadSize = NET_MAX_PAYLOAD;
m_FileRequestCounter = 0; m_bFileBackgroundTranmission = true; m_bUseCompression = false; m_nQueuedPackets = 0;
m_flRemoteFrameTime = 0; m_flRemoteFrameTimeStdDeviation = 0;
FlowReset(); }
CNetChan::~CNetChan() { Shutdown("NetChannel removed."); }
============== CNetChan::Setup
called to open a channel to a remote system ============== */ void CNetChan::Setup(int sock, netadr_t *adr, const char * name, INetChannelHandler * handler, int nProtocolVersion ) { Assert( name ); Assert ( handler );
m_Socket = sock;
if ( m_StreamSocket ) { NET_CloseSocket( m_StreamSocket ); m_StreamSocket = 0; }
// remote_address may be NULL for fake channels (demo playback etc)
if ( adr ) { remote_address = *adr; } else { remote_address.Clear(); // it's a demo fake channel
remote_address.SetType( NA_NULL ); } last_received = net_time; connect_time = net_time; Q_strncpy( m_Name, name, sizeof(m_Name) );
m_MessageHandler = handler; m_nProtocolVersion = nProtocolVersion;
m_DemoRecorder = NULL;
SetMaxBufferSize( false, NET_MAX_DATAGRAM_PAYLOAD );
SetMaxBufferSize( false, NET_MAX_DATAGRAM_PAYLOAD, true ); //Set up voice buffer
SetMaxBufferSize( true, NET_MAX_PAYLOAD );
// Prevent the first message from getting dropped after connection is set up.
m_nOutSequenceNr = 1; // otherwise it looks like a
m_nInSequenceNr = 0; m_nOutSequenceNrAck = 0; m_nOutReliableState = 0; // our current reliable state
m_nInReliableState = 0; // last remote reliable state
m_nChokedPackets = 0; m_fClearTime = 0.0; m_ChallengeNr = 0;
m_StreamSocket = 0; m_StreamActive = false;
m_ReceiveList[FRAG_NORMAL_STREAM].buffer = NULL; m_ReceiveList[FRAG_FILE_STREAM].buffer = NULL;
// init 8 subchannels
for ( int i=0; i<MAX_SUBCHANNELS; i++ ) { m_SubChannels[i].index = i; // set index once
m_SubChannels[i].Free(); } ResetStreaming();
if ( NET_IsMultiplayer() ) { m_MaxReliablePayloadSize = net_blocksize.GetInt(); } else { m_MaxReliablePayloadSize = NET_MAX_PAYLOAD; }
// tell message handler to register known netmessages
m_MessageHandler->ConnectionStart( this ); }
void CNetChan::ResetStreaming( void ) { m_SteamType = STREAM_CMD_NONE; m_StreamLength = 0; m_StreamReceived = 0; m_StreamSeqNr = 0; m_SteamFile[0] = 0; }
bool CNetChan::StartStreaming( unsigned int challengeNr ) { // reset stream state maschine
m_ChallengeNr = challengeNr; if ( !NET_IsMultiplayer() ) { m_StreamSocket = 0; return true; // streaming is done via loopback buffers in SP mode
#ifdef _XBOX
// We don't want to go into here because it'll eat up 192k extra memory in the client and server's m_StreamData.
Error( "StartStreaming not allowed on XBOX." ); #endif
m_StreamSocket = NET_ConnectSocket( m_Socket, remote_address ); m_StreamData.EnsureCapacity( NET_MAX_PAYLOAD );
return (m_StreamSocket != 0); }
void CNetChan::SetChallengeNr(unsigned int chnr) { m_ChallengeNr = chnr; }
unsigned int CNetChan::GetChallengeNr( void ) const { return m_ChallengeNr; }
void CNetChan::GetSequenceData( int &nOutSequenceNr, int &nInSequenceNr, int &nOutSequenceNrAck ) { nOutSequenceNr = m_nOutSequenceNr; nInSequenceNr = m_nInSequenceNr; nOutSequenceNrAck = m_nOutSequenceNrAck; }
void CNetChan::SetSequenceData( int nOutSequenceNr, int nInSequenceNr, int nOutSequenceNrAck ) { Assert( IsPlayback() );
m_nOutSequenceNr = nOutSequenceNr; m_nInSequenceNr = nInSequenceNr; m_nOutSequenceNrAck = nOutSequenceNrAck; }
void CNetChan::SetDemoRecorder(IDemoRecorder * recorder) { m_DemoRecorder = recorder; }
void CNetChan::SetTimeout(float seconds) { m_Timeout = seconds;
if ( m_Timeout > 3600.0f ) { m_Timeout = 3600.0f; // 1 hour maximum
} else if ( m_Timeout <= 0.0f ) { m_Timeout = -1.0f; // never time out (demo files)
} else if ( m_Timeout < CONNECTION_PROBLEM_TIME ) { m_Timeout = CONNECTION_PROBLEM_TIME; // allow at least this minimum
} }
void CNetChan::SetMaxBufferSize(bool bReliable, int nBytes, bool bVoice ) { // force min/max sizes 4-96kB
bf_write *stream; CUtlMemory<byte> *buffer;
if ( bReliable ) { stream = &m_StreamReliable; buffer = &m_ReliableDataBuffer; } else if ( bVoice == true ) { stream = &m_StreamVoice; buffer = &m_VoiceDataBuffer; } else { stream = &m_StreamUnreliable; buffer = &m_UnreliableDataBuffer; }
if ( buffer->Count() == nBytes ) return;
byte copybuf[NET_MAX_DATAGRAM_PAYLOAD]; int copybits = stream->GetNumBitsWritten(); int copybytes = Bits2Bytes( copybits );
if ( copybytes >= nBytes ) { ConMsg("CNetChan::SetMaxBufferSize: cant preserve exiting data %i>%i.\n", copybytes, nBytes ); return; }
if ( copybits > 0 ) { Q_memcpy( copybuf, buffer->Base(), copybytes ); }
MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); buffer->EnsureCapacity( nBytes );
if ( copybits > 0 ) { Q_memcpy( buffer->Base(), copybuf, copybytes ); }
stream->StartWriting( buffer->Base(), nBytes, copybits ); }
void CNetChan::SetFileTransmissionMode( bool bBackgroundMode ) { m_bFileBackgroundTranmission = bBackgroundMode; }
void CNetChan::SetCompressionMode( bool bUseCompression ) { m_bUseCompression = bUseCompression; }
void CNetChan::SetDataRate(float rate) { m_Rate = clamp( rate, (float) MIN_RATE, (float) MAX_RATE ); }
const char * CNetChan::GetName() const { return m_Name; }
const char * CNetChan::GetAddress() const { return remote_address.ToString(); }
int CNetChan::GetDropNumber() const { return m_PacketDrop; }
=============== CNetChan::CanPacket
Returns true if the bandwidth choke isn't active ================ */ bool CNetChan::CanPacket () const { // Never choke loopback packets.
if ( !net_chokeloopback.GetInt() && remote_address.IsLoopback() ) { return true; }
if ( HasQueuedPackets() ) { return false; }
return m_fClearTime < net_time; }
bool CNetChan::IsPlayback( void ) const { #if !defined(SWDS) && !defined(_XBOX)
return demoplayer->IsPlayingBack(); #else
return false; #endif
void CNetChan::FlowReset( void ) { Q_memset( m_DataFlow, 0, sizeof( m_DataFlow ) ); Q_memset( m_MsgStats, 0, sizeof( m_MsgStats ) ); }
void CNetChan::FlowNewPacket(int flow, int seqnr, int acknr, int nChoked, int nDropped, int nSize ) { netflow_t * pflow = &m_DataFlow[ flow ]; // if frame_number != ( current + 1 ) mark frames between as invalid
netframe_t *pframe = NULL;
if ( seqnr > pflow->currentindex ) { //
// The following loop must execute no more than NET_FRAMES_BACKUP times
// since that's the amount of storage in frame_headers & frames arrays,
// a malformed client packet pushing "seqnr" by 1,000,000 can cause this
// loop to watchdog.
for ( int i = pflow->currentindex + 1, numPacketFramesOverflow = 0; ( i <= seqnr ) && ( numPacketFramesOverflow < NET_FRAMES_BACKUP ); ++ i, ++ numPacketFramesOverflow ) { int nBackTrack = seqnr - i;
pframe = &pflow->frames[ i & NET_FRAMES_MASK ];
pframe->time = net_time; // now
pframe->valid = false; pframe->size = 0; pframe->latency = -1.0f; // not acknowledged yet
pframe->avg_latency = GetAvgLatency( FLOW_OUTGOING ); pframe->choked = 0; // not acknowledged yet
pframe->dropped = 0; pframe->m_flInterpolationAmount = 0.0f; Q_memset( &pframe->msggroups, 0, sizeof(pframe->msggroups) );
if ( nBackTrack < ( nChoked + nDropped ) ) { if ( nBackTrack < nChoked ) { pframe->choked = 1; } else { pframe->dropped = 1; } } }
pframe->dropped = nDropped; pframe->choked = nChoked; pframe->size = nSize; pframe->valid = true; pframe->avg_latency = GetAvgLatency( FLOW_OUTGOING ); pframe->m_flInterpolationAmount = m_flInterpolationAmount; } else { #if !defined( SWDS )
Assert( demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() || seqnr > pflow->currentindex ); #endif
pflow->totalpackets++; pflow->currentindex = seqnr; pflow->currentframe = pframe;
// updated ping for acknowledged packet
if ( acknr <= (m_DataFlow[aflow].currentindex - NET_FRAMES_BACKUP) ) return; // acknowledged packet isn't in backup buffer anymore
netframe_t * aframe = &m_DataFlow[aflow].frames[ acknr & NET_FRAMES_MASK ];
if ( aframe->valid && aframe->latency == -1.0f ) { // update ping for acknowledged packet, if not already acknowledged before
aframe->latency = net_time - aframe->time;
if ( aframe->latency < 0.0f ) aframe->latency = 0.0f; } }
void CNetChan::FlowUpdate(int flow, int addbytes) { netflow_t * pflow = &m_DataFlow[ flow ]; pflow->totalbytes += addbytes;
if ( pflow->nextcompute > net_time ) return;
pflow->nextcompute = net_time + FLOW_INTERVAL;
int totalvalid = 0; int totalinvalid = 0; int totalbytes = 0; float totallatency = 0.0f; int totallatencycount = 0; int totalchoked = 0;
float starttime = FLT_MAX; float endtime = 0.0f;
netframe_t *pprev = &pflow->frames[ NET_FRAMES_BACKUP-1 ];
for ( int i = 0; i < NET_FRAMES_BACKUP; i++ ) { // Most recent message then backward from there
netframe_t * pcurr = &pflow->frames[ i ];
if ( pcurr->valid ) { if ( pcurr->time < starttime ) starttime = pcurr->time;
if ( pcurr->time > endtime ) endtime = pcurr->time; totalvalid++; totalchoked += pcurr->choked; totalbytes += pcurr->size;
if ( pcurr->latency > -1.0f ) { totallatency += pcurr->latency; totallatencycount++; } } else { totalinvalid++; } pprev = pcurr; }
float totaltime = endtime - starttime;
if ( totaltime > 0.0f ) { pflow->avgbytespersec *= FLOW_AVG; pflow->avgbytespersec += ( 1.0f - FLOW_AVG ) * ((float)totalbytes / totaltime);
pflow->avgpacketspersec *= FLOW_AVG; pflow->avgpacketspersec += ( 1.0f - FLOW_AVG ) * ((float)totalvalid / totaltime); }
int totalPackets = totalvalid + totalinvalid; if ( totalPackets > 0 ) { pflow->avgloss *= FLOW_AVG; pflow->avgloss += ( 1.0f - FLOW_AVG ) * ((float)(totalinvalid-totalchoked)/totalPackets);
if ( pflow->avgloss < 0 ) pflow->avgloss = 0; pflow->avgchoke *= FLOW_AVG; pflow->avgchoke += ( 1.0f - FLOW_AVG ) * ((float)totalchoked/totalPackets); } if ( totallatencycount>0 ) { float newping = totallatency / totallatencycount ; pflow->latency = newping; pflow->avglatency*= FLOW_AVG; pflow->avglatency += ( 1.0f - FLOW_AVG ) * newping; } }
void CNetChan::SetChoked( void ) { m_nOutSequenceNr++; // sends to be done since move command use sequence number
m_nChokedPackets++; }
bool CNetChan::Transmit(bool onlyReliable ) { if ( onlyReliable ) m_StreamUnreliable.Reset();
return (SendDatagram( NULL ) != 0); }
bool CNetChan::IsFileInWaitingList( const char *filename ) { if ( !filename || !filename[0] ) return true;
for ( int stream=0; stream<MAX_STREAMS; stream++) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_WaitingList[stream].Count(); i++ ) { dataFragments_t * data = m_WaitingList[stream][i];
if ( !Q_strcmp( data->filename, filename ) ) return true; // alread in list
} }
return false; // file not found
void CNetChan::RemoveHeadInWaitingList( int nList ) { Assert( m_WaitingList[nList].Count() );
dataFragments_t * data = m_WaitingList[nList][0]; // get head
if ( data->buffer ) delete [] data->buffer; // free data buffer
if ( data->file != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { g_pFileSystem->Close( data->file ); data->file = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE; }
// data->fragments.Purge();
m_WaitingList[nList].FindAndRemove( data ); // remove from list
delete data; //free structure itself
bool CNetChan::CreateFragmentsFromBuffer( bf_write *buffer, int stream ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CNetChan::CreateFragmentsFromBuffer", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_OTHER_NETWORKING );
bf_write bfwrite; dataFragments_t *data = NULL;
// if we have more than one item in the waiting list, try to add the
// reliable data to the last item. that doesn't work with the first item
// since it may have been already send and is waiting for acknowledge
int count = m_WaitingList[stream].Count();
if ( count > 1 ) { // get last item in waiting list
data = m_WaitingList[stream][count-1];
int totalBytes = Bits2Bytes( data->bits + buffer->GetNumBitsWritten() );
totalBytes = PAD_NUMBER( totalBytes, 4 ); // align to 4 bytes boundary
if ( totalBytes < NET_MAX_PAYLOAD && data->buffer ) { // we have enough space for it, create new larger mem buffer
char *newBuf = new char[totalBytes];
Q_memcpy( newBuf, data->buffer, data->bytes );
delete [] data->buffer; // free old buffer
data->buffer = newBuf; // set new buffer
bfwrite.StartWriting( newBuf, totalBytes, data->bits ); } else { data = NULL; // reset to NULL
} }
// if not added to existing item, create a new reliable data waiting buffer
if ( !data ) { int totalBytes = Bits2Bytes( buffer->GetNumBitsWritten());
totalBytes = PAD_NUMBER( totalBytes, 4 ); // align to 4 bytes boundary
data = new dataFragments_t; data->bytes = 0; // not filled yet
data->bits = 0; data->buffer = new char[ totalBytes ]; data->isCompressed = false; data->nUncompressedSize = 0; data->file = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE; data->filename[0] = 0; bfwrite.StartWriting( data->buffer, totalBytes );
m_WaitingList[stream].AddToTail( data ); // that's it for now
// write new reliable data to buffer
bfwrite.WriteBits( buffer->GetData(), buffer->GetNumBitsWritten() );
// fill last bits in last byte with NOP if necessary
int nRemainingBits = bfwrite.GetNumBitsWritten() % 8; if ( nRemainingBits > 0 && nRemainingBits <= (8-NETMSG_TYPE_BITS) ) { bfwrite.WriteUBitLong( net_NOP, NETMSG_TYPE_BITS ); }
// update bit length
data->bits += buffer->GetNumBitsWritten(); data->bytes = Bits2Bytes(data->bits); // check if send as stream or with snapshot
data->asTCP = m_StreamActive && ( data->bytes > m_MaxReliablePayloadSize );
// calc number of fragments needed
data->numFragments = BYTES2FRAGMENTS(data->bytes); data->ackedFragments = 0; data->pendingFragments = 0;
return true; }
bool CNetChan::CreateFragmentsFromFile( const char *filename, int stream, unsigned int transferID ) { if ( IsFileInWaitingList( filename ) ) return true; // already scheduled for upload
const char *pPathID = "GAME";
if ( !g_pFileSystem->FileExists( filename, pPathID ) ) { ConMsg( "CreateFragmentsFromFile: '%s' doesn't exist.\n", filename ); return false; }
int totalBytes = g_pFileSystem->Size( filename, pPathID );
if ( totalBytes >= (net_maxfilesize.GetInt()*1024*1024) ) { ConMsg( "CreateFragmentsFromFile: '%s' size exceeds net_maxfilesize limit (%i MB).\n", filename, net_maxfilesize.GetInt() ); return false; } if ( totalBytes >= MAX_FILE_SIZE ) { ConMsg( "CreateFragmentsFromFile: '%s' too big (max %i bytes).\n", filename, MAX_FILE_SIZE ); return false; }
dataFragments_t *data = new dataFragments_t; data->bytes = totalBytes; data->bits = data->bytes * 8; data->buffer = NULL; data->isCompressed = false; data->nUncompressedSize = 0; data->file = g_pFileSystem->Open( filename, "rb", pPathID );
if ( data->file == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { ConMsg( "CreateFragmentsFromFile: couldn't open '%s'.\n", filename ); delete data; return false; }
data->transferID = transferID; Q_strncpy( data->filename, filename, sizeof(data->filename) );
m_WaitingList[stream].AddToTail( data ); // that's it for now
// check if send as stream or with snapshot
data->asTCP = false; // m_StreamActive && ( Bits2Bytes(data->length) > m_MaxReliablePayloadSize );
// calc number of fragments needed
data->numFragments = BYTES2FRAGMENTS(data->bytes); data->ackedFragments = 0; data->pendingFragments = 0;
return true; }
void CNetChan::SendTCPData( void ) { if ( m_WaitingList[FRAG_NORMAL_STREAM].Count() == 0 ) return; // nothing in line
dataFragments_t *data = m_WaitingList[FRAG_NORMAL_STREAM][0];
if ( !data->asTCP ) return; // not as TCP
if ( data->pendingFragments > 0 ) return; // already send, wait for ACK
// OK send it now
SendReliableViaStream( data ); }
bool CNetChan::SendSubChannelData( bf_write &buf ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CNetChan::SendSubChannelData", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_OTHER_NETWORKING );
subChannel_s *subChan = NULL; int i;
// find subchannl with data to send/resend:
for ( i=0; i<MAX_SUBCHANNELS; i++ ) { subChan = &m_SubChannels[i];
if ( subChan->state == SUBCHANNEL_TOSEND ) break; }
if ( i == MAX_SUBCHANNELS ) return false; // no data to send in any subchannel
// first write subchannel index
buf.WriteUBitLong( i, 3 );
// write fragemnts for both streams
for ( i=0; i<MAX_STREAMS; i++ ) { if ( subChan->numFragments[i] == 0 ) { buf.WriteOneBit( 0 ); // no data for this stream
continue; }
dataFragments_t *data = m_WaitingList[i][0];
buf.WriteOneBit( 1 ); // data follows:
unsigned int offset = subChan->startFraggment[i]*FRAGMENT_SIZE; unsigned int length = subChan->numFragments[i]*FRAGMENT_SIZE;
if ( (subChan->startFraggment[i]+subChan->numFragments[i]) == data->numFragments ) { // we are sending the last fragment, adjust length
int rest = FRAGMENT_SIZE - ( data->bytes % FRAGMENT_SIZE ); if ( rest < FRAGMENT_SIZE ) length -= rest; }
// if all fragments can be send within a single packet, avoid overhead (if not a file)
bool bSingleBlock = (subChan->numFragments[i] == data->numFragments) && ( data->file == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE );
if ( bSingleBlock ) { Assert( length == data->bytes ); Assert( length < NET_MAX_PAYLOAD ); Assert( offset == 0 );
buf.WriteOneBit( 0 ); // single block bit
// data compressed ?
if ( data->isCompressed ) { buf.WriteOneBit( 1 ); buf.WriteUBitLong( data->nUncompressedSize, MAX_FILE_SIZE_BITS ); } else { buf.WriteOneBit( 0 ); }
buf.WriteVarInt32( data->bytes ); } else { buf.WriteOneBit( 1 ); // uses fragments with start fragment offset byte
buf.WriteUBitLong( subChan->startFraggment[i], (MAX_FILE_SIZE_BITS-FRAGMENT_BITS) ); buf.WriteUBitLong( subChan->numFragments[i], 3 ); if ( offset == 0 ) { // this is the first fragment, write header info
if ( data->file != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { buf.WriteOneBit( 1 ); // file transmission net message stream
buf.WriteUBitLong( data->transferID, 32 ); buf.WriteString( data->filename ); } else { buf.WriteOneBit( 0 ); // normal net message stream
// data compressed ?
if ( data->isCompressed ) { buf.WriteOneBit( 1 ); buf.WriteUBitLong( data->nUncompressedSize, MAX_FILE_SIZE_BITS ); } else { buf.WriteOneBit( 0 ); }
buf.WriteUBitLong( data->bytes, MAX_FILE_SIZE_BITS ); // 4MB max for files
} }
// write fragments to buffer
if ( data->buffer ) { Assert( data->file == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ); // send from memory block
buf.WriteBytes( data->buffer+offset, length ); } else // if ( data->file != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE )
{ // send from file
Assert( data->file != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ); char * tmpbuf = (char*)_alloca( length ); // alloc on stack
g_pFileSystem->Seek( data->file, offset, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); g_pFileSystem->Read( tmpbuf, length, data->file ); buf.WriteBytes( tmpbuf, length ); }
if ( net_showfragments.GetBool() ) { ConMsg("Sending subchan %i: start %i, num %i\n", subChan->index, subChan->startFraggment[i], subChan->numFragments[i] ); }
subChan->sendSeqNr = m_nOutSequenceNr; subChan->state = SUBCHANNEL_WAITING; }
return true; }
bool CNetChan::ReadSubChannelData( bf_read &buf, int stream ) { dataFragments_t * data = &m_ReceiveList[stream]; // get list
int startFragment = 0; int numFragments = 0; unsigned int offset = 0; unsigned int length = 0; bool bSingleBlock = buf.ReadOneBit() == 0; // is single block ?
if ( !bSingleBlock ) { startFragment = buf.ReadUBitLong( MAX_FILE_SIZE_BITS-FRAGMENT_BITS ); // 16 MB max
numFragments = buf.ReadUBitLong( 3 ); // 8 fragments per packet max
offset = startFragment * FRAGMENT_SIZE; length = numFragments * FRAGMENT_SIZE; }
if ( offset == 0 ) // first fragment, read header info
{ data->filename[0] = 0; data->isCompressed = false; data->transferID = 0;
if ( bSingleBlock ) { // data compressed ?
if ( buf.ReadOneBit() ) { data->isCompressed = true; data->nUncompressedSize = buf.ReadUBitLong( MAX_FILE_SIZE_BITS ); } else { data->isCompressed = false; }
data->bytes = buf.ReadVarInt32(); } else { if ( buf.ReadOneBit() ) // is it a file ?
{ data->transferID = buf.ReadUBitLong( 32 ); buf.ReadString( data->filename, MAX_OSPATH ); }
// data compressed ?
if ( buf.ReadOneBit() ) { data->isCompressed = true; data->nUncompressedSize = buf.ReadUBitLong( MAX_FILE_SIZE_BITS ); } else { data->isCompressed = false; } data->bytes = buf.ReadUBitLong( MAX_FILE_SIZE_BITS ); }
if ( data->buffer ) { // last transmission was aborted, free data
delete [] data->buffer; data->buffer = NULL; ConDMsg( "Fragment transmission aborted at %i/%i from %s.\n", data->ackedFragments, data->numFragments, GetAddress() ); }
data->bits = data->bytes * 8; data->asTCP = false; data->numFragments = BYTES2FRAGMENTS(data->bytes); data->ackedFragments = 0; data->file = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE;
if ( bSingleBlock ) { numFragments = data->numFragments; length = numFragments * FRAGMENT_SIZE; }
if ( data->bytes > MAX_FILE_SIZE ) { // This can happen with the compressed path above, which uses VarInt32 rather than MAX_FILE_SIZE_BITS
Warning( "Net message exceeds max size (%u / %u)\n", MAX_FILE_SIZE, data->bytes ); // Subsequent packets for this transfer will treated as invalid since we never setup a buffer.
return false; }
data->buffer = new char[PAD_NUMBER(data->bytes, 4)]; } else { if ( data->buffer == NULL ) { // This can occur if the packet containing the "header" (offset == 0) is dropped. Since we need the header to arrive we'll just wait
// for a retry
// ConDMsg("Received fragment out of order: %i/%i\n", startFragment, numFragments );
return false; } } if ( (startFragment+numFragments) == data->numFragments ) { // we are receiving the last fragment, adjust length
int rest = FRAGMENT_SIZE - ( data->bytes % FRAGMENT_SIZE ); if ( rest < FRAGMENT_SIZE ) length -= rest; } else if ( ( startFragment + numFragments ) > data->numFragments ) { // a malicious client can send a fragment beyond what was arranged in fragment#0 header
// old code will overrun the allocated buffer and likely cause a server crash
// it could also cause a client memory overrun because the offset can be anywhere from 0 to 16MB range
// drop the packet and wait for client to retry
ConDMsg( "Received fragment chunk out of bounds: %i+%i>%i from %s\n", startFragment, numFragments, data->numFragments, GetAddress() ); return false; }
Assert ( (offset + length) <= data->bytes ); if ( length == 0 || ( offset + length > data->bytes ) ) { delete[] data->buffer; data->buffer = NULL; ConMsg("Malformed fragment ofs %i len %d, buffer size %d from %s\n", offset, length, PAD_NUMBER(data->bytes, 4), remote_address.ToString() ); return false; }
buf.ReadBytes( data->buffer + offset, length ); // read data
data->ackedFragments+= numFragments;
if ( net_showfragments.GetBool() ) ConMsg("Received fragments: start %i, num %i\n", startFragment, numFragments );
return true; }
void CNetChan::UpdateSubChannels() { // first check if there is a free subchannel
subChannel_s * freeSubChan = GetFreeSubChannel();
if ( freeSubChan == NULL ) return; //all subchannels in use right now
int i, nSendMaxFragments = m_MaxReliablePayloadSize / FRAGMENT_SIZE;
bool bSendData = false;
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_STREAMS; i++ ) { if ( m_WaitingList[i].Count() <= 0 ) continue;
dataFragments_s *data = m_WaitingList[i][0]; // get head
if ( data->asTCP ) continue;
int nSentFragments = data->ackedFragments + data->pendingFragments;
Assert( nSentFragments <= data->numFragments );
if ( nSentFragments == data->numFragments ) continue; // all fragments already send
// how many fragments can we send ?
int numFragments = min( nSendMaxFragments, data->numFragments - nSentFragments );
// if we are in file background transmission mode, just send one fragment per packet
if ( i == FRAG_FILE_STREAM && m_bFileBackgroundTranmission ) numFragments = min( 1, numFragments );
// copy fragment data into subchannel
freeSubChan->startFraggment[i] = nSentFragments; freeSubChan->numFragments[i] = numFragments; data->pendingFragments += numFragments;
bSendData = true;
nSendMaxFragments -= numFragments;
if ( nSendMaxFragments <= 0 ) break; }
if ( bSendData ) { // flip channel bit
int bit = 1<<freeSubChan->index;
FLIPBIT(m_nOutReliableState, bit);
freeSubChan->state = SUBCHANNEL_TOSEND; freeSubChan->sendSeqNr = 0; } }
#if 1
inline unsigned short BufferToShortChecksum( const void *pvData, size_t nLength ) { CRC32_t crc = CRC32_ProcessSingleBuffer( pvData, nLength );
unsigned short lowpart = ( crc & 0xffff ); unsigned short highpart = ( ( crc >> 16 ) & 0xffff );
return (unsigned short)( lowpart ^ highpart ); }
// If the CRC version ever is deemed to expensive, here's a quick xor version.
// It's probably not super robust.
inline unsigned short BufferToShortChecksum( const void *pvData, size_t nSize ) { const uint32 *pData = (const uint32 *)pvData;
unsigned short us = 0; while ( nSize >= sizeof( uint32 ) ) { us ^= ( *pData & 0xffff ); us ^= ( ( *pData >> 16 ) & 0xffff );
nSize -= sizeof( uint32 ); pData += sizeof( uint32 ); }
const byte *pbData = (const byte *)pData;
while ( nSize > 0 ) { us ^= *pbData; ++pbData; --nSize; }
return us; }
#if defined( _DEBUG ) || defined( MIN_ROUTABLE_TESTING )
static ConVar net_minroutable( "net_minroutable", "16", 0, "Forces larger payloads." ); #endif
=============== CNetChan::TransmitBits
tries to send an unreliable message to a connection, and handles the transmition / retransmition of the reliable messages.
A 0 length will still generate a packet and deal with the reliable messages. ================ */ int CNetChan::SendDatagram(bf_write *datagram) { ALIGN4 byte send_buf[ NET_MAX_MESSAGE ] ALIGN4_POST;
#ifndef NO_VCR
if ( vcr_verbose.GetInt() && datagram && datagram->GetNumBytesWritten() > 0 ) VCRGenericValueVerify( "datagram", datagram->GetBasePointer(), datagram->GetNumBytesWritten()-1 ); #endif
// Make sure for the client that the max routable payload size is up to date
if ( m_Socket == NS_CLIENT ) { if ( net_maxroutable.GetInt() != GetMaxRoutablePayloadSize() ) { SetMaxRoutablePayloadSize( net_maxroutable.GetInt() ); } }
// first increase out sequence number
// check, if fake client, then fake send also
if ( remote_address.GetType() == NA_NULL ) { // this is a demo channel, fake sending all data
m_fClearTime = 0.0; // no bandwidth delay
m_nChokedPackets = 0; // Reset choke state
m_StreamReliable.Reset(); // clear current reliable buffer
m_StreamUnreliable.Reset(); // clear current unrelaible buffer
m_nOutSequenceNr++; return m_nOutSequenceNr-1; }
// process all new and pending reliable data, return true if reliable data should
// been send with this packet
if ( m_StreamReliable.IsOverflowed() ) { ConMsg ("%s:send reliable stream overflow\n" ,remote_address.ToString()); return 0; } else if ( m_StreamReliable.GetNumBitsWritten() > 0 ) { CreateFragmentsFromBuffer( &m_StreamReliable, FRAG_NORMAL_STREAM ); m_StreamReliable.Reset(); }
bf_write send( "CNetChan_TransmitBits->send", send_buf, sizeof(send_buf) );
// Prepare the packet header
// build packet flags
unsigned char flags = 0;
// start writing packet
send.WriteLong ( m_nOutSequenceNr ); send.WriteLong ( m_nInSequenceNr );
bf_write flagsPos = send; // remember flags byte position
send.WriteByte ( 0 ); // write correct flags value later
if ( ShouldChecksumPackets() ) { send.WriteShort( 0 ); // write correct checksum later
Assert( !(send.GetNumBitsWritten() % 8 ) ); }
// Note, this only matters on the PC
int nCheckSumStart = send.GetNumBytesWritten();
send.WriteByte ( m_nInReliableState );
if ( m_nChokedPackets > 0 ) { flags |= PACKET_FLAG_CHOKED; send.WriteByte ( m_nChokedPackets & 0xFF ); // send number of choked packets
// always append a challenge number
// append the challenge number itself right on the end
send.WriteLong( m_ChallengeNr );
if ( SendSubChannelData( send ) ) { flags |= PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE; }
// Is there room for given datagram data. the datagram data
// is somewhat more important than the normal unreliable data
// this is done to allow some kind of snapshot behavior
// weather all data in datagram is transmitted or none.
if ( datagram ) { if( datagram->GetNumBitsWritten() < send.GetNumBitsLeft() ) { send.WriteBits( datagram->GetData(), datagram->GetNumBitsWritten() ); } else { ConDMsg("CNetChan::SendDatagram: data would overfow, ignoring\n"); } }
// Is there room for the unreliable payload?
if ( m_StreamUnreliable.GetNumBitsWritten() < send.GetNumBitsLeft() ) { send.WriteBits(m_StreamUnreliable.GetData(), m_StreamUnreliable.GetNumBitsWritten() ); } else { ConDMsg("CNetChan::SendDatagram: Unreliable would overfow, ignoring\n"); }
m_StreamUnreliable.Reset(); // clear unreliable data buffer
// On the PC the voice data is in the main packet
if ( !IsX360() && m_StreamVoice.GetNumBitsWritten() > 0 && m_StreamVoice.GetNumBitsWritten() < send.GetNumBitsLeft() ) { send.WriteBits(m_StreamVoice.GetData(), m_StreamVoice.GetNumBitsWritten() ); m_StreamVoice.Reset(); }
int nMinRoutablePayload = MIN_ROUTABLE_PAYLOAD;
#if defined( _DEBUG ) || defined( MIN_ROUTABLE_TESTING )
if ( m_Socket == NS_SERVER ) { nMinRoutablePayload = net_minroutable.GetInt(); } #endif
// Deal with packets that are too small for some networks
while ( send.GetNumBytesWritten() < nMinRoutablePayload ) { // Go ahead and pad some bits as long as needed
send.WriteUBitLong( net_NOP, NETMSG_TYPE_BITS ); }
// Make sure we have enough bits to read a final net_NOP opcode before compressing
int nRemainingBits = send.GetNumBitsWritten() % 8; if ( nRemainingBits > 0 && nRemainingBits <= (8-NETMSG_TYPE_BITS) ) { send.WriteUBitLong( net_NOP, NETMSG_TYPE_BITS ); }
// if ( IsX360() )
{ // Now round up to byte boundary
nRemainingBits = send.GetNumBitsWritten() % 8; if ( nRemainingBits > 0 ) { int nPadBits = 8 - nRemainingBits;
flags |= ENCODE_PAD_BITS( nPadBits ); // Pad with ones
if ( nPadBits > 0 ) { unsigned int unOnes = GetBitForBitnum( nPadBits ) - 1; send.WriteUBitLong( unOnes, nPadBits ); } } }
// FIXME: This isn't actually correct since compression might make the main payload usage a bit smaller
bool bSendVoice = IsX360() && ( m_StreamVoice.GetNumBitsWritten() > 0 && m_StreamVoice.GetNumBitsWritten() < send.GetNumBitsLeft() ); bool bCompress = false; if ( net_compresspackets.GetBool() ) { if ( send.GetNumBytesWritten() >= net_compresspackets_minsize.GetInt() ) { bCompress = true; } }
// write correct flags value and the checksum
flagsPos.WriteByte( flags );
// Compute checksum (must be aligned to a byte boundary!!)
if ( ShouldChecksumPackets() ) { const void *pvData = send.GetData() + nCheckSumStart; Assert( !(send.GetNumBitsWritten() % 8 ) ); int nCheckSumBytes = send.GetNumBytesWritten() - nCheckSumStart; unsigned short usCheckSum = BufferToShortChecksum( pvData, nCheckSumBytes ); flagsPos.WriteUBitLong( usCheckSum, 16 ); }
// Send the datagram
int bytesSent = NET_SendPacket ( this, m_Socket, remote_address, send.GetData(), send.GetNumBytesWritten(), bSendVoice ? &m_StreamVoice : 0, bCompress );
if ( bSendVoice || !IsX360() ) { m_StreamVoice.Reset(); }
if ( net_showudp.GetInt() && net_showudp.GetInt() != 2 ) { int mask = 63; char comp[ 64 ] = { 0 }; if ( net_compresspackets.GetBool() && bytesSent && ( bytesSent < send.GetNumBytesWritten() ) ) { Q_snprintf( comp, sizeof( comp ), " compression=%5u [%5.2f %%]", bytesSent, 100.0f * float( bytesSent ) / float( send.GetNumBytesWritten() ) ); } ConMsg ("UDP -> %12.12s: sz=%5i seq=%5i ack=%5i rel=%1i ch=%1i tm=%f rt=%f%s\n" , GetName() , send.GetNumBytesWritten() , ( m_nOutSequenceNr ) & mask , m_nInSequenceNr & mask , (flags & PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE) ? 1 : 0 , flags & PACKET_FLAG_CHALLENGE ? 1 : 0 , (float)net_time , (float)Plat_FloatTime() , comp ); }
// update stats
int nTotalSize = bytesSent + UDP_HEADER_SIZE;
FlowNewPacket( FLOW_OUTGOING, m_nOutSequenceNr, m_nInSequenceNr, m_nChokedPackets, 0, nTotalSize );
FlowUpdate( FLOW_OUTGOING, nTotalSize ); if ( m_fClearTime < net_time ) { m_fClearTime = net_time; }
// calculate net_time when channel will be ready for next packet (throttling)
// TODO: This doesn't exactly match size sent when packet is a "split" packet (actual bytes sent is higher, etc.)
double fAddTime = (float)nTotalSize / (float)m_Rate;
m_fClearTime += fAddTime;
if ( net_maxcleartime.GetFloat() > 0.0f ) { double m_flLatestClearTime = net_time + net_maxcleartime.GetFloat(); if ( m_fClearTime > m_flLatestClearTime ) { m_fClearTime = m_flLatestClearTime; } } m_nChokedPackets = 0; m_nOutSequenceNr++;
return m_nOutSequenceNr-1; // return send seq nr
bool CNetChan::ProcessControlMessage( int cmd, bf_read &buf) { char string[1024];
if ( cmd == net_NOP ) { return true; } if ( cmd == net_Disconnect ) { buf.ReadString( string, sizeof(string) ); m_MessageHandler->ConnectionClosing( string ); return false; } if ( cmd == net_File ) { unsigned int transferID = buf.ReadUBitLong( 32 );
buf.ReadString( string, sizeof(string) ); if ( buf.ReadOneBit() != 0 && IsValidFileForTransfer( string ) ) { m_MessageHandler->FileRequested( string, transferID ); } else { m_MessageHandler->FileDenied( string, transferID ); } return true; } ConMsg( "Netchannel: received bad control cmd %i from %s.\n", cmd, remote_address.ToString() ); return false; }
bool CNetChan::ProcessMessages( bf_read &buf ) { VPROF( "CNetChan::ProcessMessages" );
const char * showmsgname = net_showmsg.GetString(); const char * blockmsgname = net_blockmsg.GetString();
if ( !Q_strcmp(showmsgname, "0") ) { showmsgname = NULL; // dont do strcmp all the time
if ( !Q_strcmp(blockmsgname, "0") ) { blockmsgname = NULL; // dont do strcmp all the time
if ( net_showpeaks.GetInt() > 0 && net_showpeaks.GetInt() < buf.GetNumBytesLeft() ) { showmsgname = "1"; // show messages for this packet only
bf_read democopy = buf; // create a copy of reading buffer state for demo recording
int startbit = buf.GetNumBitsRead();
while ( true ) { if ( buf.IsOverflowed() ) { m_MessageHandler->ConnectionCrashed( "Buffer overflow in net message" ); return false; }
// Are we at the end?
if ( buf.GetNumBitsLeft() < NETMSG_TYPE_BITS ) { break; }
unsigned char cmd = buf.ReadUBitLong( NETMSG_TYPE_BITS );
if ( cmd <= net_File ) { if ( !ProcessControlMessage( cmd, buf ) ) { return false; // disconnect or error
continue; }
// see if we have a registered message object for this type
INetMessage * netmsg = FindMessage( cmd ); if ( netmsg ) { // let message parse itself from buffe
const char *msgname = netmsg->GetName(); int nMsgStartBit = buf.GetNumBitsRead();
if ( !netmsg->ReadFromBuffer( buf ) ) { ConMsg( "Netchannel: failed reading message %s from %s.\n", msgname, remote_address.ToString() ); Assert ( 0 ); return false; }
UpdateMessageStats( netmsg->GetGroup(), buf.GetNumBitsRead() - nMsgStartBit );
if ( showmsgname ) { if ( (*showmsgname == '1') || !Q_stricmp(showmsgname, netmsg->GetName() ) ) { ConMsg("Msg from %s: %s\n", remote_address.ToString(), netmsg->ToString() ); } }
if ( blockmsgname ) { if ( (*blockmsgname== '1') || !Q_stricmp(blockmsgname, netmsg->GetName() ) ) { ConMsg("Blocking message %s\n", netmsg->ToString() ); continue; } } // netmessage calls the Process function that was registered by it's MessageHandler
m_bProcessingMessages = true; bool bRet = netmsg->Process(); m_bProcessingMessages = false;
// This means we were deleted during the processing of that message.
if ( m_bShouldDelete ) { delete this; return false; }
if ( m_bClearedDuringProcessing ) { // Clear() was called during processing, our buffer is no longer valid
m_bClearedDuringProcessing = false; return false; }
if ( !bRet ) { ConDMsg( "Netchannel: failed processing message %s.\n", msgname ); Assert ( 0 ); return false; }
if ( IsOverflowed() ) return false; } else { ConMsg( "Netchannel: unknown net message (%i) from %s.\n", cmd, remote_address.ToString() ); Assert ( 0 ); return false; } }
#if !defined(SWDS) && !defined(_XBOX)
// all messages could be parsed, write packet to demo file
if ( m_DemoRecorder && !demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() ) { // only record if any message was paresd
m_DemoRecorder->RecordMessages( democopy, buf.GetNumBitsRead() - startbit ); } #endif
return true; // ok fine
void CNetChan::ProcessPlayback( void ) { #if !defined(SWDS) && !defined(_XBOX)
netpacket_t * packet;
while ( ( packet = demoplayer->ReadPacket() ) != NULL ) { // Update data flow stats
FlowNewPacket( FLOW_INCOMING, m_nInSequenceNr, m_nOutSequenceNrAck, 0, 0, packet->wiresize );
last_received = net_time;
m_MessageHandler->PacketStart( m_nInSequenceNr, m_nOutSequenceNrAck ); if ( ProcessMessages( packet->message ) ) { m_MessageHandler->PacketEnd(); } else { break; } } #endif
CNetChan::subChannel_s *CNetChan::GetFreeSubChannel() { for ( int i=0; i<MAX_SUBCHANNELS; i++ ) { if ( m_SubChannels[i].state == SUBCHANNEL_FREE ) return &m_SubChannels[i]; }
return NULL; }
void CNetChan::CheckWaitingList(int nList) { // go thru waiting lists and mark fragments send with this seqnr packet
if ( m_WaitingList[nList].Count() == 0 || m_nOutSequenceNrAck <= 0 ) return; // no data in list
dataFragments_t *data = m_WaitingList[nList][0]; // get head
if ( data->ackedFragments == data->numFragments ) { // all fragmenst were send successfully
if ( net_showfragments.GetBool() ) ConMsg("Sending complete: %i fragments, %i bytes.\n", data->numFragments, data->bytes );
RemoveHeadInWaitingList( nList );
return; } else if ( data->ackedFragments > data->numFragments ) { //ConMsg("CheckWaitingList: invalid acknowledge fragments %i/%i.\n", data->ackedFragments, data->numFragments );
} // else: still pending fragments
CON_COMMAND( netchan_test_upload, "[filename]: Uploads a file to server." ) { if ( args.ArgC() != 2 ) { Msg( "Usage: netchan_test_upload [filename]\n" ); return; }
//$ TODO: the con command system is truncating the filenames we're passing in. Need to workaround this...
const char *filename = args.GetCommandString() + V_strlen( "netchan_test_upload " );
Msg( "Sending '%s'\n", filename ); bool bRet = CNetChan::TestUpload( filename ); Msg( "%s returned %d\n", __FUNCTION__, bRet ); }
bool CNetChan::TestUpload( const char *filename ) { dataFragments_t data; static char s_buf[] = "The quick brown\nfox\n";
data.file = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE; // open file handle
V_strcpy_safe( data.filename, filename ); // filename
data.buffer = s_buf; // if NULL it's a file
data.bytes = sizeof( s_buf ) - 1; // size in bytes
data.bits = data.bytes * 8; // size in bits
data.transferID = 123; // only for files
data.isCompressed = false; // true if data is bzip compressed
data.nUncompressedSize = data.bytes; // full size in bytes
data.asTCP = 0; // send as TCP stream
data.numFragments = 0; // number of total fragments
data.ackedFragments = 0; // number of fragments send & acknowledged
data.pendingFragments = 0; // number of fragments send, but not acknowledged yet
return HandleUpload( &data, NULL ); }
#endif // STAGING_ONLY
bool CNetChan::HandleUpload( dataFragments_t *data, INetChannelHandler *MessageHandler ) { const char *szErrorStr = NULL; static ConVar *s_pAllowUpload = g_pCVar->FindVar( "sv_allowupload" );
if ( !s_pAllowUpload || !s_pAllowUpload->GetBool() ) { szErrorStr = "ignored. File uploads are disabled!"; } else { // Make sure that this file is not being written to a location above the current directory, isn't in
// writing to any locations we don't want, isn't an unsupported
if ( !CNetChan::IsValidFileForTransfer( data->filename ) ) { szErrorStr = "has invalid path or extension!"; } else { // There's a special write path for this stuff
const char *pszPathID = "download";
// we received a file, write it to disk and notify host
if ( g_pFileSystem->FileExists( data->filename, pszPathID ) ) { szErrorStr = "already exists!"; } else { // Make sure path exists
char szParentDir[ MAX_PATH ]; if ( !V_ExtractFilePath( data->filename, szParentDir, sizeof( szParentDir ) ) ) szParentDir[0] = '\0';
g_pFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( szParentDir, pszPathID );
// Open new file for write binary.
data->file = g_pFileSystem->Open( data->filename, "wb", pszPathID );
if ( FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE == data->file ) { szErrorStr = "failed to write!"; } else { g_pFileSystem->Write( data->buffer, data->bytes, data->file ); g_pFileSystem->Close( data->file );
if ( net_showfragments.GetInt() == 2 ) { DevMsg( "FileReceived: %s, %i bytes (ID %i)\n", data->filename, data->bytes, data->transferID ); }
if ( MessageHandler ) { MessageHandler->FileReceived( data->filename, data->transferID ); } } } }
if ( szErrorStr ) { ConMsg( "Download file '%s' %s\n", data->filename, szErrorStr ); }
return true; }
bool CNetChan::CheckReceivingList(int nList) { dataFragments_t * data = &m_ReceiveList[nList]; // get list
if ( data->buffer == NULL ) return true;
if ( data->ackedFragments < data->numFragments ) return true;
if ( data->ackedFragments > data->numFragments ) { ConMsg( "Receiving failed: too many fragments %i/%i from %s\n", data->ackedFragments, data->numFragments, GetAddress() ); return false; }
// Got all fragments.
if ( net_showfragments.GetBool() ) ConMsg("Receiving complete: %i fragments, %i bytes\n", data->numFragments, data->bytes );
if ( data->isCompressed ) { UncompressFragments( data ); }
if ( !data->filename[0] ) { bf_read buffer( data->buffer, data->bytes );
if ( !ProcessMessages( buffer ) ) // parse net message
{ return false; // stop reading any further
} } else { HandleUpload( data, m_MessageHandler ); }
// clear receiveList
if ( data->buffer ) { delete [] data->buffer; data->buffer = NULL; }
return true;
int CNetChan::ProcessPacketHeader( netpacket_t * packet ) { // get sequence numbers
int sequence = packet->message.ReadLong(); int sequence_ack= packet->message.ReadLong(); int flags = packet->message.ReadByte();
if ( ShouldChecksumPackets() ) { unsigned short usCheckSum = (unsigned short)packet->message.ReadUBitLong( 16 );
// Checksum applies to rest of packet
Assert( !( packet->message.GetNumBitsRead() % 8 ) ); int nOffset = packet->message.GetNumBitsRead() >> 3; int nCheckSumBytes = packet->message.TotalBytesAvailable() - nOffset; const void *pvData = packet->message.GetBasePointer() + nOffset; unsigned short usDataCheckSum = BufferToShortChecksum( pvData, nCheckSumBytes ); if ( usDataCheckSum != usCheckSum ) { ConMsg ("%s:corrupted packet %i at %i\n" , remote_address.ToString () , sequence , m_nInSequenceNr); return -1; } }
int relState = packet->message.ReadByte(); // reliable state of 8 subchannels
int nChoked = 0; // read later if choked flag is set
int i,j;
if ( flags & PACKET_FLAG_CHOKED ) nChoked = packet->message.ReadByte();
if ( flags & PACKET_FLAG_CHALLENGE ) { unsigned int nChallenge = packet->message.ReadLong(); if ( nChallenge != m_ChallengeNr ) return -1; // challenge was good, latch we saw a good one
m_bStreamContainsChallenge = true; } else if ( m_bStreamContainsChallenge ) return -1; // what, no challenge in this packet but we got them before?
// discard stale or duplicated packets
if (sequence <= m_nInSequenceNr ) { if ( net_showdrop.GetInt() ) { if ( sequence == m_nInSequenceNr ) { ConMsg ("%s:duplicate packet %i at %i\n" , remote_address.ToString () , sequence , m_nInSequenceNr); } else { ConMsg ("%s:out of order packet %i at %i\n" , remote_address.ToString () , sequence , m_nInSequenceNr); } } return -1; }
// dropped packets don't keep the message from being used
m_PacketDrop = sequence - (m_nInSequenceNr + nChoked + 1);
if ( m_PacketDrop > 0 ) { if ( net_showdrop.GetInt() ) { ConMsg ("%s:Dropped %i packets at %i\n" ,remote_address.ToString(), m_PacketDrop, sequence ); } }
if ( net_maxpacketdrop.GetInt() > 0 && m_PacketDrop > net_maxpacketdrop.GetInt() ) { if ( net_showdrop.GetInt() ) { ConMsg ("%s:Too many dropped packets (%i) at %i\n" ,remote_address.ToString(), m_PacketDrop, sequence ); } return -1; }
for ( i = 0; i<MAX_SUBCHANNELS; i++ ) { int bitmask = (1<<i);
// data of channel i has been acknowledged
subChannel_s * subchan = &m_SubChannels[i];
Assert( subchan->index == i);
if ( (m_nOutReliableState & bitmask) == (relState & bitmask) ) { if ( subchan->state == SUBCHANNEL_DIRTY ) { // subchannel was marked dirty during changelevel, waiting list is already cleared
subchan->Free(); } else if ( subchan->sendSeqNr > sequence_ack ) { ConMsg ("%s:reliable state invalid (%i).\n" ,remote_address.ToString(), i ); Assert( 0 ); return -1; } else if ( subchan->state == SUBCHANNEL_WAITING ) { for ( j=0; j<MAX_STREAMS; j++ ) { if ( subchan->numFragments[j] == 0 ) continue;
Assert( m_WaitingList[j].Count() > 0 ); dataFragments_t * data = m_WaitingList[j][0];
// tell waiting list, that we received the acknowledge
data->ackedFragments += subchan->numFragments[j]; data->pendingFragments -= subchan->numFragments[j]; }
subchan->Free(); // mark subchannel as free again
} } else // subchannel doesn't match
{ if ( subchan->sendSeqNr <= sequence_ack ) { Assert( subchan->state != SUBCHANNEL_FREE );
if ( subchan->state == SUBCHANNEL_WAITING ) { if ( net_showfragments.GetBool() ) { ConMsg("Resending subchan %i: start %i, num %i\n", subchan->index, subchan->startFraggment[0], subchan->numFragments[0] ); }
subchan->state = SUBCHANNEL_TOSEND; // schedule for resend
} else if ( subchan->state == SUBCHANNEL_DIRTY ) { // remote host lost dirty channel data, flip bit back
int bit = 1<<subchan->index; // flip bit back since data was send yet
FLIPBIT(m_nOutReliableState, bit);
subchan->Free(); } } } }
m_nInSequenceNr = sequence; m_nOutSequenceNrAck = sequence_ack; ETWReadPacket( packet->from.ToString(), packet->wiresize, m_nInSequenceNr, m_nOutSequenceNr );
// Update waiting list status
for( i=0; i<MAX_STREAMS;i++) CheckWaitingList( i );
// Update data flow stats (use wiresize (compressed))
FlowNewPacket( FLOW_INCOMING, m_nInSequenceNr, m_nOutSequenceNrAck, nChoked, m_PacketDrop, packet->wiresize + UDP_HEADER_SIZE );
return flags; }
================= CNetChan::ProcessPacket
called when a new packet has arrived for this netchannel sequence numbers are extracted, fragments/file streams stripped and then the netmessages processed ================= */ void CNetChan::ProcessPacket( netpacket_t * packet, bool bHasHeader ) { VPROF( "CNetChan::ProcessPacket" );
Assert( packet );
bf_read &msg = packet->message; // handy shortcut
if ( remote_address.IsValid() && !packet->from.CompareAdr ( remote_address ) ) { return; }
// Update data flow stats
FlowUpdate( FLOW_INCOMING, packet->wiresize + UDP_HEADER_SIZE );
int flags = 0;
if ( bHasHeader ) { flags = ProcessPacketHeader( packet ); }
if ( flags == -1 ) return; // invalid header/packet
if ( net_showudp.GetInt() && net_showudp.GetInt() != 3 ) { ConMsg ("UDP <- %s: sz=%i seq=%i ack=%i rel=%i ch=%d, tm=%f rt=%f wire=%i\n" , GetName() , packet->size , m_nInSequenceNr & 63 , m_nOutSequenceNrAck & 63 , flags & PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE ? 1 : 0 , flags & PACKET_FLAG_CHALLENGE ? 1 : 0 , net_time , (float)Plat_FloatTime() , packet->wiresize ); } last_received = net_time;
// tell message handler that a new packet has arrived
m_MessageHandler->PacketStart( m_nInSequenceNr, m_nOutSequenceNrAck );
if ( flags & PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE ) { int i, bit = 1<<msg.ReadUBitLong( 3 );
for ( i=0; i<MAX_STREAMS; i++ ) { if ( msg.ReadOneBit() != 0 ) { if ( !ReadSubChannelData( msg, i ) ) return; // error while reading fragments, drop whole packet
} }
// flip subChannel bit to signal successful receiving
FLIPBIT(m_nInReliableState, bit); for ( i=0; i<MAX_STREAMS; i++ ) { if ( !CheckReceivingList( i ) ) return; // error while processing
} }
// Is there anything left to process?
if ( msg.GetNumBitsLeft() > 0 ) { // parse and handle all messeges
if ( !ProcessMessages( msg ) ) { return; // disconnect or error
} } // tell message handler that packet is completely parsed
#if !defined(SWDS) && !defined(_XBOX)
// tell demo system that packet is completely parsed
if ( m_DemoRecorder && !demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() ) { m_DemoRecorder->RecordPacket(); } #endif
int CNetChan::GetNumBitsWritten( bool bReliable ) { bf_write *pStream = &m_StreamUnreliable; if ( bReliable ) { pStream = &m_StreamReliable; } return pStream->GetNumBitsWritten(); }
bool CNetChan::SendNetMsg( INetMessage &msg, bool bForceReliable, bool bVoice ) { if ( remote_address.GetType() == NA_NULL ) return true;
bf_write *pStream = &m_StreamUnreliable; if ( msg.IsReliable() || bForceReliable ) { pStream = &m_StreamReliable; }
if ( bVoice ) { pStream = &m_StreamVoice; }
if ( vcr_verbose.GetInt() ) { bool bRet = false; #ifndef NO_VCR
int nOldBytes = pStream->GetNumBytesWritten(); bRet = msg.WriteToBuffer( *pStream ); int nNewBytes = pStream->GetNumBytesWritten();
if ( nNewBytes > nOldBytes ) { VCRGenericValueVerify( "NetMsg", &pStream->GetBasePointer()[nOldBytes], nNewBytes-nOldBytes-1 ); } #endif
return bRet; } else { return msg.WriteToBuffer( *pStream ); } }
INetMessage *CNetChan::FindMessage(int type) { int numtypes = m_NetMessages.Count();
for (int i=0; i<numtypes; i++ ) { if ( m_NetMessages[i]->GetType() == type ) return m_NetMessages[i]; }
return NULL; }
bool CNetChan::RegisterMessage(INetMessage *msg) { Assert( msg );
if ( FindMessage( msg->GetType() ) ) { return false; }
m_NetMessages.AddToTail( msg ); msg->SetNetChannel( this );
return true; }
bool CNetChan::SendData( bf_write &msg, bool bReliable ) { // Always queue any pending reliable data ahead of the fragmentation buffer
if ( remote_address.GetType() == NA_NULL ) return true;
if ( msg.GetNumBitsWritten() <= 0 ) return true;
if ( msg.IsOverflowed() && !bReliable ) return true;
bf_write * buf = bReliable ? &m_StreamReliable : &m_StreamUnreliable;
if ( msg.GetNumBitsWritten() > buf->GetNumBitsLeft() ) { if ( bReliable ) { ConMsg( "ERROR! SendData reliabe data too big (%i)", msg.GetNumBytesWritten() ); }
return false; }
return buf->WriteBits( msg.GetData(), msg.GetNumBitsWritten() ); }
bool CNetChan::SendReliableViaStream( dataFragments_t *data) { // Always queue any pending reliable data ahead of the fragmentation buffer
ALIGN4 char headerBuf[32] ALIGN4_POST; bf_write header( "outDataHeader", headerBuf, sizeof(headerBuf) );
data->transferID = m_nOutSequenceNr; // used for acknowledging
data->pendingFragments = data->numFragments; // send, but not ACKed yet
header.WriteByte( STREAM_CMD_DATA ); header.WriteWord( data->bytes ); // bytes
header.WriteLong( data->transferID );
if ( net_showtcp.GetInt() ) { ConMsg ("TCP -> %s: sz=%i seq=%i\n", remote_address.ToString(), data->bytes, m_nOutSequenceNr ); } NET_SendStream( m_StreamSocket, (char*)header.GetData(), header.GetNumBytesWritten(), 0 );
return NET_SendStream( m_StreamSocket, data->buffer, data->bytes, 0 ) != -1; }
bool CNetChan::SendReliableAcknowledge(int seqnr) { // Always queue any pending reliable data ahead of the fragmentation buffer
ALIGN4 char headerBuf[32] ALIGN4_POST; bf_write header( "outAcknHeader", headerBuf, sizeof(headerBuf) );
header.WriteByte( STREAM_CMD_ACKN ); header.WriteLong( seqnr ); // used for acknowledging
if ( net_showtcp.GetInt() ) { ConMsg ("TCP -> %s: ACKN seq=%i\n", remote_address.ToString(), seqnr ); }
return NET_SendStream( m_StreamSocket, (char*)header.GetData(), header.GetNumBytesWritten(), 0 ) > 0; }
bool CNetChan::ProcessStream( void ) { char cmd; ALIGN4 char headerBuf[512] ALIGN4_POST; if ( !m_StreamSocket ) return true;
if ( m_SteamType == STREAM_CMD_NONE ) { // read command byte
int ret = NET_ReceiveStream( m_StreamSocket, &cmd, 1, 0 );
if ( ret == 0) { // nothing received, but ok
return true; } else if ( ret == -1 ) { // something failed with the TCP connection
return false; } ResetStreaming(); // clear all state values
m_SteamType = cmd;
bf_read header( "inDataHeader", headerBuf, sizeof(headerBuf) );
// now check command type
if ( m_SteamType==STREAM_CMD_AUTH ) { // server accpeted connection, send challenge nr
m_StreamActive = true; ResetStreaming();
return SendReliableAcknowledge( m_ChallengeNr ); }
if ( (m_SteamType==STREAM_CMD_DATA) && (m_StreamLength==0) ) { int ret = NET_ReceiveStream( m_StreamSocket, (char*)&headerBuf, 6, 0 ) ; if ( ret == 0) { // nothing received, but ok
return true; } else if ( ret == -1 ) { // something failed with the TCP connection
return false; }
m_StreamLength = header.ReadWord(); m_StreamSeqNr = header.ReadLong();
const int cMaxPayload = GetProtocolVersion() > PROTOCOL_VERSION_23 ? NET_MAX_PAYLOAD : NET_MAX_PAYLOAD_V23; if ( m_StreamLength > cMaxPayload ) { ConMsg( "ERROR! Stream indata too big (%i)", m_StreamLength ); return false; } }
if ( (m_SteamType==STREAM_CMD_FILE) && (m_SteamFile[0]==0) ) { Assert ( 0 ); return false; }
if ( (m_SteamType==STREAM_CMD_ACKN) && (m_StreamSeqNr==0) ) { int ret = NET_ReceiveStream( m_StreamSocket, (char*)&headerBuf, 4, 0 ); if ( ret == 0) { // nothing received, but ok
return true; } else if ( ret == -1 ) { // something failed with the TCP connection
return false; }
m_StreamSeqNr = header.ReadLong();
dataFragments_t * data = m_WaitingList[FRAG_NORMAL_STREAM][0];
if ( data->transferID == (unsigned)m_StreamSeqNr ) { if ( net_showtcp.GetInt() ) { ConMsg ("TCP <- %s: ACKN seqnr=%i\n", remote_address.ToString(), m_StreamSeqNr ); }
Assert( data->pendingFragments == data->numFragments );
RemoveHeadInWaitingList( FRAG_NORMAL_STREAM ); } else { ConMsg ("TCP <- %s: invalid ACKN seqnr=%i\n", remote_address.ToString(), m_StreamSeqNr ); }
ResetStreaming(); return true; }
if ( m_StreamReceived < m_StreamLength ) { // read in 4kB chuncks
int bytesLeft = ( m_StreamLength - m_StreamReceived );
int bytesRecv = NET_ReceiveStream( m_StreamSocket, (char*)m_StreamData.Base() + m_StreamReceived, bytesLeft, 0 ); if ( bytesRecv == 0 ) { return true; } else if ( bytesRecv == -1 ) { return false; }
m_StreamReceived+= bytesRecv;
if ( m_StreamReceived > m_StreamLength ) { ConMsg( "ERROR! Stream indata oversize." ); return false; }
if ( m_StreamReceived == m_StreamLength ) { int ackseqnr =m_StreamSeqNr;
bf_read buffer( m_StreamData.Base(), m_StreamLength );
ProcessMessages( buffer );
// reset stream state
return SendReliableAcknowledge( ackseqnr ); // tell sender that we have it
} }
return true; }
int CNetChan::GetDataRate() const { return m_Rate; }
bool CNetChan::HasPendingReliableData( void ) { return (m_StreamReliable.GetNumBitsWritten() > 0) || (m_WaitingList[FRAG_NORMAL_STREAM].Count() > 0) || (m_WaitingList[FRAG_FILE_STREAM].Count() > 0); }
float CNetChan::GetTimeConnected() const { float t = net_time - connect_time; return (t>0.0f) ? t : 0.0f ; }
const netadr_t & CNetChan::GetRemoteAddress() const { return remote_address; }
INetChannelHandler * CNetChan::GetMsgHandler( void ) const { return m_MessageHandler; }
bool CNetChan::IsTimedOut() const { if ( m_Timeout == -1.0f ) return false; else return (last_received + m_Timeout) < net_time; }
bool CNetChan::IsTimingOut() const { if ( m_Timeout == -1.0f ) return false; else return (last_received + CONNECTION_PROBLEM_TIME) < net_time; }
float CNetChan::GetTimeoutSeconds() const { return m_Timeout; }
float CNetChan::GetTimeSinceLastReceived() const { float t = net_time - last_received; return (t>0.0f) ? t : 0.0f ; }
bool CNetChan::IsOverflowed() const { return m_StreamReliable.IsOverflowed(); }
void CNetChan::Reset() { // FlowReset();
m_StreamUnreliable.Reset(); // clear any pending unreliable data messages
m_StreamReliable.Reset(); // clear any pending reliable data messages
m_fClearTime = 0.0; // ready to send
m_nChokedPackets = 0;
m_nSplitPacketSequence = 1; }
int CNetChan::GetSocket() const { return m_Socket; }
float CNetChan::GetAvgData( int flow ) const { return m_DataFlow[flow].avgbytespersec; }
float CNetChan::GetAvgPackets( int flow ) const { return m_DataFlow[flow].avgpacketspersec; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *chan -
int CNetChan::GetTotalData(int flow ) const { return m_DataFlow[flow].totalbytes; }
int CNetChan::GetSequenceNr( int flow ) const { if ( flow == FLOW_OUTGOING ) { return m_nOutSequenceNr; } else if ( flow == FLOW_INCOMING ) { return m_nInSequenceNr; } return 0; }
int CNetChan::GetBufferSize( void ) const { return NET_FRAMES_BACKUP; }
bool CNetChan::IsValidPacket( int flow, int frame_number ) const { return m_DataFlow[flow].frames[ frame_number & NET_FRAMES_MASK ].valid; }
float CNetChan::GetPacketTime( int flow, int frame_number ) const { return m_DataFlow[flow].frames[ frame_number & NET_FRAMES_MASK ].time; }
void CNetChan::GetPacketResponseLatency( int flow, int frame_number, int *pnLatencyMsecs, int *pnChoke ) const { const netframe_t &nf = m_DataFlow[flow].frames[ frame_number & NET_FRAMES_MASK ]; if ( pnLatencyMsecs ) { if ( nf.dropped ) { *pnLatencyMsecs = 9999; } else { *pnLatencyMsecs = (int)( 1000.0f * nf.avg_latency ); } } if ( pnChoke ) { *pnChoke = nf.choked; } }
void CNetChan::GetRemoteFramerate( float *pflFrameTime, float *pflRemoteFrameTimeStdDeviation ) const { if ( pflFrameTime ) { *pflFrameTime = m_flRemoteFrameTime; } if ( pflRemoteFrameTimeStdDeviation ) { *pflRemoteFrameTimeStdDeviation = m_flRemoteFrameTimeStdDeviation; } }
float CNetChan::GetLatency( int flow ) const { return m_DataFlow[flow].latency; }
float CNetChan::GetAvgChoke( int flow ) const { return m_DataFlow[flow].avgchoke; }
float CNetChan::GetAvgLatency( int flow ) const { return m_DataFlow[flow].avglatency; }
float CNetChan::GetAvgLoss( int flow ) const { return m_DataFlow[flow].avgloss; }
float CNetChan::GetTime( void ) const { return net_time; }
bool CNetChan::GetStreamProgress( int flow, int *received, int *total ) const { (*total) = 0; (*received) = 0; if ( flow == FLOW_INCOMING ) { for ( int i = 0; i<MAX_STREAMS; i++ ) { if ( m_ReceiveList[i].buffer != NULL ) { (*total) += m_ReceiveList[i].numFragments * FRAGMENT_SIZE; (*received) += m_ReceiveList[i].ackedFragments * FRAGMENT_SIZE; } }
return ((*total)>0); }
if ( flow == FLOW_OUTGOING ) { for ( int i = 0; i<MAX_STREAMS; i++ ) { if ( m_WaitingList[i].Count() > 0 ) { (*total) += m_WaitingList[i][0]->numFragments * FRAGMENT_SIZE; (*received) += m_WaitingList[i][0]->ackedFragments * FRAGMENT_SIZE; } }
return ((*total)>0); } return false; // TODO TCP progress
float CNetChan::GetCommandInterpolationAmount( int flow, int frame_number ) const { return m_DataFlow[ flow ].frames[ frame_number & NET_FRAMES_MASK ].m_flInterpolationAmount; }
int CNetChan::GetPacketBytes( int flow, int frame_number, int group ) const { if ( group >= INetChannelInfo::TOTAL ) { return m_DataFlow[flow].frames[ frame_number & NET_FRAMES_MASK ].size; } else { return Bits2Bytes( m_DataFlow[flow].frames[ frame_number & NET_FRAMES_MASK ].msggroups[group] ); } }
void CNetChan::UpdateMessageStats( int msggroup, int bits) { netflow_t * pflow = &m_DataFlow[ FLOW_INCOMING ]; netframe_t *pframe = pflow->currentframe;
Assert( (msggroup >= INetChannelInfo::GENERIC) && (msggroup < INetChannelInfo::TOTAL) );
m_MsgStats[msggroup] += bits;
if ( pframe ) pframe->msggroups[msggroup] +=bits; }
void CNetChan::IncrementQueuedPackets() { ++m_nQueuedPackets; }
void CNetChan::DecrementQueuedPackets() { --m_nQueuedPackets; Assert( m_nQueuedPackets >= 0 ); if ( m_nQueuedPackets < 0 ) m_nQueuedPackets = 0; }
bool CNetChan::HasQueuedPackets() const { if ( g_pQueuedPackedSender->HasQueuedPackets( this ) ) { return true; }
return m_nQueuedPackets > 0; }
void CNetChan::SetInterpolationAmount( float flInterpolationAmount ) { m_flInterpolationAmount = flInterpolationAmount; }
void CNetChan::SetRemoteFramerate( float flFrameTime, float flFrameTimeStdDeviation ) { m_flRemoteFrameTime = flFrameTime; m_flRemoteFrameTimeStdDeviation = flFrameTimeStdDeviation; }
// Max # of payload bytes before we must split/fragment the packet
void CNetChan::SetMaxRoutablePayloadSize( int nSplitSize ) { if ( m_nMaxRoutablePayloadSize != nSplitSize ) { DevMsg( "Setting max routable payload size from %d to %d for %s\n", m_nMaxRoutablePayloadSize, nSplitSize, GetName() ); } m_nMaxRoutablePayloadSize = nSplitSize; }
int CNetChan::GetMaxRoutablePayloadSize() { return m_nMaxRoutablePayloadSize; }
int CNetChan::GetProtocolVersion() { AssertMsg( m_nProtocolVersion >= 0 && m_nProtocolVersion <= PROTOCOL_VERSION, "This is probably not being initialized somewhere" ); return m_nProtocolVersion; }
int CNetChan::IncrementSplitPacketSequence() { return ++m_nSplitPacketSequence; }
bool CNetChan::IsValidFileForTransfer( const char *pszFilename ) { if ( !pszFilename || !pszFilename[ 0 ] ) return false;
// No absolute paths or weaseling up the tree with ".." allowed.
if ( !COM_IsValidPath( pszFilename ) || V_IsAbsolutePath( pszFilename ) ) return false;
int len = V_strlen( pszFilename ); if ( len >= MAX_PATH ) return false;
char szTemp[ MAX_PATH ]; V_strcpy_safe( szTemp, pszFilename );
// Convert so we've got all forward slashes in the path.
V_FixSlashes( szTemp, '/' ); V_FixDoubleSlashes( szTemp ); if ( szTemp[ len - 1 ] == '/' ) return false;
int slash_count = 0; for ( const char *psz = szTemp; *psz; psz++ ) { if ( *psz == '/' ) slash_count++; } // Really no reason to have deeper directory than this?
if ( slash_count >= 32 ) return false;
// Don't allow filenames with unicode whitespace in them.
if ( Q_RemoveAllEvilCharacters( szTemp ) ) return false;
if ( V_stristr( szTemp, "lua/" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, "gamemodes/" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, "addons/" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, "~/" ) || // V_stristr( szTemp, "//" ) || // Don't allow '//'. TODO: Is this check ok?
V_stristr( szTemp, "./././" ) || // Don't allow folks to make crazy long paths with ././././ stuff.
V_stristr( szTemp, " " ) || // Don't allow multiple spaces or tab (was being used for an exploit).
V_stristr( szTemp, "\t" ) ) { return false; }
// If .exe or .EXE or these other strings exist _anywhere_ in the filename, reject it.
if ( V_stristr( szTemp, ".cfg" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, ".lst" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, ".exe" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, ".vbs" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, ".com" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, ".bat" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, ".cmd" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, ".dll" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, ".so" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, ".dylib" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, ".ini" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, ".log" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, ".lua" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, ".vdf" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, ".smx" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, ".gcf" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, ".lmp" ) || V_stristr( szTemp, ".sys" ) ) { return false; }
// Search for the first . in the base filename, and bail if not found.
// We don't want people passing in things like 'cfg/.wp.so'...
const char *basename = strrchr( szTemp, '/' ); if ( !basename ) basename = szTemp; const char *extension = strchr( basename, '.' ); if ( !extension ) return false;
// If the extension is not exactly 3 or 4 characters, bail.
int extension_len = V_strlen( extension ); if ( ( extension_len != 3 ) && ( extension_len != 4 ) && V_stricmp( extension, ".bsp.bz2" ) && V_stricmp( extension, ".xbox.vtx" ) && V_stricmp( extension, ".dx80.vtx" ) && V_stricmp( extension, ".dx90.vtx" ) && V_stricmp( extension, ".sw.vtx" ) ) { return false; }
// If there are any spaces in the extension, bail. (Windows exploit).
if ( strchr( extension, ' ' ) ) return false;
return true; }