//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "client_pch.h"
#include <vgui_controls/Frame.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui_controls/BuildGroup.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Tooltip.h>
#include <vgui_controls/TextImage.h>
#include <vgui_controls/CheckButton.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Label.h>
#include <vgui_controls/PropertySheet.h>
#include <vgui_controls/FileOpenDialog.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ProgressBar.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Slider.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ComboBox.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>
#include <vgui_controls/TextEntry.h>
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
#include "engineperftools.h"
#include "vgui_baseui_interface.h"
#include "ivideomode.h"
#include "gl_cvars.h"
#include "utlsymbol.h"
#include "utldict.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "filesystem_engine.h"
#include "icliententitylist.h"
#include "icliententity.h"
#include "ModelInfo.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui; extern ConVar r_staticpropinfo; extern ConVar r_DrawPortals; extern ConVar r_visocclusion; extern ConVar r_occlusion; extern ConVar r_occluderminarea; extern ConVar r_occludeemaxarea; extern ConVar mat_wireframe; extern ConVar sv_cheats;
// If you add a tool, add it to the string list and instance the panel in the constructor below
static const char *s_pPerfToolNames[PERF_TOOL_COUNT] = { "No Tool Active", "Prop Fade Distance Tool", "Area Portal Tool", "Occlusion Tool", };
// Base class for all perf tool panels
class CPerfUIChildPanel : public vgui::EditablePanel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CPerfUIChildPanel, vgui::EditablePanel );
public: CPerfUIChildPanel( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *pName ) : BaseClass( parent, pName ) { SetVisible( false ); } virtual void Activate() {} virtual void Deactivate() {} };
// The prop fade distance helper tool
class CPropFadeUIPanel : public CPerfUIChildPanel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CPropFadeUIPanel, CPerfUIChildPanel );
public: CPropFadeUIPanel( vgui::Panel *parent ); ~CPropFadeUIPanel() {} void Activate(); void Deactivate();
void OnVisualizationSelected(); MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnTextChanged, "TextChanged", data );
vgui::ComboBox *m_pVisualization; vgui::TextEntry *m_pMinScreenArea; vgui::TextEntry *m_pMaxScreenArea;
static const char *s_pFadeVisualizeLabel[VISUALIZE_TYPE_COUNT]; };
const char *CPropFadeUIPanel::s_pFadeVisualizeLabel[CPropFadeUIPanel::VISUALIZE_TYPE_COUNT] = { "No visualization", "Show Fade Distance", "Show Fade Screen Width" };
// Purpose:
CPropFadeUIPanel::CPropFadeUIPanel( vgui::Panel *parent ) : BaseClass( parent, "PropFadeUIPanel") { m_pVisualization = new ComboBox(this, "VisualizeMode", VISUALIZE_TYPE_COUNT, false); int i; for ( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_pFadeVisualizeLabel); i++ ) { m_pVisualization->AddItem( s_pFadeVisualizeLabel[i], NULL ); } m_pVisualization->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pVisualization->ActivateItem( 0 );
m_pMinScreenArea = new vgui::TextEntry( this, "MinFadeSize" ); m_pMaxScreenArea = new vgui::TextEntry( this, "MaxFadeSize" );
LoadControlSettings("Resource\\PerfPropFadeUIPanel.res"); }
// Visualization changed
void CPropFadeUIPanel::OnTextChanged( KeyValues *data ) { Panel *pPanel = reinterpret_cast<vgui::Panel *>( data->GetPtr("panel") ); vgui::ComboBox *pBox = dynamic_cast<vgui::ComboBox *>( pPanel );
if( pBox == m_pVisualization ) { OnVisualizationSelected(); return; }
vgui::TextEntry *pText = dynamic_cast<vgui::TextEntry *>( pPanel ); if (( pText == m_pMinScreenArea ) || ( pText == m_pMaxScreenArea )) { char buf[256]; float flMinArea, flMaxArea;
m_pMinScreenArea->GetText( buf, 256 ); int nReadMin = sscanf( buf, "%f", &flMinArea );
m_pMaxScreenArea->GetText( buf, 256 ); int nReadMax = sscanf( buf, "%f", &flMaxArea );
if ( nReadMin && nReadMax ) { modelinfoclient->SetLevelScreenFadeRange( flMinArea, flMaxArea ); } } }
// Activate, deactivate:
void CPropFadeUIPanel::OnVisualizationSelected() { int tool = m_pVisualization->GetActiveItem(); switch( tool ) { case VISUALIZE_NONE: r_staticpropinfo.SetValue( 0 ); break;
case VISUALIZE_FADE_DISTANCE: r_staticpropinfo.SetValue( 3 ); break;
case VISUALIZE_FADE_SCREEN_WIDTH: r_staticpropinfo.SetValue( 4 ); break; } }
// Activate, deactivate:
void CPropFadeUIPanel::Activate() { float flMinArea, flMaxArea; modelinfoclient->GetLevelScreenFadeRange( &flMinArea, &flMaxArea );
char buf[256]; Q_snprintf( buf, 256, "%.2f", flMinArea ); m_pMinScreenArea->SetText( buf ); Q_snprintf( buf, 256, "%.2f", flMaxArea ); m_pMaxScreenArea->SetText( buf );
OnVisualizationSelected(); }
void CPropFadeUIPanel::Deactivate() { r_staticpropinfo.SetValue( 0 ); }
// The areaportals helper tool
class CAreaPortalsUIPanel : public CPerfUIChildPanel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CAreaPortalsUIPanel, CPerfUIChildPanel );
public: CAreaPortalsUIPanel( vgui::Panel *parent ); ~CAreaPortalsUIPanel() {} void Activate(); void Deactivate(); };
// Purpose:
CAreaPortalsUIPanel::CAreaPortalsUIPanel( vgui::Panel *parent ) : BaseClass( parent, "AreaPortalUIPanel") { }
// Activate, deactivate:
void CAreaPortalsUIPanel::Activate() { r_DrawPortals.SetValue( 1 ); mat_wireframe.SetValue( 3 ); }
void CAreaPortalsUIPanel::Deactivate() { r_DrawPortals.SetValue( 0 ); mat_wireframe.SetValue( 0 ); }
// The occlusion helper tool
class COcclusionUIPanel : public CPerfUIChildPanel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( COcclusionUIPanel, CPerfUIChildPanel );
public: COcclusionUIPanel( vgui::Panel *parent ); ~COcclusionUIPanel() {} void Activate(); void Deactivate();
protected: MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnTextChanged, "TextChanged", data ); MESSAGE_FUNC_PTR( OnCheckButtonChecked, "CheckButtonChecked", panel );
private: enum { VISUALIZE_NONE = 0, VISUALIZE_ON,
void OnVisualizationSelected(); void OnDeactivateOcclusion();
vgui::ComboBox *m_pVisualization; vgui::TextEntry *m_pMinOccluderArea; vgui::TextEntry *m_pMaxOccludeeArea; vgui::CheckButton *m_pDeactivateOcclusion;
static const char *s_pOccVisualizeLabel[VISUALIZE_TYPE_COUNT]; };
const char *COcclusionUIPanel::s_pOccVisualizeLabel[COcclusionUIPanel::VISUALIZE_TYPE_COUNT] = { "No visualization", "View occluders", };
// Purpose:
COcclusionUIPanel::COcclusionUIPanel( vgui::Panel *parent ) : BaseClass( parent, "AreaPortalUIPanel") { m_pVisualization = new ComboBox(this, "VisualizeMode", VISUALIZE_TYPE_COUNT, false); int i; for ( i = 0; i < VISUALIZE_TYPE_COUNT; i++ ) { m_pVisualization->AddItem( s_pOccVisualizeLabel[i], NULL ); } m_pVisualization->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pVisualization->ActivateItem( 0 );
m_pMinOccluderArea = new vgui::TextEntry( this, "MinOccluderSize" ); m_pMaxOccludeeArea = new vgui::TextEntry( this, "MaxOccludeeSize" );
m_pDeactivateOcclusion = new vgui::CheckButton( this, "DeactivateOcclusion", "" ); m_pDeactivateOcclusion->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
LoadControlSettings("Resource\\PerfOcclusionUIPanel.res"); }
// Activate, deactivate:
void COcclusionUIPanel::Activate() { OnVisualizationSelected(); OnDeactivateOcclusion();
char buf[256]; Q_snprintf( buf, 256, "%.2f", r_occluderminarea.GetFloat() ); m_pMinOccluderArea->SetText( buf ); Q_snprintf( buf, 256, "%.2f", r_occludeemaxarea.GetFloat() ); m_pMaxOccludeeArea->SetText( buf ); }
void COcclusionUIPanel::Deactivate() { r_visocclusion.SetValue( 0 ); mat_wireframe.SetValue( 0 ); }
// Visualization changed
void COcclusionUIPanel::OnTextChanged( KeyValues *data ) { Panel *pPanel = reinterpret_cast<vgui::Panel *>( data->GetPtr("panel") ); vgui::ComboBox *pBox = dynamic_cast<vgui::ComboBox *>( pPanel );
if( pBox == m_pVisualization ) { OnVisualizationSelected(); return; }
vgui::TextEntry *pText = dynamic_cast<vgui::TextEntry *>( pPanel ); if (( pText == m_pMinOccluderArea ) || ( pText == m_pMaxOccludeeArea )) { char buf[256]; float flMinArea, flMaxArea;
m_pMinOccluderArea->GetText( buf, 256 ); int nReadMin = sscanf( buf, "%f", &flMinArea ); if ( nReadMin ) { r_occluderminarea.SetValue( flMinArea ); }
m_pMaxOccludeeArea->GetText( buf, 256 ); int nReadMax = sscanf( buf, "%f", &flMaxArea ); if ( nReadMax ) { r_occludeemaxarea.SetValue( flMaxArea ); } } }
// Activate, deactivate:
void COcclusionUIPanel::OnVisualizationSelected() { int tool = m_pVisualization->GetActiveItem(); switch( tool ) { case VISUALIZE_NONE: r_visocclusion.SetValue( 0 ); mat_wireframe.SetValue( 0 ); break;
case VISUALIZE_ON: r_visocclusion.SetValue( 1 ); mat_wireframe.SetValue( 3 ); break; } }
// Activate, deactivate:
void COcclusionUIPanel::OnDeactivateOcclusion() { r_occlusion.SetValue( m_pDeactivateOcclusion->IsSelected() ? 0 : 1 ); }
void COcclusionUIPanel::OnCheckButtonChecked(Panel *panel) { if ( panel == m_pDeactivateOcclusion ) { OnDeactivateOcclusion(); } }
// Purpose:
class CPerfUIPanel : public vgui::Frame { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CPerfUIPanel, vgui::Frame );
public: CPerfUIPanel( vgui::Panel *parent ); ~CPerfUIPanel();
// Command issued
virtual void OnCommand(const char *command);
virtual void Activate();
void Init(); void Shutdown();
virtual void OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code);
virtual void OnTick();
protected: vgui::ComboBox *m_pPerformanceTool;
MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnTextChanged, "TextChanged", data );
private: void PopulateControls(); void OnPerfToolSelected();
PerformanceTool_t m_nPerfTool; CPerfUIChildPanel *m_pToolPanel[PERF_TOOL_COUNT]; CPerfUIChildPanel *m_pCurrentToolPanel; };
// Purpose: Basic help dialog
CPerfUIPanel::CPerfUIPanel( vgui::Panel *parent ) : BaseClass( parent, "PerfUIPanel") { SetTitle("Level Performance Tools", true);
m_pPerformanceTool = new ComboBox(this, "PerformanceTool", 10, false);
vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 0 );
// Hidden by default
SetVisible( false );
SetSizeable( false ); SetMoveable( true );
int w = 250; int h = 400;
int x = videomode->GetModeStereoWidth() - w - 10; int y = ( videomode->GetModeStereoHeight() - h ) / 2 + videomode->GetModeStereoHeight() * 0.2; SetBounds( x, y, w, h );
// Create the child tool panels
m_pToolPanel[PERF_TOOL_NONE] = new CPerfUIChildPanel( this, "PerfNone" ); m_pToolPanel[PERF_TOOL_PROP_FADES] = new CPropFadeUIPanel( this ); m_pToolPanel[PERF_TOOL_AREA_PORTALS] = new CAreaPortalsUIPanel( this ); m_pToolPanel[PERF_TOOL_OCCLUSION] = new COcclusionUIPanel( this );
for ( int i = 0; i < PERF_TOOL_COUNT; ++i ) { m_pToolPanel[i]->SetBounds( 0, 75, w, h - 75 ); }
m_nPerfTool = PERF_TOOL_COUNT; m_pCurrentToolPanel = NULL; PopulateControls(); }
CPerfUIPanel::~CPerfUIPanel() { }
// Init, shutdown
void CPerfUIPanel::Init() { // Center the cursor on the panel
int x, y, w, h; GetBounds( x, y, w, h ); vgui::input()->SetCursorPos( x + w/2, y + h/2 ); }
void CPerfUIPanel::Shutdown() { if ( m_pCurrentToolPanel ) { m_pCurrentToolPanel->Deactivate(); m_pCurrentToolPanel->SetVisible( false ); } }
void CPerfUIPanel::PopulateControls() { m_pPerformanceTool->DeleteAllItems(); int i; for ( i = 0; i < PERF_TOOL_COUNT; i++ ) { m_pPerformanceTool->AddItem( s_pPerfToolNames[i], NULL ); } m_pPerformanceTool->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pPerformanceTool->ActivateItem( 0 ); }
// Don't allow this to be enabled without cheats turned on.
void CPerfUIPanel::OnTick() { // Go away if we were on and sv_cheats is now on.
if ( !CanCheat() ) { Shutdown(); }
BaseClass::OnTick(); }
// A new performance tool was selected
void CPerfUIPanel::OnTextChanged( KeyValues *data ) { Panel *pPanel = reinterpret_cast<vgui::Panel *>( data->GetPtr("panel") ); vgui::ComboBox *pBox = dynamic_cast<vgui::ComboBox *>( pPanel );
if( pBox == m_pPerformanceTool ) // don't change the text in the config setting combo
{ OnPerfToolSelected(); } }
void CPerfUIPanel::OnPerfToolSelected() { int tool = m_pPerformanceTool->GetActiveItem(); if ( tool == m_nPerfTool ) return;
if ( m_pCurrentToolPanel ) { m_pCurrentToolPanel->Deactivate(); m_pCurrentToolPanel->SetVisible( false ); } m_nPerfTool = (PerformanceTool_t)tool; m_pCurrentToolPanel = m_pToolPanel[tool]; m_pCurrentToolPanel->SetVisible( true ); m_pCurrentToolPanel->Activate(); }
// Purpose: Shows the panel
void CPerfUIPanel::Activate() { if ( !CanCheat() ) return;
Init(); BaseClass::Activate(); }
void CPerfUIPanel::OnCommand( char const *command ) { if ( !Q_strcasecmp( command, "submit" ) ) { // OnSubmit();
} else if ( !Q_strcasecmp( command, "cancel" ) ) { // Close();
} else { BaseClass::OnCommand( command ); } }
// Purpose:
void CPerfUIPanel::OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code) { switch( code ) { case KEY_ESCAPE: Close(); break;
default: BaseClass::OnKeyCodeTyped( code ); break; } }
// Main interface to the performance tools
static CPerfUIPanel *g_pPerfUI = NULL;
class CEnginePerfTools : public IEnginePerfTools { public: virtual void Init( void ); virtual void Shutdown( void );
virtual void InstallPerformanceToolsUI( vgui::Panel *parent ); virtual bool ShouldPause() const; };
static CEnginePerfTools g_PerfTools; IEnginePerfTools *perftools = &g_PerfTools;
void CEnginePerfTools::Init( void ) { }
void CEnginePerfTools::Shutdown( void ) { if ( g_pPerfUI ) { g_pPerfUI->Shutdown(); } }
void CEnginePerfTools::InstallPerformanceToolsUI( vgui::Panel *parent ) { if ( g_pPerfUI ) return;
g_pPerfUI = new CPerfUIPanel( parent ); Assert( g_pPerfUI ); }
bool CEnginePerfTools::ShouldPause() const { return false; }
void ShowHidePerfUI() { if ( !g_pPerfUI ) return;
bool wasvisible = g_pPerfUI->IsVisible();
if ( wasvisible ) { // hide
g_pPerfUI->Close(); } else { g_pPerfUI->Activate(); } }
static ConCommand perfui( "perfui", ShowHidePerfUI, "Show/hide the level performance tools UI.", FCVAR_CHEAT );