//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
#include "replaydemoplayer.h"
#include "replay/ireplaymoviemanager.h"
#include "replay/ireplayperformancemanager.h"
#include "replay/ireplaymovierenderer.h"
#include "replay/ireplayperformancecontroller.h"
#include "replay/ireplaymanager.h"
#include "replay/replay.h"
#include "replay/replayutils.h"
#include "replay/shared_defs.h"
#include "replay/iclientreplay.h"
#include "replay/performance.h"
#include "replay_internal.h"
#include "cmd.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "cdll_engine_int.h"
#include "host.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#include "vgui_baseui_interface.h"
#include "screen.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
CReplayDemoPlayer s_ReplayDemoPlayer; IDemoPlayer *g_pReplayDemoPlayer = &s_ReplayDemoPlayer;
ConVar replay_ignorereplayticks( "replay_ignorereplayticks", "0" );
CReplayDemoPlayer::CReplayDemoPlayer() : m_pMovie( NULL ), m_nCurReplayIndex( 0 ), m_flStartRenderTime( 0.0f ), m_bInStartPlayback( false ), m_bStopCommandEncountered( false ), m_bFullSignonStateReached( false ) { }
void CReplayDemoPlayer::ClearReplayList() { m_vecReplaysToPlay.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); }
void CReplayDemoPlayer::AddReplayToList( ReplayHandle_t hReplay, int iPerformance ) { // Make sure the replay handle's OK
CReplay *pReplay = g_pReplayManager->GetReplay( hReplay ); if ( !pReplay ) return;
// Create new info
PlaybackInfo_t *pNewPlaybackInfo = new PlaybackInfo_t();
// Cache handle & performance
pNewPlaybackInfo->m_hReplay = hReplay; pNewPlaybackInfo->m_iPerformance = iPerformance;
// Figure out replay spawn/spawn+length ticks
pNewPlaybackInfo->m_nStartTick = pReplay->m_nSpawnTick; pNewPlaybackInfo->m_nEndTick = -1;
const int nLengthInTicks = TIME_TO_TICKS( pReplay->m_flLength ); if ( nLengthInTicks > 0 ) { pNewPlaybackInfo->m_nEndTick = pReplay->m_nSpawnTick + nLengthInTicks; }
// If a performance was specified, override ticks as appropriate
if ( iPerformance >= 0 ) { // Get the performance from the replay
const CReplayPerformance *pPerformance = pReplay->GetPerformance( iPerformance ); if ( pPerformance->m_nTickIn >= 0 ) { pNewPlaybackInfo->m_nStartTick = pPerformance->m_nTickIn; } if ( pPerformance->m_nTickOut >= 0 ) { pNewPlaybackInfo->m_nEndTick = pPerformance->m_nTickOut; } }
// Cache
m_vecReplaysToPlay.AddToTail( pNewPlaybackInfo ); }
CReplay *CReplayDemoPlayer::GetCurrentReplay() { PlaybackInfo_t *pCurrentPlaybackInfo = GetCurrentPlaybackInfo(); if ( !pCurrentPlaybackInfo ) return NULL;
return g_pReplayManager->GetReplay( pCurrentPlaybackInfo->m_hReplay ); }
const CReplay *CReplayDemoPlayer::GetCurrentReplay() const { return const_cast< CReplayDemoPlayer * >( this )->GetCurrentReplay(); }
CReplayPerformance *CReplayDemoPlayer::GetCurrentPerformance() { const PlaybackInfo_t *pCurrentPlaybackInfo = GetCurrentPlaybackInfo(); if ( !pCurrentPlaybackInfo ) return NULL;
CReplay *pReplay = GetCurrentReplay(); if ( !pReplay ) return NULL;
if ( pCurrentPlaybackInfo->m_iPerformance < 0 ) return NULL;
return pReplay->GetPerformance( pCurrentPlaybackInfo->m_iPerformance ); }
CReplayDemoPlayer::PlaybackInfo_t *CReplayDemoPlayer::GetCurrentPlaybackInfo() { if ( m_vecReplaysToPlay.Count() == 0 ) return NULL;
return m_vecReplaysToPlay[ m_nCurReplayIndex ]; }
const CReplayDemoPlayer::PlaybackInfo_t *CReplayDemoPlayer::GetCurrentPlaybackInfo() const { return const_cast< CReplayDemoPlayer * >( this )->GetCurrentPlaybackInfo(); }
void CReplayDemoPlayer::PauseReplay() { PausePlayback( -1.0f ); }
bool CReplayDemoPlayer::IsReplayPaused() { return IsPlaybackPaused(); }
void CReplayDemoPlayer::ResumeReplay() { ResumePlayback(); }
void CReplayDemoPlayer::OnSignonStateFull() { m_bFullSignonStateReached = true; }
netpacket_t *CReplayDemoPlayer::ReadPacket( void ) { if ( !m_bStopCommandEncountered ) { return BaseClass::ReadPacket(); }
return NULL; }
float CReplayDemoPlayer::GetPlaybackTimeScale() { if ( g_pReplayPerformanceController ) { return g_pReplayPerformanceController->GetPlaybackTimeScale(); }
return 1.0f; }
void CReplayDemoPlayer::OnStopCommand() { if ( m_bStopCommandEncountered ) return;
m_bStopCommandEncountered = true;
if ( !g_pClientReplay->OnEndOfReplayReached() ) { BaseClass::OnStopCommand(); } }
bool CReplayDemoPlayer::StartPlayback( const char *pFilename, bool bAsTimeDemo ) { if ( !Replay_IsSupportedModAndPlatform() ) return false;
CInStartPlaybackGuard InStartPlaybackGuard( m_bInStartPlayback );
const PlaybackInfo_t *pPlaybackInfo = GetCurrentPlaybackInfo(); if ( !pPlaybackInfo ) return false;
// always display progress bar to ensure load screen background is redraw
if ( !BaseClass::StartPlayback( pFilename, bAsTimeDemo ) ) { DisplayFailedToPlayMsg( pPlaybackInfo->m_iPerformance ); return false; }
CReplay *pReplay = GetCurrentReplay(); if ( !pReplay ) return false;
// Set this flag so we can detect whether the replay made it all the way to full signon state,
// otherwise we'll display a message StopPlayback() is called.
m_bFullSignonStateReached = false;
// Reset so when we see a dem_stop we will handle it
m_bStopCommandEncountered = false;
// Reset skip to tick now
m_nSkipToTick = -1;
// Reset the rendering cancelled flag now
// Setup playback timeframe
if ( pPlaybackInfo->m_nStartTick >= 0 && !replay_ignorereplayticks.GetBool() ) { SkipToTick( pPlaybackInfo->m_nStartTick, false, false ); } if ( pPlaybackInfo->m_nEndTick >= 0 && !replay_ignorereplayticks.GetBool() ) { SetEndTick( pPlaybackInfo->m_nEndTick ); }
if ( g_pReplayMovieManager->IsRendering() ) { #ifdef USE_WEBM_FOR_REPLAY
const char *pExtension = ".webm"; #else
const char *pExtension = ".mov"; #endif
// Start recording the movie
char szIdealFilename[ MAX_OSPATH ]; V_FileBase( pFilename, szIdealFilename, sizeof( szIdealFilename ) ); V_strcat( szIdealFilename, va( "_%i", pReplay->m_nSpawnTick ), sizeof( szIdealFilename ) ); V_SetExtension( szIdealFilename, pExtension, sizeof( szIdealFilename ) );
char szRenderPath[ MAX_OSPATH ]; V_snprintf( szRenderPath, sizeof( szRenderPath ), "%s%c%s%c%s%c%s", com_gamedir, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, SUBDIR_REPLAY, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, SUBDIR_CLIENT, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, SUBDIR_RENDERED );
char szActualFilename[ MAX_OSPATH ]; Replay_GetFirstAvailableFilename( szActualFilename, sizeof( szActualFilename ), szIdealFilename, pExtension, szRenderPath, 0 );
// Create an entry in the movie manager & save to disk
m_pMovie = g_pReplayMovieManager->CreateAndAddMovie( pReplay->GetHandle() ); m_pMovie->SetMovieFilename( szActualFilename ); wchar_t wszMovieTitle[MAX_REPLAY_TITLE_LENGTH] = L""; if ( pPlaybackInfo->m_iPerformance < 0 ) { g_pReplayMovieManager->GetCachedMovieTitleAndClear( wszMovieTitle, MAX_REPLAY_TITLE_LENGTH ); } else { const CReplayPerformance *pPerformance = pReplay->GetPerformance( pPlaybackInfo->m_iPerformance ); AssertMsg( pPerformance, "Performance should always be valid!" ); if ( pPerformance ) { V_wcsncpy( wszMovieTitle, pPerformance->m_wszTitle, sizeof( wszMovieTitle ) ); } } m_pMovie->SetMovieTitle( wszMovieTitle ); g_pReplayMovieManager->SetPendingMovie( m_pMovie ); g_pReplayMovieManager->FlagMovieForFlush( m_pMovie, true );
// Setup the start render time
m_flStartRenderTime = realtime; } else { m_pMovie = NULL; }
return true; }
void CReplayDemoPlayer::PlayNextReplay() { const PlaybackInfo_t *pPlaybackInfo = GetCurrentPlaybackInfo(); if ( !pPlaybackInfo ) return;
CReplay *pReplay = g_pReplayManager->GetReplay( pPlaybackInfo->m_hReplay ); if ( !pReplay ) return;
Assert ( pReplay->m_nStatus != CReplay::REPLAYSTATUS_DOWNLOADPHASE );
// Reconstruct now if necessary
g_pClientReplayContext->ReconstructReplayIfNecessary( pReplay );
// Open the demo file so we can read the start tick
const char *pFilename = pReplay->m_strReconstructedFilename.Get(); if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( pFilename ) ) { Warning( "\n** File %s does not exist!\n\n", pFilename ); DisplayFailedToPlayMsg( pPlaybackInfo->m_iPerformance ); return; }
// Construct a con-command to play the demo, starting at the spawn tick.
// Play the replay using the 'playreplay' command - pass in the performance as well, -1
// meaning play without a performance.
const char *pCmd = "replay_hidebrowser\ngameui_hide\nprogress_enable\n";
// Execute the command
Cbuf_AddText( pCmd ); Cbuf_Execute();
// Use the replay demo player
extern IDemoPlayer *g_pReplayDemoPlayer; demoplayer = g_pReplayDemoPlayer;
// Open the demo file
if ( demoplayer->StartPlayback( pFilename, false ) ) { // Remove extension
char szBasename[ MAX_OSPATH ]; V_StripExtension( pFilename, szBasename, sizeof( szBasename ) ); extern IBaseClientDLL *g_ClientDLL; g_ClientDLL->OnDemoPlaybackStart( szBasename ); } else { SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); } }
void CReplayDemoPlayer::PlayReplay( ReplayHandle_t hReplay, int iPerformance ) { // Cache the replay (this function will only ever cache one)
s_ReplayDemoPlayer.ClearReplayList(); s_ReplayDemoPlayer.AddReplayToList( hReplay, iPerformance ); s_ReplayDemoPlayer.PlayNextReplay(); }
void CReplayDemoPlayer::OnLastDemoInLoopPlayed() { g_pReplayMovieManager->CompleteRender( true, true ); }
float CReplayDemoPlayer::CalcMovieLength() const { const PlaybackInfo_t *pPlaybackInfo = GetCurrentPlaybackInfo(); if ( !pPlaybackInfo ) return 0.0f;
const CReplay *pReplay = GetCurrentReplay(); if ( !pReplay ) return 0.0f;
const int nStartTick = pPlaybackInfo->m_nStartTick >= 0 ? pPlaybackInfo->m_nStartTick : pReplay->m_nSpawnTick; const int nEndTick = pPlaybackInfo->m_nEndTick >= 0 ? pPlaybackInfo->m_nEndTick : ( pReplay->m_nSpawnTick + TIME_TO_TICKS( pReplay->m_flLength ) );
const bool bInvalidStartTick = nStartTick < 0; const bool bInvalidEndTick = nEndTick < 0;
if ( bInvalidEndTick ) { if ( !bInvalidStartTick ) { // Valid start tick, invalid end tick
return TICKS_TO_TIME( nStartTick ) + pReplay->m_flLength; } } else // Valid end tick.
{ if ( !bInvalidStartTick ) { // Valid start tick, valid end tick
return TICKS_TO_TIME( nEndTick - nStartTick ); } }
// Failed to calculate length
return 0.0f; }
void CReplayDemoPlayer::StopPlayback() { if ( !IsPlayingBack() ) return;
if ( m_bInStartPlayback ) return;
bool bDoneWithBatch = m_nCurReplayIndex >= m_vecReplaysToPlay.Count() - 1; bool bRenderCancelled = g_pReplayMovieManager->RenderingCancelled();
if ( g_pReplayMovieManager->IsRendering() ) { // Update the replay's state
CReplay *pReplay = GetCurrentReplay(); if ( !pReplay ) return;
pReplay->m_bRendered = true; // We have rendered this replay at least once
// Save replay
g_pReplayManager->FlagReplayForFlush( pReplay, false );
// Update the movie's state - the render succeeded
m_pMovie->SetIsRendered( true ); // Compute the time it took to render
m_pMovie->SetRenderTime( MAX( 0, realtime - m_flStartRenderTime ) );
// Sets the recorded date & time of the movie
// Get movie length
m_pMovie->SetLength( CalcMovieLength() );
// Save movie
g_pReplayMovieManager->FlagMovieForFlush( m_pMovie, true );
// Kill the renderer, show the browser if we're done rendering all replays
g_pReplayMovieManager->CompleteRender( true, bDoneWithBatch ); } else if ( !bRenderCancelled ) // Without this check, batch rendering will continue to try and render after cancel
{ CReplay *pReplay = GetCurrentReplay(); if ( !pReplay ) return;
// Get the 'saved' performance from the performance controller, since the performance we initiated playback
// with may not be the one we want to select in the replay browser. The user may have save as a new performance,
// in which case we'll want to highlight that one.
CReplayPerformance *pSavedPerformance = g_pReplayPerformanceController->GetSavedPerformance();
// Get the index - FindPerformance() will set the output index to -1 if it can't find the performance
int iHighlightPerformance; pReplay->FindPerformance( pSavedPerformance, iHighlightPerformance );
// Notify UI that playback is complete
g_pClientReplay->OnPlaybackComplete( pReplay->GetHandle(), iHighlightPerformance );
// Hide the replay performance editor
// End playback/recording as needed
g_pReplayPerformanceController->Stop(); }
// Get the playback info before we incremeent the current replay
const PlaybackInfo_t *pPlaybackInfo = GetCurrentPlaybackInfo();
// Play the next replay, if one was queued
if ( !bDoneWithBatch && !bRenderCancelled ) { g_pReplayMovieManager->RenderNextMovie(); } else { m_nCurReplayIndex = 0; m_vecReplaysToPlay.PurgeAndDeleteElements();
if ( !m_bFullSignonStateReached ) { DisplayFailedToPlayMsg( pPlaybackInfo ? pPlaybackInfo->m_iPerformance : -1 ); } } }
bool CReplayDemoPlayer::ShouldLoopDemos() { return false; }
void CReplayDemoPlayer::DisplayFailedToPlayMsg( int iPerformance ) { g_pClientReplay->DisplayReplayMessage( iPerformance < 0 ? "#Replay_Err_User_FailedToPlayReplay" : "#Replay_Err_User_FailedToPlayTake", false, true, NULL ); }
#endif // #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )