//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#if !defined( _X360 )
#include <winsock.h>
#include "winsockx.h"
#elif POSIX
#define SOCKET_ERROR -1
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
//$ #include <uuid/uuid.h>
typedef unsigned char uuid_t[16]; #ifdef OSX
#include <uuid/uuid.h>
typedef unsigned char uuid_t[16]; #endif
#include <pwd.h>
#define closesocket close
#include "quakedef.h" // build_number()
#include "net.h"
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "sv_uploadgamestats.h"
#include "host.h"
#include "host_phonehome.h"
#include "mathlib/IceKey.H"
#include "bitbuf.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "tier0/vcrmode.h"
#include "blockingudpsocket.h"
#include "cserserverprotocol_engine.h"
#include "utlbuffer.h"
#include "eiface.h"
#include "FindSteamServers.h"
#include <vstdlib/random.h>
#include "iregistry.h"
#include "filesystem_engine.h"
#include "checksum_md5.h"
#include "cl_steamauth.h"
#include "steam/steam_gameserver.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "sv_steamauth.h"
#include "host_state.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
typedef unsigned int u32; typedef unsigned char u8; typedef unsigned short u16;
namespace GameStatsHarvester {
enum EFileType { eFileTypeGameStats,
eFILETYPECOUNT // Count number of legal values
enum ESendMethod { eSendMethodWholeRawFileNoBlocks, eSendMethodCompressedBlocks, // TODO: Reenable compressed sending of minidumps
eSENDMETHODCOUNT // Count number of legal values
using namespace GameStatsHarvester;
// TODO: cut protocol version down to u8 if possible, to reduce bandwidth usage
// for very frequent but tiny commands.
typedef u32 ProtocolVersion_t;
typedef u8 ProtocolAcceptanceFlag_t; typedef u8 ProtocolUnacceptableAck_t;
typedef u32 MessageSequenceId_t;
typedef u32 ServerSessionHandle_t; typedef u32 ClientSessionHandle_t;
typedef u32 NetworkTransactionId_t;
// Command codes are intentionally as small as possible to minimize bandwidth usage
// for very frequent but tiny commands (e.g. GDS 'FindServer' commands).
typedef u8 Command_t;
// ... likewise response codes are as small as possible - we use this when we
// ... can and revert to large types on a case by case basis.
typedef u8 CommandResponse_t;
// This define our standard type for length prefix for variable length messages
// in wire protocols.
// This is specifically used by CWSABUFWrapper::PrepareToReceiveLengthPrefixedMessage()
// and its supporting functions.
// It is defined here for generic (portable) network code to use when constructing
// messages to be sent to peers that use the above function.
// e.g. SteamValidateUserIDTickets.dll uses this for that purpose.
// We support u16 or u32 (obviously switching between them breaks existing protocols
// unless all components are switched simultaneously).
typedef u32 NetworkMessageLengthPrefix_t;
// Similarly, strings should be preceeded by their length.
typedef u16 StringLengthPrefix_t;
const ProtocolAcceptanceFlag_t cuProtocolIsNotAcceptable = static_cast<ProtocolAcceptanceFlag_t>( 0 );
const ProtocolAcceptanceFlag_t cuProtocolIsAcceptable = static_cast<ProtocolAcceptanceFlag_t>( 1 );
const Command_t cuMaxCommand = static_cast<Command_t>(255);
const CommandResponse_t cuMaxCommandResponse = static_cast<CommandResponse_t>(255);
// This is for mapping requests back to error ids for placing into the database appropriately.
typedef u32 ContextID_t;
// This is the version of the protocol used by latest-build clients.
const ProtocolVersion_t cuCurrentProtocolVersion = 1;
// This is the minimum protocol version number that the client must
// be able to speak in order to communicate with the server.
// The client sends its protocol version this before every command, and if we
// don't support that version anymore then we tell it nicely. The client
// should respond by doing an auto-update.
const ProtocolVersion_t cuRequiredProtocolVersion = 1;
namespace Commands { const Command_t cuGracefulClose = 0; const Command_t cuSendGameStats = 1; const Command_t cuNumCommands = 2; const Command_t cuNoCommandReceivedYet = cuMaxCommand; }
namespace HarvestFileCommand { typedef u32 SenderTypeId_t; typedef u32 SenderTypeUniqueId_t; typedef u32 SenderSourceCodeControlId_t; typedef u32 FileSize_t;
// Legal values defined by EFileType
typedef u32 FileType_t;
// Legal values defined by ESendMethod
typedef u32 SendMethod_t;
const CommandResponse_t cuOkToSendFile = 0; const CommandResponse_t cuFileTooBig = 1; const CommandResponse_t cuInvalidSendMethod = 2; const CommandResponse_t cuInvalidMaxCompressedChunkSize = 3; const CommandResponse_t cuInvalidGameStatsContext = 4; const uint cuNumCommandResponses = 5; }
// Class declaration: CWin32UploadGameStats
// Authors:
// Yahn Bernier
// Description and general notes:
// Handles uploading game stats data blobs to the CSERServer
// (Client Stats & Error Reporting Server)
typedef enum { // General status
eGameStatsUploadSucceeded = 0, eGameStatsUploadFailed,
// Specific status
eGameStatsBadParameter, eGameStatsUnknownStatus, eGameStatsSendingGameStatsHeaderSucceeded, eGameStatsSendingGameStatsHeaderFailed, eGameStatsReceivingResponseSucceeded, eGameStatsReceivingResponseFailed, eGameStatsConnectToCSERServerSucceeded, eGameStatsConnectToCSERServerFailed, eGameStatsUploadingGameStatsSucceeded, eGameStatsUploadingGameStatsFailed } EGameStatsUploadStatus;
struct TGameStatsProgress { // A text string describing the current progress
char m_sStatus[ 512 ]; };
typedef void ( *GAMESTATSREPORTPROGRESSFUNC )( u32 uContext, const TGameStatsProgress & rGameStatsProgress );
struct TGameStatsParameters { TGameStatsParameters() : m_uAppId( 0 ) { }
// IP Address of the CSERServer to send the report to
netadr_t m_ipCSERServer;
// Source Control Id (or build_number) of the product
u32 m_uEngineBuildNumber; // Name of the .exe
char m_sExecutableName[ 64 ]; // Game directory
char m_sGameDirectory[ 64 ]; // Map name the server wants to upload statistics about
char m_sMapName[ 64 ];
// Version id for stats blob
u32 m_uStatsBlobVersion;
u32 m_uStatsBlobSize; void *m_pStatsBlobData;
u32 m_uProgressContext; GAMESTATSREPORTPROGRESSFUNC m_pOptionalProgressFunc;
u32 m_uAppId; };
// Note that this API is blocking, though the callback, if passed, can occur during execution.
EGameStatsUploadStatus Win32UploadGameStatsBlocking ( const TGameStatsParameters & rGameStatsParameters // Input
class CUploadGameStats : public IUploadGameStats { public:
CUploadGameStats() : m_bConnected(false), m_flNextConnectAttempt(0) {}
// Purpose: Initializes the connection to the CSER
void InitConnection( void ) { AsyncUpload_Shutdown();
m_bConnected = false; m_Adr.Clear(); m_Adr.SetType( NA_IP ); m_flNextConnectAttempt = 0; // don't call UpdateConnection here, does bad things
void UpdateConnection( void ) { if ( m_bConnected || HostState_IsShuttingDown() ) return;
// try getting client SteamUtils interface
ISteamUtils *pSteamUtils = NULL; #ifndef SWDS
pSteamUtils = Steam3Client().SteamUtils(); #endif
// if that fails, try the game server SteamUtils interface
if ( !pSteamUtils ) { pSteamUtils = Steam3Server().SteamGameServerUtils(); }
// can't determine CSER if Steam not running
if ( !pSteamUtils ) return;
float curTime = Sys_FloatTime();
if ( curTime < m_flNextConnectAttempt ) return;
uint32 unIP = 0; uint16 usPort = 0; #if !defined( NO_VCR )
if ( VCRGetMode() != VCR_Playback ) #endif
{ pSteamUtils->GetCSERIPPort( &unIP, &usPort ); } #if !defined( NO_VCR )
VCRGenericValue( "a", &unIP, sizeof( unIP ) ); VCRGenericValue( "b", &usPort, sizeof( usPort ) ); #endif
if ( unIP == 0 ) { m_flNextConnectAttempt = curTime + GAMESTATSUPLOADER_CONNECT_RETRY_TIME; return; } else { m_Adr.SetIP( unIP ); m_Adr.SetPort( usPort ); m_Adr.SetType( NA_IP ); m_bConnected = true; } }
virtual bool UploadGameStats( char const *mapname, unsigned int blobversion, unsigned int blobsize, const void *pvBlobData ) { AsyncUpload_QueueData( mapname, blobversion, blobsize, pvBlobData ); return true; //return UploadGameStatsInternal( mapname, blobversion, blobsize, pvBlobData );
// If user has disabled stats tracking, do nothing
virtual bool IsGameStatsLoggingEnabled() { if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nogamestats" ) ) return false;
#ifdef SWDS
return true; #else
IRegistry *temp = InstanceRegistry( "Steam" ); Assert( temp ); // Check registry
int iDisable = temp->ReadInt( "DisableGameStats", 0 ); ReleaseInstancedRegistry( temp );
if ( iDisable != 0 ) { return false; }
return true; #endif
} // Gets a non-personally identifiable unique ID for this steam user, used for tracking total gameplay time across
// multiple stats sessions, but isn't trackable back to their Steam account or id.
// Buffer should be 16 bytes, ID will come back as a hexadecimal string version of a GUID
virtual void GetPseudoUniqueId( char *buf, size_t bufsize ) { Q_memset( buf, 0, bufsize );
#ifndef SWDS
IRegistry *temp = InstanceRegistry( "Steam" ); Assert( temp ); // Check registry
char const *uuid = temp->ReadString( "PseudoUUID", "" ); if ( !uuid || !*uuid ) { // Create a new one
#ifdef WIN32
UUID newId; UuidCreate( &newId ); #elif defined(POSIX)
uuid_t newId; #ifdef OSX
uuid_generate( newId ); #endif
char hex[ 17 ]; Q_memset( hex, 0, sizeof( hex ) ); Q_binarytohex( (const byte *)&newId, sizeof( newId ), hex, sizeof( hex ) );
// If running at Valve, copy in the users name here
if ( Steam3Client().SteamUtils() && ( Steam3Client().SteamUser()->BLoggedOn() ) && ( k_EUniverseBeta == Steam3Client().SteamUtils()->GetConnectedUniverse() ) ) { bool bOk = true; char username[ 64 ]; #if defined( _WIN32 )
Q_memset( username, 0, sizeof( username ) ); DWORD length = sizeof( username ) - 1; if ( !GetUserName( username, &length ) ) { bOk = false; } #else
struct passwd *pass = getpwuid( getuid() ); if ( pass ) { Q_strncpy( username, pass->pw_name, sizeof( username ) ); } else { bOk = false; } username[sizeof(username)-1] = '\0'; #endif
if ( bOk ) { int nBytesToCopy = min( (size_t)Q_strlen( username ), sizeof( hex ) - 1 ); // NOTE: This doesn't copy the NULL terminator from username because we want the "random" bits after the name
Q_memcpy( hex, username, nBytesToCopy ); } }
temp->WriteString( "PseudoUUID", hex );
Q_strncpy( buf, hex, bufsize ); } else { Q_strncpy( buf, uuid, bufsize ); }
ReleaseInstancedRegistry( temp ); #endif
if ( ( buf[0] == 0 ) && sv.IsDedicated() ) { // For Linux dedicated servers, where we won't get a unique ID: set the ID to "unknown" so we have something. (If there's no ID,
// stats don't get sent.) This will later get altered to be a hash of IP&port, but this gets called early before IP is determined
// so we can't make the hash now.
Q_strncpy( buf, "unknown", bufsize ); } }
virtual bool IsCyberCafeUser( void ) { // TODO: convert this to be aware of proper Steam3'ified cafes once we actually implement that
return false; }
// Only works in single player
virtual bool IsHDREnabled( void ) { #if defined( SWDS ) || defined( _X360 )
return false; #else
return g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetHDREnabled(); #endif
bool UploadGameStatsInternal( char const *mapname, unsigned int blobversion, unsigned int blobsize, const void *pvBlobData ) { // Attempt connection, for backwards compatibility
if ( !m_bConnected ) return false;
unsigned int useAppId = GetSteamAppID(); if ( useAppId == 0 ) return false;
TGameStatsParameters params; Q_memset( ¶ms, 0, sizeof( params ) );
params.m_ipCSERServer = m_Adr;
params.m_uEngineBuildNumber = build_number(); Q_strncpy( params.m_sExecutableName, "hl2.exe", sizeof( params.m_sExecutableName ) ); Q_FileBase( com_gamedir, params.m_sGameDirectory, sizeof( params.m_sGameDirectory ) ); Q_FileBase( mapname, params.m_sMapName, sizeof( params.m_sMapName ) ); params.m_uStatsBlobVersion = blobversion; params.m_uStatsBlobSize = blobsize; params.m_pStatsBlobData = ( void * )pvBlobData;
// New protocol sorts things by Steam AppId (4/6/06 ywb)
params.m_uAppId = useAppId; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EGameStatsUploadStatus result = Win32UploadGameStatsBlocking( params ); return ( result == eGameStatsUploadSucceeded ) ? true : false; } private: netadr_t m_Adr; float m_flNextConnectAttempt; bool m_bConnected; };
static CUploadGameStats g_UploadGameStats; IUploadGameStats *g_pUploadGameStats = &g_UploadGameStats; EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE_GLOBALVAR( CUploadGameStats, IUploadGameStats, INTERFACEVERSION_UPLOADGAMESTATS, g_UploadGameStats );
void UpdateProgress( const TGameStatsParameters & params, char const *fmt, ... ) { if ( !params.m_pOptionalProgressFunc ) { return; }
char str[ 2048 ]; va_list argptr; va_start( argptr, fmt ); _vsnprintf( str, sizeof( str ) - 1, fmt, argptr ); va_end( argptr );
char outstr[ 2060 ]; Q_snprintf( outstr, sizeof( outstr ), "(%u): %s", params.m_uProgressContext, str );
TGameStatsProgress progress; Q_strncpy( progress.m_sStatus, outstr, sizeof( progress.m_sStatus ) );
// Invoke the callback
( *params.m_pOptionalProgressFunc )( params.m_uProgressContext, progress ); }
class CWin32UploadGameStats { public: explicit CWin32UploadGameStats( const netadr_t & harvester, const TGameStatsParameters & rGameStatsParameters, u32 contextid ); ~CWin32UploadGameStats();
EGameStatsUploadStatus Upload( CUtlBuffer& buf );
enum States { eCreateTCPSocket = 0, eConnectToHarvesterServer, eSendProtocolVersion, eReceiveProtocolOkay, eSendUploadCommand, eReceiveOKToSendFile, eSendWholeFile, // This could push chunks onto the wire, but we'll just use a whole buffer for now.
eReceiveFileUploadSuccess, eSendGracefulClose, eCloseTCPSocket };
bool CreateTCPSocket( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& buf ); bool ConnectToHarvesterServer( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& buf ); bool SendProtocolVersion( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& buf ); bool ReceiveProtocolOkay( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& buf ); bool SendUploadCommand( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& buf ); bool ReceiveOKToSendFile( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& buf ); bool SendWholeFile( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& buf ); bool ReceiveFileUploadSuccess( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& buf ); bool SendGracefulClose( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& buf ); bool CloseTCPSocket( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& buf );
typedef bool ( CWin32UploadGameStats::*pfnProtocolStateHandler )( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& buf ); struct FSMState_t { FSMState_t( uint f, pfnProtocolStateHandler s ) : first( f ), second( s ) { }
uint first; pfnProtocolStateHandler second; };
void AddState( uint StateIndex, pfnProtocolStateHandler handler ); void SetNextState( uint StateIndex ); bool DoBlockingReceive( uint bytesExpected, CUtlBuffer& buf );
CUtlVector< FSMState_t > m_States; uint m_uCurrentState; struct sockaddr_in m_HarvesterSockAddr; uint m_SocketTCP; const TGameStatsParameters &m_rCrashParameters; //lint !e1725
u32 m_ContextID; };
CWin32UploadGameStats::CWin32UploadGameStats( const netadr_t & harvester, const TGameStatsParameters & rGameStatsParameters, u32 contextid ) : m_States(), m_uCurrentState( eCreateTCPSocket ), m_HarvesterSockAddr(), m_SocketTCP( 0 ), m_rCrashParameters( rGameStatsParameters ), m_ContextID( contextid ) { harvester.ToSockadr( (struct sockaddr *)&m_HarvesterSockAddr );
AddState( eCreateTCPSocket, &CWin32UploadGameStats::CreateTCPSocket ); AddState( eConnectToHarvesterServer, &CWin32UploadGameStats::ConnectToHarvesterServer ); AddState( eSendProtocolVersion, &CWin32UploadGameStats::SendProtocolVersion ); AddState( eReceiveProtocolOkay, &CWin32UploadGameStats::ReceiveProtocolOkay ); AddState( eSendUploadCommand, &CWin32UploadGameStats::SendUploadCommand ); AddState( eReceiveOKToSendFile, &CWin32UploadGameStats::ReceiveOKToSendFile ); AddState( eSendWholeFile, &CWin32UploadGameStats::SendWholeFile ); AddState( eReceiveFileUploadSuccess, &CWin32UploadGameStats::ReceiveFileUploadSuccess ); AddState( eSendGracefulClose, &CWin32UploadGameStats::SendGracefulClose ); AddState( eCloseTCPSocket, &CWin32UploadGameStats::CloseTCPSocket ); }
CWin32UploadGameStats::~CWin32UploadGameStats() { if ( m_SocketTCP != 0 ) { closesocket( m_SocketTCP ); //lint !e534
m_SocketTCP = 0; } }
// Function: DoBlockingReceive()
bool CWin32UploadGameStats::DoBlockingReceive( uint bytesExpected, CUtlBuffer& buf ) { uint totalReceived = 0;
buf.Purge(); for ( ;; ) { char temp[ 8192 ];
int bytesReceived = recv( m_SocketTCP, temp, sizeof( temp ), 0 ); if ( bytesReceived <= 0 ) return false;
buf.Put( ( const void * )temp, (u32)bytesReceived ); totalReceived = buf.TellPut(); if ( totalReceived >= bytesExpected ) break;
} return true; }
void CWin32UploadGameStats::AddState( uint StateIndex, pfnProtocolStateHandler handler ) { FSMState_t newState( StateIndex, handler ); m_States.AddToTail( newState ); }
EGameStatsUploadStatus CWin32UploadGameStats::Upload( CUtlBuffer& buf ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Commencing game stats upload connection." );
EGameStatsUploadStatus result = eGameStatsUploadSucceeded; // Run the state machine
while ( 1 ) { Assert( m_States[ m_uCurrentState ].first == m_uCurrentState ); pfnProtocolStateHandler handler = m_States[ m_uCurrentState ].second;
if ( !(this->*handler)( result, buf ) ) { return result; } } }
void CWin32UploadGameStats::SetNextState( uint StateIndex ) { Assert( StateIndex > m_uCurrentState ); m_uCurrentState = StateIndex; }
bool CWin32UploadGameStats::CreateTCPSocket( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& /*buf*/ ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Creating game stats upload socket." );
m_SocketTCP = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP ); if ( m_SocketTCP == (uint)SOCKET_ERROR ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Socket creation failed." );
status = eGameStatsUploadFailed; return false; }
SetNextState( eConnectToHarvesterServer ); return true; }
bool CWin32UploadGameStats::ConnectToHarvesterServer( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& /*buf*/ ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Connecting to game stats harvesting server." );
if ( connect( m_SocketTCP, (const sockaddr *)&m_HarvesterSockAddr, sizeof( m_HarvesterSockAddr ) ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Connection failed." );
status = eGameStatsConnectToCSERServerFailed; return false; }
SetNextState( eSendProtocolVersion ); return true; }
bool CWin32UploadGameStats::SendProtocolVersion( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& buf ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Sending game stats harvester protocol info." ); buf.SetBigEndian( true ); // Send protocol version
buf.Purge(); buf.PutInt( cuCurrentProtocolVersion );
if ( send( m_SocketTCP, (const char *)buf.Base(), (int)buf.TellPut(), 0 ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Send failed." );
status = eGameStatsUploadFailed; return false; }
SetNextState( eReceiveProtocolOkay ); return true; }
bool CWin32UploadGameStats::ReceiveProtocolOkay( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& buf ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Receiving harvesting protocol acknowledgement." ); buf.Purge();
// Now receive the protocol is acceptable token from the server
if ( !DoBlockingReceive( 1, buf ) ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Didn't receive protocol failure data." );
status = eGameStatsUploadFailed; return false; }
bool protocolokay = buf.GetChar() ? true : false; if ( !protocolokay ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Server rejected protocol." );
status = eGameStatsUploadFailed; return false; }
UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Protocol OK." );
SetNextState( eSendUploadCommand ); return true; }
bool CWin32UploadGameStats::SendUploadCommand( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& buf ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Sending harvesting protocol upload request." ); // Send upload command
buf.Purge(); NetworkMessageLengthPrefix_t messageSize ( sizeof( Command_t ) + sizeof( ContextID_t ) + sizeof( HarvestFileCommand::FileSize_t ) + sizeof( HarvestFileCommand::SendMethod_t ) + sizeof( HarvestFileCommand::FileSize_t ) );
// Prefix the length to the command
buf.PutInt( (int)messageSize ); buf.PutChar( Commands::cuSendGameStats ); buf.PutInt( (int)m_ContextID );
buf.PutInt( (int)m_rCrashParameters.m_uStatsBlobSize ); buf.PutInt( static_cast<HarvestFileCommand::SendMethod_t>( eSendMethodWholeRawFileNoBlocks ) ); buf.PutInt( static_cast<HarvestFileCommand::FileSize_t>( 0 ) );
// Send command to server
if ( send( m_SocketTCP, (const char *)buf.Base(), (int)buf.TellPut(), 0 ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Send failed." );
status = eGameStatsUploadFailed; return false; }
SetNextState( eReceiveOKToSendFile ); return true; }
bool CWin32UploadGameStats::ReceiveOKToSendFile( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& buf ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Receive game stats harvesting protocol upload permissible." );
// Now receive the protocol is acceptable token from the server
if ( !DoBlockingReceive( 1, buf ) ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Receive failed." ); status = eGameStatsUploadFailed; return false; }
bool dosend = false; CommandResponse_t cmd = (CommandResponse_t)buf.GetChar(); switch ( cmd ) { case HarvestFileCommand::cuOkToSendFile: { dosend = true; } break; case HarvestFileCommand::cuFileTooBig: case HarvestFileCommand::cuInvalidSendMethod: case HarvestFileCommand::cuInvalidMaxCompressedChunkSize: case HarvestFileCommand::cuInvalidGameStatsContext: default: break; }
if ( !dosend ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Server rejected upload command." );
status = eGameStatsUploadFailed; return false; } SetNextState( eSendWholeFile ); return true; }
bool CWin32UploadGameStats::SendWholeFile( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& /*buf*/ ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Uploading game stats data." ); // Send to server
bool bret = true; if ( send( m_SocketTCP, (const char *)m_rCrashParameters.m_pStatsBlobData, (int)m_rCrashParameters.m_uStatsBlobSize, 0 ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { bret = false; UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Send failed." );
status = eGameStatsUploadFailed; } else { SetNextState( eReceiveFileUploadSuccess ); }
return bret; }
bool CWin32UploadGameStats::ReceiveFileUploadSuccess( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& buf ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Receiving game stats upload success/fail message." );
// Now receive the protocol is acceptable token from the server
if ( !DoBlockingReceive( 1, buf ) ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Receive failed." );
status = eGameStatsUploadFailed; return false; }
bool success = buf.GetChar() == 1 ? true : false; if ( !success ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Upload failed." );
status = eGameStatsUploadFailed; return false; }
UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Upload OK." );
SetNextState( eSendGracefulClose ); return true; }
bool CWin32UploadGameStats::SendGracefulClose( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& buf ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Closing connection to server." );
// Now send disconnect command
size_t messageSize = sizeof( Command_t );
buf.PutInt( (int)messageSize ); buf.PutChar( Commands::cuGracefulClose );
if ( send( m_SocketTCP, (const char *)buf.Base(), (int)buf.TellPut(), 0 ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Send failed." );
status = eGameStatsUploadFailed; return false; }
SetNextState( eCloseTCPSocket ); return true; }
bool CWin32UploadGameStats::CloseTCPSocket( EGameStatsUploadStatus& status, CUtlBuffer& /*buf*/ ) { UpdateProgress( m_rCrashParameters, "Closing socket, upload succeeded." );
closesocket( m_SocketTCP );//lint !e534
m_SocketTCP = 0;
status = eGameStatsUploadSucceeded; // NOTE: Returning false here ends the state machine!!!
return false; }
EGameStatsUploadStatus Win32UploadGameStatsBlocking ( const TGameStatsParameters & rGameStatsParameters ) { EGameStatsUploadStatus status = eGameStatsUploadSucceeded;
CUtlBuffer buf( rGameStatsParameters.m_uStatsBlobSize + 4096 );
UpdateProgress( rGameStatsParameters, "Creating initial report." );
buf.SetBigEndian( false );
buf.Purge(); buf.PutChar( C2M_REPORT_GAMESTATISTICS ); buf.PutChar( '\n' ); buf.PutChar( C2M_REPORT_GAMESTATISTICS_PROTOCOL_VERSION );
// See CSERServerProtocol.h for format
if ( 0 ) // This is the old protocol
{ buf.PutInt( (int)rGameStatsParameters.m_uEngineBuildNumber ); buf.PutString( rGameStatsParameters.m_sExecutableName ); // exe name
buf.PutString( rGameStatsParameters.m_sGameDirectory ); // gamedir
buf.PutString( rGameStatsParameters.m_sMapName ); buf.PutInt( (int)rGameStatsParameters.m_uStatsBlobVersion ); // game stats blob version
buf.PutInt( (int)rGameStatsParameters.m_uStatsBlobSize ); // game stats blob size
} else { buf.PutInt( (int)rGameStatsParameters.m_uAppId ); buf.PutInt( (int)rGameStatsParameters.m_uStatsBlobSize ); // game stats blob size
CBlockingUDPSocket bcs; if ( !bcs.IsValid() ) { return eGameStatsUploadFailed; }
struct sockaddr_in sa; rGameStatsParameters.m_ipCSERServer.ToSockadr( (struct sockaddr *)&sa );
UpdateProgress( rGameStatsParameters, "Sending game stats to server %s.", rGameStatsParameters.m_ipCSERServer.ToString() );
bcs.SendSocketMessage( sa, (const u8 *)buf.Base(), buf.TellPut() ); //lint !e534
UpdateProgress( rGameStatsParameters, "Waiting for response." );
if ( bcs.WaitForMessage( 2.0f ) ) { UpdateProgress( rGameStatsParameters, "Received response." );
struct sockaddr_in replyaddress; buf.EnsureCapacity( 4096 );
uint bytesReceived = bcs.ReceiveSocketMessage( &replyaddress, (u8 *)buf.Base(), 4096 ); if ( bytesReceived > 0 ) { // Fixup actual size
buf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, bytesReceived );
UpdateProgress( rGameStatsParameters, "Checking response." );
// Parse out data
u8 msgtype = (u8)buf.GetChar(); if ( M2C_ACKREPORT_GAMESTATISTICS != msgtype ) { UpdateProgress( rGameStatsParameters, "Request denied, invalid message type." ); return eGameStatsSendingGameStatsHeaderFailed; } bool validProtocol = (u8)buf.GetChar() == 1 ? true : false; if ( !validProtocol ) { UpdateProgress( rGameStatsParameters, "Request denied, invalid message protocol." ); return eGameStatsSendingGameStatsHeaderFailed; }
u8 disposition = (u8)buf.GetChar(); if ( GS_UPLOAD_REQESTED != disposition ) { // Server doesn't want a gamestats, oh well
UpdateProgress( rGameStatsParameters, "Stats report accepted, data upload skipped." );
return eGameStatsUploadSucceeded; }
// Read in the game stats info parameters
u32 harvester_ip = (u32)buf.GetInt(); u16 harvester_port = (u16)buf.GetShort(); u32 dumpcontext = (u32)buf.GetInt();
sockaddr_in adr; adr.sin_family = AF_INET; adr.sin_port = htons( harvester_port ); #ifdef _WIN32
adr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = harvester_ip; #elif POSIX
adr.sin_addr.s_addr = harvester_ip; #endif
netadr_t GameStatsHarvesterFSMIPAddress; GameStatsHarvesterFSMIPAddress.SetFromSockadr( (struct sockaddr *)&adr );
UpdateProgress( rGameStatsParameters, "Server requested game stats upload to %s.", GameStatsHarvesterFSMIPAddress.ToString() );
// Keep using the same scratch buffer for messaging
CWin32UploadGameStats uploader( GameStatsHarvesterFSMIPAddress, rGameStatsParameters, dumpcontext ); status = uploader.Upload( buf ); } } else { UpdateProgress( rGameStatsParameters, "No response from server." ); }
return status; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Implementation of async uploading
class CAsyncUploaderThread { public: CAsyncUploaderThread() : m_hThread( NULL ), m_bRunning( false ), m_eventQueue(false), m_eventInitShutdown(false) {}
ThreadHandle_t m_hThread;
protected: struct DataEntry { char const *szMapName; uint uiBlobVersion; uint uiBlobSize; void const *pvBlob;
DataEntry *AllocCopy() const; void Free() { delete [] ( (char*)this ); } };
CThreadEvent m_eventQueue; CThreadEvent m_eventInitShutdown; CThreadFastMutex m_mtx; CUtlVector< DataEntry * > m_queue; bool m_bRunning; void ThreadProc(); enum { SLEEP_ENTRY_UPLOADED = 10 * 1000 };
public: static unsigned CallbackThreadProc( void *pvParam ) { ((CAsyncUploaderThread*) pvParam)->ThreadProc(); return 0; } void QueueData( char const *szMapName, uint uiBlobVersion, uint uiBlobSize, const void *pvBlob ); void TerminateAndSelfDelete(); };
static CAsyncUploaderThread *g_pAsyncUploader = NULL;
CAsyncUploaderThread::DataEntry * CAsyncUploaderThread::DataEntry::AllocCopy() const { // Find out how much memory we would need
uint lenMapName = ( szMapName ? strlen( szMapName ) : 0 ); uint numBytes = sizeof( DataEntry ) + uiBlobSize + lenMapName + 1;
char *pbData = new char[ numBytes ]; DataEntry *pNew = ( DataEntry * )( pbData ); if ( !pNew ) return NULL;
pNew->uiBlobVersion = uiBlobVersion; pNew->uiBlobSize = uiBlobSize; char *pbWriteMapName = ( char * )( pNew + 1 ); pNew->szMapName = pbWriteMapName; memcpy( pbWriteMapName, szMapName, lenMapName ); pbWriteMapName[ lenMapName ] = 0;
char *pbWriteBlob = pbWriteMapName + lenMapName + 1; pNew->pvBlob = pbWriteBlob; memcpy( pbWriteBlob, pvBlob, uiBlobSize );
return pNew; }
void CAsyncUploaderThread::QueueData( char const *szMapName, uint uiBlobVersion, uint uiBlobSize, const void *pvBlob ) { // DevMsg( 3, "AsyncUploaderThread: Queue [%.*s]\n", uiBlobSize, pvBlob );
if ( !m_hThread ) { // Start the thread and wait for it to be running.
// There is a slightly complicated two-event negotiation:
// ThreadProc signals eventInitShutdown then waits on eventQueue
Assert( m_bRunning == false ); m_hThread = CreateSimpleThread( CallbackThreadProc, this ); m_eventInitShutdown.Wait(); Assert( m_bRunning == true ); // At this point, both events are unsignaled and the thread
// is in its main loop.
// Prepare for a DataEntry
DataEntry de = { szMapName, uiBlobVersion, uiBlobSize, pvBlob }; if ( DataEntry *pNew = de.AllocCopy() ) { { AUTO_LOCK( m_mtx ); m_queue.AddToTail( pNew ); } m_eventQueue.Set(); } }
void CAsyncUploaderThread::TerminateAndSelfDelete() { ThreadHandle_t hThread = m_hThread; if ( hThread ) { m_bRunning = false; m_eventQueue.Set(); m_eventInitShutdown.Set(); // MUST BE LAST MEMBER ACCESS, other thread may now delete this
// Wait for a while for upload to finish, but don't wait forever
ThreadJoin( hThread, 10 * 1000 ); ReleaseThreadHandle( hThread ); } else { delete this; } }
void CAsyncUploaderThread::ThreadProc() { bool bQueueDrained = true; bool bGotShutdownEvent = false;
m_bRunning = true; m_eventInitShutdown.Set();
while ( m_bRunning ) { if ( bQueueDrained ) { m_eventQueue.Wait(); }
DataEntry *pUpload = NULL; { AUTO_LOCK( m_mtx ); if ( m_queue.Count() ) { pUpload = m_queue[0]; m_queue.Remove( 0 ); } bQueueDrained = ( m_queue.Count() == 0 ); }
if ( m_bRunning && pUpload ) { // DevMsg( 3, "AsyncUploaderThread: Uploading [%.*s]\n", pUpload->uiBlobSize, pUpload->pvBlob );
// Attempt to upload the data until successful
bool bSuccess = g_UploadGameStats.UploadGameStatsInternal( pUpload->szMapName, pUpload->uiBlobVersion, pUpload->uiBlobSize, pUpload->pvBlob ); bSuccess;
// After the data entry got uploaded, grab the next one
// DevMsg( 3, "AsyncUploaderThread: Upload finished (status=%d) for data [%.*s]\n", bSuccess, pUpload->uiBlobSize, pUpload->pvBlob );
// Using an event as an interruptable sleep; signaled if m_bRunning is cleared
bGotShutdownEvent |= m_eventInitShutdown.Wait( SLEEP_ENTRY_UPLOADED ); } }
Assert( !m_bRunning );
// Deletes self at end of execution!
if ( !bGotShutdownEvent ) { m_eventInitShutdown.Wait(); } delete this; }
void AsyncUpload_QueueData( char const *szMapName, uint uiBlobVersion, uint uiBlobSize, const void *pvBlob ) { if ( !g_pAsyncUploader ) { g_pAsyncUploader = new CAsyncUploaderThread; } g_pAsyncUploader->QueueData( szMapName, uiBlobVersion, uiBlobSize, pvBlob ); }
void AsyncUpload_Shutdown() { if ( g_pAsyncUploader ) { g_pAsyncUploader->TerminateAndSelfDelete(); g_pAsyncUploader = NULL; } }