//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: VProf engine integration
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "sys.h"
#include "vprof_engine.h"
#include "sv_main.h"
#include "iengine.h"
#include "basetypes.h"
#include "convar.h"
#include "cmd.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "con_nprint.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#ifndef SWDS
#include "vgui_baseui_interface.h"
#include "vgui_vprofpanel.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "sv_remoteaccess.h"
#include "ivprofexport.h"
#include "vprof_record.h"
#include "filesystem_engine.h"
#include "tier1/utlstring.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier0/etwprof.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#ifdef _XBOX
CVProfile *g_pVProfileForDisplay = &g_VProfCurrentProfile; #endif
void VProfExport_StartOrStop();
static ConVar vprof_dump_spikes( "vprof_dump_spikes","0", 0, "Framerate at which vprof will begin to dump spikes to the console. 0 = disabled, negative to reset after dump" ); static ConVar vprof_dump_spikes_node( "vprof_dump_spikes_node","", 0, "Node to start report from when doing a dump spikes" ); static ConVar vprof_dump_spikes_budget_group( "vprof_dump_spikes_budget_group","", 0, "Budget gtNode to start report from when doing a dump spikes" ); static ConVar vprof_dump_oninterval( "vprof_dump_oninterval", "0", 0, "Interval (in seconds) at which vprof will batch up data and dump it to the console." ); // vprof_report_oninterval gives more detail. If both vprof_report_oninterval and vprof_dump_oninterval
// are set then vprof_report_oninterval wins.
static ConVar vprof_report_oninterval( "vprof_report_oninterval", "0", 0, "Interval (in seconds) at which vprof will batch up a full report to the console -- more detailed than vprof_dump_oninterval." );
static void (*g_pfnDeferredOp)();
static void ExecuteDeferredOp() { if ( g_pfnDeferredOp ) { (*g_pfnDeferredOp)(); g_pfnDeferredOp = NULL; } } const double MAX_SPIKE_REPORT = 1.0; const int MAX_SPIKE_REPORT_FRAMES = 10; static double LastSpikeTime = 0; static int LastSpikeFrame = 0; //bool g_VProfSignalSpike; // used by xbox
static ConVar vprof_counters( "vprof_counters", "0" );
extern bool con_debuglog; extern ConVar con_logfile; static bool g_fVprofOnByUI; static bool g_bVProfNoVSyncOff = false; static bool g_fVprofToVTrace = false;
class ConsoleLogger { public: ConsoleLogger( void ) { #if !defined( SWDS )
m_condebugEnabled = con_debuglog; #else
m_condebugEnabled = false; #endif
if ( !m_condebugEnabled ) { g_pFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( "vprof" ); while ( 1 ) { ++m_index; const char *fname = va( "vprof/vprof%d.txt", m_index ); if ( g_pFileSystem->FileExists( fname ) ) { continue; }
#if !defined( SWDS )
con_logfile.SetValue( fname ); #endif
break; } } }
~ConsoleLogger() { if ( !m_condebugEnabled ) { #if !defined( SWDS )
con_logfile.SetValue( "" ); #endif
} }
private: static int m_index; bool m_condebugEnabled; };
int ConsoleLogger::m_index = 0;
static float s_flIntervalStartTime = 0.0f;
void PreUpdateProfile( float filteredtime ) { Assert( g_VProfCurrentProfile.AtRoot() );
ExecuteDeferredOp(); VProfExport_StartOrStop(); VProfRecord_StartOrStop();
// Check to see if it is time to dump the data and restart collection.
if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.IsEnabled() ) { float flCurrentTime = eng->GetCurTime(); float flIntervalTime = vprof_dump_oninterval.GetFloat(); // vprof_report_oninterval trumps vprof_dump_oninterval
if ( vprof_report_oninterval.GetFloat() != 0.0f ) flIntervalTime = vprof_report_oninterval.GetFloat();
if ( ( s_flIntervalStartTime + flIntervalTime ) < flCurrentTime ) { if ( vprof_report_oninterval.GetFloat() != 0.0f ) { // Detailed report.
g_VProfCurrentProfile.Pause(); ConsoleLogger consoleLog; // Just do one report in order to avoid excessive overhead when this is
// called on a timer. Each report can take about 1.5 ms on a fast machine.
g_VProfCurrentProfile.OutputReport( VPRT_LIST_BY_TIME, NULL ); g_VProfCurrentProfile.Resume(); } else if ( vprof_dump_oninterval.GetFloat() != 0.0f ) { // Dump the current profile.
// Stop the current profile.
// Reset and restart the current profile.
g_VProfCurrentProfile.Reset(); g_VProfCurrentProfile.Start(); }
s_flIntervalStartTime = flCurrentTime; } }
if( g_VProfCurrentProfile.IsEnabled() && vprof_dump_spikes.GetFloat() ) { float spikeThreash = fabsf( vprof_dump_spikes.GetFloat() ); g_VProfCurrentProfile.MarkFrame(); bool bSuppressRestart = false; if ( g_VProfSignalSpike || eng->GetFrameTime() > ( 1.f / spikeThreash ) ) { if( g_VProfSignalSpike || ( Sys_FloatTime() - LastSpikeTime > MAX_SPIKE_REPORT && g_ServerGlobalVariables.framecount > LastSpikeFrame + MAX_SPIKE_REPORT_FRAMES ) ) { ConsoleLogger consoleLog; // Print a message so that spikes can be seen even when going to VTrace.
if ( g_fVprofToVTrace ) Msg( "%1.3f ms spike detected.\n", eng->GetFrameTime() * 1000.0f ); g_VProfCurrentProfile.OutputReport( VPRT_SUMMARY | VPRT_LIST_BY_TIME | VPRT_LIST_BY_TIME_LESS_CHILDREN | VPRT_LIST_TOP_ITEMS_ONLY, ( vprof_dump_spikes_node.GetString()[0] ) ? vprof_dump_spikes_node.GetString() : NULL, ( vprof_dump_spikes_budget_group.GetString()[0] ) ? g_VProfCurrentProfile.BudgetGroupNameToBudgetGroupID( vprof_dump_spikes_budget_group.GetString() ) : -1 ); #ifdef _XBOX // X360TBD
if ( GetLastProfileFileRead() ) Msg( "******* %s\n", GetLastProfileFileRead() ); #endif
LastSpikeTime = Sys_FloatTime(); LastSpikeFrame = g_ServerGlobalVariables.framecount;
if ( vprof_dump_spikes.GetFloat() < 0.0 ) { vprof_dump_spikes.SetValue( 0.0f ); // g_VProfCurrentProfile.Stop();
g_fVprofOnByUI = false; bSuppressRestart = true; } } g_VProfSignalSpike = false; }
int iStartDepth = 0; do { g_VProfCurrentProfile.Stop(); iStartDepth++; } while( g_VProfCurrentProfile.IsEnabled() );
if (!bSuppressRestart) {
while ( iStartDepth-- ) { g_VProfCurrentProfile.Start(); } }
Assert( g_VProfCurrentProfile.AtRoot() ); Assert( g_VProfCurrentProfile.IsEnabled() ); }
int nCounterType = vprof_counters.GetInt(); if( nCounterType ) { int i; int n = g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetNumCounters(); int nprintIndex = 0; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if( g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCounterGroup( i ) != ( nCounterType - 1 ) ) continue; const char *pName; int val; pName = g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCounterNameAndValue( i, val ); Con_NPrintf( nprintIndex, "%s = %d\n", pName, val ); nprintIndex++; } } g_VProfCurrentProfile.ResetCounters( COUNTER_GROUP_DEFAULT ); g_VProfCurrentProfile.ResetCounters( COUNTER_GROUP_TEXTURE_PER_FRAME );
// This MUST come before GetVProfPanel()->UpdateProfile(), because UpdateProfile uses the data we snapshot here.
VProfExport_SnapshotVProfHistory(); #ifdef VPROF_ENABLED
VProfRecord_Snapshot(); #endif
#ifndef SWDS
// Update the vgui panel
if ( GetVProfPanel() ) GetVProfPanel()->UpdateProfile( filteredtime ); #endif
void PostUpdateProfile() { if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.IsEnabled() && !vprof_dump_spikes.GetFloat() && !vprof_dump_oninterval.GetFloat() ) { g_VProfCurrentProfile.MarkFrame(); } }
#if defined( _X360 )
void UpdateVXConsoleProfile() { g_VProfCurrentProfile.VXProfileUpdate(); } #endif
static bool g_fVprofCacheMissOnByUI = false;
// When a DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND is called these will contain the first and
// second arguments, or zero-length strings if these arguments don't exist.
static char g_szDefferedArg1[128]; static char g_szDefferedArg2[128];
// Con commands that are defined with DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND are called by PreUpdateProfile()
// which calls ExecuteDeferredOp(). This ensures that vprof operations are done at the appropriate
// time in the frame loop. Note that only one deferred command can be set at a time, so only one
// deferred command can be on the command line.
#define DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND( cmd, help ) \
static void cmd##_Impl(); \ CON_COMMAND(cmd, help) \ { \ g_pfnDeferredOp = cmd##_Impl; \ V_strcpy_safe( g_szDefferedArg1, args[1] ); \ V_strcpy_safe( g_szDefferedArg2, args[2] ); \ } \ static void cmd##_Impl()
CON_COMMAND_F( spike,"generates a fake spike", FCVAR_CHEAT ) { Sys_Sleep(1000); }
CON_COMMAND( vprof_vtune_group, "enable vtune for a particular vprof group (\"disable\" to disable)" ) { if( args.ArgC() != 2 ) { Warning( "vprof_vtune_group groupName (disable to turn off)\n" ); return; } const char *pArg = args[ 1 ]; if( Q_stricmp( pArg, "disable" ) == 0 ) { g_VProfCurrentProfile.DisableVTuneGroup(); } else { g_VProfCurrentProfile.EnableVTuneGroup( args[ 1 ] ); } }
CON_COMMAND( vprof_dump_groupnames, "Write the names of all of the vprof groups to the console." ) { int n = g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetNumBudgetGroups(); int i; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { Msg( "group %d: \"%s\"\n", i, g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetBudgetGroupName( i ) ); } }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND( vprof_cachemiss, "Toggle VProf cache miss checking" ) { if ( !g_fVprofCacheMissOnByUI ) { Msg("VProf cache miss enabled.\n"); g_VProfCurrentProfile.PMEEnable( true ); g_fVprofCacheMissOnByUI = true; } else { Msg("VProf cache miss disabled.\n"); g_VProfCurrentProfile.PMEEnable( false ); g_fVprofCacheMissOnByUI = false; } }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND( vprof_cachemiss_on, "Turn on VProf cache miss checking" ) { if ( !g_fVprofCacheMissOnByUI ) { Msg("VProf cache miss enabled.\n"); g_VProfCurrentProfile.PMEEnable( true ); g_fVprofCacheMissOnByUI = true; } }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND( vprof_cachemiss_off, "Turn off VProf cache miss checking" ) { if ( g_fVprofCacheMissOnByUI ) { Msg("VProf cache miss disabled.\n"); g_VProfCurrentProfile.PMEEnable( false ); g_fVprofCacheMissOnByUI = false; } }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND( vprof, "Toggle VProf profiler" ) { if ( !g_fVprofOnByUI ) { Msg("VProf enabled.\n"); g_VProfCurrentProfile.Start(); g_fVprofOnByUI = true; } else { Msg("VProf disabled.\n"); g_VProfCurrentProfile.Stop(); g_fVprofOnByUI = false; } }
CON_COMMAND( vprof_vtrace, "Toggle whether vprof data is sent to VTrace" ) { if ( g_fVprofToVTrace ) { Msg("Vprof data now returns to the console.\n"); g_VProfCurrentProfile.SetOutputStream( NULL ); } else { Msg("VProf data is now being sent to vtrace.\n"); g_VProfCurrentProfile.SetOutputStream( ETWMarkPrintf ); } g_fVprofToVTrace = !g_fVprofToVTrace; } #endif
#ifdef _X360
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND( vprof_novsync_off, "Leaves vsync on when vxconsole brings up showbudget." ) { g_bVProfNoVSyncOff = !g_bVProfNoVSyncOff; Msg("VProf novsync auto setting %s.\n", g_bVProfNoVSyncOff ? "disabled" : "enabled" ); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND( vprof_show_time, "Shows time in vprof" ) { g_VProfCurrentProfile.VXConsoleReportMode( CVProfile::VXCONSOLE_REPORT_TIME ); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND( vprof_show_cachemiss, "Shows cachemisses in vprof" ) { if ( !g_fVprofCacheMissOnByUI ) { Msg("VProf cache miss enabled.\n"); g_VProfCurrentProfile.PMEEnable( true ); g_fVprofCacheMissOnByUI = true; }
g_VProfCurrentProfile.VXConsoleReportMode( CVProfile::VXCONSOLE_REPORT_L2CACHE_MISSES ); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND( vprof_show_loadhitstore, "Shows load-hit-stores in vprof" ) { if ( !g_fVprofCacheMissOnByUI ) { Msg("VProf cache miss enabled.\n"); g_VProfCurrentProfile.PMEEnable( true ); g_fVprofCacheMissOnByUI = true; }
g_VProfCurrentProfile.VXConsoleReportMode( CVProfile::VXCONSOLE_REPORT_LOAD_HIT_STORE ); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND( vprof_time_scale, "Scale used when displaying time (0 = use default)" ) { float flScale = atof(g_szDefferedArg1); if ( flScale <= 0.0f ) { flScale = 1000.0f; } g_VProfCurrentProfile.VXConsoleReportScale( CVProfile::VXCONSOLE_REPORT_TIME, flScale ); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND( vprof_cachemiss_scale, "Scale used when displaying cachemisses (0 = use default)" ) { float flScale = atof(g_szDefferedArg1); if ( flScale <= 0.0f ) { flScale = 1.0f; } g_VProfCurrentProfile.VXConsoleReportScale( CVProfile::VXCONSOLE_REPORT_L2CACHE_MISSES, flScale ); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND( vprof_loadhitstore_scale, "Scale used when displaying load-hit-stores (0 = use default)" ) { float flScale = atof(g_szDefferedArg1); if ( flScale <= 0.0f ) { flScale = 0.1f; } g_VProfCurrentProfile.VXConsoleReportScale( CVProfile::VXCONSOLE_REPORT_LOAD_HIT_STORE, flScale ); }
#endif // 360
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND( vprof_on, "Turn on VProf profiler" ) { if ( !g_fVprofOnByUI ) { Msg("VProf enabled.\n"); g_VProfCurrentProfile.Start(); g_fVprofOnByUI = true; if ( IsX360() && !g_bVProfNoVSyncOff ) { ConVarRef mat_vsyncref( "mat_vsync" ); if ( mat_vsyncref.GetBool() ) { Warning( "Disabling vsync (via mat_vsync) to increase profiling accuracy.\n" ); mat_vsyncref.SetValue( false ); } } } }
CON_COMMAND( budget_toggle_group, "Turn a budget group on/off" ) { if( args.ArgC() != 2 ) { return; }
int budgetGroup = g_VProfCurrentProfile.BudgetGroupNameToBudgetGroupIDNoCreate( args[1] );
if ( budgetGroup == -1 ) { return; }
g_VProfCurrentProfile.HideBudgetGroup( budgetGroup, !(g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetBudgetGroupFlags( budgetGroup ) & BUDGETFLAG_HIDDEN) ); }
#if defined( _X360 )
CON_COMMAND( vprof_update, "" ) { if ( args.ArgC() < 2 ) return;
const char *pArg = args[1]; if ( !Q_stricmp( pArg, "cpu" ) ) { g_VProfCurrentProfile.VXEnableUpdateMode(VPROF_UPDATE_BUDGET, true); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( pArg, "texture" ) ) { g_VProfCurrentProfile.VXEnableUpdateMode(VPROF_UPDATE_TEXTURE_GLOBAL, true); g_VProfCurrentProfile.VXEnableUpdateMode(VPROF_UPDATE_TEXTURE_PERFRAME, false); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( pArg, "texture_frame" ) ) { g_VProfCurrentProfile.VXEnableUpdateMode(VPROF_UPDATE_TEXTURE_PERFRAME, true); g_VProfCurrentProfile.VXEnableUpdateMode(VPROF_UPDATE_TEXTURE_GLOBAL, false); } } #endif
void VProfOn( void ) { CCommand args; vprof_on( args ); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND( vprof_off, "Turn off VProf profiler" ) { if ( g_fVprofOnByUI ) { Msg("VProf disabled.\n"); g_VProfCurrentProfile.Stop(); g_fVprofOnByUI = false;
#if defined( _X360 )
// disable all updating
g_VProfCurrentProfile.VXEnableUpdateMode( 0xFFFFFFFF, false ); #endif
} }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND( vprof_reset, "Reset the stats in VProf profiler" ) { Msg("VProf reset.\n"); g_VProfCurrentProfile.Reset();
#ifndef SWDS
if ( GetVProfPanel() ) { GetVProfPanel()->Reset(); } #endif
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND(vprof_reset_peaks, "Reset just the peak time in VProf profiler") { Msg("VProf peaks reset.\n"); g_VProfCurrentProfile.ResetPeaks(); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND(vprof_generate_report, "Generate a report to the console.") { g_VProfCurrentProfile.Pause(); ConsoleLogger consoleLog; // This used to generate six different reports, which is expensive and hard to read. Default to
// two to save time and space.
g_VProfCurrentProfile.OutputReport( VPRT_LIST_BY_TIME | VPRT_LIST_BY_TIME_LESS_CHILDREN, (g_szDefferedArg1[0]) ? g_szDefferedArg1 : NULL ); g_VProfCurrentProfile.Resume(); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND(vprof_generate_report_budget, "Generate a report to the console based on budget group.") { if ( !g_szDefferedArg1[0] ) { return; } g_VProfCurrentProfile.Pause(); ConsoleLogger consoleLog; g_VProfCurrentProfile.OutputReport( VPRT_FULL & ~VPRT_HIERARCHY, NULL, g_VProfCurrentProfile.BudgetGroupNameToBudgetGroupID( g_szDefferedArg1 ) ); g_VProfCurrentProfile.Resume(); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND(vprof_generate_report_hierarchy, "Generate a report to the console.") { g_VProfCurrentProfile.Pause(); ConsoleLogger consoleLog; g_VProfCurrentProfile.OutputReport( VPRT_HIERARCHY ); g_VProfCurrentProfile.Resume(); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND(vprof_generate_report_AI, "Generate a report to the console.") { // This is an unfortunate artifact of deferred commands not supporting arguments
g_VProfCurrentProfile.Pause(); ConsoleLogger consoleLog; g_VProfCurrentProfile.OutputReport( (VPRT_FULL & ~VPRT_HIERARCHY), "NPCs" ); g_VProfCurrentProfile.Resume(); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND(vprof_generate_report_AI_only, "Generate a report to the console.") { // This is an unfortunate artifact of deferred commands not supporting arguments
g_VProfCurrentProfile.Pause(); ConsoleLogger consoleLog; g_VProfCurrentProfile.OutputReport( (VPRT_FULL & ~VPRT_HIERARCHY), "NPCs", g_VProfCurrentProfile.BudgetGroupNameToBudgetGroupID( VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_NPCS ) ); g_VProfCurrentProfile.Resume(); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND(vprof_generate_report_map_load, "Generate a report to the console.") { // This is an unfortunate artifact of deferred commands not supporting arguments
g_VProfCurrentProfile.Pause(); ConsoleLogger consoleLog; g_VProfCurrentProfile.OutputReport( VPRT_FULL, "Host_NewGame" ); g_VProfCurrentProfile.Resume(); }
#ifdef _X360
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND(vprof_360_enable_counters, "Enable 360 L2 and LHS counters for a node") { g_VProfCurrentProfile.Pause(); if (g_VProfCurrentProfile.PMCEnableL2Upon(g_szDefferedArg1)) { g_VProfCurrentProfile.DumpEnabledPMCNodes(); // Msg("PMC enabled for only node %s\n", g_szDefferedArg1);
} else { Msg("Node not found.\n"); } g_VProfCurrentProfile.Resume(); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND(vprof_360_enable_counters_recursive, "Enable 360 L2 and LHS counters for a node and all subnodes") { g_VProfCurrentProfile.Pause(); if (g_VProfCurrentProfile.PMCEnableL2Upon(g_szDefferedArg1,true)) { g_VProfCurrentProfile.DumpEnabledPMCNodes(); // Msg("PMC enabled for only node %s\n", g_szDefferedArg1);
} else { Msg("Node not found.\n"); } g_VProfCurrentProfile.Resume(); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND(vprof_360_disable_counters, "Disable 360 L2 and LHS counters for a node. Specify 'all' to mean all nodes.") { g_VProfCurrentProfile.Pause(); if (stricmp(g_szDefferedArg1,"all") == 0) { g_VProfCurrentProfile.PMCDisableAllNodes(); } else { if (g_VProfCurrentProfile.PMCDisableL2Upon(g_szDefferedArg1,false)) { g_VProfCurrentProfile.DumpEnabledPMCNodes(); // Msg("PMC enabled for only node %s\n", g_szDefferedArg1);
} else { Msg("Node not found.\n"); } } g_VProfCurrentProfile.Resume(); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND(vprof_360_disable_counters_recursive, "Disable 360 L2 and LHS counters for a node and all children.") { g_VProfCurrentProfile.Pause();
if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.PMCDisableL2Upon(g_szDefferedArg1,true) ) { g_VProfCurrentProfile.DumpEnabledPMCNodes(); // Msg("PMC enabled for only node %s\n", g_szDefferedArg1);
} else { Msg("Node not found.\n"); }
g_VProfCurrentProfile.Resume(); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND(vprof_360_report_counters, "Report L2/LHS info for specified node") { g_VProfCurrentProfile.Pause(); ConsoleLogger consoleLog;
CVProfNode *pNode = g_VProfCurrentProfile.FindNode( g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetRoot(), g_szDefferedArg1 ); if (pNode) { Msg("NODE %s\n\tL2 misses: %d\n\tLHS misses: %d\n", g_szDefferedArg1, pNode->GetL2CacheMisses(), pNode->GetLoadHitStores() ); } else { Msg("Node %s not found.", g_szDefferedArg1); }
g_VProfCurrentProfile.Resume(); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND(vprof_360_cpu_trace_enable, "Enable CPU tracing: it will begin when specified node starts, and end when it stops. Do this before calling vprof_360_cpu_trace_go.") { CVProfNode * RESTRICT upon = g_VProfCurrentProfile.CPUTraceEnableForNode(g_szDefferedArg1); if (upon != NULL) { Msg( "%s will be traced from start to end. Make sure vprof is enabled, and enter \nvprof_360_cpu_trace_go <filename> to engage!\n", upon->GetName() ); } else { Msg( "Could not find node %s. Maybe you need to run vprof for a bit so I can know about that node? Or, you might need to wrap it in \"double-quotes\". \n", g_szDefferedArg1 ); } }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND(vprof_360_cpu_trace_disable, "Disable CPU tracing on all nodes.") { g_VProfCurrentProfile.CPUTraceDisableAllNodes(); g_VProfCurrentProfile.SetCPUTraceEnabled(CVProfile::kDisabled); }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND(vprof_360_cpu_trace_go, "syntax: vprof_360_cpu_trace_go <filename>. Will record one CPU trace of the node specified in vprof_360_cpu_trace_enable, dumping it to e:/filename.pix2.") { if ( !g_fVprofOnByUI ) { Msg("VProf enabled.\n"); g_VProfCurrentProfile.Start(); g_fVprofOnByUI = true; if ( IsX360() ) { ConVarRef mat_vsyncref( "mat_vsync" ); if ( mat_vsyncref.GetBool() ) { Warning( "Disabling vsync (via mat_vsync) to increase profiling accuracy.\n" ); mat_vsyncref.SetValue( false ); } } }
if (g_VProfCurrentProfile.CPUTraceGetEnabledNode() == NULL || g_VProfCurrentProfile.CPUTraceGetEnabledNode() == g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetRoot() ) { Msg( "Defaulting PIX trace node to CEngine::Frame\n" ); g_VProfCurrentProfile.CPUTraceEnableForNode( "CEngine::Frame" ); }
if (g_VProfCurrentProfile.CPUTraceGetEnabledNode() != NULL) { if ( !g_szDefferedArg1[0] ) { SYSTEMTIME systemTime; GetLocalTime( &systemTime ); V_snprintf( g_szDefferedArg1, ARRAYSIZE(g_szDefferedArg1), "vprof_%d_%d_%d_%d_%d_%d", systemTime.wMonth, systemTime.wDay, systemTime.wHour, systemTime.wMinute, systemTime.wSecond, systemTime.wMilliseconds ); } const char *filename = g_VProfCurrentProfile.SetCPUTraceFilename(g_szDefferedArg1); g_VProfCurrentProfile.SetCPUTraceEnabled(CVProfile::kFirstHitNode); Msg( "Trace will be written to %s\n", filename ); } else { Msg( "Please specify a node to profile with vprof_360_cpu_trace_enable <node>.\n" ); } }
DEFERRED_CON_COMMAND(vprof_360_cpu_trace_go_repeat, "syntax: vprof_360_cpu_trace_go_repeat <filename>. For each time the node specified in vprof_360_cpu_trace_enable is hit during the next frame, dump a CPU trace to e:/filenameXXXX.pix2.") { if (g_VProfCurrentProfile.CPUTraceGetEnabledNode() != NULL) { const char *filename = g_VProfCurrentProfile.SetCPUTraceFilename(g_szDefferedArg1); g_VProfCurrentProfile.SetCPUTraceEnabled(CVProfile::kAllNodesInFrame_WaitingForMark); Msg( "Trace will be written to %s%.4d ... \n", filename, g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetMultiTraceIndex() ); } else { Msg( "Please specify a node to profile with vprof_360_cpu_trace_enable <node>.\n" ); } } #endif
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Exports for the dedicated server UI.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
class CVProfExport : public IVProfExport { public:
CVProfExport() { m_nListeners = 0; m_bStart = m_bStop = false; m_BudgetFlagsFilter = 0; }
inline CVProfile* GetActiveVProfile() { return g_pVProfileForDisplay; } inline bool CanShowBudgetGroup( int iGroup ) { return ( GetActiveVProfile()->GetBudgetGroupFlags( iGroup ) & m_BudgetFlagsFilter ) != 0; }
virtual void AddListener() { ++m_nListeners; if ( m_nListeners == 1 ) m_bStart = true; // Defer the command till vprof is ready.
virtual void RemoveListener() { --m_nListeners; if ( m_nListeners == 0 ) m_bStop = true; // Defer the command till vprof is ready.
virtual void SetBudgetFlagsFilter( int filter ) { m_BudgetFlagsFilter = filter; }
virtual int GetNumBudgetGroups() { int nTotalGroups = min( m_Times.Count(), GetActiveVProfile()->GetNumBudgetGroups() ); int nRet = 0; for ( int i=0; i < nTotalGroups; i++ ) { if ( CanShowBudgetGroup( i ) ) ++nRet; } return nRet; }
virtual void GetBudgetGroupInfos( CExportedBudgetGroupInfo *pInfos ) { int iOut = 0; int nTotalGroups = min( m_Times.Count(), GetActiveVProfile()->GetNumBudgetGroups() ); for ( int i=0; i < nTotalGroups; i++ ) { if ( CanShowBudgetGroup( i ) ) { pInfos[iOut].m_pName = GetActiveVProfile()->GetBudgetGroupName( i ); int red, green, blue, alpha; GetActiveVProfile()->GetBudgetGroupColor( i, red, green, blue, alpha ); pInfos[iOut].m_Color = Color( red, green, blue, alpha );
pInfos[iOut].m_BudgetFlags = GetActiveVProfile()->GetBudgetGroupFlags( i ); ++iOut; } } }
virtual void GetBudgetGroupTimes( float times[IVProfExport::MAX_BUDGETGROUP_TIMES] ) { int nTotalGroups = min( m_Times.Count(), GetActiveVProfile()->GetNumBudgetGroups() ); int nGroups = min( nTotalGroups, (int)IVProfExport::MAX_BUDGETGROUP_TIMES ); memset( times, 0, sizeof( times[0] ) * nGroups );
int iOut = 0; for ( int i=0; i < nTotalGroups; i++ ) { if ( CanShowBudgetGroup( i ) ) { times[iOut] = m_Times[i]; ++iOut; } } }
void GetAllBudgetGroupTimes( float *pTimes ) { int nTotalGroups = GetActiveVProfile()->GetNumBudgetGroups(); for ( int i=0; i < nTotalGroups; i++ ) { pTimes[i] = CanShowBudgetGroup( i ) ? m_Times[i] : 0.0f; } }
virtual void PauseProfile() { if ( materials ) materials->Flush();
g_VProfCurrentProfile.Pause(); }
virtual void ResumeProfile() { if ( materials ) materials->Flush(); g_VProfCurrentProfile.Resume(); }
void StartOrStop() { if ( m_bStart ) { g_VProfCurrentProfile.Start(); m_bStart = false; }
if ( m_bStop ) { g_VProfCurrentProfile.Stop(); m_bStop = false; } }
void CalculateBudgetGroupTimes_Recursive( CVProfNode *pNode ) { // If this node's info is filtered out, then put it in its parent's budget group.
CVProfNode *pTestNode = pNode; while ( pTestNode != GetActiveVProfile()->GetRoot() && ( !CanShowBudgetGroup( pTestNode->GetBudgetGroupID() ) || ( GetActiveVProfile()->GetBudgetGroupFlags( pTestNode->GetBudgetGroupID() ) & BUDGETFLAG_HIDDEN ) != 0 ) ) { pTestNode = pTestNode->GetParent(); }
int groupID = pTestNode->GetBudgetGroupID(); double nodeTime = pNode->GetPrevTimeLessChildren(); if ( groupID >= 0 && groupID < min( m_Times.Count(), (int)IVProfExport::MAX_BUDGETGROUP_TIMES ) ) { m_Times[groupID] += nodeTime; } else { Assert( false ); }
if( pNode->GetSibling() ) { CalculateBudgetGroupTimes_Recursive( pNode->GetSibling() ); } if( pNode->GetChild() ) { CalculateBudgetGroupTimes_Recursive( pNode->GetChild() ); }
if ( !VProfRecord_IsPlayingBack() ) { pNode->ClearPrevTime(); } }
void SnapshotVProfHistory() { // Don't do the work if there are no listeners.
if ( !GetActiveVProfile()->IsEnabled() ) return; if ( m_Times.Count() < GetActiveVProfile()->GetNumBudgetGroups() ) { m_Times.SetSize( GetActiveVProfile()->GetNumBudgetGroups() ); }
memset( m_Times.Base(), 0, sizeof( m_Times[0] ) * GetActiveVProfile()->GetNumBudgetGroups() ); CVProfNode *pNode = GetActiveVProfile()->GetRoot(); if( pNode && pNode->GetChild() ) { CalculateBudgetGroupTimes_Recursive( pNode->GetChild() ); } }
private: CUtlVector<float> m_Times; // Times from the most recent snapshot.
int m_nListeners; int m_BudgetFlagsFilter; // We can only capture one type of filtered data at a time.
bool m_bStart; bool m_bStop; };
CVProfExport g_VProfExport; IVProfExport *g_pVProfExport = &g_VProfExport;
void VProfExport_SnapshotVProfHistory() { g_VProfExport.SnapshotVProfHistory(); }
void VProfExport_StartOrStop() { g_VProfExport.StartOrStop(); }
// Used by rpt
void VProfExport_Pause() { g_VProfExport.PauseProfile(); }
void VProfExport_Resume() { g_VProfExport.ResumeProfile(); }
// Used to point the budget panel at remote data
void OverrideVProfExport( IVProfExport *pExport ) { if ( g_pVProfExport == &g_VProfExport ) { g_pVProfExport = pExport; } }
void ResetVProfExport( IVProfExport *pExport ) { if ( g_pVProfExport == pExport ) { g_pVProfExport = &g_VProfExport; } }
// Listener to vprof data
struct VProfListenInfo_t { ra_listener_id m_nListenerId; float m_flLastSentVProfDataTime; CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_SentGroups;
VProfListenInfo_t() : m_flLastSentVProfDataTime( 0.0f ) {} VProfListenInfo_t( ra_listener_id nListenerId ) : m_nListenerId( nListenerId ), m_flLastSentVProfDataTime( 0.0f ) {} bool operator==( const VProfListenInfo_t& src ) const { return src.m_nListenerId == m_nListenerId; }
private: VProfListenInfo_t( const VProfListenInfo_t& src ); };
static CUtlVector<VProfListenInfo_t> s_VProfListeners;
// Purpose: serialize and send data to remote listeners
static int FindSentGroupIndex( VProfListenInfo_t &info, const char *pGroupName ) { int nCount = info.m_SentGroups.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { if ( !Q_strcmp( pGroupName, info.m_SentGroups[i].Get() ) ) return i; } return -1; }
// Purpose: serialize and send data to remote listeners
void WriteRemoteVProfGroupData( VProfListenInfo_t &info ) { if ( IsX360() ) return;
int nGroupCount = g_pVProfileForDisplay->GetNumBudgetGroups(); int nInitialCount = info.m_SentGroups.Count();
// Build list of unsent groups to send
int nSendCount = 0; int *pIndex = (int*)stackalloc( nGroupCount * sizeof(int) ); for ( int i = 0; i < nGroupCount; ++i ) { const char *pName = g_pVProfileForDisplay->GetBudgetGroupName( i ); if ( FindSentGroupIndex( info, pName ) >= 0 ) continue; int j = info.m_SentGroups.AddToTail(); info.m_SentGroups[j] = pName; pIndex[nSendCount++] = i; }
if ( nSendCount == 0 ) return;
CUtlBuffer buf( 1024, 1024 ); buf.PutInt( nInitialCount ); buf.PutInt( nSendCount );
for ( int i=0; i < nSendCount; i++ ) { int nIndex = pIndex[i]; int red, green, blue, alpha; g_pVProfileForDisplay->GetBudgetGroupColor( nIndex, red, green, blue, alpha ); buf.PutUnsignedChar( (unsigned char)red ); buf.PutUnsignedChar( (unsigned char)green ); buf.PutUnsignedChar( (unsigned char)blue ); buf.PutUnsignedChar( (unsigned char)alpha );
const char *pName = g_pVProfileForDisplay->GetBudgetGroupName( nIndex ); buf.PutString( pName ); }
g_ServerRemoteAccess.SendVProfData( info.m_nListenerId, true, buf.Base(), buf.TellMaxPut() ); } static ConVar rpt_vprof_time( "rpt_vprof_time","0.25", FCVAR_HIDDEN | FCVAR_DONTRECORD, "" ); void WriteRemoteVProfData() { if ( IsX360() ) return;
// Throttle sending too much data
float flMaxDelta = rpt_vprof_time.GetFloat(); float flTime = Plat_FloatTime(); bool bShouldSend = false; int nListenerCount = s_VProfListeners.Count(); for( int i = 0; i < nListenerCount; i++ ) { if ( flTime - s_VProfListeners[i].m_flLastSentVProfDataTime >= flMaxDelta ) { bShouldSend = true; break; } }
if ( !bShouldSend ) return;
int nGroupCount = g_pVProfileForDisplay->GetNumBudgetGroups(); int nBufSize = nGroupCount * sizeof(float); float *pTimes = (float*)stackalloc( nBufSize ); g_VProfExport.GetAllBudgetGroupTimes( pTimes );
for( int i = 0; i < nListenerCount; i++ ) { if ( flTime - s_VProfListeners[i].m_flLastSentVProfDataTime < flMaxDelta ) continue;
WriteRemoteVProfGroupData( s_VProfListeners[i] ); s_VProfListeners[i].m_flLastSentVProfDataTime = flTime;
// Re-order send times to match send group order
int nSentSize = s_VProfListeners[i].m_SentGroups.Count() * sizeof(float); float *pSentTimes = (float*)stackalloc( nSentSize ); memset( pSentTimes, 0, nSentSize ); for ( int j = 0; j < nGroupCount; ++j ) { int nIndex = FindSentGroupIndex( s_VProfListeners[i], g_pVProfileForDisplay->GetBudgetGroupName( j ) ); Assert( nIndex >= 0 ); pSentTimes[ nIndex ] = pTimes[j]; } g_ServerRemoteAccess.SendVProfData( s_VProfListeners[i].m_nListenerId, false, pSentTimes, nSentSize ); } }
// Purpose: add a new endpoint to send data to
void RegisterVProfDataListener( ra_listener_id listenerID ) { RemoveVProfDataListener( listenerID ); int nIndex = s_VProfListeners.AddToTail( ); s_VProfListeners[nIndex].m_nListenerId = listenerID; g_VProfExport.AddListener(); WriteRemoteVProfGroupData( s_VProfListeners[nIndex] ); }
// Purpose: remove an endpoint we are sending data to
void RemoveVProfDataListener( ra_listener_id listenerID ) { VProfListenInfo_t findInfo( listenerID ); if ( s_VProfListeners.FindAndRemove( findInfo ) ) { g_VProfExport.RemoveListener(); } }