//========= Copyright (c) 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Memory allocation!
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#if !defined(STEAM) && !defined(NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE)
//#include <malloc.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier0/memalloc.h"
#include "tier0/threadtools.h"
#include "mem_helpers.h"
#include "memstd.h"
#include "tier0/stacktools.h"
#include "tier0/minidump.h"
#ifdef _X360
#include "xbox/xbox_console.h"
#ifdef _PS3
#include "memoverride_ps3.h"
#ifndef _WIN32
#define IsDebuggerPresent() false
#pragma message("*** USE_LIGHT_MEM_DEBUG is ON ***")
#pragma optimize( "", off )
#define DEF_REGION 0
#if defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( _PS3 )
#endif // _WIN32 || _PS3
#ifdef _PS3
#define malloc_internal( region, bytes ) (g_pMemOverrideRawCrtFns->pfn_malloc)(bytes)
#define malloc_aligned_internal( region, bytes, align ) (g_pMemOverrideRawCrtFns->pfn_memalign)(align, bytes)
#define realloc_internal (g_pMemOverrideRawCrtFns->pfn_realloc)
#define realloc_aligned_internal (g_pMemOverrideRawCrtFns->pfn_reallocalign)
#define free_internal (g_pMemOverrideRawCrtFns->pfn_free)
#define msize_internal (g_pMemOverrideRawCrtFns->pfn_malloc_usable_size)
#define compact_internal() (0)
#define heapstats_internal(p) (void)(0)
#else // _PS3
#define malloc_internal( region, bytes) malloc(bytes)
#define malloc_aligned_internal( region, bytes, align ) memalign(align, bytes)
#define realloc_internal realloc
#define realloc_aligned_internal realloc
#define free_internal free
#ifdef POSIX
#define msize_internal malloc_usable_size
#else // POSIX
#define msize_internal _msize
#endif // POSIX
#define compact_internal() (0)
#define heapstats_internal(p) (void)(0)
#endif // _PS3
#define MSPACES 1
#include "dlmalloc/malloc-2.8.3.h"
void *g_AllocRegions[] = { #ifndef MEMALLOC_REGIONS
create_mspace( 0, 1 ), // unified
create_mspace( MBH_SIZE_MB*1024*1024, 1 ), #else
create_mspace( 100*1024*1024, 1 ), #endif
// @TODO: per DLL regions didn't work out very well. flux of usage left too much overhead. need to try lifetime-based management [6/9/2009 tom]
create_mspace( 82*1024*1024, 1 ), // unified
#define SelectRegion( region, bytes ) 0
// NOTE: this split is designed to force the 'large block' heap to ONLY perform virtual allocs (see
// DEFAULT_MMAP_THRESHOLD in malloc.cpp), to avoid ANY fragmentation or waste in an internal arena
#define REGION_SPLIT (256*1024)
#define SelectRegion( region, bytes ) g_AllocRegions[bytes < REGION_SPLIT]
#define SelectRegion( region, bytes ) g_AllocRegions[region]
#define malloc_internal( region, bytes ) mspace_malloc(SelectRegion(region,bytes), bytes)
#define malloc_aligned_internal( region, bytes, align ) mspace_memalign(SelectRegion(region,bytes), align, bytes)
FORCEINLINE void *realloc_aligned_internal( void *mem, size_t bytes, size_t align ) { // TODO: implement realloc_aligned inside dlmalloc (requires splitting realloc's existing
// 'grow in-place' code into a new function, then call that w/ alloc_align/copy/free on failure)
byte *newMem = (byte *)dlrealloc( mem, bytes ); if ( ((size_t)newMem&(align-1)) == 0 ) return newMem; // realloc broke alignment...
byte *fallback = (byte *)malloc_aligned_internal( DEF_REGION, bytes, align ); if ( !fallback ) return NULL; memcpy( fallback, newMem, bytes ); dlfree( newMem ); return fallback; }
inline size_t compact_internal() { size_t start = 0, end = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(g_AllocRegions); i++ ) { start += mspace_footprint( g_AllocRegions[i] ); mspace_trim( g_AllocRegions[i], 0 ); end += mspace_footprint( g_AllocRegions[i] ); } return ( start - end ); }
inline void heapstats_internal( FILE *pFile ) { // @TODO: improve this presentation, as a table [6/1/2009 tom]
char buf[1024]; for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_AllocRegions ); i++ ) { struct mallinfo info = mspace_mallinfo( g_AllocRegions[ i ] ); size_t footPrint = mspace_footprint( g_AllocRegions[ i ] ); size_t maxFootPrint = mspace_max_footprint( g_AllocRegions[ i ] ); _snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "\ndlmalloc mspace %d (%s)\n" " %d:footprint -%10d (total space used by the mspace)\n" " %d:footprint_max -%10d (maximum total space used by the mspace)\n" " %d:arena -%10d (non-mmapped space allocated from system)\n" " %d:ordblks -%10d (number of free chunks)\n" " %d:hblkhd -%10d (space in mmapped regions)\n" " %d:usmblks -%10d (maximum total allocated space)\n" " %d:uordblks -%10d (total allocated space)\n" " %d:fordblks -%10d (total free space)\n" " %d:keepcost -%10d (releasable (via malloc_trim) space)\n", i, i?"medium-block":"large-block", i,footPrint, i,maxFootPrint, i,info.arena, i,info.ordblks, i,info.hblkhd, i,info.usmblks, i,info.uordblks, i,info.fordblks, i,info.keepcost ); if ( pFile ) fprintf( pFile, "%s", buf ); else Msg( "%s", buf ); } }
#define realloc_internal dlrealloc
#define free_internal dlfree
#define msize_internal dlmalloc_usable_size
#endif // USE_DLMALLOC
CAverageCycleCounter g_MallocCounter; CAverageCycleCounter g_ReallocCounter; CAverageCycleCounter g_FreeCounter;
#define PrintOne( name ) \
Msg("%-48s: %6.4f avg (%8.1f total, %7.3f peak, %5d iters)\n", \ #name, \
g_##name##Counter.GetAverageMilliseconds(), \ g_##name##Counter.GetTotalMilliseconds(), \ g_##name##Counter.GetPeakMilliseconds(), \ g_##name##Counter.GetIters() ); \ memset( &g_##name##Counter, 0, sizeof(g_##name##Counter) )
void PrintAllocTimes() { PrintOne( Malloc ); PrintOne( Realloc ); PrintOne( Free ); }
#define PROFILE_ALLOC(name) CAverageTimeMarker name##_ATM( &g_##name##Counter )
#else // TIME_ALLOC
#define PROFILE_ALLOC( name ) ((void)0)
#define PrintAllocTimes() ((void)0)
#endif // TIME_ALLOC
#if _MSC_VER < 1400 && defined( MSVC ) && !defined(_STATIC_LINKED) && (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(USE_MEM_DEBUG))
void *operator new( unsigned int nSize, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { return ::operator new( nSize ); }
void *operator new[] ( unsigned int nSize, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { return ::operator new[]( nSize ); } #endif
#include "mem_impl_type.h"
// Singleton...
#pragma warning( disable:4074 ) // warning C4074: initializers put in compiler reserved initialization area
#pragma init_seg( compiler )
CSmallBlockPool< CStdMemAlloc::CFixedAllocator< MBYTES_PRIMARY_SBH, true> >::SharedData_t CSmallBlockPool< CStdMemAlloc::CFixedAllocator< MBYTES_PRIMARY_SBH, true> >::gm_SharedData CONSTRUCT_EARLY; #ifdef MEMALLOC_USE_SECONDARY_SBH
CSmallBlockPool< CStdMemAlloc::CFixedAllocator< MBYTES_SECONDARY_SBH, false> >::SharedData_t CSmallBlockPool< CStdMemAlloc::CFixedAllocator< MBYTES_SECONDARY_SBH, false> >::gm_SharedData CONSTRUCT_EARLY; #endif
CSmallBlockPool< CStdMemAlloc::CVirtualAllocator >::SharedData_t CSmallBlockPool< CStdMemAlloc::CVirtualAllocator >::gm_SharedData CONSTRUCT_EARLY; #endif
static CStdMemAlloc s_StdMemAlloc CONSTRUCT_EARLY;
#ifdef _PS3
MemOverrideRawCrtFunctions_t *g_pMemOverrideRawCrtFns; IMemAlloc *g_pMemAllocInternalPS3 = &s_StdMemAlloc; PLATFORM_OVERRIDE_MEM_ALLOC_INTERNAL_PS3_IMPL
#else // !_PS3
IMemAlloc *g_pMemAlloc = &s_StdMemAlloc; #else
IMemAlloc *g_pActualAlloc = &s_StdMemAlloc; #endif
#endif // _PS3
CStdMemAlloc::CStdMemAlloc() : m_pfnFailHandler( DefaultFailHandler ), m_sMemoryAllocFailed( (size_t)0 ), m_bInCompact( false ) { #ifdef _PS3
g_pMemAllocInternalPS3 = &s_StdMemAlloc; PLATFORM_OVERRIDE_MEM_ALLOC_INTERNAL_PS3.m_pMemAllocCached = &s_StdMemAlloc; malloc_managed_size mms; mms.current_inuse_size = 0x12345678; mms.current_system_size = 0x09ABCDEF; mms.max_system_size = reinterpret_cast< size_t >( this ); int iResult = malloc_stats( &mms ); g_pMemOverrideRawCrtFns = reinterpret_cast< MemOverrideRawCrtFunctions_t * >( iResult ); #endif
// Small block heap (multi-pool)
template <typename T> inline T MemAlign( T val, unsigned alignment ) { return (T)( ( (unsigned)val + alignment - 1 ) & ~( alignment - 1 ) ); }
template <typename CAllocator> void CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator>::Init( unsigned nBlockSize ) { SharedData_t *pSharedData = GetSharedData(); if ( !pSharedData->m_pBase ) { pSharedData->m_pBase = pSharedData->m_Allocator.AllocatePoolMemory(); pSharedData->m_pLimit = pSharedData->m_pBase + CAllocator::TOTAL_BYTES; pSharedData->m_pNextBlock = pSharedData->m_pBase; }
if ( !( nBlockSize % MIN_SBH_ALIGN == 0 && nBlockSize >= MIN_SBH_BLOCK && nBlockSize >= sizeof(TSLNodeBase_t) ) ) DebuggerBreak();
m_nBlockSize = nBlockSize; m_pNextAlloc = NULL; m_nCommittedPages = 0; }
template <typename CAllocator> size_t CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator>::GetBlockSize() { return m_nBlockSize; }
// Define VALIDATE_SBH_FREE_LIST to a given block size to validate that pool's freelist (it'll crash on the next alloc/free after the list is corrupted)
// NOTE: this may affect perf more than USE_LIGHT_MEM_DEBUG
template <typename CAllocator> void CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator>::ValidateFreelist( SharedData_t *pSharedData ) { #ifdef VALIDATE_SBH_FREE_LIST
if ( m_nBlockSize != VALIDATE_SBH_FREE_LIST ) return; static int count = 0; count++; // Track when the corruption occurs, if repeatable
pSharedData->m_Lock.LockForWrite(); #ifdef USE_NATIVE_SLIST
TSLNodeBase_t *pNode = (TSLNodeBase_t *)(m_FreeList.AccessUnprotected()->Next.Next); #else
TSLNodeBase_t *pNode = (TSLNodeBase_t *)(m_FreeList.AccessUnprotected()->value.Next); #endif
while( pNode ) pNode = pNode->Next; pSharedData->m_Lock.UnlockWrite(); #endif // VALIDATE_SBH_FREE_LIST
template <typename CAllocator> void *CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator>::Alloc() { SharedData_t *pSharedData = GetSharedData();
ValidateFreelist( pSharedData );
CThreadSpinRWLock &sharedLock = pSharedData->m_Lock; if ( !sharedLock.TryLockForRead() ) { sharedLock.LockForRead(); } byte *pResult; intp iPage = -1; int iThreadPriority = INT_MAX;
while (1) { pResult = m_FreeList.Pop(); if ( !pResult ) { int nBlockSize = m_nBlockSize; byte *pNextAlloc; while (1) { pResult = m_pNextAlloc; if ( pResult ) { pNextAlloc = pResult + nBlockSize; if ( ( ( (uintp)(pNextAlloc) - 1 ) % BYTES_PAGE ) + nBlockSize > BYTES_PAGE ) { // Crossed a page boundary
pNextAlloc = 0; } if ( m_pNextAlloc.AssignIf( pResult, pNextAlloc ) ) { iPage = (size_t)((byte *)pResult - pSharedData->m_pBase) / BYTES_PAGE; break; } } else if ( m_CommitMutex.TryLock() ) { if ( !m_pNextAlloc ) { PageStatus_t *pAllocatedPageStatus = (PageStatus_t *)pSharedData->m_FreePages.Pop(); if ( pAllocatedPageStatus ) { iPage = pAllocatedPageStatus - &pSharedData->m_PageStatus[0]; } else { while (1) { byte *pBlock = pSharedData->m_pNextBlock; if ( pBlock >= pSharedData->m_pLimit ) { break; } if ( ThreadInterlockedAssignPointerIf( (void **)&pSharedData->m_pNextBlock, (void *)( pBlock + BYTES_PAGE ), (void *)pBlock ) ) { iPage = (size_t)((byte *)pBlock - pSharedData->m_pBase) / BYTES_PAGE; pAllocatedPageStatus = &pSharedData->m_PageStatus[iPage]; break; } } }
if ( pAllocatedPageStatus ) { byte *pBlock = pSharedData->m_pBase + ( iPage * BYTES_PAGE ); if ( pAllocatedPageStatus->m_nAllocated == NOT_COMMITTED ) { pSharedData->m_Allocator.Commit( pBlock ); }
pAllocatedPageStatus->m_pPool = this; pAllocatedPageStatus->m_nAllocated = 0; pAllocatedPageStatus->m_pNextPageInPool = m_pFirstPage; m_pFirstPage = pAllocatedPageStatus; #ifdef TRACK_SBH_COUNTS
m_nFreeBlocks += ( BYTES_PAGE / m_nBlockSize ); #endif
m_nCommittedPages++; m_pNextAlloc = pBlock; } else { m_pNextAlloc = NULL; m_CommitMutex.Unlock(); sharedLock.UnlockRead(); return NULL; } } m_CommitMutex.Unlock(); } else { if ( iThreadPriority == INT_MAX) { iThreadPriority = ThreadGetPriority(); }
if ( iThreadPriority > 0 ) { ThreadSleep( 0 ); } } }
if ( pResult ) { break; } } else { iPage = (size_t)((byte *)pResult - pSharedData->m_pBase) / BYTES_PAGE; break; } }
--m_nFreeBlocks; #endif
++pSharedData->m_PageStatus[iPage].m_nAllocated; sharedLock.UnlockRead();
return pResult; }
template <typename CAllocator> void CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator>::Free( void *p ) { SharedData_t *pSharedData = GetSharedData(); size_t iPage = (size_t)((byte *)p - pSharedData->m_pBase) / BYTES_PAGE;
CThreadSpinRWLock &sharedLock = pSharedData->m_Lock; if ( !sharedLock.TryLockForRead() ) { sharedLock.LockForRead(); } --pSharedData->m_PageStatus[iPage].m_nAllocated; #ifdef TRACK_SBH_COUNTS
++m_nFreeBlocks; #endif
m_FreeList.Push( p ); pSharedData->m_Lock.UnlockRead();
ValidateFreelist( pSharedData ); }
// Count the free blocks.
template <typename CAllocator> int CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator>::CountFreeBlocks() { #ifdef TRACK_SBH_COUNTS
return m_nFreeBlocks; #else
return 0; #endif
// Size of committed memory managed by this heap:
template <typename CAllocator> int CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator>::GetCommittedSize() { return m_nCommittedPages * BYTES_PAGE; }
// Return the total blocks memory is committed for in the heap
template <typename CAllocator> int CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator>::CountCommittedBlocks() { return m_nCommittedPages * ( BYTES_PAGE / m_nBlockSize ); }
// Count the number of allocated blocks in the heap:
template <typename CAllocator> int CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator>::CountAllocatedBlocks() { #ifdef TRACK_SBH_COUNTS
return CountCommittedBlocks() - CountFreeBlocks(); #else
return 0; #endif
template <typename CAllocator> int CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator>::PageSort( const void *p1, const void *p2 ) { SharedData_t *pSharedData = GetSharedData(); return pSharedData->m_PageStatus[*((int *)p1)].m_SortList.Count() - pSharedData->m_PageStatus[*((int *)p2)].m_SortList.Count(); }
template <typename CAllocator> bool CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator>::RemovePagesFromFreeList( byte **pPages, int nPages, bool bSortList ) { // Since we don't use the depth of the tslist, and sequence is only used for push, we can remove in-place
int i; byte **pLimits = (byte **)stackalloc( nPages * sizeof(byte *) ); int nBlocksNotInFreeList = 0; for ( i = 0; i < nPages; i++ ) { pLimits[i] = pPages[i] + BYTES_PAGE;
if ( m_pNextAlloc >= pPages[i] && m_pNextAlloc < pLimits[i] ) { nBlocksNotInFreeList = ( pLimits[i] - m_pNextAlloc ) / m_nBlockSize; m_pNextAlloc = NULL; } }
int iTarget = ( ( BYTES_PAGE/m_nBlockSize ) * nPages ) - nBlocksNotInFreeList; int iCount = 0;
TSLHead_t *pRawFreeList = m_FreeList.AccessUnprotected(); bool bRemove; if ( !bSortList || m_nCommittedPages - nPages == 1 ) { #ifdef USE_NATIVE_SLIST
TSLNodeBase_t **ppPrevNext = (TSLNodeBase_t **)&(pRawFreeList->Next); #else
TSLNodeBase_t **ppPrevNext = (TSLNodeBase_t **)&(pRawFreeList->value.Next); #endif
TSLNodeBase_t *pNode = *ppPrevNext; while ( pNode && iCount != iTarget ) { bRemove = false; for ( i = 0; i < nPages; i++ ) { if ( (byte *)pNode >= pPages[i] && (byte *)pNode < pLimits[i] ) { bRemove = true; break; } }
if ( bRemove ) { iCount++; *ppPrevNext = pNode->Next; } else { *ppPrevNext = pNode; ppPrevNext = &pNode->Next; } pNode = pNode->Next; } } else { SharedData_t *pSharedData = GetSharedData(); byte *pSharedBase = pSharedData->m_pBase; TSLNodeBase_t *pNode = m_FreeList.Detach(); TSLNodeBase_t *pNext; int iSortPage;
int nSortPages = 0; int *sortPages = (int *)stackalloc( m_nCommittedPages * sizeof(int) ); while ( pNode ) { pNext = pNode->Next; bRemove = false; for ( i = 0; i < nPages; i++ ) { if ( (byte *)pNode >= pPages[i] && (byte *)pNode < pLimits[i] ) { iCount++; bRemove = true; break; } }
if ( !bRemove ) { iSortPage = ( (byte *)pNode - pSharedBase ) / BYTES_PAGE; if ( !pSharedData->m_PageStatus[iSortPage].m_SortList.Count() ) { sortPages[nSortPages++] = iSortPage; } pSharedData->m_PageStatus[iSortPage].m_SortList.Push( pNode ); }
pNode = pNext; } if ( nSortPages > 1 ) { qsort( sortPages, nSortPages, sizeof(int), &PageSort ); } for ( i = 0; i < nSortPages; i++ ) { while ( ( pNode = pSharedData->m_PageStatus[sortPages[i]].m_SortList.Pop() ) != NULL ) { m_FreeList.Push( pNode ); } } } if ( iTarget != iCount ) { DebuggerBreakIfDebugging(); }
return ( iTarget == iCount ); }
template <typename CAllocator> size_t CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator>::Compact( bool bIncremental ) { static bool bWarnedCorruption; bool bIsCorrupt = false; int i; size_t nFreed = 0; SharedData_t *pSharedData = GetSharedData(); pSharedData->m_Lock.LockForWrite();
if ( m_pFirstPage ) { PageStatus_t **pReleasedPages = (PageStatus_t **)stackalloc( m_nCommittedPages * sizeof(PageStatus_t *) ); PageStatus_t **pReleasedPagesPrevs = (PageStatus_t **)stackalloc( m_nCommittedPages * sizeof(PageStatus_t *) ); byte **pPageBases = (byte **)stackalloc( m_nCommittedPages * sizeof(byte *) ); int nPages = 0; // Gather the pages to return to the backing pool
PageStatus_t *pPage = m_pFirstPage; PageStatus_t *pPagePrev = NULL; while ( pPage ) { if ( pPage->m_nAllocated == 0 ) { pReleasedPages[nPages] = pPage; pPageBases[nPages] = pSharedData->m_pBase + ( pPage - &pSharedData->m_PageStatus[0] ) * BYTES_PAGE; pReleasedPagesPrevs[nPages] = pPagePrev; nPages++;
if ( bIncremental ) { break; } } pPagePrev = pPage; pPage = pPage->m_pNextPageInPool; }
if ( nPages ) { // Remove the pages from the pool's free list
if ( !RemovePagesFromFreeList( pPageBases, nPages, !bIncremental ) && !bWarnedCorruption ) { // We don't know which of the pages encountered an incomplete free list
// so we'll just push them all back in and hope for the best. This isn't
// ventilator control software!
bWarnedCorruption = true; bIsCorrupt = true; }
nFreed = nPages * BYTES_PAGE; m_nCommittedPages -= nPages;
m_nFreeBlocks -= nPages * ( BYTES_PAGE / m_nBlockSize ); #endif
// Unlink the pages
for ( i = nPages - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { if ( pReleasedPagesPrevs[i] ) { pReleasedPagesPrevs[i]->m_pNextPageInPool = pReleasedPages[i]->m_pNextPageInPool; } else { m_pFirstPage = pReleasedPages[i]->m_pNextPageInPool; } pReleasedPages[i]->m_pNextPageInPool = NULL; pReleasedPages[i]->m_pPool = NULL; }
// Push them onto the backing free lists
if ( !pSharedData->m_Allocator.IsVirtual() ) { for ( i = 0; i < nPages; i++ ) { pSharedData->m_FreePages.Push( pReleasedPages[i] ); } } else { int nMinReserve = ( bIncremental ) ? CAllocator::MIN_RESERVE_PAGES * 8 : CAllocator::MIN_RESERVE_PAGES; int nReserveNeeded = nMinReserve - pSharedData->m_FreePages.Count(); if ( nReserveNeeded > 0 ) { int nToKeepCommitted = MIN( nReserveNeeded, nPages ); while ( nToKeepCommitted-- ) { nPages--; pSharedData->m_FreePages.Push( pReleasedPages[nPages] ); } }
if ( nPages ) { // Detach the list, push the decommitted page on, iterate up to previous
// decommits, but them on, then push the committed pages on
TSLNodeBase_t *pNodes = pSharedData->m_FreePages.Detach(); for ( i = 0; i < nPages; i++ ) { pReleasedPages[i]->m_nAllocated = NOT_COMMITTED; pSharedData->m_Allocator.Decommit( pPageBases[i] ); pSharedData->m_FreePages.Push( pReleasedPages[i] ); }
TSLNodeBase_t *pCur, *pTemp = NULL; pCur = pNodes; while ( pCur ) { if ( ((PageStatus_t *)pCur)->m_nAllocated == NOT_COMMITTED ) { if ( pTemp ) { pTemp->Next = NULL; } else { pNodes = NULL; // The list only has decommitted pages, don't go circular
while ( pCur ) { pTemp = pCur->Next; pSharedData->m_FreePages.Push( pCur ); pCur = pTemp; } break; } pTemp = pCur; pCur = pCur->Next; }
while ( pNodes ) { pTemp = pNodes->Next; pSharedData->m_FreePages.Push( pNodes ); pNodes = pTemp; } } } } } pSharedData->m_Lock.UnlockWrite(); if ( bIsCorrupt ) { Warning( "***** HEAP IS CORRUPT (free compromised for block size %d,in %s heap, possible write after free *****)\n", m_nBlockSize, ( pSharedData->m_Allocator.IsVirtual() ) ? "virtual" : "physical" ); } return nFreed; }
template <typename CAllocator> bool CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator>::Validate() { #ifdef NO_SBH
return true; #else
int invalid = 0;
SharedData_t *pSharedData = GetSharedData(); pSharedData->m_Lock.LockForWrite();
byte **pPageBases = (byte **)stackalloc( m_nCommittedPages * sizeof(byte *) ); unsigned *pageCounts = (unsigned *)stackalloc( m_nCommittedPages * sizeof(unsigned) ); memset( pageCounts, 0, m_nCommittedPages * sizeof(int) ); unsigned nPages = 0; unsigned sumAllocated = 0; unsigned freeNotInFreeList = 0;
// Validate page list is consistent
if ( !m_pFirstPage ) { if ( m_nCommittedPages != 0 ) { invalid = __LINE__; goto notValid; } } else { PageStatus_t *pPage = m_pFirstPage; while ( pPage ) { pPageBases[nPages] = pSharedData->m_pBase + ( pPage - &pSharedData->m_PageStatus[0] ) * BYTES_PAGE; if ( pPage->m_pPool != this ) { invalid = __LINE__; goto notValid; } if ( nPages > m_nCommittedPages ) { invalid = __LINE__; goto notValid; } sumAllocated += pPage->m_nAllocated; if ( m_pNextAlloc >= pPageBases[nPages] && m_pNextAlloc < pPageBases[nPages] + BYTES_PAGE ) { freeNotInFreeList = pageCounts[nPages] = ( ( pPageBases[nPages] + BYTES_PAGE ) - m_pNextAlloc ) / m_nBlockSize; }
nPages++; pPage = pPage->m_pNextPageInPool; };
if ( nPages != m_nCommittedPages ) { invalid = __LINE__; goto notValid; } }
// Validate block counts
{ unsigned blocksPerPage = ( BYTES_PAGE / m_nBlockSize ); #ifdef USE_NATIVE_SLIST
TSLNodeBase_t *pNode = (TSLNodeBase_t *)(m_FreeList.AccessUnprotected()->Next.Next); #else
TSLNodeBase_t *pNode = (TSLNodeBase_t *)(m_FreeList.AccessUnprotected()->value.Next); #endif
unsigned i; while ( pNode ) { for ( i = 0; i < nPages; i++ ) { if ( (byte *)pNode >= pPageBases[i] && (byte *)pNode < pPageBases[i] + BYTES_PAGE ) { pageCounts[i]++; break; } }
if ( i == nPages ) { invalid = __LINE__; goto notValid; }
pNode = pNode->Next; }
PageStatus_t *pPage = m_pFirstPage; i = 0; while ( pPage ) { unsigned nFreeOnPage = blocksPerPage - pPage->m_nAllocated; if ( nFreeOnPage != pageCounts[i++] ) { invalid = __LINE__; goto notValid; } pPage = pPage->m_pNextPageInPool; } }
notValid: pSharedData->m_Lock.UnlockWrite();
if ( invalid != 0 ) { return false; }
return true; #endif
template <typename CAllocator> CSmallBlockHeap<CAllocator>::CSmallBlockHeap() { m_pSharedData = CPool::GetSharedData();
// Build a lookup table used to find the correct pool based on size
const int MAX_TABLE = MAX_SBH_BLOCK >> 2; int i = 0; int nBytesElement = 0; CPool *pCurPool = NULL; int iCurPool = 0;
// Blocks sized 0 - 128 are in pools in increments of 8
for ( ; i < 32; i++ ) { if ( (i + 1) % 2 == 1) { nBytesElement += 8; pCurPool = &m_Pools[iCurPool]; pCurPool->Init( nBytesElement ); iCurPool++; m_PoolLookup[i] = pCurPool; } else { m_PoolLookup[i] = pCurPool; } }
// Blocks sized 129 - 256 are in pools in increments of 16
for ( ; i < 64; i++ ) { if ( (i + 1) % 4 == 1) { nBytesElement += 16; pCurPool = &m_Pools[iCurPool]; pCurPool->Init( nBytesElement ); iCurPool++; m_PoolLookup[i] = pCurPool; } else { m_PoolLookup[i] = pCurPool; } }
// Blocks sized 257 - 512 are in pools in increments of 32
for ( ; i < 128; i++ ) { if ( (i + 1) % 8 == 1) { nBytesElement += 32; pCurPool = &m_Pools[iCurPool]; pCurPool->Init( nBytesElement ); iCurPool++; m_PoolLookup[i] = pCurPool; } else { m_PoolLookup[i] = pCurPool; } }
// Blocks sized 513 - 768 are in pools in increments of 64
for ( ; i < 192; i++ ) { if ( (i + 1) % 16 == 1) { nBytesElement += 64; pCurPool = &m_Pools[iCurPool]; pCurPool->Init( nBytesElement ); iCurPool++; m_PoolLookup[i] = pCurPool; } else { m_PoolLookup[i] = pCurPool; } }
// Blocks sized 769 - 1024 are in pools in increments of 128
for ( ; i < 256; i++ ) { if ( (i + 1) % 32 == 1) { nBytesElement += 128; pCurPool = &m_Pools[iCurPool]; pCurPool->Init( nBytesElement ); iCurPool++; m_PoolLookup[i] = pCurPool; } else { m_PoolLookup[i] = pCurPool; } }
// Blocks sized 1025 - 2048 are in pools in increments of 256
for ( ; i < MAX_TABLE; i++ ) { if ( (i + 1) % 64 == 1) { nBytesElement += 256; pCurPool = &m_Pools[iCurPool]; pCurPool->Init( nBytesElement ); iCurPool++; m_PoolLookup[i] = pCurPool; } else { m_PoolLookup[i] = pCurPool; } }
Assert( iCurPool == NUM_POOLS ); }
template <typename CAllocator> bool CSmallBlockHeap<CAllocator>::ShouldUse( size_t nBytes ) { return ( nBytes <= MAX_SBH_BLOCK ); }
template <typename CAllocator> bool CSmallBlockHeap<CAllocator>::IsOwner( void * p ) { if ( uintp(p) >= uintp(m_pSharedData->m_pBase) ) { intp index = (intp)((byte *)p - m_pSharedData->m_pBase) / BYTES_PAGE; return ( index < ARRAYSIZE(m_pSharedData->m_PageStatus) ); } return false; }
template <typename CAllocator> void *CSmallBlockHeap<CAllocator>::Alloc( size_t nBytes ) { if ( nBytes == 0) { nBytes = 1; } Assert( ShouldUse( nBytes ) ); CPool *pPool = FindPool( nBytes ); void *p = pPool->Alloc(); return p; }
template <typename CAllocator> void *CSmallBlockHeap<CAllocator>::Realloc( void *p, size_t nBytes ) { if ( nBytes == 0) { nBytes = 1; }
CPool *pOldPool = FindPool( p ); CPool *pNewPool = ( ShouldUse( nBytes ) ) ? FindPool( nBytes ) : NULL;
if ( pOldPool == pNewPool ) { return p; }
void *pNewBlock = NULL;
if ( !pNewBlock ) { pNewBlock = MemAlloc_Alloc( nBytes ); // Call back out so blocks can move from the secondary to the primary pools
if ( !pNewBlock ) { pNewBlock = malloc_internal( DEF_REGION, nBytes ); }
if ( pNewBlock ) { size_t nBytesCopy = MIN( nBytes, pOldPool->GetBlockSize() ); memcpy( pNewBlock, p, nBytesCopy ); } else if ( nBytes < pOldPool->GetBlockSize() ) { return p; }
pOldPool->Free( p );
return pNewBlock; }
template <typename CAllocator> void CSmallBlockHeap<CAllocator>::Free( void *p ) { CPool *pPool = FindPool( p ); if ( pPool ) { pPool->Free( p ); } else { // we probably didn't hook some allocation and now we're freeing it or the heap has been trashed!
DebuggerBreakIfDebugging(); } }
template <typename CAllocator> size_t CSmallBlockHeap<CAllocator>::GetSize( void *p ) { CPool *pPool = FindPool( p ); return pPool->GetBlockSize(); }
template <typename CAllocator> void CSmallBlockHeap<CAllocator>::Usage( size_t &bytesCommitted, size_t &bytesAllocated ) { bytesCommitted = 0; bytesAllocated = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_POOLS; i++ ) { bytesCommitted += m_Pools[i].GetCommittedSize(); bytesAllocated += ( m_Pools[i].CountAllocatedBlocks() * m_Pools[i].GetBlockSize() ); } }
template <typename CAllocator> void CSmallBlockHeap<CAllocator>::DumpStats( const char *pszTag, FILE *pFile ) { size_t bytesCommitted, bytesAllocated; Usage( bytesCommitted, bytesAllocated );
if ( pFile ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_POOLS; i++ ) { // output for vxconsole parsing
fprintf( pFile, "Pool %2i: (size: %4u) blocks: allocated:%5i free:%5i committed:%5i (committed size:%4u kb)\n", i, m_Pools[i].GetBlockSize(), m_Pools[i].CountAllocatedBlocks(), m_Pools[i].CountFreeBlocks(), m_Pools[i].CountCommittedBlocks(), m_Pools[i].GetCommittedSize() ); } fprintf( pFile, "Totals (%s): Committed:%5u kb Allocated:%5u kb\n", pszTag, bytesCommitted / 1024, bytesAllocated / 1024 ); } else { for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_POOLS; i++ ) { Msg( "Pool %2i: (size: %4u) blocks: allocated:%5i free:%5i committed:%5i (committed size:%4u kb)\n",i, m_Pools[i].GetBlockSize(),m_Pools[i].CountAllocatedBlocks(), m_Pools[i].CountFreeBlocks(),m_Pools[i].CountCommittedBlocks(), m_Pools[i].GetCommittedSize() / 1024); }
Msg( "Totals (%s): Committed:%5u kb Allocated:%5u kb\n", pszTag, bytesCommitted / 1024, bytesAllocated / 1024 ); } }
template <typename CAllocator> CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator> *CSmallBlockHeap<CAllocator>::FindPool( size_t nBytes ) { return m_PoolLookup[(nBytes - 1) >> 2]; }
template <typename CAllocator> CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator> *CSmallBlockHeap<CAllocator>::FindPool( void *p ) { // NOTE: If p < m_pBase, cast to unsigned size_t will cause it to be large
size_t index = (size_t)((byte *)p - m_pSharedData->m_pBase) / BYTES_PAGE; if ( index < ARRAYSIZE(m_pSharedData->m_PageStatus) ) return m_pSharedData->m_PageStatus[index].m_pPool; return NULL; }
template <typename CAllocator> size_t CSmallBlockHeap<CAllocator>::Compact( bool bIncremental ) { size_t nRecovered = 0; if ( bIncremental ) { static int iLastIncremental;
iLastIncremental++; for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_POOLS; i++ ) { int idx = ( i + iLastIncremental ) % NUM_POOLS; nRecovered = m_Pools[idx].Compact( bIncremental ); if ( nRecovered ) { iLastIncremental = idx; break; }
} } else { for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_POOLS; i++ ) { nRecovered += m_Pools[i].Compact( bIncremental ); } } return nRecovered; }
template <typename CAllocator> bool CSmallBlockHeap<CAllocator>::Validate() { bool valid = true; for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_POOLS; i++ ) { valid = m_Pools[i].Validate() && valid; } return valid; }
// Lightweight memory tracking
#define UsingLMD() true
bool g_bUsingLMD = ( Plat_GetCommandLineA() ) ? ( strstr( Plat_GetCommandLineA(), "-uselmd" ) != NULL ) : false; #define UsingLMD() g_bUsingLMD
#if defined( _PS3 )
#error "Plat_GetCommandLineA() not implemented on PS3"
const char *g_pszUnknown = "unknown";
struct Sentinal_t { DWORD value[4]; };
Sentinal_t g_HeadSentinel = { 0xdeadbeef, 0xbaadf00d, 0xbd122969, 0xdeadbeef, };
Sentinal_t g_TailSentinel = { 0xbaadf00d, 0xbd122969, 0xdeadbeef, 0xbaadf00d, };
const byte g_FreeFill = 0xdd;
static const uint LWD_FREE = 0; static const uint LWD_ALLOCATED = 1;
#define LMD_STATUS_BITS ( 1 )
#define LMD_MAX_ALIGN ( 1 << ( LMD_ALIGN_BITS - 1) )
struct AllocHeader_t { const char *pszModule; int line; size_t nBytes; uint status : LMD_STATUS_BITS; uint align : LMD_ALIGN_BITS; Sentinal_t sentinal; };
const int g_nRecentFrees = ( IsPC() ) ? 8192 : 512; AllocHeader_t **g_pRecentFrees = (AllocHeader_t **)calloc( g_nRecentFrees, sizeof(AllocHeader_t *) ); int g_iNextFreeSlot;
#define LMDToHeader( pUserPtr ) ( ((AllocHeader_t *)(pUserPtr)) - 1 )
#define LMDFromHeader( pHeader ) ( (byte *)((pHeader) + 1) )
CThreadFastMutex g_LMDMutex;
const char *g_pLMDFileName = NULL; int g_nLMDLine; int g_iLMDDepth;
void LMDPushAllocDbgInfo( const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { if ( ThreadInMainThread() ) { if ( !g_iLMDDepth ) { g_pLMDFileName = pFileName; g_nLMDLine = nLine; } g_iLMDDepth++; } }
void LMDPopAllocDbgInfo() { if ( ThreadInMainThread() && g_iLMDDepth > 0 ) { g_iLMDDepth--; if ( g_iLMDDepth == 0 ) { g_pLMDFileName = NULL; g_nLMDLine = 0; } } }
void LMDReportInvalidBlock( AllocHeader_t *pHeader, const char *pszMessage ) { char szMsg[256]; if ( pHeader ) { sprintf( szMsg, "HEAP IS CORRUPT: %s (block 0x%x, size %d, alignment %d)\n", pszMessage, (size_t)LMDFromHeader( pHeader ), pHeader->nBytes, pHeader->align ); } else { sprintf( szMsg, "HEAP IS CORRUPT: %s\n", pszMessage ); } if ( Plat_IsInDebugSession() ) { DebuggerBreak(); } else { WriteMiniDump(); } #ifdef IS_WINDOWS_PC
::MessageBox( NULL, szMsg, "Error", MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_OK ); #else
Warning( szMsg ); #endif
void LMDValidateBlock( AllocHeader_t *pHeader, bool bFreeList ) { if ( !pHeader ) return;
if ( memcmp( &pHeader->sentinal, &g_HeadSentinel, sizeof(Sentinal_t) ) != 0 ) { LMDReportInvalidBlock( pHeader, "Head sentinel corrupt" ); } if ( memcmp( ((Sentinal_t *)(LMDFromHeader( pHeader ) + pHeader->nBytes)), &g_TailSentinel, sizeof(Sentinal_t) ) != 0 ) { LMDReportInvalidBlock( pHeader, "Tail sentinel corrupt" ); } if ( bFreeList ) { byte *pCur = (byte *)pHeader + sizeof(AllocHeader_t); byte *pLimit = pCur + pHeader->nBytes; while ( pCur != pLimit ) { if ( *pCur++ != g_FreeFill ) { LMDReportInvalidBlock( pHeader, "Write after free" ); } } } }
size_t LMDComputeHeaderSize( size_t align = 0 ) { if ( !align ) return sizeof(AllocHeader_t); // For aligned allocs, the header is preceded by padding which maintains alignment
if ( align > LMD_MAX_ALIGN ) s_StdMemAlloc.SetCRTAllocFailed( align ); // TODO: could convert alignment to exponent to get around this, or use a flag for alignments over 1KB or 1MB...
return ( ( sizeof( AllocHeader_t ) + (align-1) ) & ~(align-1) ); }
size_t LMDAdjustSize( size_t &nBytes, size_t align = 0 ) { if ( !UsingLMD() ) return nBytes; // Add data before+after each alloc
return ( nBytes + LMDComputeHeaderSize( align ) + sizeof(Sentinal_t) ); }
void *LMDNoteAlloc( void *p, size_t nBytes, size_t align = 0, const char *pszModule = g_pszUnknown, int line = 0 ) { if ( !UsingLMD() ) { return p; }
if ( g_pLMDFileName ) { pszModule = g_pLMDFileName; line = g_nLMDLine; }
if ( p ) { byte *pUserPtr = ((byte*)p) + LMDComputeHeaderSize( align ); AllocHeader_t *pHeader = LMDToHeader( pUserPtr ); pHeader->pszModule = pszModule; pHeader->line = line; pHeader->status = LWD_ALLOCATED; pHeader->nBytes = nBytes; pHeader->align = (uint)align; pHeader->sentinal = g_HeadSentinel; *((Sentinal_t *)(pUserPtr + pHeader->nBytes)) = g_TailSentinel; LMDValidateBlock( pHeader, false ); return pUserPtr; } return NULL;
// Some SBH clients rely on allocations > 16 bytes being 16-byte aligned, so we mustn't break that assumption:
MEMSTD_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( AllocHeader_t ) % 16 == 0 ); }
void *LMDNoteFree( void *p ) { if ( !UsingLMD() ) { return p; }
AUTO_LOCK( g_LMDMutex ); if ( !p ) { return NULL; }
AllocHeader_t *pHeader = LMDToHeader( p ); if ( pHeader->status == LWD_FREE ) { LMDReportInvalidBlock( pHeader, "Double free" ); } LMDValidateBlock( pHeader, false );
AllocHeader_t *pToReturn; if ( pHeader->nBytes < 16*1024 ) { pToReturn = g_pRecentFrees[g_iNextFreeSlot]; LMDValidateBlock( pToReturn, true );
g_pRecentFrees[g_iNextFreeSlot] = pHeader; g_iNextFreeSlot = (g_iNextFreeSlot + 1 ) % g_nRecentFrees; } else { pToReturn = pHeader; LMDValidateBlock( g_pRecentFrees[rand() % g_nRecentFrees], true ); }
pHeader->status = LWD_FREE; memset( pHeader + 1, g_FreeFill, pHeader->nBytes );
if ( pToReturn && ( pToReturn->align ) ) { // For aligned allocations, the actual system allocation starts *before* the LMD header:
size_t headerPadding = LMDComputeHeaderSize( pToReturn->align ) - sizeof( AllocHeader_t ); return ( ((byte*)pToReturn) - headerPadding ); }
return pToReturn; }
size_t LMDGetSize( void *p ) { if ( !UsingLMD() ) { return (size_t)(-1); }
AllocHeader_t *pHeader = LMDToHeader( p ); return pHeader->nBytes; }
bool LMDValidateHeap() { if ( !UsingLMD() ) { return true; }
AUTO_LOCK( g_LMDMutex ); for ( int i = 0; i < g_nRecentFrees && g_pRecentFrees[i]; i++ ) { LMDValidateBlock( g_pRecentFrees[i], true ); } return true; }
void *LMDRealloc( void *pMem, size_t nSize, size_t align = 0, const char *pszModule = g_pszUnknown, int line = 0 ) { if ( nSize == 0 ) { s_StdMemAlloc.Free( pMem ); return NULL; } void *pNew; #ifdef MEMALLOC_SUPPORTS_ALIGNED_ALLOCATIONS
if ( align ) pNew = s_StdMemAlloc.AllocAlign( nSize, align, pszModule, line ); else #endif // MEMALLOC_SUPPORTS_ALIGNED_ALLOCATIONS
pNew = s_StdMemAlloc.Alloc( nSize, pszModule, line ); if ( !pMem ) { return pNew; } AllocHeader_t *pHeader = LMDToHeader( pMem ); if ( align != pHeader->align ) { LMDReportInvalidBlock( pHeader, "Realloc changed alignment!" ); } size_t nCopySize = MIN( nSize, pHeader->nBytes ); memcpy( pNew, pMem, nCopySize ); s_StdMemAlloc.Free( pMem, pszModule, line ); return pNew; }
#define UsingLMD() false
FORCEINLINE size_t LMDAdjustSize( size_t &nBytes, size_t align = 0 ) { return nBytes; } #define LMDNoteAlloc( pHeader, ... ) (pHeader)
#define LMDNoteFree( pHeader, ... ) (pHeader)
#define LMDGetSize( pHeader ) (size_t)(-1)
#define LMDToHeader( pHeader ) (pHeader)
#define LMDFromHeader( pHeader ) (pHeader)
#define LMDValidateHeap() (true)
#define LMDPushAllocDbgInfo( pFileName, nLine ) ((void)0)
#define LMDPopAllocDbgInfo() ((void)0)
FORCEINLINE void *LMDRealloc( void *pMem, size_t nSize, size_t align = 0, const char *pszModule = NULL, int line = 0 ) { return NULL; }
// Internal versions
INTERNAL_INLINE void *CStdMemAlloc::InternalAllocFromPools( size_t nSize ) { #if MEM_SBH_ENABLED
void *pMem;
pMem = m_PrimarySBH.Alloc( nSize ); if ( pMem ) { return pMem; }
pMem = m_SecondarySBH.Alloc( nSize ); if ( pMem ) { return pMem; } #endif // MEMALLOC_USE_SECONDARY_SBH
pMem = m_FallbackSBH.Alloc( nSize ); if ( pMem ) { return pMem; } #endif // MEMALLOC_NO_FALLBACK
CallAllocFailHandler( nSize ); #endif // MEM_SBH_ENABLED
return NULL; }
INTERNAL_INLINE void *CStdMemAlloc::InternalAlloc( int region, size_t nSize ) { PROFILE_ALLOC(Malloc); void *pMem;
if ( m_PrimarySBH.ShouldUse( nSize ) ) // test valid for either pool
{ pMem = InternalAllocFromPools( nSize ); if ( !pMem ) { CompactOnFail(); pMem = InternalAllocFromPools( nSize ); } if ( pMem ) { ApplyMemoryInitializations( pMem, nSize ); return pMem; }
ExecuteOnce( DevWarning( "\n\nDRASTIC MEMORY OVERFLOW: Fell out of small block heap!\n\n\n") ); } #endif // MEM_SBH_ENABLED
pMem = malloc_internal( region, nSize ); if ( !pMem ) { CompactOnFail(); pMem = malloc_internal( region, nSize ); if ( !pMem ) { SetCRTAllocFailed( nSize ); return NULL; } }
ApplyMemoryInitializations( pMem, nSize ); return pMem; }
INTERNAL_INLINE void *CStdMemAlloc::InternalAllocAligned( int region, size_t nSize, size_t align ) { PROFILE_ALLOC(MallocAligned); void *pMem;
size_t nSizeAligned = ( nSize + align - 1 ) & ~( align - 1 ); if ( m_PrimarySBH.ShouldUse( nSizeAligned ) ) // test valid for either pool
{ pMem = InternalAllocFromPools( nSizeAligned ); if ( !pMem ) { CompactOnFail(); pMem = InternalAllocFromPools( nSizeAligned ); } if ( pMem ) { ApplyMemoryInitializations( pMem, nSizeAligned ); return pMem; }
ExecuteOnce( DevWarning( "Warning: Fell out of small block heap!\n") ); } #endif // MEM_SBH_ENABLED
pMem = malloc_aligned_internal( region, nSize, align ); if ( !pMem ) { CompactOnFail(); pMem = malloc_aligned_internal( region, nSize, align ); if ( !pMem ) { SetCRTAllocFailed( nSize ); return NULL; } }
ApplyMemoryInitializations( pMem, nSize ); return pMem; } #endif // MEMALLOC_SUPPORTS_ALIGNED_ALLOCATIONS
INTERNAL_INLINE void *CStdMemAlloc::InternalRealloc( void *pMem, size_t nSize ) { if ( !pMem ) { return RegionAlloc( DEF_REGION, nSize ); }
if ( m_PrimarySBH.IsOwner( pMem ) ) { return m_PrimarySBH.Realloc( pMem, nSize ); }
if ( m_SecondarySBH.IsOwner( pMem ) ) { return m_SecondarySBH.Realloc( pMem, nSize ); }
if ( m_FallbackSBH.IsOwner( pMem ) ) { return m_FallbackSBH.Realloc( pMem, nSize ); } #endif // MEMALLOC_NO_FALLBACK
void *pRet = realloc_internal( pMem, nSize ); if ( !pRet ) { CompactOnFail(); pRet = realloc_internal( pMem, nSize ); if ( !pRet ) { SetCRTAllocFailed( nSize ); } }
return pRet; }
INTERNAL_INLINE void *CStdMemAlloc::InternalReallocAligned( void *pMem, size_t nSize, size_t align ) { if ( !pMem ) { return InternalAllocAligned( DEF_REGION, nSize, align ); }
if ( m_PrimarySBH.IsOwner( pMem ) ) { return m_PrimarySBH.Realloc( pMem, nSize ); }
if ( m_SecondarySBH.IsOwner( pMem ) ) { return m_SecondarySBH.Realloc( pMem, nSize ); } #endif // MEMALLOC_USE_SECONDARY_SBH
if ( m_FallbackSBH.IsOwner( pMem ) ) { return m_FallbackSBH.Realloc( pMem, nSize ); } #endif // MEMALLOC_NO_FALLBACK
void *pRet = realloc_aligned_internal( pMem, nSize, align ); if ( !pRet ) { CompactOnFail(); pRet = realloc_aligned_internal( pMem, nSize, align ); if ( !pRet ) { SetCRTAllocFailed( nSize ); } }
return pRet; } #endif
INTERNAL_INLINE void CStdMemAlloc::InternalFree( void *pMem ) { if ( !pMem ) { return; }
if ( m_PrimarySBH.IsOwner( pMem ) ) { m_PrimarySBH.Free( pMem ); return; }
if ( m_SecondarySBH.IsOwner( pMem ) ) { return m_SecondarySBH.Free( pMem ); } #endif // MEMALLOC_USE_SECONDARY_SBH
if ( m_FallbackSBH.IsOwner( pMem ) ) { m_FallbackSBH.Free( pMem ); return; } #endif // MEMALLOC_NO_FALLBACK
free_internal( pMem ); }
void CStdMemAlloc::CompactOnFail() { CompactHeap(); }
// Release versions
void *CStdMemAlloc::Alloc( size_t nSize ) { size_t nAdjustedSize = LMDAdjustSize( nSize ); return LMDNoteAlloc( CStdMemAlloc::InternalAlloc( DEF_REGION, nAdjustedSize ), nSize ); }
void * CStdMemAlloc::AllocAlign( size_t nSize, size_t align ) { size_t nAdjustedSize = LMDAdjustSize( nSize, align ); return LMDNoteAlloc( CStdMemAlloc::InternalAllocAligned( DEF_REGION, nAdjustedSize, align ), nSize, align ); } #endif // MEMALLOC_SUPPORTS_ALIGNED_ALLOCATIONS
void *CStdMemAlloc::Realloc( void *pMem, size_t nSize ) { if ( UsingLMD() ) return LMDRealloc( pMem, nSize ); return CStdMemAlloc::InternalRealloc( pMem, nSize ); }
void * CStdMemAlloc::ReallocAlign( void *pMem, size_t nSize, size_t align ) { if ( UsingLMD() ) return LMDRealloc( pMem, nSize, align ); return CStdMemAlloc::InternalReallocAligned( pMem, nSize, align ); } #endif // MEMALLOC_SUPPORTS_ALIGNED_ALLOCATIONS
void CStdMemAlloc::Free( void *pMem ) { pMem = LMDNoteFree( pMem ); CStdMemAlloc::InternalFree( pMem ); }
void *CStdMemAlloc::Expand_NoLongerSupported( void *pMem, size_t nSize ) { return NULL; }
// Debug versions
void *CStdMemAlloc::Alloc( size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { size_t nAdjustedSize = LMDAdjustSize( nSize ); return LMDNoteAlloc( CStdMemAlloc::InternalAlloc( DEF_REGION, nAdjustedSize ), nSize, 0, pFileName, nLine ); }
void *CStdMemAlloc::AllocAlign( size_t nSize, size_t align, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { size_t nAdjustedSize = LMDAdjustSize( nSize, align ); return LMDNoteAlloc( CStdMemAlloc::InternalAllocAligned( DEF_REGION, nAdjustedSize, align ), nSize, align, pFileName, nLine ); } #endif // MEMALLOC_SUPPORTS_ALIGNED_ALLOCATIONS
void *CStdMemAlloc::Realloc( void *pMem, size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { if ( UsingLMD() ) return LMDRealloc( pMem, nSize, 0, pFileName, nLine ); return CStdMemAlloc::InternalRealloc( pMem, nSize ); }
void * CStdMemAlloc::ReallocAlign( void *pMem, size_t nSize, size_t align, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { if ( UsingLMD() ) return LMDRealloc( pMem, nSize, align, pFileName, nLine ); return CStdMemAlloc::InternalReallocAligned( pMem, nSize, align ); } #endif // MEMALLOC_SUPPORTS_ALIGNED_ALLOCATIONS
void CStdMemAlloc::Free( void *pMem, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { pMem = LMDNoteFree( pMem ); CStdMemAlloc::InternalFree( pMem ); }
void *CStdMemAlloc::Expand_NoLongerSupported( void *pMem, size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { return NULL; }
// Region support
void *CStdMemAlloc::RegionAlloc( int region, size_t nSize ) { size_t nAdjustedSize = LMDAdjustSize( nSize ); return LMDNoteAlloc( CStdMemAlloc::InternalAlloc( region, nAdjustedSize ), nSize ); }
void *CStdMemAlloc::RegionAlloc( int region, size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { size_t nAdjustedSize = LMDAdjustSize( nSize ); return LMDNoteAlloc( CStdMemAlloc::InternalAlloc( region, nAdjustedSize ), nSize, 0, pFileName, nLine ); }
#if defined (LINUX)
#include <malloc.h>
#elif defined (OSX)
#define malloc_usable_size( ptr ) malloc_size( ptr )
extern "C" { extern size_t malloc_size( const void *ptr ); } #endif // LINUX/OSX
// Returns the size of a particular allocation (NOTE: may be larger than the size requested!)
size_t CStdMemAlloc::GetSize( void *pMem ) { if ( !pMem ) return CalcHeapUsed();
if ( UsingLMD() ) { return LMDGetSize( pMem ); }
if ( m_PrimarySBH.IsOwner( pMem ) ) { return m_PrimarySBH.GetSize( pMem ); }
if ( m_SecondarySBH.IsOwner( pMem ) ) { return m_SecondarySBH.GetSize( pMem ); } #endif // MEMALLOC_USE_SECONDARY_SBH
if ( m_FallbackSBH.IsOwner( pMem ) ) { return m_FallbackSBH.GetSize( pMem ); } #endif // MEMALLOC_NO_FALLBACK
return msize_internal( pMem ); }
// Force file + line information for an allocation
void CStdMemAlloc::PushAllocDbgInfo( const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { LMDPushAllocDbgInfo( pFileName, nLine ); }
void CStdMemAlloc::PopAllocDbgInfo() { LMDPopAllocDbgInfo(); }
// FIXME: Remove when we make our own heap! Crt stuff we're currently using
int32 CStdMemAlloc::CrtSetBreakAlloc( int32 lNewBreakAlloc ) { return 0; }
int CStdMemAlloc::CrtSetReportMode( int nReportType, int nReportMode ) { return 0; }
int CStdMemAlloc::CrtIsValidHeapPointer( const void *pMem ) { return 1; }
int CStdMemAlloc::CrtIsValidPointer( const void *pMem, unsigned int size, int access ) { return 1; }
int CStdMemAlloc::CrtCheckMemory( void ) { #ifndef _CERT
LMDValidateHeap(); #if MEM_SBH_ENABLED
if ( !m_PrimarySBH.Validate() ) { ExecuteOnce( Msg( "Small block heap is corrupt (primary)\n " ) ); } #ifdef MEMALLOC_USE_SECONDARY_SBH
if ( !m_SecondarySBH.Validate() ) { ExecuteOnce( Msg( "Small block heap is corrupt (secondary)\n " ) ); } #endif // MEMALLOC_USE_SECONDARY_SBH
if ( !m_FallbackSBH.Validate() ) { ExecuteOnce( Msg( "Small block heap is corrupt (fallback)\n " ) ); } #endif // MEMALLOC_NO_FALLBACK
#endif // _CERT
return 1; }
int CStdMemAlloc::CrtSetDbgFlag( int nNewFlag ) { return 0; }
void CStdMemAlloc::CrtMemCheckpoint( _CrtMemState *pState ) { }
// FIXME: Remove when we have our own allocator
void* CStdMemAlloc::CrtSetReportFile( int nRptType, void* hFile ) { return 0; }
void* CStdMemAlloc::CrtSetReportHook( void* pfnNewHook ) { return 0; }
int CStdMemAlloc::CrtDbgReport( int nRptType, const char * szFile, int nLine, const char * szModule, const char * pMsg ) { return 0; }
int CStdMemAlloc::heapchk() { #ifdef _WIN32
CrtCheckMemory(); return _HEAPOK; #else
return 1; #endif
void CStdMemAlloc::DumpStats() { DumpStatsFileBase( "memstats" ); }
void CStdMemAlloc::DumpStatsFileBase( char const *pchFileBase ) { #if defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
char filename[ 512 ]; _snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ) - 1, #ifdef _X360
"D:\\%s.txt", #elif defined( _PS3 )
"/app_home/%s.txt", #else
"%s.txt", #endif
pchFileBase ); filename[ sizeof( filename ) - 1 ] = 0; FILE *pFile = ( IsGameConsole() ) ? NULL : fopen( filename, "wt" );
if ( pFile ) fprintf( pFile, "Fixed Page SBH:\n" ); else Msg( "Fixed Page SBH:\n" ); m_PrimarySBH.DumpStats("Fixed Page SBH", pFile); #ifdef MEMALLOC_USE_SECONDARY_SBH
if ( pFile ) fprintf( pFile, "Secondary Fixed Page SBH:\n" ); else Msg( "Secondary Page SBH:\n" ); m_SecondarySBH.DumpStats("Secondary Page SBH", pFile); #endif // MEMALLOC_USE_SECONDARY_SBH
if ( pFile ) fprintf( pFile, "\nFallback SBH:\n" ); else Msg( "\nFallback SBH:\n" ); m_FallbackSBH.DumpStats("Fallback SBH", pFile); // Dump statistics to small block heap
#ifdef _PS3
malloc_managed_size mms; (g_pMemOverrideRawCrtFns->pfn_malloc_stats)( &mms ); Msg( "PS3 malloc_stats: %u / %u / %u \n", mms.current_inuse_size, mms.current_system_size, mms.max_system_size ); #endif // _PS3
heapstats_internal( pFile ); #if defined( _X360 )
XBX_rMemDump( filename ); #endif
if ( pFile ) fclose( pFile ); #endif // _WIN32 || _GAMECONSOLE
IVirtualMemorySection * CStdMemAlloc::AllocateVirtualMemorySection( size_t numMaxBytes ) { #if defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) || defined( _WIN32 )
extern IVirtualMemorySection * VirtualMemoryManager_AllocateVirtualMemorySection( size_t numMaxBytes ); return VirtualMemoryManager_AllocateVirtualMemorySection( numMaxBytes ); #else
return NULL; #endif
size_t CStdMemAlloc::ComputeMemoryUsedBy( char const *pchSubStr ) { return 0;//dbg heap only.
static inline size_t ExtraDevkitMemory( void ) { #if defined( _PS3 )
// 213MB are available in retail mode, so adjust free mem to reflect that even if we're in devkit mode
const size_t RETAIL_SIZE = 213*1024*1024; static sys_memory_info stat; sys_memory_get_user_memory_size( &stat ); if ( stat.total_user_memory > RETAIL_SIZE ) return ( stat.total_user_memory - RETAIL_SIZE ); #elif defined( _X360 )
// TODO: detect the new 1GB devkit...
#endif // _PS3/_X360
return 0; }
void CStdMemAlloc::GlobalMemoryStatus( size_t *pUsedMemory, size_t *pFreeMemory ) { if ( !pUsedMemory || !pFreeMemory ) return;
size_t dlMallocFree = 0; #if defined( USE_DLMALLOC )
// Account for free memory contained within DLMalloc's FIRST region. The rationale is as follows:
// - the first region is supposed to service large allocations via virtual allocation, and to grow as
// needed (until all physical pages are used), so true 'out of memory' failures should occur there.
// - other regions (the 2-256kb 'medium block heap', or per-DLL heaps, and the Small Block Heap)
// are sized to a pre-determined high watermark, and not intended to grow. Free memory within
// those regions is not available for large allocations, so adding that to the 'free memory'
// yields confusing data which does not correspond well with out-of-memory failures.
mallinfo info = mspace_mallinfo( g_AllocRegions[ 0 ] ); dlMallocFree += info.fordblks; #endif // USE_DLMALLOC
#if defined ( _X360 )
// GlobalMemoryStatus tells us how much physical memory is free
MEMORYSTATUS stat; ::GlobalMemoryStatus( &stat ); *pFreeMemory = stat.dwAvailPhys; *pFreeMemory += dlMallocFree; // Adjust free mem to reflect a retail box, even if we're using a devkit with extra memory
*pFreeMemory -= ExtraDevkitMemory();
// Used is total minus free (discount the 32MB system reservation)
*pUsedMemory = ( stat.dwTotalPhys - 32*1024*1024 ) - *pFreeMemory;
#elif defined( _PS3 )
// NOTE: we use dlmalloc instead of the system heap, so we do NOT count the system heap's free space!
//static malloc_managed_size mms;
//(g_pMemOverrideRawCrtFns->pfn_malloc_stats)( &mms );
//int heapFree = mms.current_system_size - mms.current_inuse_size;
// sys_memory_get_user_memory_size tells us how much PPU memory is used/free
static sys_memory_info stat; sys_memory_get_user_memory_size( &stat ); *pFreeMemory = stat.available_user_memory; *pFreeMemory += dlMallocFree; *pUsedMemory = stat.total_user_memory - *pFreeMemory; // Adjust free mem to reflect a retail box, even if we're using a devkit with extra memory
*pFreeMemory -= ExtraDevkitMemory();
#else // _X360/_PS3/other
// no data
*pFreeMemory = 0; *pUsedMemory = 0;
#endif // _X360/_PS3//other
GenericMemoryStat_t g_MemStats[MAX_GENERIC_MEMORY_STATS]; int g_nMemStats = 0; static inline int AddGenericMemoryStat( const char *name, int value ) { Assert( g_nMemStats < MAX_GENERIC_MEMORY_STATS ); if ( g_nMemStats < MAX_GENERIC_MEMORY_STATS ) { g_MemStats[ g_nMemStats ].name = name; g_MemStats[ g_nMemStats ].value = value; g_nMemStats++; } return g_nMemStats; }
int CStdMemAlloc::GetGenericMemoryStats( GenericMemoryStat_t **ppMemoryStats ) { if ( !ppMemoryStats ) return 0; g_nMemStats = 0;
{ // Small block heap
size_t SBHCommitted = 0, SBHAllocated = 0; size_t commitTmp, allocTmp; #if MEM_SBH_ENABLED
m_PrimarySBH.Usage( commitTmp, allocTmp ); SBHCommitted += commitTmp; SBHAllocated += allocTmp; #ifdef MEMALLOC_USE_SECONDARY_SBH
m_SecondarySBH.Usage( commitTmp, allocTmp ); SBHCommitted += commitTmp; SBHAllocated += allocTmp; #endif // MEMALLOC_USE_SECONDARY_SBH
m_FallbackSBH.Usage( commitTmp, allocTmp ); SBHCommitted += commitTmp; SBHAllocated += allocTmp; #endif // MEMALLOC_NO_FALLBACK
static size_t SBHMaxCommitted = 0; SBHMaxCommitted = MAX( SBHMaxCommitted, SBHCommitted ); AddGenericMemoryStat( "SBH_cur", (int)SBHCommitted ); AddGenericMemoryStat( "SBH_max", (int)SBHMaxCommitted ); } #endif // MEM_SBH_ENABLED
#if defined( USE_DLMALLOC )
{ // Medium block heap
mallinfo infoMBH = mspace_mallinfo( g_AllocRegions[ 1 ] ); size_t nMBHCurUsed = infoMBH.uordblks;// nMBH_WRONG_MaxUsed = infoMBH.usmblks; // TODO: figure out why dlmalloc mis-reports MBH max usage (it just returns the footprint)
static size_t nMBHMaxUsed = 0; nMBHMaxUsed = MAX( nMBHMaxUsed, nMBHCurUsed ); AddGenericMemoryStat( "MBH_cur", (int)nMBHCurUsed ); AddGenericMemoryStat( "MBH_max", (int)nMBHMaxUsed );
// Large block heap
mallinfo infoLBH = mspace_mallinfo( g_AllocRegions[ 0 ] ); size_t nLBHCurUsed = mspace_footprint( g_AllocRegions[ 0 ] ), nLBHMaxUsed = mspace_max_footprint( g_AllocRegions[ 0 ] ), nLBHArenaSize = infoLBH.arena, nLBHFree = infoLBH.fordblks; AddGenericMemoryStat( "LBH_cur", (int)nLBHCurUsed ); AddGenericMemoryStat( "LBH_max", (int)nLBHMaxUsed ); // LBH arena used+free (these are non-virtual allocations - there should be none, since we only allocate 256KB+ items in the LBH)
// TODO: I currently see the arena grow to 320KB due to a larger allocation being realloced down... if this gets worse, add an 'ALWAYS use VMM' flag to the mspace.
AddGenericMemoryStat( "LBH_arena", (int)nLBHArenaSize ); AddGenericMemoryStat( "LBH_free", (int)nLBHFree ); } #else // (!MEMALLOC_REGIONS && MEMALLOC_SEGMENT_MIXED)
{ // Single dlmalloc heap (TODO: per-DLL heap stats, if we resurrect that)
mallinfo info = mspace_mallinfo( g_AllocRegions[ 0 ] ); AddGenericMemoryStat( "mspace_cur", (int)info.uordblks ); AddGenericMemoryStat( "mspace_max", (int)info.usmblks ); AddGenericMemoryStat( "mspace_size", (int)mspace_footprint( g_AllocRegions[ 0 ] ) ); } #endif // (!MEMALLOC_REGIONS && MEMALLOC_SEGMENT_MIXED)
#endif // USE_DLMALLOC
size_t nMaxPhysMemUsed_Delta; nMaxPhysMemUsed_Delta = 0; #ifdef _PS3
{ // System heap (should not exist!)
static malloc_managed_size mms; (g_pMemOverrideRawCrtFns->pfn_malloc_stats)( &mms ); if ( mms.current_system_size ) AddGenericMemoryStat( "sys_heap", (int)mms.current_system_size );
// Virtual Memory Manager
size_t nReserved = 0, nReservedMax = 0, nCommitted = 0, nCommittedMax = 0; extern void VirtualMemoryManager_GetStats( size_t &nReserved, size_t &nReservedMax, size_t &nCommitted, size_t &nCommittedMax ); VirtualMemoryManager_GetStats( nReserved, nReservedMax, nCommitted, nCommittedMax ); AddGenericMemoryStat( "VMM_reserved", (int)nReserved ); AddGenericMemoryStat( "VMM_reserved_max", (int)nReservedMax ); AddGenericMemoryStat( "VMM_committed", (int)nCommitted ); AddGenericMemoryStat( "VMM_committed_max", (int)nCommittedMax );
// Estimate memory committed by memory stacks (these account for all VMM allocations other than the SBH/MBH/LBH)
size_t nHeapTotal = 1024*1024*MBYTES_PRIMARY_SBH; #if defined( USE_DLMALLOC )
for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(g_AllocRegions); i++ ) { nHeapTotal += mspace_footprint( g_AllocRegions[i] ); } #endif // USE_DLMALLOC
size_t nMemStackTotal = nCommitted - nHeapTotal; AddGenericMemoryStat( "MemStacks", (int)nMemStackTotal );
// On PS3, we can more accurately determine 'phys_free_min', since we know nCommittedMax
// (otherwise nPhysFreeMin is only updated intermittently; when this function is called):
nMaxPhysMemUsed_Delta = nCommittedMax - nCommitted; } #endif // _PS3
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
// Total/free/min-free physical pages
{ #if defined( _X360 )
MEMORYSTATUS stat; ::GlobalMemoryStatus( &stat ); size_t nPhysTotal = stat.dwTotalPhys, nPhysFree = stat.dwAvailPhys - ExtraDevkitMemory(); #elif defined( _PS3 )
static sys_memory_info stat; sys_memory_get_user_memory_size( &stat ); size_t nPhysTotal = stat.total_user_memory, nPhysFree = stat.available_user_memory - ExtraDevkitMemory(); #endif // _X360/_PS3
static size_t nPhysFreeMin = nPhysTotal; nPhysFreeMin = MIN( nPhysFreeMin, ( nPhysFree - nMaxPhysMemUsed_Delta ) ); AddGenericMemoryStat( "phys_total", (int)nPhysTotal ); AddGenericMemoryStat( "phys_free", (int)nPhysFree ); AddGenericMemoryStat( "phys_free_min", (int)nPhysFreeMin ); } #endif // _GAMECONSOLE
*ppMemoryStats = &g_MemStats[0]; return g_nMemStats; }
void CStdMemAlloc::CompactHeap() { #if MEM_SBH_ENABLED
if ( !m_CompactMutex.TryLock() ) { return; } if ( m_bInCompact ) { m_CompactMutex.Unlock(); return; }
m_bInCompact = true; size_t nBytesRecovered; #ifndef MEMALLOC_NO_FALLBACK
nBytesRecovered = m_FallbackSBH.Compact( false ); if ( nBytesRecovered && IsGameConsole() ) { Msg( "Compact freed %d bytes from virtual heap (up to 256k still committed)\n", nBytesRecovered ); } #endif // MEMALLOC_NO_FALLBACK
nBytesRecovered = m_PrimarySBH.Compact( false ); #ifdef MEMALLOC_USE_SECONDARY_SBH
nBytesRecovered += m_SecondarySBH.Compact( false ); #endif
if ( nBytesRecovered && IsGameConsole() ) { Msg( "Compact released %d bytes from the SBH\n", nBytesRecovered ); }
nBytesRecovered = compact_internal(); if ( nBytesRecovered && IsGameConsole() ) { Msg( "Compact released %d bytes from the mixed block heap\n", nBytesRecovered ); }
m_bInCompact = false; m_CompactMutex.Unlock(); #endif // MEM_SBH_ENABLED
void CStdMemAlloc::CompactIncremental() { #if MEM_SBH_ENABLED
if ( !m_CompactMutex.TryLock() ) { return; } if ( m_bInCompact ) { m_CompactMutex.Unlock(); return; }
m_bInCompact = true; #ifndef MEMALLOC_NO_FALLBACK
m_FallbackSBH.Compact( true ); #endif
m_PrimarySBH.Compact( true ); #ifdef MEMALLOC_USE_SECONDARY_SBH
m_SecondarySBH.Compact( true ); #endif
m_bInCompact = false; m_CompactMutex.Unlock(); #endif // MEM_SBH_ENABLED
MemAllocFailHandler_t CStdMemAlloc::SetAllocFailHandler( MemAllocFailHandler_t pfnMemAllocFailHandler ) { MemAllocFailHandler_t pfnPrevious = m_pfnFailHandler; m_pfnFailHandler = pfnMemAllocFailHandler; return pfnPrevious; }
size_t CStdMemAlloc::DefaultFailHandler( size_t nBytes ) { if ( IsX360() ) { #ifdef _X360
ExecuteOnce( { char buffer[256]; _snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "***** Memory pool overflow, attempted allocation size: %u (not a critical error)\n", nBytes ); XBX_OutputDebugString( buffer ); } ); #endif // _X360
} return 0; }
void CStdMemAlloc::SetStatsExtraInfo( const char *pMapName, const char *pComment ) { }
void CStdMemAlloc::SetCRTAllocFailed( size_t nSize ) { m_sMemoryAllocFailed = nSize;
DebuggerBreakIfDebugging(); #if defined( _PS3 ) && defined( _DEBUG )
DebuggerBreak(); #endif // _PS3
char buffer[256]; #ifdef COMPILER_GCC
_snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "***** OUT OF MEMORY! attempted allocation size: %u ****\n", nSize ); #else
_snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "***** OUT OF MEMORY! attempted allocation size: %u ****\n", nSize ); #endif // COMPILER_GCC
#ifdef _X360
XBX_OutputDebugString( buffer ); if ( !Plat_IsInDebugSession() ) { XBX_CrashDump( true ); #if defined( _DEMO )
XLaunchNewImage( XLAUNCH_KEYWORD_DEFAULT_APP, 0 ); #else
XLaunchNewImage( "default.xex", 0 ); #endif // _DEMO
} #elif defined(_WIN32 )
OutputDebugString( buffer ); if ( !Plat_IsInDebugSession() ) { WriteMiniDump(); abort(); } #else // _X360/_WIN32/other
printf( "%s\n", buffer ); if ( !Plat_IsInDebugSession() ) { WriteMiniDump(); #if defined( _PS3 )
DumpStats(); #endif
Plat_ExitProcess( 0 ); } #endif // _X360/_WIN32/other
size_t CStdMemAlloc::MemoryAllocFailed() { return m_sMemoryAllocFailed; }
#endif // STEAM