// NOTE! This should never be called directly from leaf code
// Just use new,delete,malloc,free etc. They will call into this eventually
#include "pch_tier0.h"
#define WIN_32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
#include <windows.h>
#elif defined( _X360 )
#undef Verify
#define _XBOX
#include <xtl.h>
#undef _XBOX
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
#elif defined( _PS3 )
#include "sys/memory.h"
#include "sys/mempool.h"
#include "sys/process.h"
#include <sys/vm.h>
//#include <malloc.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier0/memalloc.h"
#include "tier0/threadtools.h"
#include "tier0/tslist.h"
#include "mem_helpers.h"
#ifndef _PS3
#pragma pack(4)
#define MIN_SBH_BLOCK 8
#define MIN_SBH_ALIGN 8
#define MAX_SBH_BLOCK 2048
#define MAX_POOL_REGION (4*1024*1024)
#define NUM_POOLS 42
#if defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( _PS3 )
// FIXME: Disable small block heap on win64 for now; it's busted because
// it's expecting SLIST_HEADER to look different than it does on win64
#if !defined( PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PC64 )
#if !defined(_CERT) && ( defined(_X360) || defined(_PS3) )
#if defined(_X360)
// 360 uses a 48MB primary (physical) SBH and 10MB secondary (virtual) SBH, with no fallback
#elif defined(_PS3)
// PS3 uses just a 32MB SBH - this was enough to avoid overflow when Portal 2 shipped.
// NOTE: when Steam uses the game's tier0 allocator (see memalloc.h), we increase the size
// of the SBH and MBH (see memstd.cpp) to accommodate those extra allocations.
#else // _X360 | _PS3
// Other platforms use a 48MB primary SBH and a (32MB) fallback SBH
#endif // _X360 | _PS3
#define MEMSTD_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( pred ) switch(0){case 0:case pred:;}
// Small block pool
class CFreeList : public CTSListBase { public: void Push( void *p ) { CTSListBase::Push( (TSLNodeBase_t *)p ); } byte *Pop() { return (byte *)CTSListBase::Pop(); } };
template <typename CAllocator> class CSmallBlockHeap;
template <typename CAllocator> class CSmallBlockPool { public: CSmallBlockPool() { m_nBlockSize = 0; m_nCommittedPages = 0; m_pFirstPage = NULL; }
void Init( unsigned nBlockSize ); size_t GetBlockSize(); void *Alloc(); void Free( void *p ); int CountFreeBlocks(); int GetCommittedSize(); int CountCommittedBlocks(); int CountAllocatedBlocks(); size_t Compact( bool bIncremental ); bool Validate();
enum { BYTES_PAGE = CAllocator::BYTES_PAGE, NOT_COMMITTED = -1 };
private: typedef CSmallBlockHeap<CAllocator> CHeap; friend class CSmallBlockHeap<CAllocator>;
struct PageStatus_t : public TSLNodeBase_t { PageStatus_t() { m_pPool = NULL; m_nAllocated = NOT_COMMITTED; m_pNextPageInPool = NULL; }
CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator> * m_pPool; PageStatus_t * m_pNextPageInPool; CInterlockedInt m_nAllocated; CTSListBase m_SortList; };
struct SharedData_t { CAllocator m_Allocator; CTSListBase m_FreePages; CThreadSpinRWLock m_Lock; PageStatus_t m_PageStatus[CAllocator::TOTAL_BYTES/CAllocator::BYTES_PAGE]; byte * m_pNextBlock; byte * m_pBase; byte * m_pLimit; };
static int PageSort( const void *p1, const void *p2 ) ; bool RemovePagesFromFreeList( byte **pPages, int nPages, bool bSortList );
void ValidateFreelist( SharedData_t *pSharedData );
CFreeList m_FreeList;
CInterlockedPtr<byte> m_pNextAlloc;
PageStatus_t * m_pFirstPage; unsigned m_nBlockSize; unsigned m_nCommittedPages;
CThreadFastMutex m_CommitMutex;
CInterlockedInt m_nFreeBlocks; #endif
static SharedData_t *GetSharedData() { return &gm_SharedData; }
static SharedData_t gm_SharedData; };
// Small block heap (multi-pool)
template <typename CAllocator> class CSmallBlockHeap { public: CSmallBlockHeap(); bool ShouldUse( size_t nBytes ); bool IsOwner( void * p ); void *Alloc( size_t nBytes ); void *Realloc( void *p, size_t nBytes ); void Free( void *p ); size_t GetSize( void *p ); void DumpStats( const char *pszTag, FILE *pFile = NULL ); void Usage( size_t &bytesCommitted, size_t &bytesAllocated ); size_t Compact( bool bIncremental ); bool Validate();
enum { BYTES_PAGE = CAllocator::BYTES_PAGE };
private: typedef CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator> CPool; typedef struct CSmallBlockPool<CAllocator>::SharedData_t SharedData_t;
CPool *FindPool( size_t nBytes ); CPool *FindPool( void *p );
// Map size to a pool address to a pool
CPool *m_PoolLookup[MAX_SBH_BLOCK >> 2]; CPool m_Pools[NUM_POOLS];
SharedData_t *m_pSharedData; };
class CStdMemAlloc : public IMemAlloc { public: CStdMemAlloc();
// Internal versions
void *InternalAlloc( int region, size_t nSize ); #ifdef MEMALLOC_SUPPORTS_ALIGNED_ALLOCATIONS
void *InternalAllocAligned( int region, size_t nSize, size_t align ); #endif
void *InternalAllocFromPools( size_t nSize ); void *InternalRealloc( void *pMem, size_t nSize ); #ifdef MEMALLOC_SUPPORTS_ALIGNED_ALLOCATIONS
void *InternalReallocAligned( void *pMem, size_t nSize, size_t align ); #endif
void InternalFree( void *pMem );
void CompactOnFail();
// Release versions
virtual void *Alloc( size_t nSize ); virtual void *Realloc( void *pMem, size_t nSize ); virtual void Free( void *pMem ); virtual void *Expand_NoLongerSupported( void *pMem, size_t nSize );
// Debug versions
virtual void *Alloc( size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ); virtual void *Realloc( void *pMem, size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine ); virtual void Free( void *pMem, const char *pFileName, int nLine ); virtual void *Expand_NoLongerSupported( void *pMem, size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine );
virtual void *AllocAlign( size_t nSize, size_t align ); virtual void *AllocAlign( size_t nSize, size_t align, const char *pFileName, int nLine ); virtual void *ReallocAlign( void *pMem, size_t nSize, size_t align ); virtual void *ReallocAlign( void *pMem, size_t nSize, size_t align, const char *pFileName, int nLine ); #endif
virtual void *RegionAlloc( int region, size_t nSize ); virtual void *RegionAlloc( int region, size_t nSize, const char *pFileName, int nLine );
// Returns size of a particular allocation
virtual size_t GetSize( void *pMem );
// Force file + line information for an allocation
virtual void PushAllocDbgInfo( const char *pFileName, int nLine ); virtual void PopAllocDbgInfo();
virtual int32 CrtSetBreakAlloc( int32 lNewBreakAlloc ); virtual int CrtSetReportMode( int nReportType, int nReportMode ); virtual int CrtIsValidHeapPointer( const void *pMem ); virtual int CrtIsValidPointer( const void *pMem, unsigned int size, int access ); virtual int CrtCheckMemory( void ); virtual int CrtSetDbgFlag( int nNewFlag ); virtual void CrtMemCheckpoint( _CrtMemState *pState ); void* CrtSetReportFile( int nRptType, void* hFile ); void* CrtSetReportHook( void* pfnNewHook ); int CrtDbgReport( int nRptType, const char * szFile, int nLine, const char * szModule, const char * pMsg ); virtual int heapchk();
virtual void DumpStats(); virtual void DumpStatsFileBase( char const *pchFileBase ); virtual size_t ComputeMemoryUsedBy( char const *pchSubStr ); virtual void GlobalMemoryStatus( size_t *pUsedMemory, size_t *pFreeMemory );
virtual bool IsDebugHeap() { return false; }
virtual void GetActualDbgInfo( const char *&pFileName, int &nLine ) {} virtual void RegisterAllocation( const char *pFileName, int nLine, size_t nLogicalSize, size_t nActualSize, unsigned nTime ) {} virtual void RegisterDeallocation( const char *pFileName, int nLine, size_t nLogicalSize, size_t nActualSize, unsigned nTime ) {}
virtual int GetVersion() { return MEMALLOC_VERSION; }
virtual void OutOfMemory( size_t nBytesAttempted = 0 ) { SetCRTAllocFailed( nBytesAttempted ); }
virtual IVirtualMemorySection * AllocateVirtualMemorySection( size_t numMaxBytes );
virtual int GetGenericMemoryStats( GenericMemoryStat_t **ppMemoryStats );
virtual void CompactHeap(); virtual void CompactIncremental();
virtual MemAllocFailHandler_t SetAllocFailHandler( MemAllocFailHandler_t pfnMemAllocFailHandler ); size_t CallAllocFailHandler( size_t nBytes ) { return (*m_pfnFailHandler)( nBytes); }
virtual uint32 GetDebugInfoSize() { return 0; } virtual void SaveDebugInfo( void *pvDebugInfo ) { } virtual void RestoreDebugInfo( const void *pvDebugInfo ) {} virtual void InitDebugInfo( void *pvDebugInfo, const char *pchRootFileName, int nLine ) {}
static size_t DefaultFailHandler( size_t ); void DumpBlockStats( void *p ) {}
class CVirtualAllocator { public: enum { BYTES_PAGE = (64*1024), TOTAL_BYTES = (32*1024*1024), MIN_RESERVE_PAGES = 4, };
byte *AllocatePoolMemory() { #ifdef _WIN32
return (byte *)VirtualAlloc( NULL, TOTAL_BYTES, VA_RESERVE_FLAGS, PAGE_NOACCESS ); #elif defined( _PS3 )
Error( "" ); return NULL; #else
bool IsVirtual() { return true; }
bool Decommit( void *pPage ) { #ifdef _WIN32
return ( VirtualFree( pPage, BYTES_PAGE, MEM_DECOMMIT ) != 0 ); #elif defined( _PS3 )
return false; #else
bool Commit( void *pPage ) { #ifdef _WIN32
return ( VirtualAlloc( pPage, BYTES_PAGE, VA_COMMIT_FLAGS, PAGE_READWRITE ) != NULL ); #elif defined( _PS3 )
return false; #else
} };
typedef CSmallBlockHeap<CVirtualAllocator> CVirtualSmallBlockHeap;
template <size_t SIZE_MB, bool bPhysical> class CFixedAllocator { public: enum { BYTES_PAGE = (16*1024), TOTAL_BYTES = (SIZE_MB*1024*1024), MIN_RESERVE_PAGES = TOTAL_BYTES/BYTES_PAGE, };
byte *AllocatePoolMemory() { #ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef _X360
if ( bPhysical ) return (byte *)XPhysicalAlloc( TOTAL_BYTES, MAXULONG_PTR, 4096, PAGE_READWRITE | MEM_16MB_PAGES ); #endif
return (byte *)VirtualAlloc( NULL, TOTAL_BYTES, VA_COMMIT_FLAGS, PAGE_READWRITE ); #elif defined( _PS3 )
// TODO: release this section on shutdown (use GetMemorySectionForAddress)
extern IVirtualMemorySection * VirtualMemoryManager_AllocateVirtualMemorySection( size_t numMaxBytes ); IVirtualMemorySection *pSection = VirtualMemoryManager_AllocateVirtualMemorySection( TOTAL_BYTES ); if ( !pSection ) Error( "CFixedAllocator::AllocatePoolMemory() failed in VirtualMemoryManager_AllocateVirtualMemorySection\n" ); if ( !pSection->CommitPages( pSection->GetBaseAddress(), TOTAL_BYTES ) ) Error( "CFixedAllocator::AllocatePoolMemory() failed in IVirtualMemorySection::CommitPages\n" ); return reinterpret_cast<byte *>( pSection->GetBaseAddress() ); #else
bool IsVirtual() { return false; }
bool Decommit( void *pPage ) { return false; }
bool Commit( void *pPage ) { return false; } };
typedef CSmallBlockHeap<CFixedAllocator< MBYTES_PRIMARY_SBH, true> > CFixedSmallBlockHeap; #ifdef MEMALLOC_USE_SECONDARY_SBH
typedef CSmallBlockHeap<CFixedAllocator< MBYTES_SECONDARY_SBH, false> > CFixedVirtualSmallBlockHeap; // @TODO: move back into above heap if number stays at 16 [7/15/2009 tom]
CFixedSmallBlockHeap m_PrimarySBH; #ifdef MEMALLOC_USE_SECONDARY_SBH
CFixedVirtualSmallBlockHeap m_SecondarySBH; #endif
CVirtualSmallBlockHeap m_FallbackSBH; #endif
virtual void SetStatsExtraInfo( const char *pMapName, const char *pComment );
virtual size_t MemoryAllocFailed();
void SetCRTAllocFailed( size_t nMemSize );
MemAllocFailHandler_t m_pfnFailHandler; size_t m_sMemoryAllocFailed; CThreadFastMutex m_CompactMutex; bool m_bInCompact; };
#ifndef _PS3
#pragma pack()