//===== Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose: Real-Time Hierarchical Profiling
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "pch_tier0.h"
#include "tier0/memalloc.h"
#include "tier0/valve_off.h"
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_X360)
#define WIN_32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
#include <windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma warning(disable:4073)
#pragma init_seg( lib )
#pragma warning(push, 1)
#pragma warning(disable:4786)
#pragma warning(disable:4530)
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#pragma warning(pop)
#include "tier0/valve_on.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "tier0/l2cache.h"
#include "strtools.h"
#ifdef _X360
#include "xbox/xbox_console.h"
#elif defined(_PS3)
#include "ps3/ps3_console.h"
#else // NOT _X360:
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// NOTE: Explicitly and intentionally using STL in here to not generate any
// cyclical dependencies between the low-level debug library and the higher
// level data structures (toml 01-27-03)
using namespace std;
#if defined(_X360) && !defined(_CERT) // enable PIX CPU trace:
#include "tracerecording.h"
#pragma comment( lib, "tracerecording.lib" )
#pragma comment( lib, "xbdm.lib" )
bool g_VProfSignalSpike;
CVProfile g_VProfCurrentProfile;
int CVProfNode::s_iCurrentUniqueNodeID = 0;
CVProfNode::~CVProfNode() { #if !defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( POSIX )
delete m_pChild; delete m_pSibling; #endif
CVProfNode *CVProfNode::GetSubNode( const tchar *pszName, int detailLevel, const tchar *pBudgetGroupName, int budgetFlags ) { // Try to find this sub node
CVProfNode * child = m_pChild; while ( child ) { if ( child->m_pszName == pszName ) { return child; } child = child->m_pSibling; }
// We didn't find it, so add it
CVProfNode * node = new CVProfNode( pszName, detailLevel, this, pBudgetGroupName, budgetFlags ); node->m_pSibling = m_pChild; m_pChild = node; return node; }
CVProfNode *CVProfNode::GetSubNode( const tchar *pszName, int detailLevel, const tchar *pBudgetGroupName ) { return GetSubNode( pszName, detailLevel, pBudgetGroupName, BUDGETFLAG_OTHER ); }
void CVProfNode::EnterScope() { m_nCurFrameCalls++; if ( m_nRecursions++ == 0 ) { m_Timer.Start(); #ifndef _X360
if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.UsePME() ) { m_L2Cache.Start(); } #else // 360 code:
if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.UsePME() || ((m_iBitFlags & kRecordL2) != 0) ) { m_PMCData.Start(); }
if ( (m_iBitFlags & kCPUTrace) != 0) { // this node is to be recorded. Which recording mode are we in?
switch ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCPUTraceMode() ) { case CVProfile::kFirstHitNode: case CVProfile::kAllNodesInFrame_Recording: case CVProfile::kAllNodesInFrame_RecordingMultiFrame: // we are presently recording.
if ( !XTraceStartRecording( g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCPUTraceFilename() ) ) { Msg( "XTraceStartRecording failed, error code %d\n", GetLastError() ); }
default: // no default.
break; }
g_VProfCurrentProfile.PushGroup( m_BudgetGroupID ); #endif
} }
bool CVProfNode::ExitScope() { if ( --m_nRecursions == 0 && m_nCurFrameCalls != 0 ) { m_Timer.End(); m_CurFrameTime += m_Timer.GetDuration(); #ifndef _X360
if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.UsePME() ) { m_L2Cache.End(); m_iCurL2CacheMiss += m_L2Cache.GetL2CacheMisses(); } #else // 360 code:
if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.UsePME() || ((m_iBitFlags & kRecordL2) != 0) ) { m_PMCData.End(); m_iCurL2CacheMiss += m_PMCData.GetL2CacheMisses(); m_iCurLoadHitStores += m_PMCData.GetLHS(); }
if ( (m_iBitFlags & kCPUTrace) != 0 ) { // this node is enabled to be recorded. What mode are we in?
switch ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCPUTraceMode() ) { case CVProfile::kFirstHitNode: { // one-off recording. stop now.
if ( XTraceStopRecording() ) { Msg( "CPU trace finished.\n" ); if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.TraceCompleteEvent() ) { // signal VXConsole that trace is completed
XBX_rTraceComplete(); } } // don't trace again next frame, overwriting the file.
g_VProfCurrentProfile.SetCPUTraceEnabled( CVProfile::kDisabled ); break; }
case CVProfile::kAllNodesInFrame_Recording: case CVProfile::kAllNodesInFrame_RecordingMultiFrame: { // one-off recording. stop now.
if ( XTraceStopRecording() ) { if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCPUTraceMode() == CVProfile::kAllNodesInFrame_RecordingMultiFrame ) { Msg( "%.3f msec in %s\n", m_CurFrameTime.GetMillisecondsF(), g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCPUTraceFilename() ); } else { Msg( "CPU trace finished.\n" ); } } // Spew time info for file to allow figuring it out later
g_VProfCurrentProfile.LatchMultiFrame( m_CurFrameTime.GetLongCycles() ); #if 0 // This doesn't want to work on the xbox360-- MoveFile not available or file still being put down to disk?
char suffix[ 32 ]; _snprintf( suffix, sizeof( suffix ), "_%.3f_msecs", flMsecs );
char fn[ 512 ];
strncpy( fn, g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCPUTraceFilename(), sizeof( fn ) );
char *p = strrchr( fn, '.' ); if ( *p ) { *p = 0; } strncat( fn, suffix, sizeof( fn ) ); strncat( fn, ".pix2", sizeof( fn ) ); BOOL bSuccess = MoveFile( g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCPUTraceFilename(), fn ); if ( !bSuccess ) { DWORD eCode = GetLastError(); Msg( "Error %d\n", eCode ); } #endif
// we're still recording until the frame is done.
// but, increment the index.
g_VProfCurrentProfile.IncrementMultiTraceIndex(); break; }
} // g_VProfCurrentProfile.IsCPUTraceEnabled() &&
g_VProfCurrentProfile.PopGroup(); #endif
} return ( m_nRecursions == 0 ); }
void CVProfNode::Pause() { if ( m_nRecursions > 0 ) { m_Timer.End(); m_CurFrameTime += m_Timer.GetDuration();
#ifndef _X360
if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.UsePME() ) { m_L2Cache.End(); m_iCurL2CacheMiss += m_L2Cache.GetL2CacheMisses(); } #else // 360 code:
if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.UsePME() || ((m_iBitFlags & kRecordL2) != 0) ) { m_PMCData.End(); m_iCurL2CacheMiss += m_PMCData.GetL2CacheMisses(); m_iCurLoadHitStores += m_PMCData.GetLHS(); } #endif
} if ( m_pChild ) { m_pChild->Pause(); } if ( m_pSibling ) { m_pSibling->Pause(); } }
void CVProfNode::Resume() { if ( m_nRecursions > 0 ) { m_Timer.Start();
#ifndef _X360
if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.UsePME() ) { m_L2Cache.Start(); } #else
if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.UsePME() || ((m_iBitFlags & kRecordL2) != 0) ) { m_PMCData.Start(); } #endif
} if ( m_pChild ) { m_pChild->Resume(); } if ( m_pSibling ) { m_pSibling->Resume(); } }
void CVProfNode::Reset() { m_nPrevFrameCalls = 0; m_PrevFrameTime.Init();
m_nCurFrameCalls = 0; m_CurFrameTime.Init(); m_nTotalCalls = 0; m_TotalTime.Init(); m_PeakTime.Init();
m_iPrevL2CacheMiss = 0; m_iCurL2CacheMiss = 0; m_iTotalL2CacheMiss = 0;
#ifdef _X360
m_iPrevLoadHitStores = 0; m_iCurLoadHitStores = 0; m_iTotalLoadHitStores = 0; #endif
if ( m_pChild ) { m_pChild->Reset(); } if ( m_pSibling ) { m_pSibling->Reset(); } }
void CVProfNode::MarkFrame() { m_nPrevFrameCalls = m_nCurFrameCalls; m_PrevFrameTime = m_CurFrameTime; m_iPrevL2CacheMiss = m_iCurL2CacheMiss; #ifdef _X360
m_iPrevLoadHitStores = m_iCurLoadHitStores; #endif
m_nTotalCalls += m_nCurFrameCalls; m_TotalTime += m_CurFrameTime; if ( m_PeakTime.IsLessThan( m_CurFrameTime ) ) { m_PeakTime = m_CurFrameTime; } m_CurFrameTime.Init(); m_nCurFrameCalls = 0; m_iTotalL2CacheMiss += m_iCurL2CacheMiss; m_iCurL2CacheMiss = 0; #ifdef _X360
m_iTotalLoadHitStores += m_iCurLoadHitStores; m_iCurLoadHitStores = 0; #endif
if ( m_pChild ) { m_pChild->MarkFrame(); } if ( m_pSibling ) { m_pSibling->MarkFrame(); } }
void CVProfNode::ResetPeak() { m_PeakTime.Init();
if ( m_pChild ) { m_pChild->ResetPeak(); } if ( m_pSibling ) { m_pSibling->ResetPeak(); } }
void CVProfNode::SetCurFrameTime( unsigned long milliseconds ) { m_CurFrameTime.Init( (float)milliseconds ); } #ifdef DBGFLAG_VALIDATE
// Purpose: Ensure that all of our internal structures are consistent, and
// account for all memory that we've allocated.
// Input: validator - Our global validator object
// pchName - Our name (typically a member var in our container)
void CVProfNode::Validate( CValidator &validator, tchar *pchName ) { validator.Push( _T("CVProfNode"), this, pchName );
m_L2Cache.Validate( validator, _T("m_L2Cache") );
if ( m_pSibling ) m_pSibling->Validate( validator, _T("m_pSibling") ); if ( m_pChild ) m_pChild->Validate( validator, _T("m_pChild") );
validator.Pop( ); } #endif // DBGFLAG_VALIDATE
struct TimeSums_t { const tchar *pszProfileScope; unsigned calls; double time; double timeLessChildren; double peak; };
static bool TimeCompare( const TimeSums_t &lhs, const TimeSums_t &rhs ) { return ( lhs.time > rhs.time ); }
static bool TimeLessChildrenCompare( const TimeSums_t &lhs, const TimeSums_t &rhs ) { return ( lhs.timeLessChildren > rhs.timeLessChildren ); }
static bool PeakCompare( const TimeSums_t &lhs, const TimeSums_t &rhs ) { return ( lhs.peak > rhs.peak ); }
static bool AverageTimeCompare( const TimeSums_t &lhs, const TimeSums_t &rhs ) { double avgLhs = ( lhs.calls ) ? lhs.time / (double)lhs.calls : 0.0; double avgRhs = ( rhs.calls ) ? rhs.time / (double)rhs.calls : 0.0; return ( avgLhs > avgRhs ); }
static bool AverageTimeLessChildrenCompare( const TimeSums_t &lhs, const TimeSums_t &rhs ) { double avgLhs = ( lhs.calls ) ? lhs.timeLessChildren / (double)lhs.calls : 0.0; double avgRhs = ( rhs.calls ) ? rhs.timeLessChildren / (double)rhs.calls : 0.0; return ( avgLhs > avgRhs );
} static bool PeakOverAverageCompare( const TimeSums_t &lhs, const TimeSums_t &rhs ) { double avgLhs = ( lhs.calls ) ? lhs.time / (double)lhs.calls : 0.0; double avgRhs = ( rhs.calls ) ? rhs.time / (double)rhs.calls : 0.0; double lhsPoA = ( avgLhs != 0 ) ? lhs.peak / avgLhs : 0.0; double rhsPoA = ( avgRhs != 0 ) ? rhs.peak / avgRhs : 0.0; return ( lhsPoA > rhsPoA ); }
map<CVProfNode *, double> g_TimesLessChildren; int g_TotalFrames; map<const tchar *, uintp> g_TimeSumsMap; vector<TimeSums_t> g_TimeSums; CVProfNode * g_pStartNode; const tchar * g_pszSumNode;
void CVProfile::SumTimes( CVProfNode *pNode, int budgetGroupID ) { if ( !pNode ) return; // this generally only happens on a failed FindNode()
bool bSetStartNode; if ( !g_pStartNode && _tcscmp( pNode->GetName(), g_pszSumNode ) == 0 ) { g_pStartNode = pNode; bSetStartNode = true; } else bSetStartNode = false;
if ( GetRoot() != pNode ) { if ( g_pStartNode && pNode->GetTotalCalls() > 0 && ( budgetGroupID == -1 || pNode->GetBudgetGroupID() == budgetGroupID ) ) { double timeLessChildren = pNode->GetTotalTimeLessChildren(); g_TimesLessChildren.insert( make_pair( pNode, timeLessChildren ) ); map<const tchar *, uintp>::iterator iter; iter = g_TimeSumsMap.find( pNode->GetName() ); // intenionally using address of string rather than string compare (toml 01-27-03)
if ( iter == g_TimeSumsMap.end() ) { TimeSums_t timeSums = { pNode->GetName(), pNode->GetTotalCalls(), pNode->GetTotalTime(), timeLessChildren, pNode->GetPeakTime() }; g_TimeSumsMap.insert( make_pair( pNode->GetName(), g_TimeSums.size() ) ); g_TimeSums.push_back( timeSums ); } else { TimeSums_t &timeSums = g_TimeSums[iter->second]; timeSums.calls += pNode->GetTotalCalls(); timeSums.time += pNode->GetTotalTime(); timeSums.timeLessChildren += timeLessChildren; if ( pNode->GetPeakTime() > timeSums.peak ) timeSums.peak = pNode->GetPeakTime(); } } if( ( !g_pStartNode || pNode != g_pStartNode ) && pNode->GetSibling() ) { SumTimes( pNode->GetSibling(), budgetGroupID ); } } if( pNode->GetChild() ) { SumTimes( pNode->GetChild(), budgetGroupID ); } if ( bSetStartNode ) g_pStartNode = NULL; }
CVProfNode *CVProfile::FindNode( CVProfNode *pStartNode, const tchar *pszNode ) { if ( _tcscmp( pStartNode->GetName(), pszNode ) != 0 ) { CVProfNode *pFoundNode = NULL; if ( pStartNode->GetSibling() ) { pFoundNode = FindNode( pStartNode->GetSibling(), pszNode ); }
if ( !pFoundNode && pStartNode->GetChild() ) { pFoundNode = FindNode( pStartNode->GetChild(), pszNode ); }
return pFoundNode; } return pStartNode; }
#ifdef _X360
void CVProfile::PMCDisableAllNodes(CVProfNode *pStartNode) { if (pStartNode == NULL) { pStartNode = GetRoot(); }
if ( pStartNode->GetSibling() ) { PMCDisableAllNodes(pStartNode->GetSibling()); }
if ( pStartNode->GetChild() ) { PMCDisableAllNodes(pStartNode->GetChild()); } }
// recursively set l2/lhs recording state for a node and all children AND SIBLINGS
static void PMCRecursiveL2Set(CVProfNode *pNode, bool enableState) { if ( pNode ) { pNode->EnableL2andLHS(enableState); if ( pNode->GetSibling() ) { PMCRecursiveL2Set( pNode->GetSibling(), enableState ); } if ( pNode->GetChild() ) { PMCRecursiveL2Set( pNode->GetChild(), enableState ); } } }
bool CVProfile::PMCEnableL2Upon(const tchar *pszNodeName, bool bRecursive) { // PMCDisableAllNodes();
CVProfNode *pNode = FindNode( GetRoot(), pszNodeName ); if (pNode) { pNode->EnableL2andLHS(true); if (bRecursive) { PMCRecursiveL2Set(pNode->GetChild(), true); } return true; } else { return false; } }
bool CVProfile::PMCDisableL2Upon(const tchar *pszNodeName, bool bRecursive) { // PMCDisableAllNodes();
CVProfNode *pNode = FindNode( GetRoot(), pszNodeName ); if ( pNode ) { pNode->EnableL2andLHS( false ); if ( bRecursive ) { PMCRecursiveL2Set( pNode->GetChild(), false ); } return true; } else { return false; } }
static void DumpEnabledPMCNodesInner(CVProfNode* pNode) { if (!pNode) return;
if (pNode->IsL2andLHSEnabled()) { Msg( _T("\t%s\n"), pNode->GetName() ); }
// depth first printing clearer
if ( pNode->GetChild() ) { DumpEnabledPMCNodesInner(pNode->GetChild()); }
if ( pNode->GetSibling() ) { DumpEnabledPMCNodesInner(pNode->GetChild()); } }
void CVProfile::DumpEnabledPMCNodes( void ) { Msg( _T("Nodes enabled for PMC counters:\n") ); CVProfNode *pNode = GetRoot(); DumpEnabledPMCNodesInner( pNode );
Msg( _T("(end)\n") ); }
CVProfNode *CVProfile::CPUTraceGetEnabledNode(CVProfNode *pStartNode) { if (!pStartNode) { pStartNode = GetRoot(); }
if ( (pStartNode->m_iBitFlags & CVProfNode::kCPUTrace) != 0 ) { return pStartNode; }
if (pStartNode->GetSibling()) { CVProfNode *retval = CPUTraceGetEnabledNode(pStartNode->GetSibling()); if (retval) return retval; } if (pStartNode->GetChild()) { CVProfNode *retval = CPUTraceGetEnabledNode(pStartNode->GetChild()); if (retval) return retval; }
return NULL; }
const char *CVProfile::SetCPUTraceFilename( const char *filename ) { strncpy( m_CPUTraceFilename, filename, sizeof( m_CPUTraceFilename ) ); return GetCPUTraceFilename(); }
/// Returns a pointer to an internal static, so you don't need to
/// make temporary char buffers for this to write into. What of it?
/// You're not hanging on to that pointer. That would be foolish.
const char *CVProfile::GetCPUTraceFilename() { static char retBuf[256];
switch ( m_iCPUTraceEnabled ) { case kAllNodesInFrame_WaitingForMark: case kAllNodesInFrame_Recording: _snprintf( retBuf, sizeof( retBuf ), "e:\\%.128s%.4d.pix2", m_CPUTraceFilename, m_iSuccessiveTraceIndex ); break;
case kAllNodesInFrame_WaitingForMarkMultiFrame: case kAllNodesInFrame_RecordingMultiFrame: _snprintf( retBuf, sizeof( retBuf ), "e:\\%.128s_%.4d_%.4d.pix2", m_CPUTraceFilename, m_nFrameCount, m_iSuccessiveTraceIndex ); break;
default: _snprintf( retBuf, sizeof( retBuf ), "e:\\%.128s.pix2", m_CPUTraceFilename ); }
return retBuf; }
bool CVProfile::TraceCompleteEvent( void ) { return m_bTraceCompleteEvent; }
CVProfNode *CVProfile::CPUTraceEnableForNode(const tchar *pszNodeName) { // disable whatever may be enabled already (we can only trace one node at a time)
CVProfNode *which = FindNode(GetRoot(), pszNodeName); if (which) { which->m_iBitFlags |= CVProfNode::kCPUTrace; return which; } else return NULL; }
void CVProfile::CPUTraceDisableAllNodes(CVProfNode *pStartNode) { if (!pStartNode) { pStartNode = GetRoot(); }
pStartNode->m_iBitFlags &= ~CVProfNode::kCPUTrace;
if (pStartNode->GetSibling()) { CPUTraceDisableAllNodes(pStartNode->GetSibling()); }
if (pStartNode->GetChild()) { CPUTraceDisableAllNodes(pStartNode->GetChild()); }
void CVProfile::SumTimes( const tchar *pszStartNode, int budgetGroupID ) { if ( GetRoot()->GetChild() ) { if ( pszStartNode == NULL ) g_pStartNode = GetRoot(); else g_pStartNode = NULL;
g_pszSumNode = pszStartNode; SumTimes( GetRoot(), budgetGroupID ); g_pStartNode = NULL; }
void CVProfile::DumpNodes( CVProfNode *pNode, int indent, bool bAverageAndCountOnly ) { if ( !pNode ) return; // this generally only happens on a failed FindNode()
bool fIsRoot = ( pNode == GetRoot() );
if ( fIsRoot || pNode == g_pStartNode ) { if( bAverageAndCountOnly ) { Msg( _T(" Avg Time/Frame (ms)\n") ); Msg( _T("[ func+child func ] Count\n") ); Msg( _T(" ---------- --------- --------\n") ); } else { Msg( _T(" Sum (ms) Avg Time/Frame (ms) Avg Time/Call (ms)\n") ); Msg( _T("[ func+child func ] [ func+child func ] [ func+child func ] Count Peak\n") ); Msg( _T(" ---------- --------- ---------- ------ ---------- ------ -------- ------\n") ); } }
if ( !fIsRoot ) { map<CVProfNode *, double>::iterator iterTimeLessChildren = g_TimesLessChildren.find( pNode ); double dNodeTime = 0; if(iterTimeLessChildren != g_TimesLessChildren.end()) dNodeTime = iterTimeLessChildren->second;
if( bAverageAndCountOnly ) { Msg( _T(" %10.3f %9.2f %8d"), ( pNode->GetTotalCalls() > 0 ) ? pNode->GetTotalTime() / (double)NumFramesSampled() : 0, ( pNode->GetTotalCalls() > 0 ) ? dNodeTime / (double)NumFramesSampled() : 0, pNode->GetTotalCalls() ); } else { Msg( _T(" %10.3f %9.2f %10.3f %6.2f %10.3f %6.2f %8d %6.2f"), pNode->GetTotalTime(), dNodeTime, ( pNode->GetTotalCalls() > 0 ) ? pNode->GetTotalTime() / (double)NumFramesSampled() : 0, ( pNode->GetTotalCalls() > 0 ) ? dNodeTime / (double)NumFramesSampled() : 0, ( pNode->GetTotalCalls() > 0 ) ? pNode->GetTotalTime() / (double)pNode->GetTotalCalls() : 0, ( pNode->GetTotalCalls() > 0 ) ? dNodeTime / (double)pNode->GetTotalCalls() : 0, pNode->GetTotalCalls(), pNode->GetPeakTime() ); } Msg( _T(" ") ); for ( int i = 1; i < indent; i++ ) { Msg( _T("| ") ); }
Msg( _T("%s\n"), pNode->GetName() ); }
if( pNode->GetChild() ) { DumpNodes( pNode->GetChild(), indent + 1, bAverageAndCountOnly ); } if( !( fIsRoot || pNode == g_pStartNode ) && pNode->GetSibling() ) { DumpNodes( pNode->GetSibling(), indent, bAverageAndCountOnly ); } }
static void CalcBudgetGroupTimes_Recursive( CVProfNode *pNode, unsigned int *groupTimes, int numGroups, float flScale ) { int groupID; CVProfNode *nodePtr;
groupID = pNode->GetBudgetGroupID(); if ( groupID >= numGroups ) { return; }
groupTimes[groupID] += flScale*pNode->GetPrevTimeLessChildren();
nodePtr = pNode->GetSibling(); if ( nodePtr ) { CalcBudgetGroupTimes_Recursive( nodePtr, groupTimes, numGroups, flScale ); }
nodePtr = pNode->GetChild(); if ( nodePtr ) { CalcBudgetGroupTimes_Recursive( nodePtr, groupTimes, numGroups, flScale ); } }
static void CalcBudgetGroupL2CacheMisses_Recursive( CVProfNode *pNode, unsigned int *groupTimes, int numGroups, float flScale ) { int groupID; CVProfNode *nodePtr;
groupID = pNode->GetBudgetGroupID(); if ( groupID >= numGroups ) { return; }
groupTimes[groupID] += flScale*pNode->GetPrevL2CacheMissLessChildren();
nodePtr = pNode->GetSibling(); if ( nodePtr ) { CalcBudgetGroupL2CacheMisses_Recursive( nodePtr, groupTimes, numGroups, flScale ); }
nodePtr = pNode->GetChild(); if ( nodePtr ) { CalcBudgetGroupL2CacheMisses_Recursive( nodePtr, groupTimes, numGroups, flScale ); } }
static void CalcBudgetGroupLHS_Recursive( CVProfNode *pNode, unsigned int *groupTimes, int numGroups, float flScale ) { int groupID; CVProfNode *nodePtr;
groupID = pNode->GetBudgetGroupID(); if ( groupID >= numGroups ) { return; }
groupTimes[groupID] += flScale*pNode->GetPrevLoadHitStoreLessChildren();
nodePtr = pNode->GetSibling(); if ( nodePtr ) { CalcBudgetGroupLHS_Recursive( nodePtr, groupTimes, numGroups, flScale ); }
nodePtr = pNode->GetChild(); if ( nodePtr ) { CalcBudgetGroupLHS_Recursive( nodePtr, groupTimes, numGroups, flScale ); } }
void CVProfile::VXConsoleReportMode( VXConsoleReportMode_t mode ) { m_ReportMode = mode; }
void CVProfile::VXConsoleReportScale( VXConsoleReportMode_t mode, float flScale ) { m_pReportScale[mode] = flScale; }
// Send the all the counter attributes once to VXConsole at profiling start
void CVProfile::VXProfileStart() { const char *names[XBX_MAX_PROFILE_COUNTERS]; COLORREF colors[XBX_MAX_PROFILE_COUNTERS]; int numGroups; int counterGroup; const char *pGroupName; int i; int r,g,b,a;
// vprof system must be running
if ( m_enabled <= 0 || !m_UpdateMode ) { return; }
if ( m_UpdateMode & VPROF_UPDATE_BUDGET ) { // update budget profiling
numGroups = g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetNumBudgetGroups(); if ( numGroups > XBX_MAX_PROFILE_COUNTERS ) { numGroups = XBX_MAX_PROFILE_COUNTERS; } for ( i=0; i<numGroups; i++ ) { names[i] = g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetBudgetGroupName( i ); g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetBudgetGroupColor( i, r, g, b, a ); colors[i] = XMAKECOLOR( r, g, b ); }
// send all the profile attributes
XBX_rSetProfileAttributes( "cpu", numGroups, names, colors ); }
if ( m_UpdateMode & (VPROF_UPDATE_TEXTURE_GLOBAL|VPROF_UPDATE_TEXTURE_PERFRAME) ) { // update texture profiling
numGroups = 0; counterGroup = (m_UpdateMode & VPROF_UPDATE_TEXTURE_GLOBAL) ? COUNTER_GROUP_TEXTURE_GLOBAL : COUNTER_GROUP_TEXTURE_PER_FRAME; for ( i=0; i<g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetNumCounters(); i++ ) { if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCounterGroup( i ) == counterGroup ) { // strip undesired prefix
pGroupName = g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCounterName( i ); if ( !stricmp( pGroupName, "texgroup_frame_" ) ) { pGroupName += 15; } else if ( !stricmp( pGroupName, "texgroup_global_" ) ) { pGroupName += 16; } names[numGroups] = pGroupName;
g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetBudgetGroupColor( numGroups, r, g, b, a ); colors[numGroups] = XMAKECOLOR( r, g, b );
numGroups++; if ( numGroups == XBX_MAX_PROFILE_COUNTERS ) { break; } } }
// send all the profile attributes
XBX_rSetProfileAttributes( "texture", numGroups, names, colors ); } }
// Send the counters to VXConsole
void CVProfile::VXProfileUpdate() { int i; int counterGroup; int numGroups; unsigned int groupData[XBX_MAX_PROFILE_COUNTERS];
// vprof system must be running
if ( m_enabled <= 0 || !m_UpdateMode ) { return; }
if ( m_UpdateMode & VPROF_UPDATE_BUDGET ) { // send the cpu counters
numGroups = g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetNumBudgetGroups(); if ( numGroups > XBX_MAX_PROFILE_COUNTERS ) { numGroups = XBX_MAX_PROFILE_COUNTERS; } memset( groupData, 0, numGroups * sizeof( unsigned int ) );
CVProfNode *pNode = g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetRoot(); if ( pNode && pNode->GetChild() ) { switch ( m_ReportMode ) { default: case VXCONSOLE_REPORT_TIME: CalcBudgetGroupTimes_Recursive( pNode->GetChild(), groupData, numGroups, m_pReportScale[VXCONSOLE_REPORT_TIME] ); break;
case VXCONSOLE_REPORT_L2CACHE_MISSES: CalcBudgetGroupL2CacheMisses_Recursive( pNode->GetChild(), groupData, numGroups, m_pReportScale[VXCONSOLE_REPORT_L2CACHE_MISSES] ); break;
case VXCONSOLE_REPORT_LOAD_HIT_STORE: CalcBudgetGroupLHS_Recursive( pNode->GetChild(), groupData, numGroups, m_pReportScale[VXCONSOLE_REPORT_LOAD_HIT_STORE] ); break; } }
XBX_rSetProfileData( "cpu", numGroups, groupData ); }
if ( m_UpdateMode & ( VPROF_UPDATE_TEXTURE_GLOBAL|VPROF_UPDATE_TEXTURE_PERFRAME ) ) { // send the texture counters
numGroups = 0; counterGroup = ( m_UpdateMode & VPROF_UPDATE_TEXTURE_GLOBAL ) ? COUNTER_GROUP_TEXTURE_GLOBAL : COUNTER_GROUP_TEXTURE_PER_FRAME; for ( i = 0; i < g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetNumCounters(); i++ ) { if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCounterGroup( i ) == counterGroup ) { // get the size in bytes
groupData[numGroups++] = g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCounterValue( i ); if ( numGroups == XBX_MAX_PROFILE_COUNTERS ) { break; } } }
XBX_rSetProfileData( "texture", numGroups, groupData ); } }
void CVProfile::VXEnableUpdateMode( int event, bool bEnable ) { // enable or disable the updating of specified events
if ( bEnable ) { m_UpdateMode |= event; } else { m_UpdateMode &= ~event; }
// force a resend of possibly affected attributes
VXProfileStart(); }
static void VXBuildNodeList_r( CVProfNode *pNode, xVProfNodeItem_t *pNodeList, int *pNumNodes ) { if ( !pNode ) { return; } if ( *pNumNodes >= MAX_VPROF_NODES_IN_LIST ) { // list full
return; }
// add to list
pNodeList[*pNumNodes].pName = (const char *)pNode->GetName();
pNodeList[*pNumNodes].pBudgetGroupName = g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetBudgetGroupName( pNode->GetBudgetGroupID() ); int r, g, b, a; g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetBudgetGroupColor( pNode->GetBudgetGroupID(), r, g, b, a ); pNodeList[*pNumNodes].budgetGroupColor = XMAKECOLOR( r, g, b );
pNodeList[*pNumNodes].totalCalls = pNode->GetTotalCalls(); pNodeList[*pNumNodes].inclusiveTime = pNode->GetTotalTime(); pNodeList[*pNumNodes].exclusiveTime = pNode->GetTotalTimeLessChildren(); (*pNumNodes)++;
CVProfNode *nodePtr = pNode->GetSibling(); if ( nodePtr ) { VXBuildNodeList_r( nodePtr, pNodeList, pNumNodes ); }
nodePtr = pNode->GetChild(); if ( nodePtr ) { VXBuildNodeList_r( nodePtr, pNodeList, pNumNodes ); } } void CVProfile::VXSendNodes( void ) { Pause();
xVProfNodeItem_t *pNodeList = (xVProfNodeItem_t *)stackalloc( MAX_VPROF_NODES_IN_LIST * sizeof(xVProfNodeItem_t) ); int numNodes = 0; VXBuildNodeList_r( GetRoot(), pNodeList, &numNodes );
// send to vxconsole
XBX_rVProfNodeList( numNodes, pNodeList );
Resume(); } #endif
static void DumpSorted( const tchar *pszHeading, double totalTime, bool (*pfnSort)( const TimeSums_t &, const TimeSums_t & ), int maxLen = 999999 ) { unsigned i; vector<TimeSums_t> sortedSums; sortedSums = g_TimeSums; sort( sortedSums.begin(), sortedSums.end(), pfnSort ); Msg( _T("%s\n"), pszHeading); Msg( _T(" Scope Calls Calls/Frame Time+Child Pct Time Pct Avg/Frame Avg/Call Avg-NoChild Peak\n")); Msg( _T(" ---------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ ----------- ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------\n")); for ( i = 0; i < sortedSums.size() && i < (unsigned)maxLen; i++ ) { double avg = ( sortedSums[i].calls ) ? sortedSums[i].time / (double)sortedSums[i].calls : 0.0; double avgLessChildren = ( sortedSums[i].calls ) ? sortedSums[i].timeLessChildren / (double)sortedSums[i].calls : 0.0; Msg( _T(" %52.52s%12d%12.3f%12.3f%7.2f%12.3f%7.2f%12.3f%12.3f%12.3f%12.3f\n"), sortedSums[i].pszProfileScope, sortedSums[i].calls, (float)sortedSums[i].calls / (float)g_TotalFrames, sortedSums[i].time, min( ( sortedSums[i].time / totalTime ) * 100.0, 100.0 ), sortedSums[i].timeLessChildren, min( ( sortedSums[i].timeLessChildren / totalTime ) * 100.0, 100.0 ), sortedSums[i].time / (float)g_TotalFrames, avg, avgLessChildren, sortedSums[i].peak ); } }
#if defined( _X360 )
// Dump information on all nodes with PMC recording
static void DumpPMC( CVProfNode *pNode, bool &bPrintHeader, uint64 L2thresh = 1, uint64 LHSthresh = 1 ) { if (!pNode) return;
uint64 l2 = pNode->GetL2CacheMisses(); uint64 lhs = pNode->GetLoadHitStores(); if ( l2 > L2thresh && lhs > LHSthresh ) { // met threshold.
if (bPrintHeader) { // print header
Msg( _T("-- 360 PMC information --\n") ); Msg( _T("Scope L2/call L2/frame LHS/call LHS/frame\n") ); Msg( _T("---------------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- ---------\n") );
bPrintHeader = false; }
// print
float calls = pNode->GetTotalCalls(); float frames = g_TotalFrames; Msg( _T("%52.52s %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f\n"), pNode->GetName(), l2/calls, l2/frames, lhs/calls, lhs/frames ); }
if ( pNode->GetSibling() ) { DumpPMC( pNode->GetSibling(), bPrintHeader, L2thresh, LHSthresh ); }
if ( pNode->GetChild() ) { DumpPMC( pNode->GetChild(), bPrintHeader, L2thresh, LHSthresh ); } } #endif
void CVProfile::OutputReport( int type, const tchar *pszStartNode, int budgetGroupID ) { Msg( _T("******** BEGIN VPROF REPORT ********\n")); #ifdef _MSC_VER
#if (_MSC_VER < 1300)
Msg( _T(" (note: this report exceeds the output capacity of MSVC debug window. Use console window or console log.) \n")); #endif
g_TotalFrames = max( NumFramesSampled() - 1, 1 ); if ( NumFramesSampled() == 0 || GetTotalTimeSampled() == 0) Msg( _T("No samples\n") ); else { if ( type & VPRT_SUMMARY ) { Msg( _T("-- Summary --\n") ); Msg( _T("%d frames sampled for %.2f seconds\n"), g_TotalFrames, GetTotalTimeSampled() / 1000.0 ); Msg( _T("Average %.2f fps, %.2f ms per frame\n"), 1000.0 / ( GetTotalTimeSampled() / g_TotalFrames ), GetTotalTimeSampled() / g_TotalFrames ); Msg( _T("Peak %.2f ms frame\n"), GetPeakFrameTime() ); double timeAccountedFor = 100.0 - ( m_Root.GetTotalTimeLessChildren() / m_Root.GetTotalTime() ); Msg( _T("%.0f pct of time accounted for\n"), min( 100.0, timeAccountedFor ) ); Msg( _T("\n") ); }
if ( pszStartNode == NULL ) { pszStartNode = GetRoot()->GetName(); }
SumTimes( pszStartNode, budgetGroupID ); // Dump the hierarchy
if ( type & VPRT_HIERARCHY ) { Msg( _T("-- Hierarchical Call Graph --\n")); if ( pszStartNode == NULL ) g_pStartNode = NULL; else g_pStartNode = FindNode( GetRoot(), pszStartNode );
DumpNodes( (!g_pStartNode) ? GetRoot() : g_pStartNode, 0, false ); Msg( _T("\n") ); } if ( type & VPRT_HIERARCHY_TIME_PER_FRAME_AND_COUNT_ONLY ) { Msg( _T("-- Hierarchical Call Graph --\n")); if ( pszStartNode == NULL ) g_pStartNode = NULL; else g_pStartNode = FindNode( GetRoot(), pszStartNode );
DumpNodes( (!g_pStartNode) ? GetRoot() : g_pStartNode, 0, true ); Msg( _T("\n") ); }
int maxLen = ( type & VPRT_LIST_TOP_ITEMS_ONLY ) ? 25 : 999999;
if ( type & VPRT_LIST_BY_TIME ) { DumpSorted( _T("-- Profile scopes sorted by time (including children) --"), GetTotalTimeSampled(), TimeCompare, maxLen ); Msg( _T("\n") ); } if ( type & VPRT_LIST_BY_TIME_LESS_CHILDREN ) { DumpSorted( _T("-- Profile scopes sorted by time (without children) --"), GetTotalTimeSampled(), TimeLessChildrenCompare, maxLen ); Msg( _T("\n") ); } if ( type & VPRT_LIST_BY_AVG_TIME ) { DumpSorted( _T("-- Profile scopes sorted by average time (including children) --"), GetTotalTimeSampled(), AverageTimeCompare, maxLen ); Msg( _T("\n") ); } if ( type & VPRT_LIST_BY_AVG_TIME_LESS_CHILDREN ) { DumpSorted( _T("-- Profile scopes sorted by average time (without children) --"), GetTotalTimeSampled(), AverageTimeLessChildrenCompare, maxLen ); Msg( _T("\n") ); } if ( type & VPRT_LIST_BY_PEAK_TIME ) { DumpSorted( _T("-- Profile scopes sorted by peak --"), GetTotalTimeSampled(), PeakCompare, maxLen); Msg( _T("\n") ); } if ( type & VPRT_LIST_BY_PEAK_OVER_AVERAGE ) { DumpSorted( _T("-- Profile scopes sorted by peak over average (including children) --"), GetTotalTimeSampled(), PeakOverAverageCompare, maxLen ); Msg( _T("\n") ); } // TODO: Functions by time less children
// TODO: Functions by time averages
// TODO: Functions by peak
// TODO: Peak deviation from average
g_TimesLessChildren.clear(); g_TimeSumsMap.clear(); g_TimeSums.clear();
#ifdef _X360
bool bPrintedHeader = true; DumpPMC( FindNode( GetRoot(), pszStartNode ), bPrintedHeader ); #endif
} Msg( _T("******** END VPROF REPORT ********\n"));
CVProfile::CVProfile() : m_Root( _T("Root"), 0, NULL, VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_OTHER_UNACCOUNTED, 0 ), m_pCurNode( &m_Root ), m_nFrames( 0 ), m_enabled( 0 ), // don't change this. if m_enabled is anything but zero coming out of this constructor, vprof will break.
m_pausedEnabledDepth( 0 ), m_fAtRoot( true ) {
m_GroupIDStackDepth = 1; m_GroupIDStack[0] = 0; // VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_OTHER_UNACCOUNTED
m_TargetThreadId = ThreadGetCurrentId(); // Go ahead and allocate 32 slots for budget group names
MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); m_pBudgetGroups = new CVProfile::CBudgetGroup[32]; m_nBudgetGroupNames = 0; m_nBudgetGroupNamesAllocated = 32;
// Add these here so that they will always be in the same order.
m_bPMEInit = false; m_bPMEEnabled = false;
m_bTraceCompleteEvent = false; m_iSuccessiveTraceIndex = 0; m_ReportMode = VXCONSOLE_REPORT_TIME; m_pReportScale[VXCONSOLE_REPORT_TIME] = 1000.0f; m_pReportScale[VXCONSOLE_REPORT_L2CACHE_MISSES] = 1.0f; m_pReportScale[VXCONSOLE_REPORT_LOAD_HIT_STORE] = 0.1f; m_nFrameCount = 0; m_nFramesRemaining = 1; m_WorstCycles = 0; m_WorstTraceFilename[ 0 ] = 0; m_UpdateMode = 0; #endif
#ifdef _X360
m_iCPUTraceEnabled = kDisabled; #endif
CVProfile::~CVProfile() { Term(); }
void CVProfile::FreeNodes_R( CVProfNode *pNode ) { CVProfNode *pNext; for ( CVProfNode *pChild = pNode->GetChild(); pChild; pChild = pNext ) { pNext = pChild->GetSibling(); FreeNodes_R( pChild ); } if ( pNode == GetRoot() ) { pNode->m_pChild = NULL; } else { delete pNode; } }
void CVProfile::Term() { int i; for( i = 0; i < m_nBudgetGroupNames; i++ ) { delete [] m_pBudgetGroups[i].m_pName; } delete m_pBudgetGroups; m_nBudgetGroupNames = m_nBudgetGroupNamesAllocated = 0; m_pBudgetGroups = NULL;
int n; for( n = 0; n < m_NumCounters; n++ ) { delete [] m_CounterNames[n]; m_CounterNames[n] = NULL; } m_NumCounters = 0;
// Free the nodes.
if ( GetRoot() ) { FreeNodes_R( GetRoot() ); } }
#define COLORMIN 160
#define COLORMAX 255
#define GET_BIT( val, bitnum ) ( ( val >> bitnum ) & 0x1 )
void CVProfile::GetBudgetGroupColor( int budgetGroupID, int &r, int &g, int &b, int &a ) { budgetGroupID = budgetGroupID % ( 1 << 6 );
int index; index = GET_BIT( budgetGroupID, 0 ) | ( GET_BIT( budgetGroupID, 5 ) << 1 ); r = g_ColorLookup[index]; index = GET_BIT( budgetGroupID, 1 ) | ( GET_BIT( budgetGroupID, 4 ) << 1 ); g = g_ColorLookup[index]; index = GET_BIT( budgetGroupID, 2 ) | ( GET_BIT( budgetGroupID, 3 ) << 1 ); b = g_ColorLookup[index]; a = 255; }
// return -1 if it doesn't exist.
int CVProfile::FindBudgetGroupName( const tchar *pBudgetGroupName ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < m_nBudgetGroupNames; i++ ) { if( _tcsicmp( pBudgetGroupName, m_pBudgetGroups[i].m_pName ) == 0 ) { return i; } } return -1; }
int CVProfile::AddBudgetGroupName( const tchar *pBudgetGroupName, int budgetFlags ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); tchar *pNewString = new tchar[ _tcslen( pBudgetGroupName ) + 1 ]; _tcscpy( pNewString, pBudgetGroupName ); if( m_nBudgetGroupNames + 1 > m_nBudgetGroupNamesAllocated ) { m_nBudgetGroupNamesAllocated *= 2; m_nBudgetGroupNamesAllocated = max( m_nBudgetGroupNames + 6, m_nBudgetGroupNamesAllocated ); CBudgetGroup *pNew = new CBudgetGroup[ m_nBudgetGroupNamesAllocated ]; for ( int i=0; i < m_nBudgetGroupNames; i++ ) pNew[i] = m_pBudgetGroups[i]; delete [] m_pBudgetGroups; m_pBudgetGroups = pNew; }
m_pBudgetGroups[m_nBudgetGroupNames].m_pName = pNewString; m_pBudgetGroups[m_nBudgetGroupNames].m_BudgetFlags = budgetFlags; m_nBudgetGroupNames++; if( m_pNumBudgetGroupsChangedCallBack ) { (*m_pNumBudgetGroupsChangedCallBack)(); }
// re-start with all the known budgets
VXProfileStart(); #endif
return m_nBudgetGroupNames - 1; }
int CVProfile::BudgetGroupNameToBudgetGroupID( const tchar *pBudgetGroupName, int budgetFlagsToORIn ) { int budgetGroupID = FindBudgetGroupName( pBudgetGroupName ); if( budgetGroupID == -1 ) { budgetGroupID = AddBudgetGroupName( pBudgetGroupName, budgetFlagsToORIn ); } else { m_pBudgetGroups[budgetGroupID].m_BudgetFlags |= budgetFlagsToORIn; }
return budgetGroupID; }
int CVProfile::BudgetGroupNameToBudgetGroupID( const tchar *pBudgetGroupName ) { return BudgetGroupNameToBudgetGroupID( pBudgetGroupName, BUDGETFLAG_OTHER ); }
int CVProfile::GetNumBudgetGroups( void ) { return m_nBudgetGroupNames; }
void CVProfile::RegisterNumBudgetGroupsChangedCallBack( void (*pCallBack)(void) ) { m_pNumBudgetGroupsChangedCallBack = pCallBack; }
void CVProfile::HideBudgetGroup( int budgetGroupID, bool bHide ) { if( budgetGroupID != -1 ) { if ( bHide ) m_pBudgetGroups[budgetGroupID].m_BudgetFlags |= BUDGETFLAG_HIDDEN; else m_pBudgetGroups[budgetGroupID].m_BudgetFlags &= ~BUDGETFLAG_HIDDEN; } }
int *CVProfile::FindOrCreateCounter( const tchar *pName, CounterGroup_t eCounterGroup ) { Assert( m_NumCounters+1 < MAXCOUNTERS ); if ( m_NumCounters + 1 >= MAXCOUNTERS || !InTargetThread() ) { static int dummy; return &dummy; } int i; for( i = 0; i < m_NumCounters; i++ ) { if( _tcsicmp( m_CounterNames[i], pName ) == 0 ) { // found it!
return &m_Counters[i]; } }
// NOTE: These get freed in ~CVProfile.
MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); tchar *pNewName = new tchar[_tcslen( pName ) + 1]; _tcscpy( pNewName, pName ); m_Counters[m_NumCounters] = 0; m_CounterGroups[m_NumCounters] = (char)eCounterGroup; m_CounterNames[m_NumCounters++] = pNewName; return &m_Counters[m_NumCounters-1]; }
void CVProfile::ResetCounters( CounterGroup_t eCounterGroup ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < m_NumCounters; i++ ) { if ( m_CounterGroups[i] == eCounterGroup ) m_Counters[i] = 0; } }
int CVProfile::GetNumCounters() const { return m_NumCounters; }
const tchar *CVProfile::GetCounterName( int index ) const { Assert( index >= 0 && index < m_NumCounters ); return m_CounterNames[index]; }
int CVProfile::GetCounterValue( int index ) const { Assert( index >= 0 && index < m_NumCounters ); return m_Counters[index]; }
const tchar *CVProfile::GetCounterNameAndValue( int index, int &val ) const { Assert( index >= 0 && index < m_NumCounters ); val = m_Counters[index]; return m_CounterNames[index]; }
CounterGroup_t CVProfile::GetCounterGroup( int index ) const { Assert( index >= 0 && index < m_NumCounters ); return (CounterGroup_t)m_CounterGroups[index]; }
#ifdef _X360
void CVProfile::LatchMultiFrame( int64 cycles ) { if ( cycles > m_WorstCycles ) { strncpy( m_WorstTraceFilename, GetCPUTraceFilename(), sizeof( m_WorstTraceFilename ) ); m_WorstCycles = cycles; } }
void CVProfile::SpewWorstMultiFrame() { CCycleCount cc( m_WorstCycles ); Msg( "%s == %.3f msec\n", m_WorstTraceFilename, cc.GetMillisecondsF() ); } #endif
#ifdef _WIN64
#error the below is presumably broken on 64 bit
#endif // _WIN64
const int k_cSTLMapAllocOffset = 4; #define GET_INTERNAL_MAP_ALLOC_PTR( pMap ) \
( * ( (void **) ( ( ( byte * ) ( pMap ) ) + k_cSTLMapAllocOffset ) ) ) //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Ensure that all of our internal structures are consistent, and
// account for all memory that we've allocated.
// Input: validator - Our global validator object
// pchName - Our name (typically a member var in our container)
void CVProfile::Validate( CValidator &validator, tchar *pchName ) { validator.Push( _T("CVProfile"), this, pchName );
m_Root.Validate( validator, _T("m_Root") );
for ( int iBudgetGroup=0; iBudgetGroup < m_nBudgetGroupNames; iBudgetGroup++ ) validator.ClaimMemory( m_pBudgetGroups[iBudgetGroup].m_pName );
validator.ClaimMemory( m_pBudgetGroups );
// The std template map class allocates memory internally, but offer no way to get
// access to their pointer. Since this is for debug purposes only and the
// std template classes don't change, just look at the well-known offset. This
// is arguably sick and wrong, kind of like marrying a squirrel.
validator.ClaimMemory( GET_INTERNAL_MAP_ALLOC_PTR( &g_TimesLessChildren ) ); validator.ClaimMemory( GET_INTERNAL_MAP_ALLOC_PTR( &g_TimeSumsMap ) );
validator.Pop( ); } #endif // DBGFLAG_VALIDATE