//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Client-side CBasePlayer.
// - Manages the player's flashlight effect.
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "c_playerlocaldata.h"
#include "c_basecombatcharacter.h"
#include "PlayerState.h"
#include "usercmd.h"
#include "shareddefs.h"
#include "timedevent.h"
#include "smartptr.h"
#include "fx_water.h"
#include "hintsystem.h"
#include "SoundEmitterSystem/isoundemittersystembase.h"
#include "c_env_fog_controller.h"
#include "igameevents.h"
#include "GameEventListener.h"
#if defined USES_ECON_ITEMS
#include "econ_item.h"
#include "game_item_schema.h"
#include "econ_item_view.h"
class C_BaseCombatWeapon; class C_BaseViewModel; class C_FuncLadder; class CFlashlightEffect; class C_EconWearable;
extern int g_nKillCamMode; extern int g_nKillCamTarget1; extern int g_nKillCamTarget2;
class C_CommandContext { public: bool needsprocessing;
CUserCmd cmd; int command_number; };
class C_PredictionError { public: float time; Vector error; };
#define WALL_OFFSET 6.0f
bool IsInFreezeCam( void );
// Purpose: Base Player class
class C_BasePlayer : public C_BaseCombatCharacter, public CGameEventListener { public: DECLARE_CLASS( C_BasePlayer, C_BaseCombatCharacter ); DECLARE_CLIENTCLASS(); DECLARE_PREDICTABLE(); DECLARE_INTERPOLATION();
C_BasePlayer(); virtual ~C_BasePlayer();
virtual void Spawn( void ); virtual void SharedSpawn(); // Shared between client and server.
virtual bool GetSteamID( CSteamID *pID );
// IClientEntity overrides.
virtual void OnPreDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ); virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
virtual void PreDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType ); virtual void PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType ); virtual void ReceiveMessage( int classID, bf_read &msg );
virtual void OnRestore();
virtual void AddEntity( void );
virtual void MakeTracer( const Vector &vecTracerSrc, const trace_t &tr, int iTracerType );
virtual void GetToolRecordingState( KeyValues *msg );
virtual float GetPlayerMaxSpeed();
void SetAnimationExtension( const char *pExtension );
C_BaseViewModel *GetViewModel( int viewmodelindex = 0, bool bObserverOK=true ); C_BaseCombatWeapon *GetActiveWeapon( void ) const; const char *GetTracerType( void );
// View model prediction setup
virtual void CalcView( Vector &eyeOrigin, QAngle &eyeAngles, float &zNear, float &zFar, float &fov ); virtual void CalcViewModelView( const Vector& eyeOrigin, const QAngle& eyeAngles);
// Handle view smoothing when going up stairs
void SmoothViewOnStairs( Vector& eyeOrigin ); virtual float CalcRoll (const QAngle& angles, const Vector& velocity, float rollangle, float rollspeed); void CalcViewRoll( QAngle& eyeAngles ); void CreateWaterEffects( void );
virtual void SetPlayerUnderwater( bool state ); void UpdateUnderwaterState( void ); bool IsPlayerUnderwater( void ) { return m_bPlayerUnderwater; }
virtual Vector Weapon_ShootPosition(); virtual void Weapon_DropPrimary( void ) {}
virtual Vector GetAutoaimVector( float flScale ); void SetSuitUpdate(const char *name, int fgroup, int iNoRepeat);
// Input handling
virtual bool CreateMove( float flInputSampleTime, CUserCmd *pCmd ); virtual void AvoidPhysicsProps( CUserCmd *pCmd ); virtual void PlayerUse( void ); CBaseEntity *FindUseEntity( void ); virtual bool IsUseableEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity, unsigned int requiredCaps );
// Data handlers
virtual bool IsPlayer( void ) const { return true; } virtual int GetHealth() const { return m_iHealth; }
int GetBonusProgress() const { return m_iBonusProgress; } int GetBonusChallenge() const { return m_iBonusChallenge; }
// observer mode
virtual int GetObserverMode() const; void SetObserverMode ( int iNewMode ); virtual CBaseEntity *GetObserverTarget() const; void SetObserverTarget( EHANDLE hObserverTarget );
bool AudioStateIsUnderwater( Vector vecMainViewOrigin );
bool IsObserver() const; bool IsHLTV() const; bool IsReplay() const; void ResetObserverMode(); bool IsBot( void ) const { return false; }
// Eye position..
virtual Vector EyePosition(); virtual const QAngle &EyeAngles(); // Direction of eyes
void EyePositionAndVectors( Vector *pPosition, Vector *pForward, Vector *pRight, Vector *pUp ); virtual const QAngle &LocalEyeAngles(); // Direction of eyes
// This can be overridden to return something other than m_pRagdoll if the mod uses separate
// entities for ragdolls.
virtual IRagdoll* GetRepresentativeRagdoll() const;
// override the initial bone position for ragdolls
virtual bool GetRagdollInitBoneArrays( matrix3x4_t *pDeltaBones0, matrix3x4_t *pDeltaBones1, matrix3x4_t *pCurrentBones, float boneDt ) OVERRIDE;
// Returns eye vectors
void EyeVectors( Vector *pForward, Vector *pRight = NULL, Vector *pUp = NULL ); void CacheVehicleView( void ); // Calculate and cache the position of the player in the vehicle
bool IsSuitEquipped( void ) { return m_Local.m_bWearingSuit; };
// Team handlers
virtual void TeamChange( int iNewTeam );
// Flashlight
void Flashlight( void ); void UpdateFlashlight( void );
// Weapon selection code
virtual bool IsAllowedToSwitchWeapons( void ) { return !IsObserver(); } virtual C_BaseCombatWeapon *GetActiveWeaponForSelection( void );
// Returns the view model if this is the local player. If you're in third person or
// this is a remote player, it returns the active weapon
// (and its appropriate left/right weapon if this is TF2).
virtual C_BaseAnimating* GetRenderedWeaponModel();
virtual bool IsOverridingViewmodel( void ) { return false; }; virtual int DrawOverriddenViewmodel( C_BaseViewModel *pViewmodel, int flags ) { return 0; };
virtual float GetDefaultAnimSpeed( void ) { return 1.0; }
void SetMaxSpeed( float flMaxSpeed ) { m_flMaxspeed = flMaxSpeed; } float MaxSpeed() const { return m_flMaxspeed; }
// Should this object cast shadows?
virtual ShadowType_t ShadowCastType() { return SHADOWS_NONE; }
virtual bool ShouldReceiveProjectedTextures( int flags ) { return false; }
bool IsLocalPlayer( void ) const;
// Global/static methods
virtual void ThirdPersonSwitch( bool bThirdperson ); static bool LocalPlayerInFirstPersonView(); static bool ShouldDrawLocalPlayer(); static C_BasePlayer *GetLocalPlayer( void ); int GetUserID( void ); virtual bool CanSetSoundMixer( void ); virtual int GetVisionFilterFlags( bool bWeaponsCheck = false ) { return 0x00; } bool HasVisionFilterFlags( int nFlags, bool bWeaponsCheck = false ) { return ( GetVisionFilterFlags( bWeaponsCheck ) & nFlags ) == nFlags; } virtual void CalculateVisionUsingCurrentFlags( void ) {} void BuildFirstPersonMeathookTransformations( CStudioHdr *hdr, Vector *pos, Quaternion q[], const matrix3x4_t& cameraTransform, int boneMask, CBoneBitList &boneComputed, const char *pchHeadBoneName );
// Specific queries about this player.
bool InFirstPersonView(); bool ShouldDrawThisPlayer();
// Called by the view model if its rendering is being overridden.
virtual bool ViewModel_IsTransparent( void ); virtual bool ViewModel_IsUsingFBTexture( void );
#if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
void AddToPlayerSimulationList( C_BaseEntity *other ); void SimulatePlayerSimulatedEntities( void ); void RemoveFromPlayerSimulationList( C_BaseEntity *ent ); void ClearPlayerSimulationList( void ); #endif
virtual void PhysicsSimulate( void ); virtual unsigned int PhysicsSolidMaskForEntity( void ) const { return MASK_PLAYERSOLID; }
// Prediction stuff
virtual bool ShouldPredict( void );
virtual void PreThink( void ); virtual void PostThink( void );
virtual void ItemPreFrame( void ); virtual void ItemPostFrame( void ); virtual void AbortReload( void );
virtual void SelectLastItem(void); virtual void Weapon_SetLast( C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon ); virtual bool Weapon_ShouldSetLast( C_BaseCombatWeapon *pOldWeapon, C_BaseCombatWeapon *pNewWeapon ) { return true; } virtual bool Weapon_ShouldSelectItem( C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon ); virtual bool Weapon_Switch( C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon, int viewmodelindex = 0 ); // Switch to given weapon if has ammo (false if failed)
virtual C_BaseCombatWeapon *GetLastWeapon( void ) { return m_hLastWeapon.Get(); } void ResetAutoaim( void ); virtual void SelectItem( const char *pstr, int iSubType = 0 );
virtual void UpdateClientData( void );
bool IsLerpingFOV( void ) const; virtual float GetFOV( void ); int GetDefaultFOV( void ) const; virtual bool IsZoomed( void ) { return false; } bool SetFOV( CBaseEntity *pRequester, int FOV, float zoomRate = 0.0f, int iZoomStart = 0 ); void ClearZoomOwner( void );
float GetFOVDistanceAdjustFactor();
virtual void ViewPunch( const QAngle &angleOffset ); void ViewPunchReset( float tolerance = 0 );
void UpdateButtonState( int nUserCmdButtonMask ); int GetImpulse( void ) const;
virtual void Simulate();
virtual bool ShouldInterpolate();
virtual bool ShouldDraw(); virtual int DrawModel( int flags );
// Called when not in tactical mode. Allows view to be overriden for things like driving a tank.
virtual void OverrideView( CViewSetup *pSetup );
// returns the player name
const char * GetPlayerName(); virtual const Vector GetPlayerMins( void ) const; // uses local player
virtual const Vector GetPlayerMaxs( void ) const; // uses local player
// Is the player dead?
bool IsPlayerDead(); bool IsPoisoned( void ) { return m_Local.m_bPoisoned; }
C_BaseEntity *GetUseEntity();
// Vehicles...
IClientVehicle *GetVehicle();
bool IsInAVehicle() const { return ( NULL != m_hVehicle.Get() ) ? true : false; } virtual void SetVehicleRole( int nRole ); void LeaveVehicle( void );
bool UsingStandardWeaponsInVehicle( void );
virtual void SetAnimation( PLAYER_ANIM playerAnim );
float GetTimeBase( void ) const; float GetFinalPredictedTime() const;
bool IsInVGuiInputMode() const; bool IsInViewModelVGuiInputMode() const;
C_CommandContext *GetCommandContext();
// Get the command number associated with the current usercmd we're running (if in predicted code).
int CurrentCommandNumber() const; const CUserCmd *GetCurrentUserCommand() const;
const QAngle& GetPunchAngle(); void SetPunchAngle( const QAngle &angle );
float GetWaterJumpTime() const; void SetWaterJumpTime( float flWaterJumpTime ); float GetSwimSoundTime( void ) const; void SetSwimSoundTime( float flSwimSoundTime );
float GetDeathTime( void ) { return m_flDeathTime; }
void SetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin( const Vector &vecAbsOrigin ); const Vector &GetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin() const;
// CS wants to allow small FOVs for zoomed-in AWPs.
virtual float GetMinFOV() const;
virtual void DoMuzzleFlash(); virtual void PlayPlayerJingle();
virtual void UpdateStepSound( surfacedata_t *psurface, const Vector &vecOrigin, const Vector &vecVelocity ); virtual void PlayStepSound( Vector &vecOrigin, surfacedata_t *psurface, float fvol, bool force ); virtual surfacedata_t * GetFootstepSurface( const Vector &origin, const char *surfaceName ); virtual void GetStepSoundVelocities( float *velwalk, float *velrun ); virtual void SetStepSoundTime( stepsoundtimes_t iStepSoundTime, bool bWalking ); virtual const char *GetOverrideStepSound( const char *pszBaseStepSoundName ) { return pszBaseStepSoundName; }
virtual void OnEmitFootstepSound( const CSoundParameters& params, const Vector& vecOrigin, float fVolume ) {}
// Called by prediction when it detects a prediction correction.
// vDelta is the line from where the client had predicted the player to at the usercmd in question,
// to where the server says the client should be at said usercmd.
void NotePredictionError( const Vector &vDelta ); // Called by the renderer to apply the prediction error smoothing.
void GetPredictionErrorSmoothingVector( Vector &vOffset );
virtual void ExitLadder() {} surfacedata_t *GetLadderSurface( const Vector &origin );
surfacedata_t *GetSurfaceData( void ) { return m_pSurfaceData; }
void SetLadderNormal( Vector vecLadderNormal ) { m_vecLadderNormal = vecLadderNormal; }
// Hints
virtual CHintSystem *Hints( void ) { return NULL; } bool ShouldShowHints( void ) { return Hints() ? Hints()->ShouldShowHints() : false; } bool HintMessage( int hint, bool bForce = false, bool bOnlyIfClear = false ) { return Hints() ? Hints()->HintMessage( hint, bForce, bOnlyIfClear ) : false; } void HintMessage( const char *pMessage ) { if (Hints()) Hints()->HintMessage( pMessage ); }
virtual IMaterial *GetHeadLabelMaterial( void );
// Fog
fogparams_t *GetFogParams( void ) { return &m_CurrentFog; } void FogControllerChanged( bool bSnap ); void UpdateFogController( void ); void UpdateFogBlend( void );
float GetFOVTime( void ){ return m_flFOVTime; }
virtual void OnAchievementAchieved( int iAchievement ) {} bool ShouldAnnounceAchievement( void ){ return m_flNextAchievementAnnounceTime < gpGlobals->curtime; } void SetNextAchievementAnnounceTime( float flTime ){ m_flNextAchievementAnnounceTime = flTime; }
#if defined USES_ECON_ITEMS
// Wearables
virtual void UpdateWearables(); C_EconWearable *GetWearable( int i ) { return m_hMyWearables[i]; } int GetNumWearables( void ) { return m_hMyWearables.Count(); } #endif
bool HasFiredWeapon( void ) { return m_bFiredWeapon; } void SetFiredWeapon( bool bFlag ) { m_bFiredWeapon = bFlag; }
virtual bool CanUseFirstPersonCommand( void ){ return true; } protected: fogparams_t m_CurrentFog; EHANDLE m_hOldFogController;
public: int m_StuckLast; // Data for only the local player
CNetworkVarEmbedded( CPlayerLocalData, m_Local );
#if defined USES_ECON_ITEMS
CNetworkVarEmbedded( CAttributeList, m_AttributeList ); #endif
// Data common to all other players, too
CPlayerState pl;
// Player FOV values
int m_iFOV; // field of view
int m_iFOVStart; // starting value of the FOV changing over time (client only)
float m_flFOVTime; // starting time of the FOV zoom
int m_iDefaultFOV; // default FOV if no other zooms are occurring
EHANDLE m_hZoomOwner; // This is a pointer to the entity currently controlling the player's zoom
// Only this entity can change the zoom state once it has ownership
// For weapon prediction
bool m_fOnTarget; //Is the crosshair on a target?
char m_szAnimExtension[32];
int m_afButtonLast; int m_afButtonPressed; int m_afButtonReleased;
int m_nButtons;
CUserCmd *m_pCurrentCommand;
// Movement constraints
EHANDLE m_hConstraintEntity; Vector m_vecConstraintCenter; float m_flConstraintRadius; float m_flConstraintWidth; float m_flConstraintSpeedFactor;
void CalcPlayerView( Vector& eyeOrigin, QAngle& eyeAngles, float& fov ); void CalcVehicleView(IClientVehicle *pVehicle, Vector& eyeOrigin, QAngle& eyeAngles, float& zNear, float& zFar, float& fov ); virtual void CalcObserverView( Vector& eyeOrigin, QAngle& eyeAngles, float& fov ); virtual Vector GetChaseCamViewOffset( CBaseEntity *target ); void CalcChaseCamView( Vector& eyeOrigin, QAngle& eyeAngles, float& fov ); virtual void CalcInEyeCamView( Vector& eyeOrigin, QAngle& eyeAngles, float& fov );
virtual float GetDeathCamInterpolationTime();
virtual void CalcDeathCamView( Vector& eyeOrigin, QAngle& eyeAngles, float& fov ); void CalcRoamingView(Vector& eyeOrigin, QAngle& eyeAngles, float& fov); virtual void CalcFreezeCamView( Vector& eyeOrigin, QAngle& eyeAngles, float& fov );
// Check to see if we're in vgui input mode...
void DetermineVguiInputMode( CUserCmd *pCmd );
// Used by prediction, sets the view angles for the player
virtual void SetLocalViewAngles( const QAngle &viewAngles ); virtual void SetViewAngles( const QAngle& ang );
// used by client side player footsteps
surfacedata_t* GetGroundSurface();
virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event );
protected: // Did we just enter a vehicle this frame?
bool JustEnteredVehicle();
int m_iObserverMode; // if in spectator mode != 0
EHANDLE m_hObserverTarget; // current observer target
float m_flObserverChaseDistance; // last distance to observer traget
Vector m_vecFreezeFrameStart; float m_flFreezeFrameStartTime; // Time at which we entered freeze frame observer mode
float m_flFreezeFrameDistance; bool m_bWasFreezeFraming; float m_flDeathTime; // last time player died
float m_flStepSoundTime; bool m_IsFootprintOnLeft;
private: // Make sure no one calls this...
C_BasePlayer& operator=( const C_BasePlayer& src ); C_BasePlayer( const C_BasePlayer & ); // not defined, not accessible
// Vehicle stuff.
EHANDLE m_hVehicle; EHANDLE m_hOldVehicle; EHANDLE m_hUseEntity; float m_flMaxspeed;
int m_iBonusProgress; int m_iBonusChallenge;
CInterpolatedVar< Vector > m_iv_vecViewOffset;
// Not replicated
Vector m_vecWaterJumpVel; float m_flWaterJumpTime; // used to be called teleport_time
int m_nImpulse;
float m_flSwimSoundTime; Vector m_vecLadderNormal; QAngle m_vecOldViewAngles;
bool m_bWasFrozen; int m_flPhysics;
int m_nTickBase; int m_nFinalPredictedTick;
EHANDLE m_pCurrentVguiScreen;
bool m_bFiredWeapon;
// Player flashlight dynamic light pointers
CFlashlightEffect *m_pFlashlight;
typedef CHandle<C_BaseCombatWeapon> CBaseCombatWeaponHandle; CNetworkVar( CBaseCombatWeaponHandle, m_hLastWeapon );
#if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseEntity > > m_SimulatedByThisPlayer; #endif
// players own view models, left & right hand
CHandle< C_BaseViewModel > m_hViewModel[ MAX_VIEWMODELS ]; float m_flOldPlayerZ; float m_flOldPlayerViewOffsetZ; Vector m_vecVehicleViewOrigin; // Used to store the calculated view of the player while riding in a vehicle
QAngle m_vecVehicleViewAngles; // Vehicle angles
float m_flVehicleViewFOV; int m_nVehicleViewSavedFrame; // Used to mark which frame was the last one the view was calculated for
// For UI purposes...
int m_iOldAmmo[ MAX_AMMO_TYPES ];
C_CommandContext m_CommandContext;
// For underwater effects
float m_flWaterSurfaceZ; bool m_bResampleWaterSurface; TimedEvent m_tWaterParticleTimer; CSmartPtr<WaterDebrisEffect> m_pWaterEmitter;
bool m_bPlayerUnderwater;
friend class CPrediction;
// HACK FOR TF2 Prediction
friend class CTFGameMovementRecon; friend class CGameMovement; friend class CTFGameMovement; friend class CHL1GameMovement; friend class CCSGameMovement; friend class CHL2GameMovement; friend class CDODGameMovement; friend class CPortalGameMovement; // Accessors for gamemovement
float GetStepSize( void ) const { return m_Local.m_flStepSize; }
float m_flNextAvoidanceTime; float m_flAvoidanceRight; float m_flAvoidanceForward; float m_flAvoidanceDotForward; float m_flAvoidanceDotRight;
protected: virtual bool IsDucked( void ) const { return m_Local.m_bDucked; } virtual bool IsDucking( void ) const { return m_Local.m_bDucking; } virtual float GetFallVelocity( void ) { return m_Local.m_flFallVelocity; } bool ForceSetupBonesAtTimeFakeInterpolation( matrix3x4_t *pBonesOut, float curtimeOffset );
float m_flLaggedMovementValue;
// These are used to smooth out prediction corrections. They're most useful when colliding with
// vphysics objects. The server will be sending constant prediction corrections, and these can help
// the errors not be so jerky.
Vector m_vecPredictionError; float m_flPredictionErrorTime; Vector m_vecPreviouslyPredictedOrigin; // Used to determine if non-gamemovement game code has teleported, or tweaked the player's origin
char m_szLastPlaceName[MAX_PLACE_NAME_LENGTH]; // received from the server
// Texture names and surface data, used by CGameMovement
int m_surfaceProps; surfacedata_t* m_pSurfaceData; float m_surfaceFriction; char m_chTextureType;
bool m_bSentFreezeFrame; float m_flFreezeZOffset;
float m_flNextAchievementAnnounceTime;
int m_nForceVisionFilterFlags; // Force our vision filter to a specific setting
int m_nLocalPlayerVisionFlags;
#if defined USES_ECON_ITEMS
// Wearables
CUtlVector<CHandle<C_EconWearable > > m_hMyWearables; #endif
struct StepSoundCache_t { StepSoundCache_t() : m_usSoundNameIndex( 0 ) {} CSoundParameters m_SoundParameters; unsigned short m_usSoundNameIndex; }; // One for left and one for right side of step
StepSoundCache_t m_StepSoundCache[ 2 ];
const char *GetLastKnownPlaceName( void ) const { return m_szLastPlaceName; } // return the last nav place name the player occupied
float GetLaggedMovementValue( void ){ return m_flLaggedMovementValue; } bool ShouldGoSouth( Vector vNPCForward, Vector vNPCRight ); //Such a bad name.
void SetOldPlayerZ( float flOld ) { m_flOldPlayerZ = flOld; } };
// Inline methods
inline C_BasePlayer *ToBasePlayer( C_BaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( !pEntity || !pEntity->IsPlayer() ) return NULL;
#if _DEBUG
Assert( dynamic_cast<C_BasePlayer *>( pEntity ) != NULL ); #endif
return static_cast<C_BasePlayer *>( pEntity ); }
inline C_BaseEntity *C_BasePlayer::GetUseEntity() { return m_hUseEntity; }
inline IClientVehicle *C_BasePlayer::GetVehicle() { C_BaseEntity *pVehicleEnt = m_hVehicle.Get(); return pVehicleEnt ? pVehicleEnt->GetClientVehicle() : NULL; }
inline bool C_BasePlayer::IsObserver() const { return (GetObserverMode() != OBS_MODE_NONE); }
inline int C_BasePlayer::GetImpulse( void ) const { return m_nImpulse; }
inline C_CommandContext* C_BasePlayer::GetCommandContext() { return &m_CommandContext; }
inline int CBasePlayer::CurrentCommandNumber() const { Assert( m_pCurrentCommand ); return m_pCurrentCommand->command_number; }
inline const CUserCmd *CBasePlayer::GetCurrentUserCommand() const { Assert( m_pCurrentCommand ); return m_pCurrentCommand; }
#endif // C_BASEPLAYER_H