//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// c_fish.cpp
// Simple fish client-side logic
// Author: Michael S. Booth, April 2005
#include "cbase.h"
#include <bitbuf.h>
#include "engine/ivdebugoverlay.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern float UTIL_WaterLevel( const Vector &position, float minz, float maxz );
ConVar FishDebug( "fish_debug", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Show debug info for fish" );
* Client-side fish entity */ class C_Fish : public C_BaseAnimating { public: DECLARE_CLASS( C_Fish, C_BaseAnimating ); DECLARE_CLIENTCLASS();
virtual void Spawn( void ); virtual void ClientThink();
virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t type );
private: friend void RecvProxy_FishOriginX( const CRecvProxyData *pData, void *pStruct, void *pOut ); friend void RecvProxy_FishOriginY( const CRecvProxyData *pData, void *pStruct, void *pOut );
Vector m_pos; ///< local position
Vector m_vel; ///< local velocity
QAngle m_angles; ///< local angles
int m_localLifeState; ///< our version of m_lifeState
float m_deathDepth; ///< water depth when we died
float m_deathAngle; ///< angle to float at when dead
float m_buoyancy; ///< so each fish floats at a different rate when dead
CountdownTimer m_wiggleTimer; ///< for simulating swimming motions
float m_wigglePhase; ///< where in the wiggle sinusoid we are
float m_wiggleRate; ///< the speed of our wiggling
Vector m_actualPos; ///< position from server
QAngle m_actualAngles; ///< angles from server
Vector m_poolOrigin; float m_waterLevel; ///< Z coordinate of water surface
bool m_gotUpdate; ///< true after we have received a network update
enum { MAX_ERROR_HISTORY = 20 }; float m_errorHistory[ MAX_ERROR_HISTORY ]; ///< error history samples
int m_errorHistoryIndex; int m_errorHistoryCount; float m_averageError; };
void RecvProxy_FishOriginX( const CRecvProxyData *pData, void *pStruct, void *pOut ) { C_Fish *fish = (C_Fish *)pStruct; float *out = (float *)pOut;
*out = pData->m_Value.m_Float + fish->m_poolOrigin.x; }
void RecvProxy_FishOriginY( const CRecvProxyData *pData, void *pStruct, void *pOut ) { C_Fish *fish = (C_Fish *)pStruct; float *out = (float *)pOut;
*out = pData->m_Value.m_Float + fish->m_poolOrigin.y; }
RecvPropVector( RECVINFO(m_poolOrigin) ),
RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO_NAME( m_actualPos.x, m_x ), 0, RecvProxy_FishOriginX ), RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO_NAME( m_actualPos.y, m_y ), 0, RecvProxy_FishOriginY ), RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO_NAME( m_actualPos.z, m_z ) ),
RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO_NAME( m_actualAngles.y, m_angle ) ),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_nModelIndex) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_lifeState) ),
RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO(m_waterLevel) ), ///< get this from the server in case we die when slightly out of the water due to error correction
void C_Fish::Spawn( void ) { BaseClass::Spawn();
m_angles = QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ); m_actualAngles = m_angles;
m_vel = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ); m_gotUpdate = false; m_localLifeState = LIFE_ALIVE; m_buoyancy = RandomFloat( 0.4f, 1.0f );
m_errorHistoryIndex = 0; m_errorHistoryCount = 0; m_averageError = 0.0f;
SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_ALWAYS ); }
void C_Fish::ClientThink() { if (FishDebug.GetBool()) { if ( debugoverlay ) { debugoverlay->AddLineOverlay( m_pos, m_actualPos, 255, 0, 0, true, 0.1f ); switch( m_localLifeState ) { case LIFE_DYING: debugoverlay->AddTextOverlay( m_pos, 0.1f, "DYING" ); break;
case LIFE_DEAD: debugoverlay->AddTextOverlay( m_pos, 0.1f, "DEAD" ); break; } } }
float deltaT = gpGlobals->frametime;
// check if we just died
if (m_localLifeState == LIFE_ALIVE && m_lifeState != LIFE_ALIVE) { // we have died
m_localLifeState = LIFE_DYING;
m_deathDepth = m_pos.z;
// determine surface float angle
m_deathAngle = RandomFloat( 87.0f, 93.0f ) * ((RandomInt( 0, 100 ) < 50) ? 1.0f : -1.0f); }
switch( m_localLifeState ) { case LIFE_DYING: { // depth parameter
float t = (m_pos.z - m_deathDepth) / (m_waterLevel - m_deathDepth); t *= t;
// roll onto side
m_angles.z = m_deathAngle * t;
// float to surface
const float fudge = 2.0f; if (m_pos.z < m_waterLevel - fudge) { m_vel.z += (1.0f - t) * m_buoyancy * deltaT; } else { m_localLifeState = LIFE_DEAD; }
break; }
case LIFE_DEAD: { // depth parameter
float t = (m_pos.z - m_deathDepth) / (m_waterLevel - m_deathDepth); t *= t;
// roll onto side
m_angles.z = m_deathAngle * t;
// keep near water surface
const float sub = 0.5f; m_vel.z += 10.0f * (m_waterLevel - m_pos.z - sub) * deltaT;
// bob on surface
const float rollAmp = 5.0f; const float rollFreq = 2.33f; m_angles.z += rollAmp * sin( rollFreq * (gpGlobals->curtime + 10.0f * entindex()) ) * deltaT;
const float rollAmp2 = 7.0f; const float rollFreq2 = 4.0f; m_angles.x += rollAmp2 * sin( rollFreq2 * (gpGlobals->curtime + 10.0f * entindex()) ) * deltaT;
const float bobAmp = 0.75f; const float bobFreq = 4.0f; m_vel.z += bobAmp * sin( bobFreq * (gpGlobals->curtime + 10.0f * entindex()) ) * deltaT;
const float bobAmp2 = 0.75f; const float bobFreq2 = 3.333f; m_vel.z += bobAmp2 * sin( bobFreq2 * (gpGlobals->curtime + 10.0f * entindex()) ) * deltaT;
// decay movement speed to zero
const float drag = 1.0f; m_vel.z -= drag * m_vel.z * deltaT;
break; }
case LIFE_ALIVE: { // use server-side Z coordinate directly
m_pos.z = m_actualPos.z;
// use server-side angles
m_angles = m_actualAngles;
// fishy wiggle based on movement
if (!m_wiggleTimer.IsElapsed()) { float swimPower = 1.0f - (m_wiggleTimer.GetElapsedTime() / m_wiggleTimer.GetCountdownDuration()); const float amp = 6.0f * swimPower; float wiggle = amp * sin( m_wigglePhase );
m_wigglePhase += m_wiggleRate * deltaT;
// wiggle decay
const float wiggleDecay = 5.0f; m_wiggleRate -= wiggleDecay * deltaT;
m_angles.y += wiggle; }
break; } }
// compute error between our local position and actual server position
Vector error = m_actualPos - m_pos; error.z = 0.0f; float errorLen = error.Length();
if (m_localLifeState == LIFE_ALIVE) { // if error is far above average, start swimming
const float wiggleThreshold = 2.0f; if (errorLen - m_averageError > wiggleThreshold) { // if error is large, we must have started swimming
const float swimTime = 5.0f; m_wiggleTimer.Start( swimTime );
m_wiggleRate = 2.0f * errorLen;
const float maxWiggleRate = 30.0f; if (m_wiggleRate > maxWiggleRate) { m_wiggleRate = maxWiggleRate; } }
// update average error
m_errorHistory[ m_errorHistoryIndex++ ] = errorLen; if (m_errorHistoryIndex >= MAX_ERROR_HISTORY) { m_errorHistoryIndex = 0; m_errorHistoryCount = MAX_ERROR_HISTORY; } else if (m_errorHistoryCount < MAX_ERROR_HISTORY) { ++m_errorHistoryCount; }
m_averageError = 0.0f; if (m_errorHistoryCount) { for( int r=0; r<m_errorHistoryCount; ++r ) { m_averageError += m_errorHistory[r]; } m_averageError /= (float)m_errorHistoryCount; } }
// keep fish motion smooth by correcting towards actual server position
// NOTE: This only tracks XY motion
const float maxError = 20.0f; float errorT = errorLen / maxError; if (errorT > 1.0f) { errorT = 1.0f; }
// we want a nonlinear spring force for tracking
errorT *= errorT;
// as fish move faster, their error increases - use a stiffer spring when fast, and a weak one when slow
const float trackRate = 0.0f + errorT * 115.0f; m_vel.x += trackRate * error.x * deltaT; m_vel.y += trackRate * error.y * deltaT;
const float trackDrag = 2.0f + errorT * 6.0f; m_vel.x -= trackDrag * m_vel.x * deltaT; m_vel.y -= trackDrag * m_vel.y * deltaT;
// euler integration
m_pos += m_vel * deltaT;
SetNetworkOrigin( m_pos ); SetAbsOrigin( m_pos );
SetNetworkAngles( m_angles ); SetAbsAngles( m_angles ); }
void C_Fish::OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t type ) { //if (!m_gotUpdate)
if (type == DATA_UPDATE_CREATED) { // initial update
m_gotUpdate = true;
m_pos = m_actualPos; m_vel = Vector( 0, 0, 0 );
return; } }