//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "c_basetempentity.h"
#include "particle_simple3d.h"
#include "tier1/KeyValues.h"
#include "toolframework_client.h"
#include "fx.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#define PI 3.14159265359
#include "clienteffectprecachesystem.h"
CLIENTEFFECT_REGISTER_BEGIN( PrecacheEffectGlassShatter ) CLIENTEFFECT_MATERIAL( "effects/fleck_glass1" ) CLIENTEFFECT_MATERIAL( "effects/fleck_glass2" ) CLIENTEFFECT_MATERIAL( "effects/fleck_tile1" ) CLIENTEFFECT_MATERIAL( "effects/fleck_tile2" ) CLIENTEFFECT_REGISTER_END()
// > C_TEShatterSurface
class C_TEShatterSurface : public C_BaseTempEntity { public: DECLARE_CLASS( C_TEShatterSurface, C_BaseTempEntity ); DECLARE_CLIENTCLASS();
C_TEShatterSurface( void ); ~C_TEShatterSurface( void );
virtual void PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
private: // Recording
void RecordShatterSurface( );
public: Vector m_vecOrigin; QAngle m_vecAngles; Vector m_vecForce; Vector m_vecForcePos; float m_flWidth; float m_flHeight; float m_flShardSize; PMaterialHandle m_pMaterialHandle; int m_nSurfaceType; byte m_uchFrontColor[3]; byte m_uchBackColor[3]; };
// Networking
IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_EVENT_DT(C_TEShatterSurface, DT_TEShatterSurface, CTEShatterSurface) RecvPropVector( RECVINFO(m_vecOrigin)), RecvPropVector( RECVINFO(m_vecAngles)), RecvPropVector( RECVINFO(m_vecForce)), RecvPropVector( RECVINFO(m_vecForcePos)), RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO(m_flWidth)), RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO(m_flHeight)), RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO(m_flShardSize)), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_nSurfaceType)), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_uchFrontColor[0])), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_uchFrontColor[1])), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_uchFrontColor[2])), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_uchBackColor[0])), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_uchBackColor[1])), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_uchBackColor[2])), END_RECV_TABLE()
// Constructor, destructor
C_TEShatterSurface::C_TEShatterSurface( void ) { m_vecOrigin.Init(); m_vecAngles.Init(); m_vecForce.Init(); m_vecForcePos.Init(); m_flWidth = 16.0; m_flHeight = 16.0; m_flShardSize = 3; m_nSurfaceType = SHATTERSURFACE_GLASS; m_uchFrontColor[0] = 255; m_uchFrontColor[1] = 255; m_uchFrontColor[2] = 255; m_uchBackColor[0] = 255; m_uchBackColor[1] = 255; m_uchBackColor[2] = 255; }
C_TEShatterSurface::~C_TEShatterSurface() { }
// Recording
void C_TEShatterSurface::RecordShatterSurface( ) { if ( !ToolsEnabled() ) return;
if ( clienttools->IsInRecordingMode() ) { Color front( m_uchFrontColor[0], m_uchFrontColor[1], m_uchFrontColor[2], 255 ); Color back( m_uchBackColor[0], m_uchBackColor[1], m_uchBackColor[2], 255 );
KeyValues *msg = new KeyValues( "TempEntity" );
msg->SetInt( "te", TE_SHATTER_SURFACE ); msg->SetString( "name", "TE_ShatterSurface" ); msg->SetFloat( "time", gpGlobals->curtime ); msg->SetFloat( "originx", m_vecOrigin.x ); msg->SetFloat( "originy", m_vecOrigin.y ); msg->SetFloat( "originz", m_vecOrigin.z ); msg->SetFloat( "anglesx", m_vecAngles.x ); msg->SetFloat( "anglesy", m_vecAngles.y ); msg->SetFloat( "anglesz", m_vecAngles.z ); msg->SetFloat( "forcex", m_vecForce.x ); msg->SetFloat( "forcey", m_vecForce.y ); msg->SetFloat( "forcez", m_vecForce.z ); msg->SetFloat( "forceposx", m_vecForcePos.x ); msg->SetFloat( "forceposy", m_vecForcePos.y ); msg->SetFloat( "forceposz", m_vecForcePos.z ); msg->SetColor( "frontcolor", front ); msg->SetColor( "backcolor", back ); msg->SetFloat( "width", m_flWidth ); msg->SetFloat( "height", m_flHeight ); msg->SetFloat( "size", m_flShardSize ); msg->SetInt( "surfacetype", m_nSurfaceType );
ToolFramework_PostToolMessage( HTOOLHANDLE_INVALID, msg ); msg->deleteThis(); } }
// Purpose:
void C_TEShatterSurface::PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) { VPROF( "C_TEShatterSurface::PostDataUpdate" );
CSmartPtr<CSimple3DEmitter> pGlassEmitter = CSimple3DEmitter::Create( "C_TEShatterSurface 1" ); pGlassEmitter->SetSortOrigin( m_vecOrigin );
Vector vecColor; engine->ComputeLighting( m_vecOrigin, NULL, true, vecColor );
// HACK: Blend a little toward white to match the materials...
VectorLerp( vecColor, Vector( 1, 1, 1 ), 0.3, vecColor );
PMaterialHandle *hMaterial; if (m_nSurfaceType == SHATTERSURFACE_GLASS) { hMaterial = g_Mat_Fleck_Glass; } else { hMaterial = g_Mat_Fleck_Tile; }
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Figure out number of particles required to fill space
// ---------------------------------------------------
int nNumWide = m_flWidth / m_flShardSize; int nNumHigh = m_flHeight / m_flShardSize;
Vector vWidthStep,vHeightStep; AngleVectors(m_vecAngles,NULL,&vWidthStep,&vHeightStep); vWidthStep *= m_flShardSize; vHeightStep *= m_flShardSize;
// ---------------------
// Create glass shards
// ----------------------
Vector vCurPos = m_vecOrigin; vCurPos.x += 0.5*m_flShardSize; vCurPos.z += 0.5*m_flShardSize;
float flMinSpeed = 9999999999.0f; float flMaxSpeed = 0;
Particle3D *pParticle = NULL;
for (int width=0;width<nNumWide;width++) { for (int height=0;height<nNumHigh;height++) { pParticle = (Particle3D *) pGlassEmitter->AddParticle( sizeof(Particle3D), hMaterial[random->RandomInt(0,1)], vCurPos );
Vector vForceVel = Vector(0,0,0); if (random->RandomInt(0, 3) != 0) { float flForceDistSqr = (vCurPos - m_vecForcePos).LengthSqr(); vForceVel = m_vecForce; if (flForceDistSqr > 0 ) { vForceVel *= ( 40.0f / flForceDistSqr ); } }
if (pParticle) { pParticle->m_flLifeRemaining = random->RandomFloat(GLASS_SHARD_MIN_LIFE,GLASS_SHARD_MAX_LIFE); pParticle->m_vecVelocity = vForceVel; pParticle->m_vecVelocity += RandomVector(-25,25); pParticle->m_uchSize = m_flShardSize + random->RandomFloat(-0.5*m_flShardSize,0.5*m_flShardSize); pParticle->m_vAngles = m_vecAngles; pParticle->m_flAngSpeed = random->RandomFloat(-400,400);
pParticle->m_uchFrontColor[0] = (byte)(m_uchFrontColor[0] * vecColor.x ); pParticle->m_uchFrontColor[1] = (byte)(m_uchFrontColor[1] * vecColor.y ); pParticle->m_uchFrontColor[2] = (byte)(m_uchFrontColor[2] * vecColor.z ); pParticle->m_uchBackColor[0] = (byte)(m_uchBackColor[0] * vecColor.x ); pParticle->m_uchBackColor[1] = (byte)(m_uchBackColor[1] * vecColor.y ); pParticle->m_uchBackColor[2] = (byte)(m_uchBackColor[2] * vecColor.z ); }
// Keep track of min and max speed for collision detection
float flForceSpeed = vForceVel.Length(); if (flForceSpeed > flMaxSpeed) { flMaxSpeed = flForceSpeed; } if (flForceSpeed < flMinSpeed) { flMinSpeed = flForceSpeed; }
vCurPos += vHeightStep; } vCurPos -= nNumHigh*vHeightStep; vCurPos += vWidthStep; }
// --------------------------------------------------
// Set collision parameters
// --------------------------------------------------
Vector vMoveDir = m_vecForce; VectorNormalize(vMoveDir);
pGlassEmitter->m_ParticleCollision.Setup( m_vecOrigin, &vMoveDir, GLASS_SHARD_NOISE, flMinSpeed, flMaxSpeed, GLASS_SHARD_GRAVITY, GLASS_SHARD_DAMPING ); }
void TE_ShatterSurface( IRecipientFilter& filter, float delay, const Vector* pos, const QAngle* angle, const Vector* vForce, const Vector* vForcePos, float width, float height, float shardsize, ShatterSurface_t surfacetype, int front_r, int front_g, int front_b, int back_r, int back_g, int back_b) { // Major hack to simulate receiving network message
__g_C_TEShatterSurface.m_vecOrigin = *pos; __g_C_TEShatterSurface.m_vecAngles = *angle; __g_C_TEShatterSurface.m_vecForce = *vForce; __g_C_TEShatterSurface.m_vecForcePos = *vForcePos; __g_C_TEShatterSurface.m_flWidth = width; __g_C_TEShatterSurface.m_flHeight = height; __g_C_TEShatterSurface.m_flShardSize = shardsize; __g_C_TEShatterSurface.m_nSurfaceType = surfacetype; __g_C_TEShatterSurface.m_uchFrontColor[0] = front_r; __g_C_TEShatterSurface.m_uchFrontColor[1] = front_g; __g_C_TEShatterSurface.m_uchFrontColor[2] = front_b; __g_C_TEShatterSurface.m_uchBackColor[0] = back_r; __g_C_TEShatterSurface.m_uchBackColor[1] = back_g; __g_C_TEShatterSurface.m_uchBackColor[2] = back_b;
__g_C_TEShatterSurface.PostDataUpdate( DATA_UPDATE_CREATED ); }
void TE_ShatterSurface( IRecipientFilter& filter, float delay, KeyValues *pKeyValues ) { Vector vecOrigin, vecForce, vecForcePos; QAngle angles; vecOrigin.x = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "originx" ); vecOrigin.y = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "originy" ); vecOrigin.z = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "originz" ); angles.x = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "anglesx" ); angles.y = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "anglesy" ); angles.z = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "anglesz" ); vecForce.x = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "forcex" ); vecForce.y = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "forcey" ); vecForce.z = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "forcez" ); vecForcePos.x = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "forceposx" ); vecForcePos.y = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "forceposy" ); vecForcePos.z = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "forceposz" ); Color front = pKeyValues->GetColor( "frontcolor" ); Color back = pKeyValues->GetColor( "backcolor" ); float flWidth = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "width" ); float flHeight = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "height" ); float flSize = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "size" ); ShatterSurface_t nSurfaceType = (ShatterSurface_t)pKeyValues->GetInt( "surfacetype" ); TE_ShatterSurface( filter, 0.0f, &vecOrigin, &angles, &vecForce, &vecForcePos, flWidth, flHeight, flSize, nSurfaceType, front.r(), front.g(), front.b(), back.r(), back.g(), back.b() ); }