//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "dod_hud_deathstats.h"
#include "vgui_controls/AnimationController.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include <vgui_controls/Label.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include "hud_macros.h"
#include "c_dod_playerresource.h"
#include "c_dod_team.h"
#include "c_dod_player.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern ConVar cl_deathicon_width; extern ConVar cl_deathicon_height;
// Purpose: Constructor
CDODDeathStatsPanel::CDODDeathStatsPanel( const char *pElementName ) : EditablePanel( NULL, "DeathStats" ), CHudElement( pElementName ) { vgui::Panel *pParent = g_pClientMode->GetViewport(); SetParent( pParent ); SetVisible( false ); SetAlpha( 0 ); SetScheme( "ClientScheme" );
m_pAttackerHistoryLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "AttackerDmgLabel", "..." ); m_pSummaryLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "LifeSummaryLabel", "..." );
memset( &m_DeathRecord, 0, sizeof(m_DeathRecord) );
LoadControlSettings("Resource/UI/DeathStats.res"); }
void CDODDeathStatsPanel::OnScreenSizeChanged( int iOldWide, int iOldTall ) { LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/DeathStats.res" ); }
void CDODDeathStatsPanel::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
SetBgColor( GetSchemeColor("TransparentLightBlack", pScheme) ); }
// Purpose:
void CDODDeathStatsPanel::Reset() { Hide(); }
void CDODDeathStatsPanel::Init() { Hide();
ListenForGameEvent( "player_death" );
m_iMaterialTexture = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
CHudElement::Init(); }
void CDODDeathStatsPanel::VidInit( void ) { m_iconD_skull = gHUD.GetIcon( "d_skull_dod" ); m_pIconKill = gHUD.GetIcon( "stats_kill" ); m_pIconWounded = gHUD.GetIcon( "stats_wounded" ); m_pIconCap = gHUD.GetIcon( "stats_cap" ); m_pIconDefended = gHUD.GetIcon( "stats_defended" ); }
// Purpose: Handle player_death message
void CDODDeathStatsPanel::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent * event) { if ( Q_strcmp( "player_death", event->GetName() ) == 0 ) { C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return;
if ( !g_PR ) return;
int victim = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt("userid") );
// only deal with deathnotices where we die
if ( victim != pLocalPlayer->entindex() ) { return; }
int killer = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt("attacker") ); const char *killedwith = event->GetString( "weapon" );
char fullkilledwith[128]; if ( killedwith && *killedwith ) { Q_snprintf( fullkilledwith, sizeof(fullkilledwith), "d_%s", killedwith ); } else { fullkilledwith[0] = 0; }
// Get the names of the players
const char *killer_name = g_PR->GetPlayerName( killer ); const char *victim_name = g_PR->GetPlayerName( victim );
if ( !killer_name ) killer_name = ""; if ( !victim_name ) victim_name = "";
m_DeathRecord.Killer.iEntIndex = killer; m_DeathRecord.Victim.iEntIndex = victim; Q_strncpy( m_DeathRecord.Killer.szName, killer_name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH ); Q_strncpy( m_DeathRecord.Victim.szName, victim_name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH ); m_DeathRecord.bSuicide = ( !killer || killer == victim );
// Try and find the death identifier in the icon list
m_DeathRecord.iconDeath = gHUD.GetIcon( fullkilledwith );
if ( !m_DeathRecord.iconDeath ) { // Can't find it, so use the default skull & crossbones icon
m_DeathRecord.iconDeath = m_iconD_skull; }
// Info we get from this message:
// - who killed us with what
// Info that is networked to the local player
// - the hitgroups we hit the guy who killed us with
// - life kills
// - life woundings
// - life caps
// - life defenses
Show(); } }
const char *szHitgroupNames[] = { "head", "chest", "arm", "leg" };
void CDODDeathStatsPanel::Paint( void ) { int deathNoticeWidth = 0;
if ( m_DeathRecord.Victim.iEntIndex > 0 ) deathNoticeWidth = DrawDeathNoticeItem( m_iDeathNoticeX, m_iDeathNoticeY );
const int minWidth = XRES(160);
int panelWidth = ( deathNoticeWidth < minWidth ? minWidth : deathNoticeWidth );
int wide, tall;
// set width of summary label to death notice width
m_pSummaryLabel->GetSize( wide, tall ); m_pSummaryLabel->SetSize( panelWidth, tall );
C_DODPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_DODPlayer::GetLocalDODPlayer();
if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return;
char buf[512]; buf[0] = '\0';
if ( !m_DeathRecord.bSuicide ) { bool bStart = true; bool bHit = false;
for ( int i=0;i<4;i++ ) { if ( pLocalPlayer->m_iHitsOnAttacker[i] > 0 ) { bHit = true; if ( bStart ) { Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "You hit %s %i %s in the %s\n", m_DeathRecord.Killer.szName, pLocalPlayer->m_iHitsOnAttacker[i], pLocalPlayer->m_iHitsOnAttacker[i] == 1 ? "time" : "times", szHitgroupNames[i] );
bStart = false; } else { Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s and %i %s in the %s\n", buf, pLocalPlayer->m_iHitsOnAttacker[i], pLocalPlayer->m_iHitsOnAttacker[i] == 1 ? "time" : "times", szHitgroupNames[i] ); } } } }
Q_strncat( buf, "\n", sizeof(buf), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
if ( pLocalPlayer->m_iPerLifeKills ) { Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%sKills: %i\n\n", buf, pLocalPlayer->m_iPerLifeKills ); }
if ( pLocalPlayer->m_iPerLifeWounded ) { Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%sWounded: %i\n\n", buf, pLocalPlayer->m_iPerLifeWounded ); }
if ( pLocalPlayer->m_iPerLifeCaptures ) { Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%sFlag Captures: %i\n\n", buf, pLocalPlayer->m_iPerLifeCaptures ); }
if ( pLocalPlayer->m_iPerLifeDefenses ) { Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%sFlag Defenses: %i\n\n", buf, pLocalPlayer->m_iPerLifeDefenses ); }
m_pAttackerHistoryLabel->SetText( buf ); m_pAttackerHistoryLabel->SizeToContents();
int panel_h = YRES(160);
SetSize( panelWidth, panel_h ); }
float GetScale( int nIconWidth, int nIconHeight, int nWidth, int nHeight );
int CDODDeathStatsPanel::DrawDeathNoticeItem( int x, int y ) { // Get the team numbers for the players involved
int iKillerTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; int iVictimTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED;
if( g_PR ) { iKillerTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( m_DeathRecord.Killer.iEntIndex ); iVictimTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( m_DeathRecord.Victim.iEntIndex ); }
wchar_t victim[ 256 ]; wchar_t killer[ 256 ];
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( m_DeathRecord.Victim.szName, victim, sizeof( victim ) ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( m_DeathRecord.Killer.szName, killer, sizeof( killer ) );
// Get the local position for this notice
int len = UTIL_ComputeStringWidth( m_hTextFont, victim );
int iconWide; int iconTall;
CHudTexture *icon = m_DeathRecord.iconDeath;
Assert( icon );
if ( !icon ) return 0;
if( icon->bRenderUsingFont ) { iconWide = surface()->GetCharacterWidth( icon->hFont, icon->cCharacterInFont ); iconTall = surface()->GetFontTall( icon->hFont ); } else { float scale = GetScale( icon->Width(), icon->Height(), XRES(cl_deathicon_width.GetInt()), YRES(cl_deathicon_height.GetInt()) ); iconWide = (int)( scale * (float)icon->Width() ); iconTall = (int)( scale * (float)icon->Height() ); }
int spacerX = XRES(5);
//int x = xRight - len - spacerX - iconWide - XRES(10);
surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hTextFont ); int iFontTall = vgui::surface()->GetFontTall( m_hTextFont ); int yText = y + ( iconTall - iFontTall ) / 2;
int boxWidth = len + iconWide + spacerX; int boxHeight = MIN( iconTall, m_flLineHeight ); int boxBorder = XRES(2);
// Only draw killers name if it wasn't a suicide
if ( !m_DeathRecord.bSuicide ) { int nameWidth = UTIL_ComputeStringWidth( m_hTextFont, killer ) + spacerX; // gap
//x -= nameWidth;
boxWidth += nameWidth;
Panel::DrawBox( x-boxBorder, y-boxBorder, boxWidth+2*boxBorder, boxHeight+2*boxBorder, m_ActiveBackgroundColor, 1.0 );
Color c = g_PR->GetTeamColor( iKillerTeam ); surface()->DrawSetTextColor( c );
// Draw killer's name
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x, yText ); const wchar_t *p = killer; while ( *p ) { surface()->DrawUnicodeChar( *p++ ); } surface()->DrawGetTextPos( x, yText );
x += spacerX; } else { Panel::DrawBox( x-boxBorder, y-boxBorder, boxWidth+2*boxBorder, boxHeight+2*boxBorder, m_ActiveBackgroundColor, 1.0 ); }
Color iconColor( 255, 80, 0, 255 );
// Draw death weapon
//If we're using a font char, this will ignore iconTall and iconWide
icon->DrawSelf( x, y, iconWide, iconTall, iconColor ); x += iconWide + spacerX;
Color c = g_PR->GetTeamColor( iVictimTeam ); surface()->DrawSetTextColor( c );
// Draw victims name
surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hTextFont ); //reset the font, draw icon can change it
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x, yText ); const wchar_t *p = victim; while ( *p ) { surface()->DrawUnicodeChar( *p++ ); }
return boxWidth; }