//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include "vgui_controls/TextEntry.h"
#include "trading_start_dialog.h"
#include "econ_controls.h"
#include "econ_trading.h"
#include "c_playerresource.h"
#include "gcsdk/gcmsg.h"
#include "econ_item_inventory.h"
#include "econ_gcmessages.h"
#include "gc_clientsystem.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
// Purpose:
CTradingStartDialog::CTradingStartDialog( vgui::Panel *parent ) : vgui::EditablePanel( parent, "TradingStartDialog" ) { m_pSelectFromServerButton = NULL; m_pCancelButton = NULL; m_pButtonKV = NULL; m_bReapplyButtonKVs = false; m_pURLFailLabel = NULL; m_pURLSearchingLabel = NULL;
for ( int i = 0; i < TDS_NUM_STATES; i++ ) { m_pStatePanels[i] = new vgui::EditablePanel( this, VarArgs("StatePanel%d",i) ); }
m_pPlayerList = new vgui::EditablePanel( this, "PlayerList" ); m_pPlayerListScroller = new vgui::ScrollableEditablePanel( this, m_pPlayerList, "PlayerListScroller" );
ListenForGameEvent( "gameui_hidden" );
Reset(); }
// Purpose:
CTradingStartDialog::~CTradingStartDialog( void ) { if ( m_pButtonKV ) { m_pButtonKV->deleteThis(); m_pButtonKV = NULL; } }
// Purpose:
void CTradingStartDialog::Reset( void ) { m_iCurrentState = TDS_SELECTING_PLAYER; m_bGiftMode = false; m_giftItem = CEconItemView(); }
// Purpose:
void CTradingStartDialog::ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData ) { BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData );
KeyValues *pItemKV = inResourceData->FindKey( "button_kv" ); if ( pItemKV ) { if ( m_pButtonKV ) { m_pButtonKV->deleteThis(); } m_pButtonKV = new KeyValues("button_kv"); pItemKV->CopySubkeys( m_pButtonKV );
m_bReapplyButtonKVs = true; } }
// Purpose:
void CTradingStartDialog::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
LoadControlSettings( "resource/ui/econ/TradingStartDialog.res" );
m_pCancelButton = dynamic_cast<CExButton*>( FindChildByName( "CancelButton" ) );
// Find all the sub buttons, and set their action signals to point to this panel
for ( int i = 0; i < TDS_NUM_STATES; i++ ) { int iButton = 0; CExButton *pButton = NULL; do { pButton = dynamic_cast<CExButton*>( m_pStatePanels[i]->FindChildByName( VarArgs("subbutton%d",iButton)) ); if ( pButton ) { pButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
// The second button on the first state is the server button
if ( iButton == 1 ) { m_pSelectFromServerButton = pButton; }
iButton++; } } while (pButton); }
m_pURLFailLabel = dynamic_cast<vgui::Label*>( m_pStatePanels[TDS_SELECTING_FROM_PROFILE]->FindChildByName( "URLFailLabel" ) ); m_pURLSearchingLabel = dynamic_cast<vgui::Label*>( m_pStatePanels[TDS_SELECTING_FROM_PROFILE]->FindChildByName( "URLSearchingLabel" ) );
UpdateState(); }
// Purpose:
void CTradingStartDialog::PerformLayout( void ) { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
// Layout the player list buttons
if ( m_pPlayerPanels.Count() ) { int iButtonH = m_pPlayerPanels[0]->GetTall() + YRES(2); m_pPlayerList->SetSize( m_pPlayerList->GetWide(), YRES(2) + (iButtonH * m_pPlayerPanels.Count()) );
// These need to all be layout-complete before we can position the player panels,
// because the scrollbar will cause the playerlist entries to move when it lays out.
m_pPlayerList->InvalidateLayout( true ); m_pPlayerListScroller->InvalidateLayout( true ); m_pPlayerListScroller->GetScrollbar()->InvalidateLayout( true );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_pPlayerPanels.Count(); i++ ) { m_pPlayerPanels[i]->SetPos( 0, YRES(2) + (iButtonH * i) ); } } }
// Purpose:
void CTradingStartDialog::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) { const char *type = event->GetName();
if ( Q_strcmp(type, "gameui_hidden") == 0 ) { Close(); } }
// Purpose:
void CTradingStartDialog::Close( void ) { TFModalStack()->PopModal( this ); SetVisible( false ); MarkForDeletion(); PostMessage( GetParent(), new KeyValues("CancelSelection") ); }
// Purpose:
void CTradingStartDialog::OnCommand( const char *command ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "cancel" ) ) { if ( m_iCurrentState != TDS_SELECTING_PLAYER ) { m_iCurrentState = TDS_SELECTING_PLAYER; UpdateState(); return; }
Close(); return; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "friends" ) ) { m_iCurrentState = TDS_SELECTING_FROM_FRIENDS; UpdateState(); return; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "server" ) ) { m_iCurrentState = TDS_SELECTING_FROM_SERVER; UpdateState(); return; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "profile" ) ) { m_iCurrentState = TDS_SELECTING_FROM_PROFILE; UpdateState(); return; } else if ( !Q_strnicmp( command, "select_player", 13 ) ) { int iPlayer = atoi( command + 13 ) - 1; if ( iPlayer >= 0 && iPlayer < m_PlayerInfoList.Count() ) { StartTradeWith( m_PlayerInfoList[iPlayer].m_steamID ); } return; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "url_ok" ) ) { vgui::TextEntry *pEntry = dynamic_cast<vgui::TextEntry*>( m_pStatePanels[m_iCurrentState]->FindChildByName("URLEntry") ); if ( pEntry ) { const int maxURLLength = 512; char inputURL[ maxURLLength ]; pEntry->GetText( inputURL, maxURLLength );
if ( m_pURLSearchingLabel ) { m_pURLSearchingLabel->SetVisible( false ); }
bool bSuccess = ExtractSteamIDFromURL( inputURL ); if ( m_pURLFailLabel ) { m_pURLFailLabel->SetVisible( !bSuccess ); } }
return; }
BaseClass::OnCommand( command ); }
// Purpose:
void CTradingStartDialog::SendGiftTo( CSteamID steamID ) { Trading_SendGift( steamID, m_giftItem ); }
// Purpose:
void CTradingStartDialog::StartTradeWith( CSteamID steamID ) { m_iCurrentState = TDS_SELECTING_PLAYER; OnCommand( "cancel" );
if ( !m_bGiftMode ) { Trading_RequestTrade( steamID ); return; }
Trading_SendGift( steamID, m_giftItem ); }
// Purpose:
bool CTradingStartDialog::ExtractSteamIDFromURL( char *inputURL ) { if ( !inputURL || !inputURL[0] ) return false;
EUniverse localUniverse = GetUniverse(); if ( localUniverse == k_EUniverseInvalid ) return false;
CSteamID steamID; int iLen = Q_strlen(inputURL);
// First, see if it's a profile link. If it is, clip the SteamID from it.
const char *pszProfilePrepend = ( localUniverse == k_EUniversePublic ) ? "http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/" : "http://beta.steamcommunity.com/profiles/"; int iProfilePrependLen = Q_strlen(pszProfilePrepend); if ( Q_strnicmp( pszProfilePrepend, inputURL, iProfilePrependLen ) == 0 ) { if ( iLen > iProfilePrependLen ) { steamID.SetFromString( &inputURL[iProfilePrependLen], localUniverse );
if ( steamID.IsValid() ) { StartTradeWith( steamID ); return true; } } } else { // If it's an id link, we download it and extract the steam ID from it.
const char *pszIDPrepend = ( localUniverse == k_EUniversePublic ) ? "http://steamcommunity.com/id/" : "http://beta.steamcommunity.com/id/"; int iIDPrependLen = Q_strlen(pszIDPrepend); if ( Q_strnicmp( pszIDPrepend, inputURL, iIDPrependLen ) == 0 ) { if ( iLen > iIDPrependLen ) { // Trim off a trailing slash
if ( inputURL[iLen-1] == '/' || inputURL[iLen-1] == '\\' ) { inputURL[iLen-1] = '\0'; }
GCSDK::CGCMsg<MsgGCLookupAccount_t> msg( k_EMsgGCLookupAccount ); msg.Body().m_uiFindType = GCSDK::k_EFindAccountTypeURL; msg.AddStrData( &inputURL[iIDPrependLen] ); GCClientSystem()->BSendMessage( msg );
// For now, return true and wait.
if ( m_pURLSearchingLabel ) { m_pURLSearchingLabel->SetVisible( true ); }
return true; } } }
return false; }
// Purpose:
void CTradingStartDialog::OnLookupAccountResponse( uint64 iAccountID ) { if ( m_pURLSearchingLabel ) { m_pURLSearchingLabel->SetVisible( false ); }
CSteamID steamID( iAccountID ); if ( steamID.IsValid() ) { if ( m_pURLFailLabel ) { m_pURLFailLabel->SetVisible( false ); }
StartTradeWith( steamID ); } else { if ( m_pURLFailLabel ) { m_pURLFailLabel->SetVisible( true ); } } }
// Purpose: Sets a gift for the dialog to hand out. If pGiftItem is NULL, which is
// fine, make sure to clear our our own existing gift.
void CTradingStartDialog::SetGift( CEconItemView* pGiftItem ) { if ( pGiftItem ) { m_giftItem = *pGiftItem; m_bGiftMode = true; } else { // Reset to default
m_giftItem = CEconItemView(); m_bGiftMode = false; } }
// Purpose:
void CTradingStartDialog::OnTextChanged( KeyValues *data ) { vgui::TextEntry *pEntry = dynamic_cast<vgui::TextEntry*>( m_pStatePanels[m_iCurrentState]->FindChildByName("URLEntry") ); if ( !pEntry ) return;
Panel *pPanel = reinterpret_cast<vgui::Panel *>( data->GetPtr("panel") ); if ( pEntry == pPanel ) { CExButton *pButton = dynamic_cast<CExButton*>( m_pStatePanels[m_iCurrentState]->FindChildByName( "subbutton0" ) ); if ( pButton ) { pButton->SetEnabled( pEntry->GetTextLength() > 0 ); }
if ( m_pURLFailLabel ) { m_pURLFailLabel->SetVisible( false ); } } }
// Purpose:
void CTradingStartDialog::UpdateState( void ) { for ( int i = 0; i < TDS_NUM_STATES; i++ ) { if ( !m_pStatePanels[i] ) continue;
m_pStatePanels[i]->SetVisible( m_iCurrentState == i ); }
if ( m_pSelectFromServerButton ) { m_pSelectFromServerButton->SetEnabled( engine->IsInGame() ); }
if ( m_iCurrentState == TDS_SELECTING_PLAYER ) { m_pCancelButton->SetText( g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Cancel" ) ); } else { m_pCancelButton->SetText( g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_Back" ) ); }
switch ( m_iCurrentState ) { case TDS_SELECTING_FROM_FRIENDS: SetupSelectFriends(); break; case TDS_SELECTING_FROM_SERVER: SetupSelectServer(); break; case TDS_SELECTING_FROM_PROFILE: SetupSelectProfile(); break; case TDS_SELECTING_PLAYER: default: m_pPlayerListScroller->SetVisible( false ); break; } }
// Purpose:
void CTradingStartDialog::SetupSelectFriends( void ) { m_PlayerInfoList.Purge();
if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamFriends() ) { // Get our game info so we can use that to test if our friends are connected to the same game as us
FriendGameInfo_t myGameInfo; CSteamID mySteamID = steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID(); steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendGamePlayed( mySteamID, &myGameInfo );
int iFriends = steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendCount( k_EFriendFlagImmediate ); for ( int i = 0; i < iFriends; i++ ) { CSteamID friendSteamID = steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendByIndex( i, k_EFriendFlagImmediate );
FriendGameInfo_t gameInfo; if ( !steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendGamePlayed( friendSteamID, &gameInfo ) ) continue;
// Friends is in-game. Make sure it's TF2.
if ( gameInfo.m_gameID.IsValid() && gameInfo.m_gameID == myGameInfo.m_gameID ) { const char *pszName = steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendPersonaName( friendSteamID ); int idx = m_PlayerInfoList.AddToTail(); trade_partner_info_t &info = m_PlayerInfoList[idx]; info.m_steamID = friendSteamID; info.m_name = pszName; } } }
UpdatePlayerList(); }
// Purpose:
void CTradingStartDialog::SetupSelectServer( void ) { m_PlayerInfoList.Purge();
if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamUtils() ) { for( int iPlayerIndex = 1 ; iPlayerIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS; iPlayerIndex++ ) { // find all players who are on the local player's team
int iLocalPlayerIndex = GetLocalPlayerIndex(); if( ( iPlayerIndex != iLocalPlayerIndex ) && ( g_PR->IsConnected( iPlayerIndex ) ) ) { player_info_t pi; if ( !engine->GetPlayerInfo( iPlayerIndex, &pi ) ) continue; if ( !pi.friendsID ) continue;
CSteamID steamID( pi.friendsID, 1, GetUniverse(), k_EAccountTypeIndividual ); int idx = m_PlayerInfoList.AddToTail(); trade_partner_info_t &info = m_PlayerInfoList[idx]; info.m_steamID = steamID; info.m_name = pi.name; } } }
UpdatePlayerList(); }
// Purpose:
void CTradingStartDialog::SetupSelectProfile( void ) { vgui::TextEntry *pEntry = dynamic_cast<vgui::TextEntry*>( m_pStatePanels[m_iCurrentState]->FindChildByName("URLEntry") ); if ( pEntry ) { pEntry->SetText( "" ); pEntry->RequestFocus(); pEntry->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); }
if ( m_pURLFailLabel ) { m_pURLFailLabel->SetVisible( false ); } if ( m_pURLSearchingLabel ) { m_pURLSearchingLabel->SetVisible( false ); }
CExButton *pButton = dynamic_cast<CExButton*>( m_pStatePanels[m_iCurrentState]->FindChildByName( "subbutton0" ) ); if ( pButton ) { pButton->SetEnabled( false ); }
m_pPlayerListScroller->SetVisible( false ); }
// Purpose:
void CTradingStartDialog::UpdatePlayerList( void ) { vgui::Label *pLabelEmpty = dynamic_cast<vgui::Label*>( m_pStatePanels[m_iCurrentState]->FindChildByName("EmptyPlayerListLabel") ); vgui::Label *pLabelQuery = dynamic_cast<vgui::Label*>( m_pStatePanels[m_iCurrentState]->FindChildByName("QueryLabel") );
// If we have no players in our list, show the no-player label.
if ( m_PlayerInfoList.Count() == 0 ) { if ( pLabelEmpty ) { pLabelEmpty->SetVisible( true ); } if ( pLabelQuery ) { pLabelQuery->SetVisible( false ); } return; }
// First, reapply any KVs we have to reapply
if ( m_bReapplyButtonKVs ) { m_bReapplyButtonKVs = false;
if ( m_pButtonKV ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_pPlayerPanels, i ) { m_pPlayerPanels[i]->ApplySettings( m_pButtonKV ); } } }
// Otherwise, build the player panels from the list of steam IDs
for ( int i = 0; i < m_PlayerInfoList.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_pPlayerPanels.Count() <= i ) { m_pPlayerPanels.AddToTail(); m_pPlayerPanels[i] = new CTradeTargetPanel( m_pPlayerList, VarArgs("player%d",i) ); m_pPlayerPanels[i]->GetButton()->SetCommand( VarArgs("select_player%d",i+1) ); m_pPlayerPanels[i]->GetButton()->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pPlayerPanels[i]->GetAvatar()->SetShouldDrawFriendIcon( false ); m_pPlayerPanels[i]->GetAvatar()->SetMouseInputEnabled( false );
if ( m_pButtonKV ) { m_pPlayerPanels[i]->ApplySettings( m_pButtonKV ); m_pPlayerPanels[i]->InvalidateLayout( true ); } }
m_pPlayerPanels[i]->SetInfo( m_PlayerInfoList[i].m_steamID, m_PlayerInfoList[i].m_name.Get() ); }
m_pPlayerListScroller->GetScrollbar()->SetAutohideButtons( true ); m_pPlayerListScroller->GetScrollbar()->SetValue( 0 );
// Remove any extra player panels
for ( int i = m_pPlayerPanels.Count()-1; i >= m_PlayerInfoList.Count(); i-- ) { m_pPlayerPanels[i]->MarkForDeletion(); m_pPlayerPanels.Remove(i); }
if ( pLabelEmpty ) { pLabelEmpty->SetVisible( false ); } if ( pLabelQuery ) { pLabelQuery->SetVisible( true ); } m_pPlayerListScroller->SetVisible( true );
InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose:
void CTradeTargetPanel::SetInfo( const CSteamID &steamID, const char *pszName ) { if ( !steamapicontext || !steamapicontext->SteamFriends() ) return;
m_pAvatar->SetPlayer( steamID, k_EAvatarSize64x64 );
m_pButton->SetText( pszName ); }
static vgui::DHANDLE<CTradingStartDialog> g_hTradingStartDialog;
// Purpose:
CTradingStartDialog *OpenTradingStartDialog( vgui::Panel *pParent, CEconItemView* pOptGiftItem ) { if (!g_hTradingStartDialog.Get()) { g_hTradingStartDialog = vgui::SETUP_PANEL( new CTradingStartDialog( pParent ) ); } g_hTradingStartDialog->InvalidateLayout( false, true );
g_hTradingStartDialog->Reset(); g_hTradingStartDialog->SetVisible( true ); g_hTradingStartDialog->MakePopup(); g_hTradingStartDialog->MoveToFront(); g_hTradingStartDialog->SetKeyBoardInputEnabled(true); g_hTradingStartDialog->SetMouseInputEnabled(true); g_hTradingStartDialog->SetGift( pOptGiftItem ); TFModalStack()->PushModal( g_hTradingStartDialog );
return g_hTradingStartDialog; }
// Purpose: GC Msg handler to receive the Lookup Account response
class CGCLookupAccountResponse : public GCSDK::CGCClientJob { public: CGCLookupAccountResponse( GCSDK::CGCClient *pClient ) : GCSDK::CGCClientJob( pClient ) {}
virtual bool BYieldingRunGCJob( GCSDK::IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket ) { GCSDK::CGCMsg<MsgGCStandardResponse_t> msg( pNetPacket );
uint8 iAccounts = 0; uint64 iAccountID = 0; if ( msg.BReadUint8Data( &iAccounts ) ) { // We only care about the first account we find in this panel.
if ( iAccounts > 0 ) { msg.BReadUint64Data( &iAccountID ); } }
if ( g_hTradingStartDialog.Get() ) { g_hTradingStartDialog->OnLookupAccountResponse( iAccountID ); } return true; }
}; GC_REG_JOB( GCSDK::CGCClient, CGCLookupAccountResponse, "CGCLookupAccountResponse", k_EMsgGCLookupAccountResponse, GCSDK::k_EServerTypeGCClient );