Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Definition for client-side advisor.
#include "cbase.h"
// this file contains the definitions for the message ID constants (eg ADVISOR_MSG_START_BEAM etc)
#include "npc_advisor_shared.h"
#include "particles_simple.h"
#include "citadel_effects_shared.h"
#include "particles_attractor.h"
#include "clienteffectprecachesystem.h"
#include "c_te_effect_dispatch.h"
#include "c_ai_basenpc.h"
#include "dlight.h"
#include "iefx.h"
// Purpose: unpack a networked entity index into a basehandle.
inline C_BaseEntity *IndexToEntity( int eindex ) { return ClientEntityList().GetBaseEntityFromHandle(ClientEntityList().EntIndexToHandle(eindex)); }
#define ADVISOR_ELIGHT_CVARS 1 // enable/disable tuning advisor elight with console variables
ConVar advisor_elight_e("advisor_elight_e","3"); ConVar advisor_elight_rfeet("advisor_elight_rfeet","52"); #endif
/*! Client-side reflection of the advisor class.
*/ class C_NPC_Advisor : public C_AI_BaseNPC { DECLARE_CLASS( C_NPC_Advisor, C_AI_BaseNPC ); DECLARE_CLIENTCLASS();
public: // Server to client message received
virtual void ReceiveMessage( int classID, bf_read &msg ); virtual void ClientThink( void );
private: /*
// broken into its own function so I can move it if necesasry
void Initialize(); */
// start/stop beam particle effect from me to a pelting object
void StartBeamFX( C_BaseEntity *pOnEntity ); void StopBeamFX( C_BaseEntity *pOnEntity );
void StartElight(); void StopElight();
int m_ElightKey; // test using an elight to make the escape sequence more visible. 0 is invalid.
// Server to client message received
void C_NPC_Advisor::ReceiveMessage( int classID, bf_read &msg ) { if ( classID != GetClientClass()->m_ClassID ) { // message is for subclass
BaseClass::ReceiveMessage( classID, msg ); return; }
int messageType = msg.ReadByte(); switch( messageType ) { case ADVISOR_MSG_START_BEAM: { int eindex = msg.ReadLong(); StartBeamFX(IndexToEntity(eindex)); } break;
case ADVISOR_MSG_STOP_BEAM: { int eindex = msg.ReadLong(); StopBeamFX(IndexToEntity(eindex));
} break;
case ADVISOR_MSG_STOP_ALL_BEAMS: { ParticleProp()->StopEmission(); } break; case ADVISOR_MSG_START_ELIGHT: { StartElight(); } break; case ADVISOR_MSG_STOP_ELIGHT: { StopElight(); } break;
default: AssertMsg1( false, "Received unknown message %d", messageType); } }
/// only use of the clientthink on the advisor is to update the elight
void C_NPC_Advisor::ClientThink( void ) { // if the elight has gone away, bail out
if (m_ElightKey == 0) { SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_NEVER ); return; }
// get the elight
dlight_t * el = effects->GetElightByKey(m_ElightKey); if (!el) { // the elight has been invalidated. bail out.
m_ElightKey = 0;
SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_NEVER ); return; } else { el->origin = WorldSpaceCenter();
el->color.exponent = advisor_elight_e.GetFloat(); el->radius = advisor_elight_rfeet.GetFloat() * 12.0f; #endif
} }
// Create a telekinetic beam effect from my head to an object
// TODO: use a point attachment.
void C_NPC_Advisor::StartBeamFX( C_BaseEntity *pOnEntity ) { Assert(pOnEntity); if (!pOnEntity) return;
CNewParticleEffect *pEffect = ParticleProp()->Create( "Advisor_Psychic_Beam", PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW );
Assert(pEffect); if (!pEffect) return;
ParticleProp()->AddControlPoint( pEffect, 1, pOnEntity, PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW ); }
// terminate a telekinetic beam effect from my head to an object
void C_NPC_Advisor::StopBeamFX( C_BaseEntity *pOnEntity ) { Assert(pOnEntity); if (!pOnEntity) return;
ParticleProp()->StopParticlesInvolving( pOnEntity ); }
void C_NPC_Advisor::StartElight() { AssertMsg(m_ElightKey == 0 , "Advisor trying to create new elight on top of old one!"); if ( m_ElightKey != 0 ) { Warning("Advisor tried to start his elight when it was already one.\n"); } else { m_ElightKey = LIGHT_INDEX_TE_DYNAMIC + this->entindex(); dlight_t * el = effects->CL_AllocElight( m_ElightKey );
if ( el ) { // create an elight on top of me
el->origin = this->WorldSpaceCenter();
el->color.r = 235; el->color.g = 255; el->color.b = 255; el->color.exponent = 3;
el->radius = 52*12; el->decay = 0.0f; el->die = gpGlobals->curtime + 2000.0f; // 1000 just means " a long time "
SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_ALWAYS ); } else { // null out the light value
m_ElightKey = 0; } } }
void C_NPC_Advisor::StopElight() { AssertMsg( m_ElightKey != 0, "Advisor tried to stop elight when none existed!"); dlight_t * el; // note: the following conditional sets el if not short-circuited
if ( m_ElightKey == 0 || (el = effects->GetElightByKey(m_ElightKey)) == NULL ) { Warning("Advisor tried to stop its elight when it had none.\n"); } else { // kill the elight by setting the die value to now
el->die = gpGlobals->curtime; } }
* Tenser, said the Tensor. * * Tenser, said the Tensor. * * Tension, apprehension and dissension have begun. * ******************************************************/