//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "proxyentity.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h"
#include "debugoverlay_shared.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
class C_FleshEffectTarget; void AddFleshProxyTarget( C_FleshEffectTarget *pTarget ); void RemoveFleshProxy( C_FleshEffectTarget *pTarget );
// Flesh effect target (used for orchestrating the "Invisible Alyx" moment
class C_FleshEffectTarget : public C_BaseEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( C_FleshEffectTarget, C_BaseEntity );
public: float GetRadius( void ) { if ( m_flScaleTime <= 0.0f ) return m_flRadius;
float dt = ( gpGlobals->curtime - m_flScaleStartTime ); if ( dt >= m_flScaleTime ) return m_flRadius;
return SimpleSplineRemapVal( ( dt / m_flScaleTime ), 0.0f, 1.0f, m_flStartRadius, m_flRadius ); }
virtual void Release( void ) { // Remove us from the list of targets
RemoveFleshProxy( this ); }
virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) { BaseClass::OnDataChanged( updateType );
if ( updateType == DATA_UPDATE_CREATED ) { // Add us to the list of flesh proxy targets
AddFleshProxyTarget( this ); } }
float m_flRadius; float m_flStartRadius; float m_flScaleStartTime; float m_flScaleTime;
void RecvProxy_FleshEffect_Radius( const CRecvProxyData *pData, void *pStruct, void *pOut ) { C_FleshEffectTarget *pTarget = (C_FleshEffectTarget *) pStruct; float flRadius = pData->m_Value.m_Float;
//If changed, update our internal information
if ( pTarget->m_flRadius != flRadius ) { pTarget->m_flStartRadius = pTarget->m_flRadius; pTarget->m_flScaleStartTime = gpGlobals->curtime; } pTarget->m_flRadius = flRadius; }
IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_DT( C_FleshEffectTarget, DT_FleshEffectTarget, CFleshEffectTarget ) RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO(m_flRadius), 0, RecvProxy_FleshEffect_Radius ), RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO(m_flScaleTime) ), END_RECV_TABLE()
CUtlVector< C_FleshEffectTarget * > g_FleshProxyTargets;
void AddFleshProxyTarget( C_FleshEffectTarget *pTarget ) { // Take it!
g_FleshProxyTargets.AddToTail( pTarget ); }
void RemoveFleshProxy( C_FleshEffectTarget *pTarget ) { int nIndex = g_FleshProxyTargets.Find( pTarget ); if ( nIndex != g_FleshProxyTargets.InvalidIndex() ) { g_FleshProxyTargets.Remove( nIndex ); } }
// $sineVar : name of variable that controls the FleshInterior level (float)
class CFleshInteriorMaterialProxy : public CEntityMaterialProxy { public: CFleshInteriorMaterialProxy(); virtual ~CFleshInteriorMaterialProxy(); virtual bool Init( IMaterial *pMaterial, KeyValues *pKeyValues ); virtual void OnBind( C_BaseEntity *pEntity ); virtual IMaterial *GetMaterial();
private: IMaterialVar *m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius1; IMaterialVar *m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius2; IMaterialVar *m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius3; IMaterialVar *m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius4; IMaterialVar *m_pMaterialParamFleshGlobalOpacity; IMaterialVar *m_pMaterialParamFleshSubsurfaceTint; };
CFleshInteriorMaterialProxy::CFleshInteriorMaterialProxy() { m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius1 = NULL; m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius2 = NULL; m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius3 = NULL; m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius4 = NULL; m_pMaterialParamFleshGlobalOpacity = NULL; m_pMaterialParamFleshSubsurfaceTint = NULL; }
CFleshInteriorMaterialProxy::~CFleshInteriorMaterialProxy() { // Do nothing
bool CFleshInteriorMaterialProxy::Init( IMaterial *pMaterial, KeyValues *pKeyValues ) { bool bFoundVar = false;
m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius1 = pMaterial->FindVar( "$FleshEffectCenterRadius1", &bFoundVar, false ); if ( bFoundVar == false) return false;
m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius2 = pMaterial->FindVar( "$FleshEffectCenterRadius2", &bFoundVar, false ); if ( bFoundVar == false) return false;
m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius3 = pMaterial->FindVar( "$FleshEffectCenterRadius3", &bFoundVar, false ); if ( bFoundVar == false) return false;
m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius4 = pMaterial->FindVar( "$FleshEffectCenterRadius4", &bFoundVar, false ); if ( bFoundVar == false) return false;
m_pMaterialParamFleshGlobalOpacity = pMaterial->FindVar( "$FleshGlobalOpacity", &bFoundVar, false ); if ( bFoundVar == false) return false;
m_pMaterialParamFleshSubsurfaceTint = pMaterial->FindVar( "$FleshSubsurfaceTint", &bFoundVar, false ); if ( bFoundVar == false) return false;
return true; }
void CFleshInteriorMaterialProxy::OnBind( C_BaseEntity *pEnt ) { IMaterialVar *pParams[] = { m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius1, m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius2, m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius3, m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius4 };
float vEffectCenterRadius[4]; for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( pParams ); i++ ) { if ( i < g_FleshProxyTargets.Count() ) { // Setup the target
if ( g_FleshProxyTargets[i]->IsAbsQueriesValid() == false ) continue;
Vector vecAbsOrigin = g_FleshProxyTargets[i]->GetAbsOrigin(); vEffectCenterRadius[0] = vecAbsOrigin.x; vEffectCenterRadius[1] = vecAbsOrigin.y; vEffectCenterRadius[2] = vecAbsOrigin.z; vEffectCenterRadius[3] = g_FleshProxyTargets[i]->GetRadius(); } else { // Clear the target
vEffectCenterRadius[0] = vEffectCenterRadius[1] = vEffectCenterRadius[2] = vEffectCenterRadius[3] = 0.0f; }
// Set the value either way
pParams[i]->SetVecValue( vEffectCenterRadius, 4 ); }
// Subsurface texture. NOTE: This texture bleeds through the color of the flesh texture so expect
// to have to set this brighter than white to really see the subsurface texture glow through.
if ( m_pMaterialParamFleshSubsurfaceTint != NULL ) { float vSubsurfaceTintColor[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
// !!! Test code. REPLACE ME!
// vSubsurfaceTintColor[0] = vSubsurfaceTintColor[1] = vSubsurfaceTintColor[2] = sinf( gpGlobals->curtime * 3.0f ) + 1.0f; // * 0.5f + 0.5f;
m_pMaterialParamFleshSubsurfaceTint->SetVecValue( vSubsurfaceTintColor, 4 ); } }
IMaterial *CFleshInteriorMaterialProxy::GetMaterial() { if ( m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius1 == NULL) return NULL;
return m_pMaterialParamFleshEffectCenterRadius1->GetOwningMaterial(); }
EXPOSE_INTERFACE( CFleshInteriorMaterialProxy, IMaterialProxy, "FleshInterior" IMATERIAL_PROXY_INTERFACE_VERSION );